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      • KCI등재

        An Empirical Study on the Determinants of the Bidding Price in Private Property Auction Markets

        Ahn,Byeong-Chul,Kim,Jong-Jin 한국주거환경학회 2012 주거환경(한국주거환경학회논문집) Vol.10 No.2

        외국의 경우 부동산 사경매가 부동산거래의 주요한 방식으로 자리 잡고 있다. 우리나라의 경우도 절차의 간소화, 거래비용의 절감, 신뢰성의 향상 등 부동산 사경매의 장점에 의해 향후 대표적인 부동산거래 유형 중 하나로 발전될 것으로 예상된다. 이러한 인식을 바탕으로, 본 연구는 부동산 사경매의 매각가율 의사결정모형을 구축하여 부동산 사경매 시장에서 매각가격에 영향을 미치는 요인을 도출하는데 그 목적을 두었다. 모형분석결과 부동산 공경매를 대상으로 매각가격 결정요인을 분석한 다른 선행연구에서 일반적으로 유의한 변수로 나타나는 거시경제변수들이 유의미하지 않게 나타났는데, 그 이유는 부동산 공경매는 투자자들이 주요 입찰자인데 비해 부동산 사경매는 주로 거시경제변수의 변화에 의한 주택가격 변동에 크게 민감하지 않은 실수요자들이 주요 입찰자로서 참여하기 때문인 것으로 판단된다. 한편 유찰회수의 영향력이 낮은 것으로 나타났는데, 이는 일반적으로 실수요자들이 많이 참여하는 부동산 사경매의 평균유찰회수와 감가율이 부동산 공경매보다 낮기 때문으로 파악된다. 지역의 경우 서울과 광역시 및 지방도시의 부동산 사경매 시장은 매각가율 측면에서 다른 특성을 가지고 있는 시장이라고 할 수 있는데 주택가격 상승률이 낮은 지방도시의 경우 서울이나 수도권 보다 주택이 투자재로서의 가치가 낮아 매각가율이 낮은 것으로 유추해 볼 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        NaOH 첨가에 따른 음식물찌꺼기 고온 혐기성 산발효

        안철우,이철승,서종환,박진식,문추연,장성호,김수생 한국환경농학회 2004 한국환경농학회지 Vol.23 No.4

        본 연구는 음식물찌꺼기의 혐기성 산발효에 있어 여러 조건들 중 온도가 효율적인 가수분해와 산발효에 미치는 영향을 검토하기 위해 고온(55℃)과 중온(35℃)에서 각각 실험을 수행하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻을 수 있었다. 음식물찌꺼기의 혐기성 산발효시 산생성 효율을 높이기 위한 전처리 과정으로 음식물찌꺼기에 NaOH를 투입한 결과 가수분해효율을 표현한 가용화 정도(Solubilization)가 0.01 g NaOH/g TS이하로 투입된 경우 0.01 mgSCOD_(prod)/mgICOD_(inf)이하를 나타내었으나, 0.05 g NaOH/g TS이상을 투입했을 때는 0.07~0.09 mgSCOD_(prod)/mgICOD_(inf)로 나타났다. 따라서 음식물찌꺼기에 NaOH를 투입하여 효율적인 가수분해가 이루어지기 위해서는 g TS당 0.05 g이상의 NaOH가 투입되어야 할 것으로 판단된다. 음식물찌꺼기를 NaOH로 전처리한 후 고온(55℃) 산발효를 실시했을 때 0.05 g NaOH/g TS 투입시 SCOD의 증가치 3,800 mg/L로 최대의 가용화와 산생성에 효과적인 pH 5.95를 얻을 수 있었다. 0.05 g NaOH/g TS를 투입하여 중온(35℃)에서 산발효를 실시한 경우와 비교하여 SCOD 증가치가 약 5배 정도 높았고, 최대 가용화에 이르는 시간도 중온의 2/3 정도로 짧아 음식물찌꺼기의 가용화에는 고온이 효과적인 것으로 나타났다. NaOH 0.05 g NaOH/g TS로 전처리된 음식물찌꺼기의 산발효 결과 고온(55℃) 및 중온(35℃)에서 각각 반응시작 후 72시간에 12,600 mg/L, 120tlrksdp 9,800 mg/L의 VFA농도를 나타내어 동일기질을 이용하여 산발효를 실시했을 때 중온보다는 고온에서 미생물의 활성증대와 유기물의 가수분해가 촉진되어 VFA생성이 효율적인 것으로 판단되었다. 고온에서 NaOH에 전처리된 음식물찌꺼기를 산발효 시켰을 때 VFA가 가장 높았던 시점을 기준으로 VFA의 조성을 조사한 결과 acetic acid가 45.9%, butyric acid가 26.7%, propionic acid가 13.9% 등으로 총 유기산 발생량의 86.5%를 차지하였다. This study showed that thermophilic anaerobic acid fermentation of food wastes had an enhanced hydrolysis capability and improvement of acidification efficiency. Influence of pH on the anaerobic hydrolysis and acidogenesis was investigated to determine the proper alkalinity in the thermophilic fermentation of food wastes. The results of putting NaOH as alkali to evaluate hydrolysis and acid fermentation efficiency in acid fermentation process of food wastes showed that the food wastes pretreated with 0.05 g NaOH/g TS had the maximum 12,600 mg/L of VFAs concentration during HRT 3 days in 55℃ hermophilic condition and the maximum 9,700 mg/L of VFAs concentration during HRT 5 days in 35℃ mesophilic condition. The accomplishment of high VFAs concentration resulted from that the main component of food wastes such as cellulose, lignin and etc. is performed active chemical decomposition by alkali in thermophilic condition. The major components of VFAs produced from the thermophilic acid fermentation process of food wastes were the short chain fatty acids such as acetic acid, butyric acid, and propionic acid.

      • 생활체육을 통한 사회화 분석연구

        안종철 韓國體育大學校 1991 論文集 Vol.14 No.-

        It has been studied that how physical Exercise for Living has influenced to the people in suburban and urban area in process of the socialization of human, Furthermore, the positive side and negative side of Physical Exercise for Living in the value of normative dimension was studied. From the study, the result has been revealed. Positively, people in urban has more positive awareness in the physical Exercise for Living than people in suburban, and negatively, the people in suburban has more negative awareness in the physical Exercise for living than people in urban. However, thw study showed that the most people in suburban and urban have much influenced and have positive attitude toward the physical Exercise for living in process of the socialization of human.

      • 도시 노숙자의 주요 정신장애에 관한 역학 연구

        안준호,홍진표,유제춘,박종익,이철,한오수 大韓神經精神醫學會 2001 신경정신의학 Vol.40 No.2

        외환위기 이후 대도시를 중심으로 노숙자들이 급증하여 이들이 심각한 사회문제로 등장하였다. 외국의 연구에 의하면 노숙자 중 상당수가 만성 정신질환을 앓고 있으며, 정신질환이 노숙의 원인 및 예후와 밀접한 관련이 있다고 한다. 그러나 국내에서는 아직 노숙자의 정신장애의 유병률에 관하여 알려진 바 없으므로 이에 대하여 조사하였다. 방법: 1998년 말부터 1999년 초까지 부산지역의 쉼터 두 곳에 거주하는 노숙자 216명을 대상으로 인구학적 자료에 대한 설문조사를 한 뒤 Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-Ⅳ(SCID)을 이용하여 Axis Ⅰ의 주요 정신장애를 진단하였다. 이들의 정신장애의 평생유병률 및 현재유병률을 국내 일반인구 및 외국 노숙자의 정신장애의 유병률과 비교하였다. 결과: DSM-Ⅳ Axis Ⅰ의 정신장애 중 기분장애, 정신병적 장애, 물질사용장애에 대한 진단 평가 결과 상기 정신장애의 전체 평생유병률은 60.1%, 현재유병률은 35.7%이었다. 그 중 주요우울장애의 평생유병률 이 22.5%로서 외국의 노숙자에 대한 역학연구 결과와 비교해 볼 때 높은 수준이었고 알코올 사용 장애의 평생유병률은 47.4%이었다. 정신병적 장애의 평생유병률은 3.8%이었고, 그 중에서도 정신분열병의 평생유병률은 1.9%이어서 외국의 노숙자에 대한 연구결과보다 낮은 편이었다. 결론: 국내 노숙자에서 기분장애와 물질사용장애가 주된 정신장애였으며 정신분열병 등 정신병적 장애의 유병률은 외국에 비해 낮은편이었다. 이러한 정신장애를 가지고 있는 노숙자에 대하여 접근하고 치료하기 위한 대책이 마련되어야 할 것이다. Objective:As homeless people increased in urban areas after the economic crisis in Korea, they became a serious social problem. Foreign research showed that many homeless people had chronic mental illnesses which were closely related with the cause and prognosis of homelessness. But very little was known about the prevalence of mental disorders in Korean homeless people. This study tried to capture the overall picture of mental disorders in homeless people. Method:The study subjects were 216 homeless people who stayed at two Pusan shelters between late 1998 and early 1999. Questionnaires on sociodemographic data were administered to the subjects, and then diagnoses of major DSM-IV Axis I mental disorders were made using Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders(SCID). The lifetime and current prevalence of mental disorders in this study were compared to those from other studies in Korean general population and in foreign homeless people. Results:The lifetime prevalence of major DSM-IV mental disorders(mood disorders, psy-chotic disorders, and substance use disorders) of 216 homeless people was 60.1%, and current prevalence was 35.7%. The lifetime prevalence of major depressive disorders was 22.5% which was higher than that of foreign studies. The lifetime prevalence of alcohol use disorder was 47. 4%. The lifetime prevalence of psychotic disorders was 3.8%, and among them the lifetime prevalence of schizophrenia was 1.9% which was lower than that of foreign studies. Conclusions: In Korean homeless people, mood disorders and substance use disorders were the main mental disorders and psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia were less than in foreign homeless people. The plans to approach and treat homeless people with mental disorders should be made.

      • 척추경 나사못을 이용한 척추 유합술에서 고정범위에 따른 인접 추간판의 압축 거동 분석

        안면환,안종철,이수호,정일섭,이춘열,이장우 영남대학교 의과대학 2003 Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine Vol.20 No.2

        요추부 척추에 기구를 시술한 유한요소 복합체 모델을 이용하여 제 4-5 요추간판에 대한 해석을 수행한 결과, 근육의 작용을 케이블과 케이블 가이드로써 단순화 모사한 follower 하중에서 수직하중인 경우보다 높은 압축력을 나타내어 더욱 안정함을 보였고 불안정성의 원인이 되는 전단력과 굽힘모멘트의 발생은 미미하였다. 장분절 고정에 의한 인접 분절에 전단력이 증가됨을 실험적으로 보였는데, 이는 장분절 고정이 퇴행성 변화 촉진에 기여할 것으로 추정된다. Background: Confirm the stability of intervertebral disc sustaining each fused lumbar spine cases, comparing vertical compression, A-P shear force and rotational moment on intervertebral disc of instrumented lumbar spine with simple vertical compression load and follower load using finite element analysis. Materials and Methods: We analyze the stability of intervertebral disc L4-5 supporting fused lumbar spine segments. After performing finite element modelling about L1-L5 lumbar vertebral column and L1-L4 each fusion level pedicle screw system for fused lumbar spine fine element model. Intervertebral discs with complex structure and mechanical properties was modeled using spring element that compensate stiffness and tube-to-tube contact element was employed to give follower load. Performing geometrical non-linear analysis. Results: The differences of intervertebral disc L4-5 behavior under the follower compression load in comparision with vertical compression load are as follows. Conclusion: As a result of finite element interpretation of interpretation of instrumented lumbar spine, the stability of L4-5 sustaining fused lumbar segment, the long level fused lumbar spine observed hing stability under follower load. This research method can be the basis tool of effects prediction for instrumentation, a invention of a more precious finite element interpretation model which consider the role of muscle around the spine is loaded.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • 관광단지개발에 있어서 주민참여방안에 관한 연구 : 동부산권 관광단지 기장군 지역부민을 대상으로 Centering Around Busan-Gijang Area

        안종철,이성호 釜山大學校 都市問題硏究所 2003 都市硏究報 Vol.14 No.-

        According to the growth of national economy, the positive participation of regional residents is urgently requested, but a organization and a enforcement company have planned and carried on sidely up to now most development enterprises of tourist resort without regional residents' participation in a development process. In the progess to develop a tourist resort henceforth, realizing these problems, I am going to grope the resident's participation device in order to be able to become efficient development enterprises through positive resident's participation in studying these problems henceforth. Above all, through a theoretical background, I set up an idea on residents' participation in developing a tourist resort and in the process, looked into the resident's participation in the city planning system which is same kind of planning system. And then I surveyed the style of the tourist resort development, I analyzed evaluation of location for tourist resort by GIS. And through the question investigation on the regional residents, I grasped and analyzed the real situation in the process of the tourist resort development, and then I found out those problems. Based upon them, I arranged the efficient residents' participation device in the tourist resort development process as the following conclusion. Fist, regional residents themselves should raise the concern about the tourist development and activate regional organizations so that can play a leading role in the education of regional residents and in their activities. Second, for the efficient residents' participation to be achieved in establishment stage of the tourist resort development planning, the residents' participation should be institutionalized by the various related lows. Third, in order that people who owned the land in a target area take part in development at firsthand, they will be able to use the method to develop, introducing the joint development enterprise with land owners, the development method by land trust, and the development method by Joint-Sector etc. By doing so, We can bring about protecting the rights and interests, and increasing the income of regional residents, with their positive participation in the process that develops the tourist resort henceforth. At the result, we can forecast that a little better efficient tourist resort development will be accomplished.

      • 窒素施用量 및 登熟期 切葉處理가 水稻收量構成要素에 미치는 影響

        安壽奉,李鍾喆 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 1977 農業技術硏究報告 Vol.4 No.1

        We have studied the responce of nitrogen on the newly bred varieties, Yusin and Milyang #23, and the effects of defoliation at maturing stage on the rate of ripened grains under different nitrogen levels. The results obtained are summarized as follows : 1. Milyang #23 as well as Tongil was found to be highly nitrogen responsive variety and showed good grain maturing percentage. The number of grain per unit area affected the total yield under the high levels of nitrogen application. The variety, Yusin, was less responsive to nitrogen and had also less leaf area than other varieties under the high level of nitrogen application. Yusin also seemed to have low maturing percentage due to unbalanced ratio between photosynthetic area and size of storage. 2. The low internodes and leaf blade of Yusin and Milyang #15 were grown too much under high levels of nitrogen and these caused more lodging and less light penetration in pant canopy. 3. The effects of defoliation at maturing stage on yield was high under the high levels of nitrogen application, especially when defoliation was done early stage of maturing. The effects of defoliation appeared to be greates in Tongil than in Milyang #15.

      • KCI등재

        저열팽창성 Fe-29Ni-17Co 코바 합금의 고온균열 발생과 고온연성에 미치는 S 및 Mn의 영향

        이기안,박종혁,조봉현,남궁정,김문철 대한금속재료학회 2003 대한금속·재료학회지 Vol.41 No.12

        The effect of S & Mn on the hot ductility of Fe-29Ni-17Co Kovar alloy and the mechanism of high temperature cracking occurrence were investigated. It has been found that the brittle intergranular fracture at high temperature cracking is closely associated with the sulfide along grain boundary. Experimental results showed, especially when the S content was high and the Mn content was free, that small cavities could be nucleated easily on FeS particles along grain boundary and propagated fast at high temperature. The hot ductility of Kovar alloy was drastically increased with the addition of Mn and it was also increased with decreasing S content. SEM and FE-SEM analyses showed that the Mn addition in this alloy could cause ductile intergranular fracture appearance below 1150℃ by the precipitation of MnS. It was proposed from the results that the addition of Mn and optimum S content (below 30 ppm) in Kovar alloy was necessary in order to reduce the hot cracking susceptibility.

      • 폐비닐여재를 적용한 부착성장식 공법의 유기물 및 영양염 제거 특성

        서종환,김진우,안철우,이철승,박진식,김수생 동아대학교 환경문제연구소 2003 硏究報告 Vol.25 No.2

        This study was carried out to demonstrate the removal characteristics of organic materials & nutrients in attached growth process applied Synthetic Wasted Polyethylene Media which is reused from wasted vinyl in rural. The results are as follows: 1. Removal efficiencies were indicated COD_(cr), 91.4, 92.4, 93.9%, T-N 56.9, 61.4, 65.1% and all T-P 45% or more with HRT 10, 12, 14 respectively. 2. It is indicated BOD volume load 0.18~0.40kg/ ㎥ ·d, COD volume load 0.28~0.53kg/ ㎥ ·d and NH₄-N volume load 0.12kg/ ㎥ ·d respectively. In conclusion, It is showed activated sludge process is replaced with this process applied Synthetic Wasted Polyethylene Media and this process is considered the methods that solve wasted vinyl troubling in a rural.

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