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      • KCI등재

        디지털 미디어의 데이터 프로그래밍에 의한 인터랙션 스페이스

        김일석 ( Kim¸ Ilsuk ) 한국공간디자인학회 2021 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.16 No.7

        (Background and Purpose) The media environment is centered on graphics, from the virtual environment to the metaverse. In the real space , a physically constructed media space is required. However, media interaction form is becoming a new design form in spatial design. The physical structure of space is converted to an electronic form by digital media. Further, interactive media, together with virtual space media and multimedia, are creating an environment that provides a transformative experience in the construction space. The study examines the interaction concept of media and the relationship between sensor activation and sensory action, and to study the characteristics of the interaction space, where the interactive media is installed as a device in the physical structure. (Method) The study aims to draw conclusions by adopting an interaction space composed of interactive media―analyzing it as a space composed of device-integrated media. The research method is discussed first; in Chapter 2, the concept and experience of media interaction are considered. For this purpose, this study divided the sensor device, actuation device, and programming of media into sense, perception, and action experience of a person. Chapter 3 analyzes the elements and characteristics of the structure of the interaction space, which are divided into object module, data collection, sequence object, and story medium; further, the interaction space case is adopted and analyzed. (Result) Interactive media is a dynamic medium in which digital devices operate, and digital sensors and actuators are coded programmatically to communicate data and interact systematically. The interaction space creates an area in the relation between the input and output of data of these media and the reaction of the sensor-actuated device. The space is where the experiencer's senses, perceptions, and actions interact with the real-time programmed electronic module device. The sensors and actuation devices applied to the space are composed of modules and control the data to comprise changes in the object-oriented module. The interaction space has the elements of form, material, efficiency, and purpose, and these elements enable human and machine interaction. Therefore, the interaction space is an area for human-computer interaction (HCI), divided into object module, data collection, sequence object, and story medium. (Conclusion) The interaction space has the characteristics of the interrelationship between sensor devices and actuation devices that are modularized for information transfer. The device module format that composes the space delivers various scenes and situations to the experiencer, and its features include object module, data collection, sequence object, and story medium.

      • KCI등재

        사례연구를 통한 K-MOOC에서 상호작용의 정도와 패턴의 변화 양상 탐구

        남상은,조규락 한국교육정보미디어학회 2017 교육정보미디어연구 Vol.23 No.4

        대형 온라인 공개강좌를 의미하는 MOOC는 새로운 교육방법으로서 현재 세계적인 주목을 받고 있다. 우리나라에서도 2015년 한국형 MOOC(K-MOOC)를 시작하였고, 매년 여러 대학교가 참여하여 깊은 관심 속에서 많은 K-MOOC 강좌들이 개설되고 있다. 본 연구는 K-MOOC에서 상호작용이 얼마나 활발하며 그 상호작용의 패턴 특징과 변화가 어떠한지 알아보고자 하였다. 본 연구를 위하여 2015년 10월부터 시행된 K-MOOC의 한 강좌의 토론 게시판에 참여한 146명의 학습자와 6명의 교수자의 게시글을 대상으로 상호작용 자료를 수집하였다. 토론게시판에 참여한 상호작용 자료는 사회연결망분석을 통해 밀도, 연결중심성, 시각화 기능으로 분석되었다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, K-MOOC에서 상호작용의 정도를 밀도의 지표로 보았을 때, 교수자와 학습자 간 상호작용이 학습자와 학습자 간 상호작용보다 활발하였다. 연결중심성을 중심으로, 교수자와 학습자 간 상호작용에서 외향중심성은 교수자가 높았으며, 내향중심성은 학습자가 높았다. 둘째, 상호작용 패턴의 변화를 보았을 때, 전기에서 후기로 갈수록 토론 참여자 수가 감소하고, 소수의 참여자들만이 활발하게 토론을 하며, 익명을 사용하는 비율이 줄어들었다. 또한, 쌍방향 상호작용과 학습자와 학습자간 상호작용이 전기에서 후기로 갈수록 줄어드는 양상을 보였다. 전체적으로, 교수자와 학습자 간 상호작용은 상대적으로 학습자와 학습자 간 상호작용 보다 높게 나타났고, 상호작용은 교수자가 주도하는 평가에 의해 결정되는 모습을 보였다. K-MOOC에서 상호작용을 증진시키기 위한 교수설계적 처방이 필요하다. MOOC, which stands for Massive Open Online Course, now attracts public attention as a new way of education across the world. In 2015, Korea also started Korea MOOC (K-MOOC) services. Since then, every year several universities participated in the services and offered many K-MOOCs with deep interest. This study investigated the degree and the features of changes of the interaction patterns in K-MOOC. For this purpose of the study, the study collected and analyzed participants' verbal unit, in which 146 students and 6 instructors participated, as interaction data from discussion forum in a K-MOOC serviced in October, 2015. Social network analysis was used for the analysis, including density, degree centrality and visualization. The results of the research were as follows: First, it showed that instructor-learner interaction was more active than learner-learner interaction in terms of density. While instructors had high out-degree centrality, learners had high in-degree centrality between instructors and learners. Second, interaction patterns showed that forum participants gradually decreased and small amount of them actively posted on discussion forum in the later of this course. The rate of using anonymity also decreased. In addition, interaction patterns presented diminishing two-way interaction and learner-learner interaction as the course progressed. In sum, the study showed that instructor-learner interaction was relatively more active than learner-learner interaction and interaction was affected by instructor-led evaluation. It implies that prescriptive instructional design should be applied to K-MOOCs in order to increase interaction.

      • A Comprehensive Theory of Multi-Aspect Interaction with Cyber Physical Systems

        Junfeng Wang,Suihuai Yu 보안공학연구지원센터 2016 International Journal of Smart Home Vol.10 No.3

        Interaction with Cyber physical systems (CPSs) greatly differ from traditional human computer interaction. A theory that could explain multi-aspect interaction with cyber physical systems and would facilitate the implementation of highly interactive CPSs is needed. This paper tries to make the first steps in this direction and to provide insights for a necessary new theory. Four kinds of interaction which play a crucial role in the operation of CPSs and four fundamental aspects of interaction (i.e. levels, domains, contexts and modalities) are introduced. The theory explains both the aspects and the various constituents that should be considered. The novelty of the theory is in that it establishes relationships between the four aspects and supports the specification of wishful interaction profiles. Finally, a practical case of robot assisted smart bathroom is used to show how the theory can systematize and rationalize the designing of interaction with CPSs.

      • KCI등재

        상호작용의 특성에 따른 디지털 인터랙션의 분류체계 제안

        장혜진 한국기초조형학회 2008 기초조형학연구 Vol.9 No.2

        The study of interaction has emerged from a combination of interdisciplinary academic fields. Each academic field has studied the concept of interaction within their own academic environment, which has given the concept of interaction diverse meanings and design methodologies. Moreover, the concept and method of interaction education differs at each educational institution. Therefore, knowledge and methods related to interaction have not been fused into one coherent cross-disciplinary model. Because of the lack of a coherent all-encompassing model, the limited scope of existing models means that they are ineffective at solving the complex problems of interaction. Preliminary analysis of existing systems revealed that while each system has particular advantages in a given situation, none were able to be applied outside of their academic discipline to effectively address the cross-disciplinary nature of interaction scenarios.Therefore, this research suggests a system for categorizing interaction that can be effectively applied to the characteristic of interaction across various fields. First, keywords based on the purpose and nature of interaction were mapped onto four quadrants. A variety of interaction, such as interactive media arts, web interaction, and software interaction were then mapped onto the quadrants. From this analysis, five characteristics of interaction were identified: creative and reactive; creative and interactive; practical and reactive; practical and interactive; and integrated interaction. Each of these categories is explained with definitions and examples.

      • KCI등재

        패션에 나타난 인터랙션 디자인의 표현 유형과 특성

        김유경 한국기초조형학회 2012 기초조형학연구 Vol.13 No.6

        본 연구는 인터랙션 개념과 관련하여 패션디자인에 나타난 인터랙션 디자인의 표현 유형을 분류, 유형별 표현 특성을 분석, 인터랙션 패션디자인의 전개 의미를 이해하고자하였다. 인터랙션 개념과 관련한 이론적 정립을 위해 전문서적, 선행연구논문을 중심으로 개념을 고찰, 정립하고 이를 근거로 인터랙션 패션디자인의 표현 유형을 분류, 유형별 표현 특성을 분석하였다. 인터랙션 개념과 관련, 패션디자인에 나타난 인터랙션 디자인의 표현 유형은 ‘사람과 사물의 Interface’, ‘사람과 사람의 Transaction’, ‘사람과 환경의 Human Interaction’, ‘사람과 우주의 Participation’ 등 네 유형을 근거로 유형별 특성을 분석, 이론화 할 수 있다. 패션에 나타난 인터랙션 디자인의 표현 특성은 ‘감성적 행위유인화의 Interface 패션’, ‘정신적 교감 표현한 커뮤니케이션의 기호화 Transaction 패션’, ‘자연과 환경 가치화의 Human Interaction 패션’, ‘탈경계 패러다임화의 Participation 패션’ 등으로 분석되었다. 인터랙션 패션디자인은 인간과 패션, 과학, 환경 및 문화 간의 상호소통의 결과물의 단계를 넘어 서로간의 상호소통을 유인하는 은유적인 매개체로서 내적인 의미가 있다. 디지털 테크놀로지의 발전과 함께 다양한 방향에서 결합된 인터랙션 패션디자인은 다의적인 면에서 디자인의 발전 필요성을 본 연구를 통해서 환기시킬 수 있을 것이다. This study tried to analyze expression characteristics by types after classifying design expression types shown in fashion design related by the interaction concept, and then understand the progressive meaning of interaction fashion design. For carrying out theoretical formulation on the interaction concept, the study looked into and set up the concept centering on specialized books and preceding researches, and analyzed expression characteristics by types after classifying expression types of the interaction fashion design. This study could formulate and theorize interaction design concept related to the design field based on the interaction concept having been appeared from computer science. In relation with interaction, the study was able to analyze and theorize characteristics by types concerning expression types of the interaction design based on 4 types such as ‘Interface between people and things,’ ‘Transaction between people and things,’ ‘Human interaction between people and environment,’ and ‘Participation from people and the universe.’ Expression characteristic of the interaction design shown in fashions was analyzed such like ‘Interface fashion as motivating emotional behaviors,’ ‘Symbolization of communication expressing psychological sympathy,’ ‘Human interaction fashion of valuating nature and environment,’ and ‘Participation fashion of making boundary-free paradigm.’ The interaction design in fashion had a meaning as a mediator that attracted communication between human and fashion together with that of science, environment, and culture. Through this study, the necessity of interaction design development would be stir up from diverse aspects by understanding values of various interaction fashion designs having been derived from combined digital, and such point could be said as having a meaning of this research accordingly.

      • KCI등재후보

        사용자 중심 관점에서의 인터랙션 개념 모형화 연구

        이태일(Lee Taeil) 한국디지털디자인학회 2007 디지털디자인학연구 Vol.7 No.2

        With the explosive growth of computer technology in last decade interdisciplinary tendency of interaction design research has brought good reasons to reflect on the fundamentals of interaction itself. The main purpose of this study is to go deeper into the concept of interaction and to propose a conceptual model of interaction by inspecting the process of interaction in macro-micro viewpoints. "Interactive Flow Model" proposed by the paper defines the interaction as the flow between the user and the system which consists of four steps of Sense-Think-Feel-Act.'Sense' is a step where the user senses the output signals processed by the system. In'Think' step the user structures and accepts the information obtained from the system. In'Feel' step the emotion takes part in the process of interaction.'Act' is a step when the user gives actions to the system based on the intellectual and emotional information. The model also shows momentary -intermittent and repetitionary-continuous nature of interaction process. Interactive Flow Model tries to provide an alternative view to interaction design not only by getting away from conventional concept of action-reaction coupling but also by approaching in terms of user-centeredness. The study expects to stimulate interaction design research efforts and to expand the concept to user-centered interaction design frameworks and various methodologies. 최근 컴퓨터 기술의 급격한 발전과 함께 인터랙션 디자인 연구의 다학제적이고 복합적인 특징으로 인해 인터랙션의 본질적인 부분에 대한 재고의 필요성이 대두되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 인터랙션의 개념에 대한 성찰과 인터랙션 프로세스에 대한 거시-미시적인 관점에서의 접근을 통한 새로운 개념 모형을 제공하고자 한다. 본 연구에서 제안하는'인터랙티브 플로우 모형(interactive flow model)'은 인터랙션을 사용자와 시스템 간의 흐름(flow)으로 정의한다. 이 흐름은 감지(sense)-인지(think)-감상(feel)-행동(act)의 네 단계로 이루어진다.'감지'는 사용자가 시스템에 의해 처리된 출력정보(output)를 감지하는 단계를 말한다.'인지'의 단계에서 사용자는 시스템으로부터 습득한 정보를 체계화하고 섭취한다.'감상' 단계는 감성이 인터랙션 과정에 관계하는 단계이다.'행동' 단계는 지적 감성적 정보를 바탕으로 사용자가 시스템에 어떤 행동을 가하는 단계를 말한다. 또한 이 모형에서는 인터랙션의 흐름이 순간적-단속적 반복적-지속적인 다소 상반된 특성을 동시에 보인다는 사실도 보여준다. 인터랙티브 플로우 모형은 행위(action)-반응(reaction)의 기존 관점에서 벗어나 사용자-중심의 관점에서 인터랙션을 바라보는 대안을 제시하고자 하였다. 그리고 본 연구를 통해 사용자 중심의 인터랙션 디자인 프레임웍과 다양한 방법론이 도출될 수 있는 자극과 계기가 되는 디자인 기초로서의 역할을 기대한다.

      • KCI등재

        전략적 체험모듈에 의한 인터랙션 스페이스의 인터랙션 체험모듈(IEMs)연구

        김일석 한국일러스아트학회 2024 조형미디어학 Vol.27 No.2

        전략적 체험 모듈(SEMs:Strategic Experiential Modules)은 정신모듈로 체험유형을 분류하며, 인터랙션의 체험은 체험모듈로 체험의 혼합을 구성한다. 스페이스 인터랙션은 인터랙션 체험모듈(IEMs)로 상호작용을 체험하는 경험의 모듈로 인터랙션을 목적으로한 융합체로 구성된다. 인터랙션 스페이스의 인터랙션 체험모듈(IEMs:Interaction Experiential Modules)은 감각모듈(Sense Modules)), 인지모듈(Think Modules), 행동모듈(Act Modules)), 관계모듈(Relate Modules)로 구성된다. 인터랙션 스페이스는 매체가 적용되어 감각, 행동, 인지, 관계의 요소들이 작용한다. 인터랙션 스페이스와 매체와 인터랙션의 체험 융합은 체험모듈의 형식을 만든다. 본 연구는 전략적 체험 모듈에 의한 인터랙션 스페이스의 IEMs를 연구한다. 연구는 IEMs를 분석하고, 연구한다. 연구는 인터랙션 스페이스의 IEMs 요소와 특징을 논증하고, 스페이스 인터랙션의 체험모듈 유형을 구분한다. 연구에 의하면, IEMs는 감각형식, 인지효율, 행위물질, 관계목적에 의한 인터랙션 체험요소가 확인된다. 이를 위한 연구는 IEMs의 감각모듈(Sense Modules), 인지모듈(Think Modules)), 행동모듈(Act Modules), 관계모듈(Relate Modules)로 상호작용한다. Strategic Experiential Modules(SEMs) classify experience types into mental modules, and interaction experiences constitute a mixture of experiences through experience modules. Space interaction consists of Interaction Experiential Modules(IEMs), a fusion of experience modules for the purpose of interaction. IEMs in the interaction space are composed of Sense Modules, Think Modules, Act Modules, and Relate Modules. In the interaction space, media is applied and elements of sense, action, think, and relationship come into play. The experiential fusion of interaction space, media, and interaction creates the formats of experience modules. This study studies IEMs in interaction space through strategic experience modules. The research analyzes and studies IEMs. The study demonstrates the elements and characteristics of Interaction Experiential Modules of interaction space and distinguishes the types of experience modules of space interaction. According to research, IEMs have interaction experience elements based on sensory format, think efficiency, action material, and relationship purpose. Research for this purpose interacts with the Sense Modules, Think Modules, Act Modules, and Relate Modules of Interaction Experiential Modules(IEMs).

      • KCI등재

        AR Interaction Design Mode of Multi-user and Multi-character in Theme Parks

        Zhou Xin,Younghwan Pan 대한인간공학회 2019 大韓人間工學會誌 Vol.38 No.6

        Objective: This paper expounds the influencing factors of interactive experience combining users and character images, and clarifies the relationship between them, to create the multi-user and multi-character interactive design method and framework of the theme park based on augmented reality technology, which used to improve the satisfaction of the interaction between the user and the character. Background: In theme parks, the design mode of the user and character interaction based on augmented reality is usually digital display through head-mounted display or handheld device. The disadvantage of the AR platform is that the experience of individual users and conditions are limited, and the lack of multiple users and multiple characters to participate in the interactive process of the real environment. Method: Through the interactive experience survey and role image scene recognition survey and analysis of specific users of theme parks, combined with the interactive design development needs of theme parks, the analysis and information architecture of multi-user interaction requirements based on the combination of real-world environment and characteristic role image based on AR technology Combing, build multimodal interaction design structure and dynamic behavior patterns. Results: Interaction Design model of multi-user and multi-character based on AR technology interaction, helps meet user expectations and interaction needs. It creates a solution for multi-user and multi-character interaction in the theme park, so that users don"t have to worry about any equipment, thus creating the walk-in game experience, and the expertise of multimodal is also more accessible for users to high engage in the theme park with character interaction. Conclusion: AR based multi-user and multi-character interaction design model can give full play to the effects of AR technology and provide a general solution to the limitations of theme parks" character interaction design that can emulate in specific interaction scenarios. And complements the academic research on multi-user and multi-role in theme parks in theory filed. Application: In this situation, one thing is predictable: the interactive design model developed in this study can apply to user and character interaction in various theme parks, which is helpful for brand identification and character communication of different theme parks.

      • 자동차 제스처 인터랙션 디자인 연구

        설원맹 ( Yuan-meng Xue ),김원경 ( Won-kyoung Kim ) 중앙대학교 예술문화연구원 2022 예술문화융합연구 Vol.17 No.-

        Human-computer interaction can be done through CLI (Command-Line Interface) or. Starting with the CUI (Character User Interface), and moving up to the CUI (User Interface), the appropriate usage method and device are implemented so that the user can conveniently use the product or service. For this, safety, convenience, and time reduction play a major role in UI. Coming to the modem era, it has become an important task to focus on the interactive gesture CLI, rather than physical manipulation of the in-vehicle interface, and to design actions that are easy for users to recall. Therefore, this paper intends to study the natural gestures for vehicle users to control the vehicle. Beginning with the theoretical study of interfaces and interactions, the influence of the Internet on car interaction design is explained, and the design of car interaction interfaces is summarized to study the existing car interaction system for drivers. Considering the operational limitations through the gesture interface, an important issue of how to design a gesture with good aesthetics and experience has emerged. Cars are one step closer to saving time and convenience of vehicle transportation by interacting with autonomous driving or various interfaces. In addition, the automobile becomes a platform that connects digital information services with transportation means, providing information and entertainment program functions that can be controlled by the driven In terms of in-vehicle interaction, multi-channel user interfaces will become the core of future interaction design. At the same time, gesture interaction is increasingly being used as a possible interaction method in some product and display designs. Among them, in the human-machine interaction interface based on gesture manipulation, automobile human-computer interface design is one of the important fields of human-computer interaction. In this regard, this paper discusses gestures and related theories on gesture design for automobile human-machine interfaces, and explains the main directions of related research on automobile human-machine interfaces. And, by summarizing the existing research on human-machine interface design, and presenting gesture design methods such as the validity of gestures in automobile human-machine interfaces, application of human-machine interfaces, and human-computer interactions, the interaction of domestic and foreign automobile gestures is analyzed, do. In conclusion, we propose a design method of a user-defined gesture for an automobile human-computer interaction interface and classify the application of gestures. By referring to the vehicle human-computer interaction system design and user-designed gesture sets, the function and architectural process of the vehicle system for gesture manipulation are defined. The significance of this paper is to discuss the major gesture driving design process and gesture design method for automobiles, and to study and think about user-centered design methods.

      • KCI등재

        피지컬 컴퓨팅의 객체지향 오브제 모듈에 의한 피지컬 인터랙션 스페이스

        김일석 ( Kim¸ Ilsuk ) 한국공간디자인학회 2021 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.16 No.7

        (Background and Purpose) Interactions in the network are implemented as interactions between devices by the execution of programming of microprocessors. Communications and electronics connected to physical computing create a two-way flow of data between users and responsiveness. Physical media uses computing, digital systems, electronic programming, and sensor technology to digitally create sensory experiences such as sight, hearing, touch, and smell. The modern digital network space applies an electronic method to the physical space to create a place for interaction by digital devices. The physical media space enables embodied sense by composing and combining the senses and actions of embodied. In this study, the concept and characteristics of physical computing were studied, and the structure of the physical interaction space applied with physical computing was studied to complete the analysis model. (Method) This study focuses on the space where media is applied based on physical computing. Applied research cases are media composed of physical devices. Therefore, the scope of research is to interpret the concept and structure of physical computing, and to check the experience and characteristics of the space to which physical computing is applied, and what its structure is. First, in Chapter 2, the structure and components of physical computing are checked, and the experience relationship of interaction is studied through the characteristics of device interaction by physical computing. Second, in Chapter 3, the concept of space interaction and the structure of interaction by object module devices are studied to study the structure of the physical interaction space. Third, in Chapter 4, the case of physical interaction space was analyzed through the analysis model. (Results) Physical computing is a medium that is programmed with a digital sensor and applied as an electronic module device. In physical computing, input and output communication is network interaction. Interactions in the network are implemented as interactions between devices by the execution of programming of microprocessors. Communications and electronics connected to physical computing create a two-way flow of data between users and responsiveness. Physical media uses computing, digital systems, electronic programming, and sensor technology to digitally create sensory experiences such as sight, hearing, touch, and smell. Humans respond to the operation of digital devices and experience interactive sensory and behavioral experiences. Modularized digital devices are object-oriented modules in which interactive data is transmitted and controlled. The device modules of the object enable spatial interaction as an integrated electronic medium. (Conclusions) The physical interaction space is a space where interaction occurs through the operation of physical media. It has a spatial structure where data is controlled and processed by the operation of sensors and activation devices and input/output of programmed communication modules to create interaction with human sensory actions.

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