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        오덕호 국제기독교언어문화연구원 1997 기독교언어문화논집 Vol.1 No.-

        Duck Ho Oh.1997. A Study of the Narrative Degree in the Gospels. Collected Papers on Christian Language Culture, A narrative shows a complex system of tellers or voices located on various levels (narrative degrees) of the discourse. Narrative degrees are determined by who the teller is and who the audience is. Since the meaning of the passage is profoundly influenced by the teller and the audience of the passage, the study of the narrative degrees of the Gospels is crucial to understand them. Several important merits of the study of the narrative degrees are to help the reader 1) to decide the extent of a passage: 2) to find the unity of the passage; 3) to recognize the irony of the text; and 4) to understand the message of a text more clearly (Honam Theological University & Seminary)

      • 시그마 환에서의 위상

        李德浩 공주대학교 사범대학 과학교육연구소 1992 과학교육연구 Vol.23 No.1

        Σ를 집합Ω의 부분집합들의 σ-환 이라할 때, Σ에 위상을 정의하여 Σ를 위상 σ-환으로 만든다. 이 위상을 τ라 할 때, Σ에서의 단조 감소(증가)하는 집합렬 E??은 수렴하고 그 극한은 ∩??E??(∪E??)과 같다. X가 어떤 집합일 때, X의 net의 극한을 정해주므로서 X에 위상을 줄 수 있다. 이 논문에서는 (E??)이 Σ에서의 집합렬일 때, E??이 E??·Σ에 수렴한다는 것을 임의의 ??∈Ω에 대하여 자연수 N이 존재하여 모든 n≥N에 대하여 ??E??△E인 것으로 정의한다. 이 극한의 정의에 의하여 Σ에서의 위상 τ가 일의적으로 정해져서 τ-수렴하는 모든 집합렬의 집합이 위 극한의 정의에 의해 수렴하는 모든 집합렬의 집합과 일치한다. 이 논문에서는 위상 τ에 대하여 연구하고 다음 결과를 얻었다. (1) (Σ,τ)는 Hausdorff공간이다. (2) (Σ,τ)는 Sequentially compact이다. (3) 함수 λ:∑→X가 연속일 필요충분조건은 임의의 (E??) Σ에 대하여 E??→E이면 λ(E??)→λ(E)인 것이다.

      • 大學柔道選手들의 Body Density 推定回歸式 作成

        남덕현,장은경,박순호 龍仁大學校 體育科學硏究所 1995 體育科學硏究論叢 Vol.5 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to measure accurately the body fat of 37 male university Judo players based on the underwater weighing method, to calculate the body density and the body fat using Futrex, Impedance, Caliper, Skyndex and Ultra-sound and to present the prediction formula of residual volume and calculate the body density by regression equations based on the data from anthropometric measurements. 1. The body % fat of Judo players from the underwater weighing method was 72± 2.44%. 2. The residual volume was 1.3350±0.2476(1) by the oxygen rebreathing method and 1.0977±0.1238(1) by the indirect method of vital capacity. The regression equation using the vital capacity was : Residual volume(1)=0.2165+0.000245×vital capacity. 3. The regression equations of the body density calculated from the measurement of skinfold thickness were as follows: The body density by Caliper(g/ml)=1.0941-0.00088×subscapular-0.001026×triceps. The body density by Skyndex(g/ml)=1.0932-0.001137×subscapular-0.00070×triceps. The body density by Ultra-sound(g/ml)=1.1095-0.00306×triceps-0.0015×femoral. 4. The regression equations of the body density caculated from anthropometric measurements were as follow: 1) The regression equation of the body fat on skinfold thickness The body density(g/ml)+1.1007+0.000507×grith of hip-0.00145×grith of thigh+0.00122×grith of lower thigh. 2) The regression equation of the body density based on skinfold thickness by Caliper, grith of the body, height, weight and age. 3) The regression equation of the body density based on skinfold thickness by skyndex, grith of the body, height, weight and age. The body density(g/ml)=1.0808-0.0010The regression equation of the body density based on skinfold thickness by subscapular-0.0011The regression equation of the body density based on skinfold thickness by triceps+0.0002×height-0.0016×age. 4) The regression equation of the body density based on skinfold thickness by Ultra-sound, grith of the body, height, weigth, and age. The body density(g/ml)=1.1228-0.0030×triceps-0.0017×femora+0.0004×minimum grith of lower thigh-0.0010×age.

      • 한국형 출혈열 병원체 한탄바이러스의 중화항체에 관한 연구

        박덕수,이호왕 고려대학교 의과대학 1982 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.19 No.3

        Korean hemorrhagic fever (KHF) was recognized for the first time in Korea in 1951 during Korean War among United Nations troops although similar diseases to KHF had been reported as hemorrhagic nephroso-nephritis in Russia, as epidemic hemorrhagic fever in China, as nephropathia epidemica in Scandivavia and epidemic hemorrhagic fever in Eastern Europe and in Japan. In recent years it appears to have spread slowly in a southwesterly direction and about 800 hospitalized cases are clinically diagnosed each year in Korea. Recently, Lee et al. discovered the etiologic agent of KHF, Hantaan virus, and animal reservoir host of KHF and perfected serologic test for diagnosis of the disease but there is no report on neutralizing antibodies of KHF to date. This is the first report on neutralizing antibody in the sera of KHF patients and of immunized rabbit with Hantaan virus. 1. It was demonstrared that infectivity of Hantaan virus was neutralized with serum antibodies of KHF patients in Apodemus mice. 2. Neutrarizing antibody was appeared on 7th days after onset of illness and it was remained for 10 years at least. 3. Neutralizing antibody appeared more quickly and higher than immunofluorescent antibody in the patients. 4. Immunofluorescent antibody and neutralizing antibody were produced in rabbits after inoculation of the virus intramuscularly.

      • DENAR교합기 사용시 INTEROCCLUSAL RECORD의 정확도에 관한 연구

        김덕송,진태호,조혜원 圓光大學校 1991 論文集 Vol.25 No.2

        This study was performed to investigate the accuracy and availability of the interocclusal recording materials for Denar articulator and compare with the accuracy of the Pantronics. 15dental students in Wonkwang University were paticipated in this study and interocclusal recording materials used in this study were Wax(Modelling wax, Dentrey, England), Corpl wax(Surgident, Columbus Dental, U.S.A.), Impression compound(Pericompound, G-C, Japan)and Impression plaster(Xanthano, Bayer, Germany). The immediate side shift and protrusive condylar guidance were measured from Denar articulator(MarkⅡ,Denar Corp.) and Pantronic(Denar Corp.) The obtained results were as follows: 1. The mean values of left and right immediate side shift were some higher with Impression plaster and Wax, but there were no statistical difference. 2. The mean value of protrusive condylar guidance was higher with Impression compound, but there was no statistical difference. 3. All interocclusal recording materials used in this study were available for interocclusal record.

      • 소음·진동에 따른 참전복(Haliotis dissus hannai)의 행동·생태학적 변화

        최상덕,정형택,윤호섭,안치영,이삼노,이우범 國立 麗水大學校 환경문제硏究所 2001 環境硏究論文集 Vol.4 No.-

        These days, the underwater excavation and the piling work have been commonly used to reclaim land and to build a breakwater. As the piling work generates high underwater sound pressure in all direction, various kinds of marine organisms are largely affected even if they live a long distance from the piling work. Therefore, this paper describes the relationship between the behavior of abalone(Haliotis discus hannai) of 50cm long and the environmental noise level with vibration due to the piling work. We have separated the research into two parts. The one is continuance impact, the other is intermittent impact. The following are the results obtained from the present investigation: Comparing 0.5cm/sec vibration with 50dB noise and 0.9cm/sec vibration with 60dB, the previous one show a faster reaction speed than the later one. Futhermore the later one showed that pulling up on their shell, in order to avoid the epidemic, moving around, small organisms are included to hide under big organisms, alerting posture. However we couldn't find a consistent standard in our research.

      • 干拓地 浚渫土의 堆積特性에 關한 硏究

        都德鉉,安成鎬,金善柱 건국대학교 산업기술연구원 1995 건국기술연구논문지 Vol.20 No.-

        간척지 준설토의 퇴적 특성을 구명하기 위하여 충남 당진군 일원의 서남해안 干拓綜合開發事業 石門地區에서 준설공사를 하고 있는 排水閘門 引水路 浚渫土를 시료로 채취하여 시험분석한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1) 本 試驗圃의 토질은 실트질 점토로서 浚渫 排砂管 吐出口 부위별 含泥率은 상부 7.36%, 중간부 18.85%, 하부 50.95%이고 평균값은 25.72%이다. 2) 堆積狀況은 浚渫 排砂管 吐出口를 중심으로 주위 약 30m까지는 粒子가 큰 모래와 점토 덩어리가 퇴적되고, 유속이 작은 원거리에서는 細砂 및 실트가, 精水狀態에서는 粘質土가 퇴적되므로 약간의 유실이 발생되어도 준설시의 유속을 크게 하면 粗粒子만 퇴적되어 양질의 지반을 얻을 수 있는 것으로 나타났다. 3) 浚渫土의 콘支持力 변화는 준설 3개월 후 준설 배사관을 중심으로 40∼60m 범위의 콘支持力(qc)은 2.0kgf/㎠, 一軸壓縮强度(qu)는 0.16~0.20kgf/㎠ 정도로서 超濕地에서 濕地로 支持力 증가 속도가 상당히 빠르고 60m 이상에서의 콘支持力(qc)은 0.5~1.0Kgf/㎠ 정도, 一軸壓縮强度(qu)는 0.02~0.06kgf/㎠로서 매우 연약한 超濕地임을 알 수 있었다. 4) 준설토의 강도증진은 자중압밀에 의한 강도증가보다 건조수축에 의한 강도 증진이 빠르고 크기 때문에 이 특성을 이용해서 浚渫盛土高를 20∼30㎝로 하여 건조수축시킨 후 반복적으로 浚渫盛土를 실시한다면 양호한 지반을 얻을 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. 5) 浚渫 排砂管 설치는 本管에 分岐될 지점에 직경이 다른 티(T형, Y형)를 가설해 두어 排砂管 移設에 필요한 경비를 절감할 수 있고, 排砂管 간격을 30m 전후로 배치하면 地盤改良에 필요한 공사비를 절감할 수 있는 것으로 나타났다. In order to study the deposition characteristics of dredged materials in the reclaimed area, deposition process of dredged materials and soil strength parameters in the Sukmoon Project area, which is located in the southeastern coast, have been analyzed with in-situ tests and laboratory research. The results obtained are as follows: Soil texture of the tested plot was silty clay, and the soil content of discharge flow by the part of pipe outlet was 7.36% at the upper part, 18.85% at the middle part and 50.95% at the lower part. Three different characteristics have been investigator from the observations on the relationship between the discharge flow velocity and soil particle size. Coarse sand and clusters of clay were deposited within the range of approximately 30meters from the outlet of discharge pipe where the flow velocity was relatively high. From 30meters to 60meters, finer particles were accumulated, and beyond this range, very fine clay particles were sedimented. So the results showed that the strength properties of dredged materials could be increased as the discharge velocity increased. In three months after the completion of dredging that was carried out within a range of 40∼60meters from the outlet and at a depth of 1.0m below the ground surface, the cone resistance(qc) and unconfined compression strength(qu) was 2.0kgf/㎠ and 0.16~0.20kgf/㎠, respectively, indicating that the increasing rate of bearing capacity is high. Beyond this range, qc and qu varied 0.5~1.0Kgf/㎠ and 0.02~0.06kgf/㎠, respectively, which is quite soft. Shear strength of the dredged materials increased evidently resulted from the shrinkage of drying rather than consolidation caused by the self-weight of deposition. Setting of the desilting scour pipe needs a "T" or "Y" type branch pipe of a different diameter to save the cost of setting. From the result of this study, it was found that if the desilting scour pipe is built with 30m spacing, the cost for land improvement can be saved.

      • 螢光燈의 磁氣場에 의한 影響調査

        朴德圭,金銀伶,琴慶浩 慶北大學校 1991 論文集 Vol.51 No.-

        In this study, it was observed that the discharge voltage is increased(Vd ∝ H), the discharge current and luminous intensity are decreased(L ∝ H^2) as the magnetic field intensity(H) applied on the several commercial fluorescent lamps is increased. Magnetic insulation is appeared in the condition that critical transverse magnetic field is applied on the fluorescent lamps. At that condition, discharge current is reduced very low level, and then glow is disappeared. As the length of the lamp tubes is decreased, magnetic field intensity has to increased in order to occur "magnetic insulation". The experimental relation between critical magnetic field intensity for magnetic insulation anil the length of the lamp tubes (H^*d_eff/V_d^(1/2) = A) is obtained.

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