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      • KCI등재

        內部者去來 規制에 대한 立法論的 課題

        송인방 한국기업법학회 2001 企業法硏究 Vol.7 No.-

        It is believed that the Korean business conglomerates so-called Chae-bol have a tendency to perceive the corporations as their private purposed organization rather than as public societal organization. As a result of such a manner, a lot of examples have been shown twisted corporate governance and untransparent management of corporations. The purpose of regulating insider trading is to prevent of twisted corporate governance, and untransparent management of corporations and to increase the common investor's credibility in the sound and fair stock market. With this purpose, let me present some Legislative problems in regulating Insider Trading of our law to enhance the efficiency in regulating insider trading. Fro this purpose, this work is focused on some legal attitudes of E.C., Britain, Germany and U.S.A. on the controversial debate relating with insider and inside information in the regulation of insider trading. To effect the regulation of insider trading, protect bonafide investors and assure investors' credibility toward the stock market, the conclusion of work is that it is reasonable to carry out inclusivenism and illustrative enumerationism side by side and stipulate extensively the scope of insider and insider information. In this work, I suggest to legislate for insider trading as it is set in The Korea Security Exchange Act. 1. A secondary tippee should be included in a definition of insider, 2. Market information is widely made acceptable for decision of inside information, 3. There is need to change a clause to be connected with a position in defining inside information.

      • KCI등재

        사회적기업 측면에서 본 사회적경제기본법(안)의 검토

        송인방 한국경제법학회 2015 경제법연구 Vol.14 No.3

        The basic bill on the social economic framework Act has been proposed in the middle of the hot debate on the necessity and timing of the legislation by three opposing parties. Although the ideological intention of social economy could be identical in every country, the concomitant phenomenon and systems might be considerably different depending on each country's circumstance. Accordingly, we should rightly apprehend the real situation of social enterprises in our country when discussing the legislation of the law. Then, we should try to set in concrete the purpose of the legislation, social economic identity, and main agents of our economic activity. I suggest lots of problems that the social enterprises of our country have: the loss of autonomy due to a powerful government-initiated policy; the unconformity of the regulation due to a scramble of the relevant legislations; the inefficiency of a current support system; the absence of inherent funding systems in social economy. Therefore, I put an emphasis that the framework act should be enacted to dissolve the above mentioned problems. Its policy orientation, definition, and principle and direction of policy enforcement will greatly influence on the social economic enterprises from now on. So, our country's social economic characteristics and current environments the enterprises are faced with should be fully considered. Then, I propose that the law should be made into a letter of provision. 사회적경제에 대한 개념이 불확실하고 입법의 시기 및 필요성에 대해 많은 논란이 있는 가운데 사회적경제기본법안이 지난해 여야 3당에 의해 발의되었다. 사회적경제라는 용어가 나라와 권역마다 상당히 차별적인 이미지로 이해되는 것은 사회적경제의 이념적 지향점은 일치하지만 그 현상과 제도는 각국이 처해있는 상황에 따라 상당히 다르게 나타나기 때문이다. 따라서 사회적경제기본법의 제정 논의에서는 무엇보다도 국내 사회적경제기업이 처한 국면을 올바로 파악하여 법 제정 목적, 우라나라 사회적경제의 정체성과 주체를 확정하려는 노력이 필요할 것이다. 본고는 국내 사회적경제기업이 처한 국면을 강력한 관 주도에 따른 자율성 상실, 관련 법제의 난립으로 인한 법규의 비정합성, 현행 사회적기업 지원체계의 비효율성 및 사회적경제 고유의 자금조달 시스템 부재로 파악하여 어떻게 하면 기본법이 이러한 문제점들을 원만히 해소시킬 수 있을지에 관하여 검토하였다. 즉, 사회적경제기본법의 제정은 국내에서 사회적경제의 정체성을 확립하고 사회적경제에 대한 사회적 승인을 의미한다는 점에서 바람직하지만 기본법에서 정해지는 정책 지향점이나 정의, 정책추진의 원칙과 방향은 향후 국내 사회적경제기업들에게 매우 큰 영향을 미치게 될 것이므로 법 제정 과정에서는 우리나라 사회적경제의 특수성 및 국내 사회적경제기업들이 현재 직면한 상황이 충분히 고려되어 이에 대한 대안을 제시할 수 있어야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        중국 국유기업의 개혁에 따른 정부역할

        송인방,허문일 한국기업법학회 2007 企業法硏究 Vol.21 No.1

        Over the few years China has exerted tremendous influence on the international economy while enjoying high growth rate of over 10%. Since we formed an official relationship with China in 1992, interchange between the two nations has been dramatically increased. Hence any changes in the organization of the Chinese enterprises affect our economy increasingly more. Against this backdrop, we cannot help but keeping an eye on the changes of the state roles or the Chinese Communists' roles in reforming the company. Since we cannot avoid the trade and investment increase with China as a neighboring country, we must be sensitive of any changes in legislation and policies regarding the Chinese enterprises. This study reviewed the changes of the state roles in relation to the enterprise reformation. The enterprise reformation in China was driven to promote separation of state and enterprise, separation of ownership and management, or separation of the right of ownership and the right of management. Separation of state and enterprise used as a way of reformation is to reject any interference from the Chinese Communists and the state toward the enterprise, and to give the enterprise management autonomy, so that enterprises in modern sense can be created to preserve the independent profit at its own risk. In addition, Since joining WTO, the state is about to end tax benefits for foreign companies that attracted foreign direct investment, our companies will naturally be affected by the frame of domestic company law. Therefore, it is estimated that changes of the state roles and the Chinse Communists' roles appeared on the process of transformed private companies mean a lot to us.

      • KCI등재

        보험에서 유전자차별의 법적 문제

        송인방 한국보험학회 2005 保險學會誌 Vol.70 No.-

        유전자공학의 발달에 따른 의학기술 덕택에 우리는 유전자 검사를 이용하여 인간의 장래를 예측할 수 있게 되었다. 그러나 유전자검사가 일반화되면 유전자정보에 의한 차별이 법적·윤리적 문제점을 야기할 수 있다. 특히 보험영역에서 유전자정보에 의한 차별이 있게 될 경우, 이것은 곧 사회적 차별로 이어져서 인간의 평등성을 침해하게 될 위험이 있다. 대수의 법칙에 따라 운영되는 보험회사들은 보험가입자들의 역선택으로부터 자신을 보호하기 위하여 유전자정보를 활용할 가능성이 매우 크다. 그러나 보험처럼 국민의 생명과 직결친 분야에서 유전자정보가 부제한적으로 활용된다면 결국 이것은 국민의 사생활의 비밀을 침해함은 물론, 정작 보험의 혜택이 필요한 사람에게 보험혜택이 미치지 못할 수 있다. 현재까지의 기술수준에서 유전자정보는 어디까지나 개연성을 주는데 불과하고, 정보의 특성상 개인뿐만 아니라 혈족에 대한 차별로 이어질 우려가 있는 심각한 정보이므로 이것을 보험에서 활용하는 문제는 신중하게 검토할 문제이다. 따라서 향후 우리나라에서도 특별법의 제정을 통해 유전자정보를 보험에서 활용하는 것을 합리적으로 제한할 필요가 있다. 과학문명이 발달한 현 시점에서 우리에게 필요한 것은 차별이 아니라 사회적 연대의식에 근거한 평등사상이다. Thanks to advancements in the field of modern medicine, we are increasingly able to foretell the health of human beings on the basis of genetic information. With this ability comes the possibility for legal and moral problems. In particular, the ability may cause discrimination in insurance, which can lead to increased social discrimination, an infringement upon human equality. Insurance companies, administered with the rule of large numbers, is very likely to use genetic information to protect themselves from the risk of the adverse selection by insurance subscribers. As a result, without any restrictions, legal and ethical problems will arise from using genetic information in insurance. In particular, using this information can encroach on privacy, and it can also stop a person's necessary insurance benefits. Genetic information is information with probability in the current science technology no matter how far. And a characteristic of information is information with worry to bring a discrimination about a blood relative in addition to an individual. I suggest that the use of genetic information in insurance should be limited through establishment of a special law in our country in the future. Currently what we need is not discrimination, but the thoughts of equality based on a social sense of solidarity.

      • KCI등재

        중국 입찰응찰법상 입찰담합 규제에 관한 연구

        송인방 전북대학교 동북아법연구소 2021 동북아법연구 Vol.14 No.3

        입찰담합은 시장의 자유로운 경쟁 질서를 어지럽혀서 건전한 기업의 성장을 저해하고 특히 공공부문에서의 입찰담합은 정상가격보다 높은 가격으로 조달이 이루어짐으로써 국가 예산의 불필요한 낭비를 초래한다. 하지만 입찰담합 행위가 은밀하게 이루어지는 경우가 많아 적발이 쉽지 않고 설혹 적발이 되더라도 현행 중국법상 입찰담합에 관한 처벌이 가볍기 때문에 입찰담 합 사례가 급증하고 있다. 본고는 현행 중국 입찰응찰법상 입찰담합에 관한 규제를 검토하였다. 입찰응찰법상 입찰방 식, 입찰대리기구제도, 입찰평가위원회제도에 의한 규제 제도를 소개하고 특히 입찰담합에 대한 법적 책임 내용을 소개함으로써 향후 중국의 정부 공사계약에 진출하고자 하는 국내 기업들이 입찰담합 관련 분쟁에 연루되지 않고 사업을 영위하는데 도움이 되기를 기대한다. The bid rigging hinders the sound growth of companies by disturbing the order of free competition in market. The bid rigging in the public sector causes the procurement for higher price than the normal price, which is led to the unnecessary waste of national budget. However, such bid rigging acts are secretly conducted, and the penalty is not strong in the current criminal law of China, so the bid rigging cases are increasing in China. Thus, this thesis reviewed the current regulations under the criminal law and Bidding Act in relation to bid rigging in China. Especially, this study introduced the bidding method, bidding agency, bidding evaluation committee, and legal responsibility of bid rigging doers stipulated by the Bidding(Tender) Act. Therefore, this study could be used as reference for domestic companies that aim to enter the construction contract with the Chinese government to carry on their business activities without being involved in disputes related to bid rigging.

      • KCI등재

        유한책임회사(LLC)에서의 법인격부인에 관한 고찰 - 미국 판례에 나타난 적용요건의 변화를 중심으로 -

        송인방 한국상사법학회 2008 商事法硏究 Vol.26 No.4

        This study makes a general survey on American leading cases on disregarding corporate entity of LLC. As a result, although there is an opinion that conditions for discharging corporate entity of LLC in America is not different from those for discharging corporate entity of general companies, there are not few opinions that because of characteristics of LLC organization, disregarding corporate entity of LLC is different from those of general companies. There are leading cases that did not admit disregarding corporate entity because they were not proved on normative conditions such as unfairness and injustice, and when the person concerned recognized that LLC and its members were independent legal subjects. Generally, LLC has more flexibility than corporations in terms of the governance structure and its members have limited liability. Therefore, when revised bill of commercial law is considered and the disregarding the corporate entity of LLC is discussed, these special factors must be considered and the traditional conditions on disregarding the corporate entity of LLC must be changed. This study makes a general survey on American leading cases on disregarding corporate entity of LLC. As a result, although there is an opinion that conditions for discharging corporate entity of LLC in America is not different from those for discharging corporate entity of general companies, there are not few opinions that because of characteristics of LLC organization, disregarding corporate entity of LLC is different from those of general companies. There are leading cases that did not admit disregarding corporate entity because they were not proved on normative conditions such as unfairness and injustice, and when the person concerned recognized that LLC and its members were independent legal subjects. Generally, LLC has more flexibility than corporations in terms of the governance structure and its members have limited liability. Therefore, when revised bill of commercial law is considered and the disregarding the corporate entity of LLC is discussed, these special factors must be considered and the traditional conditions on disregarding the corporate entity of LLC must be changed.

      • KCI등재

        중국의 블록체인 기술에 대한 법적 규제와 그 시사점

        송인방,양영식 전북대학교 동북아법연구소 2019 동북아법연구 Vol.13 No.2

        Regulations on the block chain technology in China are to motivate the technology searching, to prepare the regulatory framework on the applied technologies, and to control the information security of block chain thoroughly. Early announcement of ‘rules of block chain information service control’ by the Chinese government and implementation of legal regulation on the block chain technology are part of the regulatory policy to motivate the technology but to control cryptocurrency. That means it is the will to make healthy ecosystem of new technology by controlling financial fraud by illegal ICO and selecting excellent block chain technology. This article introduced briefly the needs of legal regulations and the development status of block chain industry in China. Upon review of legal force on the block chain data and regulatory system on the block chain technology in ‘white paper to comply with the regulations on the block chain’ in China, rules of block chain information service control in China defined the control and supervising system with the Chinese governmental initiative focusing on the service providers of block chain information explicitly and also documented voluntary compliance to the regulations by service providers and multiple duties together with sound commerce rules, which implicates lots of things with the preparation of legal liabilities and effects of block chain information service. 중국의 블록체인 기술에 대한 정책기조는 한편으로는 기술탐색을 장려하고 다른 한편으로는 응용 기술에 대한 규제의 틀을 마련하여 정보 보안관리를 철저히 하는 데 있다. 즉 불법 ICO 발행을 통한 금융사기를 통제하고 우수한 블록체인 기술을 선별하여 건강한 신기술 생태계를 만들겠다는 방향을 견지하고 있다. 이와 관련하여 최근 중국 정부가 <블록체인 정보서비스 관리 규정> 등을 공표하고 블록체인 기술에 대한 법적 규제를 시행한 것은 소위 양련금폐(攘链禁币; 블록체인 기술은 장려하되 암호화폐를 규제함) 정책의 하나로 해석된다. 본고는 중국의 블록체인 산업의 발전 현황과 법적 규제의 필요성을 간단히 소개하고, 중국의 <블록체인법규준수백서>에 나타난 블록체인 기술에 대한 법적 규제 체계 및 블록체인 데이터에 대한 법적 효력, 그리고 <블록체인 정보서비스 관리 규정>에 대하여 소개하였는바, 동 규정은 블록체인 정보서비스 제공자를 중심으로 중국 정부의 주도적인 관리·감독체계를 규정하고, 정보서비스 제공자의 법적 책임과 자율 준수규정을 명문화함으로써 블록체인 정보서비스에 관한 법적 책임의 근거 규정에 관한 내용을 다루고 있다. 이러한 일련의 중국 블록체인에 관한 규제 정책은 향후 국내기업 혹은 국내 정부의 블록체인 정책 입안에 어떠한 시사점을 제공하는지 살펴보고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        새로운 인구 개념의 정책 적용 가능성과 과제: 일본의 관계인구를 중심으로

        송인방,조희정,이영재 21세기정치학회 2023 21세기 정치학회보 Vol.33 No.3

        This paper analyzes the issue of population decline in the midst of an unprecedented crisis that has been spreading recently, focusing on the case of the concept of relational population in Japan. Korea government has presented the concept of ‘living population’ through new laws from 2023. This concept foreshadows the possibility of change in the new population policy by highlighting the existence of various types of local residents. As a result of analyzing the concept, type, promotion structure, and issues of Japan's relational population, which began in earnest in 2018, there were many parts to be considered in terms of basic philosophy, cause analysis, and prescription in order to present a new population concept. In particular, in order to form a relational population with advantages such as population formation centered on the relational axis rather than the time axis, including various types of the migratory population as regional contributors, and active responses from the region and residents, not only the cost and psychological burden felt by individuals, but the government's efforts to create infrastructure, residential environment, and meticulous institutional design should also be actively pursued. In conclusion, it is emphasized that it is necessary to encourage the activeness of residents and the migratory population, to publicize the appropriate form of life in the region, and to face the regional reality from multiple angles, rather than promote unilateral population policies based on populationism.

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