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      • 아스퍼거 장애 학생의 행동문제에 대한 학생과 교사의 인식비교 연구 : 학생의 교육적 요구와 교사의 중재를 중심으로

        김경민 대구대학교 2007 국내박사

        RANK : 248671

        본 연구는 아스퍼거 장애 학생이 학교에서 보이는 행동문제에 대한 아스퍼거 장애 학생 자신의 인식과 교사의 인식을 질적으로 분석함으로써 연구대상 간의 인식의 차이와, 특수교사와 일반교사 간의 중재 전략의 차이, 교사들의 중재 전략이 아스퍼거 장애 학생에게 미치는 영향을 살펴보았다. 그리고 아스퍼거 장애 학생들의 교육적 요구와 중재 전략과의 상호작용 관계를 파악하여 교사들에게는 효과적인 중재 방안을 마련하게 하고 학생들에게는 성공적인 통합교육의 기저를 마련하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 그러기 위해 본 연구에는 네 명의 아스퍼거 장애 학생과 네 명의 담임교사인 일반교사, 네 명의 특수교사가 연구에 참여했으며 아스퍼거 장애 학생들의 어머니들은 학생의 생육사에 관련된 정보를 제공하기 위해 연구에 참여하였다. 참여자들에게는 각각 반구조화 된 질문지를 이용하여 면담을 실시했으며 면담의 내용은 녹음 후 전사되었다. 전사된 내용은 코딩의 과정을 거쳐 해석되고 기술되었다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같이 네 가지로 요약된다. 첫째, 아스퍼거 장애 학생들은 사회적 기술의 결함으로 발생되는 자신들의 행동문제를 심각하게 받아들이지 않았고, 다만 타인의 무례한 행동에 대해 피해를 입지 않기 위해 행한 정당방위라고 인식하고 있었다. 그러나 아스퍼거 장애 학생들은 좋은 지능과 학업 성적을 보이기 때문에 일반교사들은 학생들의 행동을 바르지 못한 인성에 기인한다고 비난하고 있었다. 반면, 특수교사들은 학생들의 행동문제를 비난하기 보다는 장애에 기인하여 발생하는 행동으로 인식하고 있었다. 둘째, 아스퍼거 장애 학생들의 행동문제에 대한 일반교사의 중재 전략은 일반학생들의 행동문제를 다루는 것과 다르지 않았고 때로는 자신들의 능력 밖이라고 생각하고 중재를 포기하기도 하였다. 그러나 특수교사는 학생이 장애를 가지고 있다는 사실을 인정하면서부터 관찰과 평가를 통해 적절한 중재 전략을 모색하고 실행하는 것을 볼 수 있었다. 셋째, 일반교사들의 중재는 아스퍼거 장애 학생들에게 긍정적인 영향을 주지 못했다. 그러나 래포 형성과 믿음을 바탕으로 한 특수교사의 체계적인 중재는 아스퍼거 장애 학생들의 행동을 변화시켰고 학생들이 교사를 믿고 의지할 수 있게 하였다. 넷째, 분명 아스퍼거 장애 학생들은 다양한 교육적 요구를 가지고 있음에도 불구하고 일반교사들은 장애 학생이 교육적 요구를 가지고 있다는 사실을 인식하지 못하고 있었다. 그러나 특수교사들은 아스퍼거 장애 학생이 가지고 있는 교육적 요구를 인식하고 교육에 적극 반영하고자 노력하는 모습을 보였다. 아직까지 국내에서는 아스퍼거 장애에 관한 연구가 활발히 진행되고 있지 않은 현실을 감한해 볼 때, 학교 현장에서 얻을 수 있는 행동문제에 대한 구체적인 자료들을 학생 자신의 입장과 교사들의 입장을 통해 분석하고 중재방안에 대한 사례들을 제공하는 본 연구는 후속 연구의 자료로써 활용될 수 있을 것이다. 그리고 본 연구의 결과는 교사들에게 아스퍼거 장애에 대한 정보를 제공하고 적절한 중재의 방안을 모색하게 함으로써 아스퍼거 장애 학생들의 성공적인 통합교육에 이바지 할 것으로 보인다. The purpose of this qualitative research was to investigate the recognition of students with Asperger's disorder and of their teachers on the students' challenging behaviors at school. The study aimed at understanding the differences in its recognition among the participants of the study. It also aimed at investigating the interaction between teachers' intervention strategies and the challenging behaviors of the students at school. Ultimately, the current study was to provide the teachers with the insight for effective teaching strategies to manage challenging behaviors of students with Asperger's disorder by comprehending the students' educational needs. Four male students(adolescents) with Asperger's disorder attending regular junior or senior high schools, their general education teachers, their special education teachers, and their mothers participated in the study. The participants were interviewed and asked to respond to each question of an open-ended questionnaire using in narrative and descriptive ways. The results of the study were identified as follows. First, the students with Asperger's disorder regarded their challenging behaviors as their self-defensive expressions rather than a serious inappropriate behaviors, which was caused by having deficits in appropriate social skills. As most of the students displayed good intelligence and good academic skills, most of the general teachers regarded and misunderstood the students as bad conductors. On contrast, special educators did not blame the student so that they recognized the students' challenging behaviors as some troubles coming from the disorder. Second, in the intervention strategies, general teachers used the ordinary ways in dealing with the students' challenging behaviors and they tended to give up implementing appropriate interventions to manage the behaviors. On the other hand, special educators actively searched for effective intervention strategies to manage the students' inappropriate behaviors. Third, the general teachers did not have confidence in having positive outcomes of intervention, which brought negative effects to mange the behaviors. However, the special educators had confidence in the effects of systematic interventions for the students' behaviors, which brought active implementation of individualized intervention for the students. Fourth, the general teachers were unaware educational needs of their students with Asperger's disorder, but special educators understood their needs for education and reflected it to the special education. The results of this study strongly recommend to do further researches emphasizing on asserting the effects of a variety of intervention strategies, which will guide the teachers to support their students with special needs at school settings.

      • 일반아동과 단순언어장애아동의 담화 구조 분석 : 이야기구조와 내용을 중심으로

        강정숙 단국대학교 2003 국내박사

        RANK : 248655

        본 연구는 학령초기 일반아동과 단순언어장애아동의 언어적 특성을 알아보기 위해 두 집단의 이야기 구조와 내용을 중심으로 담화구조를 분석한 것이다. 연구대상은 만6~8세의 일반아동 18명과 단순언어장애아동 18명으로 하였으며, 이들의 이야기 구조와 내용을 집단간, 장르별, 제시조건별로 분석하였다. 분석방법은 먼저 두 집단간 이야기구조와 내용의 차이를 비교하였고, 장르별 비교는 필요한 유형만을 하위로 비교하였다. 다음으로 제시조건별로 두 집단간 이야기구조와 내용의 차이를 살펴보았으며, 끝으로 두 집단간 이야기 산출 오류율에 대해 알아보았다. 자료처리는 이야기 구조의 하위유형에 따라 분산분석 하였으며, 이야기 완성도와 이야기 산출오류의 차이에 대해서는 χ²검정을 실시하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 두 집단간 이야기구조와 내용인 이야기문법의 구성요소, 이야기구조의 복잡성, 이야기의 완성도, 응집장치, 시제, 어미변화 등의 사용정도에 차이가 있었다. 두 집단간 이야기산출에서 장르전체의 이야기문법의 사용정도를 살펴본 결과, 두 집단은 7개의 구성요소들 중 시도의 사용이 가장 높았으며, 내적계획의 사용이 가장 낮았다. 아동들은 행위시도로 이야기를 전개하고, 전략이나 의도를 포함한 묘사는 적게 사용한다고 볼 수 있다. 일반아동은 이야기 문법을 배경, 결과, 시작사건, 내적반응, 결말의 순위로 사용하였고, 단순언어장애아동은 결과, 배경, 내적반응, 시작사건, 결말의 순위로 사용한 것으로 나타났다. 또한 이야기 문법 구성요소들의 조직양식인 이야기 구조의 복잡성을 분석한 결과, 집단간에는 완전한 일화, 불완전한 일화에서 유의미한 차이가 있었다. 일반아동은 완전한 일화가 높고, 행위적순서나 반응적 순서는 낮게 나타났다. 즉 완전한 이야기로 조직된 이야기를 많이 산출하였다. 단순언어장애아동은 불완전한 일화의 산출이 높았다. 이들의 이야기는 문법요소들이 생략된 불완전한 이야기조직으로 구성되었다는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 이야기를 완성한 인원수를 장르별로 분석한 결과, 이야기 꾸미기에서 유의미한 차이가 나타났다. 즉 그림단서가 주어진 이야기 꾸미기에서 두 집단간 차이는 단서가 주어져도 허구적인 이야기를 논리적으로 꾸미는 산출과제에서 단순언어장애아동은 이야기를 완성하는데 어려움을 겪는 것으로 나타났다. 응집, 시제, 그리고 어미변화 등의 사용빈도를 분석한 결과, 먼저 이야기의 성숙도를 높이는 응집장치를 접속과 지시장치로 나누어 사용 빈도를 살펴보았다. 두 집단간 접속, 지시장치의 사용빈도는 일반아동이 단순언어장애아동보다 많았다. 장르별로 두 집단의 차이를 살펴보면, 접속은 스크립트에서, 지시는 모든 장르에서 유의미한 차이가 나타났다. 특히 단순언어장애아동의 지시장치의 사용이 적었는데, 이는 이전문장의 참조가 어렵거나, 지시형태의 어휘산출시기의 지연으로 볼 수 있다. 과거시제동사 사용에서 단순언어장애아동은 일반아동보다 시제사용에 균형을 유지하지 못했다. 단순언어장애아동은 시제상의 순서를 제공하는 이야기의 틀을 이해하는데 어려움이 있어, 과거의 경험과 일상의 사건 정보와의 관계를 통합하지 못한다고 볼 수 있다. 또한 사건이나 인물을 한정하는 관형사형어미 사용이 미숙하고, 다양하지 못하며, 혼동이 많았다. 이는 학령초기 단순언어장애아동은 어미변화에 덜 익숙하거나, 어미형태를 불완전하게 습득한 것으로 볼 수 있다. 둘째, 그림과 구두제시별로 두 집단의 이야기문법 구성요소의 사용정도를 비교한 결과, 그림제시에서는 시작사건과 내적반응에서, 구두제시에서는 배경에서 유의미한 차이가 나타났다. 구두제시에서 단순언어장애아동은 배경묘사가 어렵고, 이야기의 사건진술 능력은 그림제시에서 부족하다고 볼 수 있다. 이야기구조의 복잡성을 분석한 결과, 그림제시와 구두제시 모두 행위적 순서에서 유의미한 차이가 나타났다. 그림제시에서 행위적 순서의 차이는 일반아동이 이야기 수준이 낮은 단계인 행위적 순서를 적게 사용한 것이고, 구두제시에서 행위적 순서의 차이는 구두질문에 일반아동이 단순언어장애아동보다 행위만을 사용한 문장발화 즉 서술어의 나열로만 이루어진 대화식 문장을 더 많이 사용한 결과로 볼 수 있다. 두 집단의 응집을 제시조건별로 비교한 결과, 지시장치는 그림제시와 구두제시에서 유의미한 차이가 나타났다. 두 집단 모두 그림제시에서 접속사용이 현저히 높았다. 그러나 지시는 제시조건에 관계없이 사용빈도가 낮았다. 단순언어장애아동은 그림을 제시하든 제시하지 않든 지시사용에 어려움을 보였다. 이는 학령초기 단순언어장애아동은 지시형태의 어휘습득이 낮거나, 언어적 기술 능력 부족으로 볼 수 있다. 두 집단의 시제변화를 제시조건별로 비교한 결과, 구두제시에서 과거시제가 유의미한 차이가 있었다. 시제의 변화는 제시조건에 영향을 받았다고 볼 수 있다. 왜냐하면, 단순언어장애아동은 일반아동보다 구두제시에서 질문의 유형에 상관없이 이미 표상 된 사건도식을 사용하여 일반적인 사건으로 이야기를 산출하였기 때문이다. 즉 익숙한 사건이나 친숙한 사건은 과거의 경험을 매일의 일상적인 사건으로 도식화하여 산출한다고 볼 수 있다. 어미의 변화를 비교한 결과, 선어말어미와 관형사형어미는 모든 제시조건에서 차이가 나타났다. 일반아동은 그림이 제시되면 선어말어미를 더 많이 사용하지만, 그림이 없으면, 덜 사용한다고 볼 수 있다. 그러나 단순언어장애아동은 그림이 주어지든 주어지지 않든 관형사형 어미의 사용은 어렵다는 것을 알 수 있다. 이는 학령기 단순언어장애아동은 관형사형어미를 사용할 언어적 기술능력이 부족한 연령으로 볼 수 있다. 셋째, 단순언어장애아동과 일반아동들이 가장 많이 산출한 오류유형별로 집단간 비교 분석한 결과, 집단간에는 격조사, 접속사 그리고 시제에서 유의미한 차이가 있었다. 일반아동보다 단순언어장애아동의 오류산출이 격조사와 접속사에서 현저히 높게 나타났다. 문장간 연결에서 접속사의 혼동이 많았다. 단순언어장애아동은 학년이 올라갈수록 문장의 길이가 길어지고, 복잡해지면서 이전에 소개되지 않은 사건이나 실제를 참조하는 데 어려움을 보였고, 아동이 사용하는 접속사를 이야기맥락의 이해 없이 모든 문장에 사용하므로 오류율을 높인다는 것을 확인하였다. 시제오류는 제시조건의 영향을 받았다. 특히 구두제시인 개인이야기에서 시제오류가 많았다. 개인이야기에서 시제오류율의 높은 빈도는, 과거시제동사의 오류의 영향인데, 이는 아동이 공유한 경험과 사건에 대한 정보와 매일의 일상적인 활동과 사건정보와의 차이를 잘 이해하지 못한 것으로 볼 수 있다. This study, with the purpose of examining the linguistic characteristics of children with normal language and those with specific language impairment during early school ages, is an analysis of the narrative structures and contents of the two groups. The subject of the study consisted of 18 children with normal language and 18 children with specific language impairment, aged between six and eight years, whose narrative structures and contents were analyzed by group, presented condition and genre. With respect to analytical method, the study initially compared differences between the two group's narrative structures and contents, and only delved into elements determined necessary in the comparison by genre. Next, differences in the two group's narrative structures and contents by presented conditions were examined. Finally, the study considered the error rates of narrative production between the two groups. The study adopted a distributed data processing system according to the subordinate patterns of narrative structure and conducted the χ²examination system to measure the difference in the degree of the narratives completeness and errors in narrative production. The major conclusions of the study are as follows. Firstly, there were differences between the two groups in the degree of use of such subordinate patterns of narrative structures and contents as narrative grammar subordinate elements, narrative structure complexity, narrative completeness, cohesive device, tense and inflection. According to the result of examining the degree of use of narrative grammar in the entire genre of the two group's narrative production, the two groups most frequently used the element of attempt among seven subordinate elements, while least used the element of internal planning. The frequency of use by children with normal language was in the order of background, result, initiative event, internal response, reaction and internal planning, while that for a child having specific language impairment was used in the order of result, background, internal response, initiative event, reaction and internal planning. According to the result of analyzing the complexity of narrative structure such as the organizing pattern of narrative grammar subordinate elements, there were significant differences between the groups in complete episodes and incomplete episodes. Children with normal language showed a high degree of complete episodes but a low degree of action sequence and reaction sequence. That is, they produced narratives consisting of complete episodes. Children with specific language impairment showed a high production of incomplete episodes. It has been confirmed that their narratives consisted of incomplete, omitted episodes. According to the result of analyzing the number of children who completed narratives by genre, there were significant differences in narrative formation. The difference between the two groups in narrative formation when provided with pictorial clues showed that children with specific language impairment experienced difficulties in completing narratives when faced with the task of logically forming fictitious narratives even if they were provided with clues. In analyzing the frequency of the use of cohesion, tense and inflection, the study examined the frequency of the use of conjunctions and reference devices to measure the cohesion that enhances narrative maturity. Between the two groups, the frequency of the use of conjunctions and reference devices was higher in children with normal language than in children having specific language impairment. Examining the difference between the two groups by genre, conjunction showed significant differences in script, while reference showed significant differences in all genres. Particularly, children with specific language impairment used less reference, which could be attributable to their difficulty in referring to previous sentences or to the delayed timing of vocabulary output. When using the past tense, children with specific language impairment were unable to maintain a balance in using tenses as compared to children with normal language. Children with specific language impairment had difficulties in understanding the narrative framework that provides the sequence of tenses. Specifically, they could hardly understand the relationship between past experiences and the information about the event. Their uses of adnominal suffixes that define events or characters were poor, lacking in diversity and confusing. This indicates that children with specific language impairment during early school years are less familiar with the inflection or have learned it incompletely. Secondly, according to the result of comparing the degree of use of narrative grammar subordinate elements between the two groups in pictorial and oral presentations, pictorial presentation showed significant differences in initiative events and internal response while oral presentation revealed them in background. In oral presentations, children with specific language impairment had difficulties in describing backgrounds and were less capable of introducing narratives. According to the result of analyzing the complexity of narrative structure, Both pictorial presentation and oral presentation showed differences in action sequence. The difference in action sequence in pictorial presentation was that used less action sequence that children with normal language were narrative levels wewe lower stage, the difference in action sequence in oral presentation was that children with normal language were better at starting sentences using only actions, or, in other words, used more sentences consisting of the arrays of predicates than children with specific language impairment. In oral presentation without pictorial cues, children with specific language impairment experienced greater difficulties in narrative formation than with pictorial clues. According to the result of comparing the cohesion of the two groups by presented conditions, while reference devices showed them in pictorial and oral presentations. Both groups showed high frequency in the use of conjunctions in pictorial presentation. Reference, however, showed much lower frequency of use whether pictures were presented or not. Children with specific language impairment showed difficulties in using reference devices whether pictures were presented or not. This can be interpreted as children with specific language impairment in early school age as having had low learning of reference vocabulary learning or were lacking in their ability to learn linguistic skills. According to the result of comparing tense changes between the two groups by presented condition, past tense showed significant differences in oral presentation. The change of tense can be seen as being greatly influenced by presented conditions because children with specific language impairment were more inclined to produce narratives as general events by using the scheme of events already emblemized without being influenced by the type of questions in oral presentation than children with normal language. That is, the linguistically handicapped children reproduced familiar or well acquainted events by schematizing past experiences as ordinary, everyday events. According to the result of comparing inflections, suffixes preceding word endings showed differences in oral presentation, while adnominal suffixes showed them in all presentations. Children with normal language used more suffixes preceding word endings when pictures were presented, but less so without pictures. But children with specific language impairment had difficulties in using adnominal suffixes whether or not the pictures were presented. This shows that school-aged children with specific language impairment still belong to the age group that is deficient of the linguistic skills necessary to use adnominal suffixes. Thirdly, according to the result of comparatively analyzing the most frequent erroneous patterns of children with specific language impairment and children with normal language by groups and ages, the two groups showed significant differences in case particles and conjunctions, while different age groups showed differences in the omission of case particle, conjunction, conjunctional suffix and tense. The erroneous production was conspicuously higher in children with specific language impairment than in children with normal language. The increase of conjunctional errors according to age increase was exemplified in the confusion of conjunction when linking sentences. It has been confirmed that as the ages rise, children with specific language impairment use longer and more complicated sentences and show difficulties in referring to events or facts not introduced previously, and that they further raise the rates of error by applying conjunctions used by children in all sentences without understanding the context of the narratives. Errors in tense were influenced by presented conditions. The tense errors were particularly high in personal narratives in oral presentation. The high frequency of tense errors, which is influenced by errors in past-tense verbs, could be attributed to their poor understanding of relationships between the information about experiences and events shared by the children and the information about ordinary, everyday events.

      • 음운인식훈련이 읽기장애아동의 음운인식과 읽기 능력에 미치는 효과

        이원령 대구대학교 2003 국내박사

        RANK : 248655

        The purpose of this study is to see the effects of phonological awareness training for children with reading disabilities. Previous studies indicate that children with reading disabilities have deficits in their phonological awareness. Based on the previous study outcomes, special educators began to apply direct teaching strategies with phonological awareness for the children instead of visual and perceptual training. Three boys with reading disabilities participated in the study. Child A is in the third grade with IQ 84. Child B is in the first grade with IQ 88. Child C is in the first grade with IQ 95. The Study used a multiple probe design across subjects. Each phonological awareness test is performed every three interventions and data were analyzed by visual analysis. Phonological awareness training consists of 3 components, constructed according to the intrinsic property of Korean structure. The first phonological awareness training was setting same initial or last letter sound on the letters of Form 1-2. The second phonological awareness training was phoneme additions, deletions, and substitutions on letters of Form 4-5. The third phonological awareness training was phoneme blending and distinction on total letters forms with specially two vowels. The results showed as follows: First, each child showed different phenomenon in baseline. Child A was better in setting initial letters, and child C was better in setting last letters. Child B didn't have any kind of phonological awareness. When the intervention was introduced, all the children showed more improvement in setting initial letters than last letters. Second, all the children showed less improvement on phoneme substitution than addition and deletion. Third, all the children showed improvement on phoneme blending and distinction. Specially they confused the letters with two vowels or similar shape. Fourth, performance level of reading letters was improved much more than performance level of reading words and nonwords. In particular, comparing reading on words with nonwords, reading on nonwords improved more. It seemed due to the improvement of phonological awareness.

      • 전환 교육 모형 개발을 위한 지체 부자유 학교 교사 지각 및 요구 수준 연구

        박미화 대구대학교 2003 국내박사

        RANK : 248655

        The purpose of this study was to determine the teachers’ perception and the needs for developing a transition education model of students in physical and multiple disability schools. To meet the purpose, the specific objectives were (1 to identify the disability characteristics of students and their transition types or patterns through schooling, (2) to measure both the needs and the actual implementation as perceived by teachers for transition education of students in physical and multiple disability schools, and ( 3 ) to determine the validity of a conceptual model for transition education of students with physical and multiple disabilities as perceived by teachers. The subjects used for the study were 253 consisting of 15 class teachers in kindergartens, 112 class teachers in elementary schools, 65 class teachers in middle schools, and 61 class teachers in high schools for the physical and multiple disability. The researcher developed a questionnaire based on the review of literature and a pilot test. The questionnaire included questions about characteristics of individual respondent teacher, disability characteristics of disability students, transition types through schooling, needs for transition education of students with physical and multiple disabilities, current status of transition education provided by the physical and multiple disability school, and the validity of a conceptual model for transition education of students with physical and multiple disabilities. Using the mailed questionnaire developed by the researcher collected the data. The response rate was 87% but after the data screening, 173 responses were analyzed. The results of the study were as follows; First, the prevalent disabilities among students in physical and multiple disability schools were cerebral palsy with spasticity and quadriplegia. Their transitional types were clinic center, home, or child welfare center in transition from preschool to kindergarten, special school, child welfare center, or regular elementary school in transition from kindergarten to elementary school, and special school, clinic center, or welfare center in transitions from elementary school to middle school to high school. In transition from high school to post high school, most students participated in post-secondary education, vocational training center, employment, or protection institution. Second, there was a wide gap between the needs and the actual provision by special school for transition education of students with physical and multiple disabilities. The needs of transition education for students in physical and multiple disability school were largely found in 11 items about planning and implementation, 19 educational contents, and 7 outcomes of the transition education. However, there was no difference among needs of transition education according the school level. Finally, a systematic approach to develop a model for transition education of students with physical and multiple disabilities should be applied. In an ideal model for transition education, some steps and components such as analysis step, program planning and implementation step, outcome evaluation step, follow-up step, student and parent participation and decision-making component, and collaboration and support service component with the related institutions should be included. Based upon the findings of this study, some recommendations were made for further research. First, a transitional type or path of students with physical disability should be examined on the regular basis. Second, an instrument to measure the transitional readiness or ability of students should be developed. Third, a proposed conceptual model for transition education of students with physical disabilities should be elaborated.

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