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      • KCI등재

        서울 일부 지역 청소년의 음식 콘텐츠 시청과 영양지수(NQ-A)와의 관련성

        김보미,김경희 한국식생활문화학회 2023 韓國食生活文化學會誌 Vol.38 No.1

        In this study, we identified the differences in food content watching habits and nutrition quotient in adolescent (NQ-A). A total number of 811 subjects were surveyed to establish their general characteristics, food content watching habits, andNQ-A using a self-administered questionnaire. In addition, the mediating effect of watching motivation between the type offood content watched and the NQ-A score was determined. The classification by the type of the food content mainlywatched showed that 405 participants (49.9%) watched the Mukbang content, 244 (30.1%) the Cookbang content, and162 (20.0%) another contents. Among the content watching motives in the Cookbang content group, informationacquisition and enjoyment were predominant, whereas emotional satisfaction had the lowest frequency. Compared to theMukbang content group, when the Cookbang content group mediated information acquisition motivation, the scores of thetotal, diversity, balance, and practice of NQ-A score areas increased. Compared to the Mukbang content group, the scorein the moderation area decreased when the Cookbang content group mediated enjoyment motivation. If food content withaccurate information and interesting content are produced and used for adolescent nutrition education, the education willbe highly effective.

      • KCI등재

        인터넷 정보조사를 통한 국내 환자용 식품의 판매가격과 영양 함량 평가

        김유미,서유리,김미현,최미경,Kim, Yu-Mi,Seo, Yu-Lee,Kim, Mi-Hyun,Choi, Mi-Kyeong 한국식품영양학회 2021 韓國食品營養學會誌 Vol.34 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the regular selling price and nutrient contents of foods used for special medical purposes in Korea. This study investigated the regular selling price and nutritional composition of 114 enteral nutrition (EN) foods on the manufacturer's internet homepage. The average price of the total products was 1,156.0 won/100 mL. The price of foods used for calorie and nutrient supplementation (CNS) was significantly higher compared to that of the other EN food types (p<0.01). With respect to the nutritional content per 100 mL of the product, EN foods for CNS had significantly higher contents of energy, protein, 5 minerals, and 7 vitamins than the other EN food types. On comparing the nutritional contents of foods according to the price, the balanced nutrition foods showed significantly higher contents of energy, carbohydrate, protein, 3 minerals, and 7 vitamins in high-priced products than in low-priced foods. Summarizing these results, foods for CNS were approximately twice as expensive as the other EN foods, and the energy, protein, mineral, and vitamin contents were also high. Balanced nutrition foods had higher nutrient contents in high-priced products, which showed the relationship between the product price and nutrient content.

      • KCI등재

        풀버섯 균주별 항산화 활성, 베타글루칸 및 영양성분 함량 분석

        안기홍,임지훈,조재한,김옥태,한재구,An, Gi-Hong,Im, Ji-Hoon,Cho, Jae-Han,Kim, Ok-Tae,Han, Jae-Gu 한국버섯학회 2021 한국버섯학회지 Vol.19 No.1

        풀버섯(Volvariella volvacea) 균주 4종의 추출물에 대한 항산화 활성, 아질산염 소거능, 베타글루칸 함량 및 아미노산 성분분석을 통한 영양성분 함량을 분석하였다. 풀버섯 4종의 균주 중 Vv 균주(KMCC04386)의 DPPH 라디컬 소거능(23.7%)이 가장 높았으며, 총 폴리페놀 함량 및 총 플라보노이드 함량은 Vv-Chi 균주(KMCC04382)가 각각 8.17 mg GAE/g, 3.46 mg QE/g으로 가장 높았으며, 철 환원 항산화능(0.152) 및 환원력(0.094) 역시 Vv-Chi 균주에서 가장 높게 나타났다. 아질산염 소거능은 풀버섯 균주 간 유의적 차이는 없었다(p<0.05). 베타글루칸 함량은 VG-19 균주(KMCC04380)가 17.53% (w/w)로 가장 높았다. 총 아미노산 및 총 필수아미노산 함량은 VG-19 균주가 각각 986.8 mg/kg과 369.3 mg/kg으로 균주들에 비하여 가장 높게 검출되었다. VG-19 균주의 경우, 시스테인(Cys)이 171.0 mg/kg으로 다른 균주들에 비하여 월등히 높게 검출되었으며 그 외에도 아스파르트산(Asp), 세린(Ser), 글루탐산(Glu), 알라닌(Ala), 이소류신(Ile), 류신(Leu) 등의 감칠맛, 단맛을 내는 아미노산 성분과 일부 필수아미노산 성분이 다른 균주에 비하여 높게 검출되었다. 본 연구결과, 풀버섯 4종의 균주 중에서 DPPH 라디컬소거능을 제회한 항산화 활성은 Vv-Chi 균주가 가장 높았으며, 베타글루칸 함량 및 영양성분 함량은 VG-19 균주가 높은 것으로 확인되었다. The hot-water extracts of four strains of Volvariella volvacea [Vv (KMCC04386), Vv-Chi (KMCC04382), V9-21 (KMCC04380), and VG-19 (KMCC05115)] were prepared to determine their antioxidant activities, ��-glucan content, and nutritional content. Among the four V. volvacea strains, Vv strain showed the highest DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) radical scavenging activity (23.7%). The highest total polyphenol and total flavonoid contents (8.17 mg y/g and 3.46 mg QE/g, respectively) were observed in the Vv-Chi strain. The ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) and reducing power were significantly higher in the Vv-Chi strain compared to those in the other V. volvacea strains (p<0.05). There were no significant differences in the nitrite scavenging activity among the four different strains (p<0.05). The ��-glucan content in the four V. volvacea strains ranged from 15.13-16.07%, and the VG-19 strain had the highest ��-glucan content (15.73%). The VG-19 strain also had the highest total amino acid (986.8 mg/kg) and essential amino acid (369.3 mg/kg) contents among the four V. volvacea strains. The results of this study showed that the Vv-Chi strain exhibited the highest antioxidant activity, while the ��-glucan and nutritional contents were higher in the VG-19 strain compared to those in the other strains of V. volvacea.

      • KCI등재후보

        초등학교 영양교육 실태에 관한 국내 연구 논문의 내용 분석

        정경아 한국실과교육연구학회 2013 實科敎育硏究 Vol.19 No.1

        본 연구는 초등학교 영양교육 실태에 관한 국내 연구논문들의 종합적인 분석을 통해 그 내용을 정리하고 문제점을 파악하고자 수행되었다. 초등학교 영양교육 실태에 관한 국내 연구논문들은 크게 초등학교 영양교육에 대한 인식과 초등학교에서의 영양교육 실시 현황을 조사한 논문으로 분류될 수 있었다. 초등학교 영양교육에 대한 인식을 조사한 논문들을 분석한 결과, 일반교사와 영양교사는 초등학교 영양교육의 필요성에 대해 충분히 인식하고 있었으며, 효과적인 영양교육 시기와 아동의 주요 영양문제에 대해 공통된 견해를 보이는 것으로 분석되었다. 또한 영양교육 담당자에 대해서도 대부분의 논문에서 일반교사와 영양교사 모두 학교 영양교육의 주요 담당자를 ‘영양교사’로 인식하고 있는 비율이 높은 것으로 분석되었는데, 초등학교 영양교육의 담당자로서 일반교사와 영양교사의 역할이 분명히 구분되고 각각의 역할이 모두 중요하기 때문에 어느 한 집단에게 책임을 전가하려는 것은 문제가 있으며, 주요 담당자를 논하는 자체가 의미가 없다고 생각되었다. 한편, 초등학교에서의 영양교육 실시현황에 관한 논문들을 분석한 결과를 보면 일반교사와 영양교사 모두 거의 같은 내용의 영양교육을 실시하고 있어 교육의 효과를 떨어뜨리고 있으며, 영양교육을 할 때 사용하는 교육매체가 매우 제한적이며, 영양에 관한 신뢰할 수 있는 정보를 얻을 수 있는 자료가 부족함을 호소하는 공통된 문제점들이 있었다. 초등학교 영양교육 실태에 관한 국내 연구논문들의 전체적인 문제점으로는 연구방법에 있어서 설문조사시 사용된 영양교육이라는 용어에 대한 대상자들의 정확한 인지가 부족하여 이와 관련된 응답결과를 전적으로 신뢰하기에는 무리가 있다고 판단되었으며, 많은 연구들이 어떤 의도에 의해 수행되었거나, 선행 연구의 오래된 연구 내용을 수정이나 보완 없이 반복적으로 사용하여 초등학교 영양교육의 실태를 제대로 반영하지 못할 우려가 있는 것으로 분석되었다. 학교급식을 통해 초등학교에 영양교육의 개념이 도입된 이래 많은 세월이 흘렀고, 그 사이 초등학교의 영양교육 환경에도 많은 변화가 있었다. 그러므로 선행 연구들의 고정화된 연구 내용에 관례적으로 따르기 보다는 이러한 변화에 대한 충분한 고찰을 통해 발전적인 방향으로 연구 목적을 설정하고 현재의 상황에 맞는 타당한 연구 내용과 방법을 통해, 초등학교 식생활 교육의 진정한 발전에 기여할 수 있는 연구들이 수행되는 것이 필요하다. This research analyzed the researches on the state of nutritional education in the elementary school. The researches were classified into 'the recognition on the nutritional education' and 'the present condition of nutritional education'. First, the results of analysing the researches about the recognition on the nutritional education were as follows. The class and dietary teachers recognized the necessity of nutritional education in the elementary school, and had same thought about the main nutrition problems of the children and the most effective time to start the nutritional education. In the most researches, the percentages of thinking that dietary teachers are responsible for the nutritional education in the elementary school were high. This thoughts are needed to be corrected because roles of the class and dietary teachers are different in the nutritional education. Second, the results of analysing the researches about the present condition of the nutritional education were as follows. The class and dietary teachers thaught the same contents when doing nutritional education. Also, both of them used a few limited materials for nutritional education and complained of lack of the guideline books and sources that gave reliable information about nutrition. Altogether, researches had the several problems in their results because they were conducted with a deliberate purpose or in accordance with old subjects of the antecedent researches. It has been many years since the concept of nutritional education introduced to the elementary school through the school lunch. Over the time, there has been many changes in the circumstance of elementary school for the nutritional education. From now on, researches must be conducted which set the advanced goal and use a valid method after careful consideration about these changes instead of just following the fixed subjects of the antecedent researches, for the true development of nutritional education in the elementary school.

      • Health and Nutrition Messages in the Baby Food Advertisements of Women's Magazines

        Kim, Ki-Nam The Korean Society of Community Nutrition 2003 Journal of community nutrition Vol.5 No.3

        Content analysis of food advertisements was undertaken to investigate the nature of the messages related to health, nutrition or consumer-promotion in 2001 women's magazines. Advertisements on baby foods were collected from three women's magazines and the final samples obtained were 42 different copies of advertisements. All the messages in each sample were counted and calculated for their frequency (%). Messages were categorized into four areas (health, nutrition, non-nutrition, consumer promotion), and each area was classified into more detailed categories. Results showed that all the messages in 42 samples and average messages per advertisement were 1288 and 30.7, respectively. The most common type of promotional messages was health related (e.g., appeal to enhanced immune function and disease prevention and brain development), followed by consumer related, nutrition and non-nutrition messages in order. Messages about high quality and all natural ingredients were more emphasized in the consumer related category. Messages on fats (DHA, lecithin and arachidonic acid), proteins (neucleotides, taurine) and mineral (calcium, iron) were most frequently found in nutrition category. Amongst the three kinds of baby foods, formula ads had the most numerous messages related to health and nutrition. There were more consumer related messages in the ads of weaning foods, and more promotional messages about no addition of antiseptic, artificial additives, and food colors in the ads for older infant foods. Messages violating regulation (e.g., exaggerated or inaccurate or non-scientific messages) were frequently found in the advertisements of three kinds of baby foods. In conclusion, tighter supervision of food advertisements and nutrition education is required to protect the consumers from misleading advertisements.

      • KCI등재

        영양교사의 전문성 증진을 위한 직무연수에 관한 연구 -경북지역 중심으로-

        박경숙 ( Kyeung Suk Park ),조성희 ( Sung Hee Cho ) 대한영양사협회 2011 대한영양사협회 학술지 Vol.17 No.4

        The present study was performed to evaluate the job training needs of school nutrition teachers in order to enhance their specialty. Three hundred and forty questionnaires were distributed to school nutrition teachers working at primary and high schools in the Gyeongbuk area while 45 were distributed to professors during 2010∼2011. Three hundred and two questionnaires from school nutrition teachers and 33 from professors were returned and analyzed. The rate of teachers practicing nutrition education was 54%, and the educational content was obtained mainly from the internet. The top three problems the teachers encountered were ``lack of standardized educational materials``, ``inexperience of teaching``, and ``insufficiency of expert knowledge``. The teachers recognized ``training program`` as the best solution. However, the job training program operated immediately after teachers were appointed scored only 3.03 out of 5.00. Important contents of the training program ranked highly by the teachers were ``development of education materials``, ``nutrition counseling``, and ``teaching method``. The professors included ``expert knowledge`` in their top three contents. Both the teachers and professors agreed to increase the frequency of ``practice`` in training methods. Other factors the teachers considered to be important were high quality, diversity, ability of the instructor, training cycle, and the institution in charge. From these results, it can be concluded that efficient job training programs are needed for school nutrition teachers according to the importance of the education contents and training methods. It is therefore suggested that a cooperation committee be composed of an educator, educatee, and related personal in a local education office in order to operate the program.

      • KCI등재

        올바른 간식 선택을 위한 과자류의 영양성분 함량 평가

        윤채영,김은주 동아시아식생활학회 2023 동아시아식생활학회지 Vol.33 No.4

        The study evaluated the scientific evidence that can be used to promote the selection of healthier snacks by comparing and analyzing the energy, carbohydrates, sugar, protein, fat, saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, and sodium content of different snack types, particularly focusing on sugars, saturated fat, and sodium levels. This study targeted 3,174 snack products using the integrated version of the Food and Nutrient Database for Dietary Studies, registered with the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety in 2022. Chocolate products (6.62 g) and wafers (6.59 g) had the highest sugar content per 100 kcal (p<0.001), while snacks had the lowest sugar content at 13.44 g. In terms of the saturated fat content, wafers (2.64 g) and chocolate products (2.37 g) had the highest levels per 100 kcal (p<0.001). On the other hand, Korean confectioneries (0.92 g) had the lowest saturated fat content. When examining the sodium content, crackers (113.05 mg) showed the highest levels per 100 kcal, while Korean confectioneries (27.91 mg) had the lowest levels (p<0.001). Overall, Korean confectioneries contained fewer nutrients of concern than other snack types, while chocolate products showed consistently high levels of the nutrients of concern. Consumers need to pay attention to nutrition labeling and make informed choices, particularly when selecting snacks, to prioritize personal health. Applying the findings of this study to preventing the health problems caused by the excessive intake of sugars, saturated fat, and sodium during long-term snack consumption can have a wide range of implications. .

      • KCI등재

        영양관련 프로그램의 내용분석을 통한 텔레비전의 영양교육적 역할의 검토

        이정원,이보경 대한지역사회영양학회 1998 대한지역사회영양학회지 Vol.3 No.4

        In order to examine the television(TV)'s role of nutrition education and the nutritional interests and problems of the general public in the 1990s, a comtents analysis was done on two nutrition-related TV programs, a regular round-table talk show and a newscast. Broadcast from January 1993 to July 1997 and from January 1997 to July f1997, respectively. Nutrition-related information was classified into five categories. Food and nutrient(39.5%) and diseases(34.7%) were most frequently telecasted, which were followed by food habits and general health(13.0%), traditional dishes and cookery(8.2%), and food sanitation and safety(4.6%). In becoming the latest year, some trends in the issues displayed increased telecasts about disease, dish and cookery, and food safety, while the telecasting of food and nutrient decreased. The contents about the relations hip between life-style(including diet) and chronic degenerative diseases and the importance of balanced diets and regualr meals for health promotion became particularly emphasized. Overall, two TV programs provided the public with positive, practical, and sometimes practive nutrition education messages for improving eating life and health care. They also raised the public's awareness of the nutritional importance of Korean staple foods such as rice, kimchi, seaweed, and soysauce, and they sometimes satified the audience's curiosities by introducing Korean food culture or foods of Buddhist priests. When the accident of food toxicity occurred concrete information about how to manage it was rapidly given to the public. In addition they played a role in food balance policy by telecasting over-product foods such as garlic and onion. However some negative points appeared. Telecasts on milk and its products and diabetes mellitus showed the least frequently. These shows should be broadcast more often considering the present nutrition and health problems in Korea. Some functions or effects of foods were mostly explained by only physicians of Chinese medicine. Sometimes misinformed, unclear, overemphasized, biased, or unfair information was televised to the public. If these problems could be solved through the sincere cooperation between nutrition faculty and TV produces, become televison could a more complete and effective medium for educating the public about nutrition.

      • KCI등재

        음나무 신품종 새순의 유용물질 함량분석과 항산화활성

        송정호 ( Jeong Ho Song ),김혜수 ( Hyeusoo Kim ),김문섭 ( Moon Sup Kim ),김세현 ( Sea Hyun Kim ),이진태 ( Jin Tae Lee ) 한국산림과학회 2015 한국산림과학회지 Vol.104 No.3

        This study was carried out to analyze the nutritional composition, bioactive compound and antioxidant activity in fresh sprout of 3 new Kalopanax septemlobus cultivars. Cheong-San, Cheong-Song and Cheong Sun 1 had largest carbohydrate (52.90, 53.12, 55.28%), crude protein (34.23, 31.33, 33.58%) in the proximate composition and had largest K (2.29, 2.22, 2.23%) followed by Ca (0.44, 0.34, 0.37%), Mg (0.24, 0.19, 0.19%) in the mineral contents. Three new cultivars contained a total of 26, 25 and 28 different kinds of amino acids, respectively and the number of essential amino acid is 6, 6 and 7 species, respectively. Also, Cheong-San had higher total polyphenol contents and Cheong-Song had higher total flavonoid contents. DPPH free radical scavenging activity of 70% ethanol, water extracts of Cheong-San and Cheong-Song is higher than others at 100 ppm. In the ABTS radical cation decolorization activity, 70% ethanol extract of Cheong Sun 1, water extract of Cheong-San and Cheong-Song are higher activity than others and all samples have more than 85% ABTS racial cation decolorization activity at 500 ppm. Our results suggest that new K. septemlobus cultivars possess good antioxidant capacities with a high nutritional value and might have potential applications in the food and medical industries.

      • KCI등재

        Bioactive, nutritional composition, heavy metal and pesticide residue of four Chinese jujube cultivars

        Ebeydulla Rahman,Ali Momin,Liang Zhao,Xiaoxuan Guo,Duoyuan Xu,Feng Zhou,Baoping Ji 한국식품과학회 2018 Food Science and Biotechnology Vol.27 No.2

        This study aims to conduct a detailed investigation on four cultivars grown in northwest China, concentrating on the analysis of the bioactive contents, nutrients, heavy metal concentrations, and pesticide residue contents. Those Chinese jujubes consist of 51.99–71.75% edible part, 82.35–89.63% carbohydrates, 4.43–6.01% protein, 0.48–0.63% lipid, 2.80–4.80% polysaccharide, 45.64–88.97 mg/100 g ascorbic acid, 132.16–196.58 mg/ 100 g phenolics and 101.17–132.04 mg/100 g flavonoids in dry matter. In those four Chinese jujube cultivars, sulfur amino acids are the first limiting amino acids for adults, and aromatic amino acids are for children. The amount of heavy metal and pesticide residue concentrations in those jujubes was way below the limit. All four cultivars were found to have different nutritional values except for the carbohydrates; they had higher rates of carbohydrates and polysaccharide than those previously reported ones from Eastern China; and they are a better source for carbohydrates, vitamin C and functional amino acids.

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