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        연구논문(硏究論文) : 해상집회,시위에 대한 연구

        이희훈 ( Hie Houn Lee ) 단국대학교 법학연구소 2010 법학논총 Vol.34 No.1

        Considering that participants in assembly and demonstration on the sea can manifest their own personality, supplement democratic justification under representative democracy and protect the minority by opening assembly or demonstration and that an effect of assembly or demonstration against ludicrous statements related to Dokdo will be maximized when opened rather on the sea than on land, the place on the sea is pertinent to the protected area of freedom of assembly. On the other hand, it is valid to apply law on assembly and demonstration to peaceful assembly and demonstration on the sea. For, the place on the sea is pertinent to `where general people can pass through freely` out of Article 2, Clause 2 of law on assembly and demonstration since most of participants in assembly and demonstration on the sea don`t use large-scale ships besides hybrid vessel. And it is pertinent to `Behaviors which have an effect on diverse unspecific people`s opinions or control them by showing power and force to others` out of Article 2, Clause 2 of law on assembly and demonstration since, if participants in assembly and demonstration on the sea argue their common opinions by moving a lot of ships on the sea at once, it will have an effect on diverse unspecific people. Therefore, it is reasonable to apply assembly and demonstration on the sea to law on assembly and demonstration in the present. However, it is invalid to restrict or regulate assembly and demonstration on the sea by applying sea related laws such as public order in open ports act and sea traffic safety act enacted to protect sea traffic since it restricts freedom of assembly by sea related laws with different purpose of legislation, which restricts natural rights in constitution which is freedom of assembly without clearly stated ground law.

      • KCI등재

        海澄 개항과 새로운 교역망의 형성

        채경수 명청사학회 2020 명청사연구 Vol.0 No.54

        This article examined the development process of a brand-new oversea commerce network centered around a harbor named Hai-Cheng海澄, which took the official open port of the Ming empire after 1567. This article Significantly dealt with the connection of Hai-Cheng海澄 with Manila, which was the Spain empire's colonial stronghold of the Eastern Asian Seas at that time. For the Ming empire, the open of Hai-Cheng海澄 port was a measure to secure coastal stability. Many pro-trade officials criticized that the indiscriminative sea-ban policy in the late Jia-Jing嘉靖 era had threatened littoral people's livelihood, it made them conspire with wokou倭寇 and pirates. They claimed that the license trade system would be the most efficient policy for coastal security. Since the early stage of the open-sea policy,the Ming court's main interest was on the coastal area's long-term stability, rather than the area's economic vitalization or tax revenue. The Hai-Cheng海澄 oversea trade started to be supervised by systematic license regulations since 1575. At the time, the Spain empire buckled down to an inroad into Eastern-Asian seas. It chose Manila as a colonial stronghold in this area. Not long after, a very prosperous trade network, which was second only to the Macao-Nagasaki route, was developed between Hai-Cheng海澄 and Manila. This trade network developed relying on high profitability, driven by a mutual preference for each other’s goods – Chinese silk and American silver. Further, the stable diplomatic relationship between those empires was a solid foundation for maintaining this trade network. The Hai-Cheng海澄 – Manila trade network was in a crisis of trade break at least twice. The one was the sea-ban of the Ming court in 1593, which was caused by the Korea-Japan War broken out in the previous year. The other was the massacre of the Chinese in Manila by the Spain authority that occurred in 1603. Although both cases could be recognized as severe security threats for the Ming court, neither were led to a long-term commerce disconnection. The Fujianese coastal merchants, who were in oversea trade business, succeeded in fending off or minimizing the sea-bans by lobbying their local governments. The local officials, who tried to persuade the central government to withdraw the sea-ban for protecting the oversea trade merchants' profit, presented a critical argument that open-sea is a better policy than a sea-ban for coastal security. Due to conceding its validity, the Ming court maintained the license trade system consistently, despite security crises. The Hai-Cheng海澄 – Manila trade network kept flourishing by balancing the Ming's security interest and the merchant's economic interest. The Spain authority in Manila also played an essential role in this trade network due to maintaining a non-hostile mood with the Ming built up during initial contact. The massacre of the Chinese in 1603 could escalate into a severe conflict between these empires. However, both powers defused the situation quickly by a swift diplomatic negotiation. The Hai-Cheng海澄 – Manila trade network kept functioning as if nothing had happened.

      • KCI등재

        일본 니가타[新瀉]항을 통해 본 ‘제국’의 환동해 교통망

        김윤미 동북아시아문화학회 2019 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.60

        The Northeast Asian sea surrounding South Korea is being discussed in terms of politics, economy and military beyond the geomorphological area. Pan East Sea, where South Korea, North Korea, Japan, Russia and China form the network, initiated from the planning of the economic bloc, but it currently refers to the neighboring countries and the sea area surrounding the East Sea in general. The point that connects the sea area is the port. The marine and land traffic networks stretch out in line with the port as a core. The thesis intends to examine, in overall, the individual subjects from the precedent research. The traffic networks centered on ports, railways and sea lanes are only effective if abundant electricity and port hinterland are formed. In other words, it goes through the process of building power plants to supply electricity, securing a large tract of land to construct the hinterland, and creating the infrastructure such as labor and administration to build a port city. Of course, the budget is mostly funded by the government. This relationship will be studied through the case of Niigata in Japan that played the major role as the East Sea’s traffic network. The Niigata Port rapidly grew along with the expansion of Japanese imperialism in the 1930s and 1940s. The Dalian Port was the central route to connect Japan and Manchuria until 1920, but Japan, which founded Manchukuo in 1932, tried to make the shortest East Sea route between Japan and Manchuria. At that time, Japan observed 新瀉港·伏木港·敦賀港 in Japan and Cheongjin Port·Najin Port·Woonggi Port in the northern part of Joseon. After designating the subsidized line, Japan began expanding port facilities in the Niigata Port and enlarging the city. This was the outcome of traffic network policy for Pan East Sea of imperial Japan.

      • Spatio-temporal patterns of Secchi depth in the waters around the Korean Peninsula using MODIS data

        Kim, S.H.,Yang, C.S.,Ouchi, K. Academic Press in association with the Estuarine a 2015 Estuarine, coastal and shelf science Vol.164 No.-

        Secchi depth (Z<SUB>SD</SUB>) is an important variable for the measurements of long-term changes in the water transparency of oceanic and coastal ecosystems. This study aims at analyzing the spatial and temporal variations of MODIS-derived Z<SUB>SD</SUB> time-series during 2000-2012 in the adjacent waters around the Korean Peninsula, highlighting the environmental variables affecting variations of Z<SUB>SD</SUB> with various water depths. A semi-analytical model is used to estimate the diffuse attenuation and beam attenuation coefficients from satellite data, and the reciprocal of the sum of the two parameters was compared with the in-situ Z<SUB>SD</SUB> to retrieve a satellite-based Z<SUB>SD</SUB>. In general, the open sea waters in the East Sea/Sea of Japan have higher Z<SUB>SD</SUB> than the coastal waters in the Yellow Sea. From the analyses, distinct seasonality was found in the monthly average images of MODIS-derived Z<SUB>SD</SUB> data and spatio-temporal patterns of the Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF), and the seasonal variation of Z<SUB>SD</SUB> was associated with the variability in the ocean-atmosphere dynamics including the wind and current as well as chlorophyll-a. In the coastal and shallow waters in the Yellow Sea, prevailing north westerly winds produce turbid waters in winter, while in deep waters in the East Sea/Sea of Japan, water transparency is reduced by the spring bloom of chlorophyll-a. There are two clear Z<SUB>SD</SUB> peaks within a year in the East China Sea associated with the Kuroshio Current. A similar trend was observed in the South Sea, but less clear due to complex mixing processes of currents and effects of wind. Correlation of in-situ Z<SUB>SD</SUB> with water depth was also found suggesting the need for consideration in analyzing satellite Z<SUB>SD</SUB> data.

      • KCI등재

        Geometry and kinematics of the Ocheon Fault System along the boundary between the Miocene Pohang and Janggi basins, SE Korea, and its tectonic implications

        천영범,손문,송철우,김종선,손영관 한국지질과학협의회 2012 Geosciences Journal Vol.16 No.3

        Detailed geological mapping and observations of various structural elements were made in order to determine the geometry and kinematics of the Ocheon Fault System (OFS) along the boundary between the Early Miocene Janggi and the Middle Miocene Pohang basins, SE Korea, and to reveal its roles on the basin evolutions. The OFS is a NE-trending relayed fault system composed of a number of NE or NNE-trending normal-slip and sinistral-normal oblique-slip faults, and has a scissor fault geometry decreasing in vertical offset southwestward. The constituent faults created independent grabens or half-grabens on the hanging-walls for the deposition of the Early or Middle Miocene strata. The OFS was initially the northwestern border fault of the Janggi Basin which acted as normal faults by the WNW-ESE tensional stress associated with the NNW-directed dextral simple shear caused by the East Sea opening. Afterwards, it experienced clockwise rotation with change of slip sense from normal-slip to sinistral-normal oblique-slip in response to the progressive dextral simple shear. At about 17 Ma, the shear stress propagating westward was released rapidly by the dextral strike-slip faulting of the NNW-trending Yeonil Tectonic Line (YTL) and the normal faulting of the NNE-trending western border faults of the Pohang Basin. At that time, the depocenter suddenly migrated northward and the depositional environment also changed rapidly from terrestrial to marine due to dramatic subsidence of the Pohang Basin. The Pohang Basin is interpreted to be a pull-apart basin extended at releasing bend/overstep between two PDZs (Principal Displacement Zones), i.e., the YTL and probably the East Korea Fault. The OFS was also reactivated as the eastern border faults of the Pohang Basin. In contrast to the western border faults, the OFS was rotated clockwise and could not be linked with the YTL because of its scissor fault geometry. Our results suggest that the NNW-trending regional dextral shear stress persisted for a considerable period of time in SE Korea during the East Sea opening, supporting the pull-apart opening of the East Sea rather than the fan-shaped opening. Most of the previous studies advocating the pull-apart opening emphasize the role of the NNE-trending strike-slip faults, like the Yangsan fault and OFS, as PDZs. In contrast, this study suggests that the NNE-trending faults in SE Korea acted as major normal faults at releasing bends or stepovers in the NNW-trending dextral fault system during the East Sea opening

      • KCI등재

        외해 개방형 정박지의 안전성 향상에 관한 연구 – 포항항 중심으로

        김정록,국승기 한국항해항만학회 2015 한국항해항만학회지 Vol.39 No.3

        Recently, Due to variable marine accident occurred, problems relating to marine accidents have been raised. Of these accidents, designated anchorage of Korea coastal port, spcially open-sea anchorage, occurred dragging anchor and accidents are likely, due to failure to obtain a valid ship’s holding power so that it is the situation unsatisfactory that ensuring the safety of the anchored ship and anchorage systematic safety management stadars for the efficent operation of the anchorage. also in case of open-sea anchorage vulnerable to external force of certain conditions due to geographical location and topographical characteristics of the port, accidents are likely dragging anchor by typoon or suddenly strong wind and secondary accidents are concerned .This paper shows standard of limit external force to ensure the safety anchorage each of ship’s size through review marine accidents on Pohang port, also it is determined to be used as a basic reference for anchoring safety and efficient anchorage management. 최근 각종 해양사고 발생으로 인하여 해양 관련한 안전사고에 대한 문제들이 대두되고 있다. 이러한 사고 중 우리나라 연안에 위치한 31개소 무역항의 지정된 정박지 중 특히 외해개방형 정박지 경우 기상악화로 인하여 유효한 선박 파주력을 확보하지 못함으로서 주묘가 발생하여 사고 위험이 많아지고 있으나 정박선박의 안전성 확보나 정박지의 효율적인 운영을 위한 체계적인 정박지 안전관리 기준안은 미흡한 실정이다. 또한, 항만의 지리적인 위치 및 지형적인 특성으로 인하여 특정 조건의 외력에 취약한 외해 개방형 정박지 경우에는 태풍은 물론 강한 돌풍 등에 의해 선박은 주묘 가능성이 높아지고 이로 인한 2차 사고 발생이 우려된다. 본 논문에서는 외해개방형 정박지의 사례로 포항항의 경우 최근 주묘로 인한 해양사고 사례를 검토하여 입출항 선박의 크기별 한계외력을 계산하고 정박지 안전성을 확보할 수 있는 한계 외력을 선박 크기별 한계외력의 기준을 정하는 연구로 기존 개별 선박의 정박안전성 평가에 관한 연구들과 달리 정박선박의 안전성 확보 및 효율적인 정박지 운영을 위해 필요한 정박지 관리에 관한 기초적인 기준으로 활용할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.

      • KCI등재

        양식장용 자동 먹이공급시스템 설계

        오진석(Jin-Seok, Oh),조관준(Kwan-Jun, Jo) 한국항해항만학회 2009 한국항해항만학회지 Vol.33 No.10

        근해의 수질오염은 수산양식 산업에 큰 영향을 미친다. 이러한 문제점을 해결하기 위하여 근해에서 외해로 양식장이 이동하고 있다. 외해 양식장의 구축을 위해서는 자동먹이 공급장치 및 원격 관리 시스템이 필요하다. 본 논문은 해상의 양식장에서의 자동 먹이 공급 시스템에 관하여 설명하고자 한다. 어류는 수온 및 어체 중량에 따라 먹이를 먹는 양이 변화하며, 해상 양식장의 경우 육상에 비하여 온도 변화가 크게 일어난다. 본 논문은 수온 및 어체 중량에 따라 먹이량을 계산하고 자동으로 먹이를 공급하는 시스템을 연구하였으며 모형 실험을 통하여 먹이 공급 장치의 성능을 검증하였다. Water pollution of coast has a significant impact on the fish farm and fisheries. For solving the water pollution problems the fish farms are moving to the open sea. The fish farms in open sea have to operate by the automatic feeding system and remote monitoring system for safety and management. This paper describes an automatic feeding system for fish farms in open sea. Water temperature and fish weight will change depending on the amount of feed. And the fish farm temperature is changed extremely in open sea than on land side. This paper described that the feed amount is calculated automatically according to temperature, fish weight, and the automatic feed system. And the performance of automatic feed system is verified with test model for operation test.

      • KCI등재

        Benthic Meiofaunal Composition and Community Structure in the Sethukuda Mangrove Area and Adjacent Open Sea, East Coast of India

        Balasubramanaian Thilagavathi,Bandana Das,Ayyappan Saravanakumar,Kuzhanthaivel Raja 한국해양과학기술원 2011 Ocean science journal Vol.46 No.2

        The ecological aspects of meiofaunal communities in the Muthupettai mangrove forest, East coast of India, has not been investigated in the last two decades. Surface water temperature ranged from 23.5 ^oC to 31.8 ^oC. Salinity varied from 24 to 34 ppt, while water pH fluctuated from 7.4 to 8.3. Dissolved oxygen concentration ranged from 3.86 to 5.33 mg/l. Meiofauna analysis in this study identified a total of 106 species from the mangrove and adjacent open sea area of Sethukuda. Among these, 56 species of foraminiferans, 20 species of nematodes, 7 species of harpacticoid copepods, 4 species of ostrocodes, and 2 species of rotifers were identified. Furthermore, a single species was identified from the following groups: ciliophora, cnidaria, gnathostomulida, insecta, propulida, bryozoa and polychaete larvae. Meiofaunal density varied between 12029 to 23493 individuals 10 cm/m2. The diversity index ranged from 3.515 to 3.680, species richness index varied from 6.384 to 8.497, and evenness index varied from 0.839 to 0876 in the mangrove area and adjacent open sea.

      • KCI등재

        19세기 미국의 해군력 확장과 태평양 시대의 개막

        이상호 ( Lee Sang-ho ) 한국미국사학회 2018 미국사연구 Vol.48 No.-

        미국은 서구 열강에 비해 해외 식민지 쟁탈에 뒤늦게 뛰어들었다. 그 원인 중의 하나는 바로 취약한 해군력의 문제였다. 1880년대 미국의 팽창주의자들은 해군 증강 운동을 벌였는데, 마한(Alfred T. Mahan)의 『해양력이 역사에 미치는 영향』이라는 책이 나오면서 더욱 활발해졌다. 이러한 팽창주의적 분위기에 공식적으로 대외정책을 수행하게 된 것은 매킨리(William McKinley)가 대통령에 당선된 1896년부터였다. 매킨리 행정부는 세계시장에서 미국을 지배자의 위치로 올려놓는 것을 최우선 대외정책기조로 삼았다. 결국 1898년에 발생한 스페인과의 전쟁은 해군력 증강의 필요성을 확인시켜 주었다. 한편 미국 해군의 근대화는 1889년 해리슨(Benjamin Harrison)대통령 밑에서 해군장관을 지냈던 트레이시(Benjamin F. Tracy)부터 본격화되어 매킨리 행정부 시절 해군 차관이자 이후에 대통령이 된 루스벨트(Theodore Roosevelt)에 이르러 정점에 이르렀다. 대외정책에 있어 강력한 팽창정책과 해군력 건설의 진행과정 속에서 미국 대외정책의 아시아에 대한 투사(投射)는 중국의 분열로 시작되었다. 1900년 의화단사건이 일어나고 유럽 열강들이 이를 진압하고 승리하자 정식조약이 1901년 9월에 체결되었다. 이 조약의 핵심은 열강들의 군대 주둔과 배상금이었다. 의화단사건이 진행되는 와중에 미국의 국무장관 존 헤이(John Hey)는 2차례에 걸쳐 문호개방선언을 각국 열강에 발송했다. 초기의 문호개방정책은 열강들 개개의 세력권 및 영향권의 엄격한 구분으로부터 서로를 억제함으로써 중국내 미국의 상업적 이권을 보호·육성하자는 데 있었다. 또한 2차의 문호개방정책은 중국 정부의 내정 문제에 있어서 회복과 이에 대한 열강의 보장을 추구하는 것이었다. 결국 미국은 문호개방정책을 통해 對中정책을 구체화시켰고, 이를 서구 열강들에게 일방적으로 관철시키며 태평양제국으로의 기반을 구축하는데 성공하였다. 이러한 힘의 외교에 따른 태평양으로의 진출에는 급속한 미국의 해군력 증강이 그 기반이 되었다. The United States of America joined the struggle for colonies abroad later than other Western Powers. One of the reasons was the weak naval power. The expansionists in USA in 1880s deployed the movement to strengthen the naval force and such movement was more activated after the publication of ‘Influence of sea power upon history 1660-1783’ by Alfred T Mahan. It was since 1896 when Mr. William McKinley was elected to the President of USA that the foreign policy was officially implemented in such flood tide of expansionism. The MaKinley administration put the top priority on making USA leading the global market in its foreign policy. The battle againt Spain in 1908 confirmed the need to strengthen the naval power. Meanwhile, the modernization of USA Navy was accelerated by Mr. Benjamin F. Tracy who was the Secretary of the Navy in the administration of President Benjamin Harrison in 1889, and reached an apex by Mr. Theodore Roosevelt who was the Assistant Secretary of the Navy during the McKinley administration and became the President of USA later. In the process deploying the strong expansionist policy for foreign policy and strengthening the naval power, deliberation on Asia in the foreign policy of USA was started from the breakup of China. The Boxer Rebellion broke out in 1900 and the European powers suppressed and defeated it. Then, the formal treaty was executed in Sep. 1901. The kernel of the treaty was the permit on military presence of the Western Powers and compensation. While the Boxer Rebellion was in progress, Mr. John Hey, the Secretary of the State, notified the declaration of open-door to the World Powers twice. The early open-door policy aimed to protect and promote the commercial rights and interests of the USA in China by strictly dividing the sphere of power and influence of each World Power and so inducing World Powers to restrain each other. Furthermore, the second open-door policy tried to restore the Chinese government as solving the internal affairs and accordingly, secure the profits of the World Power. In conclusion, the USA embodied the policy against China through the open-door policy and successfully built the foothold as the Pacific Empire by unilaterally pushing on its policy to the Western Powers. The successful entrance of USA to the Pacific region through such diplomacy of power became the basis for rapidly strengthening the naval power of the USA.

      • KCI등재

        해저면의 수직 지진 진동에 의해 유발된 해진에 대한 해상 개단 강관 말뚝 기초의 거동

        최용규,남문석 한국지진공학회 1998 한국지진공학회논문집 Vol.2 No.1

        해상에 설치된 기초말뚝의 경우 지진의 3가지 성분 즉, 지반의 수평운도, 지반의 연직진동에 의해 발생된 상부구조물과의 피드백 (feedback)에 의한 말뚝의 연직진동, 그리고 지반의 연직진동에 의해 유발된 해진(seaquake)의 진동이 말뚝 기초의 거동에 영향을 미친다. 본 연구에서는 유발된 해진의 진동을 해저면에서 유사화된 sine 정현파 형상의 동수압으로 모델링하였다. 해진(seaquake) 작용중 약 220m 이상의 심해에 설치된 개단 말뚝의 지지력은, 지반내에 유발된 과도한 과잉 간극수압으로 인하여, 심각하게 저감도었으며, 관내토 폐쇄력도 80% 이상 감소되었다. 해진중 관내토 선단 하부에서 발생된 과도한 과잉 간극수압으로 인하여 관내토내에 과도한 상향의 침투력이 유발되어 관내토 폐색이 손상되었다. 약 220m 이하의 천해에 설치된 개단말뚝의 지지력은 해진에 의해 약 10% 감소하였으며, 관내토의 폐쇄력은 5%이하만큼 감소하였다. During an earthquake, there are three main components of excitation : horizontal excitation of the ground, vertical excitation of the pile due to superstructure feedback produced by vertical excitation of the ground, and the seawater excitation induced by the vertical ground shaking, that is, "the seaquake." These excitations could have effects on the soil plugs in open-ended pie piles installed at offshore sites. In this study, seaquake excitation induced by the vertical ground shaking was simulated by pulsing the water pressure at the seabed. During a seaquake, due to the induced excess porewater pressure and pressure gradients in the soil, the capacity of open-ended pipe piles installed in a simulated sea depth of greate than 220 m was reduced serevely and the soil plugging resistance was degraded by more than 80% The soil plug was failed because of eh upward seepage forces that developed in the soil plug due to excess pore water pressure produced in the bottom of the soil plug during the seaquake, The compressive capacity of ar open-ended pile in a simulated sea depth of less than 220 m was reduced only by about 10% and the soil plug resistance was degraded by less than 5%.s than 5%.

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