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        스포츠계 성폭력과 시효에 관한 법적 관점에서의 제언

        김은경 한국스포츠엔터테인먼트법학회 2020 스포츠와 법 Vol.23 No.1

        Sexual crime in sports originates from sexual violence. Sexual violence is directly related to the human rights of athletes. Sexual violence in sports is defined by the Korean Sport & Olympic Committee as the violation of sexual self-determination right without the consent of the other party, such as physical contact, verbal sexual harassment, obscene message, sexual act coercion by participants in sports – an athlete, a leader or related parties – who abuse their power, authority, and status to others.Korean Sport & Olympic Committee, Sport and Human Rights Guidance(3types), 2019.9.2., Definition of Sexual Violence, p. 18. Since athletes strive to concentrate on sports by means of camp training under the leadership of a leader or a senior, the risk is greater if they are exposed to sexual crime. This problem can be more severe for athletes under age. Legislation on victims of sexual crime in sports requires sponsored protection. In that sense, special laws, such as 「Act on Special Cases Concerning the Punishment, Etc. of Sexual Crimes」 and 「Sexual Violence Prevention and Victims Protection Act」, need to include the criminal and civil prescription system which can protect minor athletes who are victims of sexual violence or adult athletes who are under the influence of the authority of a leader, so that the purpose of the protection of grooming sexual violence victims can be fulfilled. Prescription as a protection method of sexual violence victims actually acknowledges the existence of deviation in illegality, but since the protection of minors or of the party in a worse position in a particular relation cannot be ignored in the notion of justice, it needs to be regarded as public interest that can be achieved and as social necessity or understanding. In this respect, even minors or even adult athletes who are victims of sexual violence in a particular relationship in the field of sports, the systematic improvement of prescription of public prosecution in criminal cases is necessary. In particular, the extinctive prescription of claim for damage in civil cases should be postponed until adulthood and taking the damage occurrence fact′s point of recognition as the extinctive prescription’s starting point of reckoning should be implemented. 스포츠계 성범죄는 성폭력에서 비롯된다. 성폭력은 스포츠 선수의 인권과 직결한다. 스포츠계 성폭력이란 선수, 지도자 또는 관련당사자 등 스포츠에 참가하는 자들이 자신의 힘과 권력, 지위를 이용하여 타인에게 신체적 접촉, 언어적 성희롱, 강제추행, 음란성 메시지, 성적 행위 강요와 같이 상대방의 동의 없이 성적 자기결정권을 침해하는 것이라고 대한체육회에서는 정의하고 있다. 운동에 매진해야하는 선수의 입장에서는 지도자나 선배와 같은 특정인의 지도하에 합숙훈련이 전제되는 경우가 많아서 성범죄에 노출되면 그 위험성은 더 클 수 있는데 이러한 문제의 심각성은 미성년자의 선수에게는 더욱 클 수 있다. 스포츠계 성범죄 피해자에 대한 법률의 후견적인 보호가 필요하다고 본다. 그러한 측면에서 성폭력처벌법과 성폭력방지법과 같은 특별법에서 민형사상 시효제도를 스포츠 성범죄 피해자인 미성년의 운동선수나 선수에게 영향력을 미치는 지도자의 위계내지 지배력 하에 있는 성년선수에 이르기까지 그루밍 성범죄 피해자 보호의 목적을 포함시킬 필요가 있다. 성폭력범죄 피해자의 보호방안으로서 시효에 관한 것은 사실상 불법성에 대한 편차가 존재한다는 사실은 인정하지만 미성년자의 보호문제나 특수관계에서 열위에 있는 자의 보호문제는 정의관념상 간과될 수 없는 것이어서 이를 통해 달성하고자 하는 공익과 사회적인 필요성 내지 이해 정도 안에서 판단되어야 할 것이다. 그러한 측면에서 스포츠분야에서 미성년 선수 및 성년일지라도 특수관계 하에 있는 자의 성폭력피해자에 대해서는 형사상 공소시효의 제도개선이 필요하다. 또한 민사상 손해배상청구권의 행사와 관련해서 그 소멸시효를 피해자인 미성년 선수가 성인이 될 때까지 유예하고 손해사실의 인지시점을 소멸시효의 기산점으로 하는 방안을 추진할 필요가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        대학생의 데이트 성폭력 가해경험과 관련 요인

        강희순(Hee-Sun Kang),이은숙(Eun-Sook Lee) 한국보건교육건강증진학회 2010 보건교육건강증진학회지 Vol.27 No.3

        Objectives: This study investigates factors influencing the perpetrations of sexual violence while dating among college students. Methods: With a correlational survey design, a self-report survey was conducted and collected 1,132 responses from college students with dating experiences. Methods including descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, pearson correlation coefficients, and multiple regression were used to analyze data. Results: Compared to college students with no perpetrations of sexual violence, college students with perpetrations of sexual violence had significantly higher scores in father's violence, mother's violence, gender role stereotype, and sexual violence permissiveness. On the other hand they had significantly lower scores in sexual assault recognition than the compared group. A multiple regression model result forecasted parents' violence, sexual assault recognition, sexual violence permissiveness, and gender as prediction indicators of perpetrations of sexual violence. Conclusion: To prevent sexual violence while dating, domestic violence should be decreased through parents education and counseling from childhood. High-risk groups should be detected by surveying socio-psychological variables including experience of domestic violence, sexual assault recognition, and sexual violence permissiveness. It need to develop and implement sexual violence prevention programs to accurately inform and aware sexual violence.

      • KCI등재

        대학의 성폭력 대응 규정 및 절차에 관한 고찰 - 충청 지역 4개 대학의 반성폭력 학칙을 중심으로 -

        이주희 한양법학회 2020 漢陽法學 Vol.31 No.1

        The #Me Too movement that has hit our society over the past few years has once again confirmed that college is not a free space from sexual violence. On the other hand, it raised questions about whether the existing rules on campus sexual violence at each university were being properly addressed. Therefore, this paper tries to analyze the contents and draw up problems and measures for improvement in order to enhance the effectiveness of the relevant campus rules. The rules on campus sexual violence were introduced in the 1990s under the influence of feminism and the anti-sexual violence movement. Solving incidents at universities by themselves is an important part of the autonomy that universities are guaranteed. However, the rules on campus sexual violence are strongly required to strengthen the effectiveness of cases. Universities should continue their efforts to remove distrust of members in resolving cases in universities and enhance the utilization rate of solutions based on the rules on campus sexual violence. In this regard, the improvement proposed by this paper is as follows. First, it is compulsory to regulate the recruitment of one or more grievance counselors so that professional sexual violence grievance counseling can be done and stipulate the provision of educational opportunities related to the work to enhance the professionalism of counselors. Second, counseling and case investigation are not conducted by the same counselor, so that the counseling and investigation work should be handled by different institutions through the institutional improvement under the rules. Third, for the protection of victims, emergency measures such as quarantine measures of victims and perpetrators and secondary damage prevention measures are prescribed. Fourth, in terms of ensuring the prompt handling of sexual violence cases within the universities, the minimum period for investigation is specified in the rules.

      • KCI등재

        여성폭력 인식개선을 위한 연극이 청소년의 성폭력 인식개선에 미치는 효과성에 관한 연구

        박은주 ( Park Eun - Joo ) 한국무용교육학회 2017 韓國舞踊敎育學會誌 Vol.28 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to research the efficacy in improving cognitions in sexual violence amongst adolescence through a theatrical performance`To You, Who Would Be an Adult`. The research will examine methods to utilize the means of theatricals as an effective tool to improve the awareness of violence against women. The play was performed in 8 Seoul-based schools, targeting middle and high school students (3,532 students) in 2016. The efficacy of the research involved the measurement of a preliminary investigation which incorporates 25 verified questionnaires. A basic statistical analysis and matching sample t-test were used to analyze the results. According to the analysis conducted before and after the performance which includes the analytical results in, `Efficacy Research on the Improvements in Sexual Violence Awareness`, `Concepts of Sexual Violence`, `Causes of Sexual Violence`, and `Sexual Violence Awareness,` factors showed valid improvements in awareness. Especially in the `Concept of Sexual Violence` criteria, second grade in middle school students indicated highest efficacy. The highest efficacy in `Causes of Sexual Violence,` and `Sexual Violence Awareness,`criteria was identified amongst the third grade students in the middle school. Especially in the `Concept of Sexual Violence` criteria, second grade students in middle school yielded the highest efficacy. In terms of `Causes of Sexual Violence,` and `Sexual Violence Awareness,` the highest efficacy was observed in the third grade students in middle school.

      • KCI등재

        한 성폭력 피해자의 성폭력 예방교육 교수 경험에 관한 자문화기술지: ‘쭈구리’에서 ‘원더우먼’으로

        박에스더 한국교육인류학회 2020 교육인류학연구 Vol.23 No.2

        This study, focuses on the instruction experience on the preventive education for sexual violence of this researcher, a victim of sexual violence, through autoethnography. The study aims to find answers to the research questions: "as a victim of sexual violence, how the instruction experience helped" and "what is the significance of the instruction as a victim of sexual violence," in the emic perspective. For this purpose, the collected data were analyzed in introspection. This researcher, who was able to do any action at the scene of sexual violence, felt frustrated and vulnerable like 'the weak.' However, the experience of sexual violence has become a 'conclusive event' in defining career paths. By discovering a sense of duty and studying sexual violence, this researcher finally became an instructor in the preventive education of sexual violence. Although this researcher had been victimized with digital sexual crime (illegal filming) while working as an instructor in the preventive education for sexual violence, this researcher felt that the inner strength had been built up by acting differently from the previous sexual violence situation. This researcher became Wonder Woman. Furthermore, from the perspective of sexual violence victims, this researcher developed an insight into the big problem in the preventive education on sexual education, which this researcher has taught. This researcher realized that he/she is experiencing evolutionary process as an instructor on sexual violence prevention while changing the direction of the preventive education for sexual violence. This study will contribute to understanding victims of sexual violence and will help instructors in their preventive education for sexual violence. 본 연구에서는 자문화기술지 연구 방법으로 성폭력 피해를 경험한 연구자의 성폭력 예방교육 교수 경험을 중심으로 “성폭력 피해자로서 성폭력 예방교육 교수경험은 어떠한가?”와 “성폭력 피해자로서 성폭력 예방교육 교수 경험의 의미는 무엇인가?”라는 연구 질문에 대한 답을 내부자적 관점에서 심층적으로 찾고자 하였다. 이를 위해, 수집된 자료를 성찰적으로 분석하였다. 성폭력 피해 현장에서 아무런 행동도 하지 못했던 나는 ‘쭈구리’처럼 좌절감과 무력감을 느꼈다. 하지만 성폭력 피해 경험은 진로 설정에 ‘결정적 사건’이 되었다. 사명감을 발견하고 성폭력에 관해 공부하며 마침내 바라던 성폭력 예방교육 강사가 되었다. 성폭력 예방교육 강사로 활동 중 디지털 성범죄(불법 촬영) 피해를 겪으며 이전 성폭력 피해 상황과는 다른 행동을 하여 내면의 힘이 강해졌음을 느꼈다. 나는 ‘원더우먼’이 되었다. 뿐만 아니라 성폭력 피해자의 관점에서 그간 내가 해 온 성폭력 예방교육에 큰 문제가 있었음을 통찰하였다. 이후 성폭력 예방 교육의 방향성을 바꾸며 성폭력 예방 강사로서의 진화 과정을 겪었음을 깨달았다. 본 연구를 통해 알게 된 부분은 성폭력 피해자들을 조금이나마 이해하고 성폭력 예방교육을 진행하는 교수자에게 작은 도움이 될 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        대학생의 성폭력 인식도가 성폭력 피해경험에 미치는 영향

        강차선(Kang, cha-sun),정민(Jung, Min),염순정(Yoem, Soon-Joung),박정환(Park, Jeong-hwan) 한국산학기술학회 2016 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.17 No.12

        본 연구는 대학생의 성폭력 인식도 및 성폭력 피해경험과의 관계에서 성폭력 허용도의 매개효과를 검증하고자 하였다. 연구대상은 제주특별자치도내 위치한 4개 대학교에 재학중인 남녀 대학생 408명이었으며, 성폭력 인식도척도, 성폭력피해경험척도, 성폭력 허용도 척도를 사용하여 설문을 실시하였다. 본 연구의 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째 상관분석 결과 성폭력 인식도와 성폭력 허용도와는 유의한 부적상관을 나타냈고, 성폭력 인식도와 성폭력 피해경험과 역시 유의한 부적 상관을 나타냈다. 이는 성폭력 인식도가 높을수록 성폭력 허용도와 성폭력 피해는 낮아진다는 것을 시사하고 있다. 둘째 성폭력 인식도와 성폭력 피해경험의 관계에서 성폭력 허용도가 매개 효과가 어떠한지를 알아보기 위해 연구모형과 경쟁모형으로 나누어 실시한 결과 성폭력 인식도는 성폭력 피해경험에 직접 영향을 주지 않았고, 성폭력 허용도를 매개로 영향을 미치고 있어, 완전매개 모형인 연구모형이 선택되었다. 즉, 성폭력 허용도가 성폭력 인식도와 성폭력 피해경험의 관계를 완전 매개하는 것으로 나타났다. 이는 성폭력 인식도가 성폭력 피해경험에 직접적으로 영향을 미치기 보다는 성폭력 허용도를 통해 간접적으로 영향을 미친다는 것을 의미한다. 따라서 성폭력 인식도가 잘 정립될수록 성폭력 허용도가 낮아지고, 결국 낮아진 성폭력 허용도 때문에 성폭력 피해가 감소할 수 있게 된다는 것이다. 그러므로 성폭력 인식도를 높일 수 있는 방법으로는 성폭력 예방교육을 체계적으로 실시해야 할 것이다. 성폭력 예방교육은 데이트 관계에 있는 남녀 대학생들이 개인의 성폭력 허용도 수준을 고려하여 그들의 인권적으로 성숙해지고, 정서적으로 적절한 관계를 유지할 수 있도록 이끌어 줌으로써 성폭력 피해를 줄일 수 있을 것이다. 마지막으로 본 연구는 제주특별자치도에 거주하는 대학생을 대상을 실시하여 일반화 시키는데는 한계가 있으므로 후속연구에서는 이를 보완하기 위하여 다양하고 광범위한 대상으로 연구가 이루어져야 할 것이다. The aim of this study was to verify the effect of the parameters in relation to college students" awareness of sexual assault and sexual violence experience. The subjects were 408 male and female college students attending four universities located in Jeju island. Sexual assault awareness measures, sexual violence experience scale, and the scale of sexual violence allowance scale were used in the questionnaires. First, correlation analysis showed a significant negative correlation between sexual violence awareness and sexual violence. Also, sexual violence awareness and sexual violence allowance scale showed a considerable negative correlation. This suggests that the higher the sexual assault awareness, the lower the sexual damage and sexual violence allowance scale. Second, after analyzing the division of the subject into research model and competition model to verify the mediation effect in relationship of the sexual violence awareness and sexual violence experience, it was clear that sexual awareness does not have a direct effect on the experience of sexual damage. It rather mediated the sexual violence allowance scale. Therefore, the research model, which is the full mediation model, was selected. In other words, sexual assault awareness appeared to fully mediate the relationship between sexual assault awareness and sexual assault experience. This means that sexual assault perception has an indirect influence through sexual assault allowance rather than a direct effect on the sexual assault experience. Thus, the more well established that sexual assault awareness is, the lower the sexual assault allowance scale. Finally, the lowered sexual assault allowance scale could reduce the sexual assault harm. To improve the sexual assault recognition, a systematic sexual violence prevention education should be conducted. Sexual assault prevention education would allow students in dating relationships to become mature in their human rights and maintain the proper emotional relationship and enable a reduction in the harm sexual assault as a result of giving them the consideration. Finally, this study had a limitation in selecting the subjects as the college students living in Jeju. Therefore, in order to compensate for this limitation, follow-up studies should be carried out on with a sample of generalized and various research subjects.

      • KCI등재후보

        사이버성폭력 피해의 특성과 근절을 위한 대응방안 - 비동의유포 성적촬영물을 중심으로-

        서승희 이화여자대학교 젠더법학연구소 2017 이화젠더법학 Vol.9 No.3

        As cyberspace is being expanded due to the improved internet environment and increased usage of smartphones, cyber sexual violence is also taking more diverse forms, causing a number of social issues. ‘Distribution of sexual videos without consent,’ commonly referred to as ‘revenge porno,’ is a form of such cyber sexual violence and is a serious crime in which a person distributes videos of private sexual intercourses in cyberspace. Filming and distributing without consent such sexual videos is considered as ‘crime of taking photos by using cameras’ and punished according to Article 14 of 「Act on Sexual Crime of Violence」. Distributing videos of an individual’s private sexual intercourses is a serious crime which causes the victim to take drastic measures including resigning from employment, changing names, receiving plastic surgery, committing suicide and moving abroad due to difficulties in leading an ordinary life and should be punished severely according to its unlawfulness. However, legal loopholes occurs as distribution is not being punished severely enough under ‘crime of taking photos by using cameras’ and aspects of cyber violence regarding secondary distribution of videos of victims are not being fully taken into account. Currently the victim cannot accuse secondary distributors of ‘crime of taking photos by using cameras’ even though videos of the victim’s sexual intercourses are being continuously circulated in cyberspace if personal information of the primary assailant who filmed and distributed sexual videos without consent is unknown, videos are filmed in the state of mental weakness, or if sexual videos are distributed through hacking or by losing filming devices. This makes it difficult for victims to receive support and protection from the government as victims of sexual violence. Victims are also required to prove that videos of their sexual intercourses are ‘sexually obscene material’ in order to accuse distributers of the videos of ‘crime of distributing sexually obscene material’ according to Article 44 of 「Act on Information and Communications Network」. Thus, 「Act on Sexual Crime of Violence」 should be revised so that it covers punishment of secondary distributers as well. Furthermore, unwillingness to receive police reports and offer consultation, lack of expertise in cyber sexual violence, delayed investigation and the unorganized manual for helping victims of cyber sexual violence when victims visit the police to report distribution of sexual videos without consent are said to be reasons for avoiding or withdrawing from consultation or accusation. Hence, investigation systems for cyber sexual violence within the police should be unified and a new investigation unit for cyber sexual violence should be established. It is also essential to regulate and monitor operators of online and circulation platforms making profits by circulating videos of victims. Links between internet service providers who make profits by circulating videos of victims as their contents and those who make profits by deleting videos of victims have been revealed, which needs to be dealt with at the national level. Distribution of sexual videos without consent can be considerably reduced through regulation on operators of online and circulation platforms. It is the only sexual violence which can be reduced directly through the government’s strong intention. 인터넷환경의 발전과 스마트폰 사용의 증가로 사이버공간이 확장됨에 따라 사이버성폭력 또한다양한 형태로 늘어나며 사회적으로 많은 문제가 되고 있다. 특히 ‘리벤지포르노’라고 불리는 ‘비동의유포 성적촬영물’은 사이버성폭력의 한 유형으로 개인의 성관계 동영상을 온라인 공간에 유포하는심각한 범죄이다. 이와 같은 성적촬영물의 촬영과 동의 없는 유포는 「성폭력처벌법」 제14조에서규정하고 있는 ‘카메라등이용촬영죄’로 처벌하고 있다. 개인의 성관계 동영상 유포는 피해자가일상적인 사회생활을 영위하기 어려워 사직, 개명, 성형수술, 자살, 이민 등의 극단적인 선택을할 만큼 심각한 범죄이기 때문에 성적촬영물 유포범죄는 그 불법성에 상응할 수 있도록 엄격하게처벌되어야 한다. 그러나 유포범죄에 대한 ‘카메라등이용촬영죄’의 처벌이 엄격하지 않고 피해촬영물2차 유포와 같은 사이버 범죄의 특성이 완전히 반영되지 못해 입법공백이 발생하고 있다. 현재 비동의유포 성적촬영물 피해의 최초 촬영・유포자의 신상정보를 알지 못하거나 심신미약상태의 촬영, 해킹, 촬영기기 분실 등으로 성적촬영물이 유포되었을 경우 피해자는 본인의 성관계촬영물이 온라인 공간에 계속해서 유통되어도 ‘카메라등이용촬영죄’로 2차 유포자를 처벌할 수없다. 때문에 성폭력 피해자로서 받을 수 있는 국가적 차원의 지원과 보호를 받기 어렵고, 촬영물유포자들을 「정보통신망법」 제44조 ‘음란물유포죄’로 신고하기 위해 본인의 피해촬영물이 ‘음란물’ 임을 증명하여야 하는 상태이다. 따라서 2차 유포자 또한 「성폭력처벌법」으로 처벌할 수 있도록개정되어야 한다. 또한 비동의유포 성적촬영물 피해를 신고하고자 피해자가 경찰서를 방문했을 때 신고 및 상담기피현상, 사이버성폭력 사건에 대한 전문성 부족, 수사지연, 사이버성폭력 피해지원에 대한 매뉴얼개발 미비 등의 문제는 피해자가 상담 및 고소를 기피하거나 취하하는 이유가 되고 있다. 따라서경찰 내 사이버성폭력 수사체계의 일원화와 사이버성폭력전담수사팀이 신설되어야 한다. 개인의 피해촬영물을 유통하여 수익을 얻는 유통플랫폼 및 인터넷플랫폼사업자에 대한 규제와모니터링도 필수적이다. 피해촬영물을 콘텐츠로 유통하면서 수익을 얻고, 피해촬영물을 삭제하여수익을 얻는 인터넷서비스사업자 간 유착관계가 포착되었으며 이에 대한 국가적 차원의 대응책이필요하다. 비동의유포 성적촬영물 피해는 유통플랫폼 및 인터넷플랫폼사업자 규제를 통해 상당부분줄일 수 있다. 국가적 차원의 근절의지에 따라 직접적으로 줄일 수 있는 유일한 성폭력인 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        여성스포츠선수의 인권보호에 대한 국제적 기준과 국내 이행에 따른 문제점 및 개선방안 - 성폭력과 관련하여 -

        권형둔 중앙대학교 법학연구원 2017 法學論文集 Vol.41 No.3

        Korea will be the sixth country in the world to complete the ‘Sports Grand Slam’. But problems related to fairness, which is the basic spirit of sports, are frequently occurring in Korea. Especially, problems related to sports sexual violence are constant. Sexual violence in sports are violations of human rights, regardless of cultural setting, that damage both individual and organisational health. Athletes are silenced by the sexual violence process, because sexual violence in sport stem from power relations and abuses of power. The risk of sexual violence is greater when there is a lack of protection, high perpetrator motivation and high athlete vulnerability. Therefore, based in its role of promoting and protecting the health of athletes, the IOC Medical Commission held a conference on “Sexual Harassment & Abuse in Sport” in October 2006 in Lausanne. It led to concrete measures to resolve sexual violence. Korean government and ‘National Human Rights Commission of Korea’ are also striving to eradicate sexual violence against female athletes. There are already proper legislative measures. The present condition of sexual violence in sports cannot be identified due to the closed-off nature in the field of sports. There have not been any special countermeasures devised against sexual violence in sports. Here is a limitation in the prevention of sexual violence in sports.In this study, I tried to understand the structural peculiarities of sports system and to take fundamental measures. As you can see from this study, domestic law for sexual violence is being implemented to comply with international standards. However, for the prevention of sexual violence in sports, the subordinate regulations must include all details and provide clear criteria. Everyone in sport also shares the responsibility to identify and prevent sexual violence and to develop a new culture in sport. Sport organisations, in particular, should demonstrate strong leadership in identifying and eradicating sexual violence. But now it must eliminate structural and environmental problems that cause sexual violence. It is extremely important that we work with the following to ensure that those matters are resolved. First, the Government and Metropolitan and Provincial Offices of Education need to be talking about the right to learn of student athletes. The right to learn is the most effective solution of sexual violence. And it is necessary for their character building, because all sportsman live as a member of society later. State and local government should fulfil its basic obligations. Second, the current player selection system in university sports should be reformed. The player selection was originally performed to select excellent elite student athletes in sports. Today, we know that there have been a number of problems such as the right to lear, violence and sexual violence and irregularities in the entrance examination. It need to improve plan of admission for student athletes. Third, the qualities of the sports leader must be strengthened because human rights violations against athletes are related to leaders. Fourth, it is necessary for institutional plans for hiring of athletic coach based on gender equity. We can adopt actively the policy of “Affirmative Action” in woman sports team. All sport organisations should develop policies and procedures for the prevention of sexual violence and monitor the implementation of these policies and procedures. Finally, in order to solve the recent problems, the sports organizations, leaders and athletics need to reflect on true sports spirit and overhaul their ethical conscience.

      • KCI등재

        사이버 공간에서의 은밀한 범죄: 디지털 성폭력에 대한 목회신학적 성찰

        김희선 한국목회상담학회 2020 목회와 상담 Vol.34 No.-

        The study proposes a pastoral theological application for counseling victims of digital sexual violence through a multifaceted understanding of digital sexual violence. To do this, I first look at the definition of digital sexual violence and the types of digital sexual violence that are crimes under current laws and present brief cases of digital sexual crime. It may take a long time for victims of digital sex crimes to become aware of the damage they suffer, due to the nature of anonymity in cyberspace. Afterwards, amid uncertainties, the victim suffers from social difficulties due to great anxiety and shame. Next, I seek a pastoral theological reflection on digital sexual violence based on a psychological understanding of the victims. The pastoral theological view is that no matter how secret or anonymous, the act of viewing and sharing illegal images can destroy other people's daily lives with a single click; thus, participants in this form of sexual violence are guilty of abusing others for their own sexual gratification. Also, is the shame felt by the victim reasonable? Who should feel shame? In response, first, violence committed without consent is the responsibility of the offender; second, reinterpreting shame can be an effective way to support the victim as a counterargument to the double standards of society looking at women's bodies and sexuality; and third, guidelines for counseling victims of digital sexual violence are suggested. This interdisciplinary study provides guidelines for pastoral care and pastoral theological reflection based on sociological, legal, and feminist studies that have been made on digital sexual violence, a relatively recent issue. 이 연구는 디지털 성폭력에 대한 이해를 기반으로 디지털 성폭력 피해자 상담에 대한 목회신학적 성찰과 돌봄 지침을 제안하는 것을 목표로 한다. 이를 위해 먼저 디지털 성폭력이라는 용어의 정의와 현행법으로 범죄가 되는 디지털 성폭력의 유형을 살펴보고, 불법촬영, 촬영물 유포, 협박, 성적 사진합성과 청소년 그루밍 성범죄 등의 간략한 피해사례들을 제시한다. 디지털 성폭력 피해자는 사이버 공간의 익명성으로 인해 피해 사실을 인지하기까지 오랜 시간이 걸릴 수 있다. 이후에도 피해 상황과 정도를 제대로 알지 못하는 불확실함 속에서 커다란 불안과 수치심을 느끼게 된다. 피해자의 주요 심리를 불안과 수치심으로 요약한 후에 디지털 성폭력에 대한 목회신학적 성찰을 모색했다. 연구자는 한 번의 클릭으로 다른 사람의 일상을 무너뜨릴 수 있는, 불법영상을 보고 공유하는 행위가 아무리 은밀하게 익명으로 이루어진다고 하더라도 그것은 자신의 왜곡된 성적 만족을 위해 타인을 사물화하고 유린하는 죄를 저지른 것이라고 강조한다. 또한, 피해여성이 느끼는 수치심이 과연 합당한가? 수치심은 누구의 몫인가? 라고 질문하며 이에 대해 첫째, 상대의 동의 없이 이루어진 침해 범죄행위는 “가해자의 범죄이며 그의 책임이다”라고 환기하는 것과 둘째, 수치심을 재해석하는 것이 여성의 몸과 섹슈얼리티를 바라보는 사회의 이중적 규범에 대한 반론으로 피해자를 지지하는 효과적인 방법이 될 수 있다고 주장한다. 마지막으로, 디지털 성폭력 피해자 상담지침들을 제시하였다. 본 연구는 비교적 최근 이슈인 디지털 성폭력에 대해 그간 이루어진 사회학, 법학, 여성학 연구를 기반으로 목회신학적 성찰과 돌봄의 지침을 제공하는 새로운 학제 간 연구가 될 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        성폭력피해자 지원체계의 문제점과 개선방안 : 성폭력상담소의 지원을 중심으로

        윤상민 한국피해자학회 2006 被害者學硏究 Vol.14 No.1

        The Korea Sexual Violence Consultation Office was established in April 1991 to protect and support victims of sexual violence. Now, there are 172 Korea Sexual Violence Consultation Office that have supported the victims with various aids. The duties of Sexual Violence Consultation Office are: ① Counseling about sexual violence, ② Curing and protecting the victims, ③ Legal aid, ④ Publicity for the prevention of sexual violence, ⑤ Searching for sexual violence and sexual injury The Consultation Office has supported the victims, and their families in areas such as law, medical service and counseling support. The Consultation Office does various work; protecting against sexual violence, searching for sexual violence victims, etc The aid for victims of sexual violence is completed from start to finish by the Consultation Office. Thus, The Consultation Office is the most important organization for protecting the victims of sexual violence. So, there are human and material needs in order to do that work properly. Now, The Consultation Office are established throughout the land, however they cannot accomplish their goal because of insufficiency in the support system. At this point of time, it is the purpose of this paper to make a development plan after seeing the present conditions and problems of sexual violence victims support system throughout the Consultation Office.

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