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      • KCI등재

        현행 경비업법과 청원경찰법의 비교분석 연구

        김재광(Kim, Jae-Kwang) 경희법학연구소 2005 경희법학 Vol.39 No.3

        Private security is defined as those self-employed individuals and privately funded business entities which provide security- related services to specific clientele for a fee, or the individual or firms that retains or employs them, or for themselves, in order to protect their persons, private property, or interests from various hazards. Today private security has gained acceptance by the populace. In recent years, we find that private policing began playing a larger role in urban Korea. A testimonial to this fact is that there are more employees in private security firms than the public policing sector. Projected private security growth nationwide. Within the next decade, private security forces should significantly affect public law enforcement. As we have been observing for the last two decades, the emergence of the private security industry has been dramatic, increasing at a much greater pace than public policing. Like any other social endeavor, the private security industries have inherited issues and associated ploblems. The role that contemporary private security plays, as well as the incresing demands placed upon private security companies, often bring about challenges and concerns. Morever law enforcement officials are critical of the personnel offered by private security agencies. They believe such training programs are lacking in their tactical, physical and educational training standards. The Current Provisions of the private security related - law has a variety of problems. It may be said that these problems arose from serious legislative errors. Accordinly, this study aims to comparative analysis of The Private Security Law and The Law of Police assigned for Special Guard for the advancement of private security. After a comparative analysis, I draw the conclusion that it should be combined into the “the Private Security Law”. Accordingly, this study gives an overview (outline) of such combination law draft.

      • Analysis on the Bidding System of the Private SECURITY Business through Improvement in Republic of KOREA

        Jeong Su-hong J-INSTITUTE 2017 Protection Convergence Vol.2 No.1

        The national police service in Korea became incapable to satisfy demand for crime prevention and security as the Korean society has become urbanized. Despite the expansion of role and function of police, the shortage in absolute number of policeman and budget, outdated police equipments, excessive over-working time and work load, as a limiting factors, prevent police service from effective crime prevention. These inability of police service, a parent body of national security, to satisfy the expectation of citizens in qualitative and quantitative aspects, led to the increase in importance of private security industry. Especially, the realization that the public agency is no more a mechanism to protect private possessions and social activities due to problems such as absence of institutional safety device and accordingly, the increase of perception that My Safety by Myself are contributing the creation of demands for private security. Most of private security companies, however, are struggling only for survival and profit instead of attempts to develop professional competence. In addition, the qualitative im-balance in security service due to the over-competition (lowest bid agreement, dumping agreement), absence of overall review for staff-related problems from supervision and coach to recruitment identity guarantee, and ben-efits due to lack of legal support, image depletion for private security companies because of various illegal acts, are all contributing to barrier to development of private safety industry and these factors may explain the quali-tative stationary state despite the quantitative expansion of this field. The purpose of this study was to provide fundamental data to develop directions to address bid-related prob-lems of private security fields such as bidding corruption, acquire fairness, transparency, and equality in order to propose an improvement measures ensuring qualitative efficiency by analyzing the current status of bidding sys-tem of domestic private security industry. The institutions that benefit whole stakeholders including users, companies, and security staffs, based on ad-ministrative transparency and fairness, need to be in place through improvement in bidding system in order to use effective private security service. The monogamous dominance of big private security company, in accord-ance with Security Industry Act may force small-medium companies that inferior in funds and man-power to be in poor performance, therefore, a measure should be sought to ensure both each specialization and whole growth of private security industry. For the qualitative development underpinning the quantitative growth of domestic private security industry, the bidding systems, based on improvement measures to mandate users to apply right-ful bidding system and ensure administrative transparency and equitable opportunity, need to be in place. In other words, the bidding system in private sector may have advantages of simplicity in administration and saving of expense in short-term, however may cause qualitative problems such as over-competition, lowest price bidding, lowest wage in long-term in private security industry, therefore the improvement of bidding system is essential to promise development of domestic private security industry.

      • Changes in Private Security with Changes in the PUBLIC SAFETY Environment

        Park Su-hyeon,Cho Yong-hoon,Jeong Su-hong J-INSTITUTE 2016 Regulations Vol.1 No.2

        Public safety is an important index for the quality of life of the public, and the public are taking an increasing interest in it. South Korea is coming up with various public safety policies in order to increase the level of public safety. The police force of a country is the most powerful institution for maintaining public safety but the police is faced with challenges due to insufficient manpower and budget. Furthermore, demand for private security is increasing, with structural expansion and reorganization taking place in the public safety service market. With increased importance in private security, taking private security into account when establishing public safety policies has become not an option but mandatory. Hence, understanding changes taking place in private security from diverse perspectives and understanding the role that it plays must serve as the basis when deciding on the country’s policies or systems related to private security and putting them into effect. The aging population is expected to aggravate the abnormality in the age distribution of the labor market, especially the private security market, when it sees an increased inflow of older workers. But the private security market structurally has an abnormally more older workers than other industries, so when it sees an increased inflow of old labor, it may firmly cement its image as the market for older working population, and problems with the their work capabilities would cause a shift in how private security is viewed. With increased individualism and increased income made by the public, there would be a continual increase in the demand from the private security industry. With this, the type of demand for private security would change from “place-centric” to “individual-centric.” According to the Profit-Oriented Enterprise Theory, increase in per-sonal income would bring about the public’s increased desire for ensuring their personal safety and protecting their property, and this would continually increase the demand from the private security industry. Moreover, as individualism takes greater hold in society, the concept of private security is changing from “place security” (con-cerned with buildings, offices, etc.) to “personal security.” The dual aspect of advancements in science and technology — advancements in telecommunications and IT technology versus increase in various threats — is expected to diversify the ways in which supply/demand works and change how transactions take place in the private security industry. This dual aspect is expected to bring advancements in private security, and advancements in science and technology would bring diversity to public safety services. The diversity in public safety services would also bring about a change to how transactions take place between the provider and the consumer, with advancements in IT technology. Changes in the laws and regulations would have both a favorable effect and an adverse effect. On the upside, it would increase the size of working age population and reduce the number of older people in poverty. On the downside, it would decrease level of professionalism and the public would have a stereotypical view of the private security sector in terms of the kind of people working there, especially when it comes to their age. The Security Industry Act made it easier for workers to enter the private security sector, and attempted to increase the number of private security firms and beef up the security staff with subsidies given to senior citizens applying for the job. However, with a low level of professionalism in private security and with the program to necessitate paying more than the minimum wage, there is a concern for quality.

      • KCI등재

        민간경비산업의 성장과 한계 그리고 세 가지 질문

        박수현 인문사회 21 2022 인문사회 21 Vol.13 No.6

        Growth and Limitations of the Private Security Industryand Three QuestionsSuhyeon Park Abstract: The purpose of this study is to provide basic data for the development of the private security industry by examining the growth and limitations of the private security industry and drawing implications through three questions. To achieve the purpose of this study, the evidence and results of the researcher's assertion were derived through literature analysis to review and analyze academic journals, academic journals, books, National Police Agency information disclosure data, and statistical data related to private security. Since 1976, when the Security Industry Act was enacted, private security has continuously increased due to economic development and increased safety awareness. In order to overcome the limitations of the private security industry, active efforts are needed to introduce tasks such as private investigations and traffic guidance security among business expansion plans on the premise of considering the necessity of private security. Key Words: Private Security, Private Security Industry, Private Investigation, Traffic Inducement Security 민간경비산업의 성장과 한계 그리고 세 가지 질문박 수 현* 연구 목적: 이 연구의 목적은 민간경비산업의 성장과 한계를 살펴보고 세 가지 질문을 통해 시사점을 도출함으로써 민간경비산업의 발전을 위한 기초자료를 제공하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 연구 방법: 이 연구의 목적달성을 위해 민간경비와 관련된 학회지, 학술지, 단행본, 경찰청 정보공개자료, 통계자료 등을 검토하고 분석하는 문헌 분석을 통해 연구자 주장의 근거와 결과를 분석하였다. 연구 내용: 경비업법이 제정된 1976년 이후 민간경비는 경제발전과 안전인식의 증가로 지속적으로 증가해지만 시설경비의 최저임금 적용과 업무별 사회환경의 변화로 인해 성장의 한계에 와있다. 결론 및 제언: 민간경비산업의 한계를 극복하기 위해서는 민간경비의 필요성에 대한 고찰을 전제로 업무확대 방안 중 민간조사와 교통유도경비 등의 업무를 도입하기 위한 적극적인 노력이 필요하다. 핵심어: 민간경비, 민간경비산업, 시설경비, 민간조사, 교통유도경비 □ 접수일: 2022년 12월 2일, 수정일: 2022년 12월 12일, 게재확정일: 2022년 12월 20일* 경운대학교 항공보안경호학부 조교수(Professor, KyungWoon Univ., Email: psh@ikw.ac.kr)

      • KCI등재

        A Comparative Study of Private Security Systems of South Korea and the UK

        김현호(Kim Hyun ho),김형석(Kim Hyeong seok) 한국외국어대학교 영미연구소 2016 영미연구 Vol.38 No.-

        최근 들어 범죄에 대한 두려움 증가로 국민들의 치안수요가 증가하였지만 이를 대체할 국가 치안력은 인력, 장비 등의 문제로 인하여 국민들의 수요를 충족시켜주지 못하고 있다. 이에 늘어나는 치안수요를 해결할 수 있는 방안으로 민간경비가 그 대안이 되고 있지만 낮은 수준의 민간경비원 자격요건, 교육, 정책 등과 같은 문제점으로 인해 이 또한 국민들의 기대를 충족시키기에는 어려움이 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 민간경비가 가장 발달된 국가 중 하나인 영국의 민간경비제도와, 한국의 제도를 비교하고 그 결과를 바탕으로 한국 민간경비 제도를 발전시킬 수 있는 방안을 제시하는데 주목적이 있다. 연구방법으로는 현재까지 연구되었던 선행연구들과, 인터넷 검색자료, 공식통계 자료를 참고하는 문헌고찰을 주로 사용하였고, 부족한 자료를 보완하기 위해서 양 국가 전문가들을 대상으로 몇 차례의 이메일 인터뷰를 수행했다. 그 결과 영국의 민간경비 제도는 의무적 자격증제도, 자발적 인증계약제도 지역사회 안전인가제도를 바탕으로 양적 성장에 맞추어 질적 성장도 같이 하고 있었다. 한국도 이러한 제도를 모델로 삼아 한국의 민간경비 산업의 발전을 도모하기를 제안한다. In recent years, private security has emerged as an alternative to fulfilling the public’s needs for security. It is why the private security industry has grown tremendously in the last few decades. However, the private security industry in many countries has been confronted with changing regulations, a low level of security personnel qualifications and training, and an absence of an entity supervising private security firms. As such, crime prevention strategies and services provided by private security companies in some countries, including South Korea, have been inefficient and ineffective. This paper proceeds a comparative examination of the private security systems in South Korea and the UK, making suggestions for the private security system in South Korea. It is based on the existing studies on the subject: relevant records and statistical data published by related entities were mainly used, which is supplemented by conducting email exchanges and interviews with South Korean and UK private security experts. This comparative study proposes that in order to improve the private security industry in South Korea, such systems should be adopted as the UK’s compulsory licensing, the approved contractor scheme, and the Ccmmunity safety accreditation scheme.

      • KCI등재

        독일의 민간경비법제에 관한 연구

        김재광(Kim Jae Kwang) 한국토지공법학회 2006 土地公法硏究 Vol.31 No.-

          In Deutschland, private security is defined as those self-employed individuals and privately funded business entities which provide security- related services to specific clientele for a fee, or the individual or firms that retains or employs them, or for themselves, in order to protect their persons, private property, or interests from various hazards.   In Deutschland, today private security has gained acceptance by the populace. A testimonial to this fact is that there are more employees in private security firms than the public policing sector. In fact a commonly used term, privatization of criminal justice, represents the movement toward privating more government services.   Projected private security growth nationwide. Within the next decade, private security forces should significantly affect public law enforcement. As we have been observing for the last two decades, the emergence of the private security industry has been dramatic, increasing at a much greater pace than public policing.   In Deutschland, like any other social endeavor, the private security industries have inherited issues and associated ploblems. The role that contemporary private security plays, as well as the incresing demands placed upon private security companies, often bring about challenges and concerns.   Morever law enforcement officials are critical of the personnel offered by private security agencies. They believe such training programs are lacking in their tactical, physical and educational training standards.   Policing functions are complex. Some are collective or public, and some of them are private in nature. Thus in order to maximize service potentiality, both public and private functions can be shared for the good for all citizens.   Accordinly, this study aims to present policy measures for solving such problems by the analysis of the Deutschland"s laws. A legislative bill there should be prepared through careful and deep review and research to contain our native culture of private security.

      • KCI등재

        민간경비의 현 위치, 그리고 전망

        유병후(Yu Byung Hu) 한국민간경비학회 2018 한국민간경비학회보 Vol.17 No.1

        사회가 고도화, 복잡화, 문화, 다변화되어 가고 있는 재 사회에 서는 경찰이 수행하는 공경비로는 치안상황을 모두 처리하기에는 더욱 더 어려워져가고 있다. 그럼에도 우리나라의 경우 경찰의 양·질인 발방안만을 주로 모색할 뿐 새로운 처방안으로서의 민간경비에 한 인식은 주요 선진 외국에 비해서는 낮은 수이다. 이에 이 연구에서는 우리나라의 민간경비의 치와 주요 국가의 민간경비의 황을 살펴보고, 민간경비의 앞으로의 망을 살펴보았다. 우리나라의 민간경비는 에스원, KT telecop, ADT caps, 에스텍시스 템 등 기업이 주도하고 있으며, 민간경비원의 인력은 경찰 비 1.1 배 수으로 미국의 3배, 국의 2배보다 비율이 많이 낮은 수이다. 민간경비의 앞으로의 망을 살펴보면 첫째, 민간경비의 경우 재난 리분야, 집단민원장, 행사장, 학교폭력 범죄방 등의 민간경비 는 꾸히 늘어날 것으로 상되며, 2018년 평창동계올림픽을 계기로 하여 다시 비약인 발이 될 것으로 보인다. 둘째, 사이버범죄 책 경비, 테러 응 경비, 산업보안 경비 등의 새로운 범죄 유형에 한 방에도 민간경비의 역은 더욱더 확될 것으로 상된다. 셋째, 민간조사제도가 도입되면 민간경비원의 고용확는 물론 민간경비 시 장의 확에도 크게 기여할 것으로 보인다. 넷째, 민간경비역에서도 무인기 도입이 확될 것으로 보이며, 인구고령화에 따른 아트 경비 등의 민간경비에는 노동시장의 고령화도 여히 이어질 것으로 상된다. In today s society where society is becoming more sophisticated, complex, specialized, and diversified, the prestige of the police is getting more and more difficult to deal with all the policing situations. Nevertheless, in Korea, only the quantitative and qualitative development of the police is searched mainly, but the perception of private security as new countermeasures is lower than that of major developed countries. This study examines the current status of private security in Korea and the current state of private security in major countries and examines the future prospects of private security. The private security of Korea is led by big companies such as S1, KT telecop, ADT caps, and Estek system. The number of civil security guards is 1.1 times higher than police, which is three times lower than the US and twice lower than the UK. As for the future of civilian security, it is expected that civilian expenses such as disaster management field, collective civilization site, event site, school violence and crime prevention will be steadily increased in the case of private security. In the case of 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympic Games, It seems to be a breakthrough again. Second, the area of private security is expected to be further expanded to prevent new crime types such as cyber crime countermeasures, terrorism countermeasures, and industrial security expense. Third, the introduction of the private investigation system will contribute to the expansion of the private security market as well as the employment of private security guards. Fourth, the introduction of UAV will be expanded in the private security area, and the aging of the labor market is expected to continue in the civilian expenses such as apartment expenses due to population aging.

      • KCI등재

        네트워크 분석을 이용한 민간경비 연구

        김건희 한국치안행정학회 2023 한국치안행정논집 Vol.20 No.3

        현대사회의 범죄는 다양화, 흉폭화, 지능화, 광역화, 저연령화 되어가고 있다. 때문에, 공경비와 민간경비는 서로 상호보완적 관계로서 함께 발전해야 하며, 이를 위해 민간경비에 대한 국민의 긍정적인식과 지지는 매우 필요한 시점이다. 민간경비에 대한 일반 국민의 인식을 파악하기 위해 민간경비 관련 빅데이터를 수집하고 분석하여 연관어를 파악해 키워드 간 관계를 살펴봄으로써 민간경비 발전을 위한 기초자료를 제공하고자 하였다. ‘민간경비’를 키워드로 텍스톰을 통해 2013년 8월 1일부터 2023년 7월 31일까지 7.556건 (3.72MB)의 자료를 수집한 후, 네트워크 분석, 중심성 분석, CONCOR 분석을 실시하였다. 연구결과, 네트워크 분석에서는 가장 큰 노드를 갖는 단어로 ‘경비지도사’가 나타났으며, ‘민간경비 론’, ‘경비원’, ‘자격증’, ‘경찰’ 등이 나타났다. 중심성 분석 중 연결중심성 분석에선 ‘경비지도사’를 시작으로 ‘자격증’, ‘민간경비론’, ‘경비원’, ‘경비업법’ 등 경비지도사가 되기 위한 시험과정과 과목, 자격에 관한 관심이 나타났고, 근접중심성 분석에서는 ‘견학’, ‘월북’, ‘어린이집’, ‘필요경비’, ‘중국’ 등 연결중심성 분석과 매우 다른 결과가 나타났다. 매개중심성 분석에서는 ‘질문’, ‘기업’, ‘필요’, ‘경찰’, ‘준비’ 등 민간경비에 대한 궁금증과 관심이 많고 필요한 것으로 인식되고 있으며, 경찰의 매개역할도중요하다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 마지막으로 CONCOR 분석에서는 경비지도사 자격증과 산업환경, 업종 등에 관한 관심으로 군집된 그룹, 교육기관 및 교육 환경 등으로 군집된 그룹, 최근 ‘주한 미군병사의 월북 사건’ 관련 그룹, 연관성이 다소 부족한 단어가 군집한 것으로 나타났다. 일반 국민의 인식에서 실질적인 민간경비 업무에 대한 이해나 관심이 부족한 결과로, 이를 명확히 인지할 수 있도록 정책을 마련해야 한다. 이후, 현행 되는 업무 외에 필요한 업무를 파악해 법률과 제도를 개선한다면 국민에 수요에 맞는 발전이 기대된다. 또한, 교육과 교육기관에 많은 관심을 나타내고 있는 것을 통해 교육기관에서 민간경비 관련 직무를 홍보하고 적극적으로 소개한다면 민간경비업무에 대한 일반 국민의 인지도를 높이고 긍정적 인식을 함양하는 데 도움이 될 것이다. 다만, 추후 연구에서는 데이터를 구체적으로 세분화해 수집하고 특정 포털사이트뿐만 아니라 다양한 데이터를 수집하여 구체적이고 면밀한 연구를 진행해 객관적이고 실질적인 방안이 도출될 수있도록 연구를 이어나갈 필요가 있다. Crime in modern society is becoming more diverse, violent, intelligent, wide-area, and younger. For this reason, public security and private security should develop together as a mutually complementary relationship, and for this, the public's positive perception and support for private security is very necessary. In order to understand the general public's perception of private security, big data related to private security were collected and analyzed, and related words were identified to examine the relationship between keywords to provide basic data for the development of private security. After collecting 7.556 cases (3.72MB) of data from August 1, 2013 to July 31, 2023 through Textome with the keyword 'private security', network analysis, centrality analysis, and CONCOR analysis were conducted. As a result of the study, "security instructor" appeared as the word with the largest node in network analysis, and "private security theory," "security guard," "license," and "police" appeared. Among the centrality analysis, in the degree centrality analysis, there was a high degree of interest in the test process, subjects, and qualifications to become a security instructor, such as 'security instructor', 'certificate', 'private security theory', 'security guard', and 'security business law'. Closeness centrality analysis showed very different results from connection centrality analysis such as ‘field trip’, ‘went to North Korea’, ‘daycare center’, ‘necessary expenses’, and ‘China’. In the betweenness centrality analysis, it was found that there was a lot of curiosity and interest in private security, such as 'question', 'company', 'necessity', 'police', and 'preparation', and the police's betweenness role was also important. Finally, in the CONCOR analysis, groups clustered with interest in security instructor license, industrial environment, and type of business, Groups clustered into educational institutions and educational environments, Group on the recent "North Korea Incident of U.S. Soldiers in Korea", It was found that words that lacked some relevance were clustered. As a result of lack of understanding or interest in practical private security work in the general public's perception, policies must be prepared to clearly recognize this. After that, if the laws and systems are improved by identifying necessary tasks in addition to the current tasks, development that meets the needs of the people is expected. In addition, promoting and introducing private security-related tasks through great interest in education and educational institutions will help raise public awareness of private security tasks and foster positive awareness. However, in future research, it is necessary to collect more specific data, collect various data as well as specific portal sites, and carry out specific and detailed research so that objective and practical measures can be derived.

      • KCI등재

        코로나19 팬데믹 이후 방역적 사회안전망을 위한 민간경비의 역할 - 합의된 통제와 안전사회 재편 -

        김상진 사단법인 한국안전문화학회 2023 안전문화연구 Vol.- No.20

        This study examines the gap (control of infected people and citizens, maintenance of order in hospital facilities, management of quarantine facilities, vaccine supply and demand, etc.) caused by a lack of quarantine response personnel in the process of responding to the COVID-19 pandemic in our society through private security in the event of a recurrence of the pandemic. It was conducted to present it as a good for building a quarantine social safety net. To this end, the purpose of this study is to estimate the role that private security can play as a good for health security and how it will affect the agreed-upon control and safety society reorganization structure. After the presentation, the results were drawn through two interviews. A total of 10 people were selected for the study, including 6 practitioners and 4 researchers. The first interview was held from May 1 to 30, 2021, and the second interview was held from October 1 to November 5, 2021. Investigation results, research project 1. Regarding the 'role of private security for the establishment of an anti-epidemic social safety net', cooperation with public security (12) is 'support for the quarantine authorities to maintain order,' and the expansion of service services (12) is 'maintenance of order in the clinic, vehicle control, and guidance. For the role of 'work, simple administrative assistance work', and the role of assisting quarantine activities (4), the 'role of temporarily supplementing and supporting the work (maintenance of order in inspection clinics, vehicle control and guidance work, etc.) of insufficient medical personnel' was the most showed a high response. Research project 2. Regarding the 'precedence of private expenses for agreed control', cooperation with the quarantine authorities (4) refers to 'whether it is about establishing and supporting a business cooperation system between the quarantine authorities and private security', promoting local governments and strengthening cooperation ( 8) is 'continuous publicity development so that citizens can recognize and sympathize with the role of private security guards in their duties, such as control and guidance', and securing credibility and public confidence (6) is 'to inspire citizens' mature awareness of participation, public institutions, the media, Cooperation activities with civic groups, etc.' was the highest response by factor. Research project 3. As for 'alternatives to the priority of private security for agreed control', securing service quality and professionalism (5) means 'reinforcing education so that private security officers can clearly know their authority and duties', and improving image (8).), 'Strengthening public relations activities to change public perception', and 'Securing the budget of public institutions for the use of private expenses' for privatization and preparation of legal basis (16) showed the highest response by factor. Research project 4. Regarding 'Prospects for Security Reorganization Structure', the confidence in private security and the opportunity to take another leap (9) are 'the effect of increasing the use of private expenses due to cooperation in disaster situations', improving the government's awareness of the private defense system and increasing immunity (7) is 'the effect of incorporating private security as a safety resource into the total force mobilization system in the case of a national disaster', and the effect of increasing the quarantine social safety net (7) is 'preventing the overuse of some quarantine authorities due to the use of alternative resources for private quarantine agents. ' was the highest response for each factor.

      • KCI등재

        일본 민간경비 산업의 특징 및 정책적 시사점

        박동균(Park, Dong Kyun),박기범(Park, Ki Beom) 한국민간경비학회 2012 한국민간경비학회보 Vol.11 No.2

        날로 흉악해지고 급증하는 각종 범죄들에 대하여 강력하고 적실성 있는 국가의 대응이 필요하다. 그러기 위해서는 이를 담당하는 경찰력의 보충이 절실히 요구된다. 하지만 경찰력의 증강은 다른 정부조직과의 형평성과 국가예산의 조정 등의 재정문제로 단기간에 손쉽게 해결할 수 있는 문제가 아니다. 이런 까닭에 미국이나 영국, 독일, 일본 등 주요 선진국들은 급증하는 범죄문제에 다양한 정책들을 개발하여 사용하고 있다. 이런 관점에서, 이 연구는 우리나라와 가장 가까우면서도 민간경비 산업의 선진국인 일본의 민간경비 산업 현황 및 특징을 살펴보고, 아울러 일본 경찰과 민간경비원들의 긴밀한 상호협력 시스템 분석을 통하여 우리나라의 건전한 민간경비 산업을 육성하는 방향을 모색하였다. 이 연구에서 분석한 일본 민간경비 산업의 특징과 경찰과의 상호협력 사례의 시사점을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 일본 경비업법은 경비원들의 자질향상을 위한 경비원 검정제도를 실시하고 있으며, 이와 같은 검정제도를 통해 경비원의 경비업무에 대한 지식과 능력을 시험하고 있고, 경비업 종사자에 대하여 정규 직업교육을 통하여 일정한 요건의 시험을 치른 뒤 자격증을 부여하는 것으로 제도화 되어 있다. 이와 같이 일본의 경비원 검정제도를 벤치마킹할 때, 우리나라의 경우 현재 전국적으로 경호경비관련 학과가 개설된 대학을 활용하여 대학 교육과정을 인정하고, 그것을 이수한 졸업생들에 대한 자격 심사 제도를 활용한 자격부여를 고려하여야 한다. 또한, 일본에서 실시하고 있는 교통유도경비제도를 적극적으로 도입할 필요가 있다. 이는 일자리 창출과 함께 경비시장의 새로운 영역확장의 출구로 작용함으로써 경제 활성화에도 기여할 것이다. 특히 기업핵심기술 유출방지 및 정보 보안 등 전문영역에 대한 민간경비의 역할이 확대되고 있는 상황에서 이를 실질적으로 수행할 전문인력 확보가 시급하며, 이러한 전문인력에 대한 검증체계를 마련하기 위해서라도 전문자격제도를 시행하여야 한다. 둘째, 일본은 경찰과 민간경비 상호간에 발생하는 여러 문제를 양자가 서로 협조하며 다양한 방법을 통해 해결해 왔다. 또한, 지방자치단체 차원에서 경찰과 민간경비의 협력적 활동이나 치안서비스 공동생산에 관심을 갖고 지원하고 있다. 일본 민간경비 산업의 특징을 종합적으로 볼 때, 각종 재난 등 국가적인 위기상황을 능동적으로 극복하고, 대형국제행사를 치루어 내는 과정에서 민간경비를 발전시켰으며, 경찰과 민간경비가 상호 긍정적 인식을 바탕으로 실질적으로 협력하는 것을 알 수 있다. Private security means “individual, group or company, which provides client with security and safety service depending on the compensation received from client in order to protect individual’s life and property from various risks” The scope and subject of private security industry are different by country, depending on the development degree of private security. In case of the country, whose private security industry is developed, its scope is wide. In Japan, private security industry performs the role of police from protection of individual and company’s facility and asset to loss prevention, computer security, private investigation and background check in various fields such as crime prevention, investigation and security and the number of person, who is engaged in security work, is more than that of police. The private security industry of Korea is growing rapidly because of various factors. Especially, increase of security subject due to economic development, uncomfortable mind due to crime increase and increase of general people’s desire for safety can be factors. Therefore, the service type of private security is very diversified from individual safety control to facility safety control, security device manufacture, security consulting and event. Like that, the private security industry is a prominent safety industry of the 21st century to overcome limit of public police force and embody small, effective government ideology. Recently, the private security is naturally enlarged from crime prevention to disaster prevention and fire prevention naturally to provide synthetic safety service for performing top 3 functions such as crime prevention, disaster prevention and fire prevention. Generally, the works of police, fire fighter and insurance are concentrated on ‘post-accident affair’ but private security industry is concentrated on ‘accident prevention’. In addition, although recall is available in general manufacture industry when there is a problem in product, service failure is led to accident in private security industry so existence of recall is meaningless. The purpose of this study is to review the actual conditions of private security industry in Japan and to establish closer mutual cooperation system between the police and private security companies with the case of Japan. First of all, this study suggests the traffic flagger system as an available private security system that can be done in police-private cooperation. This job has had an effect on smooth traffic flow, decrease in risk of traffic accident. Also, it has reduced police’s heavy workload and doing accident prevention job in urban blocks out of police’s rea In this study, private security organizations and police should share crime information. To do this, they need to conduct joint and connected patrol for crime prevention and hold regular meetings among the agencies concerned. It is important that security guards have an understanding that they are the main body of crime prevention, as well as they take pride in themselves in that the business of private security has the public good. Private security industry CEO in Korea has not concerned with the importance of training and education by lack of recognition and has been passive about qualified guards. And the authorities supervising and the administrating the guards has not recognized the importance of private security and has neglected the training of the guards. In theses contexts, private security should develop and maintain a educational program of emergency management to meet their responsibilities to provide the protection and safety of the clients. Today’s modern corporate security director, is, first of all, a competent, well-rounded business executive and, second, a ‘service expert’. And, emergency management personnel in private security industry need continuous education and training.

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