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        연세대학교 삼애교회의 현황과 비전, 그리고 삼애정신의 구현

        정종훈(Chong-Hun Jeong) 연세대학교 신과대학(연합신학대학원) 2011 신학논단 Vol.66 No.-

        The Sam-ae Church was founded on September 17, 2006 to meet one of the six conditions suggested by the bereaved family of Rev. Pai Minsoo who donated the Sam-ae Technical Institute of Agriculture to Yonsei University. The six conditions are as follows: 1) to foster a rural leadership based on the Sam-ae Spirit; 2) to establish Pai Minsoo Memorial Library; 3) to extend the classrooms of the Sam-ae Technical Institute of Agriculture; 4) to found Pai Minsoo Interdenominational Memorial Church; 5) to maintain the graveyard of Rev. Pai Minsoo; 6) to administer the existing educational programs by the Sam-ae Technical Institute of Agriculture. The Sam-ae Church is one of the two interdenominational churches of Yonsei University. The church has been growing since its establishment through the interaction between the Sam-ae Spirit initiated by the late Rev. Pai Minsoo and the Christian identity of Yonsei University. The first senior pastor of the church is Rev. Jeong Se Park, succeeded by the present senior pastor, Rev. Chong Hun Jeong. Both of them serve as chaplains in the office of chaplaincy at Yonsei University. As of September 2011, the church has approximately 100 adult members in the congregation and around 20 kids in the Sunday School. It became financially independent since 2010, the fouth year after its establishment. The Sam-ae Church carries its mission on the basis of its four vision statements; 1) to promote ecumenism in the faith community as “one, holy, universal, and apostolic church”; 2) to provide a democratic and reformed model for the churches in Korea; 3) to reinterpret and implant theSam-ae Spirit of Rev. Pai Minsoo in the context of the current Korean society; 4) to actively support the campus mission at Yonsei University. The Sam-ae church is striving to embody the Sam-ae spirit of Rev. Pai Minsoo represented by the ensuing three loves; 1) “the love of God” - to restore the relationship with God and to deepen it; 2) “the love of rural community” - to love our neighbors in areas suffering from poverty; 3) “the love of labor”- to design and develop a variety of practical activities participated by all the members of the church to serve people. The Same-ae Church is different from other existing churches in that it emphasizes on building up its relationship with the following four communities to fulfill its mission; 1) the local community of the church; 2) the United Graduate School of Theology at Yonsei University, which runs the Pai Minsoo Memorial Lecture and the Sam-ae Special Doctoral Program; 3) the head office of Yonsei University which is inseparable in the establishment of Sam-ae church; 4) the Korean Church in general beyond any particular denomination and local churches for the promotion of ecumenism. The Sam-ae Church was founded on September 17, 2006 to meet one of the six conditions suggested by the bereaved family of Rev. Pai Minsoo who donated the Sam-ae Technical Institute of Agriculture to Yonsei University. The six conditions are as follows: 1) to foster a rural leadership based on the Sam-ae Spirit; 2) to establish Pai Minsoo Memorial Library; 3) to extend the classrooms of the Sam-ae Technical Institute of Agriculture; 4) to found Pai Minsoo Interdenominational Memorial Church; 5) to maintain the graveyard of Rev. Pai Minsoo; 6) to administer the existing educational programs by the Sam-ae Technical Institute of Agriculture. The Sam-ae Church is one of the two interdenominational churches of Yonsei University. The church has been growing since its establishment through the interaction between the Sam-ae Spirit initiated by the late Rev. Pai Minsoo and the Christian identity of Yonsei University. The first senior pastor of the church is Rev. Jeong Se Park, succeeded by the present senior pastor, Rev. Chong Hun Jeong. Both of them serve as chaplains in the office of chaplaincy at Yonsei University. As of September 2011, the church has approximately 100 adult members in the congregation and around 20 kids in the Sunday School. It became financially independent since 2010, the fouth year after its establishment. The Sam-ae Church carries its mission on the basis of its four vision statements; 1) to promote ecumenism in the faith community as “one, holy, universal, and apostolic church”; 2) to provide a democratic and reformed model for the churches in Korea; 3) to reinterpret and implant theSam-ae Spirit of Rev. Pai Minsoo in the context of the current Korean society; 4) to actively support the campus mission at Yonsei University. The Sam-ae church is striving to embody the Sam-ae spirit of Rev. Pai Minsoo represented by the ensuing three loves; 1) “the love of God” - to restore the relationship with God and to deepen it; 2) “the love of rural community” - to love our neighbors in areas suffering from poverty; 3) “the love of labor”- to design and develop a variety of practical activities participated by all the members of the church to serve people. The Same-ae Church is different from other existing churches in that it emphasizes on building up its relationship with the following four communities to fulfill its mission; 1) the local community of the church; 2) the United Graduate School of Theology at Yonsei University, which runs the Pai Minsoo Memorial Lecture and the Sam-ae Special Doctoral Program; 3) the head office of Yonsei University which is inseparable in the establishment of Sam-ae church; 4) the Korean Church in general beyond any particular denomination and local churches for the promotion of ecumenism.

      • 교육대학원 발전을 위한 진단과 개혁과제

        이종성 연세대학교 교육대학원 1995 연세교육과학 Vol.44 No.-

        우리나라의 교육대학원은 1963년 서울대학교에서 최초로 개원된 이래1) 1995년 현재 51개 대학교(국립 16, 사림 42)에 부설되어 총 정원은 16,127명(국립 4,635명, 사립 11,492명)에 이르고 있으며, 1994년에만 전국의 교육대학원에서 2,889명의 교육학 석사학위 수여자를 배출하였다. 그동안 교육대학원을 졸업한 교사들의 석사학위 논문과 계속교육의 경험은 학교현장의 연구풍토를 조성하여 왔을뿐만 아니라 교육개선에 많은 기여를 하였다고 평가할 수 있다. 한편, 교육대학원의 30여년의 역사를 통해서 많은 발전과제들이 지적되고 개선 방안들이 촉진되어 왔다. 오늘 발표하는 내용은 매년 전국교육대학원장 협의회에서 논의되고 제기되었던 문제(조경래, 1994;강인수, 1994;김대연, 1990), 교육대학원은 포함하여 교원연수에 관한 교육부 지원연구결과(박덕규 외, 1993;최희선 외, 1989), 그 밖에 자료분석(교육부, 1995)에 터하였다. 또한 발표하는 내용은 교사계속교육의 이론을 전개하려는 것이 아니고 교육대학원의 현황과 제기되고 있는 문제점들을 중심으로 개선 과제들을 논의하였다.

      • 기독교 대학과 한국의 미래

        송자 연세대학교 신과대학·연합신학대학원 1994 연세대학교 연신원 목회자 하기 신학세미나 강의집 Vol.- No.14

        연세대학교는 한국의 많은 기독교 대학들 중 하나의 대학이다. 우선 다른 대학과 차이가 있다면 연세대학교는 대한민국에서 가장 오래된 대학이라는 점이다. “the oldest and richest university in the world"는 미국의 하버드 대학이 자기 대학을 자랑을 할 때 쓰는 말인데, oldest와 richest라는 두 단어를 사용하고 있다. 연세대학교는 적어도 한국에서는 "oldest university"인 것이 분명하다. 그런데 100년 전 선교사들이 와서 대한민국에 대학을 설립하기 시작할 때 우리 할아버지들이 가지고 계셨던 고민과 100년 후인 지금 우리가 21세기를 바라보면서 가지는 고민이 실상은 차이가 없는 것 같다. 그때 우리 할아버지들이 가지고 있던 고민은 ‘개화’냐 ‘수구’냐 하는 것이었고 결국 개화가 아닌 수구를 선택하였다. 그러나 밖에서 오는 것을 잘 막지 못한 결과 20세기의 반을 종속되어 살았다. 이러한 고민은 지금도 역시 만찬가지이고, 우리도 결정을 내려야만 한다.

      • 在學時節을 回顧하면서

        文富植 연세대학교 경영대학원 1975 經營論叢 Vol.9 No.2

        연세대학교 경영대학원 원우회가 발간하는 원우지 경영론업 편집자로부터 우정어린 청탁을 받고 가슴뿌듯한 심정으로 재학시절의 일을 몇말씀 적어봅니다. 약2년전 노년기(?)에 들어 다시 배움의 전당을 찾게된 노장의 변이라 할까 한마디로 무엇이라 표현할지 아무리 좋게 이야기한다해도 내생각에는 다 늙어 새삼스러운 짓한다는 계면쩍음, 주위사람들의 눈치를 살핀다는 소심함 이제 잔깐이나마 공부랍시고 해봐야 별 소용이 없지 않겠는가 하는 의아심 가운데 젊은 혈기를 발산하는 학공시절때의 뜨거운 열의로 돌아가 내가 하는 일에 조금이나마 보탬이 되고 재정리한다는 각오로 고려대학원 경영대학원의 문을 두드린 것입니다. 비록 면학도이고 직접적으로 깊은 관계는 없지마는 간접적으로 관련이 있는 영역을 비롯하여 각계각층의 사람들의 인간관계공부에는 더없는 좋은 기회라 생각되었습니다. 이러한 단순한 심정으로 입학을 하였으나 지금 우리는 변천하는 국내외 정세와 한국의 공업화 과정에서 요구되는 각게층의 경영관리자로서 최신의 경영지식과 경영기법으로 잘 훈련된 경영인을 절실히 요구받고 있습니다.

      • 大學의 空間構造와 成長에 관한 硏究 : 延世大學校의 建物密度指數를 中心으로

        張永鎬 연세대학교 경영대학원 1988 經營論叢 Vol.21 No.2

        It has been recognized for sometime that important relationships exist between a regional economy and its spatial structure. In this study we focused on verification of the relationships between the spatial structure of university campus and growth. First, earlier works on the theory of urban spatial structure are reviewed and general concept of utility function in university campus is suggestted. To find what changes the spatial structure of university campus, we employed building density in the empirical study of Yonsei University. The results tell us that it is almost unavailable to expand horizontally but vertical or separate expansion is available. Next, it is considered whether the changes of spatial structure can explain university growth relating to increase of students, expansion of university campus, and establishment of branch school. Here we found that increase of students changes the building density, which is resulted in changes of spatial structure. Finally, to set up the model which can explain the optimal building density of university campus, utility function of constitunts should be suggested for further study of testing for the optimum size of university campus.

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