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      • KCI등재

        가상훈련 콘텐츠 보급기관 개선방안에 관한 연구

        양미석 ( Mi-seok Yang ) 한국실천공학교육학회 2021 실천공학교육논문지 Vol.13 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to understand the educational types and educational status of institutions that operate virtual training contents distributed by K University's Online Lifelong Education Center and to examine the role and improvement measures of institutions that supply virtual training contents. To this end, a survey was conducted on 56 institutions that operate virtual training contents distributed by K University's Online Lifelong Education Center in 2020, and a survey of 44 institutions that responded finally was analyzed. The analysis results are as follows. First, virtual training education media responded that a total of 52 courses were applied to the content process using PC, the theory+virtual training type is the most, and one to two weeks of practice period were the most. In addition, when looking at the current status of education, the subjects of virtual training were mainly students, and the institution itself recruited, and the largest number of respondents was 1-20, the number of courses opened was 1-3, and the number of teachers and instructors in charge was 1-3. Second, they responded that it is necessary to develop various virtual training contents as a virtual training content supply institution, present ways to apply and utilize virtual training curriculum, and improve the quality of virtual training content. Third, as an improvement plan for virtual training content distribution institutions, it demanded strengthening the linkage of virtual training content, training using virtual training content by teachers and instructors, suggesting various virtual training content linkage, and strengthening virtual training content quality management. Therefore, this study is meaningful in that it identified the overall operation status and status of virtual training content management institutions and examined ways to establish and improve the role of public virtual training supply institutions.

      • KCI등재

        일제강점기 은사수산경기도원잠종제조소 운영과 그 성격

        김인호 한국민족운동사학회 2024 한국민족운동사연구 Vol.0 No.119

        본 연구는 경기도가 주도한 은사수산경기도잠종제조소와 은사수산잠종(업)강습소를 주된 연구대상으로 하여, 본 사업의 전개과정과 사업 실상, 재정운영 상황 등을 분석하는 것을 목표로 하였다. 이상 연구결과를정리하면, 먼저, 조선총독부는 1912년 3월 12일 조선 현실에 맞는 우량한누에고치 품종을 개량 보급하라며 각 도에다 훈령을 내렸다. 그리고 7월18일부터 서울 한강 잠실 인근에다 대규모 원잠종제조소를 건설하였다. 기존 권업모범장 용산지장에서는 1912년부터 권업모범장 용산지장 그리고 1913년부터는 수원본장에서 일본 잠종(春蠶又昔, 春蠶小石丸 春蠶靑 熟, 夏蠶新屋, 秋蠶白龍) 등을 개량하였다. 또한 수원본장에서는 제조한잠종을 각 도와 군에 배부하였고, 군에서는 다시 각 양잠가에 배부하였다. 그런데 수입된 일본산 잠종은 “품질이 아주 나빴다.” 그 원인은 일본에서 사용하지 않는 불량한 잠종을 조선에 보냈기 때문이었다. 일본종을개량한 잠종개발과 배부는 1930년대까지도 오히려 확대되었다. 원잠종제조소는 1914년부터 1917년까지 서울 잠실 인근에 있었으며, 1917년부터 동대문 인근 용두동으로 옮겼고, 1936년에는 경성부 부역의확장으로 시외 이전이 추진되어 경기도 소사역 인근으로 옮겼다. 1927년에는 명칭이 은사수산경기도원잠종제조소로 변경되었다. 이는 1925년 이래 ‘産繭100萬石15個年增産計劃’의 추진과 은사수산의 의미를 강조하려한 결과였다. 누에고치 증산이 곧 천황의 은혜라는 것이다. 한편, 1911년 용인 내사리에는 송병준강습소가 설립되었다. 이것을 모태로 경기도에서는 1917년 은사수산잠종강습소를 설립하였다. 이후1927년에는 경기도 연천에도 잠업강습소를 설치하였고, 1930년부터는용인잠업강습소를 폐지하여 연천잠업강습소가 모두 맡도록 했다. 1938 년에는 은사수산경기도원잠종제조소에 합병되었다. 합병 후 은사수산경기도원잠종제조소도 1940년부터 경기도원잠종제조소로 이름이 바뀌었다. 상황이 어려워진 것이다. 그리하여 제조소는 피마자나 가죽나무 잎을활용한 代用蠶을 실험하는 등 활로 개척에 힘썼다. 그러나 1942년 잠사령이 공포되면서 새로 설립된 잠사통제주식회사에게 대부분의 기능을 빼앗겼다. 요컨대, 일제강점기 내내 은사수산경기도원잠종제조소에는 2만원 정도의 예산이 계속 투하되었고, 다양한 원잠종을 개발하여 누에고치 증산에 기여했다. 그러나 일본종의 개량만 고집하여 농민으로부터 외면을 받았다. 또한 임시은사금도 총독부의 산견증산계획 소요자금이나 일본인중심의 은사수산산업장려자금대부금으로 轉用되었다. 또한 담당 기수임명이나 명칭에서도 조선인 차별이 지속되었다. This study aimed to focus on the Royal Silkworm Breeding Institute of Gyeonggi Province and the Sericulture Seedling (Business) Training Center, both led by Gyeonggi Province, to analyze the development process, actual implementation, financial operation, and other aspects of this initiative. "In summarizing the research results, firstly, on March 12, 1912, the Government-General of Korea issued orders to each province to improve and distribute superior silkworm breeds suitable for the reality of Korea. Then, starting from July 18, a large-scale royal silkworm breeding institute was constructed near the Han River in Jamsil, Seoul. From 1912, the exemplary sericulture supervisors' office in Yongsan, and from 1913, the Suwon headquarters, improved Japanese silkworm breeds such as 'Haru-kaiko,' 'Haru-Kaisho-gan,' 'Haru-Kaishu,' 'Natsu-Atarashi-ya,' and 'Aki-Hakuryu.' Furthermore, the Suwon headquarters distributed the produced silkworm seedlings to each province and county, which were then redistributed to each silk farm by the counties. However, the imported Japanese silkworms were of very poor quality. The cause was the disposal of defective silkworms unused in Japan, sent to Korea. Nevertheless, the development and distribution of silkworms based on Japanese-breeds continued to expand until the 1930s. The royal silkworm breeding institute was located near Jamsil, Seoul from 1914 to 1917. Then, from 1917, it was relocated to Yongdu-dong near Dongdaemun. In 1936, as part of the expansion of the Gyeongseong (Seoul) area, it was relocated to near Sosa Station in Gyeonggi Province. In 1927, its name was changed to the Royal Silkworm Breeding Institute of Gyeonggi Province. This change was a result of emphasizing the significance of sericulture and Program of ‘One Million-rice bag silkworm promoting for 15 years' since 1925. Increasing silk production was considered a grace from the Emperor. On another note, in 1911, the Song Byeong-joon Training Center was established in Naesa-ri, Yongin. Based on this, Gyeonggi Province established the Gyeonggi Province Sericulture Seedling Training Center in 1917. Then, in 1927, a sericulture training center was set up in Yeoncheon County, Gyeonggi Province, and from 1930 onwards, the Yongin Sericulture Training Center was closed, and all responsibilities were transferred to the Yeoncheon Sericulture Training Center. In 1938, it was merged into the Gyeonggi Province Royal Silkworm Breeding Institute. After the merger, the Gyeonggi Province Royal Silkworm Breeding Institute also changed its name to the Gyeonggi Province Silkworm Breeding Institute in 1940. The situation became challenging. Therefore, efforts were made to explore alternative activities, such as experimenting with ‘substitute silkworms’ using Paulownia tree or leather tree leaves. However, with the enactment of the Sericulture Control Act in 1942, most of the functions were transferred to the newly established Sericulture Control Corporation. In summary, throughout the Japanese colonial period, around 20,000 won was continuously allocated to the Gyeonggi Province Silkworm Breeding Institute, contributing to the increase in silkworm production by developing various silkworm breeds. However, insistence on improving only Japanese-breeds led to alienation from the farmers. Moreover, the allocated temporary silkworm funds were redirected towards the Governor-General's Silkworm Production Plan or the Japanese-centered silkworm industry promotion loan system. Discrimination against Koreans also persisted in appointments and designations.

      • KCI등재

        직업훈련기관의 인증제도가 경영성과에 미치는 영향: 흡수역량, 혁신행동의 매개효과

        정남인(Jung, Nam-In),황복주(Hwang, Bok-Ju) 한국경영교육학회 2020 경영교육연구 Vol.35 No.1

        [연구목적] 본 연구는 직업훈련기관 인증제도가 훈련기관 경영성과에 미치는 영향을 검정한 것이다. 이를 위해 직업훈련기관 인증제도를 독립변수로 하고, 직업훈련기관 경영성과를 종속변수로 하여 흡수역량과 혁신행동의 매개역할을 분석함으로써 직업훈련기관에 실질적인 성과를 제고할 수 있는 바람직한 전략적 대안과 방안을 제시하는데 있다. [연구방법] 직업훈련기관 운영자 및 실무자 170명을 대상으로 하였으며, 가설검정 및 인과관계를 확인하기 위해 구조방정식분석을 하였다. [연구결과] 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 직업훈련기관 인증제도는 흡수역량과 혁신행동에 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 확인되었다. 그러나 직업훈련기관 인증제도는 훈련기관 경영성과에 직접적으로는 영향을 미치지 못하였다. 둘째, 흡수역량은 경영성과에 직접적으로 영향을 미치지 못하였지만 혁신행동에는 정(+)의 영향을 미치었다. 셋째, 혁신행동은 경영성과에 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 분석되었다. 넷째, 흡수역량은 혁신행동을 통해 경영성과에 매개효과가 있음이 확인되었다. [연구의 시사점] 직업훈련기관 인증제도와 경영성과와의 관련 연구는 전무한 상황이다. 직업훈련기관의 인증제도 시행이 훈련기관의 경영성과에 직접적으로 성과를 내지 못함을 규명하였다. 직업훈련기관의 인증제도 시행과 관련된 매개역할로 흡수역량과 혁신행동이 있음을 규명하였다. 직업훈련기관의 인증제도가 실질적으로 성과를 도출할 수 있는 대안 및 방안을 제시한 점이 본 연구의 중요한 시사점이다. [Purpose] This study examined the effect of the certification system of vocational training institution on the management performance of training institutions. For this purpose, the certification system of vocational training institution was used as an independent variable and the management performance of vocational training institution was used as a dependent variable. By analyzing the mediation role of absorptive competence and innovation behavior, this study suggests desirable strategic alternatives to improve practical performance in the vocational training institutions. [Methodology] This study used 170 samples of vocational training institutes, and structural equation analysis was conducted to verify the hypothesis test and causal relationship. [Findings] The research results are as follows. First, the certification system of vocational training institution had a positive effect on absorptive competence and innovation behavior. However, the certification system of vocational training institution did not directly affect the management performance of training institution. Second, the absorption capacity did not directly affect the management performance, but it had a positive effect on innovation behavior. Third, innovation behavior had a positive effect on the management performance. Fourth, absorptive competence was found to have a mediating effect on management performance through innovative actions. [Implications] There is no relevant study on the certification system of vocational training institution and management performance. It was found that the implementation of the certification system of vocational training institutions did not directly affect the management performance of vocational training institutions. The absorptive competence and innovation behavior were identified as the mediators related to the implementation of the certification system of vocational training institutions. This study presented the alternatives and measures that could produce practical results of the certification system of vocational training institutions.

      • KCI등재

        4차 산업혁명 선도인력 양성사업 성과분석을 통한 대학과 직업훈련기관 역할 제언

        정선정,이문수 한국취업진로학회 2021 취업진로연구 Vol.11 No.1

        디지털 신기술 분야의 교육훈련 성과를 분석하고 유용한 시사점을 도출하여, 이를 수행하는 대학과 직업훈련기관의 역할을 제언하는데 있다. 훈련과 취업자료가 체계적으로 관리되고 있는 고용노동부 사 업(4차 산업혁명 선도인력 양성 사업, 이하 '4차 산업훈련')을 선정하였다. 연구대상은 2017∼2018년 4 차 산업훈련을 실시한 28개 교육훈련기관의 훈련자료(79개 과정, 1,772명 훈련생)로, 분석방법은 Logic Model을 적용하여 단기성과(수료율, 만족도, 성취도, 프로그램 차별화)와 중기성과(취업률, 고용유지율, 임금)를 분석하였다. 결론은 첫째, 4차 산업훈련의 전체 수료율은 77.2%이며, 대학과 직업훈련기관의 수료율은 유사하다. 둘째, 훈련서비스품질(3.95)과 훈련만족도(4.03)는 높지만, 고용가능성(3.68)은 상대적으로 낮았다. 대학 과 직업훈련기관은 훈련서비스품질의 일부 하위요인(취업지원, 행정지원)만 직업훈련기관이 더 높고, 그 외는 유사하다. 셋째, 성취도는 2017년 82.92점, 2018년 77.49점으로, 기관유형별로 대학에서 참여 한 훈련생의 성취도가 더 높지만, 비교 과정수가 적어 통계적 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았다. 넷째, 우수 과정 차별성은 4차 산업혁명 분야에 맞게 훈련교과와 프로젝트 내용을 연계하여 협약기업 참여를 통한 프로젝트 수행 및 취업 지원이 원활하고, 우수 훈련생 선발 및 중도탈락 방지 등 체계적인 훈련생 관리 가 이루어지며, 우수한 교강사를 통해 고숙련훈련을 실시하는 것으로 나타났다. 대학일수록 양질의 모 집자원과 다양한 학과의 우수한 교수진을 확보함으로써 난이도 있는 훈련을 실시한 반면, 직업훈련기 관일수록 훈련생 선발·상담·관리·취업지원·사후관리 등 훈련생 관리의 체계성이 확인되었다. 다섯째, 취 업률이 65%, 고용유지율이 72.9%, 임금수준이 217만원으로, 대학에 비해 직업훈련기관의 취업률이 더 높고, 고용유지율은 유사하지만, 임금수준은 대학이 더 높았다. 제언으로 대학은 4차 산업혁명 관련 직업훈련 분야의 적극적인 참여, 학교교육과 직업훈련을 잇는 가교역할, 학사운영에서 발굴한 Best Practice를 직업훈련시장에 공유할 필요가 있다. 직업훈련기관은 산학협력을 더 강화하고, 다른 직업훈련기관 및 대학 등과의 컨소시엄을 통해 창의적인 융합과정을 개 발·운영하며, 소그룹 단계별 맞춤훈련을 실시하고, 재직자가 미래사회의 역량변화에 대응할 수 있도록 향상훈련과 경력개발에 주목할 필요가 있다. This study is to analyze the educational and training performance of new digital technology fields, draw useful implications, and suggest the role of universities and vocational training institutions. A performance analysis was conducted by selecting a project(Training Project Leading the 4th Industrial Revolution, hereinafter ‘4th Industrial Training’) from the Ministry of Employment and Labor, in which education and training and employment data are systematically managed compared to other ministries. The subject of the study is training data (79 courses, 1,772 trainees) of 28 educational and training institutions that conducted the 4th industrial training in 2017-2018. The project performance was divided into short-term and medium-term, and the completion rate, satisfaction, achievement, program differentiation and contribution to the job market (employment rate, employment retention rate, wage level) were analyzed. First, the overall completion rate of the 4th Industrial Training was 77.2%, and there was no difference in the completion rate between universities and vocational training institutions. Second, the level of recognition of trainees was high in the quality of training service (3.95) and satisfaction in training (4.03), but employability (3.68) was relatively low. The degree of recognition of trainees was higher in vocational training institutions only for some sub-factors (employment support, administrative support) of the quality of training service, and most others were similar. Third, the achievement of trainees was 82.92 points in 2017 and 77.49 points in 2018 according to the evaluation criteria for each year, and the achievement of trainees who participated in college was higher, but there was no statistically significant difference due to the small number of comparative courses. Fourth, the distinction of excellent training courses is that by linking the training curriculum and the contents of the project according to the field of the 4th industrial revolution, the project execution and employment support through participation in the partner companies are smooth, and the systematic management of trainees such as the selection of excellent trainees and the prevention of dropouts is performed. In addition, it was found that high-skilled training was carried out by securing high-quality, excellent instructors. Higher-skilled training was conducted by securing high-quality recruitment resources and excellent faculty in various departments in universities, whereas vocational training institutes confirmed the systemicity of trainee management such as selection, counseling, management, job support, and follow-up management. Fifth, the employment rate of the 4th Industrial Training was 65%, the employment retention rate was 72.9%, and the wage level was 2.17 million won. Compared to universities, the employment rate of vocational training institutions is higher and the employment retention rate is similar, but the wage level of universities is higher than that of vocational training institutions. As suggestions, universities need to actively participate in the vocational training field related to the 4th Industrial Revolution, play a bridge between school education and vocational training, and share the best practice vocational training market discovered in academic management. Vocational training institutions further strengthen industry-academia cooperation, develop and operate creative convergence courses through consortiums with other vocational training institutions and universities, conduct customized training for each small group, and improve training so that incumbents can respond to changes in capabilities in the future society. And it is worth paying attention to career development.

      • KCI등재

        역량모델에 기초한 직업훈련기관장의 훈련요구분석

        임경화 ( Kyung Hwa Rim ),김정일 ( Jeong Ll Kim ),이문수 ( Moon Su Lee ),권오영 ( Oh Young Kwon ) 한국실천공학교육학회 2011 실천공학교육논문지 Vol.3 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to develop competency model in preparation for training programs for CEO of vocational training institutes in terms of needs assessment. This study collected data from 230 public and designated vocational training institutes including commercial learning facilities and life-long training centers using questionnaire by web mail. The frame of assessing training needs of competency applied to this study was based on the model with three components, namely importance, proficiency and learning desires of job skill and task needed to CEO of vocational training institutes. The methodologies of this study used were survey, FGI and case study. The major results proved that the higher priorities of training needs for vocational training institute CEO competency were as followings: (1) Competency for attaining talent of training teachers (2) Needs assessing competency for labor market change and trainee (3) Problem solving competency (4) Leadership skills and so on.

      • KCI등재

        예비 음악교사의 학교현장 실습에 대한 만족도 조사 연구

        조정은 한국음악교육공학회 2024 음악교육공학 Vol.- No.59

        학교현장 실습은 미래를 준비하는 교사로서 현장의 이해와 교과적용에 대한 전문성 함양을 위해 중요한 과정이다. 본 연구의 목적은 예비 음악교사들이 학교현장 실습에 참여할 때, 기존 4주의 실습과 학기제실습으로 구분하고 그 만족도를 분석하는 것이다. 이를 위하여 학교현장 실습에 참여한 예비 음악교사들에게 수업실연, 수업참관, 생활지도, 학급운영 등 학교현장의 전반적인 내용을 4주 실습과 15주 실습으로 나누어 설문 조사하였으며, 만족도의 요인을 통해 시사점을 도출하였다. 분석결과 학기제실습에서 예비교사들의 실습 만족도는 매우 높았으며, 학교생활과 교사의 업무에 관한 관심도 높게 나타났다. 특히 학기제실습에서는 기존 4주의 실습에서 경험할 수 없는 창의적 체험활동, 학생 오케스트라, 자유학기제 그리고 음악동아리 등을 통하여 현장에 필요한 구체적이며 실제적인 경험이 이루어졌다. 따라서 예비 음악교사의 현장실습을 보다 내실화하기 위해서는 학기제실습이 안정적으로 운영되도록 학교현장과 교육청 및 교원양성기관의 유기적인 연계가 필요을 알 수 있다. 그리고 미래교육에 참여할 교사들의 학교현장 실습에 관한 효율성 제고를 위해서는 전공교과의 현장 적용을 고려해야 하며, 교원양성기관의 교육과정 재구성과 실습 모니터링 및 환류가 체계적으로 이루어져야 함을 논하였다. Field training for pre-service teachers is an important process that helps future teachers understand the school environment and gain expertise in teaching the subject. This study aims to investigate the differences in satisfaction levels of pre-service teachers who have undergone two types of field training in schools, namely, the existing four-week training and semester-based training. For this purpose, this study surveyed pre-service teachers who participated in either four-week or 15-week field training programs to examine the overall content of the training, including class demonstrations, class observations, guidance, and classroom management, and investigated the subjects’ satisfaction factors to draw implications. The survey results showed that pre-service teachers who participated in the semester-based program had high satisfaction levels as well as a strong interest in school life and teachers’ work. In particular, the semester-based practice provided concrete and realistic experiences of teaching required in the actual field through creative activities, a student orchestra, the free-semester system, and music clubs, which were unavailable in the existing four-week program. The result implies that to further enhance the quality of the field training of pre-service music teachers, an organic linkage among schools, the Office of Education, and teacher training institutions is critical to enable the stable operation of semester-based training. To ensure the effectiveness of field training for teachers who will play a significant role in future education, the in-field teaching of major subjects should be considered, and the curricula of teacher training institutions and their continuous connections with partner schools should be systematically restructured.

      • KCI등재

        평생 능력 개발 : 직업훈련기관의 발전전략과 CEO의 역량 탐색을 위한 델파이 조사

        김정일 ( Jeong Il Kim ),권오영 ( Oh Young Kwon ),임경화 ( Kyung Hwa Rim ) 한국실천공학교육학회 2012 실천공학교육논문지 Vol.4 No.1

        This research was conducted as a part of research project entitled ``A Fact-finding Survey of Management of Vocational Training Institutes and the Development of Training Program Model for their CEO``. The purpose of this paper was to investigate developing strategies for vocational training institutes in three sector; public institute, private institute and private academy for life long education and to develop practical and professional programs based on competencies model of CEO. The major subjects of this paper were developing strategies of three type of vocational training institutes, exploration of competencies of CEO, and training program for CEO. Delphi method was applied two times. The panel consists of 30 experts who relate to vacational training. The panel of experts emphasized the different own mission and function among three type of vocational institutes. Public institutes support the government policy and private institutes and academy. Private institutes develop specialized training programs that reflect the regional demand. Private academies focus on short-term service training. To recognize changing vocational training policy, to develop vision of institute, ethical mind and sense of mission and so on are presented as competencies of CEO.

      • KCI등재

        변호사법상 변호사시험 합격자 실무수습제도의 운영실태와 개선방안에 관한 연구

        김현철 경북대학교 법학연구원 2023 법학논고 Vol.- No.82

        Author studied the problems including the practical training period, the practical training institution, salary payment to the practicing lawyer, regulation and verification of practical training contents, and other matters for improvement regarding the operational reality and improvement plans of the 6-month practice training system that those who have passed the bar exam must go through in order to practice as a lawyer, Regarding the practical training period, in an educational environment where students have no choice but to stick to studying for the bar exam due to the low passing rate of the bar exam, because of a situation where law school education cannot be transformed in a way that improves practical skills by increasing the types or hours of practical courses and allowing students to focus on practical subjects, author suggested that it is desirable to divide roles in such a way that law schools play a role in educating legal theories and basic practical skills to pass the bar exam, and leave the improvement of practical skills to practical training after passing the bar exam. In addition, in the perspective of the current state of practical education in law schools and the content and process of practical training for effective apprenticeship, foreign legislative precedents author suggested that it is appropriate to set the practical training period to one year. Regarding practical training institutions, since the purpose of practical training is for each trainee lawyer to observe and learn from actual lawyer work next to the lead lawyer, author suggested that it is preferable to conduct practical training at a legal practice institute rather than training at the Korean Bar Association. As a way to increase the number of apprenticeships in legal practice institutions, author suggested to institutionalize a general department in charge of practical training in the training section of the Korean Bar Association, and a probationary officer in the district bar association under the jurisdiction of each high court, so that the general department of the Korean Bar Association can connect law office with those who have passed the bar examination and wish to practice in the area through the probationary officer of the local bar association under the jurisdiction of each high court. And author also gave his opinions on how to improve the contents of the Korean Bar Association training. Regarding the payment of salaries to trainee lawyers, author have divided them into three types according to the intention of the law office in charge of the practice apprenticeship, and suggested whether and how to pay the appropriate salary. Regarding the regulation and verification of the contents of practical training, author suggested that the contents of training and verification methods for training should be stipulated in the Enforcement Decree of the Attorney Law. Finally, author suggested opinions on legislative improvements which is necessary to become a practical training. 변호사시험 합격자가 변호사로서의 업무를 수행하기 위하여 반드시 거쳐야 할 6개월간의 실무수습제도의 운영실태와 개선방안에 대하여 실무수습기간의 문제, 실무수습기관의 문제, 실무수습변호사에 대한 급여지급의 문제, 실무수습 내용에 대한 규정 마련 및 검증의 문제, 기타 개선사항으로 나누어 살펴보았다. 실무수습기간과 관련하여 낮은 변호사시험 합격률로 인하여 변호사시험 공부에 매달릴 수 밖에 없는 교육환경에서 실무과목의 종류나 시간을 늘리고 학생들이 실무과목에 역량을 쏟을 수 있도록 하여 실무능력을 향상시키는 방식으로 법전원 교육을 전환할 수 없는 상황에서 법전원은 변호사시험에 합격할 수 있는 법이론과 기본적 실무능력을 교육하는 역할을 하고 본격적인 실무능력 향상은 변호사시험 합격 후의 실무수습에 맡기는 방식으로 역할분담을 하는 것이 바람직하다는 견해를 제시하였다. 그리고 법전원 실무교육의 현황과 필자가 제시한 효과적인 수습을 위한 실무수습 내용과 과정, 외국의 입법례에 비추어 실무수습기간을 1년으로 함이 타당함을 밝혔다. 실무수습기관과 관련하여 실무수습의 목적이 개개 수습변호가가 지도변호사 옆에서 실제 변호사업무를 지켜보면서 직접 경험하며 배우는 것이므로 대한변협의 연수보다는 법률사무종사기관에서 실무수습을 함이 바람직함을 밝히고, 법률사무종사기관 수습 숫자를 늘리기 위한 방안으로 대한변협 연수과에 실무수습 관련 총괄부서를 두고, 각 고등법원 관할 지방변호사회에 실무수습 담당자를 두어, 대한변협 총괄부서가 각 고등법원 관할 지방변호사회의 실무수습 담당자를 통하여 그 지역에서 실무수습을 희망하는 변호사시험 합격자와 법률사무소를 연결시키도록 제도화하는 방안을 제시하였다. 그리고 대한변협연수 내용의 개선방안에 대한 의견도 제시하였다. 실무수습변호사에 대한 급여지급과 관련하여 실무수습을 담당하는 법률사무소의 채용의사에 따라 세가지 유형으로 나누어 급여지급 여부 및 적절한 방식을 제시하였다. 실무수습 내용에 대한 규정 마련 및 검증과 관련하여서는 변호사법시행령에 수습내용과 수습에 대한 검증방법이 규정되어야 한다는 의견을 제시하였다. 마지막으로 실질적인 실무수습이 되기 위하여 필요한 입법 개선사항에 대한 의견을 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재

        CIPP 모형에 기반한 산업안전보건 직무교육기관의 교육운영 실태 진단 및 개선 방안 연구

        배광민,박윤희 한국기업교육학회 2016 기업교육과인재연구 Vol.18 No.1

        While the quality of training at job training institutes is critical, little attention has been paid to analyzing the state of the implementation of job training at these institutes. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to suggest measures for improving the implementation of training at the training institutes by investigating its current state and problems based on the CIPP (Context, Input, Process, and Product) evaluation model. In this study, several research approaches were employed. First, a survey was administered to training managers at the job training institutes. A questionnaire was distributed to the job training institutes and collected; the questionnaire contained items in the areas of context, input, process, and product. Second, in-depth interviews with training managers at the institutes were conducted to examine their thoughts and needs concerning training program implementation. Based on the results of the study, several suggestions were provided. First, various training methods need to be applied in job training programs. Next, further specialized training programs in specific areas need to be expanded to meet the needs of health and safety managers. Additionally, more funds should be devoted to education and training to improve the quality of education and training at the institutes. 안전보건관리책임자, 안전관리자, 보건관리자 등 사업장의 안전보건 관리를 실질적으로 책임지고 있는 종사자들은 정기적으로 법으로 규정한 직무교육을 이수하여야 한다. 이러한 직무교육은 고용노동부로부터 승인받은 위탁교육기관에서 시행되고 있으며, 직무교육기관의 교육의 질은 현장의 안전보건 관리와 직결되므로 그 중요성이 크다고 할 수 있다. 따라서 이 연구는 산업안전보건 직무교육기관의 교육운영 실태를 CIPP 모형에 기초하여 조사하고 이를 분석함으로써 실효성 있는 직무교육 개선 방안을 제시하는데 목적을 두고 수행되었다. 연구 목적을 달성하기 위하여 11개 직무교육기관의 교육 담당자를 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였고, 이 가운데 5개 기관을 선정하여 교육담당자와 인터뷰를 실시하였다. 연구결과 상황요인에서는 정책적 요구에 따른 교육실시, 교육개선과 관련된 항목은 대다수 교육기관이 긍정적인 답변을 제시한 반면 산업체 및 교육생의 요구에서 부정적인 인식이 도출되었다. 투입요인에서는 강사의 교육수행정도, 지원환경 및 서비스, 교육내용의 수준, 교육내용의 최신성 등에서 긍정적인 결과가 도출되었으나, 교육목표의 구체성, 산업체 유형에 따른 교육내용과 실습제공, 교육이수자들의 교육기관과 근무지간의 접근거리에서 일부 부정적인 결과가 나왔다. 과정요인에서는 온라인 교육의 효과성과 필요성 및 교육진행 모니터링에서는 긍정적인 결과가 나타난 반면 교육평가에서는 부정적인 결과가 나왔다. 마지막으로 산출요인에서는 이해당사자 만족도 가운데 강사 만족도 및 산업체 만족도에 비하여 교육생 만족도에 대한 인식이 저조하게 나타났다. 이러한 연구결과를 기초로 산업안전보건 직무교육기관의 교육운영에 대한 개선 방안을 제시하면 다음과 같다. 직무교육 운영의 개선을 위해 업종별로 세분화된 직무교육과정 개발이 진행되어야 하고, 지방 교육이수 대상자들의 직무교육 접근성을 모색할 필요가 있으며, 현실적인 교육수수료 단가의 책정이 필요하다.

      • KCI등재

        가상훈련 콘텐츠 운영기관 인식을 통한 활용도 제고방안 연구

        양미석 ( Miseok Yang ),오창헌 ( Chang Heon Oh ) 한국실천공학교육학회 2022 실천공학교육논문지 Vol.14 No.3

        In order to understand how to increase the use of virtual training content at K University’s online lifelong education institute, this study examined the use experience, content recognition, field practice replacement, and requirements, focusing on the examples of operating institutions. To this end, 12 institutions that operated virtual training contents distributed by the K University Online Lifelong Education Center in 2020 were selected for in-depth interviews and qualitative analysis was conducted on the interviews of 11 institutions. As a result of the analysis, first, the experience of using the contents of the virtual training operating institution was aimed at changing the educational environment, supplementing theoretical learning, and improving the sense of practice. Second, according to a survey on the recognition of virtual training content, if the importance and utilization of the content are high, it can be replaced by on-site practice in non-face-to-face classes, such as experiences of facilities and equipment, attracting interest and attention. Third, in many cases, the perception of replacement for field practice is not unreasonable to use as a pre-training material for field practice, but it is difficult to replace field practice. Fourth, content quality improvements can be summarized as content quality improvement, content access and manipulation improvement, dedicated device development, training for instructors, and curriculum systematization. Fifth, institutional requirements include improving the quality of virtual training content itself, equipment support, curriculum systemization and characterization, systematic curriculum and detailed content sharing, detailed guidance on using virtual training content, introducing how to use content, and recruiting instructors. This study is meaningful in that it sought ways to improve the utilization of virtual training content based on the perception of virtual training content operating institutions.

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