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      • KCI등재

        러시아어의 동사구문에서의 격의 의미적 접근

        김군선(Kim Kun Sun) 한국노어노문학회 2002 노어노문학 Vol.14 No.1

        This investigation is an attempt to propose a new approach to case forms in Russian verbal phrases. It adopts the hypothesis that a semantic structure of verbs at lexical level is posited as an array of thematic roles. to which syntactic representations are to be matched. The semantic representation is made by the modification of Jackendoff's "lexical conceptual structure" that applies the Talmy's force-dynamics theory to capture various dynamic relationships of entities participating in events or states. The makeup of arguments constituting the semantic structure is then to be related to the case forms in the syntax by linking theory. which constitutes a lexical redundancy rule. Along the line. it illustrates that insofar as case forms in the syntax correspond to an array of arguments in the semantic structure. they are semantic by virtue of making a semantic contribution to the lexical interpretation. To such a category of semantic case belong some uses of case forms. i.e. accusative. dative, instrumental. This argument. albeit demonstrative. goes contrary with the case theories of Chomsky and Babby. First, accusative may be semantic as opposed to the treatment of it as configurational. Secondly, dative and instrumental also may be semantic since the arguments corresponding to the case forms are to be represented in the semantic structure. In other word, the case forms are predictable and productive at lexical level. which runs counter to the conclusion of Babby that they are unpredictable and ideosyncratic. This investigation demonstrates a semantic approach to case forms in Russian such as to open a way to further study many uses of accusative. the semantic structure of subjectless sentences and the linking of dative to the structure, and many uses of instrumental.

      • KCI등재

        A Lexical-constructional Analysis of English Prepositional Verbs

        장경철 경희대학교 언어정보연구소 2011 언어연구 Vol.28 No.3

        This article investigates verb-plus-preposition (V-P) combinations in English which have traditionally been called prepositional verbs such as decide on in Sam decided on the suit. It is argued that the preposition of a V-P combination forms a predicate with the verb. The resulting complex predicate is basically a semantic and grammatical unit that is internally complex. It is also suggested that those units can be divided into two types; one is a frozen type, and the other a productive type. The article proposes an analysis of these two types as a concrete construction and a template, respectively. They are listed or constructed in the lexicon, and their parts are separately represented in phrasal syntax by PS rules. The ideas of lexical conceptual structure and representational modularity are adopted to formalise the proposed analysis. The paper also addresses theoretical advantages and implications.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        A Lexical-constructional Analysis of English Prepositional Verbs

        ( Kyung Chul Chang ) 경희대학교 언어정보연구소 2011 언어연구 Vol.28 No.3

        This article investigates verb-plus-preposition (V-P) combinations in English which have traditionally been called prepositional verbs such as decide on in Sam decided on the suit. It is argued that the preposition of a V-P combination forms a predicate with the verb. The resulting complex predicate is basically a semantic and grammatical unit that is internally complex. It is also suggested that those units can be divided into two types; one is a frozen type, and the other a productive type. The article proposes an analysis of these two types as a concrete construction and a template, respectively. They are listed or constructed in the lexicon, and their parts are separately represented in phrasal syntax by PS rules. The ideas of lexical conceptual structure and representational modularity are adopted to formalise the proposed analysis. The paper also addresses theoretical advantages and implications. (Catholic University of Daegu)

      • KCI등재

        On the Class of the English Light Verb Give

        Kyung chul Chang 현대문법학회 2015 현대문법연구 Vol.84 No.-

        The paper aims to explore the class of the English light verb give, as in She gave a sigh. Drawing on the standard and novel arguments and evidence, it is argued that the class is internally complex, assuming a structured cline. This cline is primarily divided into so-called true light verb and vague action verb types, each of which is further separated into two subtypes. These are GIVE A SIGH, GIVE X A KISS, GIVE X ADVICE, and GIVE X A DESCRIPTION (OF Y). The paper also offers a supplementary analysis of the two subtypes of the vague action verb, using the hybrid model of lexical conceptual structure and syntactic argument structure.

      • KCI등재

        소유동사 구문의 통사ㆍ의미론적 분석과 수여동사 구문과의 인접성에 대한 연구

        조경순(Jo, Kyung­sun) 한국언어문학회 2017 한국언어문학 Vol.100 No.-

        The semantic features are structuralized into the semantic structures, and such semantic structures are closely related to the syntactic structures. Through the diverse syntactic/semantic characteristics of the Korean sentences, it is possible to precisely approach and analyze semantic features. The purpose of this paper is to examine the syntactic/semantic characteristics of the possessive construction involving possession and to set the subject­conceptual structure of the possessive construction. The sentence meaning of the possessive construction can be defined as “the agent with a will dominantly owns the target”. To lexical­internally describe the characteristics of the possession, the conceptual semantics(Jackendoff) is used as a methodology. In addition, the possession is semantically closely related to the existential construction and ditransitive construction. The existential, possessive and ditransitive constructions are detected through the concept that they are based on a fixed semantic correlation.

      • KCI등재

        보조용언 ‘있다’의 결합 제약과 상적 의미 해석 -본용언의 개념구조와의 관계를 중심으로-

        박종후 ( Park Jong-hoo ) 국어학회 2016 국어학 Vol.77 No.-

        이 글은 본용언의 개념구조와의 관계를 중심으로 보조용언 ‘있다’의 결합 제약과 상적 의미의 해석 양상을 분석하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이를 위해 상(相, aspect)을 상황유형(또는 어휘상)과 관점상(또는 문법상)으로 구분하고, 한국어에서 술어 전체의 상적 의미는 상황유형과 관점상의 상호작용에 의해 해석된다고 보았다. 보조용언구성은 본용언이 반영하는 사태구조에 초점을 맞춰 윤곽화하고, 거기에 상이나 양태 등과 같은 일정한 문법적 의미를 부가하는 기능을 가진다. 특히 보조동사 ‘있다’는 상적 보조동사로서 관점상(viewpoint aspect)을 부가한다. 본용언과 보조용언 ‘있다’의 결합 분포는 본용언의 사태 유형과 보조적 연결어미의 의미 기능에 달려 있는데, 시간의 흐름에 따라 두 개의 사태를 대등하게 나열하는 기능을 가지는 ‘-고’를 이용하는 ‘-고 있다’는 기본적으로 본용언이 개념구조에 ACT를 가지고 있으면 결합할 수 있고, 앞뒤 사태를 인과관계로 파악하여 그 둘을 결과로서 더 큰 하나의 사태에 포함시키는 기능을 가지는 ‘-어’를 이용하는 ‘-어 있다’는 CAUSE가 있거나 BECOME이 없으면 결합할 수 없었다. 술어 전체의 상적 의미 해석과 관련해서는 사건구조 자체가 개체화되어 초점을 받아 윤곽화되느냐 아니면 사건구조 내부의 의미술어가 초점을 받아 윤곽화되느냐에 따라 달리 해석되는데, 전자의 경우에는 사태의 반복 또는 계속을 나타내고, 후자의 경우에는 ACT에 초점이 놓이면 동작의 지속, 즉 진행상으로 해석되고, BECOME-BE에 초점이 주어지면 결과의 지속, 즉 결과상태상이 됨을 알 수 있었다. 이러한 분석을 통해 기존에 ‘-고₁있다’와 ‘-고₂있다’로 구분하였던 ‘-고 있다’의 상적 의미를 통합적으로 설명하고, ‘-고 있다’와 ‘-어 있다’ 사이에 보이는 본용언과의 결합 분포의 차이와 상적 의미 해석의 차이도 분명히 밝힐 수 있었다. The aim of this study is to clarify that auxiliary predicate itta focuses the event structure of main predicates and has the function which conveys ‘continuation’ of the focused event structure. This study attempts to give a comprehensive explanation on the use of -ko itta, which has been separated into two groups in previous studies: -ko₁ itta and -ko₂ itta. Also, this paper seeks to examine the differences between -ko itta and -e itta by analyzing combination restrictions and interpretation of aspectual meanings. Combination restrictions of itta are closely related to the interaction of its aspectual meaning with the conceptual structure of main predicates. While -ko itta can be combined with predicates having ACT, -e itta cannot be combined with predicates having CAUSE. Moreover, it is not allowed for -e itta to be combined with predicates not having BECOME. Interpretation of the sentential aspectual meaning tends to be influenced by the element that is focused; if the event structure as a whole is focused, the sentence gets ‘frequentative’ aspect, but if the semantic notion of LCS is focused, then the sentence gets ‘continuous’ aspect (focus on ACT) or ‘resultative’ aspect (focus on BECOME-BE).

      • KCI등재

        국어 보조동사의 의미 구조와 문법화

        조경순(Jo, Kyeong-sun) 우리말글학회 2015 우리말 글 Vol.64 No.-

        국어의 ‘가지다’는 주체의 소유를 나타내는데, 보조동사처럼 쓰인 ‘VP-어 가지고’에서도 소유성이 드러날 때가 있다. ‘가지다’는 보조동사처럼 쓰이는 문법화의 단계로 들어섰음에도 불구하고 여전히 어휘적 의미를 가지고 있다는 점에서 특이하다. 이 연구는 ‘가지다’가 문법화 되어 고정된 형태로 쓰이는 ‘VP-어 가지고’에서 나타나는 소유성에 주목하고 VP와 ‘가지다’의 어휘개념 구조 결합 양상과 문장 주개념절의 개념 구조를 분석하여 이를 논의하고자 한다. 본고에서는 ‘가지다’가 다의적으로 쓰일 때뿐만 아니라 문법화 단계에서도 본원적인 의미로서 소유성을 가지고 있다고 본다. 그리고 ‘VP-어 가지고’가 소유의 의미를 드러내는 것은 ‘가지다’의 어휘 개념 구조가 VP의 어휘 개념 구조와 결합할 때 ‘가지고’의 소유성이 ‘VP-어 가지고’에 반영되기 때문이라는 점을 밝힌다. In Korean, ‘가지다’ has such original attributes as ownership and contingency. Used as an assistant verb, ‘VP-어 가지고’ still possesses ownership because the ownership of ‘가지고’ is reflected in ‘VP-어 가지고’ when the lexical conceptual structure of ‘가지다’ is combined with that of a VIP. The Conceptual Semantics of Jackendoff was used in discussions in the present study because different case structures of ‘가지다’ could be explained with a single lexical conceptual structure and also because the ownership of ‘가지다’ in the stage of grammaticalization could be explained in a consistent manner. In the study, the lexical conceptual structures of ‘가지다’ were set the same. Even in the case of polysemous expansion of ‘가지다,’ its lexical conceptual structure was set to be maintained with the characteristics poss. found in all cases of monosemy. The study also demonstrated that ‘가지다’ originally contained the feature of ownership in the stage of grammaticalization and that the lexical conceptual structure of ‘가지다’ combined with that of a VP would form a single lexical conceptual structure and transfer the ownership feature to a bigger structure rather than having its meaning decolorized completely.

      • KCI등재

        어휘 의미의 심성적 체계 연구 -신경학적 연구들에 대한 교차 검토를 토대로-

        오충연 한국어의미학회 2021 한국어 의미학 Vol.72 No.-

        This study is about the mental system in which lexical meaning exists as a neuro-psychological unit. As two opposing viewpoints on lexical meaning, Jackendoff(2002) argues that a concept is formed by basic functional qualities that exist in humans, and Fodor(1998) argues that concepts are recognized by inferential systems of information. In this paper, it was reviewed which approach is advantageous based on recent linguistic neurological studies. The neurological studies reviewed in this study are ‘semantic deficits’ and ‘self-queuing strategies’ by category in aphasia patients, common areas of neural activation for various practical meanings, global neurological activation patterns of sensory concepts in visually impaired patients, and specificity of mild cognitive impairment. Through the cross review of these neurological studies, it was considered that although lexical meaning develops from sensory information to abstract conceptual information. This study supported Fodor’s theory that the way in which concepts as lexical level are positioned in mental systems by connected inference between words rather than combinations of sub-semantic elements.

      • KCI등재후보

        영어와 한국어 꽃 이름 합성어의 형태론적 및 개념적․의미적 양상

        이현근 미래영어영문학회 2012 영어영문학 Vol.17 No.2

        In this paper, I aim to compare the morphological and conceptual (semantic) differences between English and Korean flower name compounds. We can conclude three things. First, a lot of Korean compounds include kkot(-꽃) and hwa(-화) and they are in some way systematic. On the contrary, the English compounds have not shown any systematic order morphologically. Second, when we compare the 국화(chrysanthemum)-included compounds and the rose-included compounds, several lexical items are systematized as one category in one language, but not in the other language. Finally, conceptualization differences are shown in many cases such as morning glory vs. 나팔꽃(horn flower), Easter flower vs. 할미꽃(grandmother flower). When we form a compound noun, the salient part of the object is usually conceptualized by language users, but the focus, which has been lexicalized, is different between two languages. That is, conceptualization and lexicalization of the same object may differ in two language systems.

      • KCI등재

        어휘 의미와 의미 구조의 상호작용 : 현대중국어 경험주 술어를 중심으로

        임정현 한국중국어문학회 2006 中國文學 Vol.47 No.-

        This paper tries to explore ways in which lexical meanings and semantic structures interact to form semantic attributes and syntactic constructions, particularly focusing on the causative-inchoative alternation seen in the experiencer predicate construction in Mandarin Chinese. The paper starts with the fine-grained classification of experiencer predicates by grouping them into a range of classes in terms of the projection position of the Experiencer argument and the transitivity of the predicate. Together with the abstract CAUSE predicate and complex event structure, Lexical Conceptual Structure of each type of experiencer predicate provides a straightforward account for the causative-inchoative alternation shown in the experiencer predicate as well as in the ergative predicate. The effect of lexicalization is also addressed as a supporting evidence for this analysis.

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