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        검도관광 활성화에 대한 탐색적 연구

        나카가와 아키오(Akio Nakagawa ),양승훈(Soung-hoon Yang) 융합관광콘텐츠학회 2022 융합관광콘텐츠연구 (JCTC) Vol.8 No.3

        목적: 본 연구는 한국인을 대상으로 검도관광을 활성화를 위해 탐색적 수준의 제언을 하는데 목적이 있다. 검도는 스포츠관광, 보다 구체적으로 무도관광의 한 분야로서 한국과 일본의 검도인구가 전세계 96%이상을 차지하고 있다. 아울러 일본과 한국간 무도인을 중심으로 스포츠 교류가 활발히 이루어지고 있다. 일본 구마모토 현이 스포츠관광정책을 야심차게 추진하고 있으며 해당지역이 검도관광을 추진할 수 있는 잠재력에 주목한다. 방법: 논의를 전개함에 있어서 검도관광에 대한 선행연구를 검토하고 현재 구마모토 현에서 이루어지고 있는 검도관광의 현황 및 관련 보고서를 분석하였다. 결과: 본격적인 검도관광을 추진하기 위해서는 관광인프라 구축이 선행되어야 하며 검도 호구의 위생문제 해결, 외국어가 가능한 가이드 양성, 이문화에 대한 이해 그리고 숙박 확충 등이 요구된다. 아울러 이원화되어 있는 검도관광에 차별적인 관광상품 제공이 필요하다. 즉 일반인을 대상으로 하는 체험 투어와 검도 경험자・선수를 대상으로 하는 연수 투어를 차별화해서 실시하는 것이 유효함을 주장했다. 전자의 경우 구마모토 지역만이 제공할 수 있는 검도체험 및 관광 프로그램을 제공하여 검도에 대한 관심을 증폭시켜 장기적인 차원에서 연수관광자로 전환해야 한다. 후자의 경우에는 기존의 검도교류프로그램을 확충하고 검도호구 전시 판매장 방문 및 참가자 인센티브 프로그램 등 MICE 형식을 띠는 것이 좋겠다. 결론: 본 연구를 통하여 검도와 관광을 연계하여 관광학의 외연을 확장해 줄 것으로 기대한다. 이상의 논의에 대한 추가적 제언과 한계점은 논문의 말미에 포함하였다. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to suggest Kendo tourism’s vitalization at exploratory level, especially focusing on Korean Market. Kendo tourism is one of area sports tourism more specific, martial arts tourism, with more than 96% of the world Kendo population are in Korea and Japan, Moreover, sports exchange programs have been actively implemented between two countries. Methods: Setting forth further discussion, current situation of Kendo tourism in Kumamoto were reviewed. Literature reviews, including academic articles and industrial research papers, performed. Results: Total cessibility and connecting sports teamwork and on-board community. In order to promote tourism, infrastructure such as the hygiene problem of the Kendo equipments, bi-lingual tour guide s, understand of mutual cultures as well as tourist accommodation are prepared. It is also necessary to provide differentiated tourism products for Kendo tourism markets. For those who are tourists Kendo experience programs along with attraction tours are needed while Kendo experienced people and athletes will be provided field trip. In the former case, it is necessary to increase interest in Kendo by providing Kendo experience and tourism programs that can only be provided by the Kumamoto region and convert them into field trip tourists in the long term perspective. In the latter case, it is better to expand the existing Kendo exchange program and take the form of MICE & Incentive tour such as visiting the Kendo equipment exhibition and sales centers. Conclusion: The research is expected to extend the horizon of martial tourism in connecting with Kendo. Additional suggestions and limitations of research were included at the end of the paper.

      • 占領期の?日武道政策一一チャンバラ禁止と?道への??を巡って : Dealing with the Prohibitions on Chanbara (Swordplay) and Kendo

        谷川建司 韓中人文學會 2006 국제학술대회 Vol.16 No.-

        連合?軍最高司令官?司令部 (GHQ)は占領下日本で?家神道と結びつき?時期の日本人の精神構造に?しき影響を?えたものとしての武道を、中でも?道を?しく規制したと言われており、?道界では一般に占領期を“?道が??された冬の時代"と捉えている。確かに、1950年に復活が許可された弓道?柔道と比べ、?道のみ公式には占領終結後の1953年4月まで禁止が解かれず、1952年4月に事?上復活した際も “しない競技"という耳慣れない言葉に置き換えられていた。だが、?は 1945年 11月に出された “?道禁止" 通達は?道全?に?する禁止措置ではなく “?校?道"のみ禁止だった。逆に言えば?は個人が自主的に?道の練習をすること自?は禁止されておらず、その点は、刀を持った主人公が登場するだけで無?件に問題視された映? における “チャンパラ禁止" の?況とは全く異なる。個人が自主的に?道の練習をすることとは、具?的には “道場?道" と “警察?道" である。これらについてはお構いなし、とGHQは公的に表明していた。 また、?道を?家主義的精神?育と結びつけた組織と見なされていた大日本武??が自主解散を宣言したもののGHQにより?制解散命令を出された事?も、必ずしも?道 (武道) に?する?しい??だったとは言えない。命令による解散と自主的解散との決定的違いは財産の??の有無という部分ではなく、むしろ組織の中心的立場にいた者に?して公職追放措置を講ずることが出?るか否かという点だったはず。その意味では、むしろ?道やその他の武道を押し?めていた?家主義的なフレ?ムをGHQが取り?ってくれたとプラス評?すらし得る。 プランゲ文庫所?の占領期の警察?係?誌には警察官による柔?道大?の記事が頻出する。それらにより、地域によって?度差を持ちつつも、全?としては1949年秋頃までは“警察?道"、“道場?道"ともに、?家主義的精神?育から?皮し、西洋のフェンシングのように新たなスポ?ツとして牛まれ?わったことを?制しつつ、?道や柔道が日本各地で行われていたことがわかる。全?各都道府?警での柔?道大?にはしばしばGHQ?係者が?賓として拙かれ、?際にGHQスタップで?道や柔道を習い始める者も少なくなかった。むちろん、地方軍政府によってはGHQの意向とはお構いなしに一般人の?道具の?却を命じたり、所有者を?罰したりといった混?もあったようだが、それがGHQによる?道に?する組織的な??であったと解?することは誤りである。その後1949年日月に“警察?道"訓練中止通達が?せられたとしている資料もあるが、それが事?なのか、そうだとすればどのような?緯でなされたのかは、今後の調査で明らかにしたい。 During the occupation of Japan by allied forces, it has been said that the General Headquarters/Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers(GHQ/SCAP)severely restricted the practice of budo (martial arts), and kendo in particular, as being linked to nationalistic Shintoism and as having badly influenced the minds of the Japanese during the war. Thus in the world of kendo, this particular period during the occupation is generally referred to as the bleakest age in kendo, when kendo was persecuted. It is true that compared to kyudo (Japanese archery) and judo, which were officially reinstated by 1950, only kendo did not see its ban officially lifted until April of 1953. Even after April 1952, when kendo had been resurrected for all practical purposes, it was still referred to by the unfamiliar term, shinai kyogi (bamboo sword fencing). However, the original ban on kendo proclaimed in November 1945 was actually an exclusive ban on school-kendo and not a blanket ban on all manner of kendo practice. In other words, the act per se of an individual practicing kendo on one's own was not prohibited. In this sense, the situation with kendo differed greatly from the ban on chanbara (swordplay) in films, which caused movie characters to be unconditionally frowned upon for simply wielding a sword. When an individual practices kendo of his own accord, he specifically practices dojo-kendo or keisatsu (police)-kendo. In actuality, the GHQ/SCAP had officially sanctioned the practice of these two types of Kendo. In spite of the fact that GHQ/SCAP issued mandatory dissolution order to the Dai Nippon Butoku Kai (Greater Japan Martial Virtue Society), once considered an organization promoting kendo in connection with prewar nationalistic moral education, even after it had declared it would voluntarily dissolve itself, there is no evidence to suggest that GHQ/SCAP had done so out of a sense of severe persecution. The decisive difference between mandatory and voluntary dissolution lies not in the confiscation of property, but whether the authorities could enforce measures to expel the leading figures of the organization from public office. In this sense, the actions of the GHQ/SCAP can be assessed in a positive light, sice it was they who had freed kendo and the other budo (martial arts) from the restricting framework of nationalism. In police-related publications from the occupation era, as preserved in the Prange Collection, we find many articles on kendo and judo competitions among police officers. Despite slight differences in regional attitudes, the articles generally emphasize that by the fall of 1949, kendo and judo, together with keisatsu-kendo and dojo-kendo, by then freed from the strictures of nationalistic moral education, had been given new life as sports, not unlike fencing in the West, and we learn that they were being practiced everywhere in Japan. In fact, in many kendo and judo competitions held nationwide by prefectural police, GHQ/SCAP officials were often invited as guests and a number of GHQ/SCAP workers actually began to practice kendo and judo. Granted, there were a number of disturbing incidents where local government forces, ignoring the wishes of the GHQ/SCAP, went ahead and incinerated the kendo equipment owned by the general public and punished their owners. However, it would be a equipment owned by the general public and punished their owners. However, it would be a misunderstanding to interpret these acts as a systemic persecution of kendo on the part of the GHQ/SCAP. Some historical materials point to a November 1949 ban on the practice of keisatsu-kendo, but whether such a ban was actually issued or the circumstances leading to such a ban are yet to be researched.

      • KCI등재

        占領期の對日武道政策 : チャソバラ禁止と剣道への対応を巡って

        谷川建可 한중인문학회 2006 한중인문학연구 Vol.18 No.-

        연합국군최고사령관 총사령부(GHQ)는 점령하 일본에서 국가신도와 연결시켜 전시기 일본인의 정신구조에 나쁜 영향을 주었다는 이유로 무도 중에서도 검도를 엄하게 규제했다고 하여 검도계에서는 일반적으로 미점령기를 "검도가 탄압받은 겨울시기"로 받아들여지고 있다. 1950년에 부활이 허가된 궁도나 유도에 비하여 검도만 공식적으로는 점령 종결후의 1953년4월까지 해금이 되지 않았고 1952년4월에 사실상 부활했을 때에도 "죽도 경기"라는 귀에 설은 단어로 바꿔 사용 하게 했다. 하지만 실제로 1945년11월에 나온 "검도금지" 하달은 검도전체에 대한 금지조치가 아니라 "학교검도"만을 금지했다. 그것을 역으로 말하면 실제 개인이 자주적으로 검도연습을 하는 것 자체는 금하지 않은 이유는 검을 가진 주인공이 등장하는 것만으로 무조건 문제시하여 영화에서 "찬바라(칼싸움) 금지"라는 상황과는 차원이 전혀 다르다. 개인이 자주적으로 검도의 연습을 하는 것이란 구체적으로는 "道場劍道"와 "警察劍道"이고 이러한 것에 대해서는 상관없다고 GHQ는 공식적으로 표명하고 있다. 또한, 검도를 국가주의적 정신교육과 연결된 조직으로 간주하고 있던 大日本武德會가 자주해산을 선언하긴 했지만 GHQ에 의한 강제해산 명령을 내린 사실도 꼭 검도(무도)에 대한 엄한 탄압이었다고 말할 수 없다. 명령에 의한 해산과 자주적 해산과의 결정적 차이는 재산몰수의 유무라는 부분이 아니라 조직의 중심 입장에 있던 자에 대하여 공직추방조치를 취할 수 있는가 아닌가라는 점일 것이다. 그런 의미에서 오히려 검도나 그 외의 무도를 주입시켜왔던 국가주의적인 프레임을 GHQ가 제거해 주었다고 하는 플러스 평가까지 할 수 있을 것이다. 프랑케문고가 소장하고 있는 점령기 경찰관계 잡지에는 경찰관에 의한 유도 · 검도대회의 기사가 빈출하고 있다. 그러한 자료를 통해 지역에 따라 온도차를 느끼면서도 전체적으로는 1949년 가을경까지는 "警察劍道" "道場劍道"와 함께 국가주의적 정신교육에서 탈피하여 서양의 펜싱과 같이 새로운 스포츠로 다시 태어날 것을 강조하면서 검도나 유도가 일본 각지에서 행하여지고 있었던 것을 알 수 있다. 전국 각 지역(都道府縣) 경찰에서 유도 · 검도대회에 자주 GHQ관계자가 내빈으로 초청되어 실제로 GHQ스텝이 검도나 유도를 배우기 시작한 사람도 적지 않았다. 물론 지방군정부에 따라서는 GHQ의 의향과는 관계없이 일반인의 검도구의 소각을 명하거나 소유자를 처벌하거나 하는 혼란도 있었지만 그것이 GHQ에 의한 검도에 대한 조직적인 탄압이었다고 해석하는 것은 잘못이다. 그 후 1949년11월에 "警察劍道"훈련중지 통달이 발하였다고 하는 자료가 있지만 그것이 사실이라면 어떠한 경위로 행해졌는지는 금후의 조사로 명백히 하고자 한다. During the occupation of Japan by allied forces, it has been said that the General Headquarters/Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers(GHQ/SCAP) severely restricted the practice of budo(martial arts), and kendo in particular, as being linked to nationalistic Shintoism and as having badly influenced the minds of the Japanese during the war. Thus in the world of kendo, this particular period during the occupation is generally referred to as the bleakest age in kendo, when kendo was persecuted. It is true that compared to kyudo(Japanese archery) and judo, which were officially reinstated by 1950, only kendo did not see its ban officially lifted until April of 1953. Even after April 1952, when kendo had been resurrected for all practical purposes, it was still referred to by the unfamiliar term, shinai kyogi(bamboo sword fencing). However, the original ban on kendo proclaimed in November 1945 was actually an exclusive ban on school-kendo and not a blanket ban on all manner of kendo practice. In other words, the act per se of an individual practicing kendo on one's own was not prohibited. In this sense, the situation with kendo differed greatly from the ban on chanbara(swordplay) in films, which caused movie characters to be unconditionally frowned upon for simply wielding a sword. When an individual practices kendo of his own accord, he specifically practices dojo kendo or keisatsu (police) kendo. In actuality, the GHQ/SCAP had officially sanctioned the practice of these two types of Kendo. In spite of the fact that GHQ/SCAP issued mandatory dissolution order to the Dai Nippon Butoku Kai(Greater Japan Martial Virtue Society), once considered an organization promoting kendo in connection with prewar nationalistic moral education, even after it had declared it would voluntarily dissolve itself, there is no evidence to suggest that GHQ/SCAP had done so out of a sense of severe persecution. The decisive difference between mandatory and voluntary dissolution lies not in the confiscation of property, but whether the authorities could enforce measures to expel the leading figures of the organization from public office. In this sense, the actions of the GHQ/SCAP can be assessed in a positive light, since it was they who had freed kendo and the other budo(martial arts) from the restricting framework of nationalism. In police related publications from the occupation era, as preserved in the Prange Collection, we find many articles on kendo and judo competitions among police officers. Despite slight differences in regional attitudes, the articles generally emphasize that by the fall of 1949, kendo and judo, together with keisatsu-kendo and dojo-kendo by then freed from the strictures of nationalistic moral education, had been given new life as sports, not unlike fencing in the West, and we learn that they were being practiced everywhere in Japan. In fact, in many kendo and judo competitions held nationwide by prefectural police, GHQ/SCAP officials were often invited as guests and a number of GHQ/SCAP workers actually began to practice kendo and judo. Granted, there were a number of disturbing incidents where local government forces, ignoring the wishes of the GHQ/SCAP, went ahead and incinerated the kendo equipment owned by the general public and punished their owners. However, it would be a misunderstanding to interpret these acts as a systemic persecution of kendo on the part of the GHQ/SCAP. Some historical materials point to a November 1949 ban on the practice of keisatsu kendo, but whether such a ban was actually issued or the circumstances leading to such a ban are yet to be researched.

      • 검도사의 대변혁과 현대검도

        이형민(Hyoung-Min Lee) 대한검도학회 2014 대한검도학회지 Vol.25 No.1

        일본 중세의 검술은 전장에서 살상의 기술로 행해졌던 것이 역사의 변화 속에서 현재와 같은 형태로 발전을 해온 것이다. 에도(江戶)의 평화가 유지되면서 검술은 무도로 발전하게 되었다. 이시기에 특수한 집단이 생겨나게 되었고 이것이 유파이다. 유파의 기술을 전수하는 방법은 형(形)에 의한 계고(稽古)였다. 그러나 형 검술은 실전에서의 어려운 근본적인 결점을 가지고 있었다. 이 형계고(形稽古)의 한계를 실감하고 고안해 낸 것이 ‘죽도 타격 검술’이다. 죽도타격검술의 성립에는 검도구(劍道具)의 존재가 매우 중요한 위치를 점한다. 이 죽도 타격 검술은 검의 이법을 안전성(防具,죽도의 탄생)을 확보한 가운데 경쟁의 요소가 포함되어 있기 때문에 신체운동문화(身體運動文化)이라고 할 수 있다. 이 연습법은 현재의 검도와 같은 형태이다. 방구와 죽도의 사용은 무도화를 가속화시켰다. 에도시대후기 민간 도장의 들어서고. 현무관(玄武館)은 “죽도 타격 검술”의 기법을 체계화해서 『검술육심팔수劍術六十八手』를 완성하였다. ‘죽도 타격 검술’이 오늘날 행해지고 있는 검도의 원형이라 할 수 있고, 검도사에 있어서 의미가 깊은 일이다. 메이지유신(明治維新)이후 검도는 인간형성(人間形成)을 목적으로 내세우면서 발전해 가게 된다. Japanese swordsmanship, once performed as a method of killing in medieval battlefields, has developed into what it is now in the history of Japan. The swordsmanship developed into chivalry as the peace in the Edo Period continued. This period witnesses the generation of special groups called ‘Kendo faction’. Kendo factions handed down their skills by repeated practices(keigo,稽古) of the basic Kendo. The basic Kendo, however, had a serious defect for being used in an actual fight. The redesigned Kendo that overcame this limitation is ‘Shinai Kendo’. And it is very important to prepare the tools in the Shinai Kendo. The Shinai Kendo can be understood as a way of physical exercise as it promotes competition while it secures safety. This way of practice is the same as today’s Kendo. The use of the guard(bougu, 防具) and Shinai accelerated the spread of Kendo as chivalry. In the end of the Edo Period, Gembukan(玄武舘), one of the civilian studios, systematized the techniques of “Shinai Kendo” and completed “the 68 forms of Kendo.” ‘Shinai Kendo’ is believed to be the original form of today’s Kendo, and this is very meaningful in the history of Kendo. After the Meiji Restoration, Kendo came to put more importance on the formation of personality.

      • 한국검도의 근대화 과정에 관한 고찰

        이형민(Lee, Hyeong-Min) 대한검도학회 2021 대한검도학회지 Vol.32 No.1

        한반도의 검도 보급은 일반 대중의 건강과 수련을 위해 소개된 것이 아니고 치안의 필요에 의해서 경찰 교습과목으로 채택한 것이 그 보급의 목적이며, 검도의 시초이다. 1904년 육군연성학교(陸軍硏成學校)에 관련, 관제25개조를 반포하여 검도 교육을 시행함으로써 검도가 군에 싹트게 되었다. 1908년 군인구락부에서 지도한 격검은 일반국민에게도 검도를 접할 수 있는 계기가 되었고 검도에 대한 인식을 태동하게 하였다. 1916년 오성학교(五星學校)에서 체육연습소(體育鍊習所)를 설치하고 지원자를 모집한 것이 학교검도의 시작이다. 1921년에 개관한 조선무도관(朝鮮武道館)은 한국 최초의 사설도장이다. 일본은 강점기에 한반도에서 검도 교육을 통하여 일본의 국민정신을 확립하려고 했다. 1927년 검도가 중학교 체조 교수요목(敎授要目) 교재로 채택되었으며, 검도는 학교의 체육교육 테두리 안에서 점차 그 위치를 확립해갔다. 일본의 제국주의에 의한 지배가 계속되면서 독립운동을 포기하고 변절하는 자가 생겨났으며, 나라의 자주독립과 근대화를 열망했던 이들도 점차 일제와 타협해 갔다. 이런 시기에 일본이 인정한 반도(半島)의 일인자(一人者) 이종구의 활약은 당시 조선인에게 희망과 용기를 주기에 충분했다. 강낙원은 한국 근대 검도를 보급시키고 발전시키는데 많은 공적이 있다. 이화여전의 검도부는 학교 정책이 아닌 학생들 스스로 만든 것이다. 검도가 한반도에 뿌리를 내린지 130년이란 세월을 넘겼다. 이제는 경기 기능의 발전뿐만 아니라 철학적 관점에서도 한국의 전통 인내천(人乃天) 사상이 묻어나는 검도철학이 나오기를 기대해본다. The dissemination of kendo (Japanese fencing) in the Korean peninsula was not intended to promote the health and sports for the general public. Kendo was first introduced to Korea as it was adopted as a police training subject under the necessity of reinforcing public security. In 1904, with the promulgation of the 25 orders related to Yeonseong Army Academy, the education of kendo was implemented for soldiers and it began to spread in the military. The course of gyeokgeom (kendo matching) run by military clubs in 1908 provided an opportunity for the general public to experience kendo, raising the awareness of kendo among the people. In 1916, Oseong School established a physical education center and recruited trainees; this marked the beginning of kendo education as part of a school curriculum. Joseon Mudogwan, opened in 1921, was the first private kendo studio in Korea. During the colonial period, Japan sought to inculcate the mentality of Japanese citizens in Koreans through kendo education. In 1927, kendo was included in the middle school gymnastics syllabus, and it gradually established its position within the system of school physical education. As Japan"s imperialist rule continued, even some independence activists gave up on the movement and changed sides, and those who aspired for independence and modernization of the country gradually compromised with the Japanese. During this period of time, the excellent performance of Lee Jong-gu, who was recognized by Japan as the best kendo practitioner in the Korean peninsula, was sufficient enough to give hope and courage to Koreans. Kang Nak-won also made many contributions to disseminating and developing Korean modern kendo. The kendo club at Ewha Womans University was created by the students themselves, without the coercion of the school policy. It has been 130 years since Kendo took root in the Korean Peninsula. It is time to pursue the establishment of a kendo philosophy that embodies the traditional Korean thought of “innaecheon” (meaning “humans are equal to gods”) from a philosophical point of view, as well as progress in performance.

      • KCI등재

        The Effect of Kendo’s Chudan-no-kamae and Three Striking Movements on Changes in Brainwaves Related to Concentration Index

        신윤아,홍상민,Seung-Ho Kim,이병근 대한운동학회 2021 아시아 운동학 학술지 Vol.23 No.2

        [OBJECTIVES] This study was conducted to figure out the effects of kendo training on the activity of brainwaves by analyzing changes in brainwaves during chudan-no-kamae and three-movement-striking, which are basic movements of kendo, in elementary school students who undergo kendo training and comparing left and right side brainwave activities to find out differences. [METHODS] This study was conducted with 29 male elementary school students living in K City who were experts in kendo with a career as an athlete or a kendo training period not shorter than six months. The brainwave activity was measured by measuring and analyzing brainwaves at eight regions at the prefrontal lobe, the frontal lobe, the temporal lobe, and the occipital lobe using brainwave measuring equipment. Brainwaves were measured for 5 minutes in a sitting position in a stable state and were also measured for 5 minutes after 15 minutes of the chudan-no-kamae movement, which is aiming at the opponent with the point of the sword while moving along eight moving lines of the opponents, and for 5 minutes after 15 minutes of three striking movements. [RESULTS] Alpha waves showed higher brainwave activity during the stable state than during the kendo movements (three striking movements, chudan-no-kamae) while SMR, M-beta, and H-beta showed higher brainwave activity after kendo movements than during the resting state. The asymmetry between the left and right sides increased after the movements compared to during the resting state. [CONCLUSIONS] These results are considered attributable to kendo training that partly increased their concentration thereby increasing brainwave activity. However, it is unclear that kendo training will be helpful for concentration through physical activities and brain activity in this study. Therefore, further study should be conducted with the measurement of factors related to emotional aspects, concentration, and brainwaves according to kendo training.

      • 일제 강점기 경찰무도의 도입과 전개과정에 관한 고찰 : 유도·검도를 중심으로

        김필승 大田大學校 社會科學硏究所 2022 社會科學論文集 Vol.- No.-

        In order to understand the introduction process of judo and kendo, it is necessary to understand how Japanese colonial era Police Marshall Art developed. Starting with Treaty of Ganghwa Island (1876) in 1896, the enlightenment period was established by the National Police Agency throughthe Gabo Police Station in 1894, and the National Police Agency was also conducting martial arts education. It seems that judo and kendo were mainlypracticed in the police and military during the enlightenment period. What is clear is that at the time of the introduction of the Japanese police system, judo and kendo were not systematically distributed to Joseon, but the Japanese police were teaching judo and kendo to police officers at the request of the Korean Imperial Police Agency. The first police martial arts match in the literature is known as a judo and martial arts match hosted bypolice officers from both Korea and Japan in Biwon hosted by the State Council in March 1908. In addition, it seems that Judo and Kendo, symbols of Japanese martial arts, developed with the police during the Japanese colonial period. Therefore, when studying the history of judo and kendo inKorea, police dance is indispensable. Therefore, it would be difficult to saythat after liberation, Japanese colonial era Judo and Kendo were completelyextinguished and new police weapons were introduced. In conclusion, it canbe seen that the spread of judo and kendo during the Japanese colonial period had a great influence on martial arts education, competitions, andevents of the Korean police promoted after liberation.

      • Comparative Analysis of Isokinetic Muscular Strength, Lower Muscle Architecture and Knee Injury in Elite Kendo Athlete

        Park Jihoon 아시아건강운동학회 2020 Journal of Asian Society for Health & Exercise Vol.2 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the isokinetic muscular strength, muscle architecture, lower extremity muscle strength in elite kendo athlete. The subjects of the study were 50 elite martial arts athlete(kendo=22, ssireum=14, wrestling=14) from University Y. Isokinetic muscular strength (60/sec, 180/sec, 240/sec) by the isomed-2000, while dual energy x-lay absorptiometry was applied in rectus femoris muscle architecture (lower extremity lean body mass) were measured. Following conclusions were drawn via the process above: First, there was no statistically significant difference between the sports in terms of the difference in lower extremity fatness rate, but the difference between the left and right lower extremity fatness was greater in the kendo group than in the wrestling and wrestler groups. Second, the difference in the isokinetics of the knee joint was statistically significantly higher in the kendo and wrestling group than in the wrestling group in the maximum likelihood of weight, excluding the 180 angular velocity, but the maximum likelihood ratio between the extensors and flexors was not statistically different between the groups. Third, as a result of a logistic regression analysis of the injuries of kendo athletes, the difference in the lean mass of the lower extremities, and the maximum power ratio of the flexors and extensors, the difference in the lean mass of the lower extremities and the maximum power ratio of the flexors and extensors at 60 angular velocity were significantly related. appear. In summary, it was found that the lower extremity fatness of college kendo athletes was unbalanced, and was associated with knee injury along with the isokinetic maximum likelihood ratio. Therefore, it is thought that additional training and training in consideration of balance are necessary due to the characteristics of kendo sports with different athletic roles on one side.

      • KCI등재

        대학 검도 선수들의 하지 제지방, 등속성 최대근력, 무릎 상해의 관계

        박지훈 ( Park Jihoon ) 대한무도학회 2020 대한무도학회지 Vol.22 No.4

        본 연구는 대학 검도 선수들의 하지 제지방 및 등속성 최대근력과 무릎 상해의 관계를 규명하는데 그 목적이 있다. 연구 대상은 10년 이상 선수생활을 유지하고 있는 대학 검도 선수 22명과 비교집단으로 씨름 14명, 레슬링 선수 14명을 대상으로 선정하였다. 측정 변인은 하지 제지방량과 등속성 근력(신근·굴근), 상해 여부로 하였으며, R 4.0.3 for linux 프로그램으로 통계처리한 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 하지 제지방율의 차이는 종목간의 유의한 차이는 나타나지 않았으나, 좌·우 하지 제지방의 차이값은 검도집단이 씨름과 레슬링 선수 집단보다 차이가 크게 나타났다. 둘째, 슬관절의 등속성 차이는 180각속도를 제외한 체중대비 최대우력이 검도와 레슬링 집단이 씨름 집단보다 유의하게 높았으나 신근과 굴근의 최대우력비는 집단간의차이가 나타나지 않았다. 셋째, 검도선수들의 상해 여부와 하지 제지방량의 차이, 굴근과 신근의 최대우력비를 로지스틱 회귀분석을 실시한 결과하지 제지방량의 차이값과 60각속도의 굴근과 신근의 최대우력비가 유의하게 관련이 있는 것으로 나타났다. 이상의 결과를 종합하면 대학 검도 선수들의 하지 제지방은 불균형이 나타났고 등속성 최대우력비와 함께 무릎 상해와 연관성이 있는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 운동역할이 편측으로 상이한 검도 종목 특성상 이에 따른 추가훈련과 균형을 고려한 트레이닝이 필요하다고 생각된다. The purpose of this study is to investigate a relationship of the isokinetic muscular strength and lean body mass of lower extremity in kendo athletes. The subjects of the study were 50 elite martial arts athletes (Kendo:22, Ssireum:14, Wrestling:14) from University Y who have been trained for more than ten years. The measurement variables were rectus femoris muscle mass (lower extremity lean body mass) and isokinetic muscular strength (60/sec, 180/sec, 240/sec). Following conclusions were drawn via R 4.0.3 for Linux : First, there was no significant difference between the sports in terms of the difference in lower extremity % fatness, but the difference between the left and right lower extremity %fatness was greater in the Kendo group than in the Ssireum and Wrestling groups. Second, the difference of the and the right in the isokinetics of the knee joint was significantly higher in the Kendo and Wrestling group than in the Wrestling group in terms of the peak torque in relation to body weight, excluding the 180 angular velocity, but peak torque between the extensors and flexors was not statistically different among the groups. Third, as a result of a logistic regression analysis of the injuries of Kendo athletes, the difference of a left and a right leg in the lean body mass, and peak torques of the flexors and extensors were significant. In summary, the lower extremity lean body mass of college Kendo athletes was unbalanced, and there was close relationship between knee injury and isokinetic peak torque. Therefore, because the athletic roles of a kendo athlete’s limbs differ greatly from one another, additional training that considers balance is necessary.

      • KCI등재

        무도 본(本)의 수련적 의미와 현대적 이용에 관한 연구

        김성수(Sung Soo Kim),정동권(Dong Kwon Joung) 한국사회체육학회 2009 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.38

        In this research, I have intended to inquire of the guidance study about Kata guidance that is based on a guidance theory of Kata leaders in Kendo. This study is to examine the Kata(本) of Kendo, from its establishment to revisions and amendments, and to identify the practical significance and the technical structure of the Mordern Martial arts. Such Kata of Kendo are selective kinetic expressions of the purpose, the method, the soguence, formalized through the experiences of numerous practicxians and accumulation of researches. The Kata of Kendo must reflect and synthesize the most basic and desired techniques of all and serve as the purification of all Kendo practices, including manners, facing posture, attack and defense, distance, cheering, and concluding attitudo. It is necessary to examine the relation between the Bon of Kumdo and the Bon of modem Kumdo formalized as a competitive came. The Bon of Kumdo is the condensed form of all Jinkum(眞劍; real-sword) techniques of the past, rather than a form necessitated for Jukdo(竹刀; Bamboo-sword). In other words, the characteristics of the Jinkum and the Jukdo are fundamentally different from each other. It is thus necessary to develop a new form that suits the Jukdo usage on top of the current Bon. Accordingly, The Kata leaders Shoud the direction of progress in Kata as the change in structural types of Dan (the grades in Kendo) examination in Kendo and desirable way of teaching Kata turned out to be the repetition. Especially the most necessary factors with the instructor appeared as the teaching ability derived from the positive experience and professional knowledge of applying that ability and righteous point of view.

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