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      • 비대면 한국어 수업에서 말하기 능력 신장을 위한 플립 러닝 활용 연구 : -말레이시아 중등학습자를 중심으로-

        서지연 한국외국어대학교 KFL대학원 2023 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        The purpose of this study is to address the problems of learning that occur in remote education situations and to enhance the speaking abilities of Korean language learners. Malaysia has been conducting a Korean language teacher dispatch program, so Malaysian middle and high school students were selected as the subjects of this research. Currently, many people in Malaysia have a great interest in Hallyu, such as K-culture, K-pop, and K-dramas, and the number of candidates taking the Test of Proficiency in Korean (TOPIK) within Malaysia is increasing. As the number of learners studying Korean continues to grow, research on Korean language learners in Malaysia is necessary. The unprecedented pandemic that hit the world unexpectedly has led the education sector to resort to alternative options, and one of them was remote classes. These classes were made possible by utilizing computers or easily accessible smartphones available in each household, along with online platforms that facilitate teaching and enable network connections between instructors and all learners. The problems with remote learning include reduced exposure to Korean language for learners, ineffective learning processes, decreased speaking abilities of Korean language learners, and learning disparities among learners. To address these issues, the "ARCS Theory" was introduced, and a teaching-learning model was designed, applying Flipped Learning to expand Korean language exposure through pre-learning before class and assignment activities after class. By using the ARCS Theory, the lesson structure was designed to motivate learners through four stages: attention, relevance, confidence, and satisfaction, aiming to enhance learners' self-efficacy. Before this course takes place, learners are encouraged to independently perform vocabulary and grammar learning to pre-understand the learning content and actively participate in the course. Additionally, an online bulletin board was operated to facilitate smooth communication between instructors and learners during remote classes. Despite being a remote class, efforts were made to make the lessons enjoyable and interesting for learners, minimizing the problems associated with remote learning. This research holds value as a reference material for overseas Korean language learners during the past two years of remote class periods, and it is hoped that it will be helpful to many teachers conducting research on remote learning.

      • 읽기 쓰기 통합교육을 통한 한국어 연어 교육 방안 : 영어권 학습자를 중심으로

        한경희 한국외국어대학교 KFL대학원 2023 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        본고의 목적은 읽기와 쓰기를 통합하여 교육하는 프로그램에서, 학습자가 목표어인 한국어와 모어의 차이점을 인식하면서 읽기 자료에 나타난 연어 표현들을 알아차리고 스스로 쓰기 과제게 사용하도록 교사가 안내하는 방법을 제안하는 것이다. 연어 목록을 일방적으로 제시하는 방법이 아닌, 실제 읽기 지문에서 학습자가 연어 표현들을 알아차리고 스스로 생산하는 글에 직접 쓰기를 시행하도록 교육하는 법을 제시한다는 점에서 본고의 의의가 있다. 학습자가 스스로 연어 표현들을 알아차리게 하기 위해 교사는, 한국인의 말뭉치에서 의미의 중심인 ‘동사’를 기준으로 한국인의 실생활에서 추출된 초급 연어쌍을 미리 제시하고 결합하는 단어들을 살펴볼 수 있도록 미리 주의를 환기시킨다. 학습자들은 알아차린 연어 표현들을 모어와의 차이점을 구분하여 누적적으로 공책에 기록한다. 연어 표현들은 ‘강한 결합’과 ‘약한 결합’으로 분류하여 기록하고, 교사는 지속적인 피드백을 제공한다. 마지막으로 읽기의 이해도를 측정할 수 있는 ‘요약하기’와 습득된 연어 표현을 활용하여 자신의 글을 쓰는 ‘종합하여 쓰기’를 시행하여 학습자가 연어 표현을 의사소통에 직접 사용하게 한다. 읽기와 쓰기는 상호 보완적 관계로 읽기와 쓰기를 통합하여 교육하는 것은 의사소통 교육법의 취지에 부합한다. 그 중에서도, 연어를 읽기 자료로부터 배워서 쓰기에 활용하는 것은 정확하고 경제적으로 연어 표현을 익히고 사용하게 한다는 점에서 바람직하다. The purpose of this study is for Korean teachers to lead foreign learners to notice Korean collocational expressions on reading materials, then to write summary utilizing Korean collocation obtained by integrated reading and writing. This method is of significance in that learners themselves perceive Korean collocation on reading materials and write them. Teaching Korean collocation by integrating reading and writing is as follows. Teachers should offer core verbs of level 1 and level 2, and call foreign learners attention to combined words based on the offered verbs. After that, learners notice combined words as Korean collocation and write down them on their notebooks cumulatively while distinguishing Korean collocation from mother tongue in order to prevent the negative effect of their mother language. Also, learners sort often present Korean collocation into strong combined Korean collocation, Korean collocation combined sometimes with other words into weak combined collocation. During this process, teachers should give their feedback to learners continuously. At the final stage, learners in person write synthesis writing as well as summary from the reading materials using obtained collocational expressions. This summary writing is a useful tool for measuring how much learners grasp the reading passage. Integrating reading and writing match up with Communicative Language Teaching approach based on the fact that reading and writing is mutually reciprocal relationship. In addition, teaching Korean collocation by integrating reading and writing is desirable in terms of prompting learners to notice and practice Korean collocation accurately and economically.

      • 한국어 담화 표지 '아니' 사용을 위한 연구 : 방송 토크쇼와 교재 분석을 중심으로

        구영선 한국외국어대학교 KFL대학원 2023 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        The purpose of this paper is to study how foreign learners can use the discourse marker ‘Ani’ to distinguish it from the negation ‘Ani’. To this end, the discourse marker ‘Ani’ was analyzed by comparing the discourse marker ‘Ani’ of Korean mother tongue speakers in broadcasting talk show with the one in textbooks used in university institutions. Chapter 1 stated the purpose and need of this thesis. It presented the fact that the discourse marker ‘Ani’ has the same appreance as the negation ‘ani’ and that foreign learners may misinterpret the discourse marker ‘Ani’ as the negation ‘Ani’ if they do not study separately. Also explained how this thesis will be organized. Then explained the previous research on discourse markers and discourse marker ‘Ani’ and previous research on discourse markers and discourse marker ‘Ani’ in Korean language teaching. Chapter 2 analyzed the use of discourse markers by Korean mother tongue speakers and foreign learners through the definition of discourse markers, the functions of discourse markers, the function of ‘Ani’, and the use of discourse markers in Korean. In the study of foreign learners’ discussion discourse, the most frequent function of discourse markers was ‘Time-gaining’, and they did not use discourse markers for other functions. This result showed that native Korean speakers used the discourse marker ‘Ani’ with high frequency, while the foreign learners rarely used the discourse marker ‘Ani’. However, the frequency of using the discourse marker as a ‘Time-gaining’ function shows that their understanding of the discourse marker is potential. This suggests that the use of ‘Ani’ needs to be taught. Chapter 3 analyzed Korean broadcast talk shows to classifiy and analyze the functions of the discourse marker ‘Ani’. The analysis showed that the discourse marker ‘Ani’ was used more in private and intimate relationships, while discourse markers such as ‘Ani Geunde’, ‘Ani Geureomoun’ in its made up of more than two words were used more strategically in public relationships. Chapter 4 analyzed the discourse marker ‘Ani’ in four types of Korean textbooks used in university institutions. The discourse marker ‘Ani’ presented in the textbooks differed in frequency from the discourse markers used by actual Korean mother tongue speakers, and there were differences between the textbooks as some textbooks presented more discourse markers and other presented fewer. In chapter 5, Intoduced the discourse marker ‘Ani’ as a way to present it in textbooks, and how to use it multiple times in a conversation in more than one form, and how to present the background of a conversation. Chapter 6 concludes that it is necessary for faculty members to make efforts to present the discourse marker ‘Ani’ without diviation in various textbooks so that learners in which institution can learn the discourse marker ‘Ani’. Also acknowledged that the statistical data in the paper was limited to institutional discourse, and that future experiments on background presentation are needed. However, it was found that if the functions of ‘Ani’ necessary for foreign learners to learn the discourse marker ‘Ani’ are well presented in textbooks, communication with Korean mother tongue speakers will be smooth.

      • 한국어와 영어의 어휘상에 따른 결과상 대조 연구 : ‘-어 있-’, ‘-고 있-’과 ‘be + -ing’를 중심으로

        박보라 한국외국어대학교 KFL대학원 2023 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        The purpose of this study is to analyze and contrast the characteristics that appear when a variety of vocabulary is combined with the Resultative Aspect in Korean and English based on the Lexical Aspect. Due to the combinatorial patterns between the Korean grammatical forms ‘–e iss-’ and ‘–ko iss-’, indicate the Korean Resultative Aspect, and ‘be + -ing’, which indicates the English Progressive Aspect. Previous studies have differences in definition of the concept of Aspect and the aspectual system of Korean. This study organized previous studies of Aspect and examined the aspectual translation of Korean. Therefore, in chapter 2, this study identified the Contrastive Linguistics, the Cross-Linguistic Influence, and the Aspect Hypothesis. In chapter 3, this study examines the aspectual system of Korean, the Resultative, the Lexical aspect, and the aspectual system of English. Also, this study analyzes and contrasts the combinatorial patterns between the Korean grammatical forms ‘–e iss-’ and ‘–ko iss-’ of Korean and ‘be + -ing’ of English. In chapter 4, this study attempts to classify the verbs based on the Lexical aspect according to the classification of Vendler(1967) and Smith. Furthermore, this paper classifies verbs as the stative, psychology, activity, accomplishment, inclusion, achievement, and the position verb, total 8. In chapter 5, this study analyzed on the text from the drama ‘Extraordinary Attorney Woo’ provided by OTT company NETFLIX to contrast the combinatorial patterns between ‘–e iss-’ and ‘–ko iss-’ of Korean and ‘be + -ing’ of English. In chapter 6, this thesis makes conclusions about the aforementioned study findings.

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