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      • KCI등재

        胎兒의 發達過程에서 찾아본 惡阻의 原因에 대한 考察

        尹銀卿(Yoon Eun kyung),金鍾鉉(Kim Jong hyun) 대한한의학원전학회 2019 대한한의학원전학회지 Vol.32 No.2

        Objectives : Morning Sickness, or Nausea and Vomiting of Pregnancy(NVP) is a frequently experienced phenomenon among pregnant women whose cause is still unknown. While the key trait of this symptom is its temporality, it is hardly considered in existing studies on the cause of NVP based on Korean Medical(KM) literature. We hope to remedy this. Methods : We looked for contents on fetal development in Korean Medical literature from the Siku Quanshu as well as other key literature of KM and examined the results together with contents on NVP to find any correlation. Results : We found that the beginning stages, namely the third month marked a significant change in the course of fetal development where the fetus’s own Shen(神) is first developed by work of the mother’s Heart(心). In other words, the third month is when the mother’s and child’s Shen first encounter. Conclusions : We hypothesized that NVP whose symptoms are closely linked to the functions of the Heart, is likely to be related to this event, which was supported by the common involvement of the Heart which was involved in both fetal development and NVP during the third month of pregnancy.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 양태 표현 연구 - 종결어미 ‘-(으)ㄹ래, -(으)ㄹ게’를 대상으로 -

        윤은경 ( Yoon Eun Kyung ) 한국언어문화교육학회 2006 언어와 문화 Vol.2 No.2

        This paper examined the grammatical category of modality in Korean. It is not an easy work for adult foreign learners of Korean to learn every single modal endings in their utterance. Even it is not clear-cut for Korean teachers to teach how to use Korean modal endings. Native speakers of Korean do not have to learn it since they can intuitively acquire the notion of the modality. In light of this, the main purpose of this study is to analyse the modality in Korean. The modality is defined as a grammatical form of the quality or state in question. These include the assertion or denial of any degree or manner of affect, belief, certainty, desire, obligation, possibility, or probability on the part of the utterer. The notion of the modality was classified as epistemic modality and deontic modality. The epistemic modality was effectively described through the literature review for teaching Korean as a Foreign Language. The deontic modality, however, was not sufficiently accounted for. Therefore, what is also discussed is the distinction of ‘-eulrae’ and ‘-eulge’ to better understand for the deontic modality. The empirical study was performed through the corpus of KAIST. From the data, a total of 602 tokens was acquired: 301 tokens for ‘-eulrae’ and ‘-eulge’, respectively. The most important findings of this study were that ‘-eulrae’ has the functional meaning of [suggestions](50.5%), [threat](19%), and [desire](13%), Otherwise, the results revealed that ‘-eulge’ has the meaning of [promise] (80%) and [one’s will for here and now](20%). (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)

      • KCI등재

        한국어 남․여교사의 음성적 특징이 외국인 남성 학습자의 발화에 미치는 영향

        윤은경(Yoon, Eun Kyung),곽선우(Kwak, Sun Woo) 동악어문학회 2016 동악어문학 Vol.66 No.-

        본고의 주된 연구 목적은 외국인 남성 한국어 학습자의 발화에 나타나는 "여성성"이 한국어 남․여교사 발화와 관련이 있을 것으로 보고, 지각 실험을 바탕으로 산출 결과를 분석하는 것이다. 아울러 외국인 남성 학습자 발화의 남․여교사 발화에 따른 영향 관계를 살피고자 한다. 성별에 따른 교사 발화, 일반인 발화, 외국인 남성 학습자의 발화(총 21명)가 어느 정도로 여성성이 지각되는지를 20명의 청자들에게 likert scale로 평가하게 하였고, 이러한 여성성에 대한 지각적 판단을 기반으로 음높이, 음길이, 발화 속도, 핵억양의 패턴 등의 운율적 특징을 살펴보았다. 지각실험 결과 여성 교사의 경우 여성성 정도에 있어 일반 여성보다도 높은 점수를 받았으며, 남성 교사는 일반 남성보다 높은 점수를 받았을 뿐만 아니라 일반 여성과도 유사한 점수를 받은 경우도 발견되었다. 외국인 남성학습자의 경우에도 대체로 여성성의 정도가 강한 것으로 나타났다. 요컨대, 서법에 따라 차이는 있지만, 대체로 한국어 남성 교사발화는 일반인과 비교했을 때 음역대(pitch range)가 2배 가까이 넓었고, 말속도, 조음속도도 상당히 느린 것으로 나타났다. 아울러 경계 성조에서 상당히 긴 어말장음화가 관찰되었다. 마지막으로 핵억양 패턴은 일반 여성과 유사하게 나타나 여성스러운 발화에 노출되어 그와 유사한 음성적 특징을 갖는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구의 결과를 더 나은 방향으로 교사 교육에 반영하고, 교사가 자신의 발화를 인식할 기회를 제공했다는 데 학문적 의의가 있다. This paper aims to analyze the phonetic characteristics of male Korean language teachers when they use feminine speech patterns. 20 listeners participated in the perception test to make assessments of the speech of male and female Korean language teachers, some subjects of the general public and male Korean language learners (a total of 21 people). In the perceptual test, female teachers received higher scores for feminine speech patterns than the other women, while male teachers received higher scores for feminine speech patterns than the other men. The scores of the male teachers were similar to those of the other women. Most male Korean language learners also showed strong feminine speech patterns. Based on the perceptual test of feminine speech patterns, prosodic characteristics such as speech pitch, length and speed and its core intonation patterns were also examined. The results differ across the sentence types. In general, the speech of the male Korean language teachers had a pitch range twice as large as that of the general public, while their speech speed and articulation rates were shown to be significantly slower. Furthermore, a significantly lengthened final utterance was observed in their boundary tones. Lastly, with core intonation patterns similar to those of the other women, they appeared to have phonetic characteristics corresponding to those of women, to the feminine speech. The findings of this study have implications for academic studies to shed a positive light on teacher education and provide opportunities for teachers to recognize their own speech patterns.

      • KCI등재

        서정주 초기시의 낭만성과 "도"의 상상력 -『화사집』을 중심으로

        윤은경 ( Eun Kyung Yoon ) 현대문학이론학회 2011 現代文學理論硏究 Vol.0 No.45

        본 논문은 미당 서정주의 시가 열린 텍스트라는 입장에서, 그의 초기시에서 감지되는 ``도``의 상상력을 탐색하고, 한국시문학사에서 전통서정시의 흐름을 이끌었던 서정주 초기시의 문학적 의미를 구명하려는 시론(試論)이다. 특히 『화사집』의 시편들을 중심으로 그의 생애를 관통한 ``영원지향성``을 ``도가철학``의 근저에 자리한 ``도``, 즉 태극의 작용으로부터 도출된 ``전일성 지향``의 원리로서 구명하고자 한다. 낭만적 ``동경``의 형식은 동일화의 원리로서 종합하여 절대적 통일을 지향하는 것이며, 낭만적 상상력은 적극적으로 시공간의 질서를 재창조하여 시적 자아에게 낭만적 동일자로서 절대적 시공간을 초월케 한다. 미당의 영원의식은 ``전체로서의 시간``을 인식하고 살아가는 것으로, 그가 추구한 영원이란 동일성의 원리라는 심미적 통합원리를 초월하여 육신과 ``영통``까지를 포괄하는 우주적인 것이라 생각된다. 태극론은 만물의 생성 변화와 천하의 움직임이 궁극적으로 태극의 작용이며, 만물이 생성 변화의 이(理)를 각각 지녀 태극의 전일성을 향해 움직인다는 변과 통의 논리이다. 도에 함의된 ``변화``의 순환생성 과정이 순간의 형식이자 영원의 형식이다. 이 순간에 미당은 시에서 간구했던 ``생의 구경``의 의미와 상통하는 것이다. 영통(靈通)에는 인간의 신성성 회복이라는 존재론적이고 영적인 의미가 개재되어 있다. 이런 맥락에서 미당의 초기 시가 그의 일생의 시적 화두였던 ``영원주의``의 배아를 함의하고 있다면, 낭만주의적 동일성의 원리보다는 자아와 세계의 본질적 내통이라는 ``도``의 상상력을 통해 ``영원``에 도달하려는 것이라 설명할 수 있다. 이 점이 미당의 ``영원주의``에 기여하는 『화사집』의 미학적 의미이자 미당 시에 드러난 ``도``의 상상력의 근대적 혹은 반근대적 작동방식이라 할 수 있을 것이다. Arguing that Midang, Jeongju Seo`s poems are open texts that make a variety of approaches possible, this study examines how Seo`s early poems search for imagination of "Do" and succeed to the Korean lyric tradition through new perspectives, and what their meanings are. In particular, focusing on "candid words" that kept being threatened in the Japanese colonial era and how to express them in Seo`s poems, this study deals with Hoasajim which contains his early poems to study one of the Taoist philosophical concepts on eternity: "do" which is a completeness coming from principle of "Tai Ji". Romanticism is part of basic human features and its essences are sentimentalism and longing. Through this longing, Seo expresses the opposite concepts such as subjectivity/objectivity, finite/infinite, nature/human through identification of their absolute unification. As for romantic imagination, he re-creates the order of time and space that a poetic self transcends identifying himself with a romantic self. Seo`s interest in "eternity" comes from his life experiences. Seo`s consciousness on eternity is considered as "time as the entirety". He understand time through a circular reasoning. Meanwhile, it also transcends an aesthetic integrative principle which is one of the identity principles, and embraces universality including physical body and psychomancy. The cardinal point of Tai Ji is that every creation, change, and movement is ultimately actions of Tai Ji, and everything coming from Tai Ji has a principle of change and creation to move toward the completeness of Tai Ji. "Do" embraces the meaning of change, which is in the constant process of circular creation as a moment as well as eternity. To Seo, this moment is the eternity as an ontological aspect and in the same context as "seeing of life" in his poems. Psychomancy that acquires eternity beyond time and space through essential communication of an self and the world is to restore human`s sacred, spiritual features. In this vein, Seo`s early poems embrace "eternity" which is his life long poetic question. He wants to express the eternity that can be reached by imagination of "do" that can be acquired through the essential communication of a self and the world rather than romantic identification of the absolute subject and the aesthetic sense of the world. This aspect is a characteristic with that Hoasajim expresses "eternity" through aesthetics and a modern or anti-modern function of imagination of "do".

      • KCI등재

        음높이의 복제에 따른 한국어 파열음의 지각 양상 비교

        윤은경 ( Eun Kyung Yoon ) 한국외국어대학교 언어연구소 2015 언어와 언어학 Vol.0 No.66

        The purpose of this study was to examine the role of pitch in the perception of non-native & native Korean speakers on stop consonants of Korean words in word-initial positions. For example, a pitch of the first syllable of a Korean word starting with a lenis consonant was replaced with that of a meaningless word starting with an aspirated consonant using Praat script. Native Korean Group (KG) and Chinese Group (CG) and Japanese Group (JG) (45 people total, with 15 in each speaker group) were instructed to listen to the stimuli and were then examined regarding how they perceived them. When non-manipulated lenis consonants were produced in low tones, 99% of KG, 62% of CG, and 67% of JG perceived them as lenis consonants. When interpreted the other way around, the rates of perceiving lenis consonants as aspirated consonants were 1%, 38%, and 33% for KG, CG, and JG, respectively. When lenis consonants were produced in high tones by manipulating their pitch to the level of aspirated consonants, the rates of their perception as aspirated consonants were 69%, 67%, and 57% for the KG, CG, and JG groups, respectively. This study has significance in terms of identifying the following points: (1) when the KG perceived lenis consonants, on the assumption that all other conditions were identical, this group used pitch as a fairly important clue and (2) to some extent, pitch also influenced the CG and JG to perceive lenis consonants as aspirated consonants.

      • KCI등재

        베트남 이주노동자 귀환 지원 프로그램에 대한 소고

        윤은경(Eun-Kyung Yoon) 대구대학교 다문화사회정책연구소 2015 현대사회와 다문화 Vol.5 No.1

        본 논문은 고용허가제를 통해 입국한 베트남 이주노동자들이 계약 만료 후에 본국으로 돌아가도록 자발적 귀환을 지원할 수 있는 프로그램을 개발하는 데 연구 목적이 있다. 이러한 소기의 목적을 달성하기 위하여 국내외에 실시된 자발적 귀환 지원 프로그램 관련 선행연구들을 분석하고, 베트남 현지에 진출해 있는 기업들의 지점장들과의 심층 면담을 통하여 기업이 요구하는 인재상에 대해 살펴보았다. 기업의 지점장들은 베트남에서 근무하는 한국의 파견 직원들과 단순 노무자들 사이의 중간관리자를 양성하는 프로그램에 대한 요구가 높았다. 특히 중간관리자로서 필요한 능력에는 한국어 통/번역 능력, 한국의 기업 문화에 대한 이해가 있는 인력이 필요하다고 하였다. 더 나아가 한국과 베트남의 회계처리가 가능한 전문 인력의 양성도 시급하다고 하였다. 이러한 현장의 요구에 따라 본 논문에서는 고학력 외국인 노동자들의 귀환 훈련 프로그램을 통해 현지에서 요구가 높은 중간관리자 양성 과정을 개발할 필요성이 있음을 피력하였다. A Study on AVR Program for Vietnamese Migrant Workers: Based on the Survey among CEOs of Local Korean Companies. The Journal of Multicultural Communication, No. 00. This paper attempts to develop a program that can support voluntary returns after the termination of an agreement with the Vietnamese migrant workers who entered Korea through the Employment Permit System(EPS). In this paper literature reviews were performed on the Assisted Voluntary Return(AVR) programs and conducted in-depth interviews with CEOs in Korean firms operating in Vietnam in order to investigate the job descriptions for returnees demanded by the firms. The results showed that the AVR programs are recommended for them to foster intermediary managers whose positions are between the Korean dispatch staffs who work in Vietnam and unskilled laborers. The job specifically demands skills for Korean-Vietnamese interpreting/translating, understanding of the Korean corporate cultures, and vocational ethics. The CEOs asserted that cultivating educated workers that are capable of Vietnamese Accounting System(VAS) management was a great need. Based on these needs from the field, this paper reports a necessity of developing a program that can foster intermediary managers that are strongly required in local companies through a AVR program for migrant workers.

      • KCI등재

        논문(論文) : 난임(難姙)의 원인(原因)과 배경(背景)에 대한 고찰(考察) -한의학(韓醫學) 문헌(文獻)을 중심으로

        윤은경 ( Eun Kyung Yoon ),정창현 ( Chang Hyun Jeong ),장우창 ( Woo Chang Jang ),백유상 ( You Sang Baik ) 대한한의학원전학회(구 대한원전의사학회) 2015 대한한의학원전학회지 Vol.28 No.1

        Objectives : Though a socially constructed disease, the burden of infertility has been cast upon the individual in recent times, leading to aggressive medical technologies to achieve pregnancy without consideration of the complex relationships between individual and society that is involved in this life phenomenon. This study aims to restore the many aspects of infertility, first through its meaning in the medical classics. Methods : Texts were chosen from before and after the Song period, when the study and practice on women’s health took a launch into becoming a specialized field. Huangdineijing, Jinguiyaolue, and Zhubingyuanhoulun listed basic theories considering the physiology and pathology of woman, while Jiaozhufurenlangfang, Donguibogam, and Fuqingzhuyixue dealt with specialized contents regarding women. Results : The findings were categorized into three major aspects of infertility; natural, medical and non-medical. The three aspects of infertility would not be easy to distinguish in real life, as they are inter-connected through the body as a site of embodiment. Conclusions : The discussion of the many aspects of infertility outside of the immediate medical definition implies the complexity of infertility as a life phenomenon, bringing attention to the importance of the experience in the life context.

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