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      • 독일내 한국상징적 기념건축물 보존방안에 대한 연구

        박경철 한국전통문화대학교 문화유산전문대학원 2021 국내석사

        RANK : 248655

        The Korean Christian Church in Hawaii was built on April 24, 1938. The structure of the church took on the form of Gwanghwamun Gate, sangryu, in Seoul, Republic of Korea. This particular building, in terms of importance, has been a pivotal focus for many Korean style architecture outside of Korea as it is more than a religious space. It has been the symbol of Korea during the Japanese Colonial period. For those who were homesick during the Japanese Colonial Period, the church was Korea. It has been a space that symbolize a country that was denied of its identity and the first Korean style traditional architecture known as ‘Hanok’ outside of its own land. Since then, the Korean Government donated the ‘Hanguk-jeong’, another hanok in a foreign environment. This time it was built in Mexico City to commemorate the Summer Olympic Games. This particular hanok was built in 1968 and it is located in the Bosque de Chapultepec, Mexico City. In reality, this hanok was sent to Mexico City as a symbolic monument paying tribute to the descendants of Korean immigrants who left Korea on April 4, 1905 at Jemulpo Port. The British merchant ship, Ilford, carried some 1,033 Joseon people as immigrants. In 1974, the Korean traditional style bell tower was donated to America as a symbol of amicable relations between the two countries. This particular architecture is located near the beach of San Pedro in Los Angeles, USA where the Korean population is mostly concentrated. The occasion commemorates 200 years of American Independence. The bell tower overlooks to Korea as the shores of the western beach directs toward the country. Korean immigrants living in the area longed for their birth land by looking toward it. The study focuses specifically on Korean traditional style architecture built outside of the country. They have symbolic meanings for immigrants, almost substituting their homeland. Seen from such a perspective, the role of these buildings have much significance. Toward the middle of the 1990s, regional governments become independent from the central government and consequently pavilions, bell towers and more were built in many foreign environments outside of Korea. However, because of the lack of expertise required to build such authentic features, there has been many drawbacks in terms of materials and management. Many have been left abandoned and therefore the buildings have deteriorated into hideous states. This study investigates on such phenomena in order to find ways to strategically and continuously manage the Korean architectural buildings in different places around the world. Such distinct architectural structures are a representation of a culture and a country. In order to maintain a cultural identity it is important to resolve such issues, even as a way of paying respect to the Korean immigrants. Many of the hanoks found in different places around the world began as symbolic national sites for Koreans living abroad during the Japanese Colonial period. The majority were donated by the Korean government. After 1995, as mentioned above, regional governments were decentralized and they began to broaden their perspectives beyond the domestic market. Their activities exceeded the local scene and they began to donate hanoks to different countries for economical exchanges and also as a symbol of the love for one’s homeland. Today, in many different countries around the world where there are sister cities Korean traditional architectural features have been included in Korean style gardens or in city gardens as a place for resting. In such places pavilions and other Korean features have been built. However entering into the year 2000, there has been an increase in civilian contribution with much going beyond simple exchanges as the financial situation of Korea improved. Korean traditional architecture finally made a mark in the market and it no longer is simply a symbolic feature. The special phenomenon is that individuals are taking interest in hanok. Korea is rising as a strong cultural country with bands such as BTS taking the position of Number 1 on the Billboard Chart. They stand on a par with Beatles. Furthermore, ‘Parasite’ movie, directed by Joonho Bong, has won 4 Academy Awards. The Korean popular culture based on tradition in terms of dress, food, crafts and more are now enjoyed by a global audience. We have established a market. Korean hanok is also developing in this way. For civilians and individuals this is becoming a new field for exploration. This study has analyzed the hanoks of the past. The objective is to restore and repair existing ones for the image of the country. Keywords : Hanok Abroad, Korean Garden, Korean Pavilion, National Image, Exporting Hanok, Department of Korean Studies This study has analyzed the hanoks of the past. The objective is to restore and repair existing ones for the image of the country. 1938년 4월 24일 하와이에는 광화문을 모티브 삼아 성루형식의 하와이한인기독교회가 만들어지고, 종교 활동과 더불어 일제강점기 민족적 상징의 공간으로써 구심적 역할을 한다. 일제강점기 모국의 그리움을 공감하는 공간으로, 잃어버린 나라의 상징으로 만들어진 공간은 이렇게 해외에서 처음 만들어진 한국적 전통건축물 ‘한옥’이 된다. 이후 해외한옥은 1968년 멕시코시티 올림픽을 앞두고 우리정부가 차폴테백 공원에 ‘한국정’을 기증한다. 이는 1905년 4월 4일 조선인 1033명이 영국 상선 일포드 호에 몸을 싣고 제물포항을 떠난 이민자와 그의 후손을 기리기 위한 상징물로 보내졌다. 또 1974년 미국독립 200주년을 기념해 한국인이 가장 많이 살고 있던 미국 LA의 산페드로 해변 한미 우정의 종각을 만들어 기증한다. 미국 서부 해변에서 서쪽 바다 넘어 고국을 향해 종각을 만들고 한국과 미국의 우정의 상징물로 만들고 이민자들의 향수를 상징하는 공간이 된다. 이렇게 해외 각지에 만들어지는 한옥은 그 의미를 두고 이민자들의 민족 또는 국가를 대신하는 의미성을 갖게 되는 공간과 상징의 역할을 하고 있다. 더욱이 1990년대 중반이 넘어서며 지방분권의 이뤄지며 지방자치단체의 활동은 국외로 나가 각 나라에 애향의 상징물로 정자, 누각, 종각 등이 만들게 된다. 그러나 해외에 만들어지는 한국적 전통건축물인 한옥은 전문인력, 재료 등의 부족과 관리 소홀로 인해 많은 곳에서 흉물로 전락하는 상황이 벌어지고 있다. 이에 연구는 이러한 현상의 인식을 통해 문제점을 도출하고 지속적인 관리의 방안을 제시함으로써 국가의 이미지 제고와 이민자의 상징물로 그 형상을 온전하게 유지하고자 함에 있다. 해외한옥은 일제강점기 민족적 거점으로 만들어지기 시작해 정부의 외교적 상징물로 기증되거나 설치되었다. 이후 1995년 지방분권이 시작되며 전국 지방자치단체의 활동영역이 국외로까지 넓어지는 배경에서 경제교류와 애향의 상징물 등으로 만들어지고 기증하게 된다. 현재는 해외 각국에 한국정원을 만드는 부속 건물에서 부터 주요 자매결연 도시의 공원과 휴양지 등에 한국 정자, 종각, 누 등을 만들어 존재하고 있다. 그러나 2000년대에 들어서면서 민간 활동의 교류가 증가하고 경제적 여건의 개선 등으로 많은 곳에서 상징의 역할을 넘어 소비시장의 구성으로 한국적 전통건축물인 한옥을 요구하는 시장이 생겨나고 있다. 특히 이민자의 경제적 수준과 민족적 향수를 공공의 공간에서 만족하지 않고 개인이 향유하려는 사례가 증가하고 있는 상황이다. BTS의 음악이 발매 3주 만에 압도적인 호응으로 빌보드 차트 1위를 차지한건 유래가 없는 일로 이제는 비틀즈에 견주는 음악가로 자리하고 봉준호 감독은 영화 ‘기생충’으로 아카데미 시상식에서는 4관왕을 석권하며 문화강국으로의 진면모를 보여주기도 했다. 대중문화의 관심과 조명은 한국적이라는 정체성의 관심으로 이어지고 전통적인 옷, 음식 등 이 상품화되면서 각국의 현지에서 하나의 시장까지 구성됐다. 주거문화는 전통문화를 포괄하는 상징적 공간으로 그 속에는 공예, 옷, 먹거리 등을 함께 표현한다. 한국적이라는 문화의 상징으로 말하는 공간은 해외 속 존재하는 한옥과 민간단체 및 개인까지 새롭게 만들어지는 한옥에서 그 정점을 이룰 듯하다. 과거 해외 각국에 만들어진 한옥과 새롭게 조영하려는 한옥, 이것에 대한 현상 분석과 통계는 기존의 공간을 관리하는 체계를 만들고 새롭게 조영하는 것에 대한 정보를 제공할 수 있을 것이다. 한국적 전통의 정체성을 통해 문화강국이라는 국가적 이미지를 제고하기 위해 해외한옥의 체계적 관리 시스템이 요구되고, 이를 위한 방안을 찾아보고자 한다.

      • 韓國 亭子園林에 關한 硏究 : 無等山 地域을 中心으로

        최은숙 全南大學校 1988 국내석사

        RANK : 232287

        本 硏究는 韓國亭子園林空間의 特徵을 究明하기 위하여 無等山 地域의 17개 亭子園林을 對象으로 하여 '場所的 固有性'을 形成하는 3大要素인 意味. 行爲. 形態를 통한 分析體系로써 亭子園林의 命名要因, 亭子마루의 平面構造的인 特性 및 園林空間構成의 特性 그리고, 坐向과 眺望을 통한 立地的인 特性을 考察하였으며, 亭子園林에 植裁되고 있는 造景植物에 대하여 調査하였다. 그 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 亭子園林을 命名하는 要因으로는 園林造營者의 雅號를 취한 것(35.29%), 園林의 周邊地形이나 眺望對象 등의 自然을 취한 것(29.42%) 그리고 故事 등에 緣由한 것(35.29%)으로 나타났다. 2. 亭子園林의 造營時期는 14C(1개 園林), 15-17C(9개 園林), 그리고 19-20C(7개 園林)의 것으로 구분된다. 3. 亭子園林의 立地類型은 江岸型이 35.29%, 丘上및山腹型이 29.42%, 그리고 마을近隣형이 35.29%으로 나타났다. 4. 亭子마루의 形態는 모두 房型(四角形)으로 나타났으며, 房의 有無에 있어서는 有室型의 亭子가 15園林으로 전체의 88.24%로 나타났다. 또한 有室型 亭子의 마루平面積에 대한 房이 차지하는 占有比는 平均 23.66%이며, 15.01-20.00% 範圍의 占有比가 전체의 53.33%에 이르고 있다. 5. 坐向에 있어서는 南南東向이 29.42%로 가장 많으며, 無等山을 求心으로 하는 實存的인 向의 영향이 큰 것으로 나타났다. 6. 가장 많이 植裁되고 있는 樹種은 소나무, 배롱나무, 느티나무 이며, 주로 思想的인 背景으로서의 象徵性에 의한 樹種 選擇의 경향이 크다. 全體樹種 中 常綠針葉樹와 落葉闊葉樹의 比는 26.09%:73.91 %이다. The purpose of the present studies was to deal with the traditional Arbor Garden. For these studies, 17 arbors were selected in Mt. Moodung district, and revealing data were collected by E. Relph's three integral elements of Identities of Place. that is. 'Meaning', 'Physical Setting' and 'Activity', and besides these elements, 'Prospect and View'. Emphasis of these studies it placed upon types of its site and Plane, Space Organization of site-Arbor Gardens. The results are as follows: 1. analysis through 'Meaning' is revealed in the forms of 'Place Naming'. Factors for Naming are found a pseudonym of builder(35.29%), a natunal object(29.42%), a historical event(35.29%). 2. The building time of arbor gardens represents 14C(1 arbor), 15-17C(9 arbors), and 19-20C(7 arbors). 3. The types of Arbor Garden sites are classified into three; riverside(35.29%), Hill-top(29.42%), and near-village(35.29%). 4. Two types are found in their planes. One is a without room type having only a wooden floor without a room. this type represents 11.76% of the 17 arbors. The other is a with-room type having one to two rooms. 5. SSE is the large Prospect of sight-lines from Arbor Gardens. 6. The total number of spacies planted arround the 17 arbor gardens is 23. Pinus densiflora, Largerstroemia indica, Zelkowa serrata are largely planted. Ratio of planting between evergreen and deciduous was 26.09% : 73.91%. And an ancestor have a proference for a symbolic tree.

      • 韓國 在來山羊精子의 液狀 및 凍結保存에 關한 硏究

        양문한 忠南大學校 1989 국내석사

        RANK : 232255

        This study was carried out to investigate the effect of incubation temperature, incubation time, dilution rate, freezing rate, glycerol concentration, incubation temperature after thawing on motility and acrosome morphology of fresh and frozen Korean native goat spermatozoa. The results obtained were as follow: 1. Motility and NAR acrosome of fresh spermatozoa during incubation were higher at 22℃ than at 5℃ or 37℃ (p<.01). The percent LAC was inversely related to the percent NAR with regard to the incubation periods of these same three treatments. 2. Motility and NAR acrosome of spermatozoa diluted to 1:4 during incubation were higher at 22℃ than at 5℃ or 37℃. Especially incubation for 0.5, 3 and 6 h in the 5℃ had a marked detrimental effect on motility and NAR acrosome of spermatozoa. 3. Motility and NAR acrosome of spermatozoa during incubation were higher for samples diluted 1:1, 1:2, or 1:4 than for samples diluted 1:6 (P<.01). 4. Motility and NAR acrosome of post-thaw spermatozoa were higher at freezing rate of 12℃/min or 24℃/min than at freezing rate of 1℃/min (P<.01). 5. Motility and NAR acrosome of post-thaw spermatozoa at freezing rate of 12℃/min were higher at 9% glycerol than at 6 of 3% (P<.01). 6. After thawing of frozen spermatozoa in a 37℃ waterbath for 10 sec, incubation temperatures of 12℃, 22℃ or 37℃ did not show any differences on motility and NAR acrosome.

      • 韓國 在來山羊 精子의 凍結保存에 關한 硏究

        황덕수 忠南大學校 1988 국내석사

        RANK : 215903

        本 硏究는 韓國在來山羊의 一般的 精液性狀을 調査하고, 溫度, 培養時間, 稀釋倍率, 凍結速度 및 그리세롤 濃度가 液狀 및 凍結精子의 運動性이나 正常尖禮의 比率에 미치는 影響을 究明하기 위하여 實施한 바, 그 얻어진 結果는 다음과 같다. 1. 韓國在來山羊精子의 平均1回射出精液量은 0.91 ± 0.09mI, 運動性은 94.5 ± 0.47%,精子濃度는 26.18×I0^8 ± 1.68/mI, 그리고 PH는 6.63 ± 0.l8이었다. 2 . 原精渡의 精子運動性과 正常尖體의 比率은 5℃나 37℃에서의 培養時 보다 22℃에서의 培養時가 더 높았다. (P< .01) 3. 原)晴&을 1: 4로 稀釋했을 경우 精子運動性과 正常尖體의 比率은 5℃나 37℃에서의 培養時 보다 22℃에서의 培養時가 더 높았다.(P<.01) 4 . 原精渡의 稀釋倍率 및 培養時間에 따른 精子運動性과 正常尖體의 比率은 原精演: 稀釋緩衝渡의 比率이 .l: 1, l: 2 및 I: 4의 경우가 1: 6의 경우 보다 더 높았다. (P< .01) 5. 融解後 精子運動性과 正常尖體의 比率은 그리세롤 濃度가 9%인때 12℃/min의 凍結速度로 凍結한 경우가 I℃/min나 24℃/min의 凍結 速度로 凍結한 경우 보다 더 높았다. (p< .01) This study was carried out to investigate the general semen characteristics of the Korean native goat and the effect of temperature, incubation time, dilution rate, freezing rate and glycerol concentration on motility and NAR (normal apical ridge) acrosome of fresh and frozen Korean native goat spermatozoa. The results obtained were as follows: 1. Average semen volume per ejaulate, motility. concentration and pH of fresh Korean native goat spermatozoa were 0.91 ± 0.09 ml, 94.5±0.47%, 26,17×10^8±1.68/ml and 6.63±0.18, respectively. 2. Motility and NAR acrosome of fresh spermatozoa during incubation at 22˚C were higher than those at 5˚C or 37˚C (P < 0.1) 3. Motility and NAR acrosome of spermatozoa diluted 1:4 during incubation at 22˚C were higher than those at 5˚C or 37˚C (P < 0.1). 4. Motility and NAR acrosome of spermatozoa diluted 1:1, 1:2 or 1:4 during incubation were higher than those diluted 1:6 (P < 0.1). 5. Motility and NAR acrosome of post-thaw spermatozoa at freezing rate of 12˚C/min were higher than those at freezing rate of 1˚C/min or 24˚C/min when glycerol concentration was 9% (P < 0.1).

      • 한국산 잔가시고기(pungitius kaibarae) 정자의 미세구조 연구

        배우범 대구대학교 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 199455

        Spermatozoa of Pungitius Kailbarae ssp. were investigated by transmission and scaning electron microscopy. The spermatozoon of P.Kaibarae ssp. was approximately 33.3μm in length, and relatively simple cells were composed of a voal shaped head, a short midpiece and a flagellum. The ultrastructure of the spermatozoa of P.kailbarae ssp. was similar to the general pattern of primitive spermatozoa with external fetilization. An acrosome was absent. The nuclear fossa, which was very shallow, and contains two centrioles. The centrioles were oriented approximately 42℃ to each other. The mitochondria of 26 in number were arranged in four layers, and the axoneme was surrounded with it. The two axonemal fins were in the same plane with the two central microtubules, the doublets 3 and 8. The tai was positioned tangentially to the nucleus. The spermatozoa of P.kaibarae ssp. were different from those of Gasterosteus aculeatus of P.kailbarae ssp. were different from those Gasterosteus aculeatus by the orientation of the centrioles, the number and layers of mitochondria. However, they were similar each other in having the symmetrical position of the mitochondria, two axonemal fins and the eccentrical position of the tail with regard to the nucleus. Those characteristics could be considered as common in stikleback spermatozoa.

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