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      • 사투리를 극복하기 위한 화술 방법에 관한 연구

        구윤회 단국대학교 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 247807

        현대사회에서 언어의 중요성이 부각되면서 표준어 사용에 대한 관심도 높아지게 되었다. 그러면서 대중매체를 책임지고 있는 방송인들, 배우들의 다양한 연기를 통해 표준어의 사용에 직접 또는 간접적으로 더욱 큰 영향을 미치게 되었다. 본 연구자는 30년 가까이 지방에 살면서 수많은 방언들을 접하게 되었다. 그러다가 2009년 2월에 서울로 이주 하게 되었다. 배우 활동함에 있어 표준어 사용에 대한 문제점과 사투리를 극복하기 위한 화술방법에 대한 중요성을 인식하게 되었다. 본 논문은 배우라는 직업을 통해 알게 된 경상도 지방 방언의 특징을 기술하였고 사투리를 극복하기 위하여 몸소 체험한 사투리 극복 방법을 제시하였다. 그리고 본 연구자의 공연 사례를 중심으로 사투리 극복 방법을 예로 들어 기술 하여 화술 방법연구에 도움을 주고자 하였다. 배우들이 사투리를 극복하기 위한 방법과 현재 사투리를 사용하고 있는 실태, 화술에서 가장 중요한 것이 무엇인지 알아보기 위해 2009년 5월 10일부터 5월 20일까지 11일간 연극, 영화, 뮤지컬 배우와 배우지망생들에게 설문조사를 실시하였다. 사투리를 극복하기 위한 화술은 하루아침에 이루어지는 것이 아니라, 평상시에 각별한 관심을 가지고 지속적으로 노력해야 한다. 배우들의 연기력 향상에도 도움이 되지만 무엇보다도 방언을 사용하고 있는 배우들에게 사투리를 극복할 수 있는 화술 방법을 전파 할 수 있다는 점에 큰 의의를 둘 수 있다. 나아가 한국의 화술 교육발전에 조금이나마 보탬이 되었으면 한다.

      • 배우 화술을 위한 전라도 서남 지역 사투리 교정에 관한 연구 : 지역 출신 배우훈련 워크숍을 중심으로

        박소연 한국예술종합학교 2022 국내석사

        RANK : 247805

        The purpose of this study is to propose an evidence-based dialect correction checklist for using standard language to local actors that are familiar with Jeolla-do dialect. It is a basic quality and knowledge for actors to naturally use standard language to convey meaning and expand their characters. However, local actors have difficulties in accurately using standard language when they encounter scripts written in standard language due to the absence of systematic diagnosis and training tools for dialect correction. It is commonplace to go on stage without even recognizing the fact that their dialect has not been corrected. In this study, based on the understanding of Jeolla-do dialect focused on its own vocabulary, phonology and regional characteristics, its differences between the standard language were distinguished. In the basis of this, a research was conducted to find and apply the dialect correction method instead of using subjective measures or vaguely followed and inherited training tools. The phonological and intonational correction checklist devised through this process became a good approach to find effective correction methods in the workshops in which the actual scripts were applied. The first workshop was conducted focusing on the phonological domain among the characteristics of Jeolla-do dialect. After finding the long and short syllables of the suggested lines and writing down the reading sounds of them, participants were guided to compare those sounds with the standard pronunciation. By using the previously derived phonological correction checklist, participants were induced to objectively understand and correct their habits of the dialect that emerge unconsciously in the process of speaking. As a result, excessive expressions of long syllables and interrelated excessive accents before and after pauses were observed when speaking the dialect. In the second workshop that followed, paying attention to the rhythm units and the intonation groups which are in charge of the intonational features of Jeolla-do dialect, the training was additionally conducted to increase the utilization of pauses by using the intonational correction checklist. For the effectiveness of the study, the lines of scripts written in both the standard language and southwestern Jeolla-do dialect were extracted and they were compared and analyzed one another. In addition to training for properly arrange pauses while speaking, phonetic training to correct the desinences was conducted. Consequently the habituated features of Jeolla-do dialect were neutralized close to standard language. This study does not suggest a completed training program for the correction of Jeolla-do dialect. However, it is meaningful to present the necessity of correcting the dialect and to suggest its specific educational training process in a relatively detailed way based on the researcher’s actual experience as an actress from the region. 본 연구는 전라도 사투리에 익숙한 지역 배우에게 올바른 표준어 구사를 위한 근거 중심의 사투리 교정 체크리스트를 제안하는 데 목적을 두고 있다. 배우는 의미 전달과 역할의 확장을 위해 표준어를 자연스럽게 구사하는 것이 기본적인 자질이며 소양이다. 하지만 지역에서 활동하는 배우들은 사투리 교정을 위한 체계적인 진단 및 훈련 도구의 부재로 대본 속 표준어를 정확하게 구사하는데 어려움을 겪는다. 심지어 사투리가 교정되지 않았다는 사실조차 인지하지 못한 채 무대에 오르는 경우도 다반사다. 본 연구에서는 주관적인 방법이나 막연하게 답습, 계승돼 온 훈련법을 넘어서서 고유의 음운, 억양의 특색을 중심으로 전라도 사투리를 이해하고 사투리 교정 방안을 찾는 것을 목표로 한다. 이를 위해 전라도 사투리의 교정 체크리스트를 고안하여 배우 워크숍에 적용하였다. 1차 워크숍은 전라도 사투리 특성 중 음운 영역에 집중해 진행하였다. 제시한 대사의 장, 단음을 찾게 하고 독음을 기재하게 한 후 표준 발음과 비교 하였다. 그리고 앞서 도출한 음운 교정 체크리스트의 활용을 통해 대상자들이 발화 과정에서 자신도 모르게 나온 사투리의 습관을 객관적으로 이해하고 교정할 수 있도록 유도하였다. 그 결과 발화 시 사투리에서 목격되는 장음의 과잉화와 그에 연관되어 발생하는 휴지 전후의 과한 강세를 발견하였고, 이어서 진행된 2차 워크숍에서 전라도 사투리의 억양 특성을 책임지는 말토막과 말마디에 주목하여 억양 교정 체크리스트를 통해 휴지의 활용도를 높이는 훈련을 추가로 시행하게 되었다. 연구의 효용성을 위하여 표준어와 전라도 서남부 사투리로 쓰인 희곡의 대사를 함께 발췌하여 비교 분석하였고, 휴지를 적절하게 구분하는 훈련과 함께 어미의 교정을 위한 음가 훈련을 병행하여 사투리의 습성을 표준어와 가깝게 중립화할 수 있었다. 본 연구는 전라도 사투리 교정의 완결된 훈련 프로그램을 제시하는 것은 아니다. 다만 지역 출신의 배우로서 현재까지 느꼈던 경험을 토대로 사투리 교정의 필요성과 그 구체적인 교육 훈련 과정을 비교적 자세히 제시한 데 의의가 있다.

      • 방송언어로서의 사투리에 대한 방송인과 일반인의 인식도 연구

        임명숙 경성대학교 멀티미디어정보예술대학원 1999 국내석사

        RANK : 247742

        Although there is a stipulation that broadcasting terminology should be the standard language, the brogue in broadcasting programs is still used. In addition, programs inspiring the local feelings or using the accents intentionally often stir up the televiewer's interests with the opening of. the private local broadcasting and the era of local self-government. This study focus on the question that the brogue is inappropriate language in broadcasting programs. To solve the question, we have taken the comparative analysis on consciousness between the broadcaster and the general public through the poll survey. By the survey, we can come to some conclusions. These are the following. First, we have researched the use of brogue with the kinds of programs(namely drama, quiz, news, etc). In the discussion, interview or news programs, broadcasters answered that it is possible to use the accent according to circumstances, while the general public and college students are strict to the use of accent. Also in these kinds of programs, men are more austere to the use of accent than women. In the sports program, the general public and the college students are more generous to the use of accent than the broadcasters. In the drama or show program, the broadcasters working in Seoul are more generous to the use of accent than the those working in Kyoungsang-Nam Do. In the children, discussion, interview or popular song program, the broadcasters working in the department of announcer are more negative to the use of accent than those working in the department of composition, reporting or technology. Second, we have researched the recognition of brogue with the kinds of broadcasting station(namely central, local and cable). In the use of accent of central broadcasting, the broadcasters are more generous than the general public and the college students. Also women are more negative to the use of accent than men. Broadcaters working in Kyoungsang-Nam Do are more austere than those working in Seoul. Third, we have researched the recognition of brogue with the kinds of the person charged with the program(namely announcer, MC, reporter, etc). In the case of announcer and anchor man in news, men are more austere to the use of accent than women. Against our expectation, the general public, the college students and broadcasters working in Kyoungsang-Nam Do are more austere to the use of accent than broadcasters and those working in Seoul. This study have primarily focused on the use of brogue in broadcasting. Through the analysis we can find out the fact that brcacasters and the those working in Seoul are more generous to the use of accent than the general public and those working in Kyoungsang-Nam Do. So the broadcasting terminology can use the brogue according to the characteristics of program and the personality of broadcasters, rather than it should be always the standard language. In spite of the limitations of analytic scheme as well as time and space, this study stressed the importance of change of recognition on the broadcasting terminology.

      • 이문구 소설의 사투리와 리얼리티 연구

        정진수 호서대학교 교육대학원 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 247661

        Until now the studies on Lee, Mun-gu's novels are about resistant humor and satire, rural country's modernization and rural country's problems. This study is based on the vision of person from the same province. This same hometown makes the person understand Lee's words and reality deeply. In novel, form and substance are same as body and soul. So, "what does the writer say?" is "how does the writer say?". Therefore, this study put what and how on the same level. At the chapter Ⅱ, the relation between Lee's novel and Chungchong's dialect was dealt. Thaechon·Boryong dialect, which Lee, Mun-gu is from, is very humorous and unique. Lee, Mun-gu's works written with these interesting dialects can have his own specific character. His hometown has varieties too. It is a farm and fishing village and later industrialized. This village gives Lee, Mun-gu the sources for writing. The dialect includes much more things than the standard language. The dialect is sometimes more friendly but sometimes more indecent and warlike. Because the dialect includes the joys and sorrows of life. But the people who seem to know nothing and just speak dialects show power. When they hear something wrong they criticize it. That is the power of the people dialects and the people's power. Therefore Lee, Mun-gu's works show that power. 『our village』, which is story about common farmers, shows the power of people who speak a dialect well. Mr. Kim fights to get water for the droughty field. Mr. Lee deplores the situation of rural country. The situation is that even though farmers work hard, they cannot make money. Mr. Chang says about the changing of the country by the speculation on real estate. Mr. Cho regrets the country people's breakup. But Mr. Whang looks for the people's recovery by farmers' discourse. At the chapter Ⅲ, Lee, Mun-gu's discourse are checked. His discourse was started in 『dagala bulmangbee』and was developed through 『gwanchonsoopil』『our village』, 『my body stands or walks for a long time』. His first work, 『dagala bulmangbee』doesn't have any specific things. The background is not a rural country and the people are not country people. Their language is standard language away from a dialect. But after soon Lee, Mun-gu finds his Chungchong dialect, the farmers who speak the dialect and their stories. 『gwanchonsoopil』is like an essay. The story is different from his wildness or humor. Its describing is very beautiful and fantastic. The language reflects the times and the society. So, the dialogue is ideologic. The discourse of 『our village』is like ideology. That ideology is farmers' alienation and consciousness. Lee, Mun-gu's reality come true in the discourse of 『my body stands or walks for a long time』. When we can look out the person's life and the life of world in the novel at the same time, we say the novel accomplishes the reality. Lee, Mun-gu's reality continues in 『my body stands or walks for a long time』along 『our village』. 『my body stands or walks for a long time』draws the relation of people who speak dialect very clearly and realistically. That relationship drawn by Lee, Mun-gu is bitter. 『changpyungri jjilrenamu』shows the relationship between older brother and his wife, brother in law and his wife. That relationship is worse than one with other people. It is very same as country people's language and psychology. 『changiri gaeamnamu』shows brother, younger brother and brother in law. Their relation is bad too. 『my body stands or walks for a long time』is another our village. The time flew from 『our village』. 『our village』is the village of 1960s and 1970s. 『my body stands or walks for a long time』is the one of 1990s. Economical inequality makes the villagemore ruined. That situation makes a farmer, Gichool choose suicide. This is not Gichool's personal collapse but the collapse of Korean country. Lee, Mun-gu detects the fact that dying in the country is not because of the oldness but because of the suicide. We can pass Gichool who hanged on the tree but he is a kind of realistic symbol. It is the top of Lee, Mun-gu's realism. Two branches of Lee, Mun-gu's novels are dialect and reality. Whereas the dialect is a dress, the reality is body. Lee, Mun-gu's dialect and reality connect as form and substance. The dialect and reality perform the people of Chungchong province. Lee, Mun-gu was the novelist who succeeded Chungchong dialcet. Thanks to him, the dialect which is hidden in the shade comes to be alive. But the dialect is being disappeared. Traffic development, education and mass communication make it disappeared. Mother used the dialect directly. I grew hearing the dialect and imitate the dialect a little. The children grown by the parents who don't speak the dialect little may forget the dialect. After all the dialect will remain only in the Lee, Mun-gu's novels.

      • 관광목적지 장소감 구성에 관한 연구 : 장소정체성과 사투리 호감도를 중심으로

        최명진 경기대학교 일반대학원 2008 국내석사

        RANK : 247389

        관광목적지 장소감 구성을 장소정체성과 장소애착으로 보고, 장소감에 대한 실증적 연구를 수행하였다. 장소애착에 준하는 항목으로 사투리 호감도를 설정하였다. 장소정체성과 사투리 호감도 척도를 개발하였고, 척도의 유용성 및 영향력을 검증하기 위한 실증 분석 후 유의미한 결과를 도출하였다.

      • 신경숙 『엄마를 부탁해』의 문학교육적 가능성 모색 : 모성의 신화화에 대한 비판적 접근을 중심으로

        강예성 동국대학교 2018 국내석사

        RANK : 247342

        This study aims to analyze the aspect of the value inquiry of Please Look After Mom realized in the present literature textbook and seek new theses for value inquiry. Despite Shin Kyung-sook’s texts have a possibility of promoting the learners’ productive thinking, the educational contents of the textbook repeat customary thinking, which leaves something to be desired. In other words, the textbook learning activity that just urges reading it as a discourse of motherhood is of concern in that it may lean toward dogmatic literature education and problematic in that it may paralyze the learners’ subjective judgment of values. In addition, the construction of sacrificial motherhood is remote from the values of the recent years in that it is an old-fashioned idea fitting the industrialization period. Chapter 1 would investigate the preceding studies that propose a new direction of literary education through ‘the criticism of the textbook’ and ‘the reinterpretation of the discourse of motherhood.’ Chapter 2 would analyze the actual educational contents realized in the literature textbook and investigate on what the ‘value’ that the textbook would realize is. Chapter 3 would discuss various theses that could further enrich and expand the discussion of Please Look After Mom, based on the educational contents of the textbook analyzed above. The criteria for the selection of the theses are going to be based on the achievement standards for the curriculum such as ‘the universality and specificity of Korean literature’ and ‘the critical acceptance and creative production of literature.’ Especially, focusing on a critical approach to the mythicization of motherhood, this study would seek various literary educational possibilities. Chapter 4 would wrap up the discussion by briefly summarizing the contents of the research in this study and stating the significance of the research. To sum up, this study aims to examine the learning activity related to Please Look After Mom included in the present textbook, critically and then, seek its various possibilities for literary education to draw the text to the field of richer discussions.

      • 부산 지역 한국어 학습자의 부산 방언에 대한 인식 조사 연구 : 20대 부산 방언 화자의 발음을 중심으로

        응웬 마이 뀐 부산외국어대학교 일반대학원 2022 국내석사

        RANK : 247324

        The study investigate how international students of Korean language living in the area of Busan perceive the pronunciation Busan inhabitant's aged 20s. Compared to the Standard Korean Language (Seoul), the Busan dialect has some unique characteristics. Therefore, foreigners who are used to Korean national language for instance Seoul find it more difficult to communicate with Busan locals. This would be a significant obstacle for international students to start a life here. Studies on the Busan dialect mostly focus on examining and analyzing the traditional aspects of Busan language. To serve as the theoretical foundation for the research in question, section 2 provides a review of literature and summarizes, the pronunciation features of the Busan dialect based on the findings of previous studies. Therefore, based on the result of section 2, the purpose of the section 3 is to consider whether the traditional features are still used by people in the age of 20 on a daily basis or not. Through the collection and analysis of recorded date, local people in Busan aged 20s tend to pronounce vowels and consonants similarly to Standard Language. n section 4, a survey was carried out online in the form of a questionnaire on 97 international students who are currently living in Busan about how they perceive the local dialect in this area, especially the pronunciation of people aged 20s. To some extent, personal experience of a person would attribute to the formation of his/her language awareness. For this reason, in order to enhance the adaption process of international students to Busan dialect, Korean language programmes in the local area should arrange introductory classes as a mean to introduce Korean culture as well as their language to international students. This study is expected to contribute to the improvement of research on local dialects in general and serves as a reference document for researchers who share the same interest in the subject in particular.

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