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        Lipoxygenase 결여 콩 계통의 나물 특성 및 Lipoxygenase 활성

        이형일,김광철,박의호,Lee Heung Il,Kim Kwang Chul,Park Eui-Ho 한국작물학회 2005 한국작물학회지 Vol.50 No.suppl1

        본 연구는 lipoxygenase 결여 품종인 진품콩2호와 lipoxygenase 가 존재하는 광안콩, 소백나물콩, 푸른콩의 교배조합 내의 각 계통의 lipoxygenase 유무를 확인하고 activity 차이를 규명함으로써 lipoxygenase 결여 나물콩 육성의 가능성을 알아보고자 수행되었다. 콩나물 재배일수별 lipoxygenase 여부, 재배일수별 lipoxygenase 활성도 등을 분석한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 콩나물 발아율은 대비품종과 계통들간의 큰 차이는 없었지만 정상 발아 개체율 에서는 계통이 $63\%$로 낮았으며 $T_{50}$은 1일로 소백나물콩, 푸른콩(0.6일)보다는 느렸으나 진품콩2호, 광안콩보다는 빨랐다. 2. 콩나물 생육은 치상 후 2일부터 콩나물 전체길이, 배축길이, 배축 직경을 조사한 결과 진품콩2호와 푸른콩 교배 조합 계통의 4537계통(콩나물 전체길이 13.9cm, 배축 길이: 7.3cm, 배축 직경: 2.2mm)이 대비품종들보다 높은 신장성을 보였다. 3. 콩나물의 물성은 치상 후 96시간 후에 hardness, cutting force, masticcation을 측정한 결과 lipoxygenase 결여 계통이 대비품종들보다 높게 측정되었다. 4. 콩나물 재배 일수 별 lipoxygenase band는 자엽부에서는 종실과 같이 lipoxygenase band를 확인 할 수 없었으며 배축부에서 모든 계통과 대비품종에서 확인 할 수 있었다. 5. 콩나물 재배 일수별 lipoxygenase 활성도는 2일차에 최고로 높았으며, 3일차에 최저치로 낮아진 후 다시 증가하는 양상을 나타내었다. 6. 각 교배 조합 내에서는 진품콩2호보다 활성도가 낮은 4510, 4522, 4537계통들이 lipoxygenase 결여 콩나물로서의 육종 가능성이 높을 것으로 생각되었다. This study was conducted to see the feasibility of breeding for sprout soybean cultivar with minimum benny flavor using lipoxygenase-less lines. Lipoxygenase-less cultivar Jinpumkong2 was crossed by lipoxygenase containing Gwangankong, Sebaeknamulkong, and Pureunkong as paternal parent and 24 lipoxygenase-less lines derived from those 3 combinations were selected and those lines were evaluated with their parental cultivars. Germination rate showed no difference between lipoxygenase-less lines and their parental cultivars, however, rates of normal sprout of those and Jinpumkong2 were 63 and $56\%$, and were lower than that of paternal parents. Hypocotyl length of those was same as Jinpumkong2, however, shorter than paternal parents. Texture characteristics including hardness, cutting force and mastication of 96 hour-cultured sprout of lipoxygenase-less lines showed higher value than that of their parental cultivars. Lipoxtgenase isozyme was not detected in the sprout cotyledon of lipoxygenase-less lines, however it was observed in the sprout hypocotyl of all the used genotypes. Though lipoxygenase activity in the seed of lipoxygenase-less lines was lower than that of Jinpumkong2(0.477, ${Delta}A$ 234 nm min-1 mg meal-1),2 lines revealed more than 0.5 value. Lipoxygenase-activity of 2 day-cultured sprout(both cotyledon and hypocotyl) was the highest, decreased in 3 days after culture and re-increased thereafter. Several lipoxygenase-less lines with lower lipoxygenase activity of sprout than Jinpumkong2 were selected and this suggested the possibility of breeding lines for soy-sprout with low benny flavor.

      • Lipoxygenase 및 Kunitz Trypsin Inhibitor 단백질 결핍 콩 계통 육성

        김명식 ( Myung Sik Kim ),성미경 ( Mi Kyung Sung ),서상배 ( Sang Bae Seo ),김경록 ( Kyung Roc Kim ),이경자 ( Kyoung Ja Lee ),박모세 ( Mo Se Park ),정종일 ( Jong Il Chung ) 한국콩연구회 2008 韓國콩硏究會誌 Vol.25 No.1

        성숙한 콩 종실에 존재하는 성분 중 비린내를 일으키는 lipoxygenase와 단백질의 분해를 방해하는 효소인 Kunitz trypsin inhibitor (KTI) 단백질이 결핍된 녹색자엽 검정종피 및 노란종피 계통을 육성하기 위해여 진행된 연구에서 얻어진 결과는 다음과 같다. P1 x P2 및 P3 x P4의 교배로부터 얻어진 F2 종자에서 lipoxygenase-2, 3 및 KTI 단백질이 결핍된 종자가 선발되었다. 계통육종법으로 세대를 진전시킨 결과 녹색자엽이고 검정 종피색을 가진 lipoxygenase 및 KTI 단백질 결핍 계통은 생육습성이 직립형이고 신육형은 유한신육형이며 경장은 약 50cm로 나타났다. 종실 크기는 백립중이 약 23.2 g 정도이고 종실모양은 편구형이며 6월 초순 파종시 성숙기가 10월 초순경이었다. 노란종피를 가진 lipoxygenase 및 KTI 단백질 결핍 계통은 배축색이 중간 정도의 자색이며 신육형은 유한신육형이었다. 생육습성은 직립형이고 경장은 약 54cm로 중간 정도이며, 화색은 담자색이며 백립중이 약 24g 정도이고 종실모양은 구형이며 제색은 흑색이었다. Lipoxygenase and Kunitz trypsin inhibitor proteins in mature soybean seed are well known as major anti-nutritional factors. Lipoxygenase is responsible for the beany flavor and soybean Kunitz trypsin inhibitor (KTI) protein is responsible for the inferior nutritional quality of unheated or incompletely heated soybean meal. Anthocyanins from black soybean seed coat are known to have many pharmaceutical effects. The objective of this study was to breed soybean genotype of black coated-seed lacking lipoxygenase-2,3 and KTI protein and to breed soybean genotype of yellow coated-seed lacking lipoxygenase-2,3 and KTI protein. Two breeding populations were developed using four different parents. In F2 seed generations of both populations, F2 seeds deficient in lipoxygenase-2,3 and KTI protein were selected by SDS-PAGE. Selected F2 seeds were planted to advance F2 plant. Traits for seed coat and mature embryo colors were observed on the F3 seeds harvested from each F2 plant. F3 lines were advanced from F3 seeds selected. Plant type, height, and maturity date for each F3 plant within line were observed. After single plant harvesting, seed color and absence of lipoxygenase-2,3 and KTI protein were confirmed on random F4 seed of each F3 plant. Selected lines were advanced to the F6 generation. Maturity date, stem type, seed coat and cotyledon color, seed weight were observed on the new soybean lines with absence of lipoxygenase-2,3 and KTI protein.

      • KCI등재

        Lipoxygenase 결여 콩 계통의 나물 특성 및 Lipoxygenase 활성

        이형일,김광철,박의호 한국작물학회 2005 한국작물학회지 Vol.50 No.S

        본 연구는 lipoxygenase 결여 품종인 진품콩2호와 lipoxygenase 가 존재하는 광안콩, 소백나물콩, 푸른콩의 교배조합 내의 각 계통의 lipoxygenase 유무를 확인하고 activity 차이를 규명함으로써 lipoxygenase 결여 나물콩 육성의 가능성을 알아보고자 수행되었다. 콩나물 재배일수별 lipoxygenase 여부, 재배일수별 lipoxygenase 활성도 등을 분석한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 콩나물 발아율은 대비품종과 계통들간의 큰 차이는 없었지만 정상 발아 개체율 에서는 계통이 63~% 로 낮았으며 T50은 1일로 소백나물콩, 푸른콩(0.6일)보다는 느렸으나 진품콩2호, 광안콩보다는 빨랐다. 2. 콩나물 생육은 치상 후 2일부터 콩나물 전체길이, 배축길이, 배축 직경을 조사한 결과 진품콩2호와 푸른콩 교배 조합 계통의 4537계통(콩나물 전체길이 13.9cm, 배축 길이: 7.3cm, 배축 직경: 2.2mm)이 대비품종들보다 높은 신장성을 보였다. 3. 콩나물의 물성은 치상 후 96시간 후에 hardness, cutting force, masticcation을 측정한 결과 lipoxygenase 결여 계통이 대비품종들보다 높게 측정되었다. 4. 콩나물 재배 일수 별 lipoxygenase band는 자엽부에서는 종실과 같이 lipoxygenase band를 확인 할 수 없었으며 배축부에서 모든 계통과 대비품종에서 확인 할 수 있었다. 5. 콩나물 재배 일수별 lipoxygenase 활성도는 2일차에 최고로 높았으며, 3일차에 최저치로 낮아진 후 다시 증가하는 양상을 나타내었다. 6. 각 교배 조합 내에서는 진품콩2호보다 활성도가 낮은 4510, 4522, 4537계통들이 lipoxygenase 결여 콩나물로서의 육종 가능성이 높을 것으로 생각되었다.다.질미의 증가율이 가장 높았다. 경우 복비의 무처리시 거의 잔디의 초장이 신장하지 않았으며, 오히려 감소하는 경향을 보였다. 반면, 잔디의 피해지역에 복비를 처리할 경우 잔디의 빠른 생장이 이루어졌다. 신초 건물중은 복비 처리전 8월 6일에 비하여 11월 6일에 이스트밸리 LD지역의 무처리구가 1.2~% 감소하였지만 처리구는 50~% 정도가 증가하였다. 지산의 시험 결과도 이스트밸리와 유사하였다. 신초와 뿌리의 비율(S/R)은 처리구의 경우 뿌리보다 신초의 건물중이 더 증가하였지만, 무처리구의 경우 뿌리와 신초의 생장율이 거의 비슷하였다. 포복경과 지하경의 건물중을 합한 R&S의 건물중을 조사한 결과, 이스트밸리의 경우 복비를 처리하기 전 8월6일에 무처리구인 LD지역이 처리구인 LD지역에 비하여 5.5~% 정도가 적었지만 복비를 처리한 후엔 오히려 처리구의 LD지역이 48~% 로 증가하였다. 지산의 결과 역시 이스트밸리와 유사하였다. 4. 이상의 결과들로 알 수 있는 것은 수목 근부에 생장하고 있는 잔디의 피해 요인들은 여러 가지가 있지만, 골프장내 수목의 밀생 지역이 아닌 경우에는 광에 의한 피해보다는 오히려 양분과 수분의 경쟁에 의한 피해 발생 비율이 크다. 따라서 이들 잔디의 피해 지역에 복비를 처리함으로서 무처리 지역에 비하여 상당히 많은 효과를 보았기 때문에 수목 근부에서 생장하는 잔디의 집중관리 체계로 보다 효율적인 코스관리에 도움이 될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.ting이 관찰되는데, 진성기업의 Stainless Steel은 가늘고 긴 압흔이 있으며 비교적 매끄러운 표면을 보이고, Unitek사의 경우 압흔과 함께 pitting 이 관찰되며, Ormco Stainless Steel의 경우 불규칙한 pitting이 다수 존재했다.수술 시행 시기별의 차이를 보이 This study was conducted to see the feasibility of breeding for sprout soybean cultivar with minimum benny flavor using lipoxygenase-less lines. Lipoxygenase-less cultivar Jinpumkong2 was crossed by lipoxygenase containing Gwangankong, Sebaeknamulkong, and Pureunkong as paternal parent and 24 lipoxygenase-less lines derived from those 3 combinations were selected and those lines were evaluated with their parental cultivars. Germination rate showed no difference between lipoxygenase-less lines and their parental cultivars, however, rates of normal sprout of those and Jinpumkong2 were 63 and 56~% , and were lower than that of paternal parents. Hypocotyl length of those was same as Jinpumkong2, however, shorter than paternal parents. Texture characteristics including hardness, cutting force and mastication of 96 hour-cultured sprout of lipoxygenase-less lines showed higher value than that of their parental cultivars. Lipoxtgenase isozyme was not detected in the sprout cotyledon of lipoxygenase-less lines, however it was observed in the sprout hypocotyl of all the used genotypes. Though lipoxygenase activity in the seed of lipoxygenase-less lines was lower than that of Jinpumkong2(0.477, DeltaA 234 nm min-1 mg meal-1),2 lines revealed more than 0.5 value. Lipoxygenase-activity of 2 day-cultured sprout(both cotyledon and hypocotyl) was the highest, decreased in 3 days after culture and re-increased thereafter. Several lipoxygenase-less lines with lower lipoxygenase activity of sprout than Jinpumkong2 were selected and this suggested the possibility of breeding lines for soy-sprout with low benny flavor.

      • KCI등재

        콩 생육시기별 Lipoxygenase활성의 변화

        金龍昊,金奭東,洪殷憙 韓國作物學會 1994 한국작물학회지 Vol.39 No.3

        Lipoxygenase는 콩 비린내 유발의 주원인이 된다. 따라서 lipoxygenase 발현 양상을 알아보고자 콩 생육시기별로 재료를 채취하여 lipoxygenase activity를 측정한 바 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. V3 와 V5 시기에 콩 잎에서의 lipoxygenase activity는 유전자형에 상관없이 일정한 경향이 없었다. 2. R6 시기의 /pod wall에서도 유전자형에 따른 lipoxygenase activity의 일정한 경향은 없었으나 종자 lipoxygenase는 lipoxygenase 결핍계통의 activity가 일반품종에 비해 낮았으며 lipoxygenase 결핍계통간에도 isozyme 결핍정도에 따라 activity도 다르게 나타났다. 3. 종자를 종피, 배, 자엽으로 구분하여 각각의 lipoxygenase activity를 측정한 결과 종피에서는 유전자형에 따른 경향을 찾을 수 없었으나 배와 자엽에서는 lipoxygenase isozyme 결핍 정도에 따라 activity도 다르게 나타났다. Lipoxygenase is involved in the formation of certain undesirable flavors of soybean products. Three isozymes(L-1, L-2 and L-3) of lipoxygenase have been identified in soybean seeds, and the three types of mutants lacking L-1, L-2 and L-3, respectively, were detected in the 1980's. In this paper, lipoxygenase activity was measured to investigate the response of lipoxygenase in organs and tissues during soybean development. There was no tendency according to genotypes between lipoxygenase lacking mutants and normal soybeans in lipoxygenase activity of leaf at V3 and V5 stage. Likewise, pod wall lipoxygenase was no difference among genotypes tested at R6 stage. Seed coat lipoxygenase activity was similar among the lipoxygenase lacking mutants, while normal soybean was lower as compared with that of the lipoxygenase lacking mutants. Embryo and cotyledon lipoxygenase activity in the lipoxygenase lacking mutants was much lower than that of normal soybean, also there was large difference among lipoxygenase lacking mutants. Thus, the lipoxygenase null mutant showed very weak value although the lacking L-3 mutant had a large effect on developing embryo lipoxygenase activity. It was suggested that soybean lipoxygenase isozymes expressed in embryo may be different from those expressed in the pod wall and leaf tissues.

      • KCI등재

        콩의 Lipoxygenase-1 신속 검정방법 확립

        조준형,김영미,윤홍태,김용호,김용욱,김명애 韓國作物學會 1997 Korean journal of crop science Vol.42 No.6

        실험은 lipoxygenase-1 효소 검정을 위한 관련요인 구명과 새로운 검정방법의 활용성을 확립함으로써 무두취 콩품종 육성사업에 도움이 될 수 있는 자료를 얻고저 수행되었다. 1. 기질용액의 완충제로서 Tris나 potassium borate가 효과적이었고 그중 0.1M potassium brate가 lipoxygenase-1의 검정에 있어 가장 효과적이었으며 적정 pH의 범위는 pH 8.5~9.0 이었다. 2. 기질인 linoleic acid의 적정 농도는 2mM이었고 기질용액은 4℃ 냉장고에서 10일 정도 실온상태에서 4일 정도까지 안전하게 보관하면서 사용할 수 있었다. 3. 콩 종실의 lipoxygenase-1 유무 여부의 확인을 위한 가장 적당한 검정방법은 종피와 배가 제거되고 얇게 자른 반립의 종자를 1.5ml크기의 plastic tube에 넣고 기질용액(0.1M potassium borate (pH 9.0), 0.1% Tween-20, 2mM linoleic acid)을 1ml 첨가해 주고 15분 경과 후 포화된 KI 용액이 5% 함유된 15% acetic acid와 1% 전분용액을 각각 100u l씩 첨가한 뒤 4시간 후에 상층액의 발색반응을 관찰하는 것으로 판명 되었다. 4. Lipoxygenase-1이 존재하는 종실의 상층액에서는 보라색 발색반응을 보였고 lipoxygenase-1이 결핍된 종실의 상층액에서는 우유빛이 나타났으며 lipoxygenase-2와 3의 간섭효과는 없었다. 보라색 발색은 4시간부터 24시간까지 안정하였고 발색용액(KI와 starch)첨가한 뒤에는 plastic tube를 흔들림없이 유지시켜야 했다. This study was performed to clarify various conditions on the test of lipoxygenase-l and to establish the application of new test method for varietal improvement of soybeans in order to decrease beany flavors. Potassium borate and Tris were used as buffer and O.1M potassium borate solution showed the best result for the lipoxygenase-l test. In the range of pH 8.5~9.0 of the buffer, 2mM linoleic acid as substrate was effective. For color development, 100~mu l of two solutions(KI and starch) were added to the half soybean seed, successively. The substrate solution included linoleic acid was stored safely for 10 days at 4~circC in refrigerator and for 4 days at room temperature. The best result was as follows; the 1ml of substrate solution[0.1M potassium borate(pH 9.0), 0.1% Tween-20, 2mM linoleic acid] was added to the chipped half soybean seed in l.5ml plastic tube, waited for 15 minutes, and 100~mu l of color development solutions(5% saturated KI in 15% acetic acid, 1% starch) were added to the tube, successively. After 4 hours, the purple color was observed in the upper phase of the plastic tube in the presence of lipoxygenase-1 and milky color in absence of lipoxygenase-1. The purple color was stable from 4 to 24 hours. There was no interfering effect by lipoxygenase-2 and -3. The plastic tube should be placed in the tube stand without shaking during the lipoxygenase-l test.

      • KCI등재

        콩 발아중의 Lipoxygenase 활성 변화

        손범영,이영호,이석하 韓國作物學會 2006 Korean journal of crop science Vol.51 No.3

        본 연구는 콩의 초기 유묘생육기간 동안의 lipoxygenase가 결여된 진품콩, 진품콩 2호와 정상적인 태광콩의 lipoxygenase 활성 변화를 비교 검토하여 알아보기 위하여 실시하였다. Lipoxygenase 결여 콩 품종의 초기 생육 및 lipoxygenase 활성 변화에서 유묘의 생체중은 진품콩 2호와 태광콩이 진품콩 보다 증대되는 경향이었고 하배축의 길이는 진품콩과 진품 콩 2호가 태광콩보다 서서히 증가하였지만 하배축의 두께는 진품콩과 진품콩 2호가 태광콩보다 두껍게 증가하는 경향이었다. 자엽의 lipoxygenase 활성 변화는 유형 I lipoxygenase 활성에서 진품콩과 태광콩이 계속 감소하는 경향이었지만 진품콩 2호는 활성이 나타나지 않았다. 유형 II lipoxygenase 활성에서 태광콩은 발아 2일째부터 계속 증가하다가 발아 4일 째에서 5일째 사이에 최대의 활성이 나타났고 발아 5일째부터 다시 감소하는 경향이었다. 하배축의 유형 I lipoxygenase 활성에서는 진품콩과 태광콩이 발아 l일째부터 급격히 감소하였다. 하배축의 유형 II lipoxygenase 활성은 3 품종 모두 나타나지 않았다. Three lipoxygenase isozymes in soybean seeds are thought to be a major contributor to lipid peroxidation and generation of free radicals which may result in seed deterioration. This study was conducted to get the basic information for changing lipoxygenase activity during seed germination in lipoxygenase-lacking soybeans. Fresh weight of soybean seedling of Jinpumkong 2 and Taekwangkong increased more rapidly than that of Jinpumkong. Hypocotyls of Jinpumkong and Jinpumkong 2 were longer and thicker than that of Taekwangkong. Type I lipoxygenase activity (pH 9.0) in cotyledon of Jinpumkong lacking lipoxygenase-2, 3 showed higher than that of Taekwangkong, and Type I lipoxygenase activity of two cultivars decreased continually. On the other hand, Type II lipoxygenase activity of Taekwangkong began to increase continually two days after germination, reached to the maximum between 4 days and 5 days, and began to decrease continually five days after germination. Type I and II lipoxygenase activity in hypocotyls was not detected in all soybean cultivars.

      • 콩 종실의 Lipoxygenase 활성이 발아특성에 미치는 영향

        이석하 서울대학교 농업개발연구소 1999 농업생명과학연구 Vol.3 No.-

        Three lipoxygenase isozymes in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] seeds are thought to be a major contributor to lipid peroxidation and the generation of free radicals which may result in seed deterioration. This study was conducted to understand the relationship between seed lipoxygenase activity and germination and seed vigor in soybean. Two cultivars, Jinpumkong lacking lipoxygenase-2, 3 and Jinpumkong 2 lacking lipoxygenase-1, 2, 3 were evaluated for major traits of seed and germination, and were compared with the normal soybean Taekwangkong containing lipoxygenase-1, 2, 3 isozymes in seed. Seed protein and lipid contents of Jinpumkong and Jinpumkong 2 were similar to those of Taekwangkong. Jinpumkong and Jinpumkong 2 had more palmitic acid, linoleic acid, and linolenic acid in soybean seed than Taekwangkong, but had less stearic acid and oleic acid than Taekwangkong. Type I lipoxygenase activity (pH 9.0) of Jinpumkong lacking lipoxygenase-2, 3 was higher than that of normal Taekwangkong. Germination percentages of Jinpumkong and Jinpumkong 2 were lower than that of Taekwangkong. Electric conductivity was not significantly different in all cultivars. Using two soybean populations derived from the cross between normal Taekwangkong (Lx1Lx2Lx3) and Jinpumkong 2 (lx1lx2lx3) lacking lipoxygenase-1, 2, 3, and between normal Pureunkong (Lx1Lx2Lx3) and Jinpumkong 2 (lx1lx2lx3) lacking lipoxygenase-1, 2, 3, the effects of presence or absence of seed lipoxygenase activity on germination characteristics were evaluated. The F2 derived from the cross between normal Taekwangkong(Lx1Lx2Lx3) and Jinpumkong 2 (lx1lx2lx3) lacking lipoxygenase-1, 2, 3 fitted to a expected segregation ratio of 9 : 3 : 3 : 1 (normal : lacking L-3 : lacking L-1 and L-2 : lacking L-1, L-2 and L-3), suggesting the tight linkage between the lx1 and lx2 loci, and F8 seeds derived from the cross between normal Pureunkong (Lx1Lx2Lx3) and Jinpumkong 2 (lx1lx2lx3) lacking lipoxygenase-1, 2, 3 fitted to a expected segregation ratio of 1 : 1(L-1, L-2 : l-1, l-2 and L-3 : l-3, respectively). Germination percentages showed wide ranges but didn't differ among lipoxygenase isozyme types of F3 and F8 seeds derived from the cross between normal Taekwangkong (Lx1Lx2Lx3) and Jinpumkong 2 (lx1lx2lx3) lacking lipoxygenase-1, 2, 3, and between normal Pureunkong(Lx1Lx2Lx3) and Jinpumkong 2 (lx1lx2lx3) lacking lipoxygenase-1, 2, 3. After accelerated aging, germination percentages showed wide ranges but didn't differ among lipoxygenase isozyme types of F3 and F8 seeds derived from the cross between normal Taekwangkong (Lx1Lx2Lx3) and Jinpumkong 2 (lx1lx2lx3) lacking lipoxygenase-1, 2, 3, and between normal Pureunkong (Lx1Lx2Lx3) and Jinpumkong 2 (lx1lx2lx3) lacking lipoxygenase-1, 2, 3. Presence or absence of lipoxygenase activity showed no effect on germination percentage.

      • KCI등재

        벼 고온저장시 발아율, 지방산도 및 Lipoxygenase 활성의 품종간 차이

        김기영,이건미,노광일,하기용,손지영,김보경,고재권,김정곤 한국작물학회 2007 Korean journal of crop science Vol.52 No.1

        국내 및 일본에서 육성된 벼 품종을 고온 저장시 저장기간에 따른 발아율, 이화학적 특성, lipoxygenase의 활성 및 이들 상호관계를 검토하였다. 1. 고온저장(35℃ )시 발아율, 현미 단백질, 지방산도 및 lipoxygenase 활성은 저장기간 및 품종 간 차이가 크게 있었으며 두 요인의 상호작용도 인정되어 저장기간별 품종 간 차이가 다르게 나타났다. 2. 고온저장에 의한 현미 단백질, 지방산도 및 lipoxygenase 활성은 저장기간이 길수록 증가하였던 반면, 발아율 및 도요식미치는 감소하는 경향이었다. 3. 지방산도와 발아율 간에는 부의 상관이 지방산도와 lipoxygenase의 활성은 정의 상관이 인정되었다. 4. 17개 품종을 발아율, 지방산도 및 lipoxygenase 활성을 고려하여 군집분석을 수행한 결과 2개의 그룹으로 구분되었다. I군에 속하는 품종은 오대벼, 상미벼, 운광벼, 일품벼, 남평벼, 일미벼, 동안벼, 중산벼, 추청벼, 히또메보레, 고시히까리 등 11개 품종으로 비교적 발아율이 높고 지방산도 및 lipoxygenase 활성이 낮았다. This study was conducted to investigate the germination rate, fat acidity and lipoxygenase activity of brown rice after storage of 6 and 12 weeks at high temperature (35~circC ) with fifteen Korean and two Japanese rice varieties. Germination rate in rough rice and palatability value in cooked rice by rice taster were lower with longer storage period, while protein content, fat acidity, and lipoxygenase activity in brown rice were higher with longer storage period. Fat acidify was negatively correlated with germination rate. However fat acidity was positively correlated with lipoxygenase activity. Seventeen varieties were classified into two groups on the basis of germination rate, fat acidity and lipoxygenase activity after 12 weeks' storage at high temperature; Group I including eleven varieties of Odaebyeo, Sangmibyeo, Unkwangbyeo, Ilpumbyeo, Nampyeongbyeo, Ilmibyeo, Donganbyeo, Jungsanbyeo, Koshihikari, Hitomebore and Chucheongbyeo showed high germination rate, low fat acidity and low lipoxygenase activity, while Group II including six varieties of Sindongjinbyeo, Hoanbyeo, Gyehwabyeo, Daeyabyeo, Hopyeongbyeo, and Dongin 1 showed lower germination rate, high fat acidity and high lipoxygenase activity.

      • KCI등재

        콩 Lipoxygenase 결핍계통의 가공적성

        金龍昊,金奭東,洪殷憙,金秀姬 韓國作物學會 1994 한국작물학회지 Vol.39 No.2

        콩 비린내에 관여하는 lipoxygenase가 결핍된 계통들의 가공적성 및 제품개발의 타당성을 알아보고자 두부와 두유제조시 일반콩과의 특성을 비교 검토한 바 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 두부 제조시 lipoxygenase가 일부 결핍된 수원169호는 일반콩인 황금콩에 비해 수율 및 색도는 비슷하였으나 관능검사는 높게 평가되었다. 2. 두부의 일반조성도 공시재료간에는 비슷하였으나 수원169호가 황금콩에 비해 총당 함량은 높게 나타났다. 3. 실험실 규모에서 두유 제조후 관능검사를 실시한 결과 lipoxygenase 결핍계통이 향기 및 맛에서 우수한 것으로 평가되었다. 4. 공장 규모의 두유제조에서도 수원169호가 황금콩에 비해 두유 가공적성이 우수하였다. Lipoxygenase are responsible for offensive grassy and green bean flavors which limit the wide utilization of soy protein products. This study was carried out to investigate the processing characteristics of soybean genotypes lacking lipoxygenase. Soybean curd made from soybeans with and without seed lipoxygenase showed nearly similar yield, while those sensory evaluation was better in lipoxygenase lacking lines than noramal one. Chemical composition of soybean curd also was similar between different genotypes, but total sugar content was higher in lipoxygenase lacking lines. Significant different quality of soymilk was showed by sensory test. The flavor and taste of soymilk were better in soybeans without seed lipoxygenase, although soymilk was made by two different processing methods. Therefore, in soybean breeding pro-gramme for food processing, lipoxygenase-lacking soybean genotypes could be useful economically and nutritionally.

      • KCI등재

        산업적 응용을 위한 Lipoxygenase 생산 세균의 분리 및 특성

        김예린,박규림,김예담,이오미,손홍주 한국환경과학회 2022 한국환경과학회지 Vol.31 No.3

        Lipoxygenase is an enzyme, mainly produced by plants, capable of converting unsaturated fatty acids to fatty acids. It has vast application potential in the food, pharmaceutical and agricultural industries. The aim of this study was to isolate novel lipoxygenase-producing bacteria from the environment and to investigate the lipoxygenase enzymatic properties for industrial production. The strain, NC1, isolated from cultivation soils, was identified as Bacillus subtilis based on the phenotypic characteristics and 16S rRNA gene sequencing. This strain formed a pink color around the colony when cultured on indamine dye formation plates. The production of lipoxygenase by B. subtilis NC1 was influenced by the composition of the medium and linoleic acid concentrations. The optimum temperature and pH for lipoxygenase activity was determined to be 40 °C and pH 6, respectively. The enzyme showed relatively high stability at temperatures ranging from 20–50 °C and acid-neutral regions. In addition, the lipoxygenase produced by B. subtilis NC1 was able to degrade commercially available oils including sunflower seed oil and Perilla oil. In this study, a useful indigenous bacterium was isolated, and the fundamental physicochemical data of bacterial lipoxygenase giving it industrial potential are presented.

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