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      • KCI등재

        관계 평등주의를 통한 평등 원칙의 재구성

        김주현 전북대학교 부설법학연구소 2023 法學硏究 Vol.71 No.-

        In the recent debate on egalitarianism, there has been a growing focus on relational concepts, expanding the approach to equality beyond mere distribution. These theories emphasize a relational perspective and introduce new concepts. Consequently, equality is now understood not only as the distributive equality of material goods but also as equal social relations or the quality of social relations. Equal treatment is evaluated by shifting the focus on the way in which institutions distribute goods, rather than on the shares distributed by the institutions. In particular, the equality principle of relational egalitarianism aims to achieve equal social relations, surpassing the limitations of traditional liberal equality principles. It seeks to extend the application of the equality principle from social institutions to individual actions. While there are ongoing debates within the field of relational egalitarianism, particularly regarding whether the content of the equality principle pertains to achieving relational equality or removing unjust social relations, discussions have emerged on how to concretize the distribution principle of relational egalitarianism. Recently, Schemmel proposed a theory known as liberal relational egalitarianism, which offers a specific formulation of the principle of relational equality by encompassing comprehensive power equality and non-domination. However, Schemmel's theory still exhibits limitations inherent to liberalism and lacks distinctive features compared to traditional egalitarian principles. To reconstruct the existing principle of equality, it is necessary to establish the principle of relational equality as an egalitarian principle rather than a negative principle centered on the removal of unjust social relations. This can be achieved through the establishment of a positive principle of relational equality. Moreover, to realize relational equality, it is crucial to present distribution principles that differentiate from traditional distributive equality principles and establish an equality principle that aims for equality itself rather than equality as a premise of liberalism. By doing so, the principle of equality in relational egalitarianism can be effectively and appropriately applied to address contemporary issues of inequality. 최근 분배냐 관계냐를 둘러싼 평등주의 논의에서 관계적 개념을 목표로 하는 이론들이 늘어나고 있다. 이러한 이론들은 평등에 대한 접근을 분배에 한정하지 않고, 관계라는 관점과 개념으로 새롭게 확장한다. 이에 따라 평등은 물질적 재화의 분배적 평등을 넘어 평등한 사회적 관계나 사회적 관계의 질로 이해되기 시작하였고, 평등한 대우는 제도가 분배한 몫이 아니라 제도가 재화를 분배하는 방식에 초점을 두고 판단되었다. 특히 관계 평등주의의 평등 원칙은 기존의 자유주의의 평등 원칙의 한계를 극복함으로써 평등한 분배보다 사회적 관계의 평등 실현을 목표로 하며, 평등 원칙의 적용 범위를 제도에서 개인 행동으로 확장하려는 관점을 가지고 있다. 물론 관계 평등주의 진영 내에서는 여전히 관계 평등 원칙을 둘러싸고 논쟁이 이루어지고 있다. 관계 평등 원칙의 내용이 관계 평등 실현을 의미하는 것인지, 아니면 부당한 사회적 관계의 제거를 의미하는 것인지에 대한 대립이 존재하며, 관계 평등주의의 분배 원칙을 어떻게 구체화할지에 대한 논의가 진행되고 있다. 최근에는 슈멜이 관계 평등 원칙을 구체적으로 제시하여 자유주의적 관계 평등주의라는 이론을 제시하였다. 이 이론은 평등 원칙을 포괄적인 권력 평등과 비지배로 구체화한다. 그러나 슈멜의 이론은 여전히 자유주의의 한계를 가지고 있을 뿐 아니라 기존의 평등주의 원칙과 차별점이 없다는 한계가 있다. 기존의 평등 원칙을 재구성하기 위해서는 자유주의가 아닌 평등주의적 평등 원칙으로서 관계 평등 원칙을 수립해야 한다. 이는 부당한 사회적 관계의 제거를 통한 소극적인 평등 원칙이 아니라, 적극적인 관계 평등 원칙을 확립함으로써 가능할 것이다. 또한 관계 평등을 실현하기 위한 분배 원칙을 기존의 분배 원칙과 차별화하여 제시하고, 자유주의의 전제로서의 평등이 아닌 평등 그 자체를 목표로 하는 평등 원칙을 확립한다면, 관계 평등 원칙은 현대의 불평등 문제에 적절하고 효과적인 대응을 할 수 있는 원칙으로 자리매김할 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        임금에서 균등대우원칙 - 대법원 2019. 3. 14. 선고 2015두46321 판결 -

        도재형(都在亨) 서울대학교 노동법연구회 2019 노동법연구 Vol.0 No.47

        이 글은 대법원 2019. 3. 14. 선고 2015두46321 판결의 사건 경위와 주요판결 내용을 소개한다. 이후 고용 형태에 따른 임금 차별 문제가 다퉈질 때 그 청구권의 기초로 자주 거론되는 근로기준법의 균등대우원칙과 헌법상 평등원칙을 검토하고, 임금 차별 금지 법리와 관련하여 위 판결의 의의를 살핀다. 임금은 근로조건의 차별적 처우가 문제되는 대표적 영역이다. 임금 차별과 관련해서 과거에는 남녀 사이의 임금 격차가 주로 문제되었다면, 최근에는 그와 함께 고용 형태에 따른 임금 격차 문제가 심각하게 논의되고 있다. 고용 형태에 따른 임금 차별 사건에서는 근로기준법 제6조의 균등대우원칙과 헌법 제11조 제1항의 평등원칙이 중요한 규범으로 작용한다. 근로기준법 제6조와 헌법 제11조 제1항은 사회적 신분에 따른 차별적 처우를 금지하고 있는바, 관련 소송에서는 고용 형태가 헌법과 근로기준법에 따른 ‘사회적 신분’에 포함되는지, 그리고 고용 형태에 따른 임금 격차를 정당화할 수 있는 ‘합리적 이유’가 무엇인지 등이 다퉈졌다. 평석 대상 판결은 “동일한 사업 내의 동일 가치 노동에 대하여는 동일한 임금을 지급하여야 한다”라고 선언하고 “근로기준법 제6조에서 정하고 있는 균등대우원칙이나 남녀고용평등법 제8조에서 정하고 있는 동일가치노동 동일임금 원칙 등은 어느 것이나 헌법 제11조 제1항의 평등원칙을 근로관계에서 실질적으로 실현하기 위한 것이다.”라고 판시하였다. 그리고 “사회적 신분이나 성별에 따른 임금 차별을 하여서는 아니 됨은 물론 그밖에 근로계약상의 근로 내용과는 무관한 다른 사정을 이유로 근로자에 대하여 불합리한 대우를 하여서는 아니 된다.”라고 판시하였다. 평석 대상 판결의 의의는 다음과 같이 설명할 수 있다. 첫째, 위 판결에서 대법원은 동일가치노동 동일임금 원칙이 균등대우원칙의 한 부분으로 받아들여야 한다는 점을 강조하였다. 둘째, 대법원은 근로 내용과의 관련성을 차별의 합리적 이유의 판단 기준으로 제시하였다. 또한 위 판결은 헌법상 평등원칙을 근로기준법상 균등대우원칙의 정당화 근거로 설명하고 있다. 즉, 헌법상 평등원칙은 법률상 균등대우원칙의 해석 기준으로 작용한다. 그런데 헌법상 평등원칙은 이러한 효력 외에도, 고용 형태에 따른 임금 차별 사건에서 민법상 일반규정을 통해 간접적인 규범으로써 효력을 발휘한다. 한편, 고용 형태가 ‘사회적 신분’에 해당하는지는 평석 대상 판결에서 직접적인 쟁점은 아니었다. 사견으로는 위 판결에서 제시된 법리와 사회적 신분이 문제되는 상황을 연결하여 이해한다면, 고용 형태가 차별 금지 사유인 사회적 신분에 포함된다고 해석할 수 있다고 생각한다. 이 점에서 위 판결은 임금 차별금지 법리에 새로운 시사점을 제공하고 있다고 말할 수 있다. This study analyzed the Supreme Court Decision 2015Du46321 Decided March 14, 2019 after reviewing the equal treatment principle of the Labor Standards Act and the constitutional equality principles in relation to the wage discrimination by employment type. Of the subjects where discrimination in working conditions is an issue, wages are the most important area of concern. Gender wage discrimination was often dealt with in litigation. In recent years, not only gender wage discrimination issues but also wage discrimination by employment type have been seriously discussed. The equal treatment principle of Article 6 of the Labor Standards Act and the equality principle of Article 11, Paragraph 1 of the Constitution as important norms in wage discrimination cases. These provisions prohibit discrimination based on social status. In litigation, whether the type of employment was included in the “social status” based on the Constitution and the Labor Standards Act, and what is “reasonable reason” justifying the wage gap were discussed. The Decision declared that “the same wage shall be paid for work of equal value in the same business”, and said that “equal treatment principle stipulated in Article 6 of the Labor Standards Act and the principle of equal pay for work of equal value stipulated in Article 8 of the Equal Employment Equality Act are intended to substantially realize the principle of equality in Article 11 of the Constitution.” The Decision stated that the principle of equal pay for work of equal value can be accepted as a part of the equal treatment principle, and that the relevance to substance of work is the basis for reasonable reasons for wage discrimination. The Decision stated that the constitutional principle of equality as a justification for the equal treatment principle. In other words, the constitutional right of equality is interpretation standard of the equal treatment principles in acts. The principle of constitutional equality has indirect normative effect through the general provisions of the civil law in wage discrimination case, in addition to these effects. On the other hand, the Decision did not directly determine whether the employment type falls under “social status”. However, in my opinion, it can be included in social status as a ground for discrimination and the Decision may lead to the development of case law in wage discrimination by employment type. In this respect, it can be said that the Decision provides new suggestions for the principle of prohibiting wage discrimination.

      • KCI등재

        평등원칙 심사기준에 관한 헌법적 고찰 - 헌법재판소 결정을 분석하며 -

        이부하 ( Boo-ha Lee ) 한국법정책학회 2018 법과 정책연구 Vol.18 No.2

        일반적 평등원칙의 1단계 검토에서는 먼저 비교대상의 설정이 필요하다. 비교가 가능하기 위해서는 일정한 ‘비교점’이 필요하다. 다음으로 비교대상들은 본질적 동일성을 지녀야 한다. 본질적 동일성을 지니는지 여부를 판단하기 위해서는 사람(人)들이나 인적 집단들 또는 상황들간 비교가능해야 한다. 비교집단이 본질적으로 동일한가 여부는 당해 법규정의 ‘의미’와 ‘목적’에 의거하여 판단되어진다. 또한 비교대상 상호간 본질적 동일성이 존재하고, 특정한 공통의 징표를 가지며, 공통의 ‘상위개념’하에 포섭될 수 있어야 한다. 공통의 ‘상위개념’에 의해 ‘동등’하다고 평가되거나 ‘차별’이라고 평가되어진다. 법률상 관련된 사실관계들은 법적 평가를 위해 본질적으로 동일성을 가지며, 상위개념에 포섭되어야 한다. 마지막으로 ‘차별표지’에 근거하여 차별취급을 확인하는 작업이 필요하다. 일반적 평등원칙의 2단계 검토에서는 차별취급의 경우 이를 다르게 취급하는데 정당한 사유가 있는지를 심사하게 된다. 즉, 법률에서 차별취급을 하는데 대한 헌법적 정당화 사유를 필요로 한다. 우리나라 헌법재판소는 평등위반 여부를 심사함에 있어, 헌법에서 특별히 평등을 요구하고 있는 경우(즉, 헌법이 스스로 차별의 근거로 삼아서는 안되는 기준을 제시하거나 차별을 특별히 금지하고 있는 영역을 제시하고 있는 경우)와 차별적 취급으로 인하여 관련 기본권에 중대한 제한을 초래하게 되는 경우에는 ‘엄격한 심사기준’(비례성원칙)을 적용하여야 하고, 그렇지 않은 경우에는 ‘완화된 심사기준’(자의금지원칙)을 적용하여야 할 것이라고 판시하였다. 그러나 이러한 심사기준은 자의적인 판단을 할 가능성을 높인다. 평등권 심사에 자유권 심사의 비례성 원칙이 적용되는지 여부에 대해 견해가 나뉜다. 평등권은 자유권처럼 보호영역을 지니거나 제한(침입) 구조를 띠지 않기 때문에, 제한(침입) 구조의 헌법 제37조 제2항의 ‘모든 자유와 권리’에 평등권이 포함된다고 보기 어렵다. 평등권 심사에서 사용하는 비례성 원칙은 제한(침입) 구조를 가진 자유권 심사의 비례성 원칙과 동일하지 않으며, 비교대상간의 비교를 통한 형량 위주의 ‘수정된’ 비례성 원칙이라 할 수 있다. Article 11 (1) of the Constitution of the Republic of Korea stipulates that “All citizens shall be equal before the law, and there shall be no discrimination in political, economic, social or cultural life on account of sex, religion or social status.” It is a prerequisite to confirm the prohibition of discrimination of state act in the examination of equality rights. In order to confirm the prohibition of discrimination, it is judged whether such discrimination can be constitutionally justified. According to the prohibition of arbitrariness, general equality principle prohibits the equal treatment of substantially the inequality arbitrarily and the unequal treatment of substantially the equality arbitrarily. The general equality principle depends on the criteria of the examination which can not be derived from the provision itself. The Korean Constitutional Court interpreted the general equality principle in such a way that only arbitrary discrimination was unconstitutional. Beyond the prohibition of arbitrariness, the German Federal Constitutional Court formulated in 1980 for the first time that general equality principle was “infringed above all when a group of norm-addressees is treated differently from other norm-addressees, although there is no difference between such groups and they could justify the unequal treatment.” In fact, the principle of equality does not claim benefits that granted illegally in other cases for reasons of equal treatment. Equality is not achieved in an ‘illegal’ state but in a ‘lawful’ state. The illegal burden imposed by law violates the principle of equality. The statutory-imposed burden on all norm addresses can ultimately lead to equality ‘in the law’. This does not necessarily mean that proportionality test has no place in the equality principle and that the ‘new formula’ is useless. On the one hand, the application of the ‘new formula’ should not be applied in such a way that the equality test is fully absorbed in the proportionality test. On the contrary, proportionality test has to be incorporated into the application of the equality principle. Proportionality criteria play a role in assessing the reasons that justify the discrimination. On the other hand, the application of the proportionality test to the principle of equality can not be applied to the proportionality test as such, but be accepted as a modified proportional test.

      • KCI등재

        종류주식활용에 따른 주주평등원칙의 재조명

        박한성 ( Park Han-sung ) 단국대학교 법학연구소 2017 법학논총 Vol.41 No.3

        ‘Principle of shareholder equality’ implies that the company treats all shareholders equally under the same circumstances without an arbitrary discrimination. However, a feasibility issue is raised about acceptance across all areas of corporation law by premising ‘the equal treatment’ as the highest principle though there is no the statutory form for the Commercial Code. Korea induced a variety of class shares accompanied by the amended commercial code (Act No.10600) in 2011. The conventional position which regard ‘Principle of shareholder equality’ as a mandatory provision might draw a conclusion that class share goes against the principle. Discussion upon the use of class shares as a defensive measures against hostile Mergers and Acquisitions(M&A) is dissimilar in the type of share. Treating the shareholders differently does not contradict ‘Principle of shareholder equality’ because it does not impose any burden except voting restriction on the hostile vendee. Other perspective also insists the principle is proper with the regard of less impact on the common shareholders. Although the type of share does not run counter to the principle, but there is still room for further review as the possibility of violation in treatment on the shareholders might exist in terms of concrete operations. Needless to say, even if the rationality is conceded as an exception to the principle, we need to be careful as impossible as the chance to make frame of the principle is excluded. Meanwhile, a stock company is undoubtedly in charge of playing an important role in the modern society. Shareholders of the corporation regard ‘Principle of shareholder equality’ as one of the central axis penetrated through the entire corporation law among various legal relations. According to our business law, this principle can be recognized as the general principle of company law as its individual regulations are remaining despite nonexistence of ordinary provisions, In addition, the current company atmosphere focuses on the activation and efficiency of the market for corporate management and the improvement of corporate value. Review on the class share and the principle is necessary yet. The class share can be expected as the defense against hostile M&A and the discriminatory treatment to the corporate buyers may occur as a problem. With the need to reconsider the principle in accordance with the use of class share, this study will suggest the appropriate standards and legal policy directions when it comes to applying the principle to the further financial structure in Korean companies.

      • KCI우수등재

        상대적 평등으로서 평등의 의미 ― 헌법재판소의 판례에 대한 비판을 중심으로 ―

        이준일 한국공법학회 2019 공법연구 Vol.48 No.2

        Equality is understood as ‘relative equality’, either as a fundamental right meaning constitutional rights or as a constitutional principle as a criterion for assessing constitutional legitimacy. According to this request for relative equality, if there is no difference between the comparables and they are the same, they must be treated ‘equally’, on the other hand if there is a difference between the comparables and they are different, they should be treated ‘differentially’. Nevertheless, equality is mainly a problem if it is not treated equally according to the equality and treated differentially because equality is still marked by the equal treatment. The examination of equality, which is based on comparisons, involves three steps: ① identifying whether there is a difference between the comparables, ② checking whether there is a treatment consistent with that difference, and ③ if there is no treatment that is consistent with the difference, determining whether there is a reasonable basis for it. It is important to note that as long as equality is understood as relative equality, not only equal treatment but also differential treatment are ordered. Therefore, unlike the right to freedom, the principle of proportion, which prohibits excessive restrictions on the preconditions, cannot be applied to right to equality because there is no fixed area of ​​protection. In the examination of equality, examination criteria and examination intensity should be distinguished, and the examination intensity can be adjusted according to the extent to which freedom of formation of legislators is recognized. For example, in cases where discrimination against the socially disadvantaged is a problem, the examination intensity needs to be strengthened. 평등은 헌법적 권리를 의미하는 기본권으로서든 헌법적 정당성을 평가하는 기준인 헌법원칙으로서든 ‘상대적 평등’으로 이해된다. 이러한 상대적 평등의 요청에 따르면 비교대상들 사이에 차이가 없어 그것들이 동일한 대상이면 ‘동등한 대우’를 해야 하고, 비교대상들 사이에 차이가 있어 그것들이 상이한 대상이면 ‘차등적 대우’를 해야 한다. 그럼에도 불구하고 평등은 여전히 동등한 대우에 방점이 찍히다보니 그에 따라 받아야 할 동등한 대우를 받지 못한 채 차등적 대우를 받았을 경우에 주로 문제된다. 비교를 본질로 하는 평등에 관한 심사는 비교대상의 차이 유무를 확인하고, 그러한 차이 유무에 부합하는 대우가 존재하는지 여부를 확인한 뒤에 비교대상의 차이 유무에 부합하는 대우가 존재하지 않는 경우 그에 대한 합리적 근거가 존재하는지 여부를 판단하는 3단계로 구성된다. 중요한 것은 평등이 상대적 평등으로 이해되는 한 동등한 대우뿐만 아니라 차등적 대우도 명령한다는 점이다. 따라서 평등권은 자유권과 달리 구성요건(보호영역)이 확정되어 있지 않아 구성요건을 전제로 이에 대한 과도한 제약을 금지하는 비례성원칙이 평등권에는 적용될 수 없다. 평등심사에서 심사기준과 심사강도는 구별되어야 하고, 심사강도는 입법자의 형성의 자유가 인정되는 범위에 따라 조절될 수 있다. 대표적으로 사회적 약자에 대한 차별이 문제되는 사안에서는 심사강도가 강화될 필요가 있다.

      • KCI우수등재

        평등의 원칙과 사법(私法)

        이동진 한국민사법학회 2023 民事法學 Vol.105 No.-

        The principle of equality has traditionally been a topic in public law scholarship. In recent years, however, it is increasingly discussed in private law scholarship. This paper discusses how the principle of equality operates in private law. The conclusions are as follows: First, private law legislation as well as private law interpretation have been undoubtedly bound by the principle of equality. However, private law relationships between private persons are not. In this area, the so-called horizontal effect of principle of equality or rights thereto shall be denied. Second, there are examples in private law where the principle of equality appears to be applied. Resolutions, decisions, or dispositions by or in corporations, associations or long-term contractual relationship can be illegal if they are discriminatory; refusal to deal, suspension of dealings, or refusal of admission to an organization or long-term contractual relationship can be illegal if they are discriminatory; the exercise of ownership rights or the operation of an organization can be illegal if it has been open to the public while excluding certain persons or groups of persons in contradiction to that practice. These are manifestations of the inherent limits of private autonomy, of the principle of good faith and fair dealing, of abuses of rights, and of the general right to personality, however, rather than of the principle of equality, especially constitutional equality. Finally, legislators can still impose obligations on private persons to treat other private persons equally, and many do. Given the inherent tension between private autonomy and equality, however, such legislation should be limited to specified traits and/or specified areas and should not be too broad. Relevant legislations in the United States and Germany demonstrate it. It is questionable whether the drafts for the general equal treatment act currently being discussed strikes such a balance.

      • KCI등재

        월드론의 기본평등론

        김주현 한국법철학회 2019 법철학연구 Vol.22 No.3

        The idea of basic equality regards the basis of human equality as the fundamental problem of egalitarianism. Although every human being is different, the basis of the idea that ‘all humans are fundamentally one another’s equal’ is one of the most discussed topics. Jeremy Waldron, a legal philosopher, argues that while basic equality is prescriptive equality, two kinds of descriptive facts are closely related: one is the fact that is the target of prescriptive equality, and the other the fact that is the reason of prescriptive equality. In turn, he discusses whether there are the properties commonly shared by all human beings as the fact that is the reason of prescriptive equality. He suggests that although the natural properties of human beings – pain and affection, reason, moral capacity, and individual autonomy – have various degrees, these properties can be the factual basis of human equality, expanding John Rawls’s concept of range property and providing the additional religious account. Furthermore, Waldron sets the principle of continuous equality and the principle of distinctive equality to strengthen the principle of basic equality, which dictates that human beings are one another’s equal. The principle of continuous equality states that unjust discrimination based on differences within groups of human beings cannot be justified, since human begins are not fundamentally differentiated from non-human animals. The principle of distinctive equality emphasizes human dignity the uniqueness of human beings by claiming that human beings have exclusive value and status, differentiated from non-human animals. The two principles help to harmonize the principle of basic equality, which dictates that all human beings are equal, and the individuality and diversity of each person by operating horizontally and vertically. Basic equality, however, has been criticized for two main reasons, the triviality of basic equality and the redundancy of basic equality. The triviality of basic equality means that basic equality cannot have the independent significance, compared with detailed rights. According to the redundancy of basic equality, basic equality is a redundant idea in that it also makes impossible to engage in any detailed discussion by overlapping with moral principles. In response, Waldron contends that basic equality reveals what the concept of right cannot capture and it can also be differentiated from moral principles since it makes prominent substantive affairs that people pay special attention to human beings only because they are human beings. 기본 평등(basic equality)은 평등주의의 근원적 문제를 인간 평등의 근거로 본다. 인간 존재의 수많은 차이에도 불구하고 ‘모든 인간은 근본적으로 서로 평등하다’는 생각의 근거가 무엇인지를 탐구한다. 법철학자 제레미 월드론(Jeremy Waldron)은 기본 평등이 규정적 평등(prescriptive equality)이지만, 규정적 평등이 목표로 하는 사실 및 근거로 하는 사실과 밀접한 관련성을 가진다고 주장한다. 이에 따라 평등의 근거 사실로서 인간의 공통적 속성이 존재하는지 살펴본다. 그는 인간의 자연적 속성, 즉 고통과 애정 능력, 이성, 도덕적 능력, 개인의 자율성은 정도의 차이가 존재하지만 롤스의 범위 속성(range property) 개념을 확장하고 종교적 설명을 추가하면 인간 평등의 사실적 근거가 될 수 있다고 주장한다. 또한 그는 연속적 평등과 구별적 평등 원칙을 정립하여 인간은 서로 동등한 존재라는 기본 평등의 원칙을 강화한다. 연속적 평등(continuous equality) 원칙에 의하면 인간 집단 간에는 동물과 구별될 만큼의 근본적인 차이는 없으며, 구별적 평등(distinctive equality) 원칙에 의하면 인간은 동물과 다른 특별한 가치 및 지위를 가진다. 이러한 두 원칙은 모든 인간은 서로 동등한 존재라는 기본 평등과 개인의 개성과 다양성에 대한 존중을 조화시키며, 수평적 수직적으로 작용한다. 그러나 기본 평등은 구체적 권리에 비해 독자적인 의미를 갖지 못하며, 도덕 원칙과 중복되어 어떠한 내용에도 관여하지 못한다는 비판을 받았다. 이에 대하여 월드론은 기본 평등이 권리가 포착하지 못한 내용을 직접적으로 드러내거나 인간에 대해 특별한 관심을 가지게 하는 실질적 내용을 부여함으로써 도덕 원칙과 중복되지 않는다고 주장한다.

      • KCI등재

        우리는 왜 평등을 추구하는가? - 분배적 정의의 출발선으로서 평등에 대한 고찰 -

        손철성 한국철학사상연구회 2019 시대와 철학 Vol.30 No.1

        이 논문은 우리가 왜 평등을 추구하는가의 문제에 대해 롤스의 사상을 중심으로 고찰한다. 롤스의 사상을 비롯하여 다수의 정의 이론은 평등한 분배 상태를 정의의 출발선으로 전제하고 이로부터 벗어난 불평등 분배가 언제 정당화되는지에 초점을 맞추고 있다. 하지만 불평등하게 대우할이유가 없다면 평등하게 대우해야 한다는 ‘이유 없는 차별 금지’와 같은 평등의 원리는 정당화되기 어렵다. 그것은 일종의 추정으로서 거기에는 평등을 자연스러운 것으로 간주하는 특정한 선호가 반영되어 있다. 평등을 불평등에 비해 더 자연스럽거나 더 합리적인 것으로 간주해야 할 타당한 논리적 근거를 찾기는 어렵다. 우리가 왜 평등을 추구하는가의 문제에 접근하기 위해서는 사회적, 역사적으로 형성된 인간의 심리적 성향에도 주목해야 한다. 롤스는 상호 무관심적 합리성의 측면에서 이 문제에 접근하고 있지만 그의 차등의 원칙은 약한 의미의 시기심을 함축하고 있다. 행동 경제학, 진화 심리학 등의 연구 결과에서 볼 수 있듯이 인간에게는 공평성이나시기심과 같은 심리가 존재하며 그것이 평등 지향의 성향으로 나타나기도한다. Why do we pursue equality? I inquire into the justification of equality principle and the psychological tendency of pursuing equality in relation to the question. Many theories of justice including the idea of J. Rawls presuppose the situation of equal distribution as the baseline of justice and focus on justifying inequal distribution away from it. However, the equality principle such as "no discrimination without reason", i.e. if there is no reason to treat unequally, we should treat equally, is hardly justified. It is a kind of presumption of equality and reflects a specific preference that regards equality as natural. It is difficult to find a reasonable logical basis to consider equality as more natural or more reasonable than inequality. In order to approach the problem of reasons for pursuing equality, we ought to also pay attention to the psychological tendencies of human beings that are formed socially and historically. J. Rawls approaches this problem in terms of mutually disinterested rationality, but his difference principle implies envy in a weak sense. According to the experimental results of behavioral economics, human beings have psychology such as fairness or envy, and it appears as a tendency toward equality.

      • KCI등재

        기업매수방어책과 주주평등의 원칙

        강영기 한국경영법률학회 2011 經營法律 Vol.21 No.4

        The principle of equality of shareholders is central principle of company law. By the way, the country which stipulates expressly in law actively is, but the nation of the negative attitude is. Therefore, I think this is not the universal principle which is common in company laws, but the principle which appears from the earnest request of legal actuality. Of course, it will not be able to deny the logic which they establish in ideology of justice and balance that theory and judical precedent support. Only, the universal principle which is a high position norm because is the last bulwark for right protection and a law order maintenance, there is a necessity which will control one application which is possible. To the case to which consequently, the shareholder equal principle needs, respects a clarity and a legal stability from, after stipulating expressly in laws, about the actual condition law violation discussion to lead and, is more desirable to solve. Meantime, there is critical opinion that a view oneself that takeover defenses is not violation of the principle of equality of shareholders, is justifying for poison pills. But, when applying this principle to, the interpretation which is soft and elastic is necessary. Namely, For the whole society from certainly the company which is necessary to exist, there is not a necessity which will apply the equal principle which is uniform about hostile takeover which is the possibility which will injure the company value of the company which is such. In order defending the company value of the company which is necessary in order for the whole society from certainly from, unavoidably to the case where the situation which is special must sacrifice a shareholder equal principle is recognized, there is not a necessity which will accomplish a shareholder equal principle. To the case where like this, the rationality of handling which is unequal is recognized handling which is unequal exceptionally is permitted. And, there is to rationality judgment for handling which is unequal, different element and joins in and a necessity which will consider attributes of the attacker also there is.

      • KCI등재

        Equality step by step in Korean Constitution

        ( Byun Hae-cheol ) 한국외국어대학교 법학연구소 2011 외법논집 Vol.35 No.1

        The desire for equal society is expressed in various ways in very different societies. The principle of equality being confirmed by many national Constitutions, the question is how we can overcome the inequality which has been formed in the society for a long time. Nowadays, it is considered that the concept of equality does not mean absolute/formal equality but relative/substantial equality. The concept of relative/substantial equality was not enough to answer to the questions of inequality in some fields where they were raised from the technical, material and/or spiritual problems. Analyzing some cases of Korean Constitutional Court, even it was not clearly determined by itself, we could find a kind of concept which has contributed to complete the concept of relative equality and to answer to the questions concerned. It could be the concept of ‘equality step by step’. The concept of equality step by step could be defined as equality, realized step by step by the policy of the State improving progressively inequality in a particular field, but in accordance with reasonable standards. In reality, this concept contributed to solve the difference between constitutional norm and constitutional reality. However, depending largely on the legislators’ discretion in achieving its goal, it could be a simple instrument of justifying legislative discrimination. In this regard, the Constitutional Court has to play some important roles in examining the equality in question. If it is concerned with limitation of rights, the concept has not to be applied in principle. And, even though it is concerned with complement of citizens’ rights, it should not result in partial preference, in particular, continuously.

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