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      • 大網膜의 免疫性凝集素産生에 미치는 影響

        李泰淑 慶北大學校 醫科大學 1959 慶北醫大誌 Vol.2 No.1

        Since ROGER advocated in 1895 that the omentum majus is an important defense organ against bacterial infection in the abdominal cavity, many investigators carried out studies on the function of omentum majus. They posturated that the Omentum majus is responsible for the absorptive action, bacteria fixative action, phagocytic action of the phagocytes in the milk spots and the secretion of the bacteriocidal material. Concomitently, extemsive resarch has been conducted to determine whether this organ has any specific relationship with the antibody production, which plays an imporatnt role in the body defense mechanism. PORTIS, KITAURA, NAKAI, UEDA and many others concluded that the omentum majus participates acitively in the antibody production. We attempted to carry out the current experiment to furthur clarify and define this relationship. In this experiment the entire R. E. S. of rabbits are blocked by repeated intravenous injections of India ink to produce a condition in which only the R.E.S. of Omentum majus would participate in the process of antibody production. Under such circumstances, the rate of agglutinin production against typhoid vaccine is determined in the Onentum-extirpated group and noextirpated group. The rates of agglutinin production in these two groups are Similar and it is concluded that the omentum majus does not have an important role in the production of the antibody.

      • 특발성 혈소판 감소성 자반증 및 철 결핍성 빈혈을 동반한 Graves씨병 1례

        김종명,윤성철,최수봉,이현우,김경동,김정숙,남혜주,최원희,이태숙 영남대학교 의과대학 1988 Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine Vol.5 No.1

        Since 1931, sporadic reports have appeared noting an apparent association between hyperthyroidism and idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. Recent various studies suggested that these two diseases may share a similar immunologic background, but the exact mechanism is still a matter of speculation. This 22-year old female patient visited this hospital because of general weakness and purpura of legs for 2 months. The laboratory findings were compatible with Graves'disease associated with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. The platelet count was 16000/㎣, hemoglobulin was 10.9g/dl and MCV was 60.1fL. T3 was 490.53ng/dL. T4 was 24ug/dL and free T4 was 5.66ng/dL. Antiplatelet antibody and antimicrosomal antibody were positive. The bone marrow findings were compatible with iron deficiency anemia and idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. The thyroid biopsy showed adenomatous goiter. She was administered with propylthiouracil, Beta-blocker, iron and prednisolon. On the 10th hospital day, platelet count was 184000/㎣, hemoglobulin was 12.0gm/dL and MCV was 67.5fL. On the 20th hospital day, T4 was 10.35ug/dL and free T4 was 2.30ng/dL. Therefore she was discharged and followed up.

      • 소장의 원발성 평활근육종 2예

        정용식,서보양,권굉보,이태숙 영남대학교 의과대학 1985 Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine Vol.2 No.1

        소장 평활근육종은 매우 드물고 특이증상이 없으므로 원인 모를 위장관 출혈, 장폐쇄, 종물촉지, 빈혈, 복통 및 오한 등이 동반될 때 한 번은 고려하여 조기진단으로 환자의 사망율을 줄여야 할 것으로 사료된다. 최근들어 우리 나라에서도 그 증례보고가 늘어나고 본원에서도 2예를 경험한 바 이를 요약하면, 1) 2예 모두 33세 남자였다. 2) 발생부위는 공장 1예, 회장 1예였다. 3) 주소는 1예에서는 복부통증을 동반한 종물촉지였고 다른 1예에서는 천공에 의한 급성복막염 증상이었다. 4)실험치상 CEA가 1예에서는 3.37에서 11.65ng/ml로 증가하였고, 다른 1예에서는 1.83ng/ml였다. 혈색소는 술전 8.1gm%, 8.5gm% 로 나타났다. Benzidine 잠혈반응은 둘 다 양성(++)였다. 5) 수술은 1예에서는 광범위 절제술 실시후 약 13개월만에 재발하여 재 수술하여 조직검사를 다시 시행한 후 화학요법(VAC) 치료후 현재까지 외래에서 정기검진을 하고 있으며, 나머지 1예에서는 광범위 절제술 후 15일만에 자진 퇴원하여 결과관찰이 되지 못하고 있다. Small bowel malignancy consists 1∼2% of overall gastrointestinal tract cancer and leiomyosarcomas of small intestine are 10∼20% of small bowel malignancy. Small bowel leiomyosarcomas are rare in incidence and have no specific symptoms, signs or definite radiologic findings, so it is not easy to diagnose at early stage of disease. They are found occasionally by unknown origines gastrointestinal bleeding, abdominal pain, intestinal obstruction, perforation and palpable mass, and diagnosed mostly by operation. Recently annual case reports are increasing trend in Korea. We experienced two cases of small bowel leiomyosarcoma which was diagnosed finally by pathologic findings, so we report them with literatural review.

      • 대구지방의 자궁경부암에 대한 임상및 병리조직학적 연구

        최준혁,최원희,홍석재,이태숙 영남대학교 의과대학 1988 Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine Vol.5 No.2

        1983년 5월부터 987년 12월말까지 영남대학교 의과대학 부속병원 산부인과에 내원하여 자궁경부 악성종양으로 진단 받은 총 202예에 대하여 임상 및 병리 조직학적 조사를 하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 자궁경부암은 같은 기간 동안 발생된 전 여성악성종양의 10%를 점하였다. 2. 총 202예의 자궁경부 여성 악성종양 중 편평상피암 195예(96.3%), 선암 4예(2%), 편평상피선암2예(1%), 임파종 1예(0.5%)였다. 편평상피암중 상피내암이 60예(30.0%), 현미경적 침윤암이 0예(4%), 침윤암이 126예(62.5%)였다. 3. 평균연령은 상피내암이 43.8세, 현미경적 침윤암이 40.0세, 침윤암이 52.1세였다. 4. 주소는 자궁출혈(47.5%), 이상 세포진 검사(15.4%), 이상 자궁분비물(9.4%), 복통(6.9%), 요통(4.5%)순이었다. 5. 주소의 기간은 6개월 이내가 73.2%였으며, 평균 주소기간은 3.8개월이었다. 6. 초혼연령은 19∼22세가 46.5%를 차지했으며, 평균 초혼연령은 21.5세였다. 7. 임신회수는 5∼8회가 51.5%, 평균 임신회수는 6.2회였다. 분만회수는 1∼4회가 61.9%, 평균 분만회수는 3.9회였다. 8. 침윤암 126예의 임상 각기별 분포는 제 1 기 48예(31.8%), 제 2 기 54예(42.9%), 제 3 기 11예(8.7%), 제 4 기 8예(6.3%)였다. 9. 세포 유형별 분포는 large cell nonkeratinizing형이 101예(80.2%), keratinizing형이 25예(19.8%)였다. 10. 세포진 검사 106예 중 class I 2예(1.9%), class II 16예(15.1%), class III 33예(31.1%), class IV 31예(29.3%), class V 24예(24.6%)였다. 11. 임파선 전이는 제 1 기 3예(7.5%), 제 2 기 6예(11.1%)였다. Clinical and histopathological studies were made on 202 cases of malignancy of cervix, that were visited to the Department of Obstertrics and Gynecology, Yeungnam University Hospital during 5 years from 1983 to 1987. The results were summarized as follows. 1. Malignancies of the uterine cervix wee 10% of total female malignancies. 2. Among 202 cases, 195 cases(96.5%) were squamous cell carcinoma, in which 60 cases(30.0%) of carcinoma in situ, 9 cases(4%) of microinvasive, and 126 cases(62.5%) of invasive carcinoma were included. 3. The average age of the patients with squamous cell carcinoma was 49.4 years old. In cases of carcinoma in situ, it was 43.8 microinvasive, 40.0 invasive 52.1 years old. 4. Clinical symptoms of the patient with squamous cell carcinoma in order of frequency were as follows.; vaginal bleeding(47.5%), abnormal cytology(15.4%), and abnormal vaginal discharge(9.4%). 5. Duration of the chief complaints was most commonly less than 6 months(73.2%), and the average duration was 3.8 months. 6. The most common age of marriage was between 19 to 22 years old(46.5%). The average was 21.5 years old. 7. The gravity was 51.5% in 5-8 times, and average 6.2 times. The parity was 61.9% in 1-4times, and average 3.9 times. 8. The subdivision of 126 cases of invasive carcinoma was made according to FIGO stage classification, stage I, 40 case(31.8%), stage II, 54 cases(42.9%), stage III, 11 cases(8.7%), and stage Ⅳ, 8 cases(6.3%). 9. The histologic subtypes of invasive squamous cell carcinoma were distributed as follows.; large cell keratinizing type, 25 cases(19.8%), large cell nonkeratinizing type, 101 cases(80.2%). 10. In the cytologic diagnosis, class I was 2 cases(1.9%), class II was 16 cases(15.1%, class III was 33 cases(31.1%), class IV was 31 case(29.3%), class V was 24 cases(24.6%). 11. The frequency of lymph node metastasis was 7.5% in stage I, and 11.1% in stage II.

      • KCI등재

        過量의 食鹽投與가 白鼠의 腎動脈의 形態學的 構造에 미치는 影響에 關한 實驗的 硏究

        崔元熙,李泰淑 영남대학교 의과대학 1984 Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine Vol.1 No.1

        人間의 生活과 密接한 關係가 있고 또 高血壓과도 不可分의 關係가 있고 鹽分이 賢動脈의 形態學的 變化에 미치는 影饗을 硏究觀察하기 爲하여 白鼠를 實驗動物로 하여 通常의 動物飼料에 0.06%의 食鹽을 混合投與한 對照群, 2.0%의 食鹽을 混合한 低鹽分投與群, 그리고 8.0%의 食鹽을 混合投與한 高食鹽群으로 나누어 飼育하면서 實驗始作 2週後부터 2週間隔으로 各群에서 3마리씩 屠殺하여 賢動脈에 惹起된 病變을 觀察하여 다음과 같은 結果를 얻었다. 對照群에있어서는 實驗16週次부터 賢動脈의 內膜에 輕微한 肥厚性變化를 招來하였으나 實驗終了인 20週에도 그 程度는 輕하였다. 低鹽分投與群에서는 實驗12週頃부터 輕微한 內膜의 肥厚性變化를 觀察할 수 있었으나 實驗終了인 20週에도 그 程度는 역시 輕하였다. 高鹽分投與群에서는 實驗 6週부터 輕微한 內膜의 肥厚를 招來하여 그 程度가 經時的으로 漸次 甚해져서 實驗終了時에는 內膜肥厚는 中等度 乃至 高度로 觀察되었으며 中膜의肥厚나 動脈의 內膜 또는 中膜의 變性도 그 程度는 輕하지만 觀察할 수 있었다. To evaluate the morphologic changes of the renal arteries in the condition of high-salt diet, we scheduled the control group which fed routine animal diet added 0.06% of sodium chloride, low-salt group which fed with 2.0% of sodium chloride, and high-salt group which fed with 8.0% of sodium chloride. The experimental animals were sacrificed every two week until 20 weeks of final experimental week. The results obtained were as follow; 1. Slight intimal thickening of the renal arteries is observed from 16th experimental week and continued the end of the experiment in the rats of control group. 2. In low-salt group slight intimal thickening of the renal arteries is observed from 12th experimental week and continued to the end of the experiment. 3. In high-salt group the intimal thickening began from 6th experimental week and its degree was hasten with week, and provoked moderte to high degree of lesion at the end of the experiment. Medial proliferation and degeneration of the intima and media, though their quality is mild, also associated at the end of the experiment.

      • 忠南地方에 있어서 胃腸管系統의 癌에 對한 病理組織學的 硏究 (Ⅱ)

        李泰淑 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1982 충남의대잡지 Vol.9 No.1

        For studies on the incidence of cancers of the digestive system in the Chungnam area, the operation and biopsy specimens were collected at the Department of Pathology, Chungnam National University College of Medicine from 1973 to 1980 and analyzed the incidence of the organ, sex, and age groups in each year. The result were as follows: 1. The total numbers of malignant tumors for 8 years were 1,043 cases, and which were 53 cases in 1973, 76 cases in 1974, 99 cases in 1975, 117 cases in 1976,165 cases in 1977, 164 cases in 1978, 185 cases in 1979 and 174 cases in 1980. 2. The highest incidence of the organ in the digestive system was the stomach, and showed 597 cases(57.2%) in which the males were 410 cases and the females, 187 cases, and the ratio was 2.19 : 1. The next frequent incidence of the organ was colon and anus and showed 198 cases (19.0%), and the next, oro-pharynx, 63 cases(6.0%), and the liver, 44 cases (4.2%), respectively. 3. The total numbers of the malignant tumor for 8 years were 1,043, in which the males were 680 cases, and the female were 363, and the ratio was 1.87 : 1.

      • 비강에 발생한 원발성 악성흑색종 4례

        김미진,남혜주,최원희,이태숙 영남대학교 의과대학 1988 Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine Vol.5 No.1

        저자들은 비강에서 발생한 원발성 악성 흑색종 4례를 경험하고 그 예가 드물다고 생각되어 문헌고찰도 함께 하였다. The primary malignant melanoma of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses is extremely rare and accounts for only between 0.6 and 2.5% of the total number of malignant melanoma at all sites. In the nose, the left side is involved in 60% of cases and the most frequent site is the septum followed by the inferior and middle turbinates. In the sinuses, the maxillary sinus is the site of origin in 80% of cases, followed by ethmoid sinus. The tumors are sessile or polypoid, with variable color such as pink, white, brown or black. Of all tumors, 10-30% are amelanotic, requiring special stains for melanin. When primary site of melanoma is mucosal origin, treatment of primary lesion is often hampered by anatomic retrictions and large size, which results from the delayed diagnosis caused by their location. We report 4 cases of primary malignant melanoma of nasal cavity with review of literature.

      • Precancerous Epithelioma of the Limbus의 1例

        李泰淑,李鍾源 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1975 충남의대잡지 Vol.2 No.2

        Authors experienced a case of precancerous epithelioma of the limbos and report this. The mass was papillomatous in type and showed neovascularization with local inflammatory changes by clinical examination. Corneal stroma appeared to infiltration in the superficial layer near the limbus by slit lamp examination. Marked epidermalization (including parakeratosis and acanthosis), and poikilocytosis (including the infiltration of chronic inflammatory cells and the formation of chronic inflammatory cells and the formation of tumor giant cells) were seen by histopathological examination. The epithelioma was treatd by complete excision and topical use of mitomycin-C with successful result. The radiation therapy is thought to be not necessary for the treatment of the precancerous epitheloma of the limbus.

      • 忠南地方에 있어서 胃腸管系統의 癌에 대한 病理組織學的 硏究(Ⅰ)

        李泰淑 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1981 충남의대잡지 Vol.8 No.2

        For studies on the incidence of cancers of the digestive system in the Chungnam area, the operation and biopsy specimens were collected at the Department of Pathology, Chungnam National University School of Medicine from January, 1973 to December, 1976 and analyzed the incidence of the organ, sex, and age groups in each year. The results were as follows: 1. The total numbers of malignant tumor for 4 years were 345 cases, and which were 53 cases in 1973, 76 cases in 1974, 99 cases in 1975, and 117 cases in 1976. The increasing rate was 43.4%, and 120.8% in progressing year, and the increasing rate compared with previous year showed 43.4%, 30.3%, and 18.2%, respectively. 2. The higher incidence of the organ in the digestive system was the stomach, and showed 181 cases (52.5%), the next, the large intestine and anus, 77 cases (22.3%), the peritoneum, 39 cases (11.3%), and the oro-pharynx, 15 cases (4.3%), respectively. 3. The highest incidence of the age group was 50th age group, and showed 121 cases (35.1%), the next, 40th, 107 cases (31.0%), respectively. 4. The ratio between the male and the female was 1.76 to 1, and the numbers showed that the total male cases were 220(63.8%), and the female 125 cases(36.2%).

      • 위상동기루프 방식을 이용한 고빈도 진동환기 장치의 설계

        이상학,정동교,이준하,이관호,김영조,정재천,이현우,이석강,이태숙 영남대학교 의과대학 1989 Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine Vol.6 No.2

        In this study, high frequency oscillatory ventilator was designed and constructed. Using designed by phase-lock loop system, in order to accurately and easily treat both the outlet volume and rpm. A system has been designed and is being evaluated using CD4046A PLL IC. We use this PLL IC for the purpose of motor controls. The device consists of PLL system, pumping mechanism, piston, cylinder, and special crank shaft are required. This system characteristics were as follows: 1) Frequency : 20-1800rpm 2) Outlet air volume : 1-50cc

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