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      • KCI등재

        고품질의 인공호흡 제공을 위한 호흡량 측정기 술기교육의 효과

        임재란(Jae-Ran Lim),방성환(Sung-Hwan Bang),송효숙(Hyo-Suk Song),심규식(Gyu-Sik Shim),박호진(Ho-Jin Park) 한국컴퓨터정보학회 2024 韓國컴퓨터情報學會論文誌 Vol.29 No.3

        This study aims to investigate the appropriate volume of artificial ventilation and success rate when Basic - emergency medical Technician administer bag valve mask(BVM) artificial ventilation to patients experiencing respiratory failure or respiratory arrest using a respiratory rate measurement device. The research was conducted from December 11th to 12th, 2023, targeting 20 Basic - emergency medical Technicians enrolled at D University. Ten participants were selected for the experimental group, receiving BVM ventilation training with the use of a respiratory rate measurement device, while the other ten were assigned to the control group, receiving BVM ventilation training without the use of a respiratory rate measurement device. The experiment involved providing artificial ventilation for 2 minutes. The results of the study indicated that the control group did not provide accurate tidal volume (p=.025). The experimental group demonstrated a higher success rate of ventilation over the 2-minute period, while the control group showed a significant difference (p=.001). Subjective perception of tidal volume and objectively measured tidal volume also exhibited a significant difference in the control group (p=.010). Therefore, training with a respiratory rate measurement device can align the subjective perception of tidal volume with objective measurements, increase the success rate of ventilation, and potentially contribute to improving survival rates in patients experiencing respiratory failure or respiratory arrest during cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

      • 디젤기관에서 바이오디젤 연료가 배기배출물 특성에 미치는 영항

        임재근(J. K. Lim),조상곤(S. G. Cho),황상진(S. J. Hwang) 한국마린엔지니어링학회 2007 한국마린엔지니어링학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2007 No.-

        An experimental study is conducted to evaluate and compare the use of Biodiesel Fuel supplements at blend ratio of 10/90(BOF10) and 20/80(BOF20), in four stroke, direct injection diesel engine located at the authors' laboratory. specifically this Biodiesel is produced with soybean oil at the authors' laboratory. The tests are conducted using each of the above fuel blends, with the engine working at a speed of 1800rpm and at a various loads. In each test, specific fuel consumption, exhaust emissions such as nitrogen oxides(NOx), carbon monoxide(CO) and Soot are measured. The results of investigation at various operating conditions are as follows (1) Specific fuel consumption is increased average 0.82%, maximum 1.09% at load 25% in case of BOF10, and average 1.38%, maximum 1.73% at load 25% in case of BOF20. (2) CO emission is decreased average 4.63%, maximum 6.73% at load 0% in case of BOF 10, and average 7.40%, maximum 9.26% at load 0% in case of BOF 20. (3) NOx emission is increased average 2.49%, maximum 3.77% at load 0% in case of BOF10, and average 4.02%, maximum 5.66% at load 0% in case of BOF20. (4) Soot emission is decreased average 7.75%, maximum 10.20% at load 50% in case of BOF10, and average 12.54%, maximum 15.40% at load 50% in case of BOF20.

      • 디젤기관에 있어서 에멀젼 연료가 배기배출물 특성에 미치는 영향

        임재근(J. K. Lim),조상곤(S. G. Cho),황상진(S. J. Hwang),유동훈(D. H. Yoo) 한국마린엔지니어링학회 2005 한국마린엔지니어링학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2005 No.-

        A study on the combustion and exhaust emissions characteristics by using Emulsion Fuel in Diesel Engine is performed experimentally. In this paper, the experiments are performed at engine speed 1800rpm, emulsion fuel ratio is 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, and main measured items are specific fuel consumption, NOx and Soot emissions etc. The obtained conclusions are as follows. 1) Specific fuel consumption increase maximum 19.8% at low load, but is not effected at full load. 2) NOx emissions decrease 30% in case of emulsion fuel ratio 25% at full load. 3) Soot emission decrease 58.9% in case of emulsion fuel ratio 25% at full load.

      • 디젤기관에 있어서 배기온도저하가 성능특성과 배기배출물 특성에 미치는 영향

        임재근(J.K.Lim),조상곤(S.G.Cho),황상진(S.J.Hwang) 한국마린엔지니어링학회 2004 한국마린엔지니어링학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2004 No.-

        A study on the performance and exhaust emissions of diesel engine with reducing exhaust gas temperature is performed experimentally. In this paper, experiments are performed at engine speed 2200rpm, 2600rpm and load 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% by test engine with F.W. cooler passing through exhaust gas.<br/> Main measured & analyzed parameters are exhaust gas temperature, specific fuel consumption, NOx and soot emissions etc.<br/> The obtained conclusions are as follows.<br/> (1) Specific fuel consumption is the least value at load 75% and it is decreased 1.5% after remodeling F.W. cooler.<br/> (2) NOx emission is the most value at load 100% and it is increased 30.1% after remodeling F.W. cooler.<br/> (3) Soot emission is the most value at load 100% and it is decreased 20.0% after remodeling F.W. cooler.<br/>

      • KCI등재

        한국 축제 전통의 지속 양상과 축제성의 재인식

        임재해(Lim Jae-Hae) 비교민속학회 2010 비교민속학 Vol.0 No.42

        축제연구의 독창성을 위해서 탈서구화가 긴요한 과제이다. 탈서구화는 자료와 방법에서 새로운 시도를 해야 한다. 서구의 축제자료와 축제이론으로부터 벗어나야 한다. 한국 축제 자료는 고대 국중대회에서 비롯하여 근대까지 지속된 별신굿의 전통에서 찾을 수 있다. 고대 제천 의식에서 찾아낸 축제성으로서 ‘남녀노소’, ‘군취가무’, ‘주야무휴’, ‘연일음주가무’의 네 가지 열쇠말과, ‘나라굿으로서 제천의식’, ‘축제시기로서 농경시필기’, ‘제의대상으로서 초월적 신령’, ‘연행활동으로서 예술행위’, ‘변혁운동으로서 인간해방’의 다섯 가지 요소들을 들 수 있다. 이러한 준거로 축제를 보면 전통축제는 마을굿으로 지속되어 온 사실을 확인할 수 있다. 다만 마을굿과 나라굿은 그 사회적 규모와 체제, 시대상황이 다른 까닭에 하회별신굿은 중세적 전통의 마을굿으로서 고대 나라굿과 다른 독자성이 있을 따름이다. 따라서 별신굿에서는 중세 체제의 모순인 신분적 특권을 혁파하고 풍자하는 변혁활동으로서 제의적 반란이 벌어진다. 변혁적 반란 운동은 시민혁명의 동력이 되기도 한다. 축제의 네 가지 열쇠말로 보면, 우리시대에 새로 창출된 현대축제도 발견된다. 월드컵 축구경기를 응원하는 ‘붉은악마’의 집단적 응원은 단순한 스포츠문화를 넘어서서 새로운 양식의 거리축제이자 도시축제이다. 쇠고기수입 반대 시위인 촛불집회도 같은 맥락에서 또 하나의 현대 축제문화라 할 수 있다. 촛불시위는 축제를 표방하지 않았고 또 축제로 기획되지도 않았지만, 정치권력의 기득권에 시민들이 저항하며 풍자와 야유를 집단적으로 즐겼다는 점에서 어떤 축제보다도 축제다웠다고 하지 않을 수 없다. 여기서 문제되는 것이 축제에서 작동하는 힘의 유형과 실천이다. 힘의 논리로 집약하면, 축제는 기본권을 지닌 민중이 주권자로서 자기 권리를 행사하여, 기득권을 지닌 지배층의 특권화된 권력을 해체하고 전복시켜 해방세계를 이루는 것이다. 따라서 축제의 변혁성은 혁명과 대비된다. 혁명이 역사적 사건으로서 실질적 체제 전복을 단기간에 즉각 이루는 것이라면, 축제의 변혁성은 문화적 전통으로서 모의적 체제 전복을 장기간에 걸쳐 이루어 가는 것이다. 그러므로 축제와 혁명은 사회 변혁의 두 축이라 할 수 있다. 축제의 변혁성 때문에 축제의 기능 해석과 축제의 가치 인식이 서로 상반된다. 축제의 기능을 민중의 불만을 해소하는 풍선효과로 보면 체제 옹호기능을 하는 것으로 해석되나, 각성된 민중들이 기득권자들의 권력 해체로 보면 체제 변혁기능을 하는 것으로 해석된다. 어느 쪽이 본디 기능인가 하는 것은 특권을 누리는 기득권층과 주권을 행사하려는 민중의 축제인식에서 드러난다. 기득권자들이 축제를 불온한 것으로 여겨 통제하려 드는 반면에, 민중들은 오히려 불온한 것은 부조리한 사회체제로 인식하여 상하질서를 뒤집어엎고 난장을 이루는 축제야말로 구가해야 할 인간해방의 세상이라 여긴다. 그러므로 축제연구자들이 어느 시각에서 축제의 기능과 가치를 해석해야 할 것인가 하는 문제가 자명해진다. It is urgent to post-westernize for creativity of festival research. Post-westernization should have a new attempt in data and methods. It should escape from the western festival data and festival theories. Korean festival data is found from tradition of Byulshin-Gut continued from ancient seasonal festival to modern times. As festival property found from ancient harvest ceremony, there are four keywords- ‘men and women of all ages’, ‘community singing and dancing’, ‘open through day and night’ and ‘drinking, singing and dancing every day’. There is ‘harvest ceremony as a national gut’, ‘Nonggyungsipilgi(農耕始畢期) as a festival period’, ‘transcendental deity as an object of ritual’, ‘art form as a performance activity’ and ‘human liberalization as an innovative campaign’. Considering festival on the basis of the above, the study could see that traditional festival had continued as a village gut. Only, village gut and nation gut have differences in social scale, system and conditions of the times. Therefore, Hahoi Byulshin-Gut has independence differing from ancient nation gut as a traditional village gut in the medieval times. Thus, in Byulshin-Gut, ritual rebellion takes place as an innovative activity reforming and satirizing privilege in status, a contradiction in the medieval system. Innovative rebellion campaign becomes a dynamic force for people’s revolution. Considering the four keywords in festival, modern festival created newly in the present times is also discovered. The group cheer of ‘Red Devils’ cheering World Cup soccer games is a new form of street festival and citizen festival beyond simple sports culture. The candle assembly, a demonstration against import of beef, is another modern festival culture in the same context as the group cheer of ‘Red Devils’. Although the candle demonstration didn’t claim to advocate festival and was not planned as festival, it had more festival property than any festival, considering that citizens enjoyed satire and jeer collectively by revolting against political authority. The problem is to be type and practice of power in festival. Integrating it as logic of power, festival is that the masses with basic rights realize the world of liberalization by dismantling and turning over power in privilege of the ruling class with vested rights, exercising their rights as a sovereign. Therefore, revolution of festival is contrasted with revolution. If revolution is to realize the turning over of substantial system for a short time as a historical event, the revolution of festival is to realize the turning over of a mock system for a long time as a cultural tradition. Therefore, festival and revolution are two axes of social changes. Because of the revolution of festival, analysis on functions of festival and recognition about value of festival are contrary to each other. If the function of festival is regarded as balloon effect relieving dissatisfaction of the masses, it is regarded as a function to advocate a system. However, if it is regarded that the awakened masses dismantle vested interests’ power, it is analyzed that it has a function to reform a system. The original function of festival depends on festival recognition of vested interests in privilege and the masses exercising sovereignty. Vested interests strive to control festival by regarding it to be rebellious. On the other hand, the masses regard festival turning over order of top and bottom and pursuing anarchy to be a world of human liberalization by recognizing that an irrational social system is to be rebellious. Therefore, it gets obvious in what viewpoint festival researchers should analyze function and value of festival.

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