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      • KCI등재

        청소년기 학교폭력 경험이 자아정체감에 미치는 영향 - 가족 내 사회자본 조절효과 -

        박재은,유난숙 한국가정과교육학회 2016 한국가정과교육학회지 Vol.28 No.2

        This study investigated the descriptive statistics and correlation among self-identity, school violence experience, and family social capital of adolescents and examined influence of school violence experience on self-identity and moderating effect of family social capital on the relationship between school violence experience and self-identity. Data used for analysis was from 7th grade students in The Korean Children and Youth Panel Survey in 2012. Analyses were performed using the IBM SPSS program for demographic analysis, pearson correlation, and stepwise regression analyses. Results of the study were as follows: First, the average was slightly higher for self-identity, parents’ affectionate attention, and awareness of their child’s friends; the average was lower for misconduct experience and victimization experience; second, there was a weak negative correlation between self-identity and bully victimization; there was a positive correlation between self-identity and family social capital (parents’ affectionate attention and awareness of their child’s friends). Third, to investigate the effect of school violence experience (bullying and bully victimization) on self-identity, stepwise regression analysis results were as follows: Bullying had a statistically positive influence on self-identity and bully victimization had a statistically negative influence on self-identity; both parents’ affectionate attention and awareness of their child’s friends had a statistically positive influence on self-identity; fourth, parents’ affectionate attention had a statistically negative moderating effect on the self-identity; therefore, it signifies that the relationship between bully victimization and self-identity appears differently depending on the parents’ affectionate attention, which means that the parents’ affectionate attention had a negative effect on the self-identity of the adolescents who were victimized by school violence. 본 연구의 목적은 청소년기 학교폭력 경험이 자아정체감에 미치는 영향을 알아보고, 학교폭력 경험과 자아정체감의 관계에서 가족내 사회자본에 따른 조절효과가 있는 지 분석하는 데 있다. 분석을 위해 한국아동・청소년패널(KCYPS) 중에서 중1패널 3차년도(2012) 데이터를 활용하였다. 분석에 사용한 통계프로그램은 IBM SPSS Statistics 22.0 version이었으며, 기술통계, 피어슨 상관 계수, 독립 t검정, 위계적 회귀분석을 실시하였다. 본 연구의 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 자아정체감과 학교폭력 경험(비행가해 및 피해), 가족 내 사회자본(부모의 관심애정 및 친구인지)의 평균을 분석한 결과 자아정체감, 가족 내 사회자본 하위요인인 부모의 관심애정과친구인지는 평균보다 다소 높았고, 학교폭력 경험 하위요인인 비행 가해경험과 피해경험은 적은 것으로 조사되었다. 둘째, 자아정체감, 학교폭력 경험(비행가해 및 피해), 가족 내 사회자본(부모의 관심애정 및 친구인지)의 상관관계를 분석한 결과 비행피해, 부모의 관심애정, 부모의 친구인지가 자아정체감에 유의한 상관관계가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 회귀 분석 결과 통제변수 중에서는 성별, 모친의 최종학력, 또래애착이 자아정체감의 영향력을 높이며 유의미하였고, 학교폭력 경험 하위요인인 비행가해는 정적 관계로, 비행피해는 부적 관계로 유의미한 영향력을 가졌으며, 가족 내 사회자본의 하위요인인 부모의 관심애정과 친구인지도 모두 정적 관계로 자아정체감의 영향력을 높이며 통계적으로 유의하였다. 넷째, 학교폭력 경험(비행가해 및 피해)과 자아정체감의 관계에서 가족 내 사회자본(부모의 관심애정 및 친구인지)의 조절효과에 대한 분석결과 비행가해에 대한 부모의 관심애정, 비행가해에 대한 부모의 친구인지, 비행피해에 대한 부모의 친구인지의 상호작용항을 투입했을 때는 조절효과가 나타나지 않았고, 비행피해와 부모의 관심애정 상호작용항을 투입했을 때는 부(-)의 상호작용 효과로 나타났다.

      • KCI등재

        The Effect of Self-Identity on Smart phone Addiction

        Jung-ae Kim 국제문화기술진흥원 2017 International Journal of Advanced Culture Technolo Vol.5 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between self- identity and smart phone addiction among University students. This study used descriptive cross sectional study to analyze the relationship between self-identity and smart phone addiction. Study participants included 357 University students located in C province who selected through volunteered, but 10 missing data were excluded and finally 347 participants completed the study. The study data were collected using self-identity tool made by Park A chung in 1996 which was composed of Independence, Proprioception, Future conviction, Goal orientation, Initiate, and Intimacy and Smart phone addiction tool made by National information society agency. The self-identity’s Cronbach’s αlpha was .937 and Smart phone was .670. All data analyses were performed using SPSS 18.0. Results showed that most students were not addicted(97.1%) in Smart phone using and middle level(73.2%) of self identity. Also, there was a difference in self – identity level according to gender and grade(the ratio of smart phone general users, not at all addicted, was 90.79% for males and 98.53% for females), and there was difference in Smart phone addiction level according to gender and residence type(the ratio of Smart phone general users, not at all addicted, is 99.32% for commute, 97.04% for dormitory, and 89.66% for self governing). Also there were strongly related with self-identity and Smart phone addiction(p < .001). This results reveled that self-identity affect to Smart phone addiction, therefore it is important to raise self-identity to prevent Smart phone addiction for University students.

      • KCI등재

        후기 청소년의 자아정체감, 진로정체감, 자아존중감에 따른 자기개념의 군집 유형 및 심리 특성 간 관계

        이은정,임하진,고한솔,김보영,고혜연,하규영 고려대학교 교육문제연구소 2022 敎育問題硏究 Vol.35 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to confirm the cluster of self-concepts in late adolescents by self-identity, vocational identity, and self-esteem, and understand its relation to mental health. Therefore, self-concept cluster types of late adolescents were identified based on self-identity, career identity, and self-esteem, and the difference in the amount of change in depression, somatic symptoms, and social withdrawal according each cluster was examined. For the analyses, the data of the 6th and 7th year(1,828 responses) of the middle school 1st grade Korean Children and Youth Panel Survey (KCYPS) conducted by the Korea Youth Policy Institute were used. The analysis procedure and results were as follows. Through cluster analysis, the number of clusters were determined and then Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) was used to verify the differences in the amount of change in depression, somatic symptoms, and social withdrawal according to the clusters. As a result, first, four clusters were yielded where cluster1 consisted of high level of self-identity, career identity, and self-esteem and cluster2 consisted of low level of all the variables. Cluster3 consisted of low career identity and cluster4 of high career identity. Second, results of MANOVA showed significant differences between the clusters in the amount of change in depression, physical symptoms, and social withdrawal. In cluster1, the change in depression, physical symptoms, and social withdrawal decreased all at once and in cluster2 the change in depression, somatic symptoms, and social withdrawal increased all. In cluster3, the amount of change in depression and somatic symptoms increased, but the amount of change in social withdrawal decreased and in cluster4 the amount of change in depression and social withdrawal increased, but the amount of change in somatic symptoms decreased. In addition, the results of the Scheffe post-test showed the difference in the amount of mental health change between the clusters. Results confirmed the need for balanced development of self-identity, career identity, and self-esteem in late adolescence. Limitations of this study, and directions for follow-up studies were discussed. 본 연구의 목적은 자아정체감, 진로정체감, 자아존중감에 따라 후기 청소년의 자기개념을 유형화하고 각 유형과 심리 특성 간 관계를 밝히는 것이다. 이를 위해 자아정체감, 진로정체감, 자아존중감을 기준으로 후기 청소년의 자기개념 군집 유형을 확인하고, 각 군집에 따라 후기 청소년의 우울, 신체증상, 사회적 위축의 변화량이 어떻게 나타나는지를 살펴보았다. 분석에는 한국청소년정책연구원에서 실시한 한국아동청소년 패널조사(KCYPS)의 6, 7차 연도 자료 가운데 중1 패널 데이터 1,828개를 사용하였으며, 분석 절차와 결과는 다음과 같다. 우선, 분석은 계층적 방법과 비계층적 K means 방법을 적용한 군집분석을 통해 군집의 수를 결정하고, 각 군집에 따른 우울, 신체증상, 사회적 위축의 차이를 다변량 분산분석(MANOVA)을 통해 검증하였다. 그 결과, 첫째, 자아정체감, 진로정체감, 자아존중감 수준에 따라 4개의 군집, 모든 변인이 높은 군집과 모두 낮은 군집, 그리고 진로정체감만 낮은 군집과 진로정체감만 높은 군집이 산출되었다. 군집은 각각 균형적 발달 군집, 미발달 군집, 자아발달 군집, 진로발달군집으로 명명하였다. 둘째, 다변량 분산분석 결과 6차와 7차 시점 간 우울의 변화량, 신체증상의 변화량, 사회적 위축의 변화량에서 군집 간 차이가 유의미하게 나타났다. 자아발달 군집은 우울과 신체증상 변화량의 증가가 나타났으나 사회적 위축 변화량은 감소하였고, 진로발달 군집은 우울과 사회적 위축의 변화량이 증가하였고 신체증상 변화량은 감소하였다. 미발달 군집은 우울, 신체증상, 사회적 위축의 변화량이 모두 증가하였으며, 균형적 발달 군집은 우울, 신체증상, 사회적 위축의 변화량이 모두 감소하였다. 또, 군집 간 유의미한 차이를 확인하기 위해 Scheffe 사후검증을 실시한 결과, 진로발달 군집과 미발달 군집만 정신건강 변화량의 유의미한 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 이러한 결과를 토대로 후기 청소년기의 자아정체감, 진로정체감, 자아존중감 간 균형 있는 발달이 필요하다는 시사점과 본 연구의 제한점 및 후속 연구 방향을 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재

        특성화고등학교 학생의 자아정체감이 진로결정 자기효능감에 미치는 영향

        박나정,임나영,이창훈 한국기술교육학회 2017 한국기술교육학회지 Vol.17 No.2

        This study examined ego identity and self-efficacy in career decision-making among specialized technical high school students with the aim of proposing preliminary data to suggest ways to improve self-efficacy in career decision-making through establishing proper ego identity. The specific research questions were set as; first, to define the ego identity status in relation to the students’ personal characteristics among specialized technical high school students; second, to describe the status of self-efficacy in career decision-making related to the students’ personal characteristics among specialized technical high school students; and last, to examine the influence of ego identity on self-efficacy in career decision-making among specialized technical high school students. To accomplish such research objectives, the assessment survey was developed after reviewing the theoretical literature on specialized technical high school students’ background, ego identity, and self-efficacy in career decision-making. The survey was comprised of 43 items including personal characteristics (6 items), ego identity (13 items), and self-efficacy in career decision-making (24 items). A total of 990 students from industrial specialized high schools across the country completed the survey, and the responses from 775 students were used for the final analyses after excluding the surveys with unanswered items or untrustworthy responses. Results were as follows: For differences in ego identity in relation to motives of entering specialized technical high school, the group that entered the school because of aptitude and interest and those who entered the school considering the promising prospect of technicians had higher ego identity compared to those who entered the school for economic independence. The group with higher levels of school adaptation and satisfaction showed higher ego identity than those with lower levels of school adaptation and satisfaction. For differences in self-efficacy in career decision-making related to motives of entering the specialized technical high school, the group that entered the school considering promising prospect of technicians had higher level of self-efficacy in career decision-making than those who entered the school for economic independence and those who entered the school for opportunity for special admissions to college. With regard to differences in self-efficacy in career decision-making related to school adaptation and satisfaction, the group that adapted to school very well showed higher level of self-efficacy in career decision-making than those who did not. For differences in self-efficacy in career decision-making related to post-graduation plans, the groups that had plans such as getting a job or going to college had higher level of self-efficacy in career decision-making compared to those without plans. Furthermore, for the influence of ego identity on self-efficacy in career decision-making, the results showed that ego identity had positive associations with all the sub-factors of self-efficacy in career decision-making, and all correlations and coefficients of determination showed a robust statistical significance. Therefore, to enhance self-efficacy in career decision-making, education that could help students better adapt to school, increase satisfaction with the school, and create positive ego identity must precede. 이 연구는 특성화고등학교 학생의 자아정체감과 진로결정 자기효능감에 대해 알아봄으로써 바람직한 자아정체감의 형성을 통해 진로결정 자기효능감 수준을 높일 수 있는 방안을 모색하기 위한 기초 자료를 제공하기 위한 목적으로 수행되었다. 구체적인 연구문제로는 첫째, 특성화고등학교 학생의 개인특성에 따른 자아정체감 수준은 어떠한가, 둘째, 특성화고등학교 학생의 개인특성에 따른 진로결장 자기효능감의 수준은 어떠한가, 셋째, 특성화고등학교 학생의 자아정체감이 진로결정 자기효능감에 미치는 영향은 어떠한가로 설정하여 구명하였다. 연구의 목적을 달성하기 위해 특성화고등학교 학생의 개인특성, 자아정체감, 진로결정 자기효능감에 관련된 이론적 배경을 고찰하여 검사도구를 제작하였다. 설문지는 개인특성(3문항), 자아정체감(13문항), 진로결정 자기효능감(24문항)으로 총 40문항으로 구성하였으며, 전국 공업계열 특성화고등학교 학생 990명을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하여 무응답이나 불성실한 응답의 설문지를 제외한 775부를 최종 분석에 활용하였다. 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 기술인에 대한 미래 전망을 고려하여 특성화고등학교에 진학한 집단과 학교 적응 및 만족도가 높은 집단이 그렇지 않은 집단에 비해 자아정체감 및 진로결정 자기효능감 수준이 높게 나타났다. 또한 자아정체감이 진로결정 자기효능감에 주는 정적인 영향과 상관관계, 설명력 모두 높은 통계값을 기록하였다. 따라서 진로결정 자기효능감의 질적 향상을 위해서는 학생의 학교 적응 및 만족도를 높이고 긍정적인 자아정체감을 형성할 수 있는 교육이 선행되어야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        The Effects of Multi-identity on One's Psychological State and the Quality of Contribution in Virtual Communities: A Socio-Psychological Perspective

        Suh, A-Young,Shin, Kyung-Shik,Lee, Ju-Min The Korea Society of Management Information System 2010 Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems Vol.20 No.1

        In a virtual community, one can possess multiple identities and pretend to be different by creating self-identity in contrast with his or her actual self. Does false identity undermine the qualitative growth of a virtual community by reducing members' accountability? Or does it stimulate their contributive behaviors by ensuring freedom of speech? It is imperative to understand the effects of multi-identity considering the distinct properties of a virtual community in which people easily change their identities at little or no cost. To answer these questions, we adopted the concept of self-discrepancy from the social psychology theory rooted in the concept of the self and developed a theoretical model to predict quality of contribution of the individual member in virtual communities. Based on the self-discrepancy theory, we first identified two different domains of the self: (1) an "actual self" that consists of attributes that the person believes he or she currently possesses in real life and (2) a "cyber self" that consists of attributes the person believes he or she possesses in a virtual community. Next, we derived an index for two different types of self-discrepancy by using the differences between the actual and the cyber identities: Personal Self-discrepancy and Social Self-discrepancy. Personal Self-discrepancy reflects the degree of discrepancy between actual and cyber identity regarding a person's intelligence, education, and expertise. Social Self-discrepancy reflects the degree of discrepancy between actual and cyber identity regarding a person's morality, sociability, and accordance with social norms. Finally, we linked them with sense of virtual community, perceived privacy rights, and quality of contribution to examine how having a multi-identity influences an individual's psychological state and contributive behaviors in a virtual community. The results of the analysis based on 266 respondents showed that Social Self-discrepancy negatively influenced both the Sense of Virtual Community and Perceived Privacy Rights, while Personal Self-discrepancy negatively influenced only Perceived Privacy Rights, thereby resulting in reduced quality of contribution in virtual communities. Based on the results of this analysis, we can explain the dysfunctions of multi-identity in virtual communities. First, people who pretend to be different by engaging in socially undesirable behaviors under their alternative identities are more likely to suffer lower levels of psychological wellbeing and thus experience lower levels of sense of virtual community than others. Second, people do not perceive a high level of privacy rights reflecting catharsis, recovery, or autonomy, even though they create different selves and engage in socially undesirable behaviors in a virtual community. Third, people who pretend to be different persons in terms of their intelligence, education, or expertise also indirectly debase the quality of contribution by decreasing perceived privacy rights. The results suggest that virtual community managers should pay more attention to the negative influences exercised by multi-identity on the quality of contribution, thereby controlling the need to create alternative identities in virtual communities. We hope that more research will be conducted on this underexplored area of multi-identity and that our theoretical framework will serve as a useful conceptual tool for all endeavors.

      • KCI등재

        The Effects of Multi-identity on One’s Psychological State and the Quality of Contribution in Virtual Communities: A Socio-Psychological Perspective

        서아영,신경식,이주민 한국경영정보학회 2010 Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems Vol.20 No.1

        In a virtual community, one can possess multiple identities and pretend to be different by creating self-identity in contrast with his or her actual self. Does false identity undermine the qualitative growth of a virtual community by reducing members’ accountability? Or does it stimulate their contributive behaviors by ensuring freedom of speech? It is imperative to understand the effects of multi-identity considering the distinct properties of a virtual community in which people easily change their identities at little or no cost. To answer these questions, we adopted the concept of self-discrepancy from the social psychology theory rooted in the concept of the self and developed a theoretical model to predict quality of contribution of the individual member in virtual communities. Based on the self-discrepancy theory, we first identified two different domains of the self: (1) an “actual self” that consists of attributes that the person believes he or she currently possesses in real life and (2) a “cyber self” that consists of attributes the person believes he or she possesses in a virtual community. Next, we derived an index for two different types of self-discrepancy by using the differences between the actual and the cyber identities: Personal Self-discrepancy and Social Self-discrepancy. Personal Self-discrepancy reflects the degree of discrepancy between actual and cyber identity regarding a person’s intelligence, education, and expertise. Social Self-discrepancy reflects the degree of discrepancy between actual and cyber identity regarding a person’s morality, sociability, and accordance with social norms. Finally, we linked them with sense of virtual community, perceived privacy rights, and quality of contribution to examine how having a multi-identity influences an individual’s psychological state and contributive behaviors in a virtual community. The results of the analysis based on 266 respondents showed that Social Self-discrepancy negatively influenced both the Sense of Virtual Community and Perceived Privacy Rights, while Personal Self-discrepancy negatively influenced only Perceived Privacy Rights, thereby resulting in reduced quality of contribution in virtual communities. Based on the results of this analysis, we can explain the dysfunctions of multi-identity in virtual communities. First, people who pretend to be different by engaging in socially undesirable behaviors under their alternative identities are more likely to suffer lower levels of psychological wellbeing and thus experience lower levels of sense of virtual community than others. Second, people do not perceive a high level of privacy rights reflecting catharsis, recovery, or autonomy, even though they create different selves and engage in socially undesirable behaviors in a virtual community. Third, people who pretend to be different persons in terms of their intelligence, education, or expertise also indirectly debase the quality of contribution by decreasing perceived privacy rights. The results suggest that virtual community managers should pay more attention to the negative influences exercised by multi-identity on the quality of contribution, thereby controlling the need to create alternative identities in virtual communities. We hope that more research will be conducted on this underexplored area of multi-identity and that our theoretical framework will serve as a useful conceptual tool for all endeavors.

      • KCI등재

        도덕적 정체성과 자아해석이 기부의도에 미치는 효과

        박명진 ( Myung Jin Park ),박종철 ( Jong Chul Park ) 한국소비자학회 2013 소비자학연구 Vol.24 No.2

        본 연구는 소비자의 기부의도와 관련하여 기부의도에 영향을 미칠 수 있는 새로운 요인을 고찰하고자 하였다. 특히, 과거 연구자들은 인구통계학적 특성과 기부동기가 소비자의 기부행동에 영향을 미칠 수 있음을 제시해왔는데, 본 연구는 소비자의 자아해석(self-construal) 성향과 도덕적 정체성(moral identity) 수준에 따라 소비자의 기부 행동이 달라질 수 있음을 제시하였다. 즉, 도덕적 정체성이 소비자의 기부의도에 영향을 미치는데 있어 개인의 도덕성 수준과 더불어 자아(self)의 특성도 중요하다는 사실을 제시하고 있다. 궁극적으로 본 연구에서는 도덕적 정체성이 낮더라도 상호의존적 자아해석 성향을 지닌 사람들의 경우에는 기부의도가 더 높게 나타날 수 있음을 제시하였다. 분석결과, 도덕적 정체성이 높은 소비자들이 도덕적 정체성이 낮은 소비자들에 비하여 기부의도가 높게 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 도덕적 정체성이 높은 소비자들은 어려움에 처한 사람들을 보게 되면 소비자들의 스키마 구조에서 도덕성과 관련된 개념들이 활성화되고, 이렇게 활성화된 도덕성이 어려움에 처한 사람들을 자신의 일로 간주하게 만들며, 나아가 다른 사람의 복지를 고려하면서 도덕적 포함 범위를 더욱 넓혀가는 경향이 있다는 사실을 제시해준다. 또한, 소비자의 자아해석 유형이 기부의도에 영향을 미치는데 있어 도덕적 정체성 수준에 따라 그 효과가 달라지는 것으로 나타났다. 즉 상호의존적 자아해석 성향을 지닌 사람들은 도덕적 정체성의 수준에 관계없이 기부의도가 높게 나타났으며, 반대로 독립적 자아해석 성향을 지닌 사람들은 도덕적 정체성 수준이 높을 경우에만 기부의도가 높게 나타났다. 결과적으로 본 연구는 기부와 관련하여 사람들이 지니고 있는 도덕성과 관련된 인식도 중요하지만, 사람들이 지니고 있는 자아(self) 구조의 특성이 중요한 영향을 미친다는 사실을 제시해준다. 그리고 본 연구는 비영리 기관이나 CSR활동 관련 기업들이 개인이 지니고 있는 도덕적 정체성과 자아해석 성향을 분석함으로써 향후 기부자에 대 한 고객관리 구축 시 기부자의 성향에 대한 정보를 파악하는데 도움을 줄 것이다. With growing interest in the influencing factors on donation behavior, this research has examined the roles of moral identity and self-construal on the donation intention. Despite a long tradition of research on donation behavior, little is known about the impact of moral identity and self-construal. To fill this gap in the literature, the research examined how selfconstrual and moral identity, respectively, influence donation intention in an experimental setting. So, this research proposed an individual``s moral traits related to morality and self traits as influencing factors on the donation intention. For the experiment, one hundred fifty-two undergraduate students taking an introductory marketing class participated in the between-subjects design experiment in which participants were randomly assigned to either the interdependent self-construal priming condition or the independent self-construal priming condition using the procedure used in previous studies. In the interdependent self-construal condition(vs. independent self-construal condition), participants were instructed to write down ten ‘We’ priming sentences (vs. ‘I’ priming sentences) associated with travel that they had experienced in the past or expected to experience in the future. After completing the priming tasks, the participants were evaluated with moral identity, IOS, pride, and donation intension scales. Data analysis was conducted in two phases. The first phase was H1 analysis. And in the second phase, mediating effects of the pride and IOS(inclusion of other in the self) were examined(H2, H3). According to the results, moral identity positively influenced on donation behavior. Namely, when moral identity was high, consumers`` donation intention tended to be raised. Also, the result of the two-way interaction showed that donation intention of consumers with interdependent self-construal tended to be raised regardless of moral identity level. However, donation intention of consumers with independent self-construal was raised only when their moral identity was high. Above all, it also provides some insights for the nature of interactions between the two constructs. Besides, according to the results of the mediating test, there was partial mediating effect of pride in the relations between self-construal and moral identity and consumers`` donation intention. The main contribution of this research is to demonstrate the relevance of moral identity as a predictor of donation intention as well as to suggest self-construal as a moderator these relation. These findings should be useful for managers of nonprofit organizations as well as managers of companies engaging in charitable work corporate social responsibility initiatives. Although fund-raisers cannot change their donors`` moral identities, they can influence the salience of moral identities through advertising and fun-raising campaigns. Moral identity may not be easily measurable in consumers, but it is possible for organizations(nonprofit organizations) to prime moral identity.

      • KCI등재

        개인의 자기 해석 성향이 선물 소비에 미치는 영향

        탁현아,성용준,성영신 한국소비자·광고심리학회 2017 한국심리학회지 소비자·광고 Vol.18 No.4

        Prior research has shown that consumers express their identity through products or brands, so they make a purchase of identity-consistent products. In the context of gift consumption, however, an individual often chooses a product (gift) which is opposite to one’s identity to please a gift recipient. It leads the individual to suffer psychological discomfort, such as identity threat. This is because people are motivated to act consistently with their own identity. According to self-construal theory, there are two types of self-construals, independent and interdependent. Individuals with an independent self-construal view oneself as stable and distinct from others, whereas those with an interdependent self-construal view oneself as flexible and connected to others. These differences in self-construals affect individual’s ways of thinking and behavior. That is people who hold the independent view of the self put high value on internal attributes and express themselves in a consistent manner, while those who hold the interdependent view of the self emphasize harmonious relationship with others rather than one’s own characteristics. The current study investigates the effects of self-construal on gift-giving consumption based on self-construal theory, identity-based motivation model, and cognitive dissonance theory. The results indicate that independent self participants (vs. interdependent self participants) choose the identity-consistent gift more, but interdependent self participants (vs. independent self participants) chooses the identity-inconsistent gift more. Also, independent self participants show more positive attitudes toward a gift option which is identity-consistent than interdependent self participants. For a gift option which is identity-inconsistent, interdependent self participants are more positive than independent self participants. This study develop a better understanding of consumer behavior by exploring the relationship between self-construal, identity threat, and gift consumption. 선행 연구에 따르면 제품 혹은 브랜드의 소비를 통해 한 개인의 정체성을 드러내는 것이 가능하며 이에 사람들은 자신의 정체성과 일치하는 제품에 대한 높은 선호를 보이고 이를 구입하고는 한다. 그러나 때때로 소비자는 자신의 정체성과 일치하지 않는 제품을 구입해야 하는 상황에 처하기도 한다. 이는 바로 타인을 위한 선물 소비 상황으로, 우리는 종종 선물 수혜자를 기쁘게 하고자 선물 수혜자의 정체성에는 일치하지만 자신의 정체성에는 불일치하는 제품을 선물로 구입하고는 한다. 사람에게는 자신의 정체성과 일관되게 행동하려는 동기가 내재되어 있기 때문에 이와 같은 상황은 개인으로 하여금 인지 부조화로 유발된 정체성 위협이라는 심리적 불편감을 경험하게 한다. 자기 해석 이론에 따르면 한 개인은 자신을 타인과 구분되는 존재로 바라보는지 혹은 타인과 연결되어 있는 존재로 바라보는지에 따라 독립적 자기 해석 성향을 보이기도, 상호의존적 자기 해석 성향을 보이기도 한다. 그리고 이러한 성향에 따라 사람들은 사고하고 행동하는 데 있어 스스로를 있는 그대로 드러내는 경향을 보이기도(독립적 자기 해석자), 있는 그대로의 자신을 드러내기보다는 타인을 고려하는 경향을 보이기도(상호의존적 자기 해석자) 한다. 본 연구는 자기 해석 이론, 정체성 기반 동기 모형, 그리고 인지 부조화 이론을 바탕으로 개인의 자기 해석 성향이 선물 소비 전반에 걸쳐 영향을 미칠 것이라고 예상하고 이를 검증하였다. 연구 결과, 정체성 일치/불일치 두 선물 대안 중 선물 선택에 있어 독립적 자기 해석자는 상호의존적 자기 해석자보다 정체성 일치 제품을, 상호의존적 자기 해석자는 독립적 자기 해석자보다 정체성 불일치 제품을 선물로 더 택하였음을 확인하였다. 또한, 정체성 일치 선물 대안에 대하여 독립적 자기 해석자가 상호의존적 자기 해석자보다 더 긍정적인 태도를 보였으며, 정체성 불일치 선물 대안에 대해서는 상호의존적 자기 해석자가 독립적 자기 해석자보다 더 호의적으로 평가하였다. 본 연구는 자기 해석, 정체성 위협, 그리고 선물 소비 간의 관계를 고찰함으로써 소비자 행동에 대한 이해를 도모하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재후보

        자아정체감 지위에 따른 무조건적 자기수용, 자기존중감, 자기효능감의 차이 분석

        안범희(Ann, Bum Hee),엄윤재(Eum, Yoon Jae) 한국공공사회학회 2015 공공사회연구 Vol.5 No.2

        본 연구는 대학생들의 자아정체감 확립을 위한 것이다. 이를 위하여 대학생들의 무조건적 자기수용, 자기존중감, 자기효능감을 분석하였다. 연구대상은 서울, 경기도, 강원도에 위치한 4년제 대학의 3개교 학생들 총 257명을 대상으로 설문조사를 하였으며, 분석방법은 SPSS 18.0을 사용하여 빈도분석, 상관분석, 교차분석 및 일원변량분석, Duncan test를 실시하였다. 이를 통한 주요결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 자아정체감의 확립을 위한 심리내적 요인으로 설정한, 무조건적 자기수용과 자기존중감 및 자기효능감과의 상관관계는 모두 유의미 하였다. 둘째, 자아정체감 지위에 따른 무조건적 자기수용, 자기존중감, 자기효능감의 차이를 살펴본 결과, 총체적 정체감, 관념 정체감, 대인 정체감의 성취지위 집단에서 무조건적 자기수용, 자기존중감, 자기효능감이 가장 높았고, 혼미집단에서 가장 낮았다. 이러한 결과는 세 가지 심리적 요인들이 대학생들의 자아정체감 성취지위를 이루는데 있어서 중요한 역할을 하고 있음을 경험적으로 밝혔으며, 나아가 대학생들의 건전한 자아정체감의 능력을 증진하기 위한 교육적 방향 모색에 기초자료를 제공하고자 한다. This study offers the basic information of the sound identity, unconditional self acceptance, self-esteem and self-efficacy development of university students by research the difference unconditional self acceptance, self-esteem, self efficacy by their ego identity and status. The subject of study is 200 students of 3 universities located in Seoul and kyunggi-Do and analyze by the Frequency study, Correlation analysis, Cross tabulation, Single variation analysis and Duncan test. The result of study, First, the correlation of unconditional self acceptance, self-esteem and self-efficacy is significant. Second, the ego identity status by the sociology of population showed strongly in the identity diffusion group for total identity and interpersonal identity and it showed strongly in disclosure status for ideological identity. Third, as the result of study the difference of unconditional self acceptance, self-esteem and self- efficacy by the ego identity status, the achievement group of total identity, ideological identity and interpersonal identity showed strongly in unconditional self acceptance, self-esteem and self-efficacy than the identity diffusion group. The result of study indicates that these tree psychological factors are importance roles for the ego identity status and implies that the proper psychological environment should be supplied for the development of the ego identity.

      • KCI등재

        대학생이 인식한 부모의 진로행동유형 및 애착과 진로정체감의 관계에서 진로결정효능감의 효과

        이현주 한국진로교육학회 2010 진로교육연구 Vol.23 No.4

        This study investigated not only the relationship among parent career-related behavior types, parent attachment and career identity but also the function of career decision self-efficacy on three variables. Total of 362 undergraduates(male: 125, female: 237) on the basis of the data of self-report questionnaires. Correlation, MANOVA, and Multiple Regression Analyses were used to examine the relationships and differences among variables and the mediated effects of career decision self-efficacy. The study revealed the following results. The correlational analyses showed that parental support associated positively with career identity, but interference associated negatively with career identity and career decision-making self-efficacy. And parental attachment associated positively with career identity and career decision-making self-efficacy. This result meaned that the more career-related support and attachment, the stronger career identity and career decision-making self-efficacy. On the other hand, the more career-related interference, the weaker career identity and career decision-making self-efficacy. Also, the higher career decision self-efficacy, the stronger career identity. There were significant differences in career decision-making self-efficacy, and career identity according to the level of parental career behaviors and parent attachment. That is to say, participants perceived more supportive behavior and had higher attachment had more clear career identity and higher decision-making self-efficacy than comparative groups. The multiple regression analyses indicated that career decision self-efficacy total mediated the relationship between career-related support behavior and career identity. Also, career decision self-efficacy partial mediated the relationship between father attachment and career identity. The results supports that career decision self-efficacy differently influences on career identity by the styles of parent career-related behaviors and by the parent attachment. As a result, the mediating effects of career decision self-efficacy were confirmed. 이 연구는 대학생들이 지각하는 부모의 진로관련 행동들(지지적 행동, 간섭적 행동)과 부모와의 애착이 진로정체감에 미치는 영향을 분석하면서, 진로결정효능감의 매개효과를 분석하고 있다. 여기에서 분석된 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 연구변인들 간 상관관계를 분석한 결과, 부모의 진로관련행동을 지지행동으로 지각할수록 진로정체감형성이 촉진되고 진로결정효능감 수준이 높아지지만, 간섭행동으로 지각하는 경우 진로정체감발달에 부정적이며 진로결정효능감 수준이 낮아지고 있다. 또한 진로결정효능감 수준이 높을수록 진로정체감 수준이 높은 것으로 분석되었다. 둘째, Baron과 Kenny(1986)의 매개효과 검증 절차에 따라 부모의 진로관련 행동과 진로정체감 간 관계에서 진로결정효능감의 매개효과를 분석한 결과, 부모의 지지행동이 진로정체감에 유의미한 영향을 미치지만 진로결정효능감을 매개로 하였을 때 부모의 지지행동은 진로정체감에 유의미한 영향이 사라짐으로써 완전매개효과를 나타냈다. 그리고 부모와의 애착 중, 아버지와의 애착이 진로정체감에 유의미한 영향을 미치고 있으며, 진로결정효능감을 매개하였을 때 그 효과가 감소함에 따라 진로결정효능감은 아버지와의 애착과 진로정체감의 관계에서 부분매개효과를 가지고 있는 것으로 분석되었다. 셋째, 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 대학생의 진로정체감 발달을 위해서는 부모와의 애착관계를 형성함으로써 부모의 진로관련행동을 지지적인 행동으로 지각하는 것이 중요하며, 진로정체감에 유의미한 영향력을 나타냄과 동시에 매개효과를 갖고 있는 것으로 분석된 진로결정효능감의 개발이 중요함을 제시하였다.

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