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        EU 반덤핑법상 최소부과원칙에 대한 연구

        김세환(Kim Se Hwan) 유럽헌법학회 2018 유럽헌법연구 Vol.0 No.27

        최소부과원칙(Lesser Duty Rule)이란 공동체 산업의 피해를 제거하기에 충분하다면 반덤핑관세액은 덤핑마진보다 적게 부과되어야 한다는 것이다. 즉 최소부과원칙은 비례의 원칙 중 두 번째의 하부명령인 필요성의 원칙을 잘 구현하려는 것이다. WTO 반덤핑협정에는 회원국 당국의 재량으로 인정되어 있지만 유럽연합의 경우에는 집행위원회(the Commission)가 반덤핑관세 부과시 의무적으로 최소부과원칙을 적용해야 하는 점이 다른 점이다. 그러나 문제는 최소부과원칙의 적용시 피해액 산정에 있어서 가장 중요한 구체적 기준을 현행 기본규칙에서는 명시하고 있지 않다는 점이다. 그리하여 유럽연합이 피해마진을 산정할 때 사용하고 있는 목표가격의 설정, 거래 대 거래 방식에서의 네거티브 제로잉의 사용 등이 WTO 반덤핑협정상 공정한 가격비교의 원칙에 위배되는 것은 아닌지가 문제되고 있다. 이것은 EU 당국이 최소부과원칙을 적용하였다고 할 지라도 최소부과원칙의 전제조건인 네거티브 덤핑을 제로잉하여 덤핑의 결과를 왜곡하면 피해액 산정도 따라서 왜곡되기 때문이다. 이러한 유럽연합의 최소부과원칙의 적용방식은 다음과 같은 문제점을 가지고 있다. 첫째로, 염가판매마진 방식으로 덤핑마진을 산정하면서 가상의 목표가격에 근거하여 적정한 이윤을 산출하므로 실제가격보다는 항상 높고 유럽연합 당국의 자의가 개입될 수 밖에 없다는 점이다. 둘째로, 유럽연합법원의 판례에 따른다고 할지라도 피해마진을 산정하는데 전제가 되는 적정한 이윤을 도출해내는 구체적인 기준을 제시하고 있지 않다는 점이다. 셋째로, 유럽연합 당국의 개별사건에서의 반덤핑조치 부과 규칙(regulation)에는 덤핑수입품이 없었다면 달성할 수 있었을 적정한 이윤율에 대해서는 명시하고 있지만, 적정한 이윤율을 산출해내는 구체적 근거에 대해서는 명시하고 있지 않아 그 산출 근거를 잘 알 수 없다는 점이다. 넷째로, 유럽연합은 EC 대 인도산 면화류 침대용품(Cotton-Type Bed Linen) 사건 이후 덤핑마진 산정시에는 더 이상 제로잉을 하지 않지만 피해마진 산정시에는 여전히 모델 제로잉 방식을 사용하여 제로잉하고 있어 문제가 될 소지는 있으나, 피해마진이 덤핑마진보다 작다면 이러한 피해마진을 반덤핑관세액으로 부과하여도 WTO 규정을 위배하는 것은 아니라는 점이다. 왜냐하면 덤핑마진을 초과하여 반덤핑관세액을 부과하지만 않으면 WTO 규범에 합치하기 때문이다. 이상의 문제점을 해결하기 위해서는 종국적으로는 WTO 차원에서 합리적인 피해인정 산정방식에 대한 규범화를 마련하여야 할 것이다. The Lesser Duty Rule is that the amount of the anti-dumping duty shall not exceed the margin of dumping established but it should be less than the margin if such lesser duty would be adequate to remove the injury to the Union industry. So the second sub-principle of the principle of proportionality, the principle of necessity is well given body to the Lesser Duty Rule in the EU Anti Dumping Law. But it is the problem whether the EU’s method in assessing the margin of injury i.e. setting up of target price, transaction to transaction method, negative zeroing in applying the Lesser Duty Rule is violating the principle of fair comparison in the WTO Anti Dumping Agreement or not. That is why the most important criteria in the calculation of amount of injury is not written in the Basic Regulation 2016/1036. The reason why is that firstly, the method of calculating the reasonable profit on the basis of target price while assessing the dumping margin by price underselling margin is always higher than the real price and leads to the EU institution’s arbitrary decision. Secondly, we don’t know the detailed grounds on the reasonable profit rate because the reasonable profit rate achievable without dumping products is stated in anti dumping regulation imposed by the European Commission but the detailed grounds on the reasonable profit rate is not in the regulation. Thirdly, the Court of Justice of European Union does not rule the concrete criteria about the reasonable profit in calculating the injury margin too. Fourthly, since EC-Cotton-Type Bed Linen from India case, EU does not do zeroing in calculating the dumping margin. But EU does zeroing in calculating the injury margin by model zeroing method. But it is not violating the WTO’s rule. The reason why is that if the injury margin is less than the dumping margin, the Commission is allowed to impose anti dumping duty the full margin of dumping or less under the WTO Rule. Ultimately, norms and standards shall be arranged in WTO level to find the reasonable method in calculating injury margin.

      • KCI등재후보

        반덤핑제도의 최소부과원칙 적용방식 개선방안

        현정택(Jung Taik Hyun),조연상(Cho Yeon-Sang) 법무부 국제법무정책과 2012 통상법률 Vol.- No.107

        Lesser duty Rule is one of the most controversial issues in anti-dumping duty system. In this paper, we examine the concept and application method of the lesser-duty rule. The WTO recommends that anti-dumping duty be less than dumping margin if such lesser duty would be adequate to remove the injury to the domestic industry. Conceptually, target price for injury calculation should be the equilibrium market price of the period before dumping or without the influence of dumping. Australia’s unsuppressed selling price (USP) is similar to this concept of target price. Mexico’s unitary international price (UIP) can also be an indicator of equilibrium price. EU’s Lesser duty Rule set the target price equal to cost plus profit margin without dumping influence. Current literature describes that Korea’s Lesser duty Rule follows the EU model. However, Korea’s system lacks the conceptual base that target price should reflect the equilibrium price without dumping influence. Moreover, actual injury margin calculated in Korea is usually low, while the injury margin in EU is very high (up to 98.5%). The resulting anti-dumping duty in Korea may not be adequate enough to remove the injury. Korea applies a single average injury margin to all exporters and countries in an anti-dumping case. The method is too generous to exporters with high dumping margin and uncooperative exporters to investigation. We recommend that Korea adopt four application methods of lesser duty rule: two price-based and two cost-based. We also recommend that injury margin should be calculated for each individual exporter or exporting country to the extent that relevant information can be obtained. We also suggest that difference in quality and brand loyalty should be reflected in injury margin calculation.

      • KCI등재

        Exploring Driver Injury Severity Using Latent Class Ordered Probit Model: A Case Study of Turkey

        Nihat Can Karabulut,Murat Ozen 대한토목학회 2023 KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering Vol.27 No.3

        There have been limited efforts to study the severity of traffic crashes in Turkey. This study is probably the first attempt to investigate the factors that contribute to driver injury severity patterns. Fatal injury crash data from 2015 to 2017 for the city of Mersin was used. A two-step approach was employed. First, latent class clustering was performed to capture unobserved heterogeneity inherent in the crash data. The crash database was separated into four clusters by maximizing the homogeneity within each cluster. Then, an ordered probit model was developed on each cluster to explore the factors that significantly affect the driver injury outcomes. Marginal effects were calculated to interpret the influence of significant variables across the injury levels in more detail. The presence of motorcycles, fixed objects, and run-off-road crashes were found to be the main factors associated with injury and fatality in all clusters. The results underlined the association between driving behavior and injury severity of drivers. Alcohol-impaired driving, speeding, and traffic sign/signal violations increase the likelihood of severe injury.

      • KCI등재

        순서형 프로빗모형을 이용한 강우 시 고속도로 교통사고 심각도 분석

        이선영,한상진,정연식 한국교통연구원 2020 交通硏究 Vol.27 No.1

        In general, adverse weather including heavy rain, heavy snow, and gust has an impact on traffic crash occurrence. The objective of this study is to identify main causal factors contributing to injury severity of freeway crashes under the rainy weather condition. Based on 1,505 freeway crashes, road geometry, traffic, and weather data obtained from Korean freeway systems for three year periods (2012-2014), an ordered probit model which is assumed that the error term follows a standard normal distrubution was applied by using statistical analysis tool, Stata 13.0. As as result, six variables were found to be increasing crash injury severity under the rainy weather condition: crashes that involved two or more vehicles, crashes that involved heavy duty trucks, crashes when wind speed was more than 2m/sec, crashes that occurred on downhill sections, crashes that occurred on right curve sections, and crashes that occurred on sections with the speed limit of 100 km/h or more. However, crashes when rainfall duration was more than five hours tended to have lower probability or injury severity. 교통사고는 강우, 강설, 강풍 등 기상 악천후가 원인이 되어 발생하기도 한다. 본 연구는 전국 고속도로를 대상으로 특히 강우 시 발생한 교통사고를 대상으로 사고자료를 분석하여 부상 심각도에 영향을 미치는 주요요인을 파악하는데 목적이 있다. 본 연구는 효용함수(Utility function)의 오류항에 대해 표준 정규분포를 가정한 순서형 프로빗모형(Ordered Probit)을 적용하였다. 모형의 주요 설명변수로는 기상상황, 도로 기하구조, 교통류 자료, 사고 차량특성 자료를 사용하였다. 특히 이들 자료는 시공간적 세분화를 위해 시간적으로 5분 단위 자료를 표준노드링크에 연계하였다. 그 결과 전국 715개 링크에서 분석에 사용할 수 있었던 사고자료는 1,505건이다. 모형 적합 및 계수 추정은 Stata 13.0을 이용하였다. 결과적으로 부상 심각도는 복수의 차가 사고와 관련될 때, 화물차가 연관되는 경우, 풍속이 초속 4m 이상인 경우, 도로가 내리막인 경우 사고에 영향을 유의미한 영향을 받는 것으로 나타났다.

      • KCI등재후보

        일본산 산업용 로봇에 대한 반덤핑조사 사례 분석 및 시사점

        정동원,박종희 법무부 국제법무정책과 2006 통상법률 Vol.- No.71

        The purpose of this paper is to deal with issues related to injury and causation and a request to the exception on the product under investigation, which has became a sharp conflict between petitioner and defendant in the process of anti-dumping investigation through anti-dumping investigation case analysis on Industrial robot with 6-axis vertical multi-articulation structure.Through a series of conferences with experts and investigators on the industrial Robot and review through on the spot verification, we arrived at the conclusion after undergoing such comprehensive processes related to a request to the exception on the product under investigation proposed as a big issue in this anti-dumping investigation. It is necessary that the minimum rules on the criteria of the product under investigation should be provided. We carried out legal, economical and accounting analysis regarding sharp argument between interested parties suggested in the preliminary investigation, the final investigation and the public hearing related to injury and causation.In the further process of anti-dumping investigation, we found that it is needed to have profound review on factors other than the dumped imports under article 3.5 of the Antidumping Agreement.Through analysing and studying, we hope that investigators can build the capability to review the anti-dumping investigation and judgement.We also hope that more accurate conclusion could be reached through the reexamining the issues dealt with on this study.

      • KCI등재후보

        일본산 산업용 로봇에 대한 반덤핑조사 사례 분석 및 시사점

        정동원;박종희 법무부 2006 통상법률 Vol.- No.71

        The purpose of this paper is to analyze the anti-dumping investigation on Industrial robot with 6-axis vertical multi-articulation structure and organize the issues related to the 'injury and causation' and 'request of the exception on the product under investigation' which had become a sharp conflict between the petitioner and defender in the process of anti-dumping investigation. Regarding the heaviest issue on the anti-dumping investigation 'the request of the exception on the product under investigation' experts and investigators of industrial Robots have undergone a series of conferences and on the spot verification to finally reach a conclusion. Henceforth, a minimum rules on the criteria of the product under investigation should be provided. We carried out legal, economic and accounting analysis regarding the argument between the interested parties suggested in the preliminary investigation, the final investigation and the public hearing related to injury and causation. Furthermore, related to the 'injury and causation analysis' we have conducted a legal economic and financial investigation on the preliminary study, final investigation and also on the conflicting arguments of the interested parties involved that were raised during the public hearing. In the further process of anti-dumping investigation, we found that in-depth review is required on factors other than the dumped imports under Article 3.5 of the Antidumping Agreement. Through analysis and study, we hope that investigators can enhance their capabilities and heighten the quality of the anti-dumping investigation and judgement. We also hope that more accurate conclusion could be reached by reexamining the issues dealt with in this study. 이 논문의 목적은 일본산 6축 수직 다관절형 산업용 로봇에 대한 반덤핑조사 사례분석을 통하여 반덤핑 조사과정에서 신청인과 피신청인 사이에 쟁점이 되었던 '조사대상물품 제외 요청' 및 '산업피해 및 인과관계(injury and causation)' 관련 이슈들을 정리하고 시사점을 제시하기 위해서이다. 특히 본 건 반덤핑조사에서 큰 이슈로 제기된 '조사대상물품 제외 요청'과 관련하여서는 산업용 로봇에 관한 국내 전문가들과 조사관들의 수차례의 회의, 현지실사 과정을 통한 검토 등을 거쳐 쉽지 않은 결론을 내렸다. 향후 조사대상물품범위의 기준에 관한 최소한의 구체적 규정이 마련되어야 할 것이다. 또한 '산업피해 및 인과관계 분석'과 관련하여서도 예비조사, 본조사 및 공청회에서 제기된 이해관계인들의 첨예한 주장에 대해서 법적 경제적 회계적 분석 및 판단을 내렸다. 특히 이와 관련해서 향후 반덤핑조사과정에서 WTO 반덤핑협정 제3.5조의 덤핑수입 이외의 요인에 대한 심도 있는 검토가 필요하다고 생각한다. 그러한 이슈정리 및 분석을 통하여 반덤핑조사 및 판단 능력이 함양되고 반덤핑조사의 질적 수준이 제고되기를 바란다. 끝으로, 이 논문에서 검토한 사항들에 대한 재분석을 통하여 향후 더욱 정밀한 검토 결과가 도출되기를 바란다.

      • KCI등재

        신호교차로의 측면직각 충돌사고 특성과 심각도

        박정순·,박길수,김태영,박병호 한국도로학회 2008 한국도로학회논문집 Vol.10 No.4

        This study deals with the side right-angle collisions of 4-legged signalized intersections in Cheongju. The goals are to analyze the characteristics of accidents and to find out the accident factors that affect severity using ordered probit model. In pursuing the above, the study uses the data of 580 side right-angle collisions occurred at the 181 intersections(2004~2005). The analyses show that more accidents were occurred in the nighttime and in going straight. The main cause was analyzed to be the red-light violation. Also, the main results of modeling are the following, First, the likelihood ratio index is 0.094 and t-ratio values that explain goodness of fit are significant. Second, minor road traffic volumes, minor road lanes, major road left-turn lanes, major road left-turn signal, major road yellow signal time, cross angle, major and minor road speed limits are significant factors affecting crash severities at signalized intersections. This study deals with the side right-angle collisions of 4-legged signalized intersections in Cheongju. The goals are to analyze the characteristics of accidents and to find out the accident factors that affect severity using ordered probit model. In pursuing the above, the study uses the data of 580 side right-angle collisions occurred at the 181 intersections(2004~2005). The analyses show that more accidents were occurred in the nighttime and in going straight. The main cause was analyzed to be the red-light violation. Also, the main results of modeling are the following, First, the likelihood ratio index is 0.094 and t-ratio values that explain goodness of fit are significant. Second, minor road traffic volumes, minor road lanes, major road left-turn lanes, major road left-turn signal, major road yellow signal time, cross angle, major and minor road speed limits are significant factors affecting crash severities at signalized intersections.

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