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      • 新羅의 弩 運用과 그 의미

        이재옥 경북대학교 교육대학원 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The purpose of this paper, the basic structure and form of the Crossbow, starting with a review of the cognitive and the introduction of the Crossbow at the Silla period, and check the background, and became self-creation is to review the timing and the background. In addition, the Crossbow and my head to categorize the type and purpose, as well as being a weaponized Silla focused on the oar examined. Played by the mechanism as a weapon to shoot an arrow, has already appeared in the Warring States period, China was used as the main weapon. The Crossbow has a long range bow faster penetration is high. These play with the ability to enhance the variety of weapons will evolve. Nakrang playing in a country area around the excavation, and this also the first southern Woodwind Yeongcheon Yongjeon-ri's attention anger was excavated from tombs. Excavated Yongjeon-ri, the age of Crossbow-machine, I thought, as the late first century B.C. Silla, and at this point would have been aware of the presence Crossbow. When in the 4th century Goguryo southward policy and to the rigidity of the three kingdoms of Baekje escalating military confrontation between the sides are reinforced. Because of this, at the time of Silla had advanced weaponry from Goguryeo, you would like to receive weapons were aggressively. Therefore, accepting weapons from Goguryeo, Silla was the middle of the fourth century, about the time in the 5th century Silla who accept are estimated from the oars. Introduced through the process of these paddles in Silla, which leads to self- authoring stage, the mid-sixth century Silla King Jinheung case by making its own star on the paddle to the steps to install the above can be seen that development. Crossbow itself from this period include three major aspects of production in the background, was able to look at. First, the short-range distances from the aspect of the battle changes. Second, the type of battle field higher than the proportion of the temple. Third, the 6th century, the race centered period other regions are actively produced in the construction of acid. Thus due to the changes in a variety of combat environments with Crossbow can show that and therefore the weight. Silla's play can be categorized according to size and type, the intended use of each furnace is then divided by type. Silla also spread the oars and rowing in earnest efforts to operate as the main weapon will be war. The war was devastating, especially the Three Kingdoms unification king Munmu(文武王) is concentrated in the Crossbow operation. No paddles, including the existence of specialized producers to manage the Crossbow Tang' What is Labor that is being installed out his office, no private party adult Production Installation at this time Silla glimpse of rowing has been trying to concentrate that can be weaponized, is a big tree. Under this management, playing as a Goguryeo and Baekje Silla's main weapon in the battle, including the Tang(唐) and Silla victory would have been a big role to. After the unification of the Three Kingdoms of Silla after several externally achieved due to the deterioration of the military response relationships will be sought. As the military preparedness of these Crossbow to improve the performance, which it will visit and inspect, it was the Silla and the ongoing management of the oars can be seen that.

      • CUBISM 彫刻에 있어서 幾何學的 造形性 硏究

        이재옥 祥明女子大學校 大學院 1994 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Cubism에 대한 역사적 평가를 위한 많은 노력들이 있어 왔다. 彫 刻에 있어서 Cubism은 어느 유파보다도 現代 彫刻의 탄생에 그 理 念的 배경의 직접적 근거를 제시했으며 아직도 現代의 일부를 형성하 고 있음을 부인할 수 없다. 그러한 영향력을 미치고 있는 기본 구 조에는 Cubism 彫刻에서 두드러진 특징으로 나타난 幾何學的 조형감 각이 직접적 원인이 되고 있음에도 불구하고 그를 중심으로 다룬 연 구는 극히 드물다. 이에 본 연구에서는 Cubism 彫刻의 幾何學的 造形 특성과 관련된 제반 요소들을 살펴 現代 彫刻의 자율적 이념 형성 배경을 그로부터 추론코자 한다. 幾何學的 형태는 자연적 형태의 반대되는 개념이며, 다분히 非再現 的 요소를 내포하고 있는 抽象形態로 이는 인류 역사와 더불어 先史 時代, 이집트, 초기 그리스, 비잔틴, 스칸디나비아, 그리고 여러 미개 미술에서 발견되어지는 유형으로 존재해 왔다. 幾何學的이란 원래 학문의 한 분야로 그 체계를 갖추어 왔으며, 神과 宇宙의 기하학적 思惟로서의 이해와 함께 학문에 있어서 역사의 발전과 더불어 양식적 개념으로 오늘날까지 이르게 된 것이다. 이에 비해 現代 美術에서의 幾何學的 造形性은 인간의 창조 의식과 더불어 自我意識의 발견에서 비롯된 知的, 合理的 표현 방법으로서 전자의 경우와는 차이가 있다 하겠다. 20세기 Cubism의 발생은 彫刻에서 이 제까지와는 다른 새로운 造形的 추구로 새로운 국면을 맞게된다. 즉 彫刻에 있어서 幾何學的 造型에 관심을 가지고 이제까지의 무의미한 기하학적 형태의 장식적 사용에 대한 결말을 짓게 된 것이다. Cubism 조각은 그 발생의 근거가 회화에서 비롯되었고, 세잔과 아 프리카 흑인 조각에서 나타나는 形態의 單純性에 매료되어 대상의 기 하학적 본질을 탐구하게 되었다. 그러나 “Cube"라는 말 자체가 내포 하고 있는 바, 그것의 本質的 의미는 彫刻的 사고에 더욱 접근한 것이라 볼 수 있다. Cubism 彫刻에서의 幾何學的 彫刻의 전개는 시대적 영향을 받게 되었다. 당시 산업혁명 이후 유럽의 자본주의 팽창과 기계화된 복잡 한 생활은 인간을 불안한 상태로 이끌었으며 이러한 외적 변화 속에 서 Cubism 조각가들은 그 조형적 표현에 있어서 단순성과 통합성을 추구하게 된다. 그러므로 원시적인 것에 享受를 느끼면서 자연과 평 형을 이루는 幾何學的 조형성에 합리적으로 새롭게 접근해 나가게 된 것은 자연스러운 현상이었다. 이러한 造形性의 변화와 더불어 시대적 공간 개념의 변모가 있었다. 유클리드이래 도형의 원리는 데카르트, 로바체프스키, 리만등의 非유클리드 공간 개념을 거쳐 아인슈타인의 상대성 이론에서 제기된 4차원적 공간개념이 Cubism 조각 형성과 대 를 같이하게 된 것이다. Cubism 彫刻에서 나타난 기하학적 조형성의 특성 중 하나는 그들 에게 직접적 영향을 미쳤던 원시 아프리카 조각에서 나타난 형태의 單純性으로, Cubism 조각가들에게 매혹적 형태로 접근되어졌고 실제 이들의 영향은 Cubism 작품에 반영되었다. 또한 당시 空間 槪念의 변화와 때를 같이한 형태의 單純性 과정에서 동반된 彫刻에서의 Vol- ume과 Void의 등가적 가치 개념 재정립은 이제까지와는 달리 조각을 自律的인 하나의 생명체로서 공간에 존재하는 방법으로 등장시키게 된 다. 오목면과 볼록면에 대한 새로운 인식으로써 조각에서 볼목면의 형태를 逆으로 표현함으로 오히려 더욱 적극적 방법으로 활용하게 되 고 이는 현대조각의 공간적 확산에 지대한 영향을 미치게되는 중요한 부분이 된다 하겠다. 학문적 의미의 幾何學的 요소와는 그 구분에 있어서 다소 차이점을 내포하고 있는 Cubism 彫刻의 幾何學的 조형의 실제적 표현은 동시 대의 많은 작가들이 곧바로 순수 抽象에 들어갈 수 있는 계기를 마 련한 것이다. 조각에서의 幾何學的 造形 추구는 산업 사회의 발전과 때를 같이하여 조각가들에게 새로운 소재 선택의 自律性을 부여하게 된다. 現代彫刻은 위에서 제시된 Cubism의 조형적 요소를 바탕으로 획기 적 전환점을 맞게 된다. Cubism에서 비롯된 幾何學的 抽象 형태는 조각을 더이상 받침대의 구속에 묶어 두지 않았다. 그러므로 무한한 공간 확장의 기회를 제 공했으며 이와 더불어 Void의 새로운 의미 해석은 그 精神과 理念 에 있어 조각을 건축의 종속적 관계가 아닌 대등한 위치로 올려 놓 았다. 현대 사회에서 가공되고 문명화된 물질은 곧바로 조각의 재료 로 사용되게 되었고 그를 선택한 작가의 직접적인 自我意識의 표현 수단이 되었다. 科學技術의 적극적 도입은 가상적 입체감 까지도 제 시하게 되어 과거의 非物質的 材料였던 빛, 물, 공기까지도 조각의 재료로 가능케 하였다. 기계 문명에 대한 긍정적, 적극적 수용 태도는 Cubism 조각가들에 게서 비롯되었으며 당시 조각에서는 실험이 안된 것이 없었던 創造와 獨創의 시대였고 오늘날의 조각에 있어서도 많은 부분이 그때 제시된 문제를 해결하고 있는 Cubism 彫刻의 일부인 것이다. Sculpture did not seek its own way compatible to the historical devel- opment in painting from Renaissance until nineteenth century. But cubism in twenty century marked the turning point in sculpture(es- pecially with the growing concern about cubism resulting in ornamental use of geometrical form). Geometrical sculpture, which existed in the absolute form of geometry, become the great influence in expressing self-consciousness directly. Geometry started in the ancient Egypt and as Plato said geometrical proportion had strong order, and simple sense of molding because it came from heaven, god, and mathematical laws of absolute formula. Geometrical formative arts of cubism become basis in the contemporary sculpture,- geometrical formative arts are a series of plastic conscious- ness. That is, the form which keeps proportion and balance by formula geometric element and by making the geometric thinking compatible to theme. This kind of geometric form tend to be non-realistic through the ana- lytical plastic art by Cezanne and Seurat. Cezanne transforming all cyl- inder into the three-dimension form, Seurat analyzing and formulating things with the emphasis of color division paved the way for the mod- ern geometric formative arts. After the Industrial Revolution, the Western capitalism became monopo- ly in 1900s, the rapid development of machines, traffic and communica- tion influenced on the sense sense of value. Euclide geometry was no longer the absolut value, and noneuclidean geometry, such as Decarte's Lovachevski's, Riemann's underwent the change of conception in absolute space, which is brought about by the relativity of time, the resurrection of theory of relativity. Mathematics was no longer clear knowledge as coming closer to reality, and the things of reality must be used less for being closer to "arts", all of which indicated the inseparable relations between science and arts. In this mentality, cubism sculptors separated themselves from realistic description, and turned their view to the plastic world. Among these in- fluences, African Negro sculpture was not descriptive and emphasized di- rect expression through line, face, color, and form, describing twenty forms into one condensed one. The geometric plastic arts of cubism sculpture stem from this. The form of "void" along with volume had appeared since primitive times, and played a different role in cubism sculpture. Like a comple- mentary color, volume and void are applied for connection between envi- ronment and space. That is, void in sculpture means the volume filled with something. Deviation from the past realistic human body sculpture makes influences on the modern arts with the geometric distortion, and the steady concern with purity grew into pure abstraction. Cubism collage in painting along with the advent of geometric plastic arts provided the artists with the new opportunity of choosing material subject. Material in the art became the direct means of showing the emotion. After this, the modern sculpture faced the turning poing based on geometric elements. This development brought about the abstraction and the accommodation of material and machine. "Geometric form', and the rethinking of "Volume" and "Void" indicated the sculpture was no long- er subordinate to architecture, and had the same value Therefore in modern society the processed and civilized material becomes the reflec- tion of the artists' consciousness, and the introduction of this technical aspect shows the assumed three dimension, and non-material things like shine, air, water become the material in sculpture. The positive accommodating attitude about the machine civilization stems from cubism sculptor, and in the cubism sculpture called the generation of creation and originality every thing ranging from the materials to the mentality is adopted as a means of experiment. Even today's sculpture is solving the problem presented at that time and shaping its part. As a matter of fact, it must be said that cubism makes a great influence on the way of Modernism after it.

      • 교사가 지각한 유아의 기질, 자기조절능력, 정서지능이 유아의 또래 유능성에 미치는 영향

        이재옥 가톨릭관동대학교 대학원 2017 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        As double-income families become a norm in modern society, young children spend a long time in educational institutions everyday, being provided with educare and building relationships with their peers, and it can be predicted that the process of mutual influence among them affects their overall development. Peer competence, which is one of social skills among peers, is mandatory for successful social relationship building and successful peer interaction. Preschoolers whose peer competency is good naturally join others for play and are good at communication, conflict resolution with peers and problem solving. They can make themselves look sociable and prosocial to others in this way, and they can mingle with many friends because they are popular among their friends and are highly receptive to them. A study found that having an ability to understand how others feel and to empathize with them can be followed by a happy life, and that young children who are rejected by their peers show serious disorder even in adulthood such as delinquency, neurosis, psychological disorder or sexual deviation. Indeed, peer competency is one of integral developmental tasks that should be accomplished in early childhood. Earlier studies establish that young children's temperament, self- regulation and emotional intelligence exert a lot of influence on their social skills and are closely linked to peer competence in assocoation with social relationships. So it seems necessary to look into the relationships of young children's gender, age and maternal employment, which are personal variables, to their temperament, self-regulation, emotional intelligence and peer competence. The purpose of this study was, therefore, to examine influential factors for early childhood peer competence in an effort to lay the foundation for the development of sociability promotion programs and parent education programs in educational institutions. Three research questions were posed: 1. What are the differences among preschoolers in temperament, self- regulation, emotional intelligence and peer competence according to the background variables? 2. Are there any correlations among their temperament, self-regulation, emotional intelligence and peer competence? 3. What influence do their temperament, self-regulation and emotional intelligence exert on peer competence? The findings of the study were as follows: As for differences among the young children in temperament according to the personal variables including gender, the preschool boys were better at activity level and response intensity, and the preschool girls were significantly ahead in terms of mood, approach-avoidance and adjustment. The latter was more excellent in every subfactor of self- regulation. Concerning emotional intelligence, the young boys were better at self-awareness than the girls, and the latter scored higher in self- regulation, awareness of others and regulation of others. The young girls scored higher than the boys in the subfactors of peer competence as well. In other words, the preschool boys were more active and showed more intensive responses than the young girls, and the girls were better than the boys at keeping themselves in a more positive mood, self- evaluation, self-determination, understanding how others felt and behaved, and taking the initiative in building relationships with peers in a sociable manner. As to differences according to age, the children who were at the western age of five scored highest in every subfactor of temperament, self-regulation and peer competence, followed by the four-year-olds and the three-year-olds. Therefore it could be said that preschoolers show improvement in cognitive regulation and emotional regulation with age, and that there can be progress in cognitive action and emotional regulation in a mutually supplementary and interactive manner. Regarding differences according to maternal employment, the young children whose mothers didn't work scored higher in responsiveness and activity level among the subfactors of temperament, and the children whose mothers were employed scored higher in the other subfactors. Among the subfactors of self-regulation, the children whose mothers didn't have an occupation scored higher in self-determination, and the preschoolers whose mothers were working scored higher in the other subfactors. It seems to imply that children's self-determination is affected when their mothers aren't working and when the mothers take time to observe the children in daily life and interact with them. Concerning the correlations of temperament, self-regulation, emotional intelligence and peer competence, peer competence had the closest correlation with self-determination among the subfactors of self- regulation, and had the weakest positive correlation with approach- avoidance. That had the least negative correlation with response intensity and had the strongest negative correlation with activity level. Among the subfactors of peer competence, sociability had the strongest positive correlation with emotional intelligence, and that had the least positive correlation with approach-avoidance and the most negative correlation with activity level. Prosociability had the closest positive correlation with emotional intelligence, and that had the least positive correlation with approach-avoidance and the most negative correlation with activity level. Prosociability had the most positive correlation with emotional intelligence, the least positive correlation with approach-avoidance, the least negative correlation with response intensity and the most negative correlation with activity level. Initiative had the most positive correlation with self-evaluation, the least negative correlation with response intensity and the most negative correlation with activity level. Therefore it could be said that young children who adapt themselves to new circumstances faster, whose emotional intelligence is higher, who are better at self-evaluation, who aren't active and whose response intensity is stronger are more sociable, friendly and show more initiative in terms of relationships with peers. As to the impact of temperament, self-regulation and emotional intelligence on peer competence, sociability and prosociability that were two subfactors of peer competence were under the biggest influence of self-regulation that was one of the subfactors of emotional intelligence, and initiative was most affected by self-evaluation that was one of the self-regulation. Sociability was best explained by self-regulation, followed by mood, emotionality, consciousness of others and self-evaluation. Prosociability was best explained by self-regulation, followed by mood, behavioral inhibition, awareness of others, self-evaluation and regulation of others. Initiative was best explained by self-evaluation, followed by self- determination and approach-avoidance. The findings of the study seem to denote that young children who know about themselves better and who can choose the right strategy for the given situation can regulate their own emotions more properly and aren't intimidated even in new circumstances. Given the findings of the study, it's concluded that research efforts should be channeled into the selection of the right educational content and method tailored to the characteristics of preschool boys and girls. In addition, it will be of use for the improvement of peer competence if different sorts and levels of education are provided based on the developmental levels of different ages. In order to boost peer competence, young children should be given a chance to make a decision on their own using their cognitive knowledge, and the kind of education that stirs up curiosity and confidence is necessary. Besides, they should be provided with educational programs that aim at improving social skills which are keeping positive emotions in terms of peer relationships and being considerate of others.

      • 여성근로자의 직업의식에 관한 실태조사연구 : 일반사무직 여사원과 생산직 여사원과의 비교를 중심으로

        이재옥 단국대학교 경영대학원 1982 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        In order to investigate the occupational consciousness of women workers, questionnaires were distributed to 188 women workers employed by A industry & 176 women workers engaged in E industry. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1) The occupational consciousness of women workers in not formed by themselves but by external environmental factors. 2) The occupational consciousness of women workers show a marked difference between those who are engaged in clerical work and production work : i.e., the former seeks after pleasant and cozy working environment while the latter demands more humane treatment. 3) All of the respondents do not recognize that the duties they discharge are so important. 4) Women workers engaged in production job are more involved in humane treatment, occupational satisfaction and change of employment, on the other hand, those in clerical job are concerned with the reputation of business enterprises and remunesation. 5) Women workers engaged in clerical job have time to manage their own livelihood, while those in production job have neither enough time nor afford to manage their own living. Those finding enumerated above may not be considered distributable to the difference of occupational consciousness of women workers in our country but to variable factors of occupational consciousness formed by internal environment and external conditions of business enterprises. In order to secure sound occupational consciousness of women workers, it is felt absolutely necessary that positive efforts be made by the three parties concerned, employers, workers and government.

      • 退溪 李滉의 審美意識에 關한 硏究

        이재옥 韓南大學校 大學院 2005 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        This study explores Yi Hwang's aestheticism corresponding to his artistic ideas and their modern meaning. The reasons to focus on Yi Hwang's aestheticism are as follows. Yi Hwang's aestheticism is effectively used as a way of recovering seriously discussed dehumanization among various civilization evils we face in our lives in modern society. Dehumanization means that human beings lose their well-born nature and the mindset to think and criticize subjectively. Modern men should recover the good nature with which we are born. Yi Hwang's philosophy focuses on the issue of humans living in the real world as moral beings without compromising their moral character. The purpose of his theory of self-cultivation is to realize humanity which makes ethically moral conduct practical through theoretical introspection toward the mind and nature. Yi Hwang thinks that art and literature are expressions of dao(道), a moral teaching in aestheticism and a way to cultivate the mind and body. In the art and literature of his poems and calligraphies, aestheticism of art in harmony with literature is sublimated into that of the humanity of moral teaching in harmony with literature. The subjects of Yi Hwang's poems are the nature of mountains and water. With an awakening moral self, his world of pure poems intends to express the pure human mindset by considering the minds of heaven and earth to be human minds. To him, nature is a model way of life as well as of human existence. Therefore, Yi Hwang considers nature a source to cultivate humaneness and wisdom and a space to form aestheticism. His poems can be another expression of the pleasure of dao(道), a philosophical concept personally obtained from nature. His calligraphies are important media to fulfill human values. His refined calligraphies are formed by characters as a result of learning and moral training. His calligraphies warn against exaggerated techniques and instead express the common, simple, gentle aestheticism of the moderation. This aesthetic atmosphere is possible in the state of perfect harmony of all material objects and oneself, which corresponds with the body and mind. It can intend a free world without the opposition of the mind and other material objects. Yi Hwang's aestheticism expressed through the art and literature of his poems and calligraphy strive to present primarily the outer things called ‘nature’. But beauty is realized by mature self-consciousness. Yi Hwang thinks that mysterious aesthetic change in nature is a phenomenon, which occurs anytime and anywhere. Serene, lofty human aesthetic desires are needed to appreciate nature. Human beings reach their culmination through moral training. Perfect harmony of all matters and oneself presupposes that the ability to obtain perfect virtue is inside oneself. Yi Hwang feels an aesthetic sense that can not be changed with anything in the state of perfect harmony with nature, a source of life. He also experiences the value of life and a great joy, which cannot be expressed in words.

      • Acriflavine resistance regulator의 과발현에 의한 대장균의 유기용매내성 향상

        이재옥 이화여자대학교 대학원 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        인간의 의식주와 밀접한 제품의 생산에 이용되는 여러 유기용매는 대부분 석유로부터 생산되고 있다. 화석연료의 고갈로 인해, 유기용매의 지속 가능한 생산을 위한 대안을 찾는 연구가 전세계적으로 활발히 진행되고 있다. 대체 방법 중 미생물 공정을 이용하여 바이오매스로부터 유기용매를 생산하는 것은 친환경적이며 지속가능한 대안이다. 그러나 미생물 공정으로 유기용매를 생산할 때는 유기용매에 대한 내성을 가진 균주를 개발하는 것이 중요하다. 본 연구에서는 Escherichia coli의 13 가지 유전자의 과발현 균주들의 유기용매내성(Organic solvent tolreances, OSTs)을 선별하여 acrR+ 균주의 OSTs가 향상됨을 발견하였다. n-hexane과 n-hexane/cyclohexane이 첨가되었을 때, ΔfadR ΔmarR 보다 acrR+을 포함하는 ΔfadR ΔmarR acrR+ 균주는 성장이 증가하였다. acrR+ 균주는 세포 내 축적된 n-hexane의 양이 wild type의 약 40%였고, ΔacrR 균주는 wild type의 약 121%였다. n-hexane/cyclohexane 혼합액이 있을 때, acrR+의 환원능력은 wild type의 2배 가량 높았다. Wild type, ΔacrR 균주, acrR+ 균주에서 Quantitative real-time PCR 분석 결과, AcrR이 포괄적 조절자(global regulator)인 MarRAB와 SoxRS의 발현을 억제함을 알 수 있었으며, ΔacrR 균주에서는 marRAB와 soxRS의 발현이 2배 내지 6배 이상 증가하였다. Electrophoretic mobility shift assay(EMSA)를 통해서 AcrR이 acrRAB, marAB, soxRS의 프로모터 부분에 결합하고 있는 것을 밝혔다. acrR+ 균주에서 soxS와 marB의 발현이 wild type보다 3배 이상 증가하였으므로, acrR+ 균주의 OSTs 향상은 soxS와 marB의 적당한 조절에 의해 이루어진 것으로 볼 수 있었다. Acriflavine resistance regulator (AcrR) is a local transcription factor that regulates the expression of the acrRAB genes associated with the AcrAB-TolC multi-drug efflux pump. Screening of organic solvent tolerances (OSTs) with the overexpression of 13 genes in Escherichia coli revealed that the overexpression of acrR improved the OSTs. Overexpression of AcrR in a background strain of wild type E. coli and in the OSTs strain LMB015 (ΔfadR ΔmarR) led to a significant increase in cell growth (indicated as acrR+ and ΔfadR ΔmarR acrR+ strain, respectively) in the presence of n-hexane and n-hexane/cyclohexane. In the acrR+ strain, the intracellular solvent accumulation was lower than in the wild type strain (40 % of wild type) when cells were incubated with n-hexane. The reduction capacity of the cell membrane in the wild type strain was attenuated below 50 % of the control level in the presence of n-hexane/cyclohexane. This effect was recovered to control levels in the acrR+ strain. Quantitative real-time PCR analysis of RNA from the wild type, ΔacrR, and acrR+ strains showed that AcrR represses the transcription of the global regulator genes marRAB and soxRS, in addition to its own gene cluster acrRAB. Electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) demonstrated that AcrR binds directly to the promoter region of acrRAB, marAB, and soxRS, indicating that local regulator AcrR acts on global regulators to impact mar-sox-rob regulon. In the acrR+ strain, soxS expression was significantly upregulated compared to wild type. The observation that all genes associated with marRAB and soxRS are upregulated in the ΔacrR strain, and that there is only moderate induction of soxS (and marB) in the acrR+ strain, provides insight into how acrR overexpression confers bacteria OSTs and the control network of mar-sox-rob regulon.

      • 低溫 플라즈마와 NH₃SCR 複合工程의 低溫 DeNO 特性 硏究

        이재옥 忠南大學校 2008 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        It is nowadays worldwide accepted that primary techniques are not sufficient for control of pollutants emitted from vehicles, and thus exhaust after-treatment systems are needed in order to comply with the current and the forthcoming emission standards. Recently, selective catalytic reduction (SCR) assisted by nonthermal plasma has been widely proposed as a promising deNOx technique for diesel applications. An experimental study on a combined deNOx process of nonthermal plasma and NH₃SCR, which can be operated under low temperature conditions, i.e., 150∼200 ℃, has been conducted. The type of nonthermal plasma reactor was dielectric barrier discharge (DBD). SCR catalyst used in this work is monolithic V₂O_(5)-WO₃/TiO₂catalyst of which reducing agent is ammonia. In the fore part of the present study, several technical issues, which are feasibility of fast SCR reaction, the effect of NO₂/NOx ratios in fast SCR reaction, the effect of water vapor contained in the reactant, production of ammonium nitrate salts under low temperature conditions, the effects of hydrocarbon and CO on the process and effect of aldehydes produced from HC (C₃H_(6)) in the course of low temperature oxidation were investigated with a lab-scale experiment. In the aft part of this work, NH₃SCR assisted by plasma oxidation is presented. In this part of work, that has been carried with a real 2,000 cc diesel engine, feasibility of plasma combined SCR process in real engine condition has been investigated with focus on the following parametric point of view. 1) The effect of HC addition as reacting gas that can affect the input energy of plasma reactor in fast SCR process. 2) Emission characteristic, especially NO to NOx ratio, according to the engine condition. 3) Comparison of deNOx efficiencies for standard SCR and fast SCR with diesel exhaust. The results are as following; Test results show that in the fast SCR reaction, the condition for equimolar amounts of NO and NO₂in the reactants, plays a dominant role in deNOx performance under relatively low-temperature conditions, i.e., 150∼200 ℃. and deNOx rate in the fast SCR reaction recorded higher value than that of conventional SCR reaction. The deNOx efficiencies along with the NO₂/NOx ratios makes asymmetric parabola curve. The highest deNOx efficiency or vertex of the parabola is observed when NO₂/NOx ratio is 0.5. The asymmetricity is attributed to the formation of ammonium nitrate that is formed in the condition of gas temperature lower than 150 ℃. The test showed that pre-oxidation step for the conversion of NO to NO₂is necessary for the fast SCR reaction, and the appropriate ratio of NO₂/NOx ranges from 0.3 to 0.5. When the water vapor exists in the reacting gases, the deNOx efficiency is lowered by 10~20% along with all the NO₂/NOx ratio conditions. Addition of hydrocarbon (C₃H_(6)) on the exhaust gas is effective for the reduction of the specific energy density (SED) applied to the plasma reactor. The oxidation of NO to NO₂by nonthermal plasma is useful for the control of NO₂fractions in NOx. The role of fast SCR reaction, however, decreases when C₃H_(6) is supplied to the process. here, C₃H_(6) is selected to simulate HC species in diesel exhausts. Followings are conclusions from the results: (1) C₃H_(6) promotes production of aldehydes in the process by nonthermal plasma. (2) production of aldehyde reduces fraction of NO₂leading to a diminished role of fast SCR reaction. This reduction in NO₂is predominant when water vapor is not added to the test gases. (3) decreased role of the fast SCR reaction is recovered when water vapor is supplied in the reactants, and the optimal NO₂fraction for highest deNOx rate is changed to higher value (greater than 0.5), this effect of water vapor should be counted in the application of plasma combined SCR process in diesel exhaust. The technique of NH₃SCR (selective catalytic reduction) assisted by plasma oxidation has been applied to a real 2,000 cc diesel engine. The plasma combined deNOx process consists of two steps. in the course of the first step, 50% of emitted NO from the engine is oxidized to NO₂by plasma process. and during the second step NO and NO₂are simultaneously reduced to N₂and H₂O by NH₃SCR process. Process cost can be reduced by supply of additional HC (C₃H_(6)). NO₂/NOx ratio in low rpm and low load condition ranges about 10-40% resulting less power consumption in oxidation process. The engine test results showed that the deNOx rates of the present combined process are higher than those of conventional SCR process by 20%. Such a high performance of the combined process is noticeable especially, when the exhaust temperature are relatively low, i.e., 180∼220 ℃. Considering that the emission in low rpm and low load condition has rather high NO₂/NOx ratio and UHC therein, fast SCR process that requires NO₂/NOx ratio of 0.5 for the cost down of the operation has high feasibility of application. and here, the nonthermal plasma process finds its place of application substituting conventional oxidation catalysts that requires rather high temperature for activation and light off. All of the results reported in this work is applicable in deNOx process of various type of emissions. and further work will be focused on the reduction of operating cost of the plasma oxidation process in high rpm and high load condition.

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