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      • 해외 한국학 현황 및 발전 저해요인 분석

        김미라 韓國外國語大學校 國際地域大學院 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 232318

        【 ABSTRACT 】 Current Trends and Problems of Korean Studies Mira Kim Department of Korean Studies Graduate School of International Area Studies Hankuk University of Foreign Studies In order to better understand Korean Studies as a field of area studies and improve strategies to promote it; three questions need to be answered: [a] What is area studies, and how does it relate to Korean Studies? [b] How is Korean Studies progressing as an academic interest in other countries? [c] Which challenges face the development of Korean Studies? Area studies is the integrated, interdisciplinary, comparative research and teaching of a particular geographical or cultural region. Korean Studies is a potential catalyst to create wider knowledge of Korea abroad, and to strengthen mutual understanding and ties between Korea and the world. Not only inside but also outside Korea; Korean Studies programs lack strong and professional financial support, and are not well organized in terms of research and teaching infrastructure. These factors are further complicated by an absence of Korea's obvious national image, or identity to attract students to the field of Korean Studies. There is a resistance, among the separate humanities and social science disciplines, to accept a scholarly practice of Korean Studies as a valid and independent method of study. For these reasons, Korean Studies has been struggling to restore its academic solidarity. Whether or not Korean Studies overcomes the obstacles it faces, will directly affect how Korean culture is understood and appreciated by future generations. If Korean Studies cannot reach a pivotal point intellectually, institutionally, and financially, then Korea, as a nation, risks becoming marginalized in the eyes of the world.

      • 해외 대학 한국학과(전공)의 현황과 교육과정 연구 : 미국, 중국, 일본 대학을 중심으로

        김예지 연세대학교 대학원 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 232315

        본 연구는 해외 한국학의 특성을 밝히고 이와 같은 특성이 나타나게 된 원인과 배경을 분석하여 장래 한국학의 발전 방안을 모색하는데 목적이 있다. 이에 현시점에 한국학이 가장 활발하게 운영되고 있는 미국, 중국, 일본의 19개의 주요 대학 한국학과(전공)의 교육과정을 살펴보았다. 이를 위해 1장에서는 연구의 필요성과 목적을 밝히고 한국학의 정체성을 규명한 연구와 한국학의 흐름을 유형화하거나 해외 한국학의 현황을 분석한 연구를 전반적으로 검토하였다. 2장에서는 본 연구를 위한 조사 대상의 선정과 자료의 수집 방법과 분석에 대해 설명하였다. 다음으로 3장에서는 미·중·일 주요 대학 한국학과(전공)의 운영 현황을 국가별로 나누어 각 대학 기관의 교육과정을 살펴보았다. 이때 교육과정을 분석하기 위한 기준으로 한국학이 소속되어 있는 기관의 학과명과 전공을 확인하고, 한국학의 교육 목표를 검토하였다. 또한 교육 목표를 수행하는 교원의 구성과 교과목도 살펴보았다. 교과목은 교육 내용에 따라 동아시아, 언어(교육), 한국문학, 한국문화예술, 한국사회경제, 한국어, 한국역사, 한국정치외교, 한국철학종교, 한국학일반론(실습), 기타 등의 11가지 유형으로 나누어 분류하였다. 4장에서는 3장에서 수집된 정보를 바탕으로 개별 대학 기관의 한국학과(전공) 교육과정을 국가별로 분석하여 권역별 관심 분야와 특성을 찾고자 하였다. 우선 미·중·일 주요 대학 한국학과(전공)의 소속을 통해 한국학의 위상에 대해 논의하였고, 각 대학별 교육 목표 주제어를 선별하여 한국학이 지향하는 방향에 국가별로 어떤 차이가 있는지 살펴보았다. 또한 교원의 구성을 교원 수, 최종학위, 출신대학, 관심 연구 분야로 세분화하여 한국학 교원의 규모와 특성을 알아보았다. 나아가 몇 개의 대학에서 얼마나 많은 유형의 한국학 관련 강좌가 열렸는지 비교, 분석하여 해외 대학 한국학과(전공)의 특성을 파악하였다. 마지막으로 5장에서는 앞서 논의한 내용을 종합하여 결론을 제시하고 본 연구의 의의와 한계를 살펴보았다. The purpose of this study is to investigate the characteristics of Korean Studies as taught in different institutions abroad and to then analyze the differences, and causes for these differences as a basis for future study. Specifically, this paper looks at Korean Studies as taught in 19 different universities throughout the United States, China, and Japan, where the subject Korean Studies is wide available. Firstly, in Chapter 1 the purpose and utility of this study are examined. Then the previous research on the definition of Korean studies in relation to the current status of Korean Studies abroad is explored. In Chapter 2, the methodology involved in selecting the 19 universities and an analysis of the data collected for this study are discussed. In Chapter 3, the Korean Studies curricula of each university throughout the United States, China, and Japan are examined individually. Firstly, the differences in departments and schools to which Korean Studies belongs in various universities, as well as the difference in educational goals across these programs are analyzed. In addition, the staff responsible for the teaching of Korean Studies in each faculty, including their educational as well as professional backgrounds, and their subjects of interest are looked at. Then the Korean related subjects offered are reviewed. The subjects are divided into 11 groups: East Asian Studies, Language(teaching), Korean Literature, Korean Culture and Arts, Korean Society and Economy, Korean History, Korean Politics and Diplomacy, Korean Philosophy and Religion, General Korean Studies, and Other. In Chapter 4, based on the information presented in chapter 3, the areas of interest and characteristics of the different Korean Studies programs are grouped and differentiated by country of practice. Lastly Chapter 5 presents the conclusions, implications, and limitations of this study.

      • 1930年代 ‘朝鮮學’의 深化와 傳統의 再發見

        채관식 연세대학교 대학원 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 232314

        This thesis's main purpose is to explain the character of re-discovering traditional facts through the progress of movement for Korean Studies. We tried to explain this point by connecting two problems; Shilhak in the mid 1930 with Jeong In-bo and An Chae-hong as a leader, and the peculiarity and world-historical universality of Choseon by researching Jeong Yak-yong. By this research, we tried to verify our ultimate points which are emphasizing our nation and enhancing historical persons, culture throughout the reality of Choseon as a colony during the 1930's.Korean Studies consisted of the event for death of Dasan's commemoration(茶山逝世記念事業) and the Publication of Yeoyoudangjunseo(與猶堂全書). During this progress, the media like Shinchoseonsa(新朝鮮社), Choseon-Ilbo, Donga-Ilbo, etc, opened commemorative lectures, scientific lectures, and commemorative meetings, publication parties were opened by peoples from societies of education and media.A controversy about the concept of Korean Studies occurred between the peoples who participated during the term. The argument of Korean Studies in 1934 was about the origin of Korean Studies’s concept, and methodology. As a Marxist Baek Nam-woon complained that Korean Studies was an unscientific method that Choi Nam-sseon uncritically accepted study of things Chinese(支那學)’s examples, and it is a idealogical, nationalistic methodology that mystifies Choseon’s originality by emphasizing the national consciousness.An Chae-hong, who is a unyielding nationalist, tried to make an academic system by making the characteristic of tradition and culture clear from researching history. The method that he used was to separate the essential concept of Korean Studies from the common concept of Korean Studies. An Chae-hong’s Korean Studieswas deepen from the researches of the 1920s'. But not as the Marxists said, he didn't succeeded to Choi Nam-seon who emphasized the superiority of Choseon’s culture at that time. In the Korean literature's point of view, we can find the origin of An Chae-hong’s Korean Studies from Jeong In-bo who established the nation's independent studies. The main stream of Korean's unique culture and tradition that he wanted to find was the late Choseon’s Shilhak that Jeong In-bo systemized. So as there was an intention that Jeong In-bo’s Korean Studies was trying to form a independent national study by Shilhak, An Chae-hong was processing a research on Shilhak and Jheong Yak-yong based on the recognition of Choseon in the world. These two study were getting into a progress by having a relationship with each other.The research by Jeong In-bo and An Chae-hong started from systemizing Shilhak and studying Jeong Yak-yong. By this progress, Jeong In-bo, who emphasized the establishment of a independent national study, confirmed Choseon’s spirits by analyzing the academic origin of Jeong Yak-yong studies. So he tried to use spirits as a overcome method against the colony situation in the 1930s'. And they participated the Publication of Yeoyoudangjunseo with this sense of purpose. An Chae-hong prescribed Jeong Yak-yong as 'the pioneer of modern nationalism' by analyzing Jeong Yak-yong’s ideas and reform especially by his acceptance of Western learning. And he also compared Jeong Yak-yong‘s view of economy, the concept of social system, the theory on reforming politics with the Western capitalism and modern social policies, the ideal system of social democracy. He also emphasized that Jeong Yak-yong had a similar point with his movements by calling Jeong Yak-yong as a national socialist.Jeong In-bo and An Chae-hong both emphasized the fact that Jeong Yak-yong was the leading person of Choseon’s public thoughts and one of the greatest individual in the world. This fact made a progress that let Choseon have a world-historical universality while they had a unique history and tradition, and also emphasized that they had the ability to contribute to the world's culture even by being compared to other countries. In other words the rediscovery of tradition in Koreanology-movement had a ultimate purpose which was to show the nation's ability from Choseon’s culture by locating the development that was verified from the world-historical universality. The concept, that was trying to show the pride of the nation and culture based on the universal level of the world's culture, has a difference with ethnocentrcity, national chauvinism which is derived from a imperialistic nation's fascism.But this movement didn't develop into a social movement because of the lack of specific methodology and unpreparedness of action. And the loss of concreteness continued to the failure of popularization. So while Japan's wartime fascism was gaining more strength after the Sino-Japanese war, the movement, in a situation that made any national culture movements impossible, had to make a promise to restore it's action during the building process of the national culture after liberation. 본고는 1930년대 朝鮮學運動 과정으로부터 ‘朝鮮學’ 이론체계가 정립되는 양상을 확인하고, 그 과정에서 ‘조선학’의 심화 인식을 바탕으로 이루어진 傳統 再發見의 성격을 밝히고자 한 글이다. 이러한 의도 하에 본 연구는 다음과 같은 결론을 얻을 수 있었다.조선학운동은 다산서세기념사업과 󰡔여유당전서󰡕 간행사업으로 전개되었다. 여기서 신조선사와 조선일보, 동아일보 등 언론사는 기념강연과 학술발표를 소개하였다. 교육․언론계 인물들은 서세 100년 기념회합과 여유당전서 출판기념회 등을 주도하였다.1934년의 조선학 논쟁은 조선학의 개념 기원과 방법론에 대한 것이었다. 여기서 맑스주의자인 백남운은 조선학이란 용어는 최남선이 지나학의 용례를 무비판적으로 수용한 것으로, 비과학적인 것이며 민족의식을 강조하여 조선의 독자성을 신비화하는 관념적, 국수주의적 방법론이라 비판하였다.이에 대해 비타협적 민족주의자인 안재홍은 일반적인 조선학의 개념으로부터 본질적 개념을 구분함으로써, 역사 연구를 중심으로 전통과 문화의 고유성을 밝혀 학문적 체계화를 시도하였다. 그의 조선학은 국학적 입장에서 민족의 주체적 학문을 수립하고자 한 정인보에게서 기원을 찾을 수 있는 것이었다. 그가 발견하고자 하였던 민족의 고유한 문화와 전통은 정인보가 체계화 한 조선 후기 실학을 중요한 내용으로 설정하였다.민족단위의 주체적 학문 수립을 강조하였던 정인보는 정약용의 학문적 본질을 분석함으로써 그 과정에서 조선의 ‘얼’을 확인하였다. 그리하여 1930년대 식민지 조선에 대한 극복 방법으로 조선의 ‘얼’을 세울 것을 도모하였다. 안재홍은 정약용의 서학 수용을 중심으로 사상과 개혁론을 분석하여 정약용을 ‘근세 국민주의의 선구자’로 규정하였다. 그리고 경제관과 사회제도론, 정치개혁론을 서양의 자본주의와 현대 사회정책, 사회민주주의 사상체계에 비추어 사상의 근대성을 드러냈다.두 사람은 전통 재발견의 결과로 정약용을 조선 사상계의 1인자이며 세계적으로도 위대한 인물로 강조하였다. 이것은 조선의 특수한 역사와 전통 속에서도 세계사적 보편성을 갖는 발전을 이루어 왔고, 다른 나라와 비교할 때 세계문화에 기여할 수 있는 역량이 있다는 것을 강조하는 것이었다. 즉 조선의 문화로부터 세계사적 보편성이 확인되는 발전을 밝혀냄으로써 민족적인 역량을 드러내고자 하는 것이 궁극적인 목적이었다. 그리고 전통 재발견의 결과로 역사적 인물에 대한 평가에 대해 맑스주의자들이 비과학적이고 국수주의적이라 비판한 것은 정인보와 안재홍의 조선학을 심층적으로 인식하지 못한 채 지나치게 과학적 조선 연구의 원칙을 적용한 데 따른 오류였다.정인보와 안재홍의 전통 재발견에서 나타나는 성격은 같은 시기 최남선의 조선 연구나 파시즘의 문화인식과 뚜렷한 차이가 있었다. 최남선의 조선학은 1920년대에 조선 문화의 우월함을 나타내고자 불함문화권을 설정하였으나, 1930년대 들어 일본의 문화적 우위를 인정함으로써 자기 부정으로 귀결되었으며 1930년대 말 노골적인 친일화 경향을 보였다. 파시즘에 근거한 이광수의 문화인식은 지도자론을 근거로 이순신을 조선의 영웅이자 성인으로 보았으나, 1930년대 중반 이후 천황을 중심으로 한 일본의 파시즘을 받아들이며 일본의 제국주의를 지지하게 되었다.이러한 상황 속에서 그러나 구체적인 방법론의 부재와 실천성의 미비로 인하여 사회운동으로 나아가지 못했고 이에 따른 구체성의 상실은 대중화의 실패로 이어졌다. 그리하여 중일전쟁 이후 일제의 전시 파시즘체제가 강화되는 가운데 민족주의 문화운동이 불가능한 현실 속에서, 해방 이후의 새로운 민족국가 건설을 위한 민족문화 구축과정에서의 재생을 기약한 채 소멸되고 말았다.

      • 유럽 한국학 전공생의 정체성 연구 : 바흐친의 대화주의에 기반한 내러티브 탐구

        황은하 연세대학교 대학원 2019 국내박사

        RANK : 232302

        This study focuses on the language learner as a social entity from the viewpoint that the language learning process is fundamentally social, and the language is not as an abstract system but as activities, behaviors, interactions in actual human life. The purpose of the study is to explore the in-depth meaning of Korean language learning & using experiences by European Korean Studies students both in their home country and Korea from a point of view of identity. With this purpose, this study aims to examine their identity construction and negotiation process based on their agency practice. This research begins from the following research puzzles: 1) What is the starting point of learning Korean language of European Korean Studies students? With Korean language, what did they experience in various communities and their identity? What are distinct features of their identity? 2) What were the aspects of their identity struggles faced with learning and using Korean language? What did they think, feel, and have any changes according to various time span as well as different places? What were the reasons of having conflicts and struggles of identity? 3) In their using and learning Korean language, how were their agency practice emerged? What were the relationships between their practice of agency and their identity? How was the process of identity negotiation organized? Ultimately, what is the meaning of Korean language to their life? This study employed two theoretical perspectives to shape the framework for exploring the experiences of European Korean Studies students as they learn and use Korean language: ‘investment’, ‘imagined community’ and ‘imagined identity’ of Identity theories in Second language acquisition (Norton, 1995, 2000) and Mikhail Bakhtin’s theory on dialogism including ideological becoming. Bakhtin viewed language as comprising dynamic constellations of sociocultural resources that are fundamentally tied to their social and historical contexts. His theory not only covers both the post-structuralist viewpoint on identity and the human agency concepts, which are important in discussing identity in language education, but also overcomes of the limitations in sociocultural approach, as an useful philosophical and theoretical foundation. Since the 'dialogic development' of a language learner is achieved not only through a personally expressed story but also through a story expressed through relationship with others, learning a new language is a learning process of learning the world, and 'Identity work (Pavlenko, 2001; D.F.G., 2016; Norton, 1997, 2010, 2013)' is an approach to finding the voice of self through interaction with others. The identity of the subject of language learning is closely related to the existence of the 'other' and the distance from the other that can not be removed, that is, the experience at the 'boundary', and language learning is a process of assimilating selectively In this regard, this study sought to call the identity of language learners as 'dialogical identity'. As a qualitative study, this study consisted of the preliminary and the main study. According to the selection criterion of the objective sampling, five women students from the Korean Studies Department of the University of the Netherlands were selected as research participants and data were gathered for 10 months longitudinally around pre and after their short term stay in Korea. This study used narrative inquiry among qualitative research methods to achieve meaning of learning experience and research purpose of identity inquiry. In particular, this study considers both the narrative inquiry of Clandinin & Connelly (2000) in qualitative research tradition and the tradition of narrative research in second language acquisition and foreign language education in carrying out narrative inquiry, in order to be complementary to philosophical, methodical, and ethical aspects. Field texts were collected through dialogues, interviews using artifacts, longitudinal interviews based on different time spans & places. Interviews were carried out with participants' preferred languages ​​(English or Korean). After transcribing, the data were analyzed by Blom (2010) 's narrative analysis model and Bakhtin' s ‘dialogism’. The results of the analysis were verified as a member-check by the participants and the ethical considerations for the participants were also continuously maintained throughout the study. The results of this study are described in Chapters 4 to 7. The research results were presented according to the three central focuses of 'multilingual speaker', 'Korean Studies major', 'Korean user', and Bakhtin's ‘ideological becoming'. In Chapter 4, Korean language learning experience of multilingual speakers is presented. The experiences of othering of Korean studies students where identity conflicts arising from encounters with others are presented in Chapter 5, The specific aspects of agency practices by Korean users are presented in Chapter 6. In chapter 7, as a result of the experience of conflict and the practice of agency as described above, participants who are living in 'boundary' become 'ideological being' making their own 'internally-persuasive discourse', and their identity construction and negotiation processes were synthetically discussed. The significances of this study are as follows. First, I examined in-depth the experiences of Korean language study and use of European Korean studies students who were overlooked in the existing research. Their experience of learning Korean language was not the simple acquisition of linguistic knowledge or communication skills but rather the process of restructuring and expanding identity through negotiation of identities with the other: Koreans, Korean language & culture. Second, I found three characteristics of the learning experience and the process of restructuring the identity of the participants, including study abroad, which are relational, emotional, and dynamic process. Their experience was essentially a relational process that it is not possible without the existence of 'other', and emotional desire for 'belonging' and 'recognition' was closely related to the learning and use of Korean in virtual and real worlds. In addition, participants' learning experiences and restructuring their identities were dynamic and gradual processes of change, and identity conflicts and negotiation processes of participants were not a one-time process but a process that was cyclical and repeatedly open-ended. Third, in relation to their Korean language learning, I point out the need for alternative language pedagogical approach based on the real ethical intercultural competence fostering the dialogical pedagogy(Matsuo, 2014, 2015), critical literacy(Freire, 1987) and 'symbolic competence’(Kramsch, 2006, 2011) based on Bakhtin’s dialogism. Therefore, based on the concept of ‘boundary’ and ‘otherness’ of Bakhtin(1981, 1986), which is considered to be essential for achieving self, rather than eliminating. I pointed out that additional or complementary interpretation of the existing ‘intercultural communication(IC)’ discussed in the essentialist view is needed. 본 논문은 언어 학습 과정이 근본적으로 사회적이라는 관점에서 학습자를 사회적 존재로 바라보며, 언어 또한 추상적 체계로서의 언어가 아니라 실제 인간 삶에서의 활동, 행위, 상호작용으로서의 언어에 초점을 두며 한국학 전공생이 한국어 학습과 사용에서 겪는 다양한 시공간적 경험의 심층적 의미를 내러티브 탐구를 통한 질적 접근으로 고찰하였다. 특별히 본고는 행위성을 비롯한 정체성 구성 및 협상이 드러나는 유럽 한국학 전공생의 한국어 학습 경험의 총체적인 양상을 탐색하기 위하여 ‘투자’, ‘상상적 공동체’, ‘상상적 정체성’을 포함하는 언어 학습의 정체성 이론(Norton, 1995, 2000)과 “삶이란 곧 타자와의 대화 속에 참여하는 것”이라고 인식한 바흐친(Bakhtin)의 ‘대화주의(Dialogism)’를 주된 해석적 렌즈로 삼았다. 바흐친의 대화주의 이론은 언어교육에서의 정체성을 논의할 때 중요하게 사용되는 후기구조주의 관점과 인간 행위성 개념을 모두 포괄하는 동시에 사회문화적 접근법의 한계를 극복하고 보완할 수 있는 본고의 유용한 철학적, 이론적 토대가 되었다. 언어 학습자의 ‘대화적 발달(dialogic development)’은 개인적으로 발현된 이야기뿐 아니라 타자와의 관계를 통해 발현되는 이야기를 통해 이루어지기 때문에, 새로운 외국어를 학습하는 것은 세상에 존재하는 법을 배우는 학습 과정이자 타자와의 상호작용을 통하여 자아의 목소리를 찾아가는 ‘정체성 작업(identity work: Pavlenko, 2001; D.F.G., 2016; Norton, 1997, 2010, 2013)’이다. 언어 학습의 주체가 구성하는 정체성은 필수적인 ‘타자’의 존재와 제거될 수 없는 타자와의 거리, 즉 ‘경계’에서의 경험과 밀접한 관련이 있으며, 언어를 배우고 사용하는 행위는 타자의 말에 선택적으로 동화하는 과정이라는 점에서 본고는 언어 학습자가 구성하는 정체성을 ‘대화적 정체성(dialogical identity)’으로 부르고자 하였다. 질적 연구로서 본 연구는 사전 연구와 본 연구의 절차로 이루어졌으며, 목적 표집의 선정 기준에 따라 네덜란드 A대학 한국학과 2학년 5명을 연구 참여자로 선정하여 이들의 한국 단기체류 즉, 교환학생 기간의 전후 약 10개월 동안 종단적으로 자료를 수집하였다. 본 연구는 학습 경험의 의미와 정체성 탐구라는 연구 목적을 달성하기 위하여 질적 연구 방법 중에서도 내러티브 탐구를 활용하였다. 특히 본고는 내러티브 탐구를 수행하는 데 있어서 질적 연구 전통에서의 Clandinin과 Connelly(2000)의 ‘내러티브 탐구’와 제2언어습득 및 외국어 교육 분야에서의 내러티브 연구의 전통을 모두 고려함으로써 탐구 방법의 철학적, 방법적, 윤리적인 면을 상호 보완하고자 하였다. 현장 텍스트는 면담으로서의 대화, 문서 분석과 인공품을 활용한 면담, 상이한 시공간에 따른 종단적 면담을 통해 수집되었으며, 참여자가 선호하는 언어(영어 또는 한국어)로 면담이 진행되었다. 자료는 전사 후, Blom(2010)의 내러티브 분석 모형과 바흐친의 ‘대화주의’ 바탕의 분석 절차를 거쳤다. 또한 연구의 타당성 확보 측면에서 참여자의 적극적인 검토가 이루어졌으며 참여자에 대한 윤리적 고려 또한 연구 전반에 걸쳐 지속적으로 이루어졌다. 본 연구의 결과는 4장에서 7장에 걸쳐 기술되었다. 바흐친의 ‘이데올로기적 되어가기’의 과정적 요소와 참여자들에게서 나타난 ‘다중언어화자’, ‘한국학 전공생’, ‘한국어 사용자’라는 세 가지 중심적인 정체성의 다면적인 면모를 입체적으로 부각시키기 위하여, 참여자들이 겪은 다중언어화자로서 한국어 학습 경험을 4장에, 정체성 인식에서 발생한 한국학 전공생의 갈등 경험을 5장에, 한국어 사용자의 행위성 실천의 구체적인 양상을 6장에 각각 전개하며 참여자들의 다면적이고 복합적인 정체성 문제를 살펴보았다. 7장에서는 앞에서 제시된 갈등 경험과 행위성 실천의 결과로서 ‘경계’에서 살아가는 참여자들이 주체적인 ‘내적-설득 담화’를 만들어가는 ‘이데올로기적 되어가기’ 과정을 참여자들이 형성하는 ‘대화적 정체성’과 ‘정체성 협상 과정’을 중심으로 종합 논의하였다. 본 연구의 의의는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 기존의 논의에서 간과되었던 유럽 한국학 전공생의 한국어 학습과 사용의 경험에서 나타나는 정체성 문제를 심층적으로 살펴보았다. 이들의 한국어 학습 경험은 단지 언어적 지식이나 의사소통 기술의 획득으로만 국한되지 않는 즉, 한국어로 인해 마주하게 되는 정체성 갈등의 협상을 통한 정체성 재구성과 확장의 과정이었다. 둘째, 교환학생이라는 단기유학을 포함한 참여자들의 한국어 학습과 사용의 경험에서 나타나는 정체성 인식과 협상이 ‘관계적, 정서적, 역동적인 과정’이라는 특징을 발견하였다. 이들의 경험은 본질적으로 ‘타자’의 존재 없이는 불가능한 관계적인 과정이었고, ‘소속’과 ‘인정’에 대한 정서적 갈망은 가상 및 실제 세계에서의 한국어 학습과 사용 및 투자와 밀접하게 관련되었다. 또한 참여자들의 학습 경험 및 정체성 재구성은 역동적이자 점진적인 변화의 과정으로서 참여자들의 정체성 갈등과 협상 과정은 일회적인 것이 아니라 순환적, 반복적으로 지속되는 미완결성을 지닌 과정이었다. 셋째, 한국학을 전공하는 이들의 한국어 학습과 관련하여, ‘비판적 문해(Freire, 1987/2014)’나 ‘상징적 능력(Kramsch, 2006, 2011)’과 같은 비판적 의식을 신장할 수 있는 진정한 대화와 다양한 목소리들의 공존이 필요함을 강조하였다. 따라서 자아와 타자가 만나는 ‘경계’와 갈등을 제거해야 할 대상이 아니라 오히려 자아를 이뤄가기 위한 필수적인 것으로 보는 바흐친(1981, 1986)의 ‘경계’와 ‘타자’의 개념을 바탕으로 그동안 언어교육 분야에서 본질주의적 관점으로 논의되던 기존의 ‘상호문화적 의사소통(intercultural communication: IC)’에 대한 추가·보완적인 해석이 필요함을 지적하였다.

      • 한국형 엘리트의 탄생 : 동남아시아인 한국(어)학 전공 대학원생의 유학 경험을 중심으로

        김수은 韓國外國語大學校 國際地域大學院 2019 국내박사

        RANK : 232298

        The purpose of this thesis is to analyze Southeast Asian students studying abroad in Korea from the perspective of strategic knowledge mobility in western-centric globalized academia, based on a qualitative survey of the experiences of Southeast Asian graduate students majoring in Korean Studies at Korean universities. In particular, this thesis focuses on the formation process of the students’ scholar/researcher identity within Korean society and at their universities, rather than the policy aspect of Korea that involves attracting more foreign students and expanding the field of Korean Studies. The results of this paper are as follows. First, the decision of Southeast Asian students to study abroad in Korea is a compromise of their semi-global dreams. The mobility of international students usually focuses on the US/West, the perceived center of economy and academics. Choosing Korea as the location for higher education and jobs and trying to achieve the dream of becoming a knowledge elite through Korea not only requires compromises and rationalization but also affects students’ elite identity and attitude after studying abroad. Second, this thesis clarifies how Southeast Asian students studying in South Korea avoid discrimination through multi-layered and multi-faceted responses by intertwining their identity as a university student in Seoul with their identity as a Southeast Asian, which, on its own, often evokes low status connotations in Korean society. They differentiate themselves from the people of their country of origin by emphasizing their personal value and abilities and sometimes resort to agreeing with the assertions of discrimination in order to ingratiate themselves with Koreans. At the same time, their experience of neglect and alienation within the academic setting of Korean Studies (or language) is an element that contributes to the imperfection of the elite identity they pursue. Third, this thesis presents their elite identity as that of a “Koreanized elite.” This term implies an imperfect elite identity created by the hierarchical relationships and behavior patterns of the Korean academia that they have acquired while studying in Korea, in conjunction with the economic dependency rooted in the ongoing master-disciple relations and research grants affecting them even after they return to their home countries. While they are professors of Korean Studies (and/or language) at their local universities, they are not fully recognized as Korean Studies scholars within the realm of educational and academic activities. As both beneficiaries and co-conspirators of Korea's national promotion, these Southeast Asian scholars maintain multifaceted and complex feelings for Korea. This thesis highlights knowledge mobility from the periphery to Korea, which has not been widely studied in the field of Korean Studies. In particular, rather than simply describing the experiences of international students, this thesis analyzes how these Southeast Asian students, whose aim is upward class mobility by studying abroad, develop their identities as elites, and how their relationship with Korea continues to affect their elite identities beyond their periods of academic exchange.

      • 러시아인 한국어 학습자를 위한 한자어 교육 연구

        클로츠코바 다리아 韓國外國語大學校 大學院 2020 국내석사

        RANK : 232284

        The purpose of this study is to help Russian learners to expand their Korean vocabulary through studying Sino-Korean words. This work introduces research on frequency of Sino-Korean words encountered in studying materials published and broadly used in Russia as well as investigates the vocabulary presented in International Standard Curriculum of Korean Language by The National Institute of the Korean Language that was issued to increase utilization and encourage globalized use of the curriculum within Korean language educational fields in Korea and overseas. The result of the research presented in a form of a list of Sino-Korean words that influence on the understanding of the general formation of Korean words in order to help to develop further educational methods on word formation through teaching Sino-Korean vocabulary and also helps to develop and correct present Korean textbooks in Russia. Chapter 1 includes the main purpose and significance of the study Sino-Korean vocabulary for Russian learners of the Korean language, showing that understanding and distinguishing of Sino-Korean words facilitate the process of acquiring new Korean vocabulary. Chapter 2 provides information about Korean and Sino-Korean educational methods in Russia in addition to comparing both Korean and Russian language structures that contribute to a better understanding of word formation manners. Chapters 3 summarizes data of a conducted survey regarding methods and needs of studying Sino-Korean words for Russian learners. The results of the survey are based on the answers of 60 Russian students studying Korean language in Russian Educational Institutions. Students were asked to express their opinions in connection to the necessity of studying Sino-Korean words, the amount of study hours and studying materials. Chapter 4 presents the list of Sino-Korean words for Russian learners to build up an essential vocabulary list for both, Beginner and Intermediate levels. The list was compiled by analyzing vocabulary introduced in studying materials available in Russia and vocabulary presented by the National Institute of Korean language presented within the International Standard Curriculum of Korean Language in order to foster an understanding of commonly used Sino-Korean words and their frequency. The criteria for selection of Sino-Korean words were the frequency of Chinese characters used in Sino-Korean words, the amount of Sino-Korean words in Korean Vocabulary, the references of Sino-Korean words to Beginner or Intermediate levels and relevance of the words in the basic Korean vocabulary list. Chapter 5 brings to light the purpose of studying Sino-Korean words and offers teaching methods with respect to Sino-Korean vocabulary within the Korean language studying program. Among the methods, the Highly Word Constructive Characters Learning Methodology including learning methodology based on Compounding Sino-Korean words formation and the Derived Sino-Korean words formation was introduced. Chapter 6 summarizes the content of this research and also reveals the significance and constraints of the study.

      • 근대 태동기 한국어 학습서 『辭課指南(사과지남)』 분석 연구

        김희선 연세대학교 교육대학원 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 232284

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics of first, second, and revised editions of 『辭課指南(과지남)』 by analyzing their composition, content and changing patterns. The researches on Korean education during the beginning period of modern times cannot be neglected to check the academic identity and uniqueness of Korean education as a foreign language since it was called the beginning of today's Korean education. The present study thus set out to analyze the content and composition of 『辭課指南(과지남)』, which was first published in 1894, and use the analysis results as basic data to examine the characteristics of Korean education during the beginning period of modern times. It thus analyzed the composition and changing patterns of its first, second, and revised editions and examined its correlations with 『한불전(韓佛字典)』(1880) and 『Termination of the 다』(1896), which dealt with the conjugated forms of predicate ‘다’ like their contemporary 『辭課指南(과지남)』, for their indexes and with 『한영뎐』(1897), which was a bilingual dictionary published by Gale at a similar time to 『辭課指南(과지남)』, for the headwords of ‘ㅎ’ line. The findings led to the following conclusions: 1. 『辭課指南(과지남)』 was a study material to reflect Gale's viewpoint of placing importance on colloquial pronunciation. In its first and second editions, the grammar part consisted of four lines with headwords arranged in each line according to spoken and written Korean. Given that the Korean scholars did not distinguish spoken and written Korean strictly, it is apparent that he not only knew differences between transcription and spoken words, but also realized that their separate presentation would make it easier to learn Korean. The second edition of 『辭課指南(과지남)』 contained the ‘ㆍ’ mark no longer and actively applied palatalization and monophthongization to its transcriptions, and those changes were attributed to the efforts to apply the colloquial pronunciation of the times to the study materials. 2. Unlike the previous studies, the revised edition of 『辭課指南(과지남)』 was not in a dual composition of "grammar part" and "example sentences part" like its first and second editions. The grounds include no visible distinction between the grammar and example sentences parts like in the first and second editions and the continuing title numbers of ‘ONE HUNDRED SENTENCES(FOR BEGINNERS)’, ‘KOREAN PROVERBS’, ‘MISCELLANEOUS SENTENCES’, and ‘COLLOQUIAL MOON-JA SENTENCES’ which were categorized as parts of example sentences part in the previous studies, to the conjugated headwords of predicate ‘다’. In addition, the study found that the example sentence numbers of grammar explanations in the revised edition matched those of example sentences part in the first and second editions in considerable percentages, thus providing another ground that the revised edition had no sentences that played the functions of example sentences part in the first and second editions. 3. The revised edition of 『辭課指南(과지남)』 shed off its nature as a grammar book in a dictionary format in some parts and increased the percentage of cultural education. Those changes were found in its "example sentences part," which faced huge changes in the structure and content from the first and second editions to the revised edition. Not only did the revised edition get rid of the dual structure of "grammar part" and "example sentences part," but it also assigned title numbers to the sentences that served as the example sentences part in the first and second editions. It also got rid of grammar annotations to the sentences in the example sentences part in the first and second editions. It deleted a considerable portion of sentences in the example sentences part that were kept intact until the second edition and replaced them with Korean proverbs and idioms originated in ancient events. Those changes were the outcomes of example sentences emphasizing the function of acquiring new information such as the Korean customs and superstitions rather than that of applying and learning the grammar. 4. 『辭課指南(과지남)』 was compared with 『한불전(韓佛字典)』(1880) and 『Termination of the 다』(1896), which were Korean study materials published at the same time as 『辭課指南(과지남)』 and dealt with the conjugated forms of predicate ‘다,’ for the indexes and with 『한영뎐』(1897), which was a bilingual dictionary published by Gale, for the headwords. The results indicate that 『辭課指南(과지남)』 consulted the indexes of 『한불전(韓佛字典)』. After comparing 『辭課指南(과지남)』 with 『한불전(韓佛字典)』 for the indexes, the investigator categorized the different indexes between them into spoken and written Korean and examined their percentage. It turned out that the indexes of 『辭課指南(과지남)』 added considerable headwords in the spoken Korean style not found in 『한불전(韓佛字典)』, which was in line with Gale's efforts to reflect the importance of colloquial pronunciation those days. The structures and characteristics of 『辭課指南(과지남)』 analyzed in the present study can offer useful data to compare 『辭課指南(과지남)』 with Gale's other publications for Korean study and with other study materials published during the same period. Furthermore, they will serve as basic data to analyze teaching materials for Korean study that were written during the modern Enlightenment period. 본 연구는 『辭課指南(과지남)』 초판과 재판, 개정판의 구성과 내용, 그리고 변화 양상을 분석하여 그 특징을 밝히는 것을 목적으로 한다. 외국어로서의 한국어 교육의 학문적 정체성과 고유성을 확인하기 위해서는 오늘날 한국어 교육 의 시작이라 할 수 있는 근대 태동기 한국어 교육에 대한 연구를 간과할 수 없다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 1894년에 처음 출간된 『辭課指南(과지남)』의 내용과 구성 등을 분석하여, 근대 태동기 한국어 교육의 특성을 밝히기 위한 기저 자료로 삼고자 한다. 이를 위하여 초판·재판·개정판의 구성과 변화 양상을 분석하고, 동 시기에 『辭課指南(과지남)』과 같이 용언 ‘다’의 활용형을 다룬 『한불전(韓佛字典)』(1880)과 『Termination of the 다』(1896)의 색인, 『辭課指南(과지남)』초판과 비슷한 시기에 출간된 게일의 이중어사전 『한영뎐(韓英字典)』(1897)의 ‘ㅎ’ 계열 표제어를 비교하여 『辭課指南(과지남)』과의 상관관계를 파악하였다. 이를 통해 얻은 결론은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 『辭課指南(과지남)』은 현실 발음을 중시한 게일의 시각이 드러나는 학습서이다. 『辭課指南(과지남)』초판·재판의 문법부 구성은 4열 구성으로, 표제어를 각 열에 구어체와 문어체로 나누어 정리하였다. 게일은 한국어 표기와 입말이 서로 차이가 난다는 사실뿐만 아니라, 그것을 분리하여 나타내는 것이 한국어를 습득하는 데 있어 보다 용이하다는 것을 자각하고 있었음이 분명하다. 그 당시 국내 학자도 구어와 문어를 엄격하게 구분하지 않았던 점을 고려한다면 이를 분리하여 기술한 점은 진일보한 방식이라 할 수 있다. 또한, 『辭課指南(과지남)』은 재판으로 넘어오면서 ‘ㆍ’ 표기가 전면 사라지고, 구개음화와 단모음화 등이 표기에 활발하게 적용되는데, 이러한 변화 역시 그 당시의 현실발음을 학습서에 적용하려는 노력에서 기인한 것이다. 둘째, 『辭課指南(과지남)』개정판은 기존 연구에서 언급한 것과는 달리, 초판·재판과 같이 ‘문법부’와 ‘예문부’ 이중 구성을 취하고 있지 않다. 이에 대한 근거로는 초판·재판과 같이 문법부와 예문부가 가시적으로 나누어지지 않았다는 점, 기존 연구에서 예문부로 분류했던 ‘ONE HUNDRED SENTENCES(FOR BEGINNERS)’, ‘KOREAN PROVERBS’, ‘MISCELLANEOUS SENTENCES’, ‘COLLOQUIAL MOON-JA SENTENCES’가 용언 ‘다’ 활용형 표제어와 표제번호가 이어진다는 점 등이 있다. 또한, 개정판의 문법 설명에 제시된 예문 번호가 초판·재판 예문부의 예문 번호와 상당 부분 일치한다는 것을 밝혀 개정판에는 초판·재판의 예문부 기능을 담당하는 문장이 없음을 그 근거로 삼았다. 셋째, 『辭課指南(과지남)』은 개정판으로 오면서 사전적 형식의 문법서적 성격을 일부 벗고, 문화교육의 비중을 높였는데, 이러한 변화는 ‘예문부’에서 찾을 수 있다. 『辭課指南(과지남)』초판·재판 ‘예문부’는 개정판으로 오면서 그 구조와 내용에 큰 변화를 맞는다. 개정판은 ‘문법부’와 ‘예문부’의 이중구조를 없애고, 초판·재판의 예문부에 해당하는 문장에 표제번호를 부여하였다. 또한, 초판과 재판 예문부 문장에 달았던 문법 주석을 없앴으며, 재판까지 그대로 쓰였던 예문부 문장의 상당량을 삭제하고, 한국 속담과 고사성어 등으로 대체하였다. 이러한 변화는 예문에 문법 적용 학습 기능보다 한국의 풍습과 미신 등 새로운 정보를 습득하는 기능이 강조된 결과라고 볼 수 있다. 넷째, 『辭課指南(과지남)』과 동 시기에 발간된 한국어 학습서 중, 용언 ‘다’의 활용형을 다루고 있는 『한불전(韓佛字典)』(1880), 『Termination of the 다』(1896)의 색인과 게일의 이중어사전 『한영뎐(韓英字典)』(1897)의 표제어를 비교한 결과, 『辭課指南(과지남)』의 색인은 『한불전(韓佛字典)』을 참조로 한 것으로 볼 수 있다. 또한, 『辭課指南(과지남)』과 『한불전(韓佛字典)』의 색인을 비교하고, 서로 일치하지 않는 색인을 다시 구어체와 문어체로 나누어 그 비율을 조사한 결과, 『辭課指南(과지남)』의 색인에는 『한불전(韓佛字典)』에는 없는 구어 형태의 표제어가 상당량 추가되었음이 드러났다. 이는 당시의 현실 발음의 중요성을 자각하고, 그것을 학습서에 반영하려 했던 게일의 노력과도 일맥상통하는 결과이다. 본 연구를 통해 분석한 『辭課指南(과지남)』의 구조와 특성은 게일의 한국어 학습과 관련된 다른 저술뿐만 아니라 동 시기에 발간된 다른 학습서와 비교하는 데 유용한 자료로 활용할 수 있다. 나아가 근대 계몽기에 제작된 한국어 학습용 교재 분석의 기초 자료로 활용할 수 있다.

      • 사회적 변인별 상대높임법의 사용양상 : 모어화자와 중국인 학습자의 비교를 중심으로

        Wang, Mengwan 연세대학교 대학원 2018 국내석사

        RANK : 232284

        The utilization status of Korean relative honorific expression under changes of social variations This study aims to investigate the utilization status and differences of Korean relative honorific expression between Korean natives and Korean-study Chinese under changes of social factors. Questionnaire was designed to estimate degree of understanding of respectful level and utilization of Korean relative honorific expression among the objects with three different social variations. The results were analyzed statistically between Korean natives and Korean-study Chinese. Chapter one introduced previous studies in Korean language and Korean language education, and further proposed research necessity, research object and main questions to be answered in this study. In chapter two we first reviewed current honorific expression system and social variation system. We also introduce honorific expression system and social variation system followed in this study. In chapter three research method and investigation object were introduced. Questionnaire was designed according a pilot study and the main content included three parts. The questionnaire was answered by Korean natives and Korean-study Chinese and the results were collected and analyzed. In chapter four the results of the three parts were analyzed independently using t-test, cross-over analysis and chi-square test. Degree of understanding of respectful level and usages of honorific expression among the two groups were compared in three different social variations of leader-member relationship, aged difference and closeness of relationships. The results showed that degree of understanding of respectful level between Korean natives and Korean-study Chinese had no statistical significance by t-test. However, statistical significance in the usage of honorific expression between these two groups was achieved in the three social variations using cross-over analysis and chi-square test. When grouping according to circumstances, only closeness of relationships reached significant difference. Korean-study Chinese used more honorific expression than Korean natives when they are in a more distant relationship. Additionally, to improve confidence level of this study, some repeated items were added in the questionnaire but not included in the analysis. And these repeated items were used to estimate the confidence level of the result. Also, the result of usages of honorific expression was positively related to degree of understanding of respectful level, further indicating that the result is reliable. Key words: relative honorific expression, social variation, understanding of respectful level, differences in utilization status, Korean-study Chinese 국문 요약 사회적 변인별 상대높임법의 사용양상 -모어화자와 중국인 학습자의 비교를 중심으로- 본 연구의 목적은 한국인 모어 화자와 중국인 한국어 학습자 간 사회적 변인에 따라 상대높임법에서 공손도 인식과 사용 양상을 조사하고 두 집단 간의 차이를 살펴보는 것이다. 본 연구에서는 한국인 모어 화자와 중국인 한국어 학습자 두 집단을 연구 대상으로 삼아 설문조사를 활용하여, 상대 높임법 사용에 영향을 미치는 세 가지 사회적 변인을 선정하여 세 가지 변인에 따라 상대높임법에 대한 공손도 인식과 사용 양상을 조사하여, 두 집단 간의 차이가 있는지를 살펴보았다. 우선 1 장은 서론 부분이다. 서론 부분에서는 본 연구의 필요성 및 목적, 연구 문제를 제시하고 나서 선행연구를 국어학적 연구와 한국어 교육적 연구를 두 부분을 나눠서 살펴보았다. 2 장은 이론적 배경이다. 이론적 배경에서는 높임법의 체계 및 사회적 변인 체계를 중심으로 더욱 깊게 선행연구를 살펴보고 개념과 체계별 논의를 정리하고, 본 연구에서의 높임법 체계와 변인을 설정하고 설명하였다.. 3 장은 실험 부분이다. 먼저 본 연구의 연구 방법 및 연구 대상을 소개하였다. 다음에 예비 실험 결과를 토대로 본 실험의 설문지를 개선하고, 설문지를 총 3 부분으로 나누어 한국인 모어 화자와 중국인 한국어 학습자 두 집단을 대상으로 사회적 변인에 따라 상대높임법에 대한 공손도 인식과 사용 양상을 조사하였다. 다음으로 4 장은 실험 결과 분석이다. 실험 결과분석은 통계적인 방법으로 설문 조사의 결과를 3부분을 나누어 독립표본 t검정과 교차분석 및 카이제곱을 통해 상하 관계, 나이 차이, 친소 관계 세 가지 사회적 변인에 따라 공손도 인식과 사용 양상의 차이를 분석하였다. 먼저, 공손도 인식에 대한 한국인 모어 화자와 중국인 한국어 학습자 두 집단 간에는 상황별 공손도 인식에 유의미한 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 반면 상대높임법의 사용 양상에 있어서는, 변인별 교차분석과 카이제곱 검정을 통해 상대높임법의 사용 양상에 유의미한 차아가 나타남을 알 수 있다. 상대높임법 사용양상에 유의미한 결과가 나타나는 상황은 주로 청자와 화자가 소원한 상황이다, 즉 중국인 한국어 학습자가 한국인 모어 화자의 높임법 사용 분포를 보면, 소원한 관계에서 중국인 한국어 학습자가 한국인 모어화자보다 존댓말을 사용하는 비율이 더 높게 나왔다. 본 실험에서는 실험의 신뢰도를 높이기 위해서 실제 통계에서는 제외할 유사 문항을 함께 조사하였는데, 유사 문항도 실제 문항과 일치하는 결과가 나와, 본 실험의 신뢰도를 검증되었다. 그리고 설문의 공손도 인식 조사 부분과 사용 양상 부분의 결과를 비교해 보면 공손도 인식과 실제 사용 양상에서 나타나는 경향이 모두 비슷하게 나타나고 있어, 다시 한 번 실험의 신뢰도를 검정하였다. 핵심어: 상대높임법, 사회적 변인, 공손도 인식, 사용 양상 차이, 중국인 학습자

      • 딕토글로스가 한국어 간접 인용 표현 습득에 미치는 영향 : 홍콩의 중급 학습자를 중심으로

        김한나 경희사이버대학교 문화창조대학원 2018 국내석사

        RANK : 232283

        The dictogloss is a productive technique of the Focus on Form which makes learners to naturally focus on forms during dialog situations. This has been adopted for educating Korean and proved the impacts. However, there are not many studies on the indirect quotations of Korean and even less for the article on the acquiring abbreviations. In this context, the purpose of this study is to prove the impact of the dictogloss on acquiring the original forms of indirect quotations and abbreviations by comparing to the group adopting the textual enhancement among Korean learners in Hong Kong. The results of this study are summarized as follows: Firstly, the group adopting the dictogloss showed statistically significant improvements in both of the understanding ability and the productive ability and maintained high scores at the test after a certain period after this study as a result of comparing the scores for the original forms of indirect quotations before and after this study. This proves that the dictogloss affects positively to the understanding ability and the productive ability of the original form of indirect quotations and the its impact is sustained. Secondly, this study confirms that both of the groups showed the improvements in the understanding ability and the productive ability as a result of comparing test scores before and after the experiment for the abbreviations of indirect quotations. Thirdly, this study analysed the learner's Language Related Episode (LRE) to confirm what the learners focused during the interactions for restructuring the body of the dictogloss. As a result, this study confirms not only that the learners resolved problems in the order of 'understanding contents', 'confirming story orders', 'confirming vocabularies', 'confirming grammars', and 'confirming structures of sentences' but also that by restructuring a sentence, conversations between the learners happened in multiple aspects in terms of contents and grammars. Lastly, the feedbacks from the learners were mostly positive in all of the questions about the dictogloss sessions. Most of the learners answered that the classes were interesting and they participated the sessions proactively. They also answered that the dictogloss sessions helped them to use indirect quotations accurately and to improve the fluency in Korean. Most of the respondents answered that they wanted to have dictogloss sessions continuously. Almost all respondents answered that it is needed to study with partners during the sessions. However there were some negative feedbacks due to the lack of the fluency in Korean of their partners. Based on the experiments and the feedback surveys from the learners, this study confirms that the dictogloss sessions for the learners in Hong Kong would have positive impacts for teaching grammars when it is adopted consistently. However the study needs to be fine-tuned such as grouping people based on the participants' fluencies in Korean to maximise the learning effect and improve participants' interest. The study is significant as it proved the impact of the dictogloss for acquisition indirect quotations by experiments to Korean learners in Hong Kong where there are few research in education of Korean. Moreover, it is meaningful that analyzes not only the results of experimental classes but also the analysis of the learner LRE and survey. It helped identify the process of learning the grammatical form and the opinions of the learners on the task.

      • 국외 외국어로서의 한국어 학습 재동기 요인 연구 : 싱가포르의 한국어 학습자를 대상으로

        박한별 경희사이버대학교 2018 국내석사

        RANK : 232280

        Motivation has long been considered one of the most significant factors in language acquisition. In the long journey of language learning, it is inevitable that even the most zealous learner may lose his motivation at one point or another. This is especially so for 'Korean as a Foreign Language’ (KFL) learners outside of Korea as they usually encounter more difficulties and need a far longer time to raise their Korean proficiency compared to their counterparts in Korea. In this context, studies have been conducted to investigate the demotivating factors. However, such research naturally assumed that demotivated learners would be able to regain the motivation, and hence neglected to address the impetus behind remotivation. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to fill the void by identifying and analysing the remotivating factors, specifically for people in Singapore who are learning Korean as a foreign language. This study also aims to investigate the correlation between remotivating factors and variables including motivating factors, demotivating factors, gender and Korean competency level. For the purpose of this study, 346 participants who have either previously studied or are currently studying Korean as a foreign language in Singapore were asked to reflect on their Korean learning journey and to complete a questionnaire on their motivation, demotivation and remotivation in learning Korean. The questionnaire was then analysed by both quantitative and qualitative methods, through the statistical analysis of survey data and interpreting the responses to open-ended questions in the questionnaire The findings of this study are summarised as follows: Among the seven motivating factors listed, 'Travel orientation' and 'Cultural interest' were the most influential factors in motivation whereas 'Instrumentality', which is concerned with the utilitarian benefits of the language, had the least effect. In addition, the qualitative study showed that learners' motivation was influenced by a combination of various factors rather than by a single factor. 'Learning psychology' such as low confidence or learning burden and 'Negative attitude towards the Korean language' were ranked the top two demotivating factors in a list of eleven. On the other hand, the factor 'Teacher' had little effect on the demotivation of learners. Through the qualitative study, 'Lack of opportunities to practise Korean in daily life (outside of the classroom)' was also identified as a major demotivating factor. 'Travel orientation' and 'Interest in Foreign languages' were ranked the top two remotivating factors in a list of fifteen. A large number of demotivated learners were remotivated by reminding themselves of the original motivation which they had when they first started to learn Korean. Furthermore, the qualitative study showed that more opportunities to practise Korean in daily life (outside of the classroom) helped learners to regain their learning motivation. 'Ideal L2 self', which is the L2-specific facet of one's ideal self, have been exhibited more strongly among remotivated learners than among demotivated learners. On the other hand, learners experiencing demotivation were more strongly affected by demotivating factors, namely 'Learning psychology' and ‘Evaluation’, relative to remotivated learners. Additionally, statistically significant differences were found between remotivating factors, learners' gender and Korean competency level. Male learners were generally more remotivated than female learners, with 'Ideal L2 self' and 'Travel orientation' being the two most prominent driving factors. A negative correlation was also noted between remotivating factors and learners' Korean competency level. The pedagogical implications of this study on preventing or recovering from demotivation among KFL learners are many. Firstly, educators should endeavour to design teaching materials and syllabus that are aligned with learners' initial learning motivation and interests (for e.g. Korean culture, Korea travel, etc.) as these are the very catalysts for them to learn Korean. Secondly, it is important to help learners to maximise their opportunities to utilise Korean in their daily lives, be it through facilitating their making of Korean friends or pairing them up with study buddies, so as to prevent learning fatigue from setting in. It is also necessary to encourage learners to imagine themselves being fluent in Korean in order to stimulate and sustain their motivation. Thirdly, educators ought to exercise their discretion and give learners an appropriate study load that is neither underwhelming or overwhelming, as well as continually dispense useful advice to help them relieve their psychological burden and find the optimal learning strategies. Lastly, educators should avoid the use of relative evaluation for grading purpose, assess the difficulty of tests and make suitable adjustments if need be, and help learners review the questions that they got wrong. This may change the way learners regard a test, from an experience of failure or cause of stress into an experience of success or an opportunity for review. This study is significant as it is the first study that identified the specific factors of remotivation in learning Korean as a foreign language. This is particularly meaningful in two ways: (1) it discovered the correlation between remotivating factors and variables including learners' motivating factors, demotivating factors, gender and Korean competency level; and (2) it suggested pedagogical implications for remotivation. In conclusion, it is hoped that this study may contribute to the groundwork for investigating the remotivating factors in learning Korean as a foreign language, knowledge of which may help to greatly shorten learners' demotivation phase and expedite their transition to the remotivation stage. For future research, it is necessary to carry out more extensive investigation on the remotivating factors targeting at Korean learners of various demographic profile and to devise more detailed measures for remotivation.

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