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        광복기 문학독본과 문학교육(1) : 현대시 제재를 중심으로

        이순욱 동남어문학회 2013 동남어문논집 Vol.1 No.36

        This study aims at exploring the nature and characteristics of the literary readers during the Independence Period based on the history of the literary circles. The purpose is to shed a light on the relation between literary readers and the middle school Korean textbook system and to explain the realignment of literary canon and the changes in the canon formation. First, fighting against illiteracy was one of the most important tasks in the education policy right after the Independence. The Joseon Language Society took the initiative in the language education at the time. The anti-illiteracy campaign and the national enlightenment campaign, therefore, were led by the Korean Language Culture Dissemination Association, the Korean Language Academy and the Korean Education Research Institute organized by the Joseon Language Society and the Korean linguists from the local society. Against this backdrop, the Joseon Language Society and the Education Management Office of the Military Government took the lead in publishing the Korean textbooks, and various readers for public language education were mass produced and became widespread. Literary readers at the time including the 『Literary Reader』 by Lee Yun-jae and the 『Korean Literary Reader』 by Jeong Yeol-mo went into printing repeatedly in a short period of time. These readers seem to have faithfully played their roles as a temporary textbook or as a supplementary reader for school education and adult education until 『Middle Korean Language Textbook』 was published by the Joseon Language Society and the Education Management Office of the Military Government. This shows that literary readers had a significant influence on students and the public in their learning the Korean language. Second, these literary readers explained the formation procedure and characteristics of the literary canon in the early stage of the Independence Period when the line up of writers was still not reorganized toward the right-wing literary circles. Literary readers of the time mostly showed a balance between left and right-wing writers in the process of the canon formation. Except for the 『Modern Korean Literature Essence』, the line up includes both ideologies, and the fact that many writers and literary works published in the 『Modern Korean Literature Essence』 after the reshuffle of the literary circles were realigned into Korean textbooks explained the ideology and political characteristics of the canon formation during the Independence Period. As realizing the national identity was the first priority of the time, which required Korean education, it seemed that literary and social criteria were not strictly applied when selecting and arranging texts included in literary readers. In other words, rather than forcing the national ideology, the format and contents of readers were decided based on the compiler's personal taste and judgement. It can be concluded, therefore, that the literary canon formation began to have an indispensible relation with ideological requests only after the nation building. Third, as the importance of language education increased, local societies were asked to develop their own textbooks and the 『Middle Korean Reader』 published in Busan was one of the most important local readers. Yu Yeol, who was leading the “Baedal Academhy” realized the need for textbooks for Korean language lessons as there were not enough qualified textbooks except for official bulletins. This reader was very significant in many ways; it utilized the existing canon when forming a canon with writers and literary works; contained the relevance and nationalistic tendency in terms of selecting topics; included many KAPF writers such as Park Tae-won, Lee Ki-younh, Lee Tae-jun, Jo Yeong-chul, Han Seol-ya, Kim Ki-jin, Eom Heung-seop, Park Ah-ji; has a high proportion of novels in addition to the variety in the literary types; and focused on its main function as a textbook for Korean lessons by mostly writing Korean but increassed readability by partially listing Chinese letters together. Fourth, the relationship between Korean textbooks and literary readers showed how the status of writers, who used to have a dominating position during the early Independence Period, gradually disappeared from the literary system or forgotten due to the changes in external political factors. Given that there is no absolute literary canon that never changes, the textbook system transferring from the 『Middle Korean Language Textbook』 and the 『Middle Korean Language』 1-3 into the 『Middle Korean Language』 1-6 was reorganized in accordance with the conversion of left-wing writers and the heightened status of the orthodox writers of the Korean Writiers Association, which resulted in the one-sided canon formation. Backed by the ideological standards of nationalism and anticommunism and the hegemony of the literary circles, a new hierarchy of the canon began to be established within the right-wing literary circles.

      • KCI등재

        중국 조선족 중학교 문학교육 현황 고찰 - 『조선어문(新編, 2014~2016年)』 교과서를 중심으로-

        김영 한국문학교육학회 2019 문학교육학 Vol.0 No.65

        The research aimed to determine the current status of literary education in Korean-Chinese middle schools in China through the analysis of Korean-Chinese Language textbooks currently in use and to make constructive recommendations based on the findings. We first determined the requirements of the language curriculum, to identify the complex role of Korean-Chinese Language textbooks. The language curriculum aims to develop four major skills. The first is the development of language skills. The second is the development of a socialist, moral character and patriotism. The third is to strengthen the national culture. The fourth is to acquire basic humanities skills by exploring the world’s best culture. Korean-Chinese Language is not only a language subject, but also a humanities subject. Next, we looked at the composition of the new Korean-Chinese Language textbook for Korean-Chinese middle schools. It was confirmed that the newly compiled textbook did not cut out the content of the Korean-Chinese language, but integrated it into reading, writing. listening and speaking. The method has shifted from the existing knowledge transfer class method to the learners-oriented class method, which values the learners’ thinking. Finally, we looked at the current status of literary education, based on Korean-Chinese Language textbooks and found the following features: Literature is a medium to confirm national identity; literature is a medium to promote Korean culture, and literature is a method to promote world culture. As a minority in China, the Korean-Chinese literary education fully respect the Chinese literary tradition. The Korean people’s identity and tradition is upheld in China’s education policy. At the same time, education of Korean-Chinese literature has found a way of embracing South and North Korean literature through integrating world literature. 이 연구는 현재 중국 조선족 중학교에서 사용하고 있는 『조선어문(新編, 2014~2016年)』 교과서 분석을 통하여 조선족 중학교 문학교육 현황에 대해 살펴보고, 이를 바탕으로 향후 문학교육에 대한 시사점을 제시하는 데 목적을 두고 있다. 『조선어문』 교과서 중심의 문학교육 현황을 파악하기에 앞서 『조선어문』 교과서의 복합적 역할을 규명하고자 한국의 ‘국어과 교육과정’에 해당하는 ‘조선어문과정표준(朝鮮語文課程標準)’을 살펴보았다. ‘조선어문과정표준’에서는 『조선어문』 교육을 통해 크게 네 가지의 능력을 기르는 것을 목표로 하고 있다. 첫째는 언어 기능을 강조한 조선어문 사용 능력의 함양이고, 둘째는 사회주의 도덕 품성과 애국주의 사상 감정의 양성이며, 셋째는 민족문화를 이어가는 조선 민족의 일원이 되는 것이고, 넷째는 중국의 우수문화와 외국문화를 섭취하여 기본적인 인문적 소양을 갖추는 것이다. 이를 통해, 『조선어문』 교과는 조선어라는 모어이면서도 소수민족어, 계승어라는 정체성을 인식하게 할 뿐만 아니라 애국심을 심어주고 한민족 문화를 계승하며 세계의 우수문화까지 수용할 수 있도록 구성한 인문적 품성 교과의 역할도 지니고 있다는 점을 확인하였다. 다음으로 조선족 중학교 『조선어문』 교과서의 구성 방식을 살펴보았다. 새로 편찬된 『조선어문』 교과서는 ‘읽기’, ‘쓰기’, ‘듣기 말하기’, ‘종합성학습’ 영역으로 설정되어 있으며 기존의 ‘지식 전달식 수업’ 방식에서 학습자의 생각을 중요시하는 ‘학습자 중심 수업’ 방식으로 전환되고 있다는 점을 발견하였다. 마지막으로 『조선어문』 교과서 중심의 문학교육 현황을 ‘국민적 정체성 확인으로서의 문학교육’, ‘한민족 문화 계승으로서의 문학교육’, ‘세계 문화 수용으로서의 문학교육’ 등 3개 차원으로 나누어 고찰해보았다. 조선족 중학교 『조선어문』 교과서 중심의 문학교육은 중국의 교육정책 속에서 소수민족이라는 정체성을 인식하면서 중국의 문학 전통을 충분히 존중하고 남·북한 문학을 중개적(仲介的) 관점에서 수용하였으며 동시에 세계문학을 폭넓게 포용(包容)하려는 양상을 발견하였다. 이를 통해, 『조선어문』 교과서 중심의 문학교육은 조선족 청소년 학습자가 다양한 문학적 자양분을 섭취하여 문학 문식성 신장뿐만 아니라 건전한 인격을 형성하는 데까지 주력하고 있음을 확인하였다.

      • KCI등재

        중세국어 교육의 내용과 자료에 대한 고찰: '내용 선정 기준' 및 '자료 선정 기준'을 바탕으로

        고경재 학습자중심교과교육학회 2024 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.24 No.12

        목적 본 연구에서는 어떤 내용과 자료로 중세국어 교육을 해야 하는지 고찰하는 데 목적이 있다. 방법 ‘내용 선정 기준’을 마련하고, 이를 바탕으로 중세국어 교육 내용을 선정하고자 하였으며, ‘자료 선정 기준’을 고려하여 중세국 어 교육 자료를 선정하고자 하였다. 선정한 자료를 통해 선정한 내용을 교육할 수 있음을 확인하고자 하였다. 결과 내용 선정 기준에 따라 중세국어 교육 내용을 ‘표기, 음운, 문법, 어휘’의 각 측면에서 선정하였으며, 자료 선정 기준에 따라 중세국어 교육 자료로서 훈민정음4 언해본의 <어제 서문>과 삼강행실도4 언해본의 「진씨양고」, 「왕천익수」를 선정하였다. 선정 한 자료를 통해 선정한 내용을 교수⋅학습할 수 있음이 확인되었다. 결론 중세국어 교육은 ‘자료’와 함께 ‘내용’의 교수⋅학습이 이루어지는바, 이들을 함께 유기적으로 고찰함으로써 어떤 내용과 자료로 중세국어 교육을 하는 것이 좋은지 알 수 있었다. Objectives The purpose of this study is to examine what contents and materials should be used to teach Middle Korean language. Methods ‘Content selection criteria’ were established, and the contents of Middle Korean language education were selected based on this. In consideration of the contents selected in this way and the ‘material selection criteria’, I selected Middle Korean language education materials and attempted to confirm that the selected contents could be taught through the selected materials. Results According to the content selection criteria, the contents of Middle Korean language education were selected in each aspect of ‘orthography, phonology, grammar, and vocabulary’, and according to the material selection criteria, the Korean version of Hunminjeongeum4(<Royal foreword>) and Samganghaengsildo4(「Jinsiyanggo」 and 「Wangcheon Iksu」) were selected as Middle Korean language education materials. It was confirmed that the selected contents could be taught and learned through the selected materials. Conclusions Middle Korean language education involves the teaching and learning of ‘contents’ along with ‘materials’, and by considering these together organically, we can approach from a more realistic perspective what kind of contents and materials are best for teaching Middle Korean language.

      • KCI등재

        언어접촉과 시기층위 -침운자(侵韻字)의 중세 한국한자음의 모음을 중심으로-

        안영희 ( An Ying-ji ) 국어학회 2015 국어학 Vol.75 No.-

        Sino-Korean is a product by language contact between Korean and Chinese, and is thus a kind of language variant. In Korean- Chinese language contact, Korean is a borrowing language importing loanwords and Chinese is a lending language exporting loanwords. The process of language contact can be divided into two stages; the first one is corresponding stage with transferring of bilingual speakers and the second one is fusion stage with borrowing of native speakers. It would be seen that the first stage is on-going language borrowing and the language variant of this stage is Transliteration(直譯音), and that the second one is completion of language borrowing and the language variant of this stage is Sino-Korean(漢字音). In Transliteration and Sino-Korean, the former can be compared with Chinese language but the latter can not be a subject to historical comparison with Chinese since it is a fusion between Chinese and Korean; Transliteration has synchronic features and Sino-Korean has diachronic features. Because of the difference of characteristics, we call Translieration Language Variant 1 and Sino-Korean Language Variant 2. Sino-Korean is a fusion between Chinese and Korean so if we separate Korean from Sino-Korean, there will be left Chinese alone. We call it Transliteration 2, and it can be a subject to historical comparison with Chinese because it has the same characteristics as Transliteration 1. We took vowels in 侵 Qin rhyme as a specific case of a diachronic level analysis. As a result of separating influence of native words and synchronic features from vowels of characters in 侵 Qin rhyme, only the contrast between ‘ㆍ>ㅡ’ and ‘ㅣ’ could be seen as a diachronic level. We can also find some cases that shows features of Old Chinese, Old or Middle Chinese, or a transition period from Middle to Modern Chinese.

      • KCI등재

        중국 조선족학교 중학생의 언어 사용 양상 연구

        김순희 한국방언학회 2017 방언학 Vol.0 No.26

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the language use aspect of Korean Chinese middle school students by the sociolinguistic perspective based on their language circumstances. Currently, Korean Chinese middle school students show diverse appearances in ethnic language use. This study is mainly focused on the special phenomenon caused by the contact between Korean language in China and Chinese language, Korean language in China and Korean language. The language use aspect of Korean Chinese group residential area and scattered area reveals clear differences. The Korean Chinese middle school students of group residential area are mostly limited in their word borrowing based on Korean language in China. On the contrary, the students of scattered area show different language use aspect by the word borrowing based on Chinese language and Korean language. This study suggests that in the future we have to prepare desirable education policy and alternative by the analysis of language use of Korean Chinese middle school students and the influential factors. Also this study emphasizes the importance of language attitudes establishment in the education of Korean language in China. 이 논문은 사회언어학적 시각에서 중국 조선족 중학생들의 언어 환경에 대한 조사를 기초로 중학생의 언어 사용 양상을 분석하고 조선어 능력을 제고할 대안을 제기하는데 그 목적을 두고 있다. 현재 중국의 중학교 학생들은 민족어 사용에서 다양한 양상을 보이고 있다. 이 논문에서는 주로 조선어와 한어, 조선어와 한국어의 언어 접촉에 의한 특별한 양상을 위주로 살펴보았다. 조선족 집거지구와 산재지구의 조선족 중학생의 언어 사용 양상은 확연하게 서로 다른 모습을 보이고 있다. 집거지구 조선족 중학생들은 대부분이 조선어에 기초한 기타 언어 어휘 차용에 제한된다. 그러나 산재지구 학생들은 한어에 기초한 조선어 어휘의 차용에 의한 언어 사용 양상을 보이고 있으며 한국어 어휘 차용이 늘어나는 모습을 보이기도 했다. 이 논문은 중학생의 언어사용 양상과 이에 영향을 주는 요인에 대한 분석을 통해 향후 조선어 교육과 민족교육에서 바람직한 교육정책과 대안을 마련할 것을 제기하며 조선어 교육에서 언어 태도 수립의 중요성을 강조할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        『한국언어문학』 50년간의 국어교육 연구사

        유경민(Yu, Kyung-min) 한국언어문학회 2013 한국언어문학 Vol.86 No.-

        This research is part of the 50<sup>th</sup>anniversary of Korean Language and Literature journal. It covers the papers published form 1963 (Volume No.1) to 2013 (Volume No. 85). There are 115 studies in the field of Korean Language Education found in Korean Language and Literature, which is 7.04% of the total research papers (1,633) published in the said journal. These studies can be categorized in Korean linguistics, reading, writing, listening, speaking, contemporary literature, classical literature, and language education. The studies about Korean language education should be written on a specific approach which is based on the development of the educational course or curriculum. In fifty years of Korean language education research, it is disappointing that no studies were done about Middle Korean language education Given this situation, the students should read and analyze the references about Middle Korean. It is very important to study the grammar of Middle Korean because we could track the transition of Korean language I am expecting that many researches about Middle Korean will come out in the future.

      • KCI등재

        지석영 『兒學編』(1908)의 漢語 韻母의 한글 표기와 漢語音

        이준환 서울대학교 규장각한국학연구원 2020 한국문화 Vol.0 No.90

        This article was intended to examine the Korean alphabet notation used to describe the Chinese final system in Ahakphyeon(1908). It is also intended to examine the Chinese phonemes that can be found through this Korean alphabet notation. Specifically, it was intended to consider changes in Chinese based on Middle Chinese. So I tried to see how I could understand changes of final system in the Chinese language. As a result, Ahakphyeon faithfully reflects the changes in the Chinese language from Middle Chinese to Modern Chinese. There are many changes in the final system from Middle Chinese to Modern Chinese, for example the loss of the voiced and checked tone have led to a major change in the final system. The style of Korean alphabet notation in Ahakphyeon goes well with this kind of final system in Chinese language. In addition, individual unusual changes are faithfully reflected in the actual situation, faithfully reflecting the reality of the Chinese language. Among these unusual reflections is the fact that some southern dialects in Beijing have been affected by the influx or that they seem to reflect exchanges with southern dialects. In order to determine the cause of these, it is necessary to consider not only language but also human and physical exchanges between Joseon and China, and human and physical exchanges in the Chinese region. And through the Korean alphabet written on these labels, you can try to approach Korean phonics at that time. Typically, B in place to write /-yɛ/ even the same A is understood to be used to indicate monotonic /e/, but ‘ㅔ’ in place to write down what became /-ei, -uei/ differs from the one used to indicate downward double vowel /ie/. In addition, Korean writing, which was used to write down Chinese, can be used to try to approach Korean phonics at that time. Typically, ‘ㅔ’ in place to write /-yɛ/ is understood to be used to indicate monotonic /e/, but even the same ‘ㅔ’ in place to write down what became /-ei, -uei/ differs from the one used to indicate downward double vowel /ie/. And as shown in ‘簿버 [並]’, the syllabic type “ㅓ” instead of “ㅗ” is an effective use of the fact that /ㅗ / and /ㅓ/ are at odds with each other due to the presence or absence of rounded in the Korean language. And ‘ㆍ’ is not actually being used for Korean alphabet notation according to changes of /ㆍ/>/ㅏ/. However, the use can only be seen in ‘柰 ’ and ‘百 ’, ‘ㆍ’ in these examples cannot be significant in that they are not distinguished /ㆍ/ from /ㅏ/. This style of Korean alphabet notation shows that they were conscious of the change in /ㆍ/>/ㅏ/. .

      • KCI등재

        중세국어 음운현상의 교육 방안 - 고등학교 국어(상, 하)의 고전 텍스트를 중심으로 -

        남경란 영남대학교 민족문화연구소 2009 민족문화논총 Vol.43 No.-

        The purpose of this research is to examine a new teaching method for efficiently teaching phonological rules of Middle Korean focused on the classical text in the first and second volumes of High School Korean language textbook. In the 7th curriculum, there are fundamental problems of teaching Middle Korean grammar: the absence of a teaching and learning method having an appropriate validity and simplicity of Middle Korean as well as attracting students' interest, the lack of study on developing assessment materials. As a result, a number of students consider that the classical text of Middle Korean is difficult and drop by the wayside. By memorizing the classical text fragmentary, students lack of a fundamental knowledge on the Korean classics. This causes the reduction or abolition of study field. Hence, this study analyzes out typical forms of phonological rules in Middle Korean from the classical text in the first and second volumes of High School Korean language textbook, such as, palatalization, initial law, and labialization. Based on this, it tries to seek a essential and efficient teaching method as a teaching strategy of phonological rules in Middle Korean. Therefore, this research suggests not the forward teaching method which showing unfamiliar Middle Korean words previously to students, but the backward teaching method which showing familiar Modern Korean used in reality and removing phonological changes generated from words based on this. The backward teaching method provides word forms of familiar Modern Korean to students and reduces the aversion of reading the classics. It is not only changing refused and overwhelmed students' attitude into interested one, but also students easily understand main phonological changes of Middle Korean. This makes develop the standard of students' comprehension on classical text. 이 글은 고등학교 국어 교과서 상하에 실려 있는 고전 텍스트를 중심으로 중세국어 음운현상을 효율적으로 교육할 수 있는 새로운 교수법을 모색하는 데 그 목적이 있다. 논의의 핵심은 학습자에게 생소하고 낯선 중세국어 단어를 먼저 보여주는 순시적(巡視的) 방법이 아니라 현실에 사용하고 있는 익숙한 현대국어 단어를 제시하고 이를 바탕으로 단어에 생성된 음운변화를 제거함으로써 중세국어의 어형으로 접근하도록 하는 역시적(逆視的) 방법으로 교수법을 보완하자는 것이다. 이와 같은 교수법은 학습자들에게 보다 친숙한 현대국어의 어형을 제시함으로써 고전읽기의 거부감을 줄일 수 있을 것이다. 또한 기존의 ‘순시적’ 음운현상 제시 방법 때문에 가졌던 거부감과 부담감을 친숙함과 흥미로움으로 바꿀 수 있다. 뿐만 아니라 학습자들이 중세국어의 주요 음운변화를 보다 쉽게 이해하게 될 것이므로, 이는 곧 학습자들의 고전 텍스트에 대한 이해의 수준을 높게 향상시킬 것으로 생각한다.

      • KCI등재

        음운의 역사성 교육을 위한 국어사 자료 탐색 -『훈민정음』해례본의 어휘를 중심으로-

        김부연(Kim Buyeon) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2019 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.19 No.19

        이 연구는 국어사 교육에서 음운의 역사를 가르치는 데 『훈민정음』에 수록된 우리말 용례의 의의와 가치를 탐색하고, 교육적 활용 가능성을 제안해 보았다. 『훈민정음』 해례본은 훈민정음 창제 당시 우리말 음운체계와 음운구조가 담겨 있어 15세기 통시적 연구 자료로서 의의를 갖는다. 특히 여기에 수록된 어휘는 원형(原形)으로서 한글 및 국어의 역사를 공부하는 데 근간(根幹)이 된다. 중세국어와 현대국어를 비교·관찰 가능하며, 음운체계와 음운현상에 따른 변화 과정을 탐구하는 데 효과적이다. 이에 연구자는 국어사 교육에서 중요하게 다루고 있는 음운의 교수·학습 내용을 『훈민정음』 해례본에 수록된 어휘를 활용하여 탐구해 볼 것을 제안한다. 그 결과 『훈민정음』창제 당시 원형의 모습이 어떠한 변화를 거듭하여 오늘날의 모습을 갖추게 되었는지 그 과정을 살핌으로써 음운체계와 음운현상의 변화를 탐구해 볼 수 있다. This study introduces materials that are effective in teaching the history of phonology in Korean history education, and suggests to explore the teaching-learning content elements of phonological history using them. The Hunminjeongeum Haeryebon contains the unique phonological system and phonological structure of Korean language when Hunminjeongeum was created. Among the pure korean words in the Hunminjeongeum Haeryebon is an educational materials that is fundamental to studying the history of Korean language and Hangeul. educational material for korean language history Since it is the prototype of modern Korean, it is possible to compare and observe middle Korean and modern Korean. and it is an effective materials to explore the process of change according to phonological system and phonological phenomenon through examples. Important content elements are listed in the Phonological System of Korean language history. And, we examined the synchronic and diachronic contents using examples on the use of letters. Based on the pure korean words vocabulary contained in the Hunminjeongeum Haeryebon, we explored the process of continuous transition of Korean language from the original form of middle Korean to the modern Korean through the phonological system and phonological phenomenon. And since the process of how vocabulary changed from Hunminjeongeum s creation to the modern Korean can be examined, various changes in the history of phonological can be explored.

      • KCI등재

        한자음을 통하여 본 국어 음운사의 과제 및 이에 관한 접근 방안 모색

        이준환(Yi Jun-Hwan) 우리말학회 2021 우리말연구 Vol.67 No.-

        이 글은 한자음을 통하여 본 국어 음운사 과제와 이 과제를 어떻게 접근하여 볼 수 있는지 살펴보려는 것이다. 구체적으로는 ①차자 표기 자료의 해독, ②훈민정음 중성 체계에 관한 이해, ③중세 국어 이중 모음의 성격 이해, ④한어의 음을 통한 전사 자료의 해독에 관하여 살펴보았다. ①과 관련해서는 차자의 중세 국어 한자음이나 한어의 음으로는 원만히 해독하기 어려운 斯盧>新羅에서 보이는 ‘新’의 ‘*시’란 독법을 살피고 ‘*시’는 성부 ‘亲’나 의부 ‘斤’을 지닌 한자의 음에 止攝에 해당하는 것이 있음을 참고할 필요가 있음을 다루었다. 또한 여러 예에서 ‘留’가 중세 국어 한자음과 달리 ‘루’를 보이는 것을 국어의 이중 모음의 발달 과정을 살피는 데에 중시해야 함을 斯盧>新羅>薛羅에서 볼 수 있는 ‘*시>*샤~셔’의 변화와 연관 지어 살폈다. ②와 관련하여 훈민정음에서 ‘ㅛ, ㅑ, ㅠ, ㅕ’가 중성 11자에 포함된 것은 정음의 창제가 고유어, 한자음, 외국어를 두루 적고자 한 문자 제정과 관련되며, 성운학에 언어학적 근거를 두고 있다는 점을 고려하여 중성 11자는 개구(ㆍ, ㅡ, ㅣ, ㅏ, ㅓ), 합구(ㅗ, ㅜ), 제치(ㅑ, ㅕ), 촬구(ㅛ, ㅠ)를 체계적으로 나타내려 한 결과로 살폈다. ③과 관련하여 ‘-디>-디위’에서 보이는 /β/>/w/와 방언에서의 ‘뼈다귀→뼈다기~뼈다기’를 이해하려면 /wi/의 존재를 설정해야 하는데, 止攝의 한자음에서 보이는 ‘ㅢ’, ‘ㅚ’, ‘ㅟ’를 주모음을 선행하는 /ㅡ/, /ㅗ/, /ㅜ/가 아니라 후행하는 /ㅣ/로 보아야 체계적으로 이해가 된다는 분석 근거를 바탕으로 상향 이중 모음인 /ㅢ/, /ㅚ/, /ㅟ/가 실재하였음을 확인하여 고유어에서도 /wi/를 설정할 수 있음을 보였다. ④와 관련하여 󰡔鷄林類事󰡕와 같이 훈민정음 창제 이전의 자료를 전사 경향에 따라 살펴보면 전기 중세 국어와 후기 중세 국어 사이에 있었을 것으로 보이는 음운 변화와 이와 연관되어 일어난 형태 변화를 어떻게 이해할 수 있을지를 ‘나모’와 관련되는 항목 등을 중심으로 살펴보았다. This article aims to examine the tasks of Korean historical phonology seen through Sino-Korean and how they can be approached. Specifically, I examine to ①decoding borrowed Chinese characters materials of Korean-language, ②the understanding of the Hunminjeongeum vowel system, ③the nature of the Middle-Korean diphthong, and ④the decoding of Korean transcribed materials using Chinese phonemes. Regarding ①, I dealt with the problem of those that are difficult to decipher smoothly with the Middle Sino-Korean and Chinese phoneme in the borrowed Chinese characters materials of Korean-language. In addition, I dealt with Korean diphthong appear as monophthong in various borrowed Chinese characters materials of Korean-language which are different from Middle Sino-Korean which should be emphasized in examining the development process of diphthong in Korean. Regarding ②, I dealt with the inclusion of ‘ㅛ(yo)’, ‘ㅑ(ya)’, ‘ㅠ(yu)’, ‘ㅕ(yə)’ in the 11 medial in Hunminjeongeum as in monophthong. In considering it, it was important that the creation of Hunminjeongeum is related to the enactment of characters to write down native, Chinese, and foreign languages, and has a linguistic basis on Chinese phonology. Regarding ③, I looked at the presence of /wi/ in order to understand the change of /β/>/w/ and the replacement in the dialect. To this end, phonological analysis of ‘ㅢ’, ‘ㅚ’ and ‘ㅟ’ shown in the Middle Sino-Korean notation of Jiseop(止攝) confirmed that upward diphthong /ㅢ/, /ㅚ/ and /ㅟ/ existed. Regarding ④, I looked at the data before Hunminjeongeum creation, transcription data such as Gyerimyusa(鷄林類事), according to the transcriptional trend, focusing on the items related to ‘Namo’ on how to understand the phonological change that appears to have been between the early and late Middle-Korean language.

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