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        D 대학의 임상병리학과 신입생의 DISC 행동 유형

        노은경,이선경 대한임상검사과학회 2014 대한임상검사과학회지(KJCLS) Vol.46 No.2

        This study aims to understand some related types (to DiSC behavioral ones) through an analysis about DiSC behavioral types of freshmen at the clinical pathology department in the University. In order to do that, a total of 34 male and female students were surveyed. General characteristics and DiSC behavioral types for the targeted students were analyzed for frequency and percentage. For the frequency, the Chi-square test was performed and the level of significance was set to p<0.05. For the elements to select the university at general characteristics from the result of this study, 21 students were found to have selected the university voluntarily (61.8%). For the information about the clinical pathology department, 14 students were found to be informed through media (41.2%) and 7 students were informed through their parents (20.6%). For the DiSC behavioral types of the students majoring in clinical pathology, 18 students were found to be I type (53.0%), 8 students were C type (23.5%), 5 students were S type (14.7%) and 3 students were D type (8.8%). The relevance between general characteristics and DiSC behavioral type were found to be insignificant. As this study is aimed, there is no significant relevance between general characteristics and DiSC behavioral types, but through an understanding of characteristics of the students majoring in the clinical pathology, helping freshmen who are taking their first steps to adapt themselves to a new environment by diagnosing and understanding their behavioral types, understanding behavioral styles of those four types and guiding them in a positive direction, the method should be considered to raise their satisfaction about the major.

      • KCI등재

        대상자가 인지한 의료서비스 질과 재이용 의도와의 관계

        노은경,오숙희 대한간호행정학회 2008 간호행정학회지 Vol.14 No.2

        Purpose: This study was performed to identify the relationship between patient's perceived quality of healthcare services and intention to re-visit. Method: The study subjects were 242 patients from three local clinics. The data were analyzed using SPSS PC+ 12.0 program for descriptive, Pearson's correlation coefficient, and multiple regression analysis. Result: Patients' perceived quality of healthcare services was measured 5.73±0.71 using the 7-point scale. The patients' perceived quality was moderately correlated with patient satisfaction (r=0.647, p<0.001) and intention to re-visit (r=0.604, p<0.001). Also, patient satisfaction was highly correlated with intention to re-visit (r=0.788, p<0.001). 3) the reliability factor of patients' perceived quality of healthcare services and patient satisfaction were found significant predictors of intention to re-visit. Conclusion: In conclusion, service quality evaluated by patients influenced on their intention of re-visit and especially, reliability was the most significantly influential variable.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        전문어연구와 외국어교육

        노은경 한국독어독문학회 1996 獨逸文學 Vol.60 No.1

        Die zunehmende internationale Zusammenarbeit in allen Bereichen hat zu einem sta¨ndig wachsenden Bedarf an Personen gefu¨hrt, die gute Kenntnisse fremder Sprachen und Kulturen haben. Derzeit herrscht aber der heklagenswerte Zustand, daß viele Absolventen der neuphilologischen Fa¨cher ohne Bescha¨ftigung sind. Einer der Hauptgru¨nde fu¨r diese Situation ist, daß zwischen dem Studieninhalt dieser Fa¨cher und den gesellschaftlichen Erfordernissen nur wenig Zusammenhang besteht. Angesichts dieser Situation hahen sich Fremdsprachen didaktiker in vielen La¨ndern darum bemu¨ht, Each-bzw. berufsbezogene neue Curricula fu¨r die Sprachfa¨cher zu entwickeln, damit die Absolventen bessere Berufschancen haben ko¨nnen. Das Interesse der Fremdsprachendidaktikr an den Fachsprachen wurde von der angwandten Linguistik aufgenommen. Innerhalb kuraer Zeit hat die Fachvprachenforschung einen Aufschwung genommen. Die Aufgabe der Fachsprachenlinguistik besteht darin, die Vielzahl der Fachsprachen innerhalb einer Sprachgemeinschaft in ihrer Spezifik und Universalita¨t zu beschreihen und ahzugrenzen. Die Fachsprachenforschung ist zwar die Voraussetzungswissenschaft fu¨r die Fachsprachendidaktik, aber die fachsprachenlinguistischen Erkenntnisse lassen sich nicht direkt in die Unterrichtspraxis umsetzen. Sie sind auszuwa¨hlen, methodisch aufzuarbeiten und unter Beru¨cksichtigung der angestrebten Lernziele in den Unterricht zu u¨berfu¨hren. Um mit dem berufsorientierten Ansatz ein neues Curriculum zu planen, braucht man zuallererst die Bestandsaufnahmenforschung. D. h., zur fachsprachlichen Fremdsprachendidaktik muß die Ermittlung des gesellschaftlichen Bedarfs und der individuellen Bedu¨rfnisse im jeweiligen Land vorausgesetzt werden. In den letzten Jahrzehnten ist der fachsprachliche Anteil im Fremdsprachenunterricht sta¨ndig gewachsen. Dies zeigt sich deutlich bei der großen Anzahl einschla¨giger Vero¨ffentlichungen fu¨r die Praxis des fachlichen Fremdsprachenunterrichts. Es gibt aber noch viele ungelo¨ste Fragen auf der linguistischen und didaktischen Ebene, die durch weitere Erforschung beantwortet werden mu¨ssen.

      • Meropenem 동시 사용으로 인한 Valproic acid의 혈중농도 감소 3예

        노은경,김혜경,이명진,안보숙,송영구,김정호 대한화학요법학회 2002 대한화학요법학회지 Vol.20 No.4

        서울에 위치한 일개 대학병원에서 광범위 항생제인 meropenem을 사용하기 시작한 2000년 4월부터 2001년 5월까지, valproic acid의 약동학 서비스가 의뢰된 432건 중 meropenem을 동시에 사용했던 3명의 환자에서 모두 valproic acid의 현저한 혈중농도저하를 관찰하였다. 이 급격한 혈중농도 변화기간에 3명의 환자에서 valporic acid와 동시에 사용된 공통 약물은 meropenem 뿐이었다. Meropenem을 사용하기 시작한 시점에서 7일 전후로 valproic acid의 혈중농도는 측정 한계치인 15㎍/㎖ 전후의 수준으로 급격히 감소되었으며, meropenem을 중단한지 1-2일 이내에 valproic acid의 농도는 meropenem을 사용하기 이전 수준으로 빠르게 회복되었다. 이들 환자중 1명은 meropenem을 사용하는 동안 발작을 경험하였다. Meropenem이 valproic acid의 혈중 농도를 감소시키는 기전은 아직 명확하지 않으나, 이들 두 약제의 동시 투여가 요구되는 상황에서는 valproic acid의 혈중농도 모니터링이 더 자주 필요하며, 가능한 다른 항경련제로의 일시적 교체를 고려하여야 할 것이다. Meropenem, a carbapenemn, has a broad spectrum of activity that includes β-lactamase-producing organisms, and are used frequently in treating various infections. Compared with imipenem/cilastatin, meropenem has a lower affinity for the γ-butyric acid (GABA) receptor and thus a lower potential for inducing seizures. This makes meropenern, even at higher dosages and costs, suitable for the treatment of patients with infections of the central nervous system and for the treatment of infections in patients with high risk of seizure attack. In 3 neurosurgical patients using valproic acid to control seizure, however, we experienced significant decrease of serum valproic acid concentration during concomitant use of meropenem. We report here our observations of decreases in the serum concentrations of valproic acid to sub-therapeutic levels in three adult neurosurgical patients during concomitant therapy with meropenem.

      • KCI등재

        물관리 정책변동에 관한 연구: 물관리기본법 제정사례를 중심으로

        노은경,배수호 성균관대학교 국정전문대학원 2019 국정관리연구 Vol.14 No.2

        This paper aims to analyze the policy change process of establishing the Water Management Act by employing the ACMS model and derive policy implications. As a result of the analysis, the advocacy coalition group for an integrated water management(IWM) was positively influenced by external variables, thus resulting in favorable overall results for this group. The 19th Presidential Commitment and the president's directions ordered the reform of the IWM, which led to opening the policy window due to the strong political stream. Two advocacy coalition groups used a variety of paths and strategies, such as protests and bill proposals in expressing their opinions in the process of policy change. In addition, during the process of policy change, an opposition lawmaker, Mr. Joo Seung-Yong, played very crucial roles as policy broker. We can derive several implications from the analysis. First, regime change allowed to enacting the Water Management Act. The IWM was one of President Moon Jae-In’s campaign promises in 2017. After he won the presidential election, President Moon instructed his administration to establish the IWM, which meant the unification of separate water management authorities under the Ministry of Environment. Although the Water Management Act was enacted by the National Assembly, there exist still some unsatisfactory evaluations in that the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport is still in charge of river management and the integrated water management has not been accomplished yet. A complete reorganization is difficult to achieve without consensus-building among opposing political factions. It is expected to be improved continuously in order to accomplish the IWM in future. 이 연구의 목적은 ACMS모형을 물관리기본법 제정과정에 적용하여 정책산출이 도출되기까지 상호작용과 그 요인들을 고찰하고 정책적 시사점을 도출하는데 있다. 분석결과 첫째, 외적 변수들에 긍정적인 영향을 받은 옹호연합에게 전반적으로 유리한 결과가 나왔다는 점이다. 둘째, 2017년 19대 대선 공약과 대통령 업무지시에 물관리 일원화가 포함되면서 정치흐름이 강하게 일어나 정책변동의 창이 열리게 되었다. 이에 다시 수자원 개혁을 찬성하는 옹호연합과 기존 입장을 고수하는 옹호연합이 나타났으며 서로 자신들의 의견을 피력하기 위해 다양한 경로와 전략을 활용하는 모습을 나타냈다. 이러한 과정에서 주승용 야당 의원이 옹호연합들을 설득하고 이해시키기 위해 ‘국회물관리연구회’나 ‘물관리일원화 협의체’를 만들어 두 옹호연합의 전문가 의견을 반영하기 위한 노력이 이뤄졌다. 이런 분석결과를 바탕으로 다음과 같은 시사점을 도출할 수 있다. 대통령 탄핵 이후 정권 교체와 같은 정치적으로 큰 사건이 오랜 기간 조직 갈등의 대표적 사례였던 물관리 정책 변화의 기회를 제공하였다는 점이다. 국회에서는 야당 소속 주승용 의원이 정책중개자 역할을 했던 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 법은 제정되었지만 하천 부분이 아직 국토교통부에 남아있어 완전한 물관리 일원화는 이루지 못했다는 평가가 남는다. 앞으로 완전한 물관리 일원화의 달성을 위해 단계적인 개선이 필요할 것으로 예상된다.

      • KCI등재

        The Empirical Research on Professional Isolation During Remote Work in Context of COVID-19 and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Sequential Mediation Effect of Psychological Empowerment and Affective Organizational Commitment

        노은경,이기학 한국산업및조직심리학회 2022 한국심리학회지 산업 및 조직 Vol.35 No.3

        While much has been studied about the positive and negative effects of discretionary remote work as an alternative work arrangement, little has been written about in the context of mandated remote work. The COVID-19 pandemic forced many organizations to impose remote work as a new mode of working arrangements. This abrupt change yielded positive and negative physical, social, and psychological outcomes. Drawing from the job demand and resource model and self-determination theory, this study examines the effects of professional isolation on organizational citizenship behavior, proposing the sequential mediation of psychological empowerment and affective organizational commitment as intrinsic motivators. An online survey was conducted. A total of 162 full-time remote workers (56 male (34.6%), 106 female (65.4%)) in Korea were analyzed. This study revealed that psychological empowerment and affective commitment fully mediate the relationship between professional isolation and organizational citizenship behavior. Contrary to expectation, however, the relationship between professional isolation and organization was found to be nonsignificant. Implications for practice, theory, and future research are discussed.

      • KCI등재

        간호사의 감정노동이 이직의도에 미치는 감정조절 메커니즘에 관한 연구

        노은경,박종철 한국비즈니스학회 2024 비즈니스융복합연구 Vol.9 No.1

        This study examined the effect of emotional labor of service workers on turnover intention similar to previous studies, targeting nurses at university hospitals located in provincial areas. In the case of existing studies, it is stated that the emotional labor of service workers increases the intention to turnover, but this study presented variables such as surface acting and deep acting as emotional control and emotional management factors that can reduce the intention to turnover of service workers. And unlike previous studies, the sources of emotional labor were divided into two. Specifically, due to the characteristics of university hospitals, it was divided into emotional labor caused by patients and emotional labor caused by bosses (nurses and doctors). In addition, the differential pathway effects of the two emotional labor on the emotional management strategies of service workers, surface acting and deep acting, were presented. As a result of the analysis, it was found that the emotional labor induced by the patient had a significant effect on the deep acting, and the emotional labor induced by the workplace boss also had a significant effect on the deep acting. In addition, it was found that the surface acting and deep acting of service workers, which are emotional control factors, reduce job turnover intention. As a result, service workers who have experienced emotional labor experience job stress, mental emotional exhaustion, and job burnout when they cannot control or manage the emotional labor induced in the work environment by themselves. Therefore, it is important to reduce negative emotions occurring in the workplace environment by controlling or managing their emotional labor in order not to change jobs due to emotional labor. Finally, this study is of academic significance in that it presents a differentiated pathway effect from the two emotional labor sources by dividing the emotional management factors into surface acting and deep acting based on existing research. Hospital managers need to make service workers aware of the importance of deep actong and establish a systematic management system for it.

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