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        국내 저층 집합주택단지의 계획특성에 관한 현황조사 연구

        최성동(Choi Sang-Dong),정진수(Chung Jin-Soo) 대한건축학회 2008 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.24 No.8

        The study was progressed with the purpose of using it as a basic data for more various and developed plan of Townhouse through the research of several instances of characteristics of Townhouse, a type of residence. The result of this research is as follow. Firstly, a domestic Townhouse has three to sixteen buildings and their layout types are as standing in a row type, middle garden type decentralization type, and stretch out type in order. Decentralization type, stretch out type shows an aggressive arrangement type which is different to exisiting gathering residential district. Secondly, the characteristics of a plane type has as a plane using a oblique line, a plane surface separated mass, a plane using a part of a oblique line, a design applied an environmental factor and such like. A plan factors showed from an allianced residence type and a plane of a row house would be able to be complemented. Thirdly, the design features have a curved line type, a square type, a prominence and depression type by their various layout type and a plane design. In addition, their general image shows a classic and modern type certainly. The fourth, the Townhouse is mostly situated in a green tract of land even though it is a city type. So its outside space forms a group of a green tract. Facilities show four types such as a independent type, the sunken type, a underground type, and a under deck type.

      • 무균성 뇌수막염을 동반한 Ramsay Hunt 증후군 1례

        연율이,최성동,정승연,서병규,강진한,Yi, Yeon Yul,Choi, Sung Dong,Jeung, Seung Yeon,Suh, Byung Kyu,Kang, Jin Han 대한소아감염학회 1997 Pediatric Infection and Vaccine Vol.4 No.2

        Ramsay Hunt syndrome is a viral associated disease with severe otalgia, vertigo, fever, herpetic eruptions on either side of the external auditory meatus and cavum concha, ipsilateral facial nerve palsy and cochleovestibular dysfunction. This syndrome may be the most common cause of unilateral facial paralysis and involvement of both the vestibular and cochlear branch of 8th cranial nerve. And loss of taste sensation may be developed in same involement site. This syndrome affects adults in most cases, and a samll number of children with herpes zoster oticus have been reported. And concomittantly CNS invlovement of this snydrome is very rare. We experienced a 7 years old aged patient of Ramsay Hunt syndrome who had evidence of aseptic meningitis, and this patient showed well reponses with Acyclovir and symptomatic therapy. So, we report this case with brief review of related literatures.

      • 신경학적 증상을 동반한 수족구병 2례

        박기경,최성동,정승연,서병규,강진한,Park, Ki Kung,Choi, Sung Dong,Chung, Seung Yun,Suh, Byung Kyu,Kang, Jin Han 대한소아감염학회 1997 Pediatric Infection and Vaccine Vol.4 No.2

        Hand-Foot-Mouth disease, which has a various enanthem-exanthem complex at the tongue, buccal mucosa, hands and feets and buttock area with febrile illness, is usually caused by Coxscakie virus type A(16). Generally, this disease shows self limited course and good prognosis without neurologic manifestations. However, enterovirus 71, which was newly discovered and reported in 1974, can cause the striking features of Hand-Foot-Mouth disease outbreaks and has neuropathogenic potentials of polio-like paralytic illness including aseptic meningitis, meningoencephalitis and respiratory disease. We experienced a case of Hand-Foot-Mouth disease with polyradiculitis manifestations, and a case of Hand-Foot-Mouth disease with meningoencephalitis. Therfore, we report these cases with brief review of related literatures.

      • KCI등재후보


        곽종훈(Jong Hoon Kwak),정승연(Seung Yun Chung),최성동(Sung Dong Choi),서병규(Byung Kyu Suh),강진한(Jin Han Kang),황경태(Kyung Tae Hwang),이재희(Jae Hee Lee) 대한소아신경학회 1995 대한소아신경학회지 Vol.3 No.1

        We report a 5 year old girl who presented with a single episode of generalized tonic clonic seizure. Neurologic examination was normal. Psychologic evaluation and motor development of Denver developmental screening test were abnormal. Electroencephalogram showed abnormalities on the both temporo-parieto-occipital regions. Her computer tomography scan showed abnormal hypodense white matter. The MRI revealed a bilateral layer of tissue that was iso-intense with gray matter, between the wall of the lateral ventricle and the cortex, extending from the frontal to the occipital region, and enlarged both occipital horns of the lateral ventricle. These image findings indicated band heterotopia, also known 'double cortex' which is a kind of neuronal migration disorder.

      • 두부 손상후 재발성 세균성 뇌막염과 점액낭종을 보인 환아 1예

        서병규,정승연,최성동,전성수,윤소연,강진한 대한감염학회 1998 감염 Vol.30 No.6

        저자들은 뇌척수액 비루를 동반한 두부외상이 있은 후 3회에 걸친 재발성 세균성 뇌막염으로 입원치료 받은 남아에서 부비동 전산화 단층촬영을 시행하여 우측 전두동과 전사골동내의 점액낭종 및 우측 전두동 후벽부위의 골절을 확인하였으나 보호자의 동의가 없어 수술을 시행하지 못하고 항생제의 투여와 보존적 요법으로 치료하고 폐렴구균 및 b형 인플루엔자균 백신 접종을 시행한 1례를 경험하였기에 문헌 고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다. Recurrent bacterial meningitis can be caused by acquired or congenital anatomic defects, infection, or alterations in immune mechanism. Intracranial anatomical defects possibly combined with trauma can be the major cause of recurrent bacterial meningitis. Mucocele is a chronic, expansile and cyst-like lesion of the paranasal sinuses, most frequently found in the frontal sinus containing sterile mucoid secretions. Secondary infection of a mucocele may create a pyocele. Although pathogenesis of a primary mucoceles remains uncertain, causatives factors of secondary mucoceles have been suggested to include chronic inflammation, trauma, allergy and obstructing tumors. We experienced a case of recurrent bacterial meaningitis with frontal sinus mucocele, which might be secondary to cranial trauma.

      • 신생아 단순 포진 바이러스 뇌염 1예

        정승연,서병규,박동수,최성동,강진한 대한감염학회 1995 감염 Vol.27 No.4

        본원 소아과에 발열 및 경련 발작을 주소로 입원한 28일된 남아가 임상경과, 가족력, 면역혈청학적 검사, 뇌척수액 소견, 뇌파 검사, 그리고 뇌자기 공명영상술 소견으로 단순 포진 바이러스 뇌염으로 진단되어 항바이러스제 치료후 추적관찰 하였기에 문헌고찰과 함께 이를 보고하는 바이다. Herpes simplex virus infection(HSV) during the neonatal period is associated with high mortality and morbidity. Neonatal HSV encephalitis frequently manifests as disseminated herpetic viral infection or localized herpetic central nervous system infection. HSV encephalitis in neonates shows progressive central nervous system manifestations affecting predominantly temporal and frontal lobes. The early diagnosis of HSV encephalitis is essential, because untreated or delayed cases suffer from poor prognosis with high mortality. We experienced a case of HSV encephalitis in a 28-day old boy who presented with fever and seizure. The diagnosis was supported by electroencephalographic findings and confirmed by serologic tests. Antiviral therapy was started soon and the patient responded well. Follow-up of the patient is still being carried out, who is showing normal development. We report the case with brief review of related literature.

      • In situ 교잡법을 활용한 Epstein-Barr 바이러스 림프선염의 임상연구

        박승만,김용기,오세정,김영하,강진한,최성동,허재균 대한감염학회 1993 감염 Vol.25 No.4

        Lymphadenitis in children is usually associated with systemic viral illness. Especially, Epstein-Barr Virus(EBV) may have common causative roles of acute and chronic lymphadenitis in children. However, there were no definitive or practical tools to confirm diagnosis and pathogenesis of EBV lymphadenitis. Fortunately, molecular biological methods, especially in situ hybridization method, are using now to resolve the problems in recent time. We started this study to determine the effectiveness of in situ hybridization techinique for the diagnosis and pathogenetic study of EBV lymphadenitis. The case patients were 21 children presented with reactive hyperplasia on biopsied lymph node since Jan., 1990 to Jul., 1992 at Our Lady Mercy Hospital. Postive cellular staining were obtained with NotI PstI oligoprobe related to EBV lytic infection, and EBERs probe related to EBV latent infection in paraffin embeded sections of the cases. 6 positive signals of NotI PstI probe hybridization on B-blast, and 1 positive signal of EBERs probe hybridization on small lymphocyte were seen at lymphoproliferative paracortical area. The children with positive hybridization had history of acute or chronic tenderful lymphadenopathy, usually located posterior cervical region. Also, we confirmed that one EBERs and NotI PstI positive case was converted to malignant lymphoma one year later. We conclude that this in situ hybridization method with probes related to variable representatble status of EBV infection is very useful in diagnosis and pathogenetic study of EBV lymphadenitis.

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