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        학교급식에 일반 HACCP 모델 적용시 장애요인에 대한 인지도

        최숙희,김성희,곽동경 대한영양사협회 2003 대한영양사협회 학술지 Vol.9 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to identify obstacles by surveying dieticians' perception in implementing Generic HACCP Plan for school foodservice operations from 2001. The survey was conducted in five areas; Seoul, Kyoung-gi Province, In-cheon, Kwang-ju and Dae-jean. Five hundred and sixty questionnaire were sent by the e-mail address and the local school dietician's Community Board on the internet, 263 were returned. Two hundred and forty were returned by E-mail, return rate was 42.86%. Twenty three were received by the local school dietician's Community Board on the internet. The obstacles were grouped of six fields and indicated thirteen factors in implementation of the Generic HACCP Plan for school foodservice. The six fields were 'status of cooperation within HACCP team', 'cooperation with the external people' such as teachers, food suppliers, student's parents, 'understanding HACCP system of the dieticians', 'hygiene facilities', 'training & educating employees', and 'monitoring'. We used Likert's scale to assess the factor as a obstacle : 5-agree strongly, 4-agree, 3-medial, 2-don't agree, 1-dont't agree strongly. Results of this study are as follows; 1) The scores of thirteen factors indicated as obstacles were over 3(medial) except 'lack of dietician's understanding about HACCP System(2.86±0.97)'. Also only about 63% dieticians recognized that as an obstacle factor. 2) 'Deficiency of hygiene facilities(4.41±0.76)', 'lack of teachers' cooperation(4.23±0.77)', 'inadequacy of the kitchen lay-out(4.19±0.95)' and 'lack of training and educating program for employees(3.97±0.85)' scored most highly. Results from this study show that financial resources and educating system are very important to settle down HACCP system for School Foodservices successfully.

      • 천연 포도과즙 발효용 식초산균 분리

        최경호,정은희 대구효성가톨릭대학교 응용과학연구소 1998 응용과학연구논문집 Vol.6 No.2

        포도과즙을 이용한 식초산 생산을 위하여 강한 증식력과 아울러 아황산 소다 및 poly phenol성 물질에 대한 내성을 지니고 산소 요구도가 낮은 발효균주가 요망되었다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 성질을 갖춘 우수한 식초산균을 분리하기 위하여 실험을 수행하였으며 탄산칼슘을 첨가한 ethanol배지와 포도과즙을 이용하여 여러 가지 재래초로부터 식초산균을 분리하였다. 분리균은 단간균 내지 타원형 세균으로 불규칙한 모양을 하고 있으며, 전체적인 모양은 대조군으로 사용한 Acetobacter aceti(KCTC 1010)와 비슷하였으나 크기의 차이가 있다. 분리균의 증식도는 대조균보다 현저히 빨랐으며 paper disc법으로 확인한 clear zone 생성능력(Acetic acid 생성 능력과 비례)은 분리균이 대조균보다 약 11%가 높았다. 분리균은 포도과즙을 산도 6.2%의 포도식초로 발효하였으며, 8일간의 발효과정중 pH는 3.8에서 3.5로 약간 저하되었다. HPLC분석에 따른 발효전과 발효 후의 유기산의 변화는 tartaric acid와 fumaric acid가 약간 증가되었으며, acetic acid는 약 2.5배 증가하여 전체 유기산의 90%이상을 차지하였고 총 유기산의 함량도 증가하였다. 이상의 결과로 본 실험에서 분리한 식초산균은 천연 포도과즙에서 빠르게 증식하여 고동도(6%이상)의 식초산을 생성할 뿐만아니라 pH와 색상의 변화가 적고 정치배양에도 잘 적응하는 우수한 포도식초 발효균으로 판정되었다. Experiments were carried out to isolate a bacterial strain for fermentation of alcoholic grape juice(low grade wine) to vinegar without any drastic changes in color of the products. Among eight strains of bacterium isolated from various sources, a bacterial strain was finally selected as the fermenting organism by using solid-ethanol medium. Cells of the bacterium were rod or ellipsoid-shaped. Microscopic morphology of the cells were very resembled to Acetobacter aceti(KCTC 1010) used as an control organism. The bacterium grew actively in grape juices after a lag phase for 2 hours, and produced acetic acid in accordance with it's growth. Wine vinegar containning 6.2% acetic acid and having typical flavor and color of grape fruit was produced by fermentation for 8 days. These results suggest that the isolated bacterium was an Acetobacter sp. and useful for fermentation of wine vinegar of good quality.

      • 양측성 관상동정맥루 1예

        최용원,오석규,이재훈,이상재,권경희,최은경,김남호,정진원 圓光大學校 醫科學硏究所 2002 圓光醫科學 Vol.17 No.1

        저자들은 호흡곤란, 흉부불쾌감, 심계항진 등을 주소로 내원한 환자에서 경흉부 및 경식도 심초음파 검사상 주폐동맥에서 이완기에 전행하는 지속적인 혈류의 흐름을 관찰하고, 관상동맥 조영술을 통해 좌전하행지 중간부위와 우관상동맥 근위부에서 각각 기시하여 공통경로를 이루면서 주폐동맥으로 유입되는 양측성 관상동정맥루를 보이는 드문 1예를 경험하였기에 문헌 고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다. A coronary arteriovenous fistula is infrequently encountered vascular communication between a coronary artery and a cardiac chamber, a great artery or the vena cava. It is the most common congenital anomaly that can affect coronary perfusion. Bilateral involvement of coronary fistula constitutes an uncommon subgroup of coronary arteriovenous fistulas. A 69 year-old female patient presented with chest discomfort, palpitation, and dyspnea. In the echocardiography, doppler color flow imaging visualized abnormal flow signals with mosaic appearance in the main pulmonary artery during diastolic phase. Coronary angiography revealed arteriovenous fistula arising from the left anterior descending artery and the right coronary artery. Both coronary arteriovenous fistulas drained into the main pulmonary artery. We report a case of bilateral coronary arteriovenous fistula that was confirmed by echocariography and coronary angiography.

      • 수술중 수혈환자에 대한 임상적 고찰(Ⅲ)

        최세진,서경덕,조희경 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1992 충남의대잡지 Vol.19 No.2

        Over the Past several decades blood and blood components have been increasingly, recognized as medication rather than innocuous fluids used to replace modest blood lose at operation. But blood transfusions have the potential for many harmful side effects. This study was undertaken to evaluate transfusion accordings to department, sex, preoperative hemoglobin values, blood type, transfusion amounts and blood component therapy. Of a total 34.906 operative cases, 5,793 patients who recived a transfusion during operation were analyze statistically at the Department of anesthesiology, chungnam National University Hospital from January 1985 to September 1992. The results were as Follows : 1) The numbers of transfused patient among the 34,906 operative cases were 5,793 cases (16.57%). 2) The number of male transfused was greater than of female and third decade patients was the greatest incidence among the transfused patients. 3) Mostly hemoglobin value in preoperative state was maintained more than 10 mg/dl (85.75%). 4) The blood types of transfused blood were in the great order of A, B, O, AB type. 5) The percentage of one pint transfusion was gradually decreased and 2~5 pints transfusion was greatest percentage (60.11%). 6) As the amount of blood transfused was increased, the percentage of blood component therapy was increased, and mixed case PRC and FFP was the greatest incidence (46.02%).

      • KCI등재

        새로운 매체현실과 문화변화

        최문규,김회봉,조경식,서규환 한국독일어문학회 2000 독일어문학 Vol.11 No.-

        Der Begriff "Medienrealita¨t" ist heute aktuell geworden. Obwohl die Medien zur Vemittlung der Kommunikation auch in der Vergangenheit sehr verallgemeinert worden sind, gelten sie heute nicht mehr als bloβes Mittel. Die Entwicklung der elektronischen bzw. technologischen Medien vera¨ndert sowohl die Realita¨t unserer Welt als auch das Sein schlechthin. Der Begriff "Medienrealitat" ist synonym mit den anderen Begriffen wie "digitaler Schein" bzw. "virtuelle Realita¨t". "Informationsgesellschaft", die den tradierten Gegensatz zwischen Sein und Schein. dem Wahren und dem Falschen auflo¨st und zu einer neuen "Form der Realita¨t" avanciert werden. Um die Medienrealita¨t zu analysieren. werden im zweiten Kapitel die verschiedenen Elemente illuminiert, durch die neue Medienrealita¨t und Kultur konstituiert werden: ganz neue "immaterielle Basis der Information. Macht der Bilder, Geschwindigkeit, neue computerielle Wahrnehmung. "Medienwerk". Diese Elemente beherrschen sowohl die Realita¨t als auch die Kultur. Abschlieβend wird die Mo¨glichkeit reflektiert. wie die Kunst (besonders die Literatur) die Medienrealita¨t u¨berwinden und ihre alternativen Wege ero¨ffnen kann. Im dritten Kapitel wird der Begriff "virtuelle Realita¨t" philosopisch uberpruft, wobei er die Gemeinsamkeiten mit den tradierten philosophischen Begriffen wie "dynamis, "potentia, "virtualite"~possibi1ite usw. teilt. Auch kann der Widerspruch der "virtuellen Realita¨t" besta¨tigt werden, die vor allem auf der radikalen Vera¨nderung von Technik. Information und Kapital basiert. Das heiβt: es ist ein Widerspruch oder die Verhu¨llung der ontologischen Implikation, daβ die virtuelle Realita¨t durch die allma¨hliche Negierung ihrer Virtualita¨t zur Realita¨t erhoben wird. Im vierten Kapitel wird das Verha¨ltnis der Gesellschaft zu Umwelt. Information und Medien aus der Sicht der Luhmannschen Systemtheorie betrachtet. Daraus ergibt sich. dass die Gesellschaft als Sozialsystem bei ihrer Selbstreproduktion mit der Leitdifferenz von System/Umwelt operiert und damit die elbstreproduktion der Gesellschaft von der Vera¨nderung ihrer Umwelt (Technik, Bewuβtsein, Organismus usw.) abha¨ngig ist. Dabei ist deutlich, dass Medien (Schrift. Buchdruck. Elektronik usw.). die zur Verbreitung der Informationen dienen, bei der Evolution der Gesellschaft eine entscheidende Rolle gespielt haben. Schlieβlich handelt es sich um die unterschiedlichen soziologischen Theorien u¨ber das Verhaltnis von Medien und Gesellschaft. In den Vordergrund treten dabei die Theorien von D. Bell und M. Poster. Bells Theorie der postindustriellen Gesellschaft behandelt die Entwicklung der Technologie. die heute die Kultur und die Gesellschaftsstruktur stark vera¨ndert. Gegen Bell postuliert Poster eine Wende von der Produktionsweise zur Informationsweise, indem er die erwandtschaft mit der postmodernen Theorie teilt. Seiner Perspektive zufolge gilt heute nicht das Kapital. sondern die Information als Hauptmovens der Gesellschaft. Die Medien ko¨nnen weder das Absolute noch die Utopie sein. Was der Euphorie der sog. "idealen Entwicklung der Medien" kritisch gegenu¨berstehen kann. ist nichts anderes als die kritische Reflexion der Kunst.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • 포트폴리오 평가(Portfolio Assessment)의 조직과 운영, 평가준거

        위영희,조경희,고희남,최예식 서원대학교 교육연구소 2001 敎育發展 Vol.20 No.2

        The purposes of this study were to explore the practices of designing portfolio and to investigate evaluation criteria. The characteristics of portfolio assessment, strategies for organizing and setting up portfolio assessment were discussed. And it were developed examples of evaluation criteria for portfolio assessment. These provide guidelines for portfolio assessment to early childhood education teachers.

      • KCI등재

        Porphyromonas endodontalis의 침투에 따른 혈관 내피세포의 유전자 발현

        공희정,최경규,박상혁,이진용,최기운 대한치과보존학회 2009 Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics Vol.34 No.6

        During the last two decades, there has been an increasing interest in the impact of oral health on atherosclerosis and subsequent cardiovascular disease (CVD). To date, some periodontal pathogens including Porphyromonas gingivalis (P. gingivalis) have been reported to be relevant to CVD. Porphyromonas endodontalis (P. endodontalis), which shares approximately 87% sequence homology with P. gingivalis, is mostly found within infected root canals. However, recent studies reveal that this pathogen also resides in the dental plaque or periodontal pocket in patients with periodontitis. It has been shown that P. endodontalis invades human coronary artery endothelial cells (HCAEC) and coronary artery smooth muscle cells (CASMC). To evaluate whether P. endodontalis can participate in the progression of atherosclerosis and CVD, we examined the changes in transcriptional gene expression profiles of HCAEC responding to invaion by P. endodontalis in this study. The following results were obtained. 1. Porphyromonas endodontalis was invasive of HCAEC. 2. According to the microarray analysis, there were 625 genes upregulated more than two-folds, while there were 154 genes downregulated by half. 3. Upregulated genes were relevant to inflammatory cytokines, apoptosis, coagulation and immune response. Enhanced expression of MMP-1 was also noticeable. 4. The transcription profiles of the 10 selected genes examined by real-time PCR agreed well with those observed in the microarray analysis. Thus, these results show that P. endodontalis presents the potential to trigger and augment atherosclerosis leading to CVD. 본 연구에서는 Porphyromonas endodontalis와 죽상경화증 및 심혈관질환과의 관계를 알아보기 위해, P. endodontalis가 사람의 관상동맥 내피세포에 침투했을 때 나타나는 유전자 발현의 변화를 microarray와 real-time PCR로 측정하였고, 발현이 증가된 유전자 중에서 죽상경화증과 연관된 유전자들이 관련 KEGG pathway 상에서 유의성 있는 영향을 미치는지를 분석하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. Porphyromonas endodontalis는 사람의 관상동맥 내피세포에 침투하였다. 2. Microarray 분석결과, 대조군보다 발현이 2배 이상 증가된 유전자는 625개였고, 1/2이하로 감소된 유전자는 154개였다. 3. 발현이 2배 이상 증가된 유전자 중에는 염증성 cytokine 및 chemokine, 세포자멸사, 혈액응고와 면역반응 관련 유전자들이 포함되었다. 4. Microarray 분석결과를 확인하기 위해 발현이 2배 이상 증가된 유전자 중에서 10개의 유전자를 선택하여 real-time PCR을 시행하였고, 그 결과 microarray에서와 마찬가지로 발현 정도가 대조군보다 모두 높게 나타났다. 따라서 P. endodontalis가 사람의 관상동맥 내피세포에 만성적으로 작용했을 때, 심혈관질환에서 중요한 부분을 차지하는 죽상경화증을 유발하는 위험 요소 중의 하나로 작용할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. 이와 관련된 자세한 기전을 이해하기 위해서는 앞으로 더 많은 연구가 필요할 것으로 보인다.

      • KCI등재

        지르코니아 필러를 첨가한 복합레진의 기계적 성질에 관한 연구

        류경희,최호영,최경규,박상진 대한치과보존학회 2000 Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics Vol.25 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to evaluate the infulence of incorporation of zirconuim-silicate on diametral tensile strength, shear bond strength to the enamel, and depth of cure of 7 experimental composites. One group contained no filler(group l or control group) , and the other 6 composites contain 75% filler in which zirconium-silicate(Zr-Si) were 0%, 2%, 4%, 6% . 8%, 10% with reduced contents of silica filler resfectively. Both of fillers were treated with 1% silane ( r-methacryloxypropyltrmethoxy silane) . Light curable monomers were prepared by mixing BiS-GMA and TEGDMA with 3 : 1 ratio and adding camphoro quinnone (CQ) 0.6% with tertiary amine 0.3% . Diametral tensile strengths of specimens with 3mm ×6mm were measured with Instron (No.4467, USA) with 1mm/min crosshead speed. Shear bond strengths of composites which bonded to bovine enamel etched with 37% phosphoric acid were measured at Instron Testing Machine with as same speed as in diametric tensile strengths. Depth of cure were measured by a method that composite was filled in cylinder mold, illuminated at one side, and uncured composite was removed with acetone, and the residual thickness of composite was measured. Following results were obtained : 1.Composites containing 0% , 2% , or 4% zirconium-silicate filler(group 2, 3 and 4) showed the statistically higher diametric tensile strength than the others. (p〈0.05) 2.Increase of zirconium-silicate filler contents reduced the diametric tensile strength of experimental composites. (r2=0.8721, p=0.0002) 3.Increase of zirconium-silicate filler contents did not affect the shear bond strength of experimental composites. (r2=0.2815, p =0.4067) 4.Increase of zirconium-silicate filler contents reduced significantly the depth of cure of experimental composites. (r2=0.9700, p〈0.0001) These results mean that the mechanical propel-ties of composites could not be improved by incorporation of small amount of zirconium-silicate filler. Also, the increased contents of zirconum-silicates fillers was found to reduce the diametric tensile strength and depth of cure.

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