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        박물관 디지털 전시공간에서 현장감과 인지체험에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구

        장선혁,이정교 한국공간디자인학회 2024 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.19 No.3

        (연구배경 및 목적) 과학 기술의 발전에도 불구하고, 기존의 박물관 전시 공간에는 흥미를 유발하는 다양한 전시 수단이 부족하다. 이로 인해 관람객이 전시장 공간에서 온전히 몰입하면서 사실감과 현장감을 체감하기가 어렵다. 이런 배경에서 박물관 전시 공간에 VR, AR, 실시간 빅데이터 등을 활용한 전시 형태로 전달 효과를 높이는 것이 필요하다. 본 연구는 박물관에서 디지털 전시 공간의 현장감을 극대화하기 위하여 인지 체험에 영향을 미치는 요인을 추출하고 분석하며, 박물관 디지털 전시 공간 디자인을 위한 제안 및 전략을 제시하는게 목적이다. (연구방법) 첫째, 선행연구를 통해 박물관 디지털 전시 공간의 개념과 영향 요인을 도출하고 현장감과 인지 체험의 개념과 요인들을 정의한다. 둘째, 선행연구에서 도출된 특성 및 현장감 극대화를 위한 인지체험의 특성 및 요인들을 통해 독립변수 및 매개변수와 종속변수를 선정하여 연구모형을 제안한다. 셋째, 연구가설을 제시하고, 24개 문항의 설문지를 통해 데이터를 수집하고, SPSS 26.0과 AMOS 26.0을 이용하여 측정항목의 신뢰도, 유효성, 요인 및 상관관계를 분석한다. 또한 가설 결과를 검증하며, 마지막으로 박물관 디지털 전시 공간에서 현장감과 인지 체험에 영향을 미치는 요인을 추출한다, 그리고 박물관 디지털 전시 공간에 대한 디자인 전략을 제시한다. (결과) 가설검증 결과을 보면 우선 박물관 디지털 전시 공간 4가지 영향 요인(지각된 흥미, 지각된 사용 용이성, 상호작용, 미학적 특징) 중 3가지 영향요인(지각된 흥미, 지각된 사용 용이성, 상호작용)이 현장감과 인지 체험 극대화에 유의한 양의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났으나, 미학적 특징은 현장감과 인지 체험 극대화에 유의한 양의 영향을 미치지 않았으며, 특히 현장감은 인지 체험에도 유의한 양의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 다음으로 현장감의 매개효과 검증에서는 박물관 디지털 전시 공간 영향 요인(지각된 흥미, 지각된 사용 용이성, 상호작용)에서 인지 체험의 관계에서 일부 매개효과가 존재하였으나 미학적 특징과 인지 체험의 관계에서는 매개효과가 존재하지 않았다. (결론) 검증을 거쳐 박물관의 디지털 전시공간 영향 요인에서 지각된 흥미, 지각된 사용 용이성, 상호작용을 현장감과 인지 체험을 현저히 향상 시킬 수 있다. 지각된 흥미, 지각된 사용 용이성, 상호작용을 현장감에 작용할 뿐만 아니라 인지 체험에 유의한 긍정적인 영향을 미칠 수 있다. 전반적으로 지각된 흥미는 인지체험에 직접적인 영향을 미치는 것이 가장 뚜렷하며, 향후 박물관 디지털 전시 공간에서는 지각된 흥미, 지각된 사용 용이성, 상호작용 세 가지 영향 요인에 주목해야 하며, 이 세 가지 영향 요인을 운용하여 전시 공간에서의 효율과 재미를 높여야 한다. (Background and Purpose) Despite the advancement of science and technology, existing museum exhibition spaces lack various exhibition methods that arouse interest, making it difficult for visitors to fully immerse themselves in the exhibition hall space and experience a sense of realism and presence. Against this background, it is necessary to increase the effectiveness of delivery in the form of exhibitions using VR, AR, and real-time big data in museum exhibition spaces. Accordingly, this study seeks to extract and analyze factors affecting cognitive experience in order to maximize the sense of realism of digital exhibition spaces in museums and present suggestions and strategies for designing museum digital exhibition spaces. (Method) First, through prior research, the concepts and characteristics of museum digital exhibition space, sense of realism, and cognitive experience are derived. Second, based on the derived characteristics and factors, independent variables, mediating variables, and dependent variables are selected, and a research model and hypothesis are proposed. Third, data is collected through a questionnaire survey, then analyzed, and hypotheses are verified using SPSS 26.0 and AMOS 26.0. Finally, extract factors that affect the sense of realism and cognitive experience and present a design strategy for the museum's digital exhibition space. (Results) First, among the four influencing factors of museum digital exhibition spaces (perceived interest, perceived ease of use, interaction, and aesthetic features), three influencing factors (perceived interest, perceived ease of use, and interactivity) maximize the sense of realism and cognitive experience. It was found to have a significant positive effect. Second, aesthetic features did not have a significant positive effect on maximizing the sense of realism and cognitive experience, but on the other hand, the sense of realism was found to have a significant positive effect on the cognitive experience. Third, in the analysis of the mediating effect of sense of realism, there was some mediating effect between the influence factors (perceived interest, perceived ease of use, interaction) and the relationship between cognitive experience, but no mediating effect was found in the relationship between aesthetic features and cognitive experience. (Conclusions) Through this study, it was found that perceived interest, perceived ease of use, and interactivity, which are influential factors in museum digital exhibition space, can significantly improve the sense of realism and cognitive experience. In particular, perceived interest, perceived ease of use, and interactivity are not only directly related to the sense of realism, but can also have a significant positive impact on cognitive experience. In future museum digital exhibitions, it is necessary to pay attention to the three influencing factors of perceived interest, perceived ease of use, and interaction and operate them effectively to increase efficiency and fun in the exhibition space.

      • 백화점의 마케팅믹스요인, 체험요인 및 점포태도의 관계

        범경기(Fan Qing-ji),김원겸(Kim Won-Kyum),최광(Cui, Guang) 한국콘텐츠학회 2010 한국콘텐츠학회 종합학술대회 논문집 Vol.2010 No.5

        본 연구에서 백화점의 마케팅믹스 요인인 제품, 가격, 유통, 그리고 촉진이 고객의 체험요인에 미치는 영향과 체험요인이 고객 태도에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 분석결과 마케팅 믹스 요인을 구성하는 차원 중에 촉진이 고객의 감각체험의 형성에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났고, 유통이 고객의 감각체험, 감성체험 및 인지체험의 형성에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 백화점에서 고객의 긍정적인 감각체험, 감성체험 및 인지체험은 호의적인 점포태도의 형성에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것을 확인하였다. In this research, the object is to analysis the impact of the four dimensions of Marketing Mix, product, price, place and promotion on store attitude. At the same time as mediating factors of relationship between Marketing Mix and customer attitude, experience factors, such as sense experience, feel experience and think experience are also analyzed. The results show that the promotion has a significant effect on sense experience, and place also has a significant effect on sense experience, feel experience and think experience. Another important result is, experience factors, such as sense experience, feel experience and think experience have significant effect on store attitude.

      • KCI우수등재

        물리ㆍ사회적 커뮤니티환경의 幼年期 情緖的 경험이 공동체의식 형성에 미치는 影響연구

        金元必(Kim Won-Pil) 대한건축학회 2010 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.26 No.3

        Urban community environment as a whole consistently interacts with human being and childhood emotional experience are influential on their unconscious images and attitude about their neighborhood community environment, while impacting on the environmental attitude and the formation of community sense. This research was intended to investigate what the respondents' emotional perception and value were about the community environment in their childhood in terms of environmental autobiography and to examine the effects of the results on the formation of community sense for their current community environment. Literature review and theoretical framework explored a few important research concepts which are closely related to the formation of community sense as a result of emotional experience; sense of belongings, social ties with neighbors, participation in community activity, sense of attachment, satisfaction with physical environment. Correlation analysis found that diverse childhood emotional experience was statistically significant on the degree of community sense for their living community. Regression analysis also indicated that the degree of sense of belong, sense of attachment and satisfaction with their childhood living environment were the main variables, explaining main predictors for community sense. Furthermore, the relationship between various emotional experience of each factor in previous and current community environment were statistically significantly related. It is concluded that as the positive childhood experience in their past community except the sense of attachment, is strengthened, the degree of community sense with their current community is also goes up.

      • KCI등재

        장소의 가능성으로서 ‘하나의 경험’― 듀이 미학을 중심으로 ―

        이선이 전남대학교 호남학연구원 2024 감성연구 Vol.- No.28

        이 논문의 주된 목적은 듀이 미학의 관점에서 공간을 장소로 인식하게 하는 것이 ‘하나의 경험’이라는 것을 제안하는 것이다. 이를 위해 연구자는 우선 공간과 장소에 대한 인문지리학적 의미를 살필 것이다. 인문지리학의 논의들은 공간과 장소에 대한 섬세한 분석을 통해 인간 삶에서 ‘장소’의 중요성을 인식할 수 있도록 해주었다. 그러나 ‘분할되고 계산될 수 있는 공간’이 어떻게 ‘의미를 가진 장소’로 이행할 수 있는지에 대해서는 대체로 모호한 입장을 보이고 있다. 연구자는 이러한 문제를 듀이 미학의 관점에서 조명할 때, 보다 명료한 해석이 가능하다고 본다. 듀이적 관점에서 보면 공간을 질적으로 느끼는 것은 신체의 느낌에 기반한 질성적 사고를 통해 가능하다. 듀이에게 있어 질성적 사고는 인식적 사고와 대비되는 개념으로 신체화된 사고이다. 질성적 사고는 어떤 것을 단지 개념적으로 이해하는 것이 아니라, 아름답거나 추한 것으로, 열정적이거나 무미건조한 것으로 지각하는 것이다. 질성적 사고로 인해 공간을 총체적으로 지각함으로써 장소감을 느낄 수 있다. 그러나 장소감을 가능하게 하는 것이 질성적 사고라고 하더라도, 그것만으로 공간을 장소로 경험할 수 있는 것은 아니다. 질성적 사고는 아직 경험의 조건에 불과하기 때문이다. 공간이 장소로 경험되기 위해서는 상상력의 작용을 통한 지각의 통합, 즉 ‘하나의 경험(an experience)’이 이루어져야 한다. 다시 말해서 질성적 사고작용을 통해 공간의 질성을 직접적이고 구체적으로 느끼고, 하나의 경험을 통해 공간이 의미화될 때 공간은 장소로 경험될 수 있다. The main purpose of this paper is to propose that the key concept that enables us to recognize a space as a place is ‘an experience’. I will first examine the human geography meanings of space and place. Despite the significant analyses of space and place in human geography, there is a general ambiguity about how it is possible to move from space to place. In my view, space is a quantitative and cognitive concept, whereas place is a qualitative and physical concept. Feeling space qualitatively is possible through qualitative thought based on physical sensations. For Dewey, qualitative thought is embodied thought in contrast to cognitive thought. Qualitative thought is not just understanding something conceptually, but perceiving it as beautiful or ugly, passionate or tasteless, which is possible when our bodies perceive an object as a whole, not as parts. Qualitative thought allows us to feel a sense of place by perceiving a space as a whole, and we can experience a space as a place when a meaningful an experience occurs within that space. However, even though qualitative thought enables a sense of place, it is not the only way to experience space as a place. Since qualitative thought is still only a condition of experience, in order for space to be experienced as a place, it needs to be reconstructed as an experience through the perceptual integration of an experience through imagination. In other words, space can be experienced as a place when the quality of space is felt directly and concretely through qualitative thought, and the experience is meaningful through a single experience.

      • KCI등재

        Study on the Convergence Experience of “Five senses” in Furniture Design

        Luo, Bin jie(로빈걸) 한국전시산업융합연구원 2021 한국과학예술융합학회 Vol.39 No.2

        The 21st century is an era of rapid development of world economy and technology, an era of highly developed human material culture, and an era of high demand for human spiritual experience. However, in order to meet the initial basic needs of human beings, the standardized batch design and production of furniture products, which are most closely related to human life, making the functions of furniture products more and more single. Consumers’ unilateral sensory stimulation of basic functions has gradually lost its aesthetic power. The products that can attract consumers’ attention or purchase, are not only practical in material aspects, but also spiritual in satisfying various sensory stimulation. Explore the emotional design method of modern furniture, based on the experience of five senses, enrich the design theory system of furniture products, better guide the future furniture design practice with the experience of five senses as the core, make furniture design products more in line with the needs of social development, and make people’s body and mind have more sensory interaction with furniture products. Through the analysis of literature and materials, starting from the concept of five senses, this paper expounds the application enlightenment of "five senses" experience in book design, packaging design and landscape design, and explores the innovative design ideas and methods of multiple experiences in furniture design from "five senses" - visual representation, auditory response, tactile sensation, olfactory imagination and taste perception. Finally, the case questionnaire survey and results analysis. In the diversified functional design of furniture, realizing the interactive five-sense experience, developing the design concept of furniture products, and increasing the competitive advantage of furniture products in the market, will not only contribute to the personalized innovation and development of modern furniture, but also meet the growing spiritual needs of consumers in the market environment of experience economy.

      • KCI등재

        A Cross-Cultural Investigation of Adults' Formation of Sense of Community through Environmental Autobiography

        Kim, Wonpil Architectural Institute of Korea 2012 Architectural research Vol.14 No.4

        In contemporary Korean society, urban community environment is often associated with high-density and high-rise residences that make people's relationships superficial, instrumental and impersonal. Furthermore, urban community consistently interplays with neighboring residents and childhood emotional experience are influential on their unconscious images and attitude about their current neighborhood environment, while affecting the environmental attitude and the formation of community sense. Previous research found evidences that increased level of community sense is fostering more feeling of living in so-called "real neighborhood environment." This study aimed to cross-culturally examine what the respondents' emotional perception and their attitude were about the community environment in their childhood through environmental autobiography method and to examine the effects of the results on adults' formation of sense of community for their current community environment. Extensive literature review explored a few important theoretical framework which are closely related to sense of community (SOC) as a result of emotional experience: membership, influence, integration and fulfillment of needs, shared emotional connection and community satisfaction. Chi-square and GLM analysis revealed that there were no demographic, and socio-economic differences between two groups of Korean and US residents. Correlation analysis indicated that childhood emotional experience of Koreans and US citizens was statistically significant on sense of community for their current living community. Multi-regression analysis also found that the degree of influence were the main predictors for building strong sense of current community throughout a cross-cultural group. Furthermore, the relationship between various emotional experience of each factor in previous and current community environment were statistically significantly related. It is concluded that as the positive childhood experience of influence in their past community was going up, the level of sense of community for their current community was strengthened across their cross-cultural background.

      • KCI등재

        A Cross-Cultural Investigation of Adults’ Formation of Sense of Community through Environmental Autobiography

        김원필 대한건축학회 2012 Architectural research Vol.14 No.4

        In contemporary Korean society, urban community environment is often associated with high-density and high-rise residences that make people's relationships superficial, instrumental and impersonal. Furthermore, urban community consistently interplays with neighboring residents and childhood emotional experience are influential on their unconscious images and attitude about their current neighborhood environment, while affecting the environmental attitude and the formation of community sense. Previous research found evidences that increased level of community sense is fostering more feeling of living in so-called “real neighborhood environment.” This study aimed to cross-culturally examine what the respondents' emotional perception and their attitude were about the community environment in their childhood through environmental autobiography method and to examine the effects of the results on adults’ formation of sense of community for their current community environment. Extensive literature review explored a few important theoretical framework which are closely related to sense of community (SOC) as a result of emotional experience: membership, influence, integration and fulfillment of needs, shared emotional connection and community satisfaction. Chi-square and GLM analysis revealed that there were no demographic, and socio-economic differences between two groups of Korean and US residents. Correlation analysis indicated that childhood emotional experience of Koreans and US citizens was statistically significant on sense of community for their current living community. Multi-regression analysis also found that the degree of influence were the main predictors for building strong sense of current community throughout a cross-cultural group. Furthermore, the relationship between various emotional experience of each factor in previous and current community environment were statistically significantly related. It is concluded that as the positive childhood experience of influence in their past community was going up, the level of sense of community for their current community was strengthened across their cross-cultural background.

      • KCI등재

        A Cross-Cultural Investigation of Adults’ Formation of Sense of Community through Environmental Autobiography

        Wonpil Kim 대한건축학회 2012 Architectural research Vol.14 No.4

        In contemporary Korean society, urban community environment is often associated with high-density and high-rise residences that make people"s relationships superficial, instrumental and impersonal. Furthermore, urban community consistently interplays with neighboring residents and childhood emotional experience are influential on their unconscious images and attitude about their current neighborhood environment, while affecting the environmental attitude and the formation of community sense. Previous research found evidences that increased level of community sense is fostering more feeling of living in so-called “real neighborhood environment.” This study aimed to cross-culturally examine what the respondents" emotional perception and their attitude were about the community environment in their childhood through environmental autobiography method and to examine the effects of the results on adults’ formation of sense of community for their current community environment. Extensive literature review explored a few important theoretical framework which are closely related to sense of community (SOC) as a result of emotional experience: membership, influence, integration and fulfillment of needs, shared emotional connection and community satisfaction. Chi-square and GLM analysis revealed that there were no demographic, and socio-economic differences between two groups of Korean and US residents. Correlation analysis indicated that childhood emotional experience of Koreans and US citizens was statistically significant on sense of community for their current living community. Multi-regression analysis also found that the degree of influence were the main predictors for building strong sense of current community throughout a cross-cultural group. Furthermore, the relationship between various emotional experience of each factor in previous and current community environment were statistically significantly related. It is concluded that as the positive childhood experience of influence in their past community was going up, the level of sense of community for their current community was strengthened across their cross-cultural background.

      • KCI등재

        브랜딩개발을 위한 체험전시관의 효과적 전시방안에 관한 연구 -감각체험을 적용한 3대 자동차 브랜드 전시관을 중심으로-

        이해윤 ( Hae Yun Lee ),이정교 ( Jung Kyo Lee ) 한국공간디자인학회 2014 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.9 No.4

        (Background and Purpose)Lately, the exhibition has been replaced by direct experience and an emotional approach as becoming low of the ages of visitors. The purpose of this study was to determine how to maximize the effect of the exhibition by introducing a new sensory experience that will bring pleasure to visitors and stimulate their interest. An additional objective included determining how to communicate the purpose and content of this exhibition effectively. (Method) In this study, the concept and characteristics of theories regarding sensory experiences and the experience exhibition were researched ; furthermore, the characteristics of the exhibition based on this study were derived. Three cases involving brands of cars were analyzed based on research about productions and styles of sensory experience exhibitions. (Results)The impact of sensory elements on the human memory was considered ; through this study, direct experience was determined to bemore effective than indirect experience for introducing visitors to produces and meeting their emotional needs. Case studies regarding car exhibitions indicated that the sensory experience is an effective way to improve corporate branding.

      • KCI등재

        김춘수의 시와 유년기 체험의 변주

        손병희(Sohn, Byung-hee) 국어교육학회 2016 국어교육연구 Vol.60 No.-

        This study analyzed Kim Chun-Soo’s childhood experiences and their variation in his poems. The poet’s “experiences of Jesus Christ and the little girl” show constant variation in his poems, confirming the primal and powerful nature of childhood experiences. This also suggests that these experiences can be the key point of his consciousness. The poet’s sensuous ‘experience of Baby Jesus Christ’ overlaps the world of the Western children of an Australian missionary couple, entailing the experiences of the mystique and wonder about an alien world and being. His childhood experience of Jesus Christ, which is made sensuous with spreading light, is the archtype of the angel image frequently appearing in his later poems, whose variation is repeated in poems such as 「천사The Angel)」 and「실제(Titleless)」. The poet’s “experience of the little girl”, which is associated with the violence of his own doing in childhood, is that of incidental and casual vice, However, what is more important is that his experience of violence is that of the primal frustration resulting from failure to become an ethical subject. This brought about the sense of guilt in the poet’s childhood, which cannot be overcome but prompts him to firmly sustain the ethical sense. Such an ethical sense is mixed with the discomfort caused by his enjoying materialistic affluence, deepening into the sense of the original sin. This sense is sometimes accompanied by a victim mentality along with the pain of constantly feeling Jesus Christ gazing upon him. Some parts of the following poems like「눈물(Tears)」,「동지 푸루돈(Comrade Proudhon)」, 「유년시(Childhood) · 2」, and「계단을 위한 바리에떼(Variété for Stairs)」 reveal the trace and transition of the sense of the original sin, and its variation.

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