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      • KCI등재

        일부 지역 주민들의 모발 수은 농도와 혈중 수은 농도와의 상관성

        김경연,서정욱,김병권,김유미,김록범,김대선,김정만,김춘진,홍영습,Kim, Gyeong-Yeon,Seo, Jeong-Wook,Kim, Byoung-Gwon,Kim, Yu-Mi,Kim, Rock-Bum,Kim, Dae-Seon,Kim, Jung-Man,Kim, Choon-Jin,Hong, Young-Seoub 한국환경보건학회 2013 한국환경보건학회지 Vol.39 No.2

        Background: This study was carried out for the purpose of comprehensively evaluating the mercury exposure level of residents in several areas and the correlation between hair mercury concentration and blood mercury concentration. Method: One thousand one hundred ninety seven subjects were sampled from 30 sites using random assignment sampling. We performed a questionnaire survey and measured the level of total mercury in hair and blood samples from all subjects. Results: The geometric mean concentrations of hair and blood mercury in all subjects were 1.27 mg/kg [95% confidence interval (CI): 1.23-1.32 mg/kg] and 5.24 ${\mu}g/L$ [95% CI: 5.07-5.41 ${\mu}g/L$], respectively. Male (1.56 mg/kg in hair, 6.00 ${\mu}g/L$ in blood) was significantly higher than that of female (1.03 mg/kg in hair, 4.56 ${\mu}g/L$ in blood), and the concentrations were elevated as age increased up to the 50s. Education, smoking, alcohol drinking, and using of pesticides were also shown to influence mercury concentrations in hair and blood. The ratio of hair/ blood mercury concentration was 261.3. The total mercury concentration in hair was identified to be significantly related with total mercury concentration in blood (r=0.814, p<0.001). Conclusion: The geometric mean concentrations of hair and blood mercury were higher than the levels provided in international recommendations. The total mercury concentration in hair was positively correlated with the concentration in blood. The results of this study suggest that hair mercury be considered as a useful tool for the evaluation of mercury exposure.

      • KCI등재

        모발검사를 통한 비타민 C의 수은배출에 대한 효과

        이정윤,최종순,차형수,임오섭 대한가정의학회 2009 Korean Journal of Family Medicine Vol.30 No.9

        Background: Humans are exposed to mercury via many different routes and in different forms. Studies concerned with the exposure in the general population were done many times in the past. But, the treatment of mercury exposure and mercury intoxication is limited. Therefore, chelators such as birth anti lewistite, 2,3-dimercaptopropanol (BAL), dimercaptopropane-1-sulphonate (DMPS), and dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) were given to patients with acute symptoms resulting from the central nervous system due to confi rmed mercury poisoning. In this paper, we reported the effects of oral Vitamin C on mercury excretion Methods: This study has been reviewed in the clinical fi ndings of 213 patients aged 30-80 who visited Kosin University Gospel Hospital during 3 months from March to September 2007. We measured hair mercury levels at the initial visit and at 3-4 months after the oral vitamin C (4 g/day) treatment. Results: The number of patients who had initial hair mercury level over 1.5 ppm were 57 patients among 213 patients, and 41 patients rechecked the hair mercury level. Twenty patients who had hair mercury level over 1.5 ppm were treated with oral vitamin C for 3 months and rechecked the hair mercury level and 21 patients without vitamin C treatment. The vitamin treatment group had a hair mercury level that was three times lower than the non-treated group. Conclusion: The vitamin C oral treatment signifi cantly decreased the level of hair mercury. 연구배경: 중금속 중에서 수은에 대한 노출의 경로가 일상생 활 속에서 매우 다양하며 수은축적으로 인한 질환들에 대하 여 연구가 많이 이루어져왔다. 하지만 수은 노출 및 중독 시 이 에 대한 치료방법은 급성기 수은중독에 대한 치료 이외에 지 속적인 수은배출 및 축적예방에 대한 지침은 없는 상태이다. 이에 비타민 C 의 수은배출에 대한 효과를 알아보고자 한다. 방법: 2007년 3월부터 동년 9월까지 일개대학병원 일차의료 기관을 방문한 30-80세의 총 213명을 대상으로 모발검사를 통한 조직 내 수은농도를 측정하였고, 이후 수은농도가 높은 사람 57명 중 20명이 비타민C를 경구복용한 후 3개월 후 2차 모발검사를 통해 수은농도를 재검사하였고, 21명은 비타민C 치료 없이 3개월 후 2차 모발검사를 하였고, 16명은 2차 모발 검사를 위해 외래에 내원하지 않아 본 연구에 포함하지 않았 다. 일반인에서 수은노출이 어느 정도인지를 파악하기 위해 수은에 노출된 환경에서 근무하는 사람은 제외시켰다. 결과: 최초 모발검사를 통한 조직 내 수은농도가 1.5 ppm 이상 이었던 환자 41명 중 20명이 비타민C 2 g 분말을 하루 두 번 경 구로 3개월 동안 투여 후 모발조직 내 수은농도를 재 측정하였 다. 재측정 결과 비타민을 투여한 군에서 0.384 ppm, 비타민C 를 투여하지 않은 군(대조군)에서는 0.106 ppm 의 수은농도의 감소하여 대조군과 비교 시 비타민 투여 군에서 유의한 수은 농도의 감소를 보였다(P=0.008). 결론: 본 연구 결과에서 모발조직 내 수은농도가 높은 환자에 서 3개월간 비타민 C를 경구투여한 군이 비타민 C를 투여하 지 않은 군에서보다 수은농도가 유의하게 더 감소하여 조직 내 수은배출에 비타민 C가 어느 정도 효과가 있는 것으로 생 각한다.

      • KCI등재

        Improved Chronic Fatigue Symptoms after Removal of Mercury in Patient with Increased Mercury Concentration in Hair Toxic Mineral Assay: A Case

        신새론,한아름 대한가정의학회 2012 Korean Journal of Family Medicine Vol.33 No.5

        Clinical manifestations of chronic exposure to organic mercury usually have a gradual onset. As the primary target is the nervous system, chronic mercury exposure can cause symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, headache, and poor recall and concentration. In severe cases chronic exposure leads to intellectual deterioration and neurologic abnormality. Recent outbreaks of bovine spongiform encephalopathy and pathogenic avian influenza have increased fish consumption in Korea. Methyl-mercury, a type of organic mercury, is present in higher than normal ranges in the general Korean population. When we examine a patient with chronic fatigue, we assess his/her methyl-mercury concentrations in the body if environmental exposure such as excessive fish consumption is suspected. In the current case, we learned the patient had consumed many slices of raw tuna and was initially diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome. Therefore, we suspected that he was exposured to methyl-mercury and that the mercury concentration in his hair would be below the poisoning level identified by World Health Organization but above the normal range according to hair toxic mineral assay. Our patient’s toxic chronic fatigue symptoms improved after he was given mercury removal therapy, indicating that he was correctly diagnosed with chronic exposure to organic mercury.

      • KCI등재후보

        부검체에서 머리카락과 각 장기들의 연, 카드뮴, 수은농도 : 머리카락중의 농도와 다른 장기내의 농도의 관련성 Relationship between Scalp Hair and internal Organs

        박성화,사공준,곽정식,전만중,김창윤,정종학,이중정,이성국 大韓産業醫學會 1998 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.10 No.4

        This study was conducted to measure the lead, cadmium and mercury levels in the scalp hair, cerebellum, cerebrum, heart, kidney, liver, lung, and spleen of the 60 Korean autopsy subjects and assess the relationship among those samples. The mean lead level in the scalp hair was 12.29±12.51㎍/g and no significant difference was detected in lead concentrations between the two sexes. Among the internal organ tissues the cerebrum contained the highest level of lead. This is followed by the cerebellum, spleen and liver respectively. After which the kidney and lung showed a close similarity at relatively low concentrations and the heart contained the lowest concentration. There was also no significant variation found between sexes in a comparison of lead in the internal organ tissues. The concentrations of cadmium in kidney were 127.38±89.36㎍/g and considerably higher than those in the other internal organs. The liver contained the next highest level of cadmium. In both sexes, the consistent difference was noted in the cadmium concentrations of the kidney, heart and spleen. Yet female cadmium level was higher than the male's. The concentrations of mercury in the kidney and liver were 1.26±2.89㎍/g, 0.59±0.54㎍/g and considerably higher than those in the other internal organs. The mean mercury level in the scalp hair was 1.29±0.64㎍/g and no marked difference was noted in both sexes. The lead concentration in the spleen increased with advancing age, though not statistically significance, and most of the internal organ tissues that were examined showed no evidence of increased lead concentration with age. The kidney, cerebrum, spleen and cerebellum showed increased cadmium concentrations with age. Also as well as the internal organ tissues that were examined showed no evidence of increased mercury concentration with age. The lead concentrations in the liver and lung were higher in the urban area than in the rural area, but the lead concentration in the kidney was higher in the rural area. No difference was noted in tissue cadmium and mercury concentrations as to the area of residence either. The physical workers had greater concentrations of lead in cerebellum than did housewives or the unemployed. Yet no difference was noted in the other tissues between the two groups. In the cerebellum, cerebrum, great, and spleen, the physical workers had greater concentrations of cadmium than students or mental workers. Also physical workers had treater concentrations of cadmium in lung than housewives or the unemployed. In contrast to lead and cadmium, both the housewives and the unemployed had higher concentrations of mercury in cerebellum and cerebrum than physical workers, but there was no difference was noted in the other tissues between the two groups. In the lead concentration, there was no statistically significant correlation between the scalp hair and examined internal organ tissues. There was a close relationship between lead levels in cerebellum and cerebrum(r=0.465, p<0.01), as well as a relationship between the cerebellum and the kidney(r=0.300, p<0.05). There was no statistically significant correlation between the cadmium levels in the scalp hair and in the examined internal organ tissues. Positive correlations were found between the cadmium concentrations in the cerebellum and the cerebrum(r=0.5543, p<0.01), heart(r=0.480, p<0.01), kidney(r=0.376, p<0.01) and spleen(r=0.408, p<0.01). Also positive correlation was found between in the cerebrum and the heart(r=0.377, p<0.01), kidney(r=0.484, p<0.01), liver(r=0.265, p<0.05), lung(r=0.458, p<0.01) and spleen(r=0.483, p<0.01). There was also no statistically significant correlation between the mercury levels in the scalp hair and in the examined internal organ tissues. Positive correlation was found between the mercury concentrations in the cerebellum, and cerebrum(r=0.760, p<0.01), heart(r=0.270, p<0.05), liver(r=0.425, p<0.01), lung(r=0.488, p<0.01) and spleen(r=0.534, p<0.01). and also positive correlation was found between in the cerebrum and heart(r=0.376, p<0.01), liver(r=0.350, p<0.01), lung(r=0.554, p<0.01) and spleen(r=0.489, p<0.01). Various epidemiological studies reported usefulness and reliability of using scalp hair as a monitor of a environmental pollutants. In this study, there was statistically significant correlation of lead, cadmium and mercury levels in most of the tissues that were examined, but there was no statistically significant correlation between the lead, cadmium and mercury levels in the scalp hair and most of examined internal organ tissues. The findings of this study would suggest that it is still uncertain to using scalp hair as a biological monitoring.

      • 수은배출에 대한 라이포익산의 효과

        최종순 고신대학교 의과대학 2009 고신대학교 의과대학 학술지 Vol.24 No.1

        Background : Humans are exposed to mercury via many different routes and in different forms. Exposure of the general population and study of that people were investigated many times. But, the treatment of mercury exposure and mercury intoxication is limited, so chelators such as BAL, DMPS, DMSA should be considered in patients with acute symptoms resulted from the central nervous system due to confirmed mercury poisoning. In this paper, We report our experiments evaluating the effects of oral alpha lipoic acid on the mercury excretion. Methods : This study has been reviewed in the clinical findings of 213 patients aged 30-80 who visited Kosin University Gospel Hospital during 7 months from march to october in 2008. We measured hair mercury levels at initial visit and at 3-4 months after the oral alpha lipoic acid(600mg/day) treatment. Results : The number of patients has initial hair mercury level over 1.8 ppm were 56 patient among 213 patients. and 40 patients rechecked hair mercury level. 20 patients who have hair mercury level over 1.8 ppm treated by oral alpha lipoic acid for 3 months and rechecked hair mercury level, 20 patients without alpha lipoic acid treatment. The vitamin treatment group has a hair mercury level decrease three times. Conclusion : The alpha lipoic acid oral treatment significantly decreased the level of hair mercury

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        어패류와 그 제품 섭취양상에 따른 두발중 총수은 및 유기수은 함량

        이원식,김두희,Lee, Won-Shik,Kim, Doo-Hie 대한예방의학회 1994 예방의학회지 Vol.27 No.1

        어패류 섭취양상에 따른 총수은 및 유기수은의 체내 축적정도를 조사하기 위하여 1991년 6월부터 8월 사이에 경북지방의 해안지역, 도시지역 및 산간지역에서 남자국민학생 115명과 남자 성인 131명, 총 246명의 두발중 총수은 및 유기수은 함량을 수은분석장치 (Model IL 440)를 갖춘 원자흡광분광광도계 (Model IL 551)로 선택적 환원기화법에 의해 분석하였다. 학생군의 경우 생선 및 조개류와 생선통조림 및 어묵류를 선호하는 군의 두발중 총수은(각각 7.728ppm, 6.969ppm) 및 유기수은 함량(각각 6.610ppm, 5.885ppm)이 육류(총수은; 4.822ppm, 유기수은; 3.905ppm)나 야채류(총수은; 3.974ppm, 유기수은; 3.224 ppm)를 선호하는 집단보다 현저히 높았다(각각 p<0.01). 생선통조림을 먹는 방법에 따른 두발중 총수은 및 유기수은 함량은 그대로 먹는 경우가 야채사라다와 섞어서 또는 찌개로 먹는 경우보다 높게 나타났다(p<0.01). 생선통조림, 생선 조리반찬 및 생선회 섭취빈도가 많을 수록 두발중 총수은과 유기수은 함량이 많아 거의 매일 먹는 군이 거의 먹지 않는 군에 비해 2배 이상 높게 나타났으며(p<0.01), 생선을 주로 먹는 방법에 따라서는 회로 먹는 경우가 탕이나 구워서 먹는 경우 보다 현저히 높았다(p<0.01). 성인군의 경우 연령에 따른 두발중 수은 함량은 총수은과 유기수은 함량 모두 40대까지는 연령증가에 따라 증가했으나, 50대 이후는 약간 감소하였다. 직업별로는 어업 및 횟집 종사자가 농부에 비해 2배 이상 높았다. 또한 선호반찬 종류에 따라서는 생선 및 조개류를 선호하는 군이 가장 높았으며, 생선을 먹는 방법에 따른 두발중 수은 함량은 회로 먹는 군이 탕이나 구워서 먹는 군보다 2배 이상 높은 수준을 나타내었다. 생선회, 생선조리반찬 섭취빈도에 따른 두발중 총수은 및 유기수은 함량은 섭취빈도가 증가함에 따라 높아지는 경향을 보였다(각각 p<0.01). 이상의 결과로 보아 두발중 수은 함량은 어패류와 생선통조림의 섭취 빈도가 높을 수록 증가하였으나 중독증상을 나타낼 수 있는 농도에는 크게 못 미쳤다. This study was conducted to examine the levels of total and organic mercury in the scalp hair of the elementary school children and adults, and their relationship with the consumption pattern of fishes and shellfishes. The scalp hair samples were collected from the occipital part of 115 children and 131 adults in costal, urban and rural areas of Kyungpook province from June to August 1991. The mercury content was analysed by the atomic absorption spectrophotometer (model IL. 555) with atomic vapor accessory (model IL. 440). The total and organic mercury contents of hair were significantly higher (p<0.01) among the children who prefer fish and/or shellfish (7.728 ppm, 6.610 ppm), and canned fish and/or fish pastes (6.969 ppm, 5.885 ppm) than those who prefer meat (4.822 ppm, 3.905 ppm) and vegetables (3.974 ppm, 3.224 ppm). The children who prefer to eat the canned fish without cooking showed a higher mercury content than the children who prefer to eat it as stew or mixed with vegetables (p<0.01). There was a dose-response relationship between the intake frequency of canned fish, raw fish and cooked fish and the content of total and organic mercury of hair, the children who eat fish almost everyday showed 2 times higher than those who eat rarely (p<0.01). The mercury content in the hair of the children who eat raw fish was significantly higher than that of the children who eat boiled or broiled fish (p<0.01). The total and organic mercury contents of adult scalp hair increased with age up to the forties and slightly decreased in the fifties. The mercury contents of those who were engaged in the fishery and raw fish restaurant were 2 times higher than those of the farmers. The mercury content of the persons who were favorite dishes of fish and shellfish were most high, and who prefer raw fish were 2 times higher than those of the persons who prefer vegetables and broiled fish. The contents of total and organic mercury in adult scalp hair showed also a increasing tendency with the intake frequency of raw and cooked fish.

      • KCI등재후보

        다발성말초신경병증의 두발 중 납과 수은 함량조사

        박성파,박영춘 啓明大學校 醫科大學 1990 계명의대학술지 Vol.9 No.3

        This study was carried out to investigate the correlation between lead and mercury contents and polyneuropathies(PN) as causing or concomitant causing factors. The subjects were divided into 3 experimental groups(total 60 cases, 35 males, 25 females), among whom were 32 etiologically undetermined PN(Group I, 18 males, 14 females), 21 diabetic PN(Group II, 10 males, 11 females) and 7 alcohlic PN(Group III, 7 males), and 38 healthy subjects(27 males, 11 females) as a control group. Occipital hair(about glm) were obtained from all experimental and control subjects to analyze lead and mercury contents(ppm) using an atomic absorption spectrophotometer, model IL. 551 connected with a CTF atomizer(IL. 655). The mean values of lead and mercury contents in hair were significantly more elevated in the etiologically undetermined PN group than in the control group(p<0.05, p<0.01), and there were significantly elevated mercury contents in the hair of the diadetic PN group(p<0.01) and lead contents in the hair of the alcoholic PN group(p<0.05). The mean values of lead and mercury contents had not significant correlation to motor nerve conduction velocity and there was no significant correlation of the mean values of lead or mercury contents between urban and rural residents. These results suggest that lead and mercury may be causative factors in the development of Group 1 PN, and lead and mercury may be concomitant causative factors in the development of II and Group III PN, respectively.

      • SCIEKCI등재

        Mercury Level in Hair of Primary School Children in Korea and China

        Park, Hee-Jin,Kim, Dae-Seon,Moon, Jeong-Suk,Yang, Won-Ho,Son, Bu-Soon The Korean Society of Toxicogenomics and Toxicopro 2008 Molecular & cellular toxicology Vol.4 No.3

        Exposure to mercury was assessed in 125 Korean (Gwangju and Busan) and 373 Chinese primary school students (Xinguang village, Goumen town) using hair mercury analysis from November 2006 to September 2007. The geometric mean concentration of mercury was higher among Korean children with recording 0.73 ${\mu}g$/g, compared to Chinese children of 0.12 ${\mu}g$/g, which indicated statistically difference (P<0.01). The mean concentration of Korean children living near incineration facilities was higher by recording 0.76 ${\mu}g$/g while the average concentration of their counterpart in Korea reached 0.69 ${\mu}g$/g. In case of Chinese children, those who are living near power plants showed higher level with posting 0.16 ${\mu}g$/g while the others recorded 0.10 ${\mu}g$/g (P<0.01). Intake of fish was found to be related to hair mercury level. In case of Korean children, those with high fish intake recorded 0.79 ${\mu}g$/g in terms of the geometric mean concentration while the others with low fish intake posted 0.61 ${\mu}g$/g. Among Chinese children, those who often eat fish recorded 0.13 ${\mu}g$/g compared to the others with low fish intake of 0.11 ${\mu}g$/g. On the other hand, amalgam dental fillings have limited influence on mean hair mercury level. As for vaccination, within a month of vaccination, the geometric mean concentration of Korean children reached 0.76 ${\mu}g$/g, and in case of 15 days after injection, the level was 1.20 ${\mu}g$/g. In China, the level of children at one month after receiving injection stood at 0.15 ${\mu}g$/g while the level within 15 days was 0.13 ${\mu}g$/g. Multiple regression analysis showed that BMI, passive smoking, and fish consumption are closely related to hair mercury level among the Korean subjects. In China, hair mercury level was affected by age, location, passive smoking, fish consumption, and vaccination. Explanatory power was 21.6% with $R^2$=0.216.

      • KCI등재

        전남지역 일부 대학생 모발 중 수은 농도에 관한 연구

        송미라,조태진,전혜리,김종오,손부순,Song, Mi-Ra,Cho, Tae-Jin,Jeon, Hye-Li,Kim, Jong-O,Son, Bu-Soon 한국환경보건학회 2009 한국환경보건학회지 Vol.35 No.4

        This study analysed the mercury concentration in the hair of 62 students (male : 21, female : 41) of D university in Najusi, Jeon-Nam area. Also, questionnaire, which developed by NIES, were completed by the students. According to the questionnaire, most of the students had a higher intake of meat than that of fish. Also, among the students, there were many smokes and many had dental treatment with amalgam. Based on the gender, female showed 1.024 ${\mu}g/g$ and male showed 0.882 ${\mu}g/g$ of the mercury concentration. This means that female students had higher level of mercury in their hair, but it was not a significant statistic difference. Comparing by the intake frequency of meat, processed food stuffs, protein foods, it shows the more they at the higher mercury concentration was observed. According to the intake frequency of fish, when the number of times they intake increased, the mercury concentration was higher. Under one time was 0.857 ${\mu}g/g$ and twice or more times were 1.152 ${\mu}g/g$, which showed a significant statistical difference (p<0.05). Depending on the Life style, the mercury concentration in the hair was high with workout, outdoor activities, and direct smoking. The mercury concentration in the hair showed no difference for whether they received amalgam treatment but the personal dietary habit and the Living condition affects strongly on the mercury concentration level.

      • KCI등재

        일부지역 주민의 모발 중 중금속 함량 비교

        박성제 ( Sung Je Park ),노영희 ( Young Hee Noh ) 한국미용학회 2010 한국미용학회지 Vol.16 No.4

        The present resea rch analyzed the content of 3 kinds of toxic heavy metals such as Mercury, Lead and Cadmium in hair through hair analysis with the target of 60 persons consisting of 30 residents in a coastal region(Taean) and 30 residents in an inland area (Nonsan) in order to find out the effect that the environmental factor due to regional difference affects the content of heavy metals. As a result of analyzing toxic heavy metals according to a region, in the content of Mercury, Lead and Cadmium, a coastal region (Taean) respectively appeared as 1.562±1.084 μg/g, 1.380±1.168 μg/g and 0.035±0.044 μg/ g, and an inland area (Nonsan) respectively appeared as 0.576±0.343 μg/g, 0.731±0.734 μg/g and 0.012±0.016 μg/g, so the Taean region showed a higher content of toxic heavy metals than the Nonsan region. Therefore, the content of Mercury (p<.01), Lead (p<.05) and Cadmium (p<.01) showed a statistically significant difference according to the region. In case of Mercury, 60% of Taean residents and 10% of Nonsan residents appeared as the surplus population, and there was a statistically significant difference. The content of Mercury and Cadmium, men showed 1.393±1.173 μg/g and 0.035±0.046 μg/g respectively. Therefore, men showed a higher content, compared to the Mercury content of 0.744±0.449 μg/g and the Cadmium content of 0.035±0.046 μg/g of women, so the content of Mercury and Cadmium according to the gender showed a statistically significant difference (p<.01). As a result of age analysis, it appeared that the older the age range is, the higher the content of Mercury, Lead and Cadmium is, and there wasn`t a statistically significant difference. As a result, We figured out that the coastal area, Taean, has higher risk in exposure to toxic heavy metals than the inland area, Nonsan, regarding the effect of environmental factor in heavy metal contains in hair due to the regional differences.

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