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      • KCI등재

        사회적 교환, 수용자의 능력, 그리고 성과

        김상표(Sang-Pyo Kim),전수욱(Su-Wook Jeon),김태열(Tae-Yeol Kim) 한국인사조직학회 2011 인사조직연구 Vol.19 No.1

        이 논문은 조직에서 사회적 교환이 계속적으로 유지되기 위해서 수용자의 능력이 중요한 역할을 할 것으로 가정하고, 이를 증명하기 위해 연구하였다. 구체적으로, 사회적 교환이 수용자의 능력인 행동의 자주관리에 미치는 영향과 행동의 자주관리가 성과에 미치는 영향, 그리고 행동의 자주관리가 매개효과를 발생시키는지 연구한 것이다. 연구 자료는 경상북도와 경상남도에 위치한 기업을 대상으로 최고경영자의 양해를 구해 각 부서의 부서장이 부하와 직속상관에 대한 목록을 작성하여 수집했다. 총 배부된 설문지는 800부이고, 분석에 사용된 설문지는 610부이다. 구조방정식 모형을 사용하여 자료를 분석한 결과, 사회적 교환이 수용자의 능력인 행동의 자주관리에 정(+)의 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 행동의 자주관리가 조직의 성과변수인 직무만족, 조직몰입, 조직시민행동, 직무성과에 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 확인되었다. 사회적 교환은 대체로 조직의 성과에 직접적인 영향을 주지 않는 것으로 나타났으며, 행동의 자주관리를 매개로 하여 간접적으로 조직의 성과에 영향을 미치는 것으로 검증되었다. 이러한 연구결과를 바탕으로 연구의 시사점, 한계 및 추후연구 과제에 대해 논의하였다. Social exchange theory suggests that employees and their supervisors and organizations build social exchange relationships(i.e., supervisory and organizational social exchange, respectively) within which parties continuously exchange socio-emotional benefits such as recognition and esteem(Cropanzano and Mitchell, 2005; Rupp and Cropanzano, 2002). Social exchange relationships are different from pure economic exchange relationships in that the obligations of parties in social exchange are unspecified. An open-ended obligations strengthen bonds of indebtedness and trust which trigger one exchange party to become committed to the other(Blau, 1964). As a result, employees in social exchange relationships tend to form a high degree of trust, a high level of investment and obligation, and a long-term orientation relationship with their supervisors and organizations(Rupp and Cropanzano, 2002; Shore, Tetrick, Lynch, and Barksdale, 2006). In addition, employees who enjoy a goodwill and a caring of an organization will feel obligated to reciprocate with positive behaviors toward supervisors and organizations. Current social exchange studies have contributed to enhance our understanding about the effects of social exchange relationships on employee outcomes. However, they paid little attention to examining how social exchange relationships influence employees’ intentions or abilities to reciprocate with behaviors and attitudes that benefit supervisors and organizations. Supervisory and organizational social exchange can be maintained if the receiver, who gets the benefits(e.g., employees), can provide some intangible socio-emotional resources to the giver(e.g., supervisors or organizations). On the other hand, if the receiver harms the giver, the social exchange relationship can be broken(Gouldner, 1960). In general, receivers in social exchange relationship are willing to improve their ability to benefit the giver and maintain the trust. In this study, we examined how supervisory and organizational social exchange influence receiver’s(i.e., employees) behavioral self-management(i.e., ability) and how employees’ behavioral selfmanagement affect their work attitudes and behaviors. We collected the data from three organizations in Republic of Korea(i.e., one air manu-facturing, one hotel, and one telecommunication company). In the survey we provided, employees assessed supervisory and organizational social exchange, their behavioral self-management, job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Supervisors reported their subordinates’ job performance and organizational citizenship behavior. We distributed the survery to 500 employee-supervisor pair. Of 351 surveys collected(i.e., response rate = 70.2 %), we deleted 34 due to errors and missing values. All measures had high reliabilities. The average of supervisory and organizational social exchange was 4.43 and 4.53, respectively, which are not high based on a 7-point Likerttype scale. As expected, correlations between supervisory and organizational social exchange and employees’ behavioral self-management were statistically significant. To test the research hypotheses, we used structural equation modeling and tested the mediation effects using Sobel’s(1982) test. Results revealed positive effects of supervisory and organizational social exchange on employee’s behavioral self-management. Employee’s behavioral self-management was also significantly associated with their job satisfaction, organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behavior, and job performance. In addition, supervisory and organizational social exchange indirectly influenced employee outcomes(i. e., job satisfaction, organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behavior, and job performance) through employees’ behavioral selfmanagement. This study provides several theoretical and practical implications.

      • KCI등재

        A Theoretical Analysis on Leaders’ Gapj il: Its Antecedents, Processes, and Consequences

        Yoonhee Cho,Jeongkoo Yoon 대한리더십학회 2017 리더십연구 Vol.8 No.1

        Gapjil is one of the social phenomena that has been increasingly revealed in Korea nowadays. As the society is becoming more prone to revealing and publicizing unfair and untransparent incidents, people have been able to witness various Gapjil cases through news media and social networking service and could express their rage towards them. Although the prevalence of Gapjil has been raised as a serious social problem, understanding the nature of Gapjil and a fundamental movement to eradication of Gapjil have not been carried out yet for some reason (Lee, 2016). Perhaps, despite the negative effects, people naturally accept it as a cultural and social phenomenon which inevitably occurs or is deeply rooted in our hierarchical society. The cost of Gapjil is large across the country that organizational members seriously suffer from decreased mental health (Lee, 2016) which can be escalated to career dissatisfaction, burnout, and turnover intention which in turn would result in decreased organizational effectiveness and performance. As Gapjil is increasingly being discussed as a social problem, the antecedents, processes, and negative consequences are a concern to researchers and practitioners. In this study, we point out that leaders’ Gapjil results from social psychological and cultural factors including unstable self-concept, obsession with social success and Korean culture specific attitudes. In addition, we clarify that Gapjil behavior differs from other forms of workplace aggression behavior at the conceptual level. Aggressive behavior is any behavior an individual commits with an intent to harm another person or group of individuals in the workplace. The key to aggression is an intent to inflict harm on another, Without such an intent, it is not an aggressive behavior. Compared with aggression, the goal of gapjil is not to inflict harm on others, but to maintain or enhance Gap’s leadership status in implicit or explicit status competition. We delineate Gapjil into two distinct forms of mistreatment behaviors occurring in status competition: social undermining and abusive supervision behaviors. There can be different types of Gapjil behaviors but we focus on the major aspects of improper aspects that would appear in a real work situation. Park’s (2016) research brought a similar result that Gapjil can be categorized as threatening communication by leaders, hindering followers’ social relations and reputation, attacks on members’ career and quality of life, health, gender, and etc. Taken together, Gapjil is not just an intended behavior of a leader to undermine lower-level employees but it is also about dragging down others’ social position to maintain vested interests. To be specific, social undermining is one type of workplace aggression that involves behavior intended to hinder one’s establishment and maintenance of positive interpersonal relationships, work-related successes, and favorable reputations (Duffy, Ganster, Pagon, 2002). Individuals with low power are more vulnerable to workplace abuse or harassment in which they can be harshly treated if they raise opposing ideas (Cortina, Magley, Williams, & Langhout, 2001). Conversely, leaders with high social power can possibly hinder others’ social related success when they perceive their work position is threatened by potential competitors or opponents. Also, abusive supervision can be the other factor of Gapjil that refers to the ‘sustained display of hostile verbal and non-verbal behaviors, excluding physical contact” (Tepper, 2000: p. 178). This factor conceptually differs from social undermining in that it focuses on the aspects of leaders’ inconsiderate behaviors towards their follower such as verbal or non-verbal insults. We conceptualize Gapjil that constitutes two distinct elements of leader behaviors which are social undermining that involves behaviors intended to impede followers’ social development and abusive supervision that invol


        Hoa Pham Thi,HsiuJu Rebecca Yen,Chen-ya Wang 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2018 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2018 No.07

        Introduction Customer co-creation – customers‘ active participation and interaction with the company during their consumption processes, has gained increasing attention in tourism industry (Bertella, 2014; Chathoth et al., 2016; Campos, 2015). For example, Finnair and Helsinki airport invited passengers to workshop for co-developing new service concepts to improve passenger experience (Loukas, 2013). Despite of the increasing enthusiasm at the firm‘s side, customers do not necessarily share the mindset and feel ready for cocreation. The success of value co-creation greatly depends on continuous collaboration between customers and companies (Chathoth et al., 2013), making knowledge regarding customers‘ engagement in value co-creation essential. However, insufficient research attention has been devoted to theorize and empirically investigate the drivers of cocreation behavior in tourism (Grissemann & Stokburger-Sauer, 2012). To address this research gap, we draw on the organizational socialization theory (Van Maanen & Schein, 1979) to propose and empirically test customer education as driving factor for tourists‘ co-creation behavior during their tours. Additionally, we propose customer readiness as a mechanism mediating the effect of customer education on value co-creation behavior, while such effect should depend on tourists‘ involvement with tourism. Background and hypotheses development Organizational socialization refers to the process by which a newcomer gradually absorbs values, abilities, expected behaviors, and necessary social knowledge for assuming an organizational role and for participating as an organizational member (Louis, 1980, p. 229–230). Similar to the organizational socialization perspective, customer socialization characterizes how customers develop skills, knowledge, and attitude relevant to the marketplace (Ward, 1975), which offers a lens to explain how service providers can assist customers and behave as effective co-creators in the service system (Claycomb, Lengnick-Hall, and Inks, 2001). B?ttgen et al (2012) demonstrated that customer socialization by training tactic has more important influence on consistent beliefs of service quality than prior reinforcement experiences, which engenders co-production motivation, in turn, leading to coproduction behavior as distal outcome of the socialization tactic. Previous studies suggest favorable customer outcomes to derive from the provision of customer education (Damali et al., 2016). Thus, this study proposed customer education as a socializing tactic, which is mediated by customer readiness for co-creation, to determine tourists co-creation behavior. The concept of co-creation has gained increasing attention in tourism literature, which is often described as the tourist‘s active participation, engagement and interaction during the consumption experience (e.g., Bertella, 2014; So et al., 2014). As Prahalad and Ramaswamy (2004, p. 8) stated, cocreation is ―the joint creation of value by the company and the customer, allowing the customer to co-construct the service experience to suit her context‖. Indeed, creating a favorable, memorable experience involves not only the service providers but also the tourism customers because customers are always the value co-creator (Vargo and Lusch, 2004). Challagalla and colleagues (2009) posit that firms can reach out to contact the customers to provide service after a sale is complete, rather than respond upon the customer‘s requests. In specific, Challagalla and et al. (2009) suggest the proactive service initiatives to consist of three dimensions, namely proactive prevention, proactive education, and proactive feedback seeking. In this study, the three key forms of proactive post-sales services proposed by Challagalla et al. (2009) provides a foundation that helps us to conceive customer co-creation behavior and define the dimensions underlying customer co-creation behavior of tourism services. Customer education, according to Meer (1984), involves learning activities that are organized and sustained by a firm to impart attitudes, knowledge or skills to customers or potential customers. Meanwhile, customer co-creation readiness (CCR) as a customer‘s condition or state in which he/she feels prepared to collaborate with service provider in value co-creation behavior, indicated by role clarity, ability and motivation to co-create (Meuter et al., 2005). Proper socialization process helps customers understand the product or service process as well as their role in performing service tasks, which not only could prevent customer‘s disruptive behaviors during the service process but also facilitate service flow and productivity (Rollag, 2012). Taken together, we propose the following hypotheses: H1: customer education will have a positive effect on customer co-creation behavior H2: Customer co-creation readiness will mediate the positive effect of customer education on customer co-creation behavior. Further, we postulate that tourist‘s product involvement is a boundary condition that constrains the positive effect of customer socialization. Socialization process does not always have much weight on tourists because the influence of socialization on each individual depends on tourists‘ individual characteristics (Van Maanen & Schein, 1979). Some tourists are highly interested in traveling whereas some consider traveling as a dessert in their meal. In line of this sense, we suggest the following hypothesis: H3: Product involvement will negatively moderate the mediation effect of customer co-creation readiness on co-creation behavior. Methodology The survey was posted on several well-known travel forums and referral networks. After eliminating invalid surveys, the authors obtain 300 valid questionnaires. Table 1 presents the sample characteristics. Customer education are measured by four items adapted from Bell and Eisingerich (2007). Product involvement depicts a customer‘s inherent needs, values, and interest towards tourism and is measured by ten items from Zaichkowsky (1985, 1994). Customer co-creation readiness is measured as a reflective first-order and reflective second-order construct by three dimensions: role clarity, ability, and motivation with 12 items adapted by Dellande et al. (2004) and Meuter et al. (2005). Customer co-creation behavior is measured as a reflective second order and reflective first order construct constituted by three dimensions of co-creation behavior with 12 items developed based on the review of concerns in the pre-site, on-site and post-site from several famous travel agencies. Results Measurement validation of constructs from construct reliability, convergent validity to discriminant validity were examined; and the results are provided in the table 2, indicating measurement validation requirements are satisfactory. Then, hypotheses testing was performed. In each analysis, we control variables, including customer gender, previous transaction experience with the travel agency (EP), and social desirability (SD), which are expected to have potential influence on co-creation behavior. H1 predicts a positive relationship between customer education and value co-creation. In support of H1, the analysis shows that customer education positively relates to co-creation of customers (β = 0.272, p = 0.043, R2adjusted= 0.292). Gender (β =-0.170, p<0.001) and SD (β =0.141, p=0.011) are negatively and positively related to customer co-creation behavior respectively. To test the mediating effect of customer readiness on the relationship between customer education and customer co-creation behavior, we used the PROCESS Macro (model 4) developed by Hayes‘s (2013) and estimated the effects with a bootstrap sample of 5000 cases. The indirect effect test indicates that customer education had a significantly positive effect on customer co-creation via the mediation of customer readiness for co-creation (0.312; 95% bootstrap CI [0.157, 0.517]) because the confidence interval did not include zero. The results support H2. Gender also has a significant effect on customer co-creation (β =-0.189, p <0.05). H3 postulated that product involvement will moderate the mediation effect of customer readiness. We used the PROCESS macro model 8 established by Hayes (2013) to test the moderated mediation. The conditional indirect effect test shows that customer readiness significantly mediates the influence of customer education on customer co-creation behavior, regardless of the level of product involvement (zero was not included in the confidence intervals). Nonetheless, customer education on customer co-creation behavior via customer readiness is significant and stronger in low level of product involvement (0.281; 95% bootstrap CI [0.186, 0.398]) but weaker in high level of product involvement (0.128; 95% bootstrap CI [0.029, 0.256]). Therefore, H3 is supported. Among the controlled variables, gender is the only significant predictor of customer co-creation behavior (β =-0.158, p<0.05). In a summary of dominant results of control variables, gender is significant in all three of the tested hypotheses; particularly, female shows a higher level of co-creation behavior than male. Conclusion we introduced organizational socialization theory to the literature on co-creation of tourism context and explored the effect of firms‘ education effort to socialize customers in co-creation activities. We found customer education as a socialization tactic and then conducting an empirical study by collecting data from several travel agencies to investigate the effect of firms‘ socialization tactic on customer co-creation. The results suggest that customer education could promote customer co-creation through customer readiness as a mediator. We also investigated whether the effect of socialization tactic differs on the different levels of product involvement. The results show that customers with high involvement were less influenced by customer education than those with low involvement.

      • KCI등재후보

        A Theoretical Analysis on Leaders’ Gapjil: Its Antecedents, Processes, and Consequences

        조윤희,윤정구 리더십학회 2016 리더십연구 Vol.8 No.1

        Gapjil is one of the social phenomena that has been increasingly revealed in Korea nowadays. As the society is becoming more prone to revealing and publicizing unfair and untransparent incidents, people have been able to witness various Gapjil cases through news media and social networking service and could express their rage towards them. Although the prevalence of Gapjil has been raised as a serious social problem, understanding the nature of Gapjil and a fundamental movement to eradication of Gapjil have not been carried out yet for some reason (Lee, 2016). Perhaps, despite the negative effects, people naturally accept it as a cultural and social phenomenon which inevitably occurs or is deeply rooted in our hierarchical society. The cost of Gapjil is large across the country that organizational members seriously suffer from decreased mental health (Lee, 2016) which can be escalated to career dissatisfaction, burnout, and turnover intention which in turn would result in decreased organizational effectiveness and performance. As Gapjil is increasingly being discussed as a social problem, the antecedents, processes, and negative consequences are a concern to researchers and practitioners. In this study, we point out that leaders’ Gapjil results from social psychological and cultural factors including unstable self-concept, obsession with social success and Korean culture specific attitudes. In addition, we clarify that Gapjil behavior differs from other forms of workplace aggression behavior at the conceptual level. Aggressive behavior is any behavior an individual commits with an intent to harm another person or group of individuals in the workplace. The key to aggression is an intent to inflict harm on another, Without such an intent, it is not an aggressive behavior. Compared with aggression, the goal of gapjil is not to inflict harm on others, but to maintain or enhance Gap’s leadership status in implicit or explicit status competition. We delineate Gapjil into two distinct forms of mistreatment behaviors occurring in status competition: social undermining and abusive supervision behaviors. There can be different types of Gapjil behaviors but we focus on the major aspects of improper aspects that would appear in a real work situation. Park’s (2016) research brought a similar result that Gapjil can be categorized as threatening communication by leaders, hindering followers’ social relations and reputation, attacks on members’ career and quality of life, health, gender, and etc. Taken together, Gapjil is not just an intended behavior of a leader to undermine lower-level employees but it is also about dragging down others’ social position to maintain vested interests. To be specific, social undermining is one type of workplace aggression that involves behavior intended to hinder one’s establishment and maintenance of positive interpersonal relationships, work-related successes, and favorable reputations (Duffy, Ganster, Pagon, 2002). Individuals with low power are more vulnerable to workplace abuse or harassment in which they can be harshly treated if they raise opposing ideas (Cortina, Magley, Williams, & Langhout, 2001). Conversely, leaders with high social power can possibly hinder others’ social related success when they perceive their work position is threatened by potential competitors or opponents. Also, abusive supervision can be the other factor of Gapjil that refers to the ‘sustained display of hostile verbal and non-verbal behaviors, excluding physical contact” (Tepper, 2000: p. 178). This factor conceptually differs from social undermining in that it focuses on the aspects of leaders’ inconsiderate behaviors towards their follower such as verbal or non-verbal insults. We conceptualize Gapjil that constitutes two distinct elements of leader behaviors which are social undermining that involves behaviors intended to impede followers’ social development and abusive supervision that involve...

      • KCI등재

        사회적 대인관계 행동 예측요인에 관한 연구 : 서비스 기업을 중심으로

        김정진 한국경영컨설팅학회 2018 경영컨설팅연구 Vol.18 No.1

        This study considers two antecedents of social interpersonal behaviors. First, social settings which are social supports and social networks, defined as the interventions by which individuals can take advantages for their development or advancement. These social supports and networks can motivate social behaviors. Second, this study argues personal traits of self-efficacy level can motivate to employ social behaviors. Also, this study illuminates gender-differentiated predicting factors affecting social interpersonal behaviors in Korean service industry. For data collecting, 236 female and 255 male employees in Korean finance service corporations were surveyed. From the results, social support and social networks have positive effects on social interpersonal behaviors of both male and female employees. Second, self-efficacy levels have positive effects on social interpersonal behaviors of both male and female employees. In previous study, interpersonal influence has been examined as self-presentation, political skills, and influence tactics. In particular, an individual’s interpersonal behaviors, defined as "behaviors to effectively understand others, and to use such knowledge to influence others to act in ways that enhance one's personal objectives (Ferris et al., 2007: 291)”. Ferris et al. (2007) suggested various patterns of individual’s interpersonal behaviors in terms of social astuteness, interpersonal influence, networking ability and apparent sincerity and identified its dispositional and personal ability antecedents. Higgins et al. (2003) assumed that individuals in a certain organization are not differentiated by demographic or socioeconomic characteristics, These previous studies focused on the choice of individual’s social interpersonal behavior is deterministic, that is, they expected individuals in the same contextual settings to show the same behavior. However, by challenging these assumptions, this study may have a different understanding of individual’s interpersonal behaviors, arguing how male and females construct social interpersonal behaviors at their service organizations. 본 연구는 국내 서비스 기업에서 근무하는 구성원들을 대상으로 사회적 대인관계 행동의 선행요인에 관해 살펴보았다. 고객들과 상호작용하는 서비스 기업 구성원들에게 대인관계 변수들이 중요하다는 점에 착안하여, 사회적 대인관계 선행요인으로 사회적 지원과 사회관계망에 초점을 두고 추가적으로 여성 및 남성의 성별 차이를 구분하여 사회적 대인관계 행동의 예측변인의 차이점을 살펴보고자 하였다. 이는 국내 기업의 경우 유교주의 문화에서 여성에 대한 선입관 및 성차별 등과 같은 장애요인에 취약하다는 점에 기반하여 여성과 남성 구성원의 성별 차이에 따른 대인관계 행동의 차이에 관해 시사점을 도출하고자 하였다. 이러한 목적을 가지고 본 연구를 위한 자료 수집을 위해 서비스 기업에 종사하는 여성 근로자 236명, 남성 근로자 255명을 대상으로 설문 조사를 실시하였다. 본 연구의 조사결과에 따르면 첫째, 서비스 기업에 종사하는 구성원들의 사회적 대인관계 행동의 선행요인으로 주변 사람들의 사회적 지원과 사회관계망 모두 대인관계 행동에 긍정적인 영향을 주는 것으로 나타나, 주요 대인관계 예측요인임을 확인하였다. 둘째, 구성원들의 자기효능감 수준은 남성과 여성 모두 업무와 관련한 대인관계 행동에 긍정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타나 가설이 지지되었다. 다만 추가적인 분석에서 남성이 여성에 비해 자기효능감 수준이 상대적으로 더 주요한 영향을 받는 것으로 나타났다.

      • 어머니양육태도와 유아의 친사회적행동 및 인기도의 관계

        정경화 培材大學校 人文科學硏究所 2011 人文論叢 Vol.28 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to illustrate the following: Mother’s child-rearing attitude and pro-social behavior of young children, Mother’s child-rearing attitude and relationship to popularity, and the pro-social behavior of young children in terms of popularity. The subjects for this inquiry are as follows : 1. Is there any correlation between mother’s child-rearing attitude and the prosocial behavior of the child? 2. Is there any correlation between mother’s child-rearing attitude and the child’ popularity? 3. Is there any correlation between prosocial behavior of the child and the child’s popularity? The subjects of those studies include the S private kindergarten, 90children of ages 5 in Daejeon metro city and an established kindergarten an annex of y primary school, 50 children and their mothers in the area of Chung-chong Bukdo Young-dong Woop. The measuring instrument of those studies include the surveys of Mother’s Mrs Hun Suk KIM, Mrs Won Young LEE, Mrs Chan Ok PARK, Mrs Young Hee NOR which tested the adaptation, extraction of pro-social behavior of young children and the rating of a population sample of the same age. Analysis of the collection materials rein forces t-verification of SPSS win, correlative analysis. The results of those studies are as follows: First, a Mother’s child-rearing attitude only affects the child’s development to a minor degree rather than a major one in terms of the pro-social behavior of young children. The other elements affect th pro-social behavior of young children. The affection – a hostile feeling level r=.194 P< .05 of a low rank mother’s child-rearing action shows a relation of valance personal emotion from the pro-social behavior of young children. This result affects the pro-social behavior of young children during the period that the mother expresses affection or hostile feeling toward the child and as a result the child displays personal emotion accommodation behavior. Second, Mother’s child-rearing attitude doesn’t match the relation of popularity. This phenomenon brought about a different result from the previous research in which it was stated that the social behavior of children could be predicted from the Mother’s child-rearing action effect in which the mother provided a satisfactory role and the parent’s affection was expressed toward the children in an open way. Third, children’s popularity relation with pro-social behavior of young children level r=.269 P< .01. Children’s popularity relation and pro-social behavior of young children matches of a low rank of correlative in case of kindergarten adaptation r=.199, personal emotion accommodation behavior r=.233 both of them valence of level P< .05. also in the case of interpersonal relation formation valence r= .299 P< .01. The conclusion of those studies is as follows; First, Mother's affection in a child-reading attitude doesn't relate to the personal emotional behavior of young children. This research requires the continued study of children's pro-social behavior which can't be excluded due to the limited questionnaire method of measurement for Mother's affection in a child-reading attitude and pro-social behavior. It was shown that the children are able to act a typical manner as a result of the teacher's expectation of pro-social behavior. In the case of the new research it can be predicted that the Mother's affection in a child-rearing attitude is related to the pre-social behavior of young children. Further research will based upon the mother's affection in a child-reading attitude with children's perception and testing of children's pro-social behavior within a limited set of conditions in which it can be observed that it in turn affects their pro-social behavior. In terms of the low relation part of affection-hostility, children adapt in the social environment and are able to express their personal emotion to accommodate their pro-social behavior. Second, Mother's child-rearing attitude determines the child's popularity. Within this historical research was a limited questionnaire method measuring the Mother's affection in a child-rearing attitude, the way in which the typical family educates their children at an institute of early education and finally the participation of women in public affairs which effects the time spent in child care. However, based on this research, popularity can be related to the Mother's affection in a child-rearing attitude within the children's preception and a test of children's observation which in turn affects that factor. Third, Pro-social behavior. Those children adapt well in the kindergarten environment and other social activities in which they are able to express their interpersonal relation formation and personal emotion accommodation behavior which subsequently has an effect upon their popularity.

      • KCI등재

        조직정치지각이 사회적 태만행동에 미치는 영향: 조직냉소주의의 매개역할 및 학습목표지향의 조절역할

        허선,정원호,이지영 대한경영학회 2019 大韓經營學會誌 Vol.32 No.6

        Recently, studies in the field of organizational behavior have largely focused on the positive behaviors of organizational members, such as organizational citizenship behavior and innovative behavior while relatively less attention has been given to the negative behaviors of organizational members. Among negative behaviors, this study aims to examine the antecedent of and influential processes on social loafing behavior of organizational members. Even though organizations have strived to find ways and introduce systems in order to improve work efficiency and effectiveness of organizational members, there are still many organizational members who are socially loafing. Therefore, it is very important for organizations to come up with means to reduce or remove negative behaviors of organizational members as much as to foster and improve positive behaviors of organizational members. Scholars have suggested that organizational politics have negative effects on the perception of organizational members so that they think that their organizational environments are not fair when other members utilize politics to gain benefits. This study aims to test the effects of perceived organizational politics on social loafing behaviors of organizational members. We also suggested that the influential process of perceived organizational politics on social loafing behavior would be mediated by organizational cynicism. Moreover, it is also suggested that the effects of perceived organizational politics on social loafing behavior through organizational cynicism will be moderated by learning goal orientation of organizational members. Data were collected from the local government officers through 2 time points and the final sample size was 260 respondents. The results of this study show that perceived organizational politics increased social loafing behaviors of organizational members. That is, organizational members with higher perception of organizational politics are more likely to increase social loafing behaviors. The relationship between perceived organizational politics and social loafing behaviors was fully mediated by organizational cynicism. The effects of perception on organizational politics increase organizational cynicism, and then the increased organizational cynicism has positive effects on social loafing of organizational members. The effects of organizational cynicism on social loafing behavior of organizational members were moderated by learning goal orientation, such that the effects of organizational cynicism on social loafing behavior were stronger for those with high learning goal orientation than those with low learning goal orientation. With further examination, it was found that those with lower learning goal orientation show higher level of social loafing behaviors regardless of the level of organizational cynicism. However, those with higher learning goal orientation show lower level of social loafing behaviors with low level of organizational cynicism and their social loafing behaviors were increased with the increase of their organizational cynicism. Finally, the indirect effect of perceived organizational politics on social loafing behaviors through organizational cynicism was also moderated by the level of learning goal orientation such that the indirect effect was only statistically significant when learning goal orientation was high. 본 연구는 조직구성원의 부정적 행동 중에서 사회적 태만행동의 선행요인과 그 영향력 과정에 대한 연구이다. 최근 업무 효율성을 높이기 위한 조직들의 노력에도 불구하고 조직 내 사회적 태만행동은 사라지지 않고있는데, 조직에서는 조직구성원의 긍정적 행동을 장려하는 것만큼 부정적 행동을 예방하는 것이 중요하다. 다양한 선행연구에도 불구하고 무엇이 사회적 태만행동을 유발하는지에 대한 관심은 상대적으로 부족한 실정이다. 본 연구는 이러한 문제인식 속에서 사회적 태만행동의 선행요인으로 조직정치지각의 영향을 확인함으로써 기존 선행연구의 영역을 확장하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 또한 조직정치지각과 사회적 태만행동의 관계에서조직냉소주의의 매개효과를 확인하고, 조직구성원들의 학습목표지향이 이러한 영향력 관계에 어떠한 영향을미치는지를 확인하고자 하였다. 본 연구를 수행하기 위하여 기초지방자치단체 공무원 260명을 대상으로 자료를수집하여 분석을 실시하였다. 분석 결과, 조직정치지각이 높을수록 사회적 태만행동은 높아지며, 조직정치지각과 사회적 태만행동의 관계를 조직냉소주의가 완전 매개하는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 조직냉소주의와 사회적태만행동 간의 정적 관계는 학습목표지향이 높을수록 더 강하게 나타났다. 그런데 조절효과에 대한 분석결과학습목표지향이 낮은 구성원의 경우에는 조직냉소주의의 변화와 상관없이 높은 사회적 태만행동을 보인 반면에 학습목표지향이 높은 구성원의 경우에는 조직냉소주의가 증가함에 따라서 사회적 태만행동이 증가하는현상을 보였다. 한편, 조직냉소주의를 매개로 조직정치지각이 사회적 태만행동에 미치는 간접효과도 학습목표지향에 따라서 달라짐이 확인되었다. 본 연구는 사회적 태만행동 선행요인으로 조직정치지각이 미치는 영향을확인하였다는 점과, 구성원의 개인특성인 학습목표지향의 조절효과를 확인하였다는 점에서 시사점이 있다. 이러한 연구결과를 바탕으로 조직이 구성원의 사회적 태만행동을 줄이기 위해서는 조직 내 구성원들의 조직정치지각을 낮추기 위한 운영 측면에서의 고민이 필요하며, 조직구성원에게 우호적인 업무환경을 조성해 줄필요성이 있음을 확인하였다는 점에서 실무적인 함의를 제공한다. 아울러 연구의 한계 및 향후 연구방향에대해 논의하였다.

      • 사회적 교환, 수용자의 능력, 그리고 성과

        김상표(Sang-Pyo Kim),전수욱(Su-Wook Jeon),김태열(Tae-Yeol Kim) 한국인사조직학회 2010 한국인사ㆍ조직학회 발표논문집 Vol.2010 No.2

        본 논문은 조직에서 사회적 교환이 계속적으로 유지되기 위해서, 수용자의 능력이 중요한 역할을 할 것으로 가정하고, 이를 증명하기 위해 연구하였다. 구체적으로, 사회적 교환이 수용자의 능력인 행동의 자주관리에 미치는 영향과 행동의 자주관리가 성과에 미치는 영향, 그리고 행동의 자주관리가 매개효과를 발생시키는지 연구한 것이다. 연구자료는 경상북도와 경상남도에 위치한 기업을 대상으로 최고경영자의 양해를 구해 각 부서의 부서장이 부하와 직속상관에 대한 목록을 작성하여 수집했다. 총 배부된 설문지는 800부이고, 분석에 사용된 설문지는 610부이다. 구조방정식 모형을 사용하여 자료를 분석한 결과, 사회적 교환이 수용자의 능력인 행동의 자주관리에 정(+)의 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 행동의 자주관리가 조직의 성과변수인 직무만족, 조직몰입, 조직시민행동, 직무성과에 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 확인되었다. 사회적 교환은 대체로 조직의 성과에 직접적인 영향을 주지 않는 것으로 나타났으며, 행동의 자주관리를 매개로 하여 간접적으로 조직의 성과에 영향을 미치는 것으로 검증되었다. 이러한 연구결과를 바탕으로 연구의 시사점, 한계 및 추후연구 과제에 대해 논의하였다. Social exchange theory suggests that employees and their supervisors and organizations build social exchange relationships (i.e., supervisory and organizational social exchange, respectively) within which both parties continuously exchange socio-emotional benefits such as recognition and esteem (Cropanzano & Mitchell, 2005; Rupp & Cropanzano, 2002). Social exchange relationships are different from purely economic exchange relationships in that the obligations of the both parties in social exchange are unspecified. The open-ended obligations strengthen bonds of indebtedness and trust which trigger one exchange party to become committed to the other (Blau, 1964). As a result, employees in social exchange relationships tend to form a high degree of trust, a high level of investment and obligation, and a long-term orientation relationship with their supervisors and organizations (Rupp & Cropanzano, 2002; Shore, Tetrick, Lynch, & Barksdale, 2006). In addition, employees who enjoy the goodwill and caring of an organization will feel obligated to reciprocate with positive behaviors toward the supervisors and organizations. Current social exchange studies have contributed to enhance our understanding about the effects of social exchange relationships on employee outcomes. However, they paid little attention to examining how social exchange relationships influence employees’ intentions or abilities to reciprocate with behaviors and attitudes that benefit the supervisors and organization. Supervisory and organizational social exchange can be maintained if the receiver who gets the benefits (e.g., employees) can provide some intangible socio-emotional resources to the giver (e.g., supervisors or organizations), if the receiver harms the giver, the social exchange relationship can be broken (Gouldner, 1960). In general, the receivers in social exchange relationship are willing to improve their ability to benefit the giver because they would not like to break the trust with the giver and feel obligation to benefit the giver. In this study, we examined how supervisory and organizational social exchange influenced the receivers (i.e., employees)' behavioral self-management (i.e., ability) and how employees’ behavioral self-management affected their work attitudes and behaviors. We collected the data from three organizations in Republic of Korea (i.e., one air manufacturing, one hotel, and one telecommunication company). In the survey, employees assessed supervisory and organizational social exchange, their behavioral self-management, job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Supervisors reported their subordinates’ job performance and organizational citizenship behavior. We distributed 500 employee-supervisor pair surveys. Of 351 surveys collected (i.e., response rate = 70.2 %), we deleted 34 ones due to errors and missing values. The reliabilities of all the measures are great. The average of supervisory and organizational social exchange was 4.43 and 4.53, respectively, which is not high on a 7-point Likert-type scale. As expected supervisory and organizational social exchange significantly correlated with employees’ behavioral self-management. To test the research hypotheses, we used structural equation modeling and tested the mediation effects using Sobel (1982)’s test. Results revealed the positive effects of supervisory and organizational social exchange on employee’s behavioral self-management. Employees’ behavioral self-management was also significantly associated with their job satisfaction, organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behavior, and job performance. In addition, supervisory and organizational social exchange influenced employee outcomes (i. e., job satisfaction, organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behavior, and job performance) indirectly through employees’ behavioral self-management.

      • KCI등재

        조직 구성원의 사회적 책임 행동: 개념 검토를 중심으로

        주영란,문형구,최병권 한국인사조직학회 2023 인사조직연구 Vol.31 No.4

        그간 조직행동 분야에서 기업의 사회적 책임(corporate social responsibility; 이하 CSR) 활동에 대한 연구는 기업이 추진하는 CSR 활동에 대해 구성원이 어떻게 인식하는지 또는 구성원의 인식이 조직․직무에 대한 태도 및 행동에 어떠한 영향을 주는가를 규명하는데 초점을 두어왔다. 그러나 CSR 활동을 실행하거나 주도할 수 있는 주체가 기업뿐만이 아닌 구성원 개인일 수 있음에도 불구하고, 이러한 구성원이 행하는 사회적 책임 행동에 대한 연구는 상대적으로 미흡하였다. 비록 최근 들어 구성원의 사회적 책임 행동에 대한 관심이 증가하고 있으나, 구성원의 사회적 책임 행동을 특정 영역 또는 활동(환경, 지역사회등)에 다소 치중하여 연구하고 있다는 점에서 과연 사회적 책임 행동이 무엇인가에 대한 개념 및 의미를 보다 폭넓은 차원에서 살펴볼 필요성이 제기되고 있다. 이에 본 연구는 구성원의 사회적 책임 행동에 대한 개념적 이해를 돕는 연구가 필요하다는 판단하에 선행연구에서 보편적으로 활용되는 정의에서 출발하여 구성원의 사회적 책임 행동에 대한 개념 및 의미를 검토하였다. 구체적으로 사회적 책임 행동을 정의하는 세 가지 요소인 행동 주체(사회적 책임 행동이 CSR 활동을 하는 조직의 구성원에 의해서만 행해지는가), 행동 의도(항상 이해관계자들의 웰빙을 향상시키기 위한 행동인가), 그리고 행동 유형(구성원의 재량으로만 이루어지는 행동인가, 항상 조직에 기능적인 행동인가)에대해서 각각 질문을 던지고 이에 답하는 방식을 활용하여 사회적 책임 행동의 개념을 면밀하게 검토하였다. 이러한 질문에 대한 논의를 통해서 구성원의 사회적 책임 행동은직․간접적으로 이해관계자들의 웰빙을 향상시키거나 또는 해를 끼치지 않기 위한 의도로 이루어지는 구성원으로서의 역할 내․외 행동으로 정의될 수 있으며 장기적으로 조직에 긍정적인 영향을 미칠 수 있는 행동임을 제안하고자 하였다. 이러한 논의를 토대로 연구의 말미에서는 구성원의 사회적 책임 행동과 관련한 향후 연구방향을 측정도구, 선행변수, 결과변수 측면에서 제안하였다. Despite the fact that employees, not just organizations, can implement or initiate corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities, research on socially responsible behaviors initiated by employees has been relatively limited. Although there has been growing interest in employees’ socially responsible behavior of late, there remains a need to examine the broader concept and meaning of socially responsible behavior. As such, this study, recognizing the need for research to enhance the conceptual understanding of employees’ socially responsible behavior, reviewed the concept and meaning of employees’ socially responsible behavior based on commonly used definitions from previous research. Specifically, we thoroughly examined the concept of socially responsible behavior by posing questions about three defining components: the actor (whether socially responsible behavior is exclusively carried out by members of organizations conducting CSR activities), the intention (whether it always aims to enhance the well-being of stakeholders), and the behavior type (whether it is solely at the discretion of the members or always serves a functional role within the organization). Through discussions on these questions, it is proposed that employees’ socially responsible behavior can be defined as in-role⋅extra-role behavior of organizational members, aimed at either directly or indirectly enhancing the well-being of stakeholders or avoiding harm, and it may have a positive impact on the organization in the long run. Based on this discussion, at the end of the study, future research directions related to employees’ socially responsible behavior were proposed in terms of measurement, antecedents, and consequences.

      • KCI등재

        대학생의 소셜미디어 이용동기에 따른 뷰티관리행동

        백화,서승희 한국미용학회 2022 한국미용학회지 Vol.28 No.2

        Today, the number of technology users is rapidly increasing due to the development of science and technology and the popularization of smartphone use. Users build their social networks online by sharing and connecting their lives and interests with others through platforms provided by social media. In the beauty industry, various social mediamarketing activities are also increasing. Therefore, this study aims to analyze beauty management behavior according to the motivation for use among college students who have the most access to and use of social media. The method of study was conducted for college students attending a four-year university located in Jeonnam, and 382 copies of the questionnaire were independently answered by them to be analyzed and used in this study. The summarized results of the study areas follows. Looking at the correlation between social media usage motivation and beauty management behavior, skin management behavior of beauty management behavior was positively related in the order of functional, social, and self-expression motivation. It was found that the higher the functional motivation of social media, the higher the level of skin care behavior. Upon investigating the influence of college students’social media usage motivation on beauty management behavior, it was found that onlythe functional motivation of social media usage motivation has a significant effect on skin management behavior. Amultiple regression analysis to investigate the effect of social media usage motivation on body shape management behavior revealed that self-expression motivation and social motivation of social media usage motivation had significant effects on body shape management behavior. Therefore, this study is expected to provide basic data for the research of university students that can lead the beauty industry. It is expected that the beauty industry can provide information related to beauty product sales and beauty information contents using social media targeting the students.

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