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      • 서울의 Penicillinase Producing Neisseria Gonorrhoeae 발생빈도(1996)

        김재홍,황동규,전재홍,김윤석,김중환,김용준,이창균,임동진,김현수,조창근,김경문,박상훈,전우형,김희성,이호정,차명수,김갑형,김형석,김석우,황지환,박병순,권오상,이민수,송기훈,성소영,이인섭,부태성 대한화학요법학회 1999 대한화학요법학회지 Vol.17 No.2

        Background : In recent years, gonorrhea has been panedemic and remains one of the most commom STDs in the world, especially in developing countries. Objective & Methods: For the detection of a more effective therapeutic regimen and assessing the prevalence of PPNG, we have been trying to study the patients who have visited the VD Clinic of Choong-Ku Public Health Center in Seoul since 1980 by means of the chromogenic cephalosporin method. Results: In 1996, 139 strains of N. gonorrhoeae were isolated, among which 53(39.0%) were PPNG. Conclusion: Our results suggests that after a peak of 74.3% in 1993, the prevalence of PPNG in Seoul is gradually declining.

      • 太谿穴의 臨床 活用에 대한 文獻考察

        구성태,송문영,강정묵,김용명,박보라,이은석,홍정아,김경식,손인철 한국전통의학연구소 2003 한국전통의학지 Vol.13 No.1

        Literally, the mean of Tae-gye is highest brook. And on the basis of the acupuncture theory, Tae-gye point is the Soo earth point and source point of the Kidney Channel as well. In addition, Tae-gye point is one of the Yang-Returning Nine points. We were trying to study bibliographically on the Tae-gye point because Tae-gye point can be used very broadly across the symptoms in the theoretical aspect described above. As a results, we found out that according to the classical books of acupuncture, Tae-gye point is entering point of the Meridian Water as a source point and can be used at both Kidney-Sufficient Syndrom and Kidney-Deficient Syndrom. And Tae-gye can be applied to the disease of kidney or bladder that is urogenital symtoms, Also, Tae-gye is an useful option of tooth-ache, asthma, indigestion, constipation, edema etc whose cause is related with decrease of Kidney ki.

      • KCI등재

        Surgical technique for single-port laparoscopy in huge ovarian tumors: SW Kim`s technique and comparison to laparotomy

        ( Jeong Sook Kim ),( In Ok Lee ),( Kyung Jin Eoh ),( Young Shin Chung ),( Inha Lee ),( Jung-yun Lee ),( Eun Ji Nam ),( Sunghoon Kim ),( Young Tae Kim ),( Sang Wun Kim ) 대한산부인과학회 2017 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.60 No.2

        Objective This study aimed to introduce a method to remove huge ovarian tumors (≥15 cm) intact with single-port laparoscopic surgery (SPLS) using SW Kim`s technique and to compare the surgical outcomes with those of laparotomy. Methods Medical records were retrospectively reviewed for patients who underwent either SPLS (n=21) with SW Kim`s technique using a specially designed 30×30-cm2-sized 3XL LapBag or laparotomy (n=22) for a huge ovarian tumor from December 2008 to May 2016. Perioperative surgical outcomes were compared. Results In 19/21 (90.5%) patients, SPLS was successfully performed without any tumor spillage or conversion to multi-port laparoscopy or laparotomy. There was no significant difference in patient characteristics, including tumor diameter and total operation time, between both groups. The postoperative hospital stay was significantly shorter for the SPLS group than for the laparotomy group (median, 2 [1 to 5] vs. 4 [3 to 17] days; P<0.001). The number of postoperative general diet build-up days was also significantly shorter for the SPLS group (median, 1 [1 to 4] vs. 3 [2 to 16] days; P<0.001). Immediate post-operative pain score was lower in the SPLS group (median, 2.0 [0 to 8] vs. 4.0 [0 to 8]; P=0.045). Patient-controlled anesthesia was used less in the SPLS group (61.9% vs. 100%). Conclusion SPLS was successful in removing most large ovarian tumors without rupture and showed quicker recovery and less immediate post-operative pain in comparison to laparotomy. SPLS using SW Kim`s technique could be a feasible solution to removing huge ovarian tumors.

      • 서울의 Penicillinase Producing Neisseria Gonorrhoeae 발생빈도(1994)

        김재홍,안진균,정성재,김영태,김중환,김시영,이석종,이홍렬,서호석,김경훈,권혁진,정우권,고우석,이용석,안필수,오준규,오용섭 대한화학요법학회 1996 대한화학요법학회지 Vol.14 No.1

        Background : In recent years gonorrhoea has been panendemic and remains one of the most common Sexually Transmitted Diseases in the world, especially in developing countries. Objective & Method : For the detection of a more effective therapeutic regimen and assessing the prevalence of Penicillinase Producing Neisseria Gonorrhoeae(PPNG), Ive have been trying to study the patients who have visited the VD Clinic of Choong-Ku Public Health Center in Seoul since 1980 by means of the chromogenic cephalosporin method. Results : In 1994, 168 strains of N. gonorrhoeae were isolated, among which 109 (64,9% ) were PPNG. Conclustion : Our results suggests that the prevalence of PPNG in Seoul is still increasing.

      • KCI등재후보

        구미지역 직업성질환 감시체계

        김성아,김진석,전혜리,정상재,김상우,이채용,함정오,유재영,최태성,하봉구,조민환,우극현 大韓産業醫學會 2003 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.15 No.1

        목적: 구미지역 내 대학병원이자 특수건강진단·보건관리대행기관의 산업의학전문의, 보건관리대행 간호사, 사업장 간호사를 중심으로 직업성질환감시체계를 구축하여 주요 직업성질환들의 발생현황과 규모를 파악하고자 하였다. 또한 연차적으로 산업, 직업, 업무내용 등에 따른 분포나 원인을 기존 자료원(특수건강진단의 직업병 유소견자와 산재요양승인 되는 직업병자)과 비교하여 분석·기술하고 예방 및 관리를 포함한 보건의료기술개발까지을 포함하는 종합적인 감시체계를 구축하고 운용하고자 하였다. 방법: 구미지역의 산업적 특성에 맞는 직업성질환감시체계를 구축하고 지역 감시체계의 모델을 제시하였다. 6대 감시대상 직업성질환(독성 간염, 직업성천식, 직업성 근골격계질환, 직업성 피부질환, 직업성 암, 수지진동증후군)의 실행적 환례정의, 보고양식 및 보고체계 개발, 분석양식 및 결과 배포 형식을 개발하였으며, 그 유병규모를 파악하고, 감시질환의 분포 및 특성, 관련인자 등을 분석·기술하고자 하였다. 이때, 1년간의 환례분석시 직업병 유소견자 및 직업병 요양자에 대한 자료와 함께 비교 분석하였으며, 노동통계자료를 이용하여 년간 발생률을 추정하였다. 결과: 2001. 1. 1일부터 2002.4.30일까지 총 287건이 보고되었으며, 직업성 근골격계질환 132건(46.0%), 직업성 피부질환 100건(34.8%), 독성간염 34건 (11.8%), 직업성천식 16건 (5.6%), 수지진동증후군 5건 (1.7%) 이었으며 직업성 암은 한건도 보고되지 않았다. 보고경로별로는 보건관리대행에서 33건 (11.5%), 해당 유해인자별로 실시되는 특수검진 외의 각종 건강진단업무 수행 중 발견된 환례에 대한 보고가 206건(71.7%)이었다. 직종별 분류의 결과는 섬유업종사자, 단순노무종사자, 음식업종사자 등이 다수를 차지하였다. 근골격계질환의 경우, 수근관증후군이 42건(33%), 외상과염/내상과염이 39건(30%)로 가장 많았다. 직업성 피부질환은 97건이 접촉성 피부염으로 유기용제류가 59건(59%)으로 가장 많고, 니켈 및 에폭시수지에 의한 알레르기성 접촉성 피부염이 각각 6건과 5건이었다. 독성 간염은 모두 DMF 나 DMAc에 의한 것으로, 근무시작 후부터 간기능이상이 발견되기까지의 근무기간은 대부분이 3개월 이하이며, 1개월 이하인 경우도 10건이나 되었다. 동 기간 중 감시환례에 대해 산재요양 자료와 중복여부를 확인한 결과, 중복되는 것은 하나도 없었다. 특수건강진단에서 직업병유소견자로 판정된 경우는 독성간염에서 3건이 있었으며, 나머지 질환은 중복되는 것은 없었다. 2001도 구미지역의 근로자수와 보고환례건수를 이용하여 연간 발생률을 추정하였다. 근로자 10만 명당 연간 발생률은 상지 근골격계질환은 63.6명, 피부질환 48.2명, 독성 간염 17.9명, 천식 7.7명, 수진진동증후군 2.4명이었다. 참여예상인원은 총 46명이었으며, 실제 참여자수는 21명, 평균참여율은 46%, 실제 참여 1이당 평균 보고건수는 산업의학전문의가 28건으로 가장 많았고, 대행간호사는 45,건, 사업장 간호사는 3.3건이었다. 결론: 지역 감시체계는 기존 통계자료들에서 발견되지 않았던 직업성질환의 발견에 유용한 통계원이며, 특히 지역의 특성과 여건을 고려하여 체계화된 시스템을 구축하여 운용한다면 더 성과가 클 것이다. Objectives: Area-based occupational disease surveillance in Kumi (KODS) was used to collect data on occupational diseases. The data was used to estimate the magnitude of the diseases, to analyze for their characteristics and to find links for their intervention and prevention. Methods: Since January 2001, occupational physicians and nurses in Occupational Health Service (OHS) have reported six major occupational diseases; occuaptional musculoskeletal disorders of the upper extremities (MSDUE), occupational dermatoses, toxic hepatitis, occupational asthma (OA), hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS), and occupational cancer. For the respective diseases, a reporting sheet and operational diagnostic criteria were developed by the KODS. An analysis of the KODS data, collected over a certain period, was compared with data from the Korea Labor Workers Corporation (KLWC) and the Specific Health Examination (SHE), and the incidence rates of the diseases estimated. Results: Between Jan 2001 and Apr 2002, 287 cases of the six major occupational disease were reported. Of these, there were 132 (46.0%), 100 (34.8%), 34 (11.8%), 16 (5.6%), and 5 (1.7%), cases of MSDUE, occupational dermatoses, toxic hepatitis, OA, and HAVS, repectively. But, there were no cases of occupational cancer. 33 (11.5%) of the incidence were reported via the OHS, 206 (71.7%) from health checkups, and the other 48(16.8%) from other routes. The synthetic fibers and electronic components manufacturing industries accounted for the greatest number of reported cases. With resport to occupation, the greatest numbers of incidence were reported from the elementary occupations, textile workers, assemblers, and cooks and food services worker, in that order. Of the MSDUE cases, carpal tunnel syndrome and epicondylitis were the two most common diseases. Most of the occupational dermatoses were due to contact dermatitis, with organic solvents (59%), nickel (6%), and epoxy resin (5%) accounting for the majority of these cases. All cases of toxic hepatitis were induced by dimethylformamide or dimethylacetamide, which were reported by a unique monitoring system. During same period, there were no cases claimed by workers to the KLWC, and only three cases from SHE, were identified. Using data from workers' number and surveillance, the annual incidence of MSDUE, dermatoses, hepatitis, OA, and HAVS, per 100,000 workers were 63.6, 48.2, 17.9, 7.7, and 2.4, respectively. Conclusions: These results show that an area-based surveillance system can be very effective for the collection of data on work-related diseases, at least in Kumi.

      • KCI등재

        홍민어 Sciaenops ocellatus에서의 바이러스성 신경괴사증 viral nervous necrosis

        김진도,김석렬,정성주,김영진,정태성,최태진,박성우,오명주 한국어병학회 2001 한국어병학회지 Vol.14 No.2

        1999년 10월에서 11월 사이에 남해안 일대의 홍민어 종묘 생산장에서 20~30열령의 치어가 척추만곡 및 이상유영을 하며 대량 폐사하였다. 병어는 특이 외부 증상이 없었고, 높은 누적폐사량이 바이러스 질병으로 의심되어, 조직학적 및 분자생물학적인 검사를 행하여 폐사원인을 확인하였다. 폐사개체의 조직을 H-E 염색하여 관찰한 결과 뇌와 안구의 신경세포에서 공포와 괴사가 관찰되었고, 전자현미경 관찰에서는 안구와 뇌에서 바이러스 입자가 관찰되었다. RT-PCR 결과에서는 ≒426 bp의 DNA 단편을 확인할 수 있었다. 이러한 결과로 홍민어에서 발생한 대량폐사는 바이러스성 신경괴사증(VNN)으로 진단되었다. Mass mortalities occurred among red drum lavae, 20 to 30 days old, culturing at hatcheries on southern costal area. No specific external signs were observed except abnormal swimming and spinal deformity. It was, however, suspected as a viral etiology due to high mass mortalities so that histopathological and molecular biological study was performed to evaluate the agent. Both vacuoles and necrosis were observed on nerve cells of brain and eye by H-E staining, and viral particles were observed on electronmicroscopic examination. On the other hand, DNA fragment, approximately 426 bps, was amplified with RT-PCR. The above results were able to diagnosis the etiological agent of mass moralities in red drum larvae as VNN(viral nervous necrosis)virus.

      • 파종시기가 다른 일미찰의 등숙 중 호화 특성 비교

        김미정, 박효진, 이유영, 김선림, 김정태, 우관식, 권영업, 정일민 忠北大學校 農業科學硏究所 2014 農業科學硏究 Vol.30 No.2

        This study was conducted to investigate the pasting properties of waxy corn ‘Ilmichal’ during ripening with different sowing date. Starch content of Ilmichal was increased as matured (p<0.05). Analysis of pasting properties with waxy corn starch using a rapid visco analyser (RVA) showed linear changes in peak viscosity, trough viscosity, final viscosity, breakdown and consistency according to ripening. There were significantly positive correlation between starch content of Ilmichal and peak viscosity (0.39*), trough viscosity (0.58***), final viscosity (0.58***), and consistency (0.57**). Differential scanning calorimerty (DSC). The enthalpy of gelatinization was increased as ripening. But onset and peak temperature were decreased. There were significantly positive correlation between starch content of Ilmichal and onset temperature (0.44*), peak temperature (0.38*), and completion temperature (0.59***), on the other hand, crude protein content presented significantly negative correlation between completion temperature (-0.41*).

      • KCI등재

        정안침요법(整顔鍼療法)을 응용하여 호전된 후천성 사경환자 치험 2례

        박서영,김재수,홍의재,이윤경,이봉효,임성철,정태영,이경민,Park, Seo-Young,Kim, Jae-Su,Hong, Eui-Jae,Lee, Yoon-Kyoung,Lee, Bong-Hyo,Lim, Seong-Chul,Jung, Tae-Young,Lee, Kyung-Min 대한침구의학회 2008 대한침구의학회지 Vol.25 No.4

        Objectives : This report intended to estimate effects of Jung-an acupuncture on the acquired torticollis caused by muscle contraction. Methods : The patients were treated by Jung-an acupuncture, herb medication and Physical treatment daily. The improvement of the patients was judged by Toronto Western Spasmodic Torticollis Rating Scale(TWSTRS), Tsui's score and Visual Analogue Scale(VAS). Results : After 7 days of treatment, the 2 patients' neck pain and cervical movement were improved. Also, TWSTRS score, Tsui's score and VAS were all reduced. Conclusions : As the Jung-an acupuncture's theological base is organized with meridian theory and myofacial release therapy, We considered the Jung-an acupuncture is effective not only for the skin disease but also for the muscle problem such as torticollis.

      • KCI등재후보

        양식산 터봇, Scophthalmus maximus에서의 Irido-like virus 감염

        김위식,김기홍,김춘섭,김영진,정성주,정태성,신이치, 키타무라,마모루, 요시미즈,오명주 한국어병학회 2003 한국어병학회지 Vol.16 No.3

        본 연구는 병리조직학적 및 전자현미경적 방법을 통해 양식산 turbot에서 발생하는 irido-like virus의 감염증을 소개하고자 한 것이다. 2003년 6월 전북 고창 소재 육상수조에서 양식중인 turbot치어에서 50∼70%의 대량폐사가 발생하였다. 병어는 사료섭취가 저하되고 힘없이 유영하다 폐사되었으며, 죽기 직전의 어류는 복부가 팽만되고 안구가 돌출되며 체색이 옅어지는 증상을 보였다. 해부학적 조사 결과, 아가미 빈혈과 간이 퇴색되어 있었으며, 특히 비장조직이 심하게 비대되어 있었다. 병어에 대한 조직학적 검사에서 비대 세포를 특징으로 하는 특이 병변이 주로 신장과 비장의 조혈조직에서 관찰되었으며, 아가미, 심장, 위, 장, 간, 췌장, 지방 조직에서도 관찰되었다. 그리고 전자현미경적 관찰 결과, 비대 세포의 세포질내에서 육각형의 지름이 136∼159 ㎚인 Irido-like virus를 관찰할 수 있었다. The high mortality of cultured juvenile turbot, Scophthalmus maximus occurred in Gochang on June, 2003. The diseased fish was lethargic with reduced feed intake. Grossly, these fish showed pale body, abdominal extension and exophthalmia. The dominant internal gross features of diseased fish were severely enlarged spleen, pale gills and or liver. Diseased fish histologically showed basophilic enlarged cells in the kidney, spleen, gill, heart, stomach, intestine, liver, pancreas and adipose tissue. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) reveled hexagonal virions in the cytoplasm of necrotic cells. The viral particles lead a central electron-dense core and an electron translucent zone, and were 136-159 nm in diameter. These results suggest that the virus belonging to the iridoviridae was responsible for the mortality of cultured juvenile turbot.

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