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      • 統計上으로 본 靑少年의 犯罪와 그 指導를 爲한 原因分析

        김정률 대구교육대학교 1976 論文集 Vol.12 No.-

        Structure of the Report This report consist of following five chapters; Chapter I presents introductory statement of this study. Chapter Ⅱ analyzes the realities of Korean juvenile delinquency by reviewing some recent deta of criminal statistics. Chapter Ⅲ analyzes the muindane causes of the delinquency in general and the concurrents that impact on the mundane causes. Chapter Ⅳ analyzes the special factors that seems to cause the chainging tendencies, that is growing in number, in its scale and its sanguinariness of the delinqeuncy. The final chapter presents the conclusions and suggestions. Ⅰ. The Problem Statement of the problem. It was the purpose of this study (1) to analyze the causes of the Korean juvenile delinquency; (2) to investigate what makes the delinquency grow in number, scale and relentlessness so as to meet the problem effectively. Importance of the study. It is a serious problem of today, in Korea, that the juvenile delinquency is growing in number, scale and sanguinariness As you know well, the delinquency threats safety and happyness of a society. Therefore as the history of the criminology tells us, from the early time human being have been trying hard to cope with the problem. In order to promote the safety and happyness of our daily life and social living and the happyness of the delinquent youth themselves such a study as this report has tryed is indispensable. Ⅱ. The Methods Used The methods used by the study are an analytical methodn of the criminal statistics to investigate the juvenile delinquency in general and some criminal case study to find out more detailed and fundmental causes of the changing pattern of the delinquency. Ⅲ. The Conclusions and the Suggestions The Conclusions: The causes that make juvenile delinquency grow in number, scale and brutality are abstracted asfollowings; 1. The causes of the incressing number of the delinquency are, (a)increasing needs of youth against increasing obstacles to satisfy it, in other workds, inclreasing tension and lack of opportunity to relax it; (b) weak frustration tolerance caused by socio-cult ural, educational environment. The middle school pupils' group hysteric response, which had been taken place from the last June '76 through July, in the many areas of Korea and those of the most mundane causes of the delinquency such as "providing the expense for amusement", "by chance" seems to tell us the reasons mentioned above. 2. The growing scale of the delinquency seems to be caused from the socio-psychological characteristics of the modern mass society, and the developed traffic system. In addition, the behavioral vactor of the delinquent youth, that is the tendency of to find their comfort in the criminal society what is hated and avoided by the normal youth or regular people, seems impact on the fact greatly. 3. It seems that the growing tendency of the sanguinariness of the delinquency result from the impersonal, base and degrading, isolated, and mass pleasure seeking characteristics of the modern mass society. On te other hand the momentalism, rooted on the Korean war and the ceaseless anxiety originated from the aggressive and savage RED NORTH, and the mammonism of which is widely diffused, degrade the personality like a means or a device to be used to make money and this would be one of the important reasons for the growing tendency of the sanguinariness The Suggetions: 1. Child growth is continual and gradual. The implications of this principle are clear and significant. You should know that ordinarily one mistake will not be fatal in the formation of personality traits. The important considerations are the chronic-the daily-behaviors of the parents, and the environment. The children who have been growing into wellbehaved, optimistic, confident, intelligent behaviors will not quickly depart from their ways, and the same thing could be said to the contrary. This principle should imply most fundamental and effective way how to protect our youngsters against the juvenile deliquency. And it would implys also how much delinquency is waste of time and energy. 2. The criminal behavior is not defferent from the normal or regular one, but it belongs to the same horizone of the regular behavior, and so there are many possibilities that anyone could commit criminal behavior at any time and anywhere. In this sense all of the agencies ocncerned with the delincuency and the whole community must concentrate on their single effort, with the keen interest and scientific knowledge and techniques, to protect thier yougsters from falling into delinquent behavior. 3. We have to get rid of all of the factors originate the frustration of our young sters. This claim should imply many consequences in it. a) We would do away with the education which is nothing more than a means of entering to higher level of school. This education will put our younsters to ceaseless tension. b) We would do away with our attitudes of measuring all of a child's personality traits by his achievement or marks at school for the same reason as above mentioned c) We have to set up the comprehensive guidance programme, including both educational and vocational placement, for the many of those who could not advanced to the lower or upper secondary school. d) We would do away with the limitation in employment and unfair treatment being done by one's scholastic history. e)The mass media should do away with their function as a stupid making box that is devote themeslves to making mass pleasure. They must be dovoted to enlighten and to educate their youth. f) We would do away with our way of living that seeking pleasure and luxury, and that social injustice and corruption. We must enhance deligent and thrifty spirit. g) We would do away with unfair distribution of wealth. Every one must be guranteed his minimum living expenses. 4. Sound games or sports and the facilities needed must be developed and diffused so that to relax innate tension of our youth and to cultivate reasonable, cooperative mind. and frustration tolerance. 5. We must cultivate the spiritual value mined, and equal right minded soul, not by teaching the ism, but by thorough practice in our social, individual daily life. I believe that, if we keep in mind all those have been stated above and endeavor with our single effort to realize it, our youngsters would grow into wellbehaved, optimistic, confident, intelligent behaviors, and so they will not fall into delinquent behaviors. (The end)

      • 學童의 同一視의 對象 및 學父母의 子女에 對한 期待像에 關한 一調査

        金正律 대구교육대학교 1983 論文集 Vol.19 No.-

        본 조사연구의 목적은 오늘 우리의 常識과 같이 아동·學父母 나아가서 社會一般이 정말 「敎師」나 「敎織」을 보잘것 없는 것으로 생각하고 있는지 아닌지를 確認하여 새로운 敎師職을 定立하는데 이바지할 자료를 얻는데 있다. 여기서 「새로운 敎師職」이라 함은 可否間의「 敎師」,「敎織」에 對한 兒童, 學父母 나아가서 社會一般의 態度를 確認하여 一方的 萎縮하기 않고 그러한 環境에 적절히 適應할 수 있는 調節된 敎師職의 人格特性을 말한다. 조사된 결과를 要約하면 다음과 같다. (1) 兒童의 同一視의 對象 男子 兒童에게 있어서도 어느 경우(性別, 地域別)와 「이순신 장군」이 가장 강한 同一視 對象이나 「先生任」도 높은 非準(特히 低學年에 있어서는)의 對象이 되어 있다. 女兒의 경우는 「어머니」가 가장 높은 對象이고 「先生任」은 두번째 높은 對象으로 선택되고 있다. 男兒와 특히 다른 점은 「유관순」 女史가 「이순신」 장군과 더블어 비교적 높은(네번째) 對象으로 選擇되고 있다는 점이다. 농어촌 女兒의 경우를 除外하고 어느 경우나 「어머니」, 「아버지」는 동일시 對象으로 1위에서 3위 以內의 높은 수준으로 선택되고 있다. (2) 갖고 싶은 職業 兒童의 希望 職業은 中小都市와 農漁村의 男兒의 경우 대통령, 의사, 정순, 선생님의 순위가 다르나 어느 경우에나 「선생님」은 적어도 3위 以內의 높은 水準으로 選好하고 있다. 特히 女兒의 경우는 어느 경우에나 「선생님」이 1위를 찾이하고 있다. (3) 취 미 지역간 차이가 다소 있으나 전체적으로 보면 男兒들의 취미는 운동, 야구, 그림그리기 , 독서의 순위고, 女兒들은 그림그리기, 독서, 노래부르기, 운동의 순이이다.男兒들이 야구를 좋아하게 된 것은 TV 등 대중매체의 영향이 크다고 본다. (4) 많이 듣는 구중 일상 집에서 가장 많이 듣는 걱정은 절대 다수의 兒童에게 있어 「공부해라」는 것이고 다음은 男兒들의 경우는 「심부름해라」, 「싸우지마라」, 「까불지마라」, 「청소해라」의 순이고 女兒의 경우는 「청소해라」, 「싸우지마라」, 「심부름해라」로 男兒와 大同小異하다. (5) 바라는 人間像 부모가 기대하는 人間像은 전체적으로는 「성실 근면한 사람」이 가장 높고 다음이 「정직한 사람」,「 건강한 사람」, 「책임감이 강한 사람」의 순이다. 대도시 사람들의 物質指向的인 生活態度와는 매우 다른 生活態度를 가지고 있는 것을 볼 수 있다. (6) 당신의 직업을 잇게하겠는가 직업을잇게 하겠다는 사람이 전체적으로 조사대상에 응한 656명중 17.5%에 해당하는 115명이었고 잇게하지 않겠다는 사람이 521명으로 79.4%이다. 그 이유로는「휼륭한 사람이 되기를 바라므로」, 「사회에 봉사할 수 있기 때문」, 「성실히 살아갈 수 있는 직업이기 때문」 등등이고 잇게하지 않겠다는 주요 이유는 「개성에 맞는 직업을 선택하게 하기 위해서」,「 좀더 나은 직업을 갖게 하기 위해서」, 「현직에 불만이므로」,「사회적으로 보람있는 일을 하기 위해서」 등등이다.「좀더 나은 직업을 바라는 것과 「현직에 불만」이라는 것은 표현을 달리한 同一要因으로 解釋된다. (7) 어떤 職業人 가장 많은 것이 「교육자」이고 다음이 「의사」, 「법관」, 「공직자」, 「사업가」 등의 순의다.「교육자」는 응답에 「선생님」이라고 한 것 「대학교육」이라고 한것 등을 전부 개괄한 것이다. The purpose of this study is to investigate the images what the school children and parents have about the school teachers which would provide information needed to renew self concept of teachers them selves. The specific objective of this survey are as follows; 1) to investigate the figure of identification what the school children have. 2) to investigate future job of children want to have. 3) to investigate what are the priority of children's hobits. 4) to investigate about naggings children hear from their parents mostly in daily life. 5) to survey on parents ideal personality which their children would have being realized. 6) to survey on parental wishes for the succession to their jobs by their children. 7) to survey on the parental hopes for the jobs their children might to have in the future. The subjects(number of school children and the parents) were selected from primary school grades 1-6 in small city and rural area of Kyungsang-buk-Do by random sampling method. And investigations were conducted by the school teachersbelong to the each sampled school. The major findings of this study were as follows: The research result of the children identification figure show sthat the school teacher is one of the major subjects among the identification figures of school schildren have. The others the more or less high priority were "mother", father", "medicak doctor", general "Lee son-shin", "Lady Yu Kwan-soon" and so on. The research result of the childrens future job shows that "teaching job" is one of the most fascinating job that children wish to have i their future. The others that more or less priority was given by the boys were "president", "genral", "medical doctor", "lawyer", and so forth. By the girls were "nurse", "medical doctor", singer", "lawyer", actress", and so on. It was shown that the sports and baseball, designing picture, reading, were the boys hobits prority and for the girls were designing pictures, reading, singing, sports, etc/ Most frequent parent's nagging top their children was revealed as tat "Do study!", and the next for boys was "Go on errands", "Don't quarrel with others", "Don't be noisy", "Do clean the house, " and so forth. Nagging for girls next to the "Do study!". were "Do clean the house", "Don't quarrel with others", "Go on errands" etc. Parental hopes for their children to be being were "Be sincere and Laborious" and "Be honest", "Be healthy", "Be a responsible man", and so forth. The research result of parental hopes for the sucession to their job by their children were revealed that most of the parents do not want their children follower their own job career for the following reasons; "Let children choose the job to meet their own aptitude", "Because of they do not satisfy to their own job" "To find more fine job that contributive to the parents priority for their children's future job was as followings' "Teaching job", "Medical Doctor", "Lawyer", "Officer" "Buisiness man", and so on. On the basis of all these findings the reseacher to suggest that teachers specially elementary school teachers ought to have to have self confidence and have to have firm conviction that he or she is a good identification figure for school children through which children learn how to control themwelves and develop their conscience and realize their ideal self.

      • DMPO 와 ㆍOH 의 Spin添加生成物에 대한 EPR 分析 및 ㆍOH 의 毒性作用

        김정렬,이미녕,박윤창 성균관대학교 기초과학연구소 1989 論文集 Vol.40 No.2

        The hydroxyl radical (·OH) generated from the Iron-catalyzed Haber-Weiss reaction was detected. The ability of Fe(Ⅱ) to this reaction depends upon the particular ligands around the metal ion. The formation of hydroxyl radical, spin trapped with 5, 5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline-N-oxide (DMPO), increased with the amount of ATP added in the Fe (Ⅱ)-H_2O_2 system. Specially, when the concentration of H_2O_2 was high, the perhydroxyl radicals were formed from the system. Human erythrocyte ghosts were covalently labeled with 4-maleimido-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-N-oxyl(4-Maleimido-Tempo) and their electron paramagnetic resonance(EPR) spectra revealed two major binding environments representing strongly (h_1) and weakly (h_2) immobilized) species. The ratio of h_2/h_1, determined from the respective peak amplitudes, decreased from 14.8 to 5.5 when the labeled ghosts were exposured with hydroxyl radicals produced in the system, whereas lipid peroxidation of erythrocyte ghosts was increased with the concentration of hydroxyl radicals. These effects suggested that the fluidity of membrane and/or protein mobility were decreased as a result of lipid peroxidation and the structural and the functional alterations of membrane were. initiated by hydroxyl radicals.

      • 敎員養成制度에 關한 比較的 考察 : 主로 日本의 敎員養成制度에 關하여

        金正律 대구교육대학교 1975 論文集 Vol.11 No.-

        A. Background of The Report Purpose of the study Now-a-days Korean education is confronted with many urgent problems to be solved; for example, the increasing number of stagnation of the college entrance examination, the and overflowing newly trained teachers to be appointed though there are no seats for them, etc.. The present report is prepared to provide some materials in helping solve such problems. Method used by the study The method used by the study is as shown in the title for it is thought that it will give us good suggestions needed in solving the problems concerned. Scope of the study and Limitations I chose Japanese teacher education as the subject to be compared with that of Korea, because its formal organization is much similar to that Korea. But the teacher education is not a system that is segregated from the socio-cultural and general educational backgrounds, and in this context, I have tried to speculate all about these backgrounds at the same time. However, it was too hard to investigate all about them in this small report and it overreaches my ability, so I confined it to viewing them merely from the educational standpoint. Structure of the report The following chapter resents some important informations related to the problems of teacher education and obtained by my analysis and conclusions. Chapter Ⅱ analyses Japanese education in general and socio-cultural aspects as the backgrounds of the teacher education based on some results of the public opinion research, concerning education for their children, conducted by NHK and Japanese government. Chapter Ⅲ appraises Japanese educational investment comparing with that of some other advanced countries in the past and today. Chapter Ⅳ provides the panoramic view of Japanese teacher education and its problems and their suggestions. The final chapter suggests the strategies that we have take to solve our present problems of teacher education and improve our educational problems in general. B. Conclusions and Suggestions 1. It is needed to set up a regular educational council or committee of evaluation on education in the Ministry of Education as a consultative body that regulates the educational policy decision. 2. To upgrade the level of teacher education and to provide the equal educational opportunity the course of elementary teacher education must be leveled up to four year college which includes both two year and four year courses, which have flexibility of shifting from one course to another so that students can choose one of them according to their economical situations. 3. The institution of teacher education has to consist of a course for teacher education, a general college course, and a course for majoring in arts and physical education, and a half-timer's college. One of the reasons is to utilize fully and economically the facilities and personnel resources in order to improve the problem of stagnation of college entrance examination, and to make it possible to control the number of students for the teacher taining course by demand without any threat of existence of the institution as has been. Another reason is to teach arts and physical education, even in the elementary school level, which needs now-a-days more skillfull teachers and two years multiplied course for teacher training as present is insufficient to meet the need. Above all teacher training is also an education and the institution has this general and original function as the other school, so the present institation must be reorganized to strengthen and fulfill such original function of the institution. 4. Get rid of teacher trainig course at general four year college. Considering the importance of the teaching profession, teacher training must be programmed and controled carefully by the government, specially in such country as Korea where the foundation of nation has to be consolidated and newly trained teachers are overflowing. And the students' motive for taking the course at general colleges might be vague and suspicious. 5. One year of internship for teacher candidates is preferable. This system will provide us with such merits as upgrading newly appointed teachers quality and desterilize the unemployed newly trained teachers despite the practical shortage of teachers' hands in the field because of the increasing number of female teachers granted childbirth leave of absence and the occasional absent teachers by accident and for those who are out of school for short or long termed official tour. 6. Problem of growing number of old aged teachers must be investigated. For there must be something different between young dynamic teachers and old lethargy teachers in their influence on shaping child's personality. 7. If the institution of teacher education is reformed as thus suggested above, the ROTC might be adapted instead of RNTC, and all of the regular teacher candidates may be given the privilege of short termed frontline military service instead of the reserve. One of the reasons is that this suggestion is to let teacher candidates do their best in preparing themselves as future teacher needed to their country, and the other is to let them not avoid their duty of military service composed equally to every young male of this nation.

      • 韓·日 初等敎員養成制度에 關한 一比較的 考察 : 主로 資格基準等에 關한 法令을 中心으로 analyzing the provisions concerned teaching certificates

        김정률 대구교육대학교 1985 論文集 Vol.21 No.-

        This thesis is provided for the improvement of Korean primary teacher education. Its structure is consists of five chapters: Chapter Ⅰ has stated the motivation and necessity of the study and the definition of the theme. Chapter 11 have made an analysis on the types and the norm of the teaching certificates in Korea. 111. introduced the types of teachers and its qualifications in Japan. Ⅳ. an comparative analysis have made on the teacher education systems both in Korea and Japan based on the data describe in the previous chapters. Ⅴ. has stated the conclusion and some suggestions. The final conclusion and some suggestions are: First how concerned provisions are to be amended. Secondly how the curriculum of teachers' college have to be improved, Thirdly how the preservice teacher education system to be improved, Fourthly what of teaching certificate have to be given to the graduates of teachers' college. Lastly the author have suggested that the internship or teaching assistant system have to be introduced for overcoming all of the problems we are faced now by the uneasy assignment of the graduates.

      • 敎育硏究의 目的은 敎職을 쉽게하는 데 있는가?

        金正律 대구교육대학교 1984 論文集 Vol.20 No.-

        本文은 同題目의 Dr. Robert Emans의 敎育論文을 要約한 것이다. 題目에서 보는 바와 같이 敎職에 從業하는 많은 사람들이 敎育硏究에 關心을 기울이고 있다. 또 各 地域, 全國規模로 每年 各種 敎育硏究發表大會가 開催되고 있으나 과연 이것이 어떤 意義를 지니는 것인가를 알게 해 주는 한 資料가 되겠기에 紹介해 보고자 한 것이다. This article is research summary is "IS THE PURPOSE OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH TO MAKE THE JOB OF TEACHERS EASIER?"by Dr. Robert Emans, Dean of the School of Education at the University of South Dakota. The article explored the present state of the literature on teaching effectiveness, beginning with research conducted on the highly'srated method of questioning following by an exploration of teacher expectancies. After briefly revewing research findings regarding time on task, the discussion returns to a more indepth analysis of direct instruction and alternative modes of teaching. Finally, issues related to the inservice education of teachers are adressed. Throughout this article, the concern is the same : Is the purpose of research in education to make the job of teachers easier or is there a more important reason for conducting research?

      • KCI등재

        Methotrexate 치료를 받고 있는 활동성 류마티스 관절염 환자에서 etanercept의 유효성과 안전성에 관한 연구

        최병렬,강태영,정청일,이혜순,엄완식,김태환,전재범,유대현,배상철 대한내과학회 2004 대한내과학회지 Vol.66 No.5

        목적 : 류마티스 관절염을 앓고 있는 한국인 중에 기존 DMARDs로 치료 실패하였고, 고정용량의 MTX를 복용하고 있는 환자들에 있어서 etanercept의 유효성과 안전성을 평가하고자 하였다. 방법 : 기존 DMARDs로 치료 실패한 활동성 류마티스 관절염 환자 76명을 대상으로 하여 단일군, 공개시험을 하였다. 대상 환자들은 고정용량의 MTX를 복용하면서 etanercept 25 mg을 1주일에 두 번 피하 주사하였으며 12주간 투여하였다. 유효성은 ACR 20, ACR 50,조조강직 시간으로 평가하였고, 약제의 안전성은 이상반응 등으로 평가하였다. 결과 : 대상 환자는 총 76명으로 평균 연령은 45.2세, 남자 5명, 여자 71명이었다. 84.4%인 54명이 12주째에 ACR 20을 만족하였고, 53.1%인 34명이 12주째에 ACR 50을 만족하였다. 조조 강직 시간은 치료 전 203.3분에서 치료 12주째 42.6분을 평균 74.5% 호전되었다. 가장 흔한 이상반응은 주사부위 반응이었다. 이외에도 상기도 감염, 오심, 안면부종 등이 발생하였으나 심각한 부작용은 없었다. 결론 : etanercept는 효과적이고, 안전한 류마티스 관절염 치료 방법이며 특히 MTX치료에도 불구하고 활동성인 류마티스 관절염에 기대되는 치료라고 할 수 있다. Background : This study was performed to investigate the efficacy and safety of etanercept in active rheumatoid arthritis patients with stable dose of methotrexate in Korean. Methods : In a 12 week, single arm, open trial, we assigned 76 patients with active rheumatoid arthritis who had an inadequate response to disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs. Patients received twice-weekly subcutaneous injections of etanercept 25 ㎎ while containing to receive methotrexate at a stable dose of 7.5~25 ㎎ per week. The clinical response was defined as the percent improvement in disease activity according to the criteria of the American Collage of Rheumatology (ACR) at 12 weeks. Results : Etanrecept led to significant improvements in disease activity and was safe and well tolerated. At 12 week, 84.4% of the patients receiving 25 ㎎ of etanercept achieved a 20% ACR response, and 53.1% of those receiving etanercept achieved a 50% ACR response. The most common adverse event was injection-site reaction. Other advanse events were upper respiratory infection, nausea, and facial edema, but there were no serious adverse events associated with etanercept. Conclusion : In active rheumatoid arthritis patients, etanercept was safe, well tolerated, and provided rapid clinical improvements.

      • KCI등재

        蔚山斷層 주변의 第四紀斷層

        柳忠烈,梁慶嬉,李相遠,金仁洙 釜山大學校 師範大學 1996 교사교육연구 Vol.33 No.-

        Tectonic investigation is very important to understand the seismic environments. Many strong seismic activities are found to be closely related with pre-existed discontinuous planes of the crust, such as faults. Here we describe an example of the Quaternary faults occurring in the vicinity of the Ulsan fault near Ipshil-ri, Oedong-up, Ky o ∨ ngju city to enlight a seismic activity evaluation. This fault is thought to be the contact boundary between the Cretaceous to early Tertiary granite and andesite, and also cut the Quaternary formation which unconformably overlies granite and andesite. General strike of the fault plane is N-S, dipping 70° to the east. Along this fault plane, two different faulting events are distinguished; (1) reverse faulting with up to 5m of displacement in the Quaternary formation, and (2) normal faulting with 50° northerly plunging striation within the Quatenary fault plane. We suggest that these faultings are related to the WNW-ENE compressional tectonic environments during late Quaternary, and to the readjustment of accumulated strains by the pre-compressional tectonic environments. The age of the Quaternary formation is not fully investigated, however, this Quaternary fault is probably one of the active faults which has been rarely described in Korea.

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