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      • KCI등재

        만주국 시기 조선인 이민담론의 시론적 고찰 - 조선일보 사설을 중심으로 -

        김기훈 동북아역사재단 2011 東北亞歷史論叢 Vol.- No.31

        The aim of this study is to examine the discourse on the Korean migration to Manchuria during the Manchukuo period. To achieve this purpose, the 49 editorial articles of the Chosum Daily (between Septermber of 1931, when the Manchurian Incident took place, and August of 1940, when the Chosun Daily ceased publication) were carefully analyzed. The editorials of the Chosun Daily produced a discourse on the Korean emigration to Manchuria, which could be characterized as the counter-discourse against the dominant discourse of the Japanese Empire. At that time, the dominant discourse of the Japanese Empire contained two lower discourses such as Japanese peasant-oriented pioneer discourse and suppression discourse of Koreans’ passage to Japan. This study considered Korean migration discourse was composed of three lower discourses: a discourse of protection and safe settlement, a pioneer discourse of Korean peasants,and a freedom discourse of Koreans’ passage to Japan. The discourse of protection and safe settlement was arguments that colonial government should provide migrants with proper ways of protection and safe settlement. This discourse was related to the laissez-faire policy for Korean migrants. The pioneer discourse of Korean peasants had the narrative structure of sufferings-overcoming-expectation-problem,and the core component of this pioneer discourse was the paddy cultivation discourse. The pioneer discourse was first used as a strategy to refute the control policy of Manchuko. To a certain extent, that strategy could achieve some results. The pioneer discourse, however,had become a unilateral discourse to support Japanese policies on the migration largely from the late of 1938. Lastly, the discourse arguing freedom of Koreans’ passage to Japan was a counter-discourse against the policy of so-called closing South gate and opening North gate,which was devised to suppress the stream of voyage of Koreans to Japan by turning the stream of Korean migrants to Manchuria. The Chosun Daily criticized this policy as an irrational policy of closing one direction forcefully. Instead, Chosun Daily suggested opening both gates and to let the Koreans choose the destination by themselves. 본 연구의 목적은 만주국시기 조선인의 만주이주에 관한 담론을 살펴보는 것이다. 이 목적을 위하여 만주사변 이후 폐간될 때까지(1931. 9 ~ 1940. 8)의 조선일보 사설을 분석하였다. 본 연구에서는 당시 일본제국이 유포하던 만주이민에 관한 지배담론은 「일본농민중심 개척론」과 조선인 「도항억제론」이라는 담론으로 구성되어 있고, 조선일보가 형성한 만주 이민담론은 이러한 지배담론에 대한 대응담론으로서 「보호안주론」, 「조선농민 개척론」, 「도항자유론」 등 세 종류의 담론으로 구성되어 있다고 보았다. 「보호안주론」은 이민의 이주와 정착을 위하여 식민당국이 「보호」 및 「안주」 대책을 마련해야 한다는 주장이다. 이러한 논의는 만주국 초기의 방임 정책에 의해 조선 농민들의 이주에 대한 당국의 지원이 없었던 사실과 관계가 있다. 「조선농민 개척론」은 「수난-극복-기대-문제」라는 서사 구조를 가지고 있고, 「수전 개척론」이 그 핵심적인 내용을 이룬다. 이러한 개척론은 만주국의 조선인 이민 통제정책을 반박하기 위한 전략으로 주로 사용되었고, 그것은 어느 정도 효과를 거두기도 하였다. 그러나 1938년 후반 이후에는 점차 제국의 정책지지 쪽으로 변질되어 나갔다. 마지막으로 「도항자유론」은 조선인들의 만주 이주를 장려함으로서 일본 도항을 억제하려는 일제 식민당국의 「도항억제론」에 대한 대응담론으로서 거의 변질됨이 없이 고수된 비판담론이었다. 강제적으로 한 방향을 막아버리는 정책을 비합리적이라고 비판하고, 양 쪽 방향으로의 이주가 모두 가능하도록 보장한 상태에서 자연스럽게 이주자들이 선택할 수 있도록 되어야 한다는 주장을 담고 있다. 이러한 조선일보의 담론을 다른 매체들의 이민담론과 비교분석하여 종합하는 작업은 앞으로 남겨진 과제 중의 하나이다.

      • KCI등재

        동양적 생태담론 가능성에 대한 사상사적 고찰 : 대안적 패러다임론과 오리엔탈리즘적 접근에 대한 비판적 관점을 중심으로

        김치완(Kim Chi-Wan) 역사실학회 2011 역사와실학 Vol.44 No.-

        We are looking for the solution today for diverse adverse effects caused by western industrialization. Especially about the relationship between nature and human being among those diverse adverse effects, that is to say the reason why the ecology issue has received attention is Rationalism?Scientism in modern West certainly have brought the greatest material affluence since the beginning, however, is that it reached counting the cost of threat to human survival because of ecosystem destruction on that process. Being established awareness that why it happened is based on the paradigm of western modern science, by extension, on the philosophical · theological context supporting it, ie. anthropocentricism and instrumental view of nature, the Orient and Oriental thinking has been given attention. By the way, between scholars majored in ‘Oriental studies, Oriental Ecological Discourse’ or ‘Oriental Ecologism’ is generally thought it takes on character of ‘Parasitism Discourse’ under a negative view of approach of the alternative paradigm and Orientalism. Therefore, so far, Oriental Ecological Discourse have not gone any further than contrived combination of each notion in disjoined-contextual quotation from Confucianism and Taoism, or than emphasizing human’s moral act as one element of all things in universe. In this thesis rejected the approaching way up to date, that it has approached the oriental thinking through the alternative paradigm or orientalism, rather looked the Oriental Ecological Discourse would be possible only if understanding the oriental thinking could be defined by anthropocentricism as well.

      • KCI등재

        Macrolinguistically Specified References to Oriental Medications in Korean Oriental Medical Discourse: Rationale and Forms

        김기태 한국언어학회 2014 언어 Vol.39 No.2

        The present study explores five types of macrolinguistically specified references to Oriental medications within the discourse of Korean Oriental Medicine and the rationale behind them. They include unmarked, yet contextually unambiguous references to: ● medicinal materials and ingredients (e.g., sahyang ‘moschus,’ nokyong ‘cornu cervi pantotrichum,' nokkak ‘cornu cervi,’ etc.) ● the dosage forms of Oriental medications (e.g., thangyak ‘decocted liquefied extract,' hwanyak 'pill, tablet, pellet' and set prescriptions such as kongcintan and chengwuithang) ● the medicinal units of measure such as chep and cey ● the decoction types such as chothang ‘first decoction,' and caythang ’second decoction' ● poyak 'tonic.' They are not overtly specified as Oriental medications, yet almost invariably refer to Oriental ones without any Oriental markings no matter whether they emerge in the discourse of Korean Oriental Medicine or that of Western biomedicine. In other words, they are otherwise unmarked, but macrolinguistically disambiguated as Oriental even in an apparent absence of biomedical voices.

      • KCI등재

        한약과 건강기능식품의 의료담론 분석

        이성오(Seong-O, Lee) 한국농촌지도학회 2015 농촌지도와 개발 Vol.22 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to explains consumers’ medical discourse embedded in the consumption of oriental medicine and health functional foods. Despite the fact that both of oriental medicine and western medicine is legally accepted, people tend to recognize that accurate diagnosis is possible only in the latter. As the iscourse that oriental medicine, compared with western medicine, has an auxiliary position is widely spreaded, the rivalry between herbal medicine and health functional foods come to be formed. And it led to a close correlation between the decrease of herbal medicine consumption and the growth of health supplement market. Herbal medicine is compared to red ginseng, one of the representative health supplement. Negative notion such as using an Asian herb from China and side effect of hepatotoxicity influences herbal medicine consumption. This study argues two conclusion. First, the correlation between the consumption of herbal medicine and that of health functional foods results from the discourse of scientific reconstruction, standardization, and commercialization all of which come from globalization discourse. Second, medical discourse embedded in these commodity, in the end, has impact on agricultural production.

      • KCI등재

        Unmarked First-Mention References to Biomedicine in Korean Oriental Medical Discourse:

        Ki tae Kim 현대문법학회 2015 현대문법연구 Vol.82 No.-

        Korean Oriental medicine has unequal access to some linguistic resources that it shares with biomedicine under the dual medical system despite their comparable legal positions. At the societal level, their asymmetric linguistic hegemonies are encapsulated in, and perpetuated by the Medical Law of Korea (e.g., Ch. 1, Article 2), which consistently marks the former with han- ‘Korean’, while unmarking the latter. However, there has been little empirical research that examines the unmarking norms in unfolding discourse. Noting the paucity, the present study investigates whether or not the societal marking norms persist at a situational level, particularly in unfolding Oriental medical interactions, and if so, in what forms. To do so, it qualitatively analyzes a data set of 15-hour-long naturally-occurring consultations between Oriental doctors and their patients. It evidences the consistency of the unmarking norms at the situational level and demonstrates that the first-mention references point to biomedical entities even within an Oriental interaction despite the absence of any linguistic markings that favor biomedicine. Thus, potentially ambiguous unmarked first-mentions such as uysa (sensayngnim) doctor, pyengwen hospital/clinic, yak drug, and uyhak medical science are macrolinguistically disambiguated. Consequently, they discursively materialize the macrolinguistic hegemony that biomedicine holds under the dual medical authority. The very fact that such one-way intertextual references pervade even unfolding Oriental discourse with little confusion and resistance is symbolic of biomedical dominance and power asymmetry between the two medicines.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        동아시아론의 재검토와 정전연구

        허정 동북아시아문화학회 2010 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.23

        This study analyzed ‘East Asian Discourse’. And this study tried to make the result as Methodology of Canon Study. Since 1990 years, ‘East Asian Discourse’ had been spread vigorously in the South Korea and China and Japan. Various attempts that was discussed in ‘East Asian Discourse’ are related with problem about ‘Center and Margin’. And, Various attempts that was discussed in ‘East Asian Discourse’ are related with problem that do ‘How will we think margin department’. And, Various attempts that was discussed in ‘East Asian Discourse’ are related with problem that do ‘How will we dissolve Eurocentrism’. Important thing is that this attempts are not different from viewpoint of Canon Study. That is, ‘a Study of Canon’ must study (centrism of canon) it critically. And ‘a Study of Canon’ must dig margin department's works newly. And ‘a Study of Canon’ must dissolve Eurocentrism of canon. So, ‘East Asian Discourse’ and ‘a Study of Canon' are sharing same viewpoint. Specially, ‘East Asian Discourse’ gives much reference standpoints about part that was unexhausted in ‘a Study of Canon’. In ‘a Study of Canon’ field, discussion that ‘How will we change system of power failure?’ is lacking. By the way, discussion that ‘How will we change system of power failure?' consisted vigorously in ‘East Asian Discourse’. So, if we expropriate ‘East Asian Discourse’ as methodology of Canon Study, discussion of canon's study may become rich so much. At this point justly, ‘East Asian Discourse’ and ‘a Study of Canon' may combine creatively. This study analyzed ‘East Asian Discourse’ variously in these intention. And, this study wished to accommodate the result, as methodology of Canon Study.

      • KCI등재

        최명익의 소설에 나타난 동양론의 전유와 변주

        공종구(Jong Goo Kong) 한국현대소설학회 2011 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.46

        This thesis tends to analyze correlation of discourse and it`s periodic implication between representation of disease and death and discourse of the Orient in Choi Meong Ick`s Novels. This thesis which has such a purpose selected three texts-<Road in the Rain>, <A Person Who has no Character>, <Spring and A newly constructed Road> as concentrative analytic object. The argument of this thesis which has such a purpose as follows. The motifs of disease and death in Choi Meong Ick`s Novels which writed covcentratively in the period around the the Chinese-Japanese War showed the aspects of repetition compulsion. Choi Meong Ick`s Novels which writed covcentratively in the period around the the Chinese-Japanese War appears to restrict to oppression and burden of the discourse of the Orient and discourse of overcome of modern which played an important role in the discourse fields of the later colonial period represented as ``a dark period``. Most of Choi Meong Ick`s Novels is the his fictitious record and confession to the discourse of overcome of modern around discourse of the Orient. Choi Meong Ick`s fundamental emontion and attitude to the Europe is the disgust and contempt. But, Choi Meong Ick`s gaze to the discourse of the Orient and discourse of overcome of modern has the complicated perspectives and stances.

      • KCI등재

        연설 담화의 교육적 정체성에 대한 고찰

        서종훈(Seo, Jong-hoon) 우리말글학회 2020 우리말 글 Vol.84 No.-

        본고는 연설 담화의 교육적 정체성과 관련된 문제를 다루어보았다. 우리 교육과정에서 연설 담화는 1차 때부터 그 중요성이 인정되어 교육과정에 제시되어 다루어져 왔다. 하지만 구체적인 위상이나 속성의 문제에 대해서는 심층적인 논의가 이루어지지 못했다. 이에 따라 본고는 연설 담화를 언어 수행과 관련된 화자의 불안 의식과 공 · 사 영역에 따른 그 위상을 다른 담화와의 비교를 통해 정립해 보았다. 아울러 연설 담화와 가장 유사하다고 간주된 발표 담화와의 관계를 정립해 보았다. 연설 담화가 교육 현장에서 제대로 지도되어 오지 못한 현상에는 연설담화의 범위에 대한 인식의 합의가 제대로 이루어지지 못했음이 제기되었다. 이를 위해 본고는 넓은 범위와 좁은 범위로 구분하여 연설 담화의 접근 방식을 고려함으로써 그간 교육적으로 해결되지 못한 연설 담화의 지도 방식을 범주화해서 접근하였다. This paper deals with the issues related to the educational identity of public speech discourse. Public speech discourse in our curriculum has been recognized and addressed since the first phase and has been addressed and addressed in the curriculum. However, in-depth discussions on the issues of specific topologies and attributes did not take place. Accordingly, this paper tried to establish the position of public speech discourse compared with other discourses according to the speaker"s anxiety and public and private areas related to language performance. In addition, the results of establishing the relationship were presented in connection with the presentation discourse considered to be the most similar to the public speech discourse. In the case that public speech discourse was not properly guided in the education field, it was raised that the recognition of the scope of public speech discourse was not properly reached. To this end, this paper categorizes the approach of public speech discourse that has not been solved educationally by considering the approach of public speech discourse by dividing it into broad and narrow scope.

      • KCI등재

        바이런과 이슬람: “동양의 이야기” 연구, 저항담론과 그 전망

        김현생 ( Kim Hyun-saeng ) 대한영어영문학회 2011 영어영문학연구 Vol.37 No.1

        Byron created his own “Oriental Tales,” in which the West and the East were portrayed in the context two warring monotheistic religions. The Siege of Corinth, the last poem of the series, is a love story, seemingly having nothing directly to do with the conflicts between the dominant and subversive discourse. The setting of Corinth was the center of conflicts situated between Ottoman Empire and the West. However, the fact that the hero in the poem, Alp converted from Christian to Muslim, represented a new way of reading on dominant and subversive discourse. His conversion can be interpreted as a resist discourse to subvert dominant discourse. Alp himself is a double act of questioning the validity of two opposing discourses, dominant and resist discourse. (Daegu University)

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