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      • 環境法上 規制의 實效性確保에 關한 硏究

        전병성 建國大學校 2003 국내박사

        RANK : 248782

        The fact that environmental problems can threaten the very existence of mankind is gaining more recognition throughout the world. Air and water pollution to destruction of natural ecosystem is threatening our living habitat. The start of the global efforts to resolve this deadly trend can be said to have started at the 1972 United Nations Convention on Human and Environment. The subsequent 1992 Rio Declaration has opened a new era in global environmental efforts. The Agenda 21 and environmental con- ventions became the basic framework for global environmental legislation. In Korea, the 1963 Pollution Prevention Act and the 1977 Environment Preservation Act were established to lay the foundation for environmental legislation. In 1990, the National Environment Agency was consolidated to a Ministry level body and the Environment Preservation Act was branched off to Basic Environment Policy Act and other laws on specific environmental issues, leading to steady increase in the number of environmental legislations. Currently, there are 33 legislations that are under the mandate of the Ministry of Environment. Also there are diverse instruments and mechanisms to carry out these regulations. However, despite the increase in number of legislation and regulation mechanisms, the effective enforcement of these regulations have not improved. The regulation mechanisms under the Korea environmental laws can be categorized as command-and-control regulations, economic instruments and land-use regulations. The command-and-control regulations are compulsive actions such as regulatory laws and orders, taken directly to prohibit or regulate behaviors that hinder the realization of social values. Environment standards, targets for emission limits, regulations on fuel use, automobile emission standards, permission, registration and report for the construction of polluting facilities, monitoring and inspection of environmental pollution can all be included in this category. For economic incentive instruments, emission charge, fees for environment improvement, water quality improvement and waste disposal, and waste deposit-refund systems are some of the examples. Such mechanisms for these economic instruments need to be improved in order for it to be more based on the polluter pays principle. Land use regulations are significant in that it regulates the certain area of landfrom being developed, and thus, preventing from ruining the environment. The legal basis for limiting land-use for environmental purposes can be found in the Korean National Constitution Chapter 23-2 which requires all property rights to be socially appropriate and also the Chapter 35, which guarantees "Environmental Rights". The basis for land- use regulations can also be found in various environmental acts such as the Special Measures Zones designation by the Basic Environment Policy Act, Natural Ecosystem Preservation Zone designation by the Natural Envi- ronment Preservation Act, Natural Park designation by the Natural Park Law, Soil Protection areadesignation by the Soil Protection Act and other laws such as laws on wetland and small islands protection. However, land-use policy requires a careful approach,because despite all the environmental consequences it can possess, if the land protection measure violates the very basis of property rights, it can be ruled as un- constitutional. Ensuring effective enforcement of environmental legislation is an important part of environmental policy. Traditionally, there are two ways of ensuring the effective implementation of legislation one, through execution by proxy and other mandatory enforcement, and two, administrative penalties, fines and other indirect enforcement. Grounds for the execution by proxy can be found in Waste Management Act, Natural Park Act and Soil Protection Act. However, because the procedures for execution by proxy are complicated and it is difficult to acquire budgets needed to carry it out, many times, it is not an effective method of implementation. Direct Regulation and mandatory levy are also complicated in its procedures and in many times, difficult to find those who are subject to the regulation. Examples of administrative penalties are often found throughout envi- ronmental legislations, mostly in a form of penalty fee for law violation. In most environmental legislations, penalties usually take the form of liability without fault and both the representative of the organization and the polluter can be charged. Fines as a form of indirect enforcement have been more widely applied. The Air Preservation Act, The Water Protection Act, Drinking Water Management Act and Waste Management Act all use this instrument for its enforcement. Fines substitute administrative penalty with monetary penalty, and in strict sense, it is a drawback on the stern enforcement. Cancellation of permits is another form of enforcement instrument, however, its limitation lies with the one who is enforcing. Because many of these traditional ways lack flexibility and effectiveness, voluntary approach to environment management are gaining more attention. Voluntary agreements, increasing access to environmental information, auditing and supporting the compliance of environmental regulations are examples of instrument that guarantee the autonomy in business management, while utilizing the market mechanisms. Voluntary agreements (VA) are effective whenthere is an imperfect environment for regulation and when there is a desire to enforce standards stronger than the ones stated in the law. VAs have been widely used in Japan, U.S., and EU, and it is also introduced in Korea. Recycling target agreement, Industrial waste reduction agreement, Local autonomous environmental management, and Environmental agreements are also examples. In order for VAs to be successful, environmental standards and the penalty for violation must be strengthened, as well as appropriate implementation programs, and effective monitoring. Also, increasing in awareness by the business and citizens alike are needed. Increasing access to environmental information satisfies the public's right to know, promotes administrative control and reduces environmental risks. In Germany, Environmental Information Law was passed to guarantee access to information and in U.S. Emergency Planning and Community, Right to Know Act guarantees environment information access to regional societies. Korea is also in the process of devising Business Environmental Information Access system, as well as PRTR, which is being endorsed by OECD. However, there is a need to expand the depth and scope of information disseminated. Environmental auditing allows self-inspection of problems within the organization, as well as promoting environmental actions. The reason behind the increasing trend in environmental auditing lies with thedeficiency in law enforcement. Environmental auditing increases flexibility and improves law enforcement, and expands information access to public. Environmental auditing is an important mechanism to bring effective implementation and therefore, taking action on environmental auditing is needed. Support mechanism for compliances can be divided into support for investment in environmental facilities and for environment technology development. Because environmental facilities and technology development are closely linked with the science and technology, it is difficult to promote progress without advancement in science and technology. Providing supports such as loans, clean technology, tax reduction and breaks for constructing non-polluting facilities are also an important mechanism to bring effective implementation. In conclusion, because environmental problems are complex and difficult to define their relationships, there are 4 issues that must be resolved to bring effective implementation for environmental legislations. First, science and technology related to environmental regulation must be improved. Because environmental standards and emission permits are also based on scientific knowledge and instruments, it is important to solve environmental problems without firm basis in science. Second, there must be a harmonization between environmental and economic policy. Environmental policies are closely interlinked with economic policy, and if a country's economic policy heavily focuses on the develo- pment, finding effective enforcement of environmental legislations is almost impossible. Third, environmental regulations must be able to address diverse issues. Diverse environmental instruments have been developed to address this diversity. Fourth, there needs to be a harmonization between environmental regulations and property rights. The environmental problems are issues of externalities and lack of property rights, and clearly designating property rights is an important element for ensuring effective enforcement. In order to increase such effectiveness in enforcement, appropriate policy mix of command-and-control, economic instruments, and voluntary approaches are needed.

      • 地方分權의 實效性 確保를 위한 道 機能 再調整 方向에 관한 硏究

        방선엽 韓南大學校 社會文化科學大學院 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 248686

        Successful decentralization requires readjusting the administrative functions between the central and local government and between the local governments. In Korea, which adopted a two-tier system. the scope and process of decentralization can be altered to the effectiveness of decentralization can be reduced according to the way the administrative functions of provinces(uppre-level local government) are established. Recognizing the issues mentioned above, the purpose of this study is to seek ways to ensure the effectiveness of decentralization. For this purpose, this study is designed in the following frame: Chapter 1, introduction, including the purpose, scope, and methodology of study; Chapter 2, the need for decentralization and the relationship between decentralization and readjusting administrative functions; Chapter 3, the realities and problems on the division of functions between administrative tiers; Chapter 4, benchmarking realities of readjustment; Chapter 5, suggestions to adjust administrative functions; Chapter 6, suggestions on the principles, criteria, and procedure to adjust administrative functions. Based on the research, this study suggests the following major findings to adjust administrative functions of provinces(do); first, establishing the identity of the province(do), namely, the status and roles of provinces; second, promoting the readjustment of functions step by step; third, formulating the principles, criteria, and procedure of readjustment. This study goes on to make the following policy recommendations: first, creating new functions by reducing the functions of the central government; second, enlarging the functions of local governments and building the capacity of local officials; third, conducting research on comprehensive transfers; fourth, establishing a successive basis for decentralization reforms.

      • 行政代執行法에 관한 硏究

        김기홍 延世大學校 大學院 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 248652

        행정이 법을 집행하고, 공익을 실현하는 과정은 대부분 그 상대방인 국민에 대하여 일정한 의무를 부과하고 이에 대해 국민은 그에게 부과된 일정한 의무를 이행하는 방식으로 이루어진다. 이 경우에 의무를 이행하여야 할 상대방인 국민이 의무를 이행하지 않거나 의무를 위반하는 경우에는 의무이행확보를 강제할 수 있는 수단이 마련되어야 한다. 이러한 수단은 행정상의 의무불이행에 대한 강제수단인 행정상 강제집행과 행정상 즉시강제 그리고, 행정상 의무위반에 대한 제재로서 행정벌로 크게 나눌 수 있으며 이러한 실효성의 확보수단 가운데 행정상 강제집행제도가 가장 중요한 수단이라 여겨진다. 이러한 강제집행제도는 대집행, 행정상 강제징수, 강제금, 직접강제 등으로 나누어지며 본 연구에서는 강제집행제도 중 유일하게 일반법을 가지고 있는 대집행을 주된 대상으로 하고 있다. 이와 같은 행정강제는 국민에 대한 권리침해의 정도가 중대하므로 법률의 근거가 필요하다는 것은 법치주의의 당연한 요청일 것이다. 따라서 선행하는 행정적 명령권이 후에 사인에 의한 당해 명령을 위반하는 경우 당연히 집행력을 가지고 강제적으로 이를 실행할 수 있다는 견해는 이제 설 땅이 없다고 하겠다. 결국 행정적 명령권과 명령의 실현을 위한 강제집행권은 별개의 행위로 행정의 법률적합성의 원칙에 근거하여 행정상의 강제집행권을 명령권의 근거규정과는 별개의 특별한 법적근거를 요한다고 보아야 한다. 이상을 기초로 하여 우리의 행정대집행을 살펴본 결과 가장 근본적인 문제는 행정강제와 집행을 규율하는 일반법이 없다는 것이다. 일반법의 제정이야 말로 행정강제를 통일적으로 규율할 수 있는 초석이 될 뿐 아니라 각 행정강제의 유형들 간의 관계도 명확히 할 수 있기 때문이다. 하지만 본 연구에서는 그 범위를 행정대집행에 한정했으므로 일반법인 행정대집행법과 행정대집행을 규정한 개별법에 관해 연구해 보았다. 우선 행정대집행의 기능과 관련해서는 대집행이 경찰목적 등의 소극적 목적을 위해 활용되어 왔으나, 적극적 공공복리의 실현을 위해서도 활용되고 있다는 것이 일반적인 견해이다. 하지만 몇 가지 법률에서는 다음과 같은 기능을 수행하기도 하였다. 즉, 감독기관이 피감독기관에 대해 직무이행명령을 한 후 그 이행명령을 피감독기관이 이행하지 않은 경우 그 이행 수단으로서 기능하기도 하고, 재해 등의 긴급한 상태를 회복하기위한 수단으로 기능하기도 함을 볼 수 있었다. 그리고 행정대집행을 규율하는 방식이 몇 가지로 나누어짐을 볼 수 있었다. 즉, 대집행에 관한 일반법으로 행정대집행법이 있으므로 개별법에 행정대집행에 대한 규정이 없는 경우에도 행정대집행법이 정하는 요건을 충족하는 때에는 행정청은 행정대집행법에 근거하여 대집행을 할 수 있다. 그리고 몇 몇 개별법은 행정대집행법에 대한 특례를 규정하거나, 단순히 행정대집행을 명할 수 있다고 규정하기도 하고, 행정대집행법이 정하는 바에 의한다 라고 규정하기도 한다. 하지만, 현행 행정대집행법은 1954년 제정된 이래 현행체계를 그대로 유지하고 있어 법률의 해석과 관련해 많은 논란을 일으키고 있고, 개별법들도 명확하지 못한 규정체계로 인해 혼란을 줄 수 있으므로 이에 관해 행정대집행의 당사자와 법률관계, 그리고 요건, 절차, 권리구제 순으로 살펴보았다. 먼저 대집행의 주체인 당사자의 문제를 논의 하였는데 대집행의 주체는 대집행을 결정하고 이를 실행할 수 있는 권한을 가진 자이며 당해 행정청이 된다. 그런데, 행정청은 스스로 의무자가 하여야 할 행위를 하거나 또는 제3자로 하여금 이를 하게 하여 그 비용을 의무자로부터 징수할 수 있으므로 후자의 경우에는 행정청과 의무자 사이, 행정청과 제3자 사이 및 의무자와 제3자 사이의 삼면적 법률관계가 발생한다. 따라서 이들 사이의 법률관계가 문제되므로 이를 차례로 살펴보았다. 또한 개별법에서는 주체와 관련된 특별규정이 많은데 이를 대집행권한을 대행할 수 있도록 법률에 규정한 경우, 대집행권한을 대통령령이 정하는 바에 따라 위탁하도록 규정한 경우, 대집행권한을 시행령에서 위임하는 경우 등으로 나누어 보았다. 그리고 행정대집행법 제2조가 정하고 있는 요건과 관련한 문제를 하나씩 살펴보았다. 즉, 공법상 의무의 불이행이 있을 것, 불이행된 의무는 대체적 작위의무일 것, 다른 방법이 없을 것 (보충성), 공익상의 요청이 있을 것 등이다. 특히 대체적 작위의무와 관련한 문제와 보충성요건과 관련된 논의를 중심으로 하였다. 또한 요건과 관련한 중요한 문제로 대집행의 실행이 대집행의 요건이 충족된 경우에도 과연 행정청의 재량인지를 살펴보았고, 대집행실행의 전제로서 행정행위의 불가쟁력의 문제도 논의 하였다. 개별법과 관련해서는 공법상 의무부과 방법을 다양하게 규정하고 있는데 이를 유형화시켜 보았다. 행정대집행법 제3조는 대집행의 절차로서 계고·대집행영장에 의한 통지·대집행의 실행 및 비용징수의 4단계를 규정하고 있으므로 각 단계의 의의와 법적성격을 연구해 보았고, 특히 계고와 의무를 과하는 행정처분과의 결합가능성과 대집행의 실행에서 실력행사의 문제를 심도 있게 살펴보았다. 또한 개별법에서 행정대집행법과 다르게 규정한 법률규정을 유형화하여 살펴보았다. 그리고 대집행으로 인해 권리침해가 생긴 경우 그 구제수단들을 행정심판, 행정소송, 손해배상 및 손실보상, 결과제거청구 순으로 살펴보았고, 특히 행정소송과 관련해 행정대집행절차의 각 행위들이 처분개념에 포함되는지와 각 행위들 간의 하자의 승계문제를 논의 하였다. 끝으로 연구의 결론으로 행정대집행의 기능의 다양성, 행정대집행법의 문제점과 개선방향, 개별법상의 문제점과 특징 그리고, 행정대집행의 현실적 문제점을 정리해 보았다. The goal of public administrative power is achieved by the process that the government impose a certain duty and people perform it. But in case that people do not do their duties, there should be legal measures which make people perform the duties. There are three kinds of legal measures. The first thing is an administrative compulsory execution. The second thing is an administrative instant execution, and an administrative penalty is the last legal measure. Among those legal measures, the administrative compulsory execution is the strongest and the most effective. The administrative compulsory execution is made up of public execution by proxy, mandatory levy, penalty and direct compulsion. It is necessary for the administrative compulsion to have a legal basis because the administrative compulsion sometimes violates people's rights. This study focuses on the public execution by proxy only which has the Act for general regulations among those legal measures. The fundamental problem in our public execution by proxy is that we have no general regulation that regulates all kinds of administrative compulsions. Enactment is essential to regulate each kind of administrative compulsion systematically and to clear up the lines among the different types of the administrative compulsions. Based on this critical mind, this thesis reviews the Act of the public execution by proxy and other individual regulations. It is generally thought that public execution by proxy is applied to realize public welfare as well as to take passive policy for the police forces and etc. However, public execution by proxy carries out more from a legal point of view. For instances, the competent authorities makes an order to let the subordinate office take actions by public execution by proxy. Also, the administrative execution plays an important role to restore the ruins caused by disaster. We can find there are several kinds of methods that regulate the public execution by proxy. First, the government makes an application of the Act of public execution by proxy in case that each individual law does not have a rule for the public execution by proxy. Second, some Acts have their own way in regulating the public execution by proxy, other Acts have a clause that entrust the way of public execution by proxy to the Act of the public execution by proxy. The Act of public execution by proxy provokes a lot of criticism about the structure and the way of analysis of the law because the Act of public execution by proxy has maintained its system without amendment since it was legislated in 1954. And other individual regulations with unclear provisions could make a confusion. So it's necessary to review the essential condition and procedure for the public execution as well as the relations between parties concerned and legislative relationship. First, this study reviews parties concerned that is the main constituent. In administrative execution, the main constituent is the government that has the right to perform the execution. The government itself can do the duty instead of the obligator, or it can make the third party perform the duty and impose the cost on the obligator. In this case, legislative relationship among three parties are established. Those are the relationship between government and obligator, government and the third party, obligator and the third party. This thesis reviews the legislative relationship among these three parties and other individual regulations which are related to the respective parties. This study also critically reviews the essential condition that is provided in the Article 2 of the Act of public execution by proxy. Especially this study covers the matters related to the alternative commission duties and some arguments concerning the exhaustion of other means. It also reviews whether the public execution by proxy is at the government`s discretion. And then suggests a new classification that contains several ways to impose public duties. And then, it shows the meaning and legal functions described in the Article 3 of the Act which regulates the four steps such as precaution, notification with a warrant, performance of the execution and collecting costs. And it reviews the relief steps such as administrative judgement, administrative litigation, compensation for damages, and request for removal of result in case that public execution by proxy violates people`s rights. Especially this thesis reviews whether each conduct of the public execution by proxy on each step includes the conception of public administrative disposal or not, and analyzes the succession of defective execution on individual public execution. In the last part of this thesis, this study reviews the diversity of the social function and the social problem of the present Act of the public execution by proxy.

      • 행정절차법상 주민참가와 실효성 확보방안

        김광식 경북대학교 행정대학원 2005 국내석사

        RANK : 232285

        오늘날과 같은 복잡다기한 행정 현실에서는 무엇이 최선의 결정인가에 대한 법적 판단보다는 어떠한 논의과정을 거쳐 합리적인 결론에 이를 수 있는가에 대한 법적인 보장이 더 중시되어야 하므로 절차적 통제의 중요성이 더욱 강조되고 있다. 과거에는 행정의 능률성과 탄력성의 확보를 중시하여 행정에 대한 절차적 통제는 능률적 행정운영에 지장을 준다고 보았으나, 기본권 보장을 중시하는 오늘날의 실질적 법치국가에 와서는 행정의 공정성과 적정성의 보장을 실질적으로 확보할 수 있어야 한다고 보고 있다. 이를 위해 사후적 행정구제제도는 당연한 것이고, 행정권 발동의 이전 단계에서도 행정에 대한 국민의 능동적 참여를 통한 민주적이고 사전적 절차적 통제로서의 행정절차의 필요성이 절실하다고 하겠다. 행정절차제도는 국민의 권리·의무에 중대한 영향을 미치는 행정결정에 이해관계인이 참여하여 자신의 의견을 제출하도록 하고 또한 행정청이 행정결정에 충분한 합리적 근거를 제시하게 함으로써 행정과정의 합리화를 통하여 국민의 권익 보호와 행정의 민주화를 도모하기 위한 제도라고 할 것이다. 오늘날의 행정절차 제도는 새롭게 국민 참여의 관점에서 재검토되어야 하는데 이는 그동안 논의되어온 공정한 사전행정절차에 의한 주관적인 국민의 권익보호와는 다른 관점이며, 국민 참여의 법리는 적법절차와는 달리 보다 적극적인 관점에서 국민의 의향을 행정활동과정에 구체적으로 반영시켜 행정의 민주적 통제와 행정에 대한 신뢰를 확보코자 하는 것으로, 행정권은 법의 근거가 있는 경우에도 일방적·전단적으로 행사할 수 없는 것이며, 객관적인 행정권발동의 대상이 되는 사실의 존재가 입증됨으로써 비로소 행정권의 구체적인 행사가 인정된다고 볼 것이다. 이와 같은 국민참여의 법리는 전통적인 관권우위사상의 지배에 대한 국민의 불만을 해소시켜 주고 국민의 행정에 대한 통제의 수단을 제공해 주는 점에서 현대 민주행정의 중요한 절차로 인정되는 것이다. 이러한 관점에서 본 논문은 행정절차에 대한 일반적인 견해와 외국의 행정절차 제도, 우리나라의 행정절차법의 실행 과정과 그것의 중심내용들을 문제점과 개선방안과 함께 다루고 있다. 특별히 이 논문은 행정절차에 대한 국민참가의 관점에 초점을 두고 있다. 이를 통하여 국민의 행정참여를 활발히 함으로써 행정의 공정성·투명성 및 신뢰성을 확보케 하며 더 나아가 국민의 권익을 존중하는 민주적 행정의 구현이 가능해 질 것이다.

      • 간접강제 적용 확대에 관한 연구

        이재민 경북대학교 법학전문대학원 2018 국내박사

        RANK : 232284

        If direct compulsion or alternative enforcement is impossible or ineffective, indirect compulsion can be selected as a compulsory enforcement method. However, for liabilities that direct compulsion is possible, compulsory enforcement through indirect compulsion has not been generally permitted regardless of whether or not its enforcement is specifically feasible. The reason why such compulsory enforcement is performed is that direct compulsion is more effective than indirect compulsion and that it is also suitable for respecting personality of debtors. However, it was difficult to understand why inducing debtors to perform their duties through psychological pressure, rather than performing direct compulsion for debtors, is not appropriate in respecting the personality of the debtors, and it was also doubtful whether compulsory enforcement through indirect compulsion must be strictly prohibited if indirect compulsion is more effective than direct compulsion or alternative enforcement. In order to get answers to these questions, a theory known as supplementary nature of indirect compulsion was examined from a theoretical aspect and practical aspect. First of all, when examining the theory from the theoretical aspect, whether indirect compulsion is inappropriate in respecting personality of debtors was examined. However, the theory of supplementary nature of indirect compulsion claims that indirect compulsion is not suitable for respecting personality of debtors because it puts mental pressure on debtors to do what they do not want. Therefore, supplementary nature of indirect compulsion is to protect the will of debtors who do not want to perform. However, defaults are to follow tendency, not their own rules, so these cannot be considered to be autonomous. Therefore, it is improper for law to protect these. In addition, human beings should be regarded as a purpose rather than a means, so if human beings have made mistakes, it is necessary to bring them to account for their mistakes. In this respect, allowing debtors to pay off their debts through indirect compulsion may be considered more appropriate in respecting personality of debtors than realizing the contents of bonds by the nation. Therefore, it may be regarded that in theory, the theory of supplementary nature of indirect compulsion is not proper at all. Next, the theory of complementary nature of indirect compulsion was investigated from the practical aspect. For direct compulsion, even though debtors have not paid off their debts, the creditors must identify the debtor's property in order to realize their rights, take measures to prevent the debtor from concealing their property, understand and respond to a complicated enforcement procedure, which may be always a burden. Moreover, if the nation prohibits private enforcement and monopolizes the enforcement right, the nation should at least ensure that creditors do not have to go to that trouble, but what creditors who have not realized their rights should struggle to realize them more than debtors do, goes against the notion of justice and also goes against the ideal of compulsory enforcement that is to secure effectiveness of realizing rights of creditors. The investigated results of the theoretical and practical aspect led to a conclusion that supplementary nature of indirect compulsion should be abolished. If it is so, whether this conclusion can be realized by interpretation of Civil Execution Act in Korea was first examined. However, since indirect compulsion prescribed in Article 261 of Civil Execution Act in Korea is under Chapter 3 compulsory enforcement of non-monetary bonds, the theory of supplementary nature of indirect compulsion can not be abolished by theory of interpretation so it should be solved by legislation. For abolition of supplementary nature of indirect compulsion and effective indirect compulsion, first of all, Chapter 1 General Provisions in Part 2 of Civil Execution Act should be considered, and Article 389 of Civil Code, which causes controversy in interpretation, should be deleted. Moreover, regulations that amount of indirect compulsory performance and damages are segregated from each other, and the amount of indirect compulsory performance will be vested in the government, should be stipulated. The followings are suggestions in performing indirect compulsion. The first one is to establish an institutional framework for protecting debtors and to have a post system such as provisional astreinte of France in order to adjust amount of indirect compulsory performance based on the attitude of the debtor so that the amount of indirect compulsory performance, which may be unfairly imposed, can be adjusted later and debtors are also encouraged to pay off their debts. The second one is to have regulations for jointly using enforcement methods as an institutional framework for protecting creditors. This allows creditors to use indirect compulsion method in combination with another compulsory enforcement method for realizing swift rights of creditors. Finally, this study discussed theory of legislation on limitations of indirect compulsion. There are following two major cases that indirect compulsion is not possible: 1) One case that only indirect compulsion is impossible, and 2) Another case that compulsory enforcement itself for the liabilities is impossible. One case that only indirect compulsion is impossible is when a debtor is a person with limited legal ability. If a debtor is a person with limited legal ability who does not understand indirect compulsion, indirect compulsion application must be rejected during a interrogation process. On the other hand, another case that compulsory enforcement itself is impossible, is when impossibility of performance is established and when a debtor is an object of, not a subject of personality. As for impossibility of performance, liabilities that debtors can not pay off their debts only with their will become an issue, and only if debtors have fulfilled their legal and factual efforts, impossibility of performance must be established. On the other hand, as for liabilities of creation(liabilities to create), common view is that compulsory enforcement for liabilities of creation is impossible, but it is not necessary to consider that liabilities of creation is different from other liabilities, and the claim that compulsion does not result in desired outcome has not been theoretically and substantively verified. Therefore, compulsory enforcement for it, is possible. 直接強制あるいは代替執行が不可能な場合や実効性がない場合に、間接強制という執行方法があるにもかかわらず、一般的に直接強制が可能な債務については、それが具体的に執行可能かどうかは関係なく、間接強制を通した強制執行は否定されていた。このように強制執行方法を運用している理由は、直接強制が間接強制よりも実効性のある執行方法であり、債務者の人格保護のために適合した執行方法ということである。しかし実力を通して債務者に直接的に強制することよりも、心理的にそれとなく圧迫を与えて、自分の義務を履行するようにすることが、なぜ債務者の人格保護に妥当しないか、そして直接強制や代替執行より間接強制が実効性がある場合に、間接強制を通した強制執行は厳しく否定されなければならないのかについて疑問を持った。 このような疑問に答えるために、間接強制の補充性論の理論的側面と実質的側面を考察した。まず、間接強制の補充性論の理論的側面から、間接強制が債務者の人格保護に妥当しないかについて検討した。どころが間接強制の補充性論は、間接強制が債務者に心理的圧迫をかけ、やりたくないことをさせるものなので、債務者の人格保護に妥当しないという。したがって、間接強制の補充性論は債務者の履行しない意思を保護するものである。しかし、自分の債務を履行しないのは自分が立てた準則に従わず、傾向性によるものなので、自律とは言えにくく、したがってこれを法律で保護することは妥当ではない。また、人間は手段ではなく、目的で存在しなければならないため、人間がもし間違いを起こしたら、その責任を問わなければならない。このような側面から見ると、直接強制を通して債務者が、履行せず、国家が代わりに移行することより、間接強制を通して債務者自ら直接履行するようにするのが、債務者の人格保護により妥当すると見ることができる。したがって理論的に間接強制の補充性論は全く妥当しないと見ることができる。 次に間接強制補充性論の実質的な部分を考察した。直接強制による場合、義務を履行しない人は債務者であるにもかかわらず、債務者が債務を履行していないのであれば、債権者が自分の権利を実現するために、債務者の財産は何があるのかを調べなければならないし、債務者が財産を隠さないように措置を取らなければならないし、複雑な執行の手続きを熟知して対応しなければならない負担が常にある。私的執行を禁止し、国家が執行権を独占すれば、債権者は自分の権利を履行できなかった場合、少なくとも国家は債権者に負担を与えないように努力しなければならないのにもかかわらず、権利を履行されなかった債権者がかえってその権利を確保するために債務者よりさらに努力しなければならないことは正義の観念にも反し、債権者の権利実現の実効性確保というは、強制執行の理想にも反する。 このような理論的側面と実質的側面を検討した結果、間接強制の補充性論は廃棄されなければならない結論に至る。それならこのような結論を、先に我が民事執行法解釈論で実現することができるかを考察した。が、現在の我が民事執行法上、間接強制を規定する民事執行法第261条の位置が、第3章 非金銭債権に基礎した強制執行の下位にあるため、解釈論としては間接強制の補充性論を廃棄することはできず、結局、立法的に解決しなければならない。 間接強制の補充性論を廃棄し、実効性のある間接強制になるためには、まず民事執行法の第2編、第1章の総則に移動する必要があり、解釈上、議論の余地を引き起こせる民法第389条を削除しなければならない。また間接強制金を損害賠償金と分離し、その強制金を国家に帰属させるという規定を明文化する必要がある。 次に間接強制の運用に関する提案である。第一に、債務者保護のための制度的装置を用意し、事後的にフランスの暫定的アストラントのような制度を置き、債務者の履行に対する態度によって、間接強制金を調整して、債務者履行を促すとともに不当に賦課される間接強制金を事後的に調整できるようにすることである。第二に、債権者保護のための制度的装置として、執行方法の併用についての規定をおくことである。債権者の立場から権利実現の迅速性のために、間接強制とともに、他の強制執行方法を併用して利用できるようにすることである。 最後に間接強制の限界に関する立法論である。間接強制が不可能な場合は大きく二つであり、それは間接強制のみ行うことができない場合と、強制執行そのものが不可能な債務である。間接強制のみ行えない場合は制限能力者の場合であるが、間接強制を理解できない制限能力者の場合には審問の過程で間接強制の申請を却下しなければならない。反対に、強制執行そのものが不可能な場合においては履行不能、債務者が人格の主体ではない対象となる場合がある。履行不能と関連して、債務者がその意思のみではきない債務が問題になるが、債務者が法的そして事実的努力をした場合のみ履行不能にならなければならない。一方、創造債務と関連しては、通説として創造債務は強制執行できない債務というが、創造債務を他の作爲債務と違うように見る必要はなく、強制しても願う結果が出てこないということは理論的ㆍ実質的検証を経ない主張なので、これは強制執行が可能である。

      • 공적영역에서 이해충돌 규제에 관한 연구

        박주철 서울대학교 대학원 2023 국내박사

        RANK : 232284

        일찍이 이해충돌 규제는 신탁의 법리에 의하여 민법이나 상법과 같은 사법의 영역에서 다뤄지기 시작하여 공적영역으로 점진적으로 이동하였다고 볼 수 있다. 공적영역에서 공적인 직무를 수행하는 사람들의 공익과 사익 사이의 충돌 문제를 주목하고 해결하려는 시도는 오래된 역사를 가지지만 이를 이론적으로 접근하여 체계적으로 분석하고 제도를 마련하려는 시도는 비교적 최근의 일이다. 국제기구나 세계 주요 국가들이 이해충돌 규제를 위한 규범제정을 촉구하거나 실제로 제정하고 있으며, 한국도 이러한 큰 흐름에 동참하고 있는 국가 중 하나로 평가할 수 있다. 부패가 발생하는 일련의 과정 중 공직자가 직면하는 이해충돌을 포착하여 선제적으로 규제하는 일은 부패방지를 위하여 매우 중요한 일이다. 공적영역에서 이해충돌은 어떠한 부정적 대상으로 인식되는 경향이 있으나, 이해충돌은 공익과 사익 사이의 충돌상황이며 그 자체에 대한 적법과 위법 또는 정당과 부당의 평가는 온당하다고 볼 수 없다. 이해충돌에 관한 오인은 이해충돌 규제를 위한 정책 방향을 세우는 데에 어려움을 주는데, 적어도 공법학의 관점에서 이해충돌과 그로 인하여 초래되는 공직자의 행위를 구분하여 취급할 필요가 있다. 이러한 문제의식을 토대로 하여 세계 주요 국가의 이해충돌 법제를 입법방식, 규제내용, 실효성 확보 수단의 측면에서 비교법적으로 고찰하여보면 한국 법제에 시사가 가능한 몇 가지 지점을 포착할 수 있다. 우선 입법방식에 있어서 한국의 법제는 주무 부처를 달리하는 「공직자윤리법」과 「공직자의 이해충돌 방지법」을 이원화하여 운용하고 있다. 그런데 한국의 법제와 같이 동일한 수범자를 대상으로 같은 목적의 경성규범을 이원화하여 운용하는 법제는 비교법적으로 드물다. 이러한 법제는 수범자에 대한 중복규제의 개연성을 높이고 유권해석의 통일을 저해하며 제도 개선의 효율성을 떨어뜨리는 문제가 있다. 따라서 현행 두 개의 법률을 통합하여 일원화할 필요가 있다. 시급하게는 「공직자윤리법」과 「공직자의 이해충돌 방지법」의 중복규제 사항부터 해소되어야 할 것이다. 현행 「공직자의 이해충돌 방지법」의 법명 중 ‘방지’라는 단어는 적절하지 않으므로 수정이 필요하다. 이해충돌을 공직자가 직면하는 특수한 상황이라고 본다면, 이해충돌은 방지의 대상이기보다 관리나 규제의 대상으로 보는 것이 더 타당하다. 방지는 이해충돌 규제 중 매각제도나 백지신탁 제도와 같은, 이해충돌이 발생하기 전에 그 가능성을 미리 차단하는 일부 제도에서 사용할 수 있는 용어이지만 나머지 다른 이해충돌 제도를 설명하는 데 한계가 있다. 규제가 넓게 보아 관리까지 포함하는 개념이므로 현행 「공직자의 이해충돌 방지법」은 「공직자의 이해충돌 규제법」으로 수정하는 것이 바람직하며, 이는 향후 통합법의 제정에 있어서 고려할 사항이라고 본다. 선출직 공직자는 국민의 대표자로서 국가 사무 전반에 대하여 다양한 직무상 이해관계를 가진다. 특히 입법부 공직자는 자유 위임의 원칙에 따라 직무상 공과(功過)에 관한 재신임을 받음으로써 정치적 책임을 부담하는 것이 원칙이다. 한국의 현행 법제, 특히 「공직자의 이해충돌 방지법」은 행정부 공직자의 직무 특성을 중심으로 법제가 정비되었으며 선출직 공직자의 직무 특성을 충분히 고려하지 않고 마련되었다. 따라서 규범의 분리까지 고려하여 선출직 공직자와 비선출직 공직자의 차별적 접근을 시도할 필요가 있다고 보며, 이러한 점에서 「국회법」의 일부 차별적 접근의 시도는 긍정적으로 평가할 수 있다. 이해충돌 규제내용 중 한국 법제의 주식매각・백지신탁 제도는 기준 금액을 규제의 진입장벽으로 설정하는 반면 직무 관련성 판단은 규제의 배제 요건으로 고려하고 있다. 이러한 법제 운용은 비교법적으로 매우 이례적이고 제도의 본래 취지에 부합하지 않으므로 직무 관련성을 일차적 요건으로, 기준 금액은 부차적 요소로 전환해야 한다. 재산등록제도 또한 공직자의 현재 재산공개에 초점이 맞추어져 있으므로 재산형성 과정을 포함하여 입체적 감시가 가능한 다양한 사항들이 공개될 수 있도록 해야 한다. 한국 법제는 실효성 확보 수단을 형사적 처벌과 행정질서벌에 지나치게 의존하고 있다. 이것은 이해충돌 규제내용에 부합하지 않는 제재를 가함으로써 법제 운용의 실효성을 떨어뜨리는 요인으로 작용한다. 그러므로 개별 이해충돌 규제영역의 특성에 부합하는 다양한 행정적 제재 수단이 모색되어야 한다. 예를 들어 퇴직공직자의 취업・활동 제한의 위반행위에 대하여 연금이나 퇴직금을 삭감토록 하는 해외 입법례를 참조할 수 있을 것이다. 이와 더불어 한국 법제의 불필요한 형사적 제재 수단을 행정적 제재로 전환하는 작업도 함께 병행되어야 할 것이다. It can be seen that the regulation of conflicts of interest began to be dealt with according to the legal principle of trust in the judicial realm, such as civil law or commercial law, and gradually moved to the public realm. Attempts to pay attention to and resolve conflicts between the public and private interests of those who perform public duties in the public domain have a long history, but attempts to approach them theoretically, analyze them systematically, and prepare systems to manage them are relatively recent. International organizations and major countries around the world are demanding, or actually enacting, norms to regulate conflicts of interest, and Korea is participating in this wider trend. It is very important to prevent corruption by preemptively regulating conflicts of interest faced by public officials during the course of corruption. In the public domain, there is a tendency to see conflicts of interest in a negative light, but conflicts of interest are conflicts between public and private interests, and seeing them in terms of legal versus illegal or just versus unjust cannot be considered fair. The misperception of conflicts of interest makes it difficult to establish a policy direction to regulate conflicts of interest. At least from the perspective of public law, it is necessary to distinguish between conflicts of interest and the actions of public officials that result from them. Based on this awareness of the problem, by comparatively examining the conflict of interest laws of major countries in terms of legislative methods, regulatory content, and means of securing effectiveness, several points can be identified relevant to Korean legislation. First, in terms of legislative method, the Korean legislative system is operated by dualizing the 「Public Service Ethics Act」 and the 「Act on The Prevention of Conflict of Interest Related to duties of Public Servants」, which come under the jurisdiction of different departments. However, laws that dualize and operate hard norms for the same purpose targeting the same perpetrators, such as the Korean law, are comparatively rare. These laws increase the probability of overlapping regulations applying to offenders, hinder the unification of authoritative interpretation, and reduce the efficiency of institutional improvement. Therefore, it is necessary to integrate and unify the two current laws. The overlapping regulations of the 「Public Service Ethics Act」 and the 「Act on The Prevention of Conflict of Interest Related to duties of Public Servants」 need to be urgently resolved. The word ‘prevention’ in the current 「Act on The Prevention of Conflict of Interest Related to duties of Public Servants」 is not appropriate, so it needs to be revised. If conflicts of interest are viewed as a special situation faced by public officials, it is more appropriate to regard conflicts of interest as targets to be managed or regulated rather than prevented. Prevention is a term that can be used in some remedies that block the possibility of a conflict of interest before it occurs, such as a divestiture or a blind trust among regulations for conflicts of interest, but it has limitations in describing other conflicts of interest remedies. Since regulation is a concept that includes management in a broad sense, it is desirable to revise the current 「Act on The Prevention of Conflict of Interest Related to duties of Public Servants」 to the 「Act on The Regulation of Conflict of Interest Related to duties of Public Servants」, which is a matter for consideration in the enactment of the integrated law in the future. Elected public officials, as representatives of the people, have various interests in the overall state affairs. In particular, it is a principle that public officials in the legislative branch assume political responsibility by receiving re-confidence regarding the merits and demerits of their duties according to the principle of free delegation.The current legislation in Korea, in particular the 「Act on The Prevention of Conflict of Interest Related to duties of Public Servants」, was reorganized around the duty characteristics of public officials in the administration and was prepared without sufficient consideration of the duty characteristics of elected officials. Therefore, considering the separation of norms, it is necessary to try an approach that discriminates between elected and non-elected public officials, and in this respect, some discriminatory approaches in the 「National Assembly Act」 can be evaluated positively. According to conflict of interest regulations, the stock divestiture and blank trust remedies under Korean legislation sets a standard amount as a barrier to entry into one regulation, while the judgment of job relevance is considered to be a requirement for exclusion from regulation. Since the operation of such a legal system is very unusual in terms of comparative law and does not correspond to the original purpose of the system, it is necessary to convert duty relevance to a primary requirement and the standard amount to a secondary factor. The property registration system is also focused on disclosing the current property of public officials, so various matters of interest that can be monitored in three dimensions, including the process of property formation, should be made public. The Korean legal system relies too heavily on criminal punishment and administrative order punishment as a means of securing effectiveness. This is a factor that reduces the effectiveness of legal operation by imposing sanctions that do not conform to the content of the conflict of interest regulation. Therefore, various means of administrative sanctions that meet the characteristics of individual conflicts of interest regulation areas must be sought. For example, foreign legislative precedents that allow pensions or severance pay to be reduced for violations of restrictions on employment and activities of retired public officials can be referred to. In addition, work should be carried out in parallel in the Korean legal system to convert unnecessary criminal sanctions into administrative sanctions.

      • 대형공사장 임시소방시설 실효성 확보 방안에 관한 실험적 연구

        조용구 경기대학교 공학대학원 2021 국내석사

        RANK : 232253

        최근 건축 시공기술의 발전과 더불어 건축사업장의 규모도 점점 대형· 복합화 되고 있고 건물 완공에 임박해서는 인테리어 작업 등 가용 자원을 집중적으로 투입하게 된다. 최근 발생한 『‘19년 3월 용인 성복동 주상복합몰 공사장 화재』와『’20년 4월 이천 물류창고 공사장 화재』는 건축물 내부공사 중 용접 용단작업 과정에서 화재가 발생하였는데 용인 성복동 공사장 화재사고와 달리 이천 물류창고 공사장 화재사고는 다수의 사상자가 발생하였고 이를 지켜보면서 소방분야 임시소방시설의 성능개선 필요성을 느끼게 되었다. 현재 화재예방 소방시설 설치·유지 및 안전관리에 관한 법률과 국가화재안전기준은 소방공사의 규모와 종류에 따라 설치해야할 임시소방시설을 규정하고 있고 사업장별로 좁게는 소화기부터 넓게는 임시 옥내소화전까지 설치하여 공사 중 화재발생에 대비하고 있다. 만약 건축 공사 중 부주의로 화재가 발생할 경우 비상전원이 부설된 간이소화장치를 활용하거나 대형 공사장의 경우 내부 공사 시작 전에 임시 옥내소화전설비를 설치하고 연결송수관 송수구를 부설하면 화재 발생 시 현장 근로자가 초기에 사용할 수 있고 후에 도착하는 소방대의 소방차량에서 급수할 수 있어 화재 층에 진입하는 소방대원의 보호와 최악의 조건에서도 사용할 수 있어 인명피해 및 재산 피해를 경감할 수 있다. 이러한 전제하에 간이소화장치의 비상전원 법제화와 옥내소화전 송수구 부설 법제화 방안을 제시하였고 완공전 건물을 대상으로 최적의 토출압 조건을 제시하고 연결송수관 송수구에 소방차량 펌프로 가압송수하여 옥상층 방수구의 정압 및 토출압을 측정하는 성능확인 시험을 진행하였고 원하는 측정치를 확보하여 설비의 신뢰성을 확인하였다. 위와 같이 관련 법령 제도의 보완 방향에 대한 의견을 제시하며 건축공사 현장에 적용되어 소방분야에 근무하는 엔지니어로서 작은 역할을 하고자 한다. With the recent development in construction techniques, size of the construction sites are becoming larger and more complicated, and most of the available resources are concentrated for remaining jobs including interior work as the construction nears completion. The recent incidents of『March ‘19 Yongin Seongbuk-dong mixed-use building complex construction site fire』and 『April ’20 Icheon warehouse construction site fire』were both caused during the internal construction involving welding and melding works. However, seeing that incident in Icheon resulted in multiple casualties unlike that happened in construction site in Yongin Seongbuk-dong, it was deemed necessary to make improvement on temporary fire protection system. Laws on installment·maintenance and safety management of fire prevention facility and national fire safety standards regulates required temporary fire protection facility depending on the size and type of fire prevention construction which ranges from the installment of fire extinguisher to temporary fire hydrant system in order to prepare for portention incidents of fire that could occur during the construction process. If a fire results from negligence during construction process temporary fire extinguishing system with an emergency power attached can be used. In case of larger construction site, installation of temporary fire extinguishing facility along with fire department standpipe prior to the initiation of construction would allow the construction workers to use them in the earlier stage of fire and water can be supplied from the fire truck as soon as they arrive which would improve the safety of fire fighters waling into fire and minimize potential casualties as well as property damage by Under such premises, the study proposed the legalization of the installation of emergency power on temporary fire extinguishing system as well as the attachment of fire department standpipe on in-building fire hydrant. The study also proposed optimal conditions for applying flow pressure in buildings in progress of construction and conducted a test to measure static and flow pressure at the outlet located on the top floor by pumping the water through fire department connection from fire truck. The study successfully confirmed the reliability of the device by acquiring desired measurement value. By proposing suggestions on directions for improving related laws the writer of this study aims make contribution to construction sites as an engineer working in fire prevention field.

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