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      • KCI등재후보

        일제강점기 “신여성” 담론 속에 나타난 여성 주체

        한아름 ( Ah Reum Han ) 전북대학교 인문학연구소 2013 건지인문학 Vol.9 No.-

        The Meaning of the ‘New Woman’ had not fixed. As time went by, with passionate discourse that meanings had changed. So it is diffi-cult to grasp concepts thoroughly by only one approach. We need to consider the Japanese colonial period that blended colonization with modernization. It is also necessary to see who is the subject in the field of discussion. The discourse of the ‘New Woman’ had been formed in external situations, the meaning of a word was flexible. At first women who took modern education were named ‘New Woman’. Popular culture in the late 1920`s was an exceptionally popular. After 1920`s women who influenced by popular culture and the latest fad were called ‘New Woman’ or ‘Modern girl’ In the late 1930`s, the word ‘New Woman’ turned into ‘Modern Woman’ frequently. In the space of the modernization in colonial period, socio-histor-ical discourse had changed, the symbol of ‘New Woman’ was diverse. Modernized by Japanese colonial rule, colonial space became the con-flicting social structure as development continuing on parallel with oppression. In this field, women could get new educational system and entered the stage in the center of society. Furthermore, women stood out due to the advance of mass media as a main body of spend-ing money. Pressed for following old ideas for women, however, women wav-ered at the public opinion. The hegemony here was exposed, domi-nant surrounding the discourse of the ‘New Woman’ Not only the Japanese colonial period, but also the patriarchal system suppressed women. In this situation, women sometimes had same voice or not. This voice is based on calling women as a modern subject by virtue of engaging in forming the identity of female itself. Under the influ-ence of the agenda-setting conversations of the ‘New Woman’, women could realize the sense of self. Received modern education, women had chance to learn a progressive thought and adopted the products of civilization. Taking this opportunity, women granted a new role in person, forming discussions about ‘New Woman’ and coming on stage as one of the member in society. In conclusion, such social changes are im-portant to find voices about feminist issues with woman`s own. It led to the meaningful creation of the ‘New Woman’ as new members to adapt to the trend of the times.

      • KCI우수등재

        일반논문 : 신여성과 깁슨걸의 비교 분석

        박현숙 ( Hyun Sook Park ) 한국서양사학회 2016 西洋史論 Vol.0 No.128

        본 논문은 19세기 후반에 동시적으로 등장한 신여성과 깁슨걸을 비교 분석하였다. 19세기 후반에 이러한 새로운 유형의 여성이 등장하게 된 것은 시대적 배경과 긴밀한 관계가 있다. 19세기 후반은 독점 자본주의 체제가 출현하고, 정치적 부패가 심화된 시기로 이에 대한 대응으로 혁신주의적 개혁운동이 시작된 시기였다. 이러한 개혁적 분위기에 발맞추어 다양한 여성 조직이 만들어지고, 이러한 조직 활동을 통해 여성들이 공적 영역으로 발을 내딛기 시작하였으며, 여성들의 컬리지 교육이 시작되면서 소수의 선구적 여성들이 새로운 직업을 갖게 된 시기이다. 이러한 변화의 시기에 독립적이며 고등교육을 받았고, 운동을 즐기고, 정치적으로 사회적으로 혁신적이며, 경제적으로 자율성을 추구하는 신여성이 등장하였다. 이들은 전 세대의 여성들과 달리 결혼보다는 전문직에 취업하고자 투쟁하였으며 새로운 역할을 개척하고자 노력하였다. 이러한 신여성의 등장과 때를 같이 하여 등장한 것이 바로 깁슨걸이다. 깁슨걸은 찰스 다나 깁슨의 펜과 잉크로 만들어진 만화의 인물로 1894년 잡지의 표지에 등 장한 이래 선풍적인 인기를 끌었고, 이후부터 1차대전까지 깁슨걸은 여성의 아름다움의 표준이 되었다. 당시의 페미니스트들은 깁슨걸을 신여성의 전형으로 보았는데, 블라우스와 스커트를 캐주얼하게 입고 스포츠를 하는 모습이 활동적이고 적극적인 여성의 모습으로 비쳐졌기 때문이다. 페미니스트들의 이러한 오해로 인해 이후 깁슨걸은 신여성을 대변하고 있고 신여성의 표상으로 인식되었다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 신여성과 깁슨걸의 모습을 분석하여 깁슨걸이 신여성의 표상이 될 수 있는지, 표상이 될 수 없다면 어떠한 점이 다른지 살펴보고자 한다. 신여성의 경우 우선 참정권 운동가로서의 모습을 연구하고, 신여성과 가장 직접적으로 동일시되는 컬리지 여학생의 모습, 그리고 이들 신여성들이 활동한 클럽 활동 중 여성 기독교 금주연합과 인보관에서의 활동을 살펴봄으로써 신여성의 삶을 구체적으로 살펴보았다. 한편 깁슨걸의 경우 깁슨이 그린 다양한 깁슨걸의 모습, 무도회, 오페라나 매디슨 스퀘어 가든 말쇼에 등장하는 깁슨걸, 운동을 즐기는 깁슨걸, 공적 영역에서 활동하는 깁슨걸, 남녀관계에서 주도권을 장악하는 깁슨걸의 모습, 소비주의의 표상으로서의 깁슨걸의 모습을 살펴봄으로써 두 유형의 여성을 비교 분석하였다. This study is to analyze and compare the first generation of New Woman and Gibson Girl, both appeared in the second half of the nineteenth century. The appearance of these new style women is intimately connected with periodic background. In the second half of the nineteenth century Progressive movement appeared to prevent prevailing monopoly capitalism and political corruption. In this Progressive era women entered the public sphere through women’s organizations which were formed, entered college and workforce, including new professions in significant numbers. In this transitional period New Woman, white, independent, educated, athletic, politically and socially progressive, pursuing financial autonomy made an appearance. Refusing to accept True womanhood she fought to engage in professional work instead of marriage, pioneering new role and demanding justified position in a decent world. Simultaneously with the appearance of New Woman Gibson girl made her entrance. The Gibson Girl image appeared for the first time on the cover in an 1890 issue of Life. She was the creation of artist Charles Dana Gibson with his pen-and-ink. Since her first appearance in 1890 she became a national sensation by 1894, and came to dominate standards of beauty in women, which lasted until the World War I. Contemporary feminists considered Gibson girl as a protype of New Woman because her active and affirmative posture and her engagement in athletic activity wearing blouse and skirt casually seemed to resemble New Woman. For this reason Gibson girl was recognized as representing and symbolizing New Woman. In order to clarify this misunderstanding and to examine its reason this article analyzes New Woman and Gibson girl in depth. To understand New Woman her activities and life as a suffragist, a college girl, a professional worker, and a progressive reformer working in women’s clubs, focusing on Woman’s Christian Temperance Union and Hull House were examined. As for Gibson girl various types of Gibson girl such as appearing at balls, the opera, or the Madison Square Garden Horse Show and engaging at bicycling, golfing, playing tennis, and swimming, and also appearing at public sphere and dominating the mating game or posing as college girls and jurors and being presented as a greedy consumer. As a result I reached the conclusion that Gibson girl does not contain various types of New Woman. She never works either in settlement house or in any workshops and rarely appears as a college girl. When Gibson does draw her either a feminist or politically oriented girl he intends to undermine her noble goal. The reason Gibson distorted New Woman in his Gibson Girl is because he wanted to alleviate fears that New Woman might provoke. He also wanted to warn the society that the American Girl, at once demanding and capricious, controls the market in men and consumer goods. Nevertheless, these Gibson’s images influenced a lot on contemporary women to motivate to achieve individual independence and self esteem, and even sexual freedom. (Sogang University / hsppp@hanmail.net)

      • KCI등재후보

        1920-30년대 대중문화와 <신여성> ― 활동사진과 유행가를 중심으로 ―

        문경연 한국여성문학학회 2004 여성문학연구 Vol.12 No.-

        Constituting a significant series with several concepts of personality, refinement, taste, "culture" based on the colonial capitalism of 1920~30 had an important role to abet and reveal the desire of the new woman. Through scrutinizing The New Woman, most representative popular women magazine, this thesis would unveil the position of the new woman in the realm of popular culture. Focusing on motion pictures and phonograph records, first section of this thesis studies the scene of the new woman's encounter with popular culture. In this assemblage the magazine, The New Woman was a provided text for "reading" motion pictures in another way. And it also promoted young women's consumption of motion pictures and phonograph records. The purpose of second section is to unveil, in the heterogeneous voices echoing in The New Woman, the fact that the masculine rhetoric of the modern suppressed and controled the social position of the new woman, while it continuously made the modern woman main consumers of popular culture. And this thesis argues that though there were prejudiced gazes of masculine society, the new woman tried to overcome the imposed position, the passive consumer of popular culture. In other words, they want to be productive subjects willing to participate in the production process of popular culture. They craved to get such an modern occupation as actress or songstress. Futhermore the new woman successfully represented their identity in some in modern characters like moviegoer, theatergoer, flapper, etc. The new woman's embodiment of modern characters and the change of life style are investigated in section 3 and 4. Popular culture was a positive mechanism for the establishment of modern female subject which made the new woman acquire her existential position in her society. Surely the new woman's consumption of popular culture was sometimes ostentation or a kind of hierarchy to make difference between them and the old woman. However the positive revelation of the new woman's desire and their concrete experience in the realm of popular culture operating inconsistently "social permission and control", "inducement and censure" is meaningful in the sense that it created critical fissures in the adamant patriarchal masculine society. 1920~30년대 식민지적 자본주의의 토대 위에서 ‘문화’라는 키워드는 개성, 교양, 취미라는 개념들과 계열관계를 형성하면서 신여성들의 욕망을 추동하고 발현하도록 도왔다. 본고는 이 시기의 대표적인 여성잡지인 『신여성』을 텍스트로 해서, 당시 대중문화의 장(場) 안에서 신여성이 근거하는 지점을 살펴보고자 한다. 1절에서는 신여성이 대중문화와 조우하는 현장을 활동사진과 유행가 음반을 중심으로 살펴보았다. 그 안에서 잡지 『신여성』은 스크린의 활동사진을 지면상에서 읽는 텍스트로 전환하여 독자에게 제공하기도 했고, 활동사진과 음반의 구매를 유도하기도 했다. 2절에서는 신여성들을 대중문화의 소비자로 호출하는 반면, 한편에서는 끊임없이 신여성들을 억압하고 위험 담론을 재생산했던 남성들의 교묘한 금기의 수사학을『신여성』내의 다양한 목소리들을 통해 드러내고자 했다. 그러나 신여성들은 일면 부정적인 (남성)사회의 시선에도 불구하고 대중문화를 무기력하게 구매하고 즐기기만 한 것이 아니라 심지어 생산 과정에 투신하여 생산주체가 되고자 했다. 여배우, 여가수라는 근대적인 직업을 욕망하기 시작했고, 영화광․극다광(劇多狂), 플랩퍼형 여성 등의 근대적 인간형을 주조해내기도 했다. 이상과 같은 근대적 인간형의 창출과 신여성의 라이프 스타일의 변모는 3․4절에서 고찰하였다. 신여성이 자신들의 존재감을 구체적으로 획득하고, 과거와는 다른 방식의 근대적이고 적극적인 여성 주체를 확립하는데 있어 대중문화는 긍정적인 기제로 작용했다. 그 과정에서 신여성들의 대중문화 소비가 과시적 포즈로만 표출되거나, 구여성과의 위계가 공고해지는 여성 내부의 모순들이 발생한 것도 사실이다. 하지만 사회의 허용과 통제, 권유와 비난이 동시에 작용했던 이중적인 대중문화의 공간 안에서, 신여성들의 적극적인 욕망의 발현과 구체적 체험의 결과는 가부장적 남성사회에 균열을 내는 효과를 발휘했다는 점에서 의미가 있다고 하겠다.

      • KCI등재후보

        ‘소문’에 대응하여 형성되는 ‘신여성’의 기표 -나혜석의 단편 「경희」(1918)를 중심으로

        손혜민 국제한국문학문화학회 2009 사이 Vol.7 No.-

        This article reads Kyung-Hee, Hye-Suk Na’s first work, as the process of forming ‘the New Woman’ identity and reinterprets the understanding that, during that time, the discussion of ‘the New Woman’ was formed through the motif of ‘rumors’. ‘The New Women’ was the subject of ‘rumors’ and the product of ‘Rumors,’ after it appeared on the stage of discussion in Cho-Sun. However, the important thing is that these ‘rumors’ not only unveiled people’s understanding and desire for ‘the New Woman’, but also acted as the principal axis that formed the conception of ‘the New Woman’. The narration in Kyung-Hee is a good example of the method in which the rhetoric of ‘rumors was used. The narration in Kyung-Hee presents a series of ‘rumors’ in which patriarchal order is reflected and forms the ‘authentic’ conception of ‘the New Woman’ through the denial of this order. However, the virtues of ‘the New Woman’ that are presented by Kyung-Hee are syngeneic with the discussion of male intellectuals in a colony that intended to make themselves the “Others”, and have a confederate relationship with ‘the ideology of a wise mother and good wife’. Within the ignition/ventilation structure, ‘rumors’ are spoken by ‘the old woman’. A problematic point of the novel is that it conceals the view of a male subject and encourages solidarity between ‘the old woman’and ‘male’. Kyung-Hee shows that, through ‘rumors’ relationship with modern systems like the newspaper, ‘rumors’ at that time about ‘female students/the New Woman’ were engaged in confirming public discussion. In Kyung-Hee, the identity of ‘a new women’ is in the process of being formed by the restless denial of others. It is not irrelevant that ‘Kyung-Hee’is spoken for by others and can’t speak for herself, keeping consistent distance from the speaking technique of enlightenment. Therefore, ‘Kyung-Hee’ adopts inner self-reflection to discover the content of ‘the New Woman’ that is suitable for ‘the New Woman’s signifiant. However, ‘Kyung-Hee’s inner agony is sutured by individual’s ethic of duty. It suggests that the discussion of ‘the New Woman’ in those days couldn’t escape the view of a male subject spoken in ‘rumors’. As implied in Kyung-Hee, what encourages the discussion of ‘the New Woman’ was the desire of the male subject that surrounded ‘the New Woman’. However, Kyung-Hee presents the possibility of solidarity between ‘the old woman’-‘the new woman’ under the banner of enlightening. Kyung-Hee, which intends to capture ‘the old woman’ involved in ‘rumors’ following the logic of enlightening, shows the possibility of feminine ignition and shows a difference type of resistance through the new method that appropriates ‘rumors’.

      • KCI등재

        현대 중국 新女性 형상의 변천

        홍지순 한국중국현대문학학회 2007 中國現代文學 Vol.0 No.43

        The discourses of the new woman (xin nüxing) in modern China articulate the deep-seated problematics that underlie social perceptions of (educated) modern women. This essay examines the changing social images of the new woman and the different ways in which they were produced and consumed, according to socio-historical changes and to the medium used, such as the printed media and film in modern China. Approaching the New Woman as a significant cultural phenomenon of global modernity, it also compares the new woman images from other parts of the world such as England, Germany, Japan, the US and Korea. If the sustaining representative image of the New Woman throughout the Republican period was the woman writer, this essay also deals with its implicit and explicit associations with other images suchas the college student, the teacher, the actress and the prostitute. This essay is also based on my illumination of the conceptual relationship between xin nüxing and xin qingnian. While xin qingnian were the direct producers of discourses in the sphere of ideology and culture, xin nüxing were under the intensive control of these intellectual discourses. The primary marker of a xin nüxing was her lifestyle or, more often than not, simply her fashion and hairstyle. This implies that public interest in the new women was directed towards their private lives and bodies. This conceptual history of xin nüxing implies that educated modern women were the privileged object of the commercial gaze and the mass media, which is also vividly demonstrated in the recent media fever for the Shin Jung-Ah incident in Korea. Finally, this essay points out the relationship between the new woman’s image in contemporary China with the Neo Liberalist ideology.

      • KCI등재

        전도부인(Bible Woman), 한국 근대소설 속 신여성(New Woman) 이전의 여자들

        김예람(Ye-ram Kim) 구보학회 2023 구보학보 Vol.- No.34

        본 논문은 개화기 신소설부터 일제 식민지기 근대소설에 이르기까지 신여성(New Woman)에 앞서 기독교를 통해 근대성을 내면화하기 시작한 전도부인(Bible Woman)에 착안하여 전도부인이 구여성과 신여성을 매개하는 과도기적 여성 인물이자, 근대작가들로 하여금 한국 여성과 일상화된 기독교 사이에 존재했던 여성주제들에 대한 탐색을 심화시킨 문학적 제재였음을 밝혔다. 신여성 작가의 소설과 신여성 모델소설이 창작되기 이전 전도부인은 석진형, 김일엽, 전영택의 소설에서 구여성에게 전통적 여성의 삶과 획기적으로 구분되는 새로운 삶의 가능성을 제시하고, 여성계를 대표하는 직업여성으로 부각된다. 나아가 전도부인은 신여성 인물이 정착한 이후에도 여러 장편소설에서 기독교 농촌계몽운동, 기독교적 혼인율, 여성해방과 기독교에 관한 다양한 여성주제를 탐색하도록 만든 유용한 소재였다. 전도부인 최용신(崔容信)을 모델로 한 심훈의 『상록수』는 채영신을 세속화된 전도부인으로 형상화하여 종교적 열정을 농촌계몽운동에 수렴시킨 소설이고, 김말봉의 『밀림』은 전도부인 삽화를 통해 신자 간의 결혼만을 허용하는 기독교적 혼인율에 대한 윤리적 문제를 제기한 작품이며, 채만식의 『인형의 집을 나와서』는 봉건적 부덕을 상징하는 소재로서 전도부인을 설정하여 그와 대립하는 여성해방의 주제를 전달한 소설이다. 전도부인은 근대적 여성 인물의 모색이라는 소설사적 과제에 과도기적 역할을 담당한 문학적 전형이자, 신여성에 편중된 근대적 여성상의 한 측면을 새롭게 드러내는 역사적 존재다. This article focuses on the Bible Woman(傳道婦人), who began to internalize modernity through Christianity before the New Woman(新女性), from the New Novels of the enlightenment period to the modern novels of the Japanese colonial period. Bible Women were transitional female characters that mediated between old women and New Women. By the Bible Women as subject matters, modern writers deepened their literary exploration on feminist themes existed between Korean women and generalized Christianity. Before modern novels by New Women writers and roman à clefs on real New Women, Bible Women presented old women with new life possibilities that were radically different from traditional women's lives as well as stood out as career women representing the women's world in the novels of Jin-hyeong Seok, Il-yeop Kim, Young-taek Jeon. Even after New Woman characters were settled in Korean modern novels, Bible Women, in addition, proved to be useful matters for a number of novels to explore a variety of feminist themes; Christian v narod movement, Christian marriage law, women's liberation. Modeled on Bible Woman Yong-shin Choi(崔容信), Hoon Shim's Evergreen Tree is a novel that concentrates religious fervor on v narod movement by characterizing Young-shin Chae as a secularized Bible Woman. Mal-bong Kim's Jungle raises ethical questions about the Christian marriage law, which only allows marriages between believers by means of the episode of the Bible Woman character. Man-sik Chae's After Leaving A Doll's House is a novel that conveys the theme of women's liberation by characterizing the Bible Woman as a symbol of the virtues of feudal women. To conclude, the Bible Woman is a literary type that played a transitional role in the Korean modern novel's historical task of finding a modern female character, and a historical being that reinforced an aspect of the modern female figure that was biased toward the New Woman.

      • KCI등재

        1920-30년대 한국의 이상적 “신여성” 이미지와 패션

        이재윤(Jae Yoon Yi) 한국복식학회 2014 服飾 Vol.64 No.7

        The term “new woman” (신여성 [Sinyeoseong], 新女性) refers to an idealized image of contemporary women during the so-called modern period in East Asia. In Korea, these “modern girls” were also referred to as modan (毛斷), or “cut-hair”, reflecting changes in appearances that rejected the traditional value system in favor of “the new” in everyday life. Although it was used to refer to the perceived educated leaders of this new period, it also had the negative connotation of referring to frivolous women only interested in the latest fashion. The popular discourse on this “new woman” was constantly changing during this early modern period in East Asia, ranging from male-driven women’s movements to women-driven liberal and socialist movements. The discourse often included ideals of what constituted female impeccability in women’s domestic roles and enlightened views on housekeeping, yet in most cases the “new woman” was also expected to be a good wife and mother as well as a successful career woman. The concept of the “new woman” was also accompanied by an upheaval in women’s social roles and their physical boundaries, and resulted in women repositioning themselves in the new society. The new look was a way of constructing their bodies to fit their new roles, and this again was rapidly reproduced in visual media. Newspapers, magazines, and plays had gained immense popularity by this time and provided visual material for the age with covers, advertisements, and illustrations. This research will explore the fashion of the “new woman” through archival resources, specifically magazines published in the 1920s and 1930s. It will investigate how women’s appearances and the images they pursued reflected the ideal image of the “new woman.” Fashion information providers, trendsetters, and levels of popular acceptance will also be examined in the context of the early stage of the fashion industry in East Asia, including production and distribution. Additionally, as the idea of the “new woman” was a worldwide phenomenon throughout the 19th and early 20th century, the effect of Japanese colonialism on the structure of Korean culture and its role as a cultural mediator will also be considered in how the ideal image of beauty was sought, and whether this was a western, colonial, or national preference.

      • KCI등재


        오경희 한국중국현대문학학회 2006 中國現代文學 Vol.0 No.37

        The purpose of this paper is to compare the aspects of the modern New Woman in women's novels published in Korea and China in the 1920s. First, it examines the background and cause of the emergence of the New Woman. Next, through women's novels, it studies the internal and external style of the New Woman as a builder of modern culture and contrasts various aspects of the New Woman's life: the aspect of a ‘girl student' as enlightening intellectual, a ‘modern wife' with modern married life and a ‘modern woman' with gender consciousness and desire. The study reveals that the New Woman fluctuated between expectations of progressive paradigms of the New Woman and identity confusion captured by traditional norms even though modern education and culture made women's life and consciousness change. Especially, in modern China, the New Woman was supported by Chinese intellectuals under the influenced of the May Fourth Movement. On the contrary, the New Woman was an object of hatred and a cause of conflict in Chosun dominated by a patriarchal system, a feudalistic idea and colonialism. The social environment had great influence on construction of gender and an unhappy life of the New Woman.

      • KCI등재후보

        신여성의 새역사 만들기: 올리브 슈라이너의 『아프리카 농장 이야기』

        전승혜 ( Seung Hei Chun ) 근대 영미소설 학회 2004 근대 영미소설 Vol.11 No.2

        Critical discussions of The Story of an African Farm(the Story) often fail to locate the feminist theme in the context of Schreiner`s ideas of evolutionary development of Humanity, paying little attention to its diverse narrative strategies Schreiner adopts in order to explore her ideas of New Woman, New Man, and New History. The aim of this paper is to propose that the Story should be read as the making of new history by New Woman rather than a feminist propaganda novel or a precursor of a modernist formal experiment. Schreiner has a vision of future utopia which a perfect union of free man and free woman will make possible, and which is in the far distant, toward which the New Woman and the New Man should strive to move in the present. Schreiner presents her New Woman and New Man through Lyndall and Waldo making first steps separately in different ways toward a new world using her diverse narrative strategies. The Story has a disruptive unlinear narrative form with reversed conventional plot construction, dual protagonists, intruding discursive discourses, dreams or allegories. These are the means by which Schreiner makes Lyndall and Waldo represent her ideas of New Woman and New Man in The Story since the gap created by the theoretical discourses and the narrated story provides the field in which New Woman and New Man in the present can work.

      • KCI등재

        일제강점기의 조선 신여성 인식에 관한 일고찰 -여성잡지 『신여성(新女性)』을 중심으로-

        이행화,이경규 한국일본근대학회 2016 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.51

        본 연구에서는 여성잡지 『新女性』에서 나타난 신여성에 관한 담론을 고찰하고 이들 신여성의 소비공간, 그리고 신체의 근대적 인식, 새로운 소비주체로서의 출현 등에 관해서 살펴보았다. 신여성이란 일정한 교육을 받고 봉건적인 사회 인습을 과감히 타파하고 자질과 능력을 갖춘 여성으로서 남녀평등을 위한 여성해방운동과 사회적 계급타파운동에 적극적으로 참여하고자 하는 여성으로 볼 수 있다. 이러한 신여성에 대해서 여성잡지 『新女性』에서는 긍정적인 인식과 더불어 부정적인 인식이 혼재되어 있음을 확인할 수 있었다. 그리고 이들 신여성들은 경제적인 현실상황 뿐만이 아니라 그들의 자아실현과 사회적 활동에 대한 욕구로 인해 활발한 직업 활동을 희망하고 있었다. 신여성들의 사회적 요구와 더불어 당시의 여성잡지들은 여성의 사회적 지위 확보와 직업 진출의 중요성을 촉구하고 있다. 이러한 신여성의 등장과 더불어 경성을 비롯한 주요 도시는 당시의 소비문화가 정착되어가는 과정에 있어서 매우 중요한 소비 공간이었다. 신여성들은 이러한 소비문화가 뿌리를 내리는데 있어서 중심적인 역할을 하였다. 신여성들은 서구식 의상과 장신구, 머리모양, 새로운 화장법 등의 보급을 통해서 신체에 대한 근대적 인식의 전환이 이루어졌으며, 당시의 새로운 소비문화를 형성하는데 있어서 주도적인 역할을 했다고 볼 수 있을 것이다. This paper explores the discourse on the so-called New Woman emerged in a woman`s magazine entitled "New Woman" with a view to investigating the associated themes that range from women`s consuming space to modern perception towards female body and to the emergence of women as a new major player in consumption and so forth. The New Woman is here defined as an educated, independent - hence capable and qualified - woman who attempts and endeavors to break long-held patriarchal, feudalistic social conventions/customs in society through her active participation in emancipatory movements for improvement of woman`s rights and social/class status within it. The "New Woman" magzine is overall found to have implicitly maintained its both positive and nagative perception/editorial stance towards the New Woman. Furthermore, those new women sought to actively involve themselves in pursuing their career activities not only for economic purpose, but also in the wake of their more fundamental, ultimate desire for self-realization and for taking part in social activities. As with such societal needs mentioned above, women`s magazines in general played an active part in asserting, and making in public, the issues on the need for the betterment of women`s social position and on the importance of women making it to their career paths. In this sense, in relation to the then emergence of those new women as such, major cities in colonial Korea including Kyungsung (Seoul) were deemed as a crucial space in the process of formation of the then culture of consumption in it, thus pivotal in enabling it to become more firmly established there in the long run. Through this process started the wider spread of Westernized clothing and hairstyle and new make-up techniques across colonial Korea, and it was eventually the new women as a trendsetter that played the very leading role in formation and establishment of the then comsumer culture.

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