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      • 고고학으로 본 복숭아 재배와 의례적 기능

        안승모 원광대학교 마한백제문화연구소 2015 馬韓, 百濟文化 Vol.26 No.-

        Archaeobotanical Remains of Peach in Korea and it’s Ritual Function Ahn, Sung-Mo* This paper try to review the origin and spread of peach (Prunus persica L.) cultivation in Korea based on peach stone remains recovered from archaeological sites. Archaeological evidence indicate that peach cultivation begun in the lower and middle Yangzi River valley at least from the 6th millennium BC and spread into the Hwanghe River valley during the 2nd millennium BC. In the Korean Peninsula, during the Neolithic period, peach was only recovered at the Ogangni site in Nonsan where peach stones were identified as wild peach (Prunus davidiana Fr.) with radiocarbon dates of c. 4000 BP. During the Bronze Age, peach stones were reported from Jodongni, Gonamni and Ibam sites, but not sure whether they belong to cultivated or wild peach. Peach stones were reported from more than fifty sites of Proto-Three-Kingdoms and Three Kingdoms period during the 1st c. BC to 7th c. AD, which indicate the prevalence of peach cultivation accord with historical records. The size of peach stones are 17-31mm in length, 13-25mm in width, 12-20mm in thickness, 1.24-1.39 in L/W ratio. Archaeological evidence of peach has mainly recovered in tombs, wells, reservoir, and waterways, which show the ritual context of peach related with the longevity and the driving away evil spirits. 본고는 논산 원북리 유적의 삼국시대 수혈에서 출토된 복숭아가 필자에 의해 청동기시대로 잘못 소개된 오류를 바로 잡고, 복숭아 관련 식물고고학적 자료를 집성하여 중국과 한국에서의 복숭아 재배 역사를 살피고자 작성되었다. 복숭아(Prunus persica L.)는 기존에는 황하유역에서 기원한 것으로 알려졌으나 중국의 신석기시대 복숭아 관련 식물유체는 기원전 7-6천년기부터 거의 대부분이 장강유역에서 보고되고 있기 때문에 벼와 마 찬가지로 장강 중하류역이 복숭아 기원지일 가능성이 높다. 복숭아는 기원전 2천년기에 들어서면 서 황하유역과 장강 상류역까지 재배가 확산되었고 기원전 1천년기에는 무덤의 부장품으로 선택되었다. 한반도는 신석기시대 후기의 논산 오강리 유적에서 복숭아가 처음 출현하며 , 청동기시대는 고남리 , 조동리 , 입암 세 유적에서 복숭아가 출토되었다. 오강리 복숭아는 산복숭아로 보고되었는데 동정이 정확하다면 산복숭아의 한반도 자생을 증명 하는 중요한 증거이다. 복숭아는 원삼국, 삼국시대 유적에서 출토 빈도가 급증하여 이때부터 재배가 본격적으로 이루어졌음을 알 수 있다. 복숭아는 3-4세기부터 크기가 증가하나 크기만 으로 재배종과 야생종을 구분할 수 없기 때문에 새로운 동정 기준이 필요하다. 복숭아는 수혈, 무덤, 우물, 집수정, 수로에서 많 이 출토되고 있어 의례적 기능과 관련된다고 추론하였다.

      • KCI등재후보

        책거리에 표현된 복숭아 이미지 고찰

        이경미(Lee, Kyung-mi) 한국민화학회 2022 한국민화 Vol.- No.16

        복숭아는 오래전부터 생활 속에서 아주 친근한 과일이었다. ‘봄’의 시작을 알리는 꽃은 사람들에게 심미적인 위안을 안겨주고, 열매는 여름의 대표적인 먹거리로 맛있고 향기도 좋다. 우리나라에서 복숭아는 생활공간을 귀신으로부터 지키는 벽사(辟邪)와 오래 살기를 기원하는 장수(長壽)를 상징하는 과일로 신성시 여겨왔다. 복숭아는 청동기시대에 복숭아형 잔으로 처음 등장하면서 각종 공예에서 꾸준히 나타났지만 회화에서 열매와 함께 복숭아가 그려진 것은 조선시대 후기였다. 이러한 복숭아는 조선시대 후기 궁중회화와 민화에서 다양한 화목(畫目)에 그려졌다. 많은 화목 중 책거리에서 복숭아의 표현은 독특한 양상으로 나타난다. 선비들의 공부방을 꾸미기 위한 책거리의 생성목적과 전혀 어울리지 않는 복숭아가 소과의 형태로 기명에 담겨져 표현되는 것과 동시에 복숭아 형으로 만들어진 공예품으로 묘사된 것이다. 본 연구의 궁중회화와 민화의 책거리에서 ‘복숭아’가 나타난 이미지를 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫 번째 소과(蔬果)의 형태로 복숭아의 상징성을 직접적으로 강조하면서 의도에 맞게 기명에 담겨 장식되었다. 담은 기명에 따라 궁중화와 민화의 구분이 가능하였고 궁중회화의 단정한 복숭아 도상과 달리 민화 책거리의 복숭아 도상은 개성이 넘치고 창의적 표현의 변화가 보였다. 두 번째 복숭아형 연적으로 표현된 복숭아는 수집이나 취미를 즐기는 문화적 욕구를 채워주는 역할과 동시에 길상(吉祥)과 장수(長壽)를 누릴 수 있는 선과(仙果)를 얻는 간접적인 욕구를 충족시켰다. 연적을 통해 궁중회화와 민화의 구분이 가능한 것은 물론이고 상형한 실제 연적과 상호 영향을 받으며 발전한 것으로 보여진다. 복숭아형 연적은 복숭아 이미지 중 가장 중요한 상형물이며 소비계층의 취향과 요구를 담은 대표적인 기물로 조선시대 후기 물질문화의 단면을 보여주는데 큰 의미가 있다. 세 번째는 복숭아형 표주박이다. 선비의 청렴한 삶을 은유적으로 책거리에 표현함과 동시에 궁중에서 사용한 완과 민간의 목기 표주박을 책거리를 통해 유추할 수 있었다. 마지막으로 복숭아형 장신구는 ‘벽사’의 의미를 부여하여 선비의 몸에 지니는 진귀한 물건이었고 세밀한 공예기술력을 책거리를 통해 그 발달 과정과 수준을 알 수 있었다. 본 연구는 지금까지 살펴본 것과 같이 책거리에서 복숭아가 과일의 의미를 넘어서 상형물로 재생산되어 표현되는 가장 중요한 소재라는 것을 확인하였다. 복숭아 이미지는 단순히 화면을 장식하는 소과나 기물이 아닌 당시 우리 민족의 염원을 담은 ‘행복을 바라는 인간 본연의 마음’이 집약되어 나타난 것으로 민화를 이해하는 중요한 소재임을 시사한다. Peach has been a very familiar fruit in our life since a long time ago. The peach flowers that mark the beginning of Spring give people aesthetic comfort. Its delicious fruit is regarded representative food of summer. In Korea, peaches have been regarded as sacred as a fruit symbolizing Byeoksa(Exorcism), which protects the living space from ghosts, and longevity. Peaches first appeared as peach-shaped cups in the Bronze Age and appeared steadily in various crafts, but it was in the late Joseon Dynasty that peaches were drawn with fruits in paintings. These peaches were appeared in various paintings such as royal court paintings and folk paintings in the late Joseon Dynasty. The expression of peaches appears in a unique aspect in the book shelf paintings. Peaches, which do not match the purpose of decorating the scholars study room, are expressed in the fruit paintings and are described as artifacts made in the form of peaches. The results of analyzing the image of peach appearing in the bookshelves of court paintings and folk paintings in this study are as follows. First, it was decorated with a name according to the intention, emphasizing the symbolism of peaches directly in the form of small apples. According to the name of the book, it was possible to distinguish between royal painting and folk painting, and unlike the neat peach painting of the royal painting, the peach painting on the folk painting street was full of individuality and showed a change in creative expression. Second, peaches, expressed in peach-shaped love, played a role in satisfying the cultural desire to enjoy collection or hobbies, while satisfying the indirect desire to enjoy good fortune and longevity. It is not only possible to distinguish royal and folk paintings through water bowl(Yeonjuk) but also seems to have developed under mutual influence with the actual water bowl(Yeonjuk). Peach-shaped water bowl(Yeonjuk) is the most important hieroglyphic image among peach images and is a representative object containing the tastes and needs of the consumer class, and it is very meaningful to show a cross-section of material culture in the late Joseon Dynasty. The third is peach-shaped gourd. While metaphorically expressing the scholars clean life on the bookshelf, it was possible to infer the bowls (wan) and the wooden gourd used in the court through the bookshelf. Lastly, peach-shaped jewelry was a rare item on the scholars body by giving the meaning of Byeoksa, and the development process and level of detailed craft technology were known through bookshelf. As discussed so far, this study confirmed that peaches are the most important material that is reproduced and expressed as hieroglyphs beyond the meaning of fruits in the book street. The peach image is not just fruit paints or objects for decoration, but rather a collection of humans natural desire for happiness containing the wishes of the Korean people at the time, suggesting that it is an important material for understanding folk paintings.

      • KCI등재

        냉풍 및 적외선 건조에 따른 건조 복숭아의 품질 특성

        이혜림 ( Hye Lim Lee ),윤광섭 ( Kwang Sup Youn ) 한국식품저장유통학회(구 한국농산물저장유통학회) 2012 한국식품저장유통학회지 Vol.19 No.4

        This study was conducted to investigate the pH, soluble solid contents, color difference, mineral contents, free sugar contents, and sensory quality of infrared- and cold-air-dried peaches. The pH, soluble solid contents, and free sugar contents of the infrared-dried peaches were higher than those of the cold-air-dried peaches. In the Hunter`s color value, the L and ΔE values of the infrared-dried peaches were higher than those of the cold-air-dried peaches; but the a and b values of the cold-air-dried peaches were higher than those of the infrared-dried peaches. The major organic acids of the dried peaches were citric acid, malic acid, and oxalic acid. The minerals with the highest to lowest contents, in that order, were K, Mg, Ca, Na, Fe, Zn, Cu, and Al. The mineral contents of the cold-air-dried peaches were higher than those of the infrared-dried peaches. The appearance and taste of the infrared-dried peaches were better than those of the cold-air-dried peaches. These results indicate that infrared drying is the effective drying method for the production of high-quality dried peaches.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Physicochemical Characteristics of Various Peach Cultivars

        Lee, Jun-Young,Park, Heui-Dong,Park, Sang-Won 한국식품영양과학회 2001 Preventive Nutrition and Food Science Vol.6 No.2

        Physical and chemical characteristics of four white-and one yellow-fleshed peach cultivars were compared at optimum maturity stage. In addition, differences of phenolic composition, polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activities and PPO isozyme patterns in two peach types were also investigated. There are no significant differences in firmness and color values between two peach types, except for "Yumyung", a white-fleshed peach with the highest firmness, and "Hwangdo", a yellow-fleshed peach with the highest yellowness (b)* value. In general, the soluble solid/titratable acidity ratios, ascorbic acid and total phenolic contents were significantly higher for white-fleshed peaches than those for yellow-fleshed peach (p<0.05). Three major phenolic compounds, catechin, neochlorogenic acid and chlorogenic acid, were found in both the white-and yellow-fleshed peaches. Among them, catechin was the predominant phenolic compound in the white-fleshed peaches, followed by neochlorogenic acid, and chlorogenic acid. Meanwhile, neochlorogenic acid was present in the highest level of the yellow-fleshed peach, but levels of two other phenolic compounds were lower. PPO activities of the white-fleshed peaches were generally higher than that of the yellow-fleshed peach, with the one major band and two minor bands, and there were no big differences in PPO isozyme patterns between two different peach cultivars.

      • KCI등재

        Forbidden Fruit as Impedimental Peach: A Scholarly "Pesher" on Paradise Lost 9.850-852

        ( Horace Jeffery Hodges ) 한국밀턴과 근세영문학회(구 한국밀턴학회) 2008 중세근세영문학 Vol.18 No.2

        This paper builds upon recent scholarship by Robert Appelbaum, who has argued that John Milton depicted the forbidden fruit not as an apple, in our contemporary sense of the term, but as a peach instead, based upon the description of the fruit as "downy," among other characteristics. I find Appelbaum`s interpretation persuasive, but what remains not entirely clear in Appelbaum`s account is Milton`s motive for choosing the peach. The implication seems to be that the peach`s technical name, Malum persicum-or "Persian apple-" enabled Milton to associate the peach with paradise, supposedly located in Persia. The commonly described `nectarous,` `ambrosial` qualities of peaches would also perhaps accord better with the `divine` forbidden fruit as a peach rather than as an apple. Milton, however, might have found additional motivation. As this paper shows, the poet could have been working with a couple of wordplays: (1) from the French pun on peche (peach) and peche (sin) across the language barrier and (2) from peach (Malum persicum) and peach/appeach (accuse) within the English language. The argument relies upon circumstantial evidence and layers of interpretation to make its case. For instance, following their sin in eating the peach, Eve and Adam fall into mutual accusations in the postlapsarian portion of Book 9, in which they effectively "appeach," or "peach" (aphetic form of "appeach"), one another. Adam even `appeaches` Eve rather formally before the divine judge early in Book 10 of Paradise Lost, and he does so in a way that Milton advises against in his Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce, in which he argues that one should deal privately with an adulterous wife rather than publicly appeaching her as an unfaithful woman. The argument is somewhat speculative, but it is justified, given Appelbaum`s persuasive argument that the "downy" fruit is a peach, and it adds a potentially significant depth of meaning to how we interpret Milton`s understanding of the forbidden fruit that brought evil into the world.

      • KCI등재

        복숭아 품종과 부위별 비타민 C, 안토시아닌 및 카로티노이드 함량 분석

        김지영(Ji Yeong Kim),권수현(Su Hyun Kwon),장미(Mi Jang),이지윤(Ji Yun Lee),김기창(Gi Chang Kim),강해주(Hae Ju Kang),황인국(In Guk Hwang) 한국식품영양과학회 2021 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.50 No.9

        본 연구에서는 백도 계통(8종)과 황도 계통(8종) 복숭아의 과육 및 껍질 부위에 함유된 ascorbic acid, anthocyanin, carotenoid 함량을 비교 · 분석하였다. Ascorbic acid 분석결과 백도 껍질 부위는 과육 부위보다 약 2배 높은 6.70mg/100 g FW의 ascorbic acid 함량을 나타냈고, 황도의 경우 과육과 껍질 간의 유의미한 함량 차이는 없었다. 또한 황도와 백도를 비교하였을 때 백도 껍질이 황도 껍질보다 유의적으로(P<0.01) 높은 함량을 보였으며 과육 간의 유의미한 차이는 없었다. Anthocyanin 성분 중 cyanidin-3-glucoside(C3G)와 cyanidin-3-rutinoside(C3R) 분석 결과, C3G가 복숭아에 함유된 주요 anthocyanin임을 확인하였으며 백도 껍질 부위가 과육 부위보다 유의적으로(P<0.01)높은 함량을 보였고 황도 또한 껍질 부위가 과육 부위보다 높은 C3G 함량을 나타냈다. 황도와 백도를 비교하였을 때 백도 과육이 황도 과육보다 유의적으로(P<0.05) 높은 C3G함량을 보였으며 백도 껍질과 황도 껍질 간의 유의미한 차이는 나타나지 않았다. Carotenoid 성분 중 lutein, zeaxanthin, β-cryptoxanthin, α-carotene, β-carotene 분석을 실시하였으며, 이 중 β-carotene의 함량이 주요 carotenoid 성분으로 확인되었다. 백도 껍질의 평균 β-carotene 함량은 과육 평균 함량보다 약 13배 높은 함량을 보였고 황도껍질의 평균 β-carotene 함량 또한 과육 평균 함량보다 약 4배 높은 함량을 보였으며, 황도와 백도를 부위 별로 비교하였을 때 황도의 껍질 및 과육 부위가 백도의 껍질 및 과육부위보다 높은 경향을 보였다. 현재 국내 복숭아 품종의 기능성분에 대한 연구 진행이 미흡하기 때문에 본 연구 결과가 향후 복숭아 식품 연구와 신품종 개발에 있어 필요한 기초자료로 활용될 수 있을 것이다. Peaches (Prunus persica L. Batsch) are one of the commonly consumed fruits. Depending on the color of the flesh, peaches are typically classified into white and yellow varieties. To identify the differences in the content of the functional components according to the cultivar and its parts, the ascorbic acid, anthocyanin and carotenoid content were analyzed. The results showed that the content of ascorbic acid was higher in the peel than the flesh of the white peaches and there was no significant difference between the flesh and peel of yellow peaches (P>0.05). Anthocyanin analysis showed that cyanidin-3-glucoside was higher in the peel than the flesh in both yellow and white peaches. Cyanidin-3-rutinoside was detected only in the peel of yellow and white peaches. In the case of carotenoids, lutein, zeaxanthin, β-cryptoxanthin, α-carotene, and β-carotene were analyzed. All the carotenoid components showed a higher content in yellow peaches than white peaches. In particular, the content of β-carotene was the highest. The content of β-carotene was higher in the peel than the flesh in both yellow and white peaches, and a higher content was detected in the yellow peaches compared to the white peaches. The differences in content were found to be significant according to the cultivars as well as the farms and regions (P<0.05). Through this study, the content of functional components according to the cultivar and its parts was confirmed, and it is expected that this data will be widely used in the development of functional health foods through additional research.

      • KCI등재

        냉동 방법이 품종별 복숭아의 품질에 미치는 영향

        박종진,박지현,손영란,김경미,조용식,김하윤 (사)한국조리학회 2019 한국조리학회지 Vol.25 No.12

        Peaches have a short shelf life and harvesting periods, so large quantities are distributed in a short time. Hence, these causes have some problems to derive low price of peaches, and this is possible to use the form of frozen fruit to overcome the difficult situation of raw fruit storage and to supply materials for processing. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect on the quality of peach flesh according to freezing conditions and the quality after freezing-thawing by varieties to provide basic data for the production of processed products using peaches.Results shown that the harvested peaches were frozen at −20, −40℃ by convectional method, −40℃ by immersion method, and thawed at 5℃ for analysis. According to the results of this study, when peaches were frozen and thawed by varieties, browning was observed regardless of freezing conditions, resulting in a deepening of color. The color difference of peach varieties with yellow flesh was lower than that of white ones and it is indicating that the peaches with yellow flesh had less color change than the white ones after thawing. In addition, the hardness tended to increase after freezing and thawing, and it means that the peach is suitable for freezing storage because of its rigidity in freezing. Varieties suitable for cryopreservation were selected from the yellow and white flesh peaches. Therefore, current study can be used as basic data for companies to manufacture frozen fruits.

      • KCI등재

        복숭아 품종별 페이스트를 이용한 고추장의 품질 특성

        정경미,정용진 한국식품저장유통학회 2018 한국식품저장유통학회지 Vol.25 No.1

        In this study, we aimed to increase the utilization of non-commercializable peach fruits collected during harvesting and distribution and to promote the transition of a high value-added industry. After producing pastes from the flesh of different peach varieties, we used these pastes as ingredients in the production of Kochujang. We then performed a comparative analysis on the quality characteristics of the peach-added Kochujang and commercially available Kochujang products. Peach-added Kochujang exhibited a lower pH and reduced sugar, salinity, reducing sugar, ash, and calorie content than those of commercially available Kochujang products. However, the Kochujang had slightly higher pH and moisture content than commercially available products due to high organic acid and moisture contents of peach flesh. In terms of content of inorganic elements, commercial Kochujang products exhibited higher sodium and magnesium content, whereas peach-added Kochujang had higher potassium content. In particular, the lower sodium and higher potassium content of peach-added Kochujang indicates that this product could be used as a functional food to prevent various diseases caused by excessive sodium intake among Koreans. After comparing the products in terms of phenol and flavonoid content, we concluded that ethanol extracts of peach-added Kochujang showed higher phenol content than those of the commercially available Kochujang products. In contrast, the distilled water extracts of peach Kochujang showed higher DPPH free radical scavenging activity than that of commercially available Kochujang products.

      • KCI등재

        식물유체로 본 고대 벚나무류 과실의 식용과 재배

        김민구(Minkoo Kim) 한국대학박물관협회 2020 고문화 Vol.96 No.-

        벚나무속(Prunus )에 속하는 과실(복숭아, 자두, 매실, 살구, 앵두 등)의 고고학적 출현사례를 검토하고 재배방식을 추정하였다. 검토 결과, 세 가지 결론을 내릴 수 있었다. 첫째, 삼국사기 같은 고문헌에는 복숭아를 의미하는 도(桃)와 자두를 의미하는 리(李)가 비슷한 빈도로 언급되지만 실물자료상으로는 복숭아의 출현사례가 압도적으로 많다. 재배는 주로 복숭아에 집중되었던 것으로 생각된다. 다른벚나무류 과실은 식용되었을 가능성은 높지만 발견사례는 많지 않다. 둘째, 복숭아에는 최소 두 가지종류가 혼재한다. 내과피(內果皮)의 형태상 한 부류는 재배 복숭아와, 다른 한 부류는 산복숭아와 비슷하다. 하지만 형태와 크기를 보면 양자는 연속선상에 있으며, 따라서 재배 여부는 보수적인 관점에서접근해야 할 것으로 판단된다. 셋째, 삼국시대, 통일신라시대로 비정되는 일부 복숭아 내과피는 인위적으로 파괴되었다. 이것은 종자의 발아를 촉진시키기 위해 종피파상법(種皮破傷法)을 실시한 흔적으로생각된다. 이런 행위는 복숭아 재배를 위한 적극적인 노력의 일환으로 볼 수 있다. Archaeobotanical remains of Prunus fruits (peach, plum, apricot, cherry) were examined to understand fruit tree cultivation in antiquity. The following observations were made. First, although both peach and plum were mentioned in historical texts, archaeological data consist almost exclusively of peach stones. Only a few remains of other types of cherry tree fruits have been found. It is likely that fruit tree cultivation mainly focussed on peach. Second, archaeobotanical assemblages contain two different types of peach stones. In the forms of endocarp, one group is similar to cultivated peach (Prunus persica ) whereas the other group is similar to wild peach (P. davidiana ). Two groups are not easily differentiated based on the stone sizes. Nonetheless, large peach stones could have originated only from cultivars. Third, peach stones from Gungnam Pond and Inyong Temple bear traces of scarification. The practice of scarification on peach stones is a clear evidence for fruit tree cultivation in antiquity.

      • KCI등재

        복숭아 품종에 따른 세포벽 성분과 Polygalacturonase 활성 비교

        송준희,손미애,김미현 한국식품영양학회 1992 韓國食品營養學會誌 Vol.5 No.2

        To examin ripening in peach types, cell wall contents and Polygalacturonase activity were compared in Changbang, Daegubo and Yumyung peaches. Among peach types, the hardness of Daegubo was the lowest. Yumyung peach had the highest content of alcohol-insoluble substances and Changbang peach of cell wall. The contents of total and insoluble pectic substances were little different between Changbang and Yumyung peach, while the lowest in Daegubo. Daegubo peach had the highest activity of polygalacturonase, Changbang and Yumyung peach in succession.

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