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      • KCI등재

        해양경찰의 사회적 활동이 해양경찰의 신뢰에 미치는 영향-일반 시민의 인식을 중심으로-

        유재두 한국경찰연구학회 2018 한국경찰연구 Vol.17 No.4

        Trust is a fundamental element in our society. Trust exists in a variety of ways other than people and people. Among them, trust in administrative institutions is the most important to the trust of the people in effective administration and policy making. In particular, law enforcement agencies are subject to various restrictions such as restriction of rights and imposition of duties on the public, so the trust relationship between the public and the police should be based on trust more than other institutions. This study examined how the public perceives information activities, professionalism, and order maintenance activities among Coast Guard activities to be related to Coast Guard trust. Independent variables consisted of three factors of Intelligence Activities, professionalism, and maintenance of public order. Dependent variables were set as trust in Coast Guard. In particular, the study on Coast Guard trust was conducted by identifying Coast Guards' trust or Coast Guard organizations trust. As a result of the study, it was found that the service factors constituting the three factors of Intelligence Activities, professionalism, and maintenance of public order were positively (+) influenced by both Coast Guards' trust or Coast Guard organizations trust. In the case of service factors, Intelligence Activities were not related to the trust of Coast Guard, and the professionalism and maintenance of public order affect positively (+) on Coast Guards' trust. Also, Intelligence Activities and maintenance of public order did not affect Coast Guard organizations trust, but professionalism had a positive (+) influence on Coast Guard organizations trust. The result is that professionalism of Coast Guard has the greatest impact on Coast Guard. The intelligence Activities of the Coast Guard are not related to the trust of Coast Guard officers and Coast Guard organization. In order to improve the work efficiency of the Coast Guard police, more specialized Intelligence Activities and maintenance of public order activities will be needed. 신뢰는 우리 사회를 지탱해주는 기본적 요소이다. 신뢰의 대상은 사람과 사람 이외에 다양하게 존재하는데 그 중 행정 기관에 대한 신뢰는 효과적인 행정 수행과 정책 결정에 있어서 시민들의 신뢰가 반드시 있어야 한다. 특히 법 집행 기관의 경우 시민에게 권리 제한과 의무 부과 등 다양한 제약을 가하고 있기 때문에 시민과 경찰의 신뢰 관계는 다른 기관보다 더 많은 신뢰가 필요하다. 이 연구에서는 해양경찰의 사회적 활동과 해양경찰의 신뢰 관계에 대해 시민들의 인식을 중심으로 살펴보았다. 연구 진행을 위해 독립변수는 해양경찰의 사회적 활동으로 설정 후 하위 요인으로 정보활동·전문적 활동·치안질서유지 활동이라는 3요인으로 구성하였고 종속변수는 해양경찰 신뢰로 설정하였다. 특히 종속변수의 경우 해양경찰 신뢰와 해양경찰 공무원 신뢰로 구분하여 연구를 진행하였다. 그 이유는 일반적으로 해양경찰하면 해양경찰 조직에 대한 것인지 아니면 구성원인 해양경찰공무원인지 구분하지 않았기 때문이다. 연구 결과 해양경찰의 사회적 활동은 해양경찰공무원과 해양경찰의 신뢰에 긍정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 구체적으로 해양경찰의 사회적 활동의 하위 요인 중 전문적 활동은 해양경찰공무원과 해양경찰조직에 그리고 치안질서유지 활동은 해양경찰공무원 신뢰에 긍정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 이 결과는 해양경찰에 대해 가장 큰 신뢰에 영향을 미치는 것은 해양경찰의 전문적 활동이라는 점이다. 한편, 해양경찰의 정보활동은 해양경찰 조직과 해양경찰공무원에 대한 신뢰와는 관련이 없다는 시사점을 제공해주고 있다. 향 후 해양경찰의 업무 효율성 등을 위해서는 좀 더 강화되고 전문화된 정보활동과 치안질서유지 활동이 필요할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        집합건물 경비원 운영 제도의 검토 -경비업무, 범죄경력조회, 감독 규정의 비교를 중심으로-

        신관우 사단법인 한국안전문화학회 2022 안전문화연구 Vol.- No.16

        In this paper, through a case related to the operation of security guards in a collective building, ① what laws are applied to security guards in Condominium Buildings depending on the type of security guard operation, ② whether it is possible to conduct a criminal background check for the management of the security guards in the collective building, ③ whether the security guards of the collective building After examining the issues of whether the supervisory function of the competent administrative agency for security work is functioning, the limitations were drawn, and then improvement measures were sought. In principle, the 「Security Business Act」 is applied to security guards belonging to a security company licensed in accordance with laws and regulations. In the 「Act on Ownership and Management of Condominium Buildings」, there are no regulations on the operation of security guards, and in Article 2-2, the effect of some special provisions of the 「Multi-Family Housing Management Act」 is only recognized to the extent that it does not impair the basic rights of the owner of the division. Inquiry about criminal records of security guards is conducted to check whether there are reasons for disqualification under the 「Security Services Industry Act」 in the case of of contract security services, and to check whether or not they are subject to employment restrictions under the 「Act on The Protection of children and youth against set offenses」 in the case of self-expenses of Multi-Family houses. In the case of supervision of security Services, the head of a police agency becomes the supervisory authority in accordance with 「Security Services Industry Act」, and in the case of self-security of Multi-Family house, the head of the competent local government performs the supervisory function in accordance with the 「Multi-Family Housing Management Act」. The limitations of the security guard operation system in the condominium Buildings examined through the case review of this study are as follows. First, the security guard regulations of the 「Communal Housing Management Act」 do not apply to the security guards of the condominium building. Second, there is no basis for confirming whether or not the security guards in the condominium building, which perform crime prevention functions, are subject to employment restrictions due to sexual offenses against children and adolescents. Third, there is a lack of a legislative system that can supervise the administrative agency having jurisdiction over the performance of security work by the security guards of the condominium building and the unjust behavior of the occupants. The improvement plan for the security guard operation system in the condominium building sought through the above research review is as follows. First, a normative specification of the security work of the self-guard of the condominium building should be made. In addition, the law should provide the basis for the criminal history inquiry of the security guards of the condominium building who perform functional security for crime prevention. And, there is a need for institutional supplementation to supervise the performance of security work in the condominium building and the illegal acts of residents. This study has a limitation in the study of individual case analysis in the structure of fragmented laws related to the operation of security guards. Therefore, in future research, it is necessary to collect cases of security guard operation by size of the condominium building and review the operation status.

      • KCI등재후보

        A Study on the Improvement of the SECURITY GUARD s Portable Equipment: with a Focus on Baton

        Jeonghoon Ha J-INSTITUTE 2021 International Journal of Terrorism & National Secu Vol.6 No.4

        Purpose: Various risks exist in the field for security guards. Given such risk factors, the need for security guard increases while the security industry is developing. However, security guards carry only portable equipments, which are very passive from against risk factors in the workplace. This causes a lot of stress and sacrifices further to injuries for the security guards. Method: Therefore, in this study, the portable equipment of the security guard was examined, and the baton was examined based on the issue of the security guard’s portable equipment. Results: Security guard is making much effort to help protect the safety of those subject to personal protection and facilities subject to security from against various risk factors in the workplace. However, the equipment to protect the safety of those subject to personal protection and facilities subject to security from against dangerous weapons which are becoming more aggressive and dangerous as the number of hazardous goods is diversified fails to reflect the reality. For the safety of the security guard and those who are subject to their protection, it is necessary to re-establish the standards for the baton among the portable equipments. Conclusion: Various efforts for the portable equipments of security guard are required. Regarding the security guard’s portable equipment, it is a device which can respond to threats from against violent crimes and aggres-sive harmful weapons, the redevelopment of the standards which may be used to safely respond to factors of danger and which may be used appropriately is needed.

      • KCI등재

        해양경찰법 제정 필요성과 주요 쟁점

        고명석 한국해양경찰학회 2019 한국해양경찰학회보 Vol.9 No.2

        Korea Coast Guard, which was established in 1953, does not have an organizational law that defines the framework of the Korea Coast Guard or a functional law that clearly defines the details of its duties despite its long history. The basis of Korea Coast Guard's administrative action, which restricts people's basic rights, is weak, and thus has problems in principle of rule of law. There have been discussions in the past about enacting the Korea Coast Guard Act, which contains basic content on organization, duties and status, but recently, the Korea Coast Guard Act was proposed by the National Assembly as discussions on enacting the Korea Coast Guard Act were actively carried out. This will allow the Korea Coast Guard to form a basic framework and have pride of its members. In this study, the Korea Coast Guard Act, which was proposed to the National Assembly in January 2019, will be dealt with. The purpose of this study is to review the proposed bill by major issues and to present a reasonable alternative to the reality of Korea Coast Guard. First, let's find out what position the Korea Coast Guard Act holds in the current legislations and how it will link it with the current legislations. It also looks at the need for enacting the Korea Coast Guard Act. We will review the major issues of the Korea Coast Guard Act and propose a reasonable alternative. Major issues include the character and name of the bill, the clause of duty of Korea Coast Guard, whether to establish a Korea Coast Guard committee, the job regulation of Korea Coast Guard, the qualification and term of the commissioner of Korea Coast Guard, and what to do with the Maritime Guard Act. 1953년 창설된 해양경찰청은 긴 역사에도 불구하고 해양경찰 조직의 틀을 규정하는 조직법이나 직무의 내용을 명확히 규정하는 작용법이 부족한 실정이다. 국민의기본권을 제한하는 해양경찰 행정작용의 근거가 미약하여 법치주의 원칙상 문제점을내포하고 있는 것이다. 조직, 직무, 신분에 관한 기본적인 내용을 담는 해양경찰법 제정에 관한 논의는과거에도 있어 왔지만 최근 해양경찰법 제정 논의가 활발히 진행되어 최근 국회에서해양경찰법(안)이 발의되었다. 이를 통하여 해양경찰청의 조직기반의 틀을 조성하고조직원의 긍지와 자부심을 심을 수 있는 기대가 높아지고 있다. 본 연구에서는 현재 2019년 1월 국회에 발의된 해양경찰법(안)을 다루어 보려 한다. 본 연구의 목적은 발의된 법(안) 내용을 주요 쟁점별로 검토하고 해양경찰 현실에 맞는 합리적인 대안을 제시하는데 있다. 먼저 해양경찰법이 현행 법령체계에서 어떤 위치를 차지하고, 현행법령과 어떻게연결시킬 것인지를 알아본다. 또한, 해양경찰법 제정의 필요성에 대하여도 살펴볼 것이며, 해양경찰법의 주요 쟁점을 검토하여 이에 따른 합리적인 대안을 제시하겠다. 주요 쟁점에는 법(안)의 성격과 명칭, 해양경찰 책무 규정, 해양경찰위원회 신설 여부, 해양경찰청장 자격·임기 등, 해양경찰 직무 규정, 그리고 「해양경비법」과 관계설정은 어떻게 할 것인지 등이 포함된다.

      • KCI등재

        해양경찰 현장 물리력 대응 역량 강화를 위한 전문교육 과정의 발전적 개선방안

        이용삼 한국해양경찰학회 2023 한국해양경찰학회보 Vol.13 No.4

        해양경찰의 업무는 해양이라는 특수한 환경에서 이루어지기 때문에 육상의 상황과는 매우 차별적이고 다양하므로 굉장히 제한적이다. 즉, 해양경찰의 업무를 정확하고 실수 없이 수행하려면 현장을 잘 이해하고 해석해야 하는 높은 전문성을 필요로한다. 이처럼 해양경찰의 현장 업무와 경찰관의 물리력 대응 역량은 유의미한 영향관계에 있으나, 현재까지 재직자를 대상으로 한 물리력 대응의 역량을 강화하기 위한 전문 교육과정은 미미하게 진행되었고, 관련 연구는 이루어진 바 없어 현재 현장해양경찰관의 물리력 대응의 역량은 전문화된 대응을 담보할 수 없는 실정이다. 이에 따라 이 연구의 목적은 해양경찰의 현장 물리력 대응 역량을 강화해야 할필요성을 살펴보고, 현직자 대상 물리력 대응의 역량을 강화하기 위한 전문 교육과정의 발전적 개선방안을 제언하는 것이다. 해양경찰교육원과 같은 기능을 하는 경찰인재개발원의 물리력 대응 훈련의 교육과정을 살펴보고 비교·분석하였으며, 경찰 무도 관련 연구논문과 이론서, 관련 규칙 등을 널리 수집하여 종합하고 분석하는 탐색적 연구방법을 활용하였다. 연구결과 첫째, 재직자 대상 전문 교육과정 근접제압술의교과목명을 해양경찰 현장 물리력 대응 훈련으로 개칭할 필요성이 있다. 둘째, 「해양경찰청 소속 경찰공무원 직장훈련 규칙」상 현장부서 훈련 항목에 무도훈련을 추가하는 규칙의 개정이 필요하다. 셋째, 현장 상황별 전문 교육과정의 추가 개설 및 확대의 필요성이 있다. 넷째, 물리력 대응 전문 교육과정을 현장 출장 교육과정으로 추가개설할 필요성이 있다. 다섯째, 무도 마스터 제도 도입의 필요성이 있다. 여섯째, 현장 물리력 대응 전문 교육과정의 교육 인원을 모집할 수 있도록 정책적으로 추진할필요성이 있다. 일곱째, 해양경찰교육원의 체포제압술 교수진을 외국 경찰기관의 경찰 물리력 사용 교육과정을 이수하게 하는 방법이 제안된다. 끝으로, 해양경찰 현장물리력 대응 훈련 교관 요원 양성과정의 전문 교육과정 개설이 필요하다. The nature of Coast Guard work takes place in a unique and diverse environment, significantly different from land-based situations. As a result, the scope of Coast Guard duties is highly specialized and limited. Accurate and error-free performance of Coast Guard tasks requires a high level of expertise in understanding and interpreting the maritime environment. In particular, there is a significant relationship between the operational tasks of Coast Guard and the physical response capabilities of police officers. However, to date, there have been insignificant specialized training programs or related research conducted to enhance the physical response capabilities of Coast Guard Officer. As a result, the current level of physical response capabilities among Coast Guard Officer falls short of ensuring specialized and effective response in the field. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to examine the need to enhance the physical response capabilities of Coast Guard and propose progressive improvements in specialized training programs aimed at strengthening their physical response capabilities. This study examined and compared the training programs for physical response offered by the Police Human Resources Development Institute, which serves a similar function as the Korea Coast Guard Academy(KCGA). An exploratory research method was also utilized, involving a comprehensive collection and analysis of research papers, theoretical works on police martial arts, and relevant regulations. This approach allowed for gathering a wide range of information and conducting a thorough analysis. First, as a research findings, it is necessary to rename the subject of close-range control techniques of specialized training program of Coast Guard employees to "Coast Guard On-Site Physical Force Response Training." Second, there is a need to revise the "Training Rules for Police Officers Employed by Korea Coast Guard" to add martial arts training to the training items for on-site departments. Third, it is necessary of additional opening and expansion of on-site situation specialized training program. Fourth, there is a need to expand physical force response specialized training program by adding on-site field training courses. Fifth, it is necessary to introduce a system of martial arts masters. Sixthly, it is necessary to promote a policy to recruit training personnel of the Coast Guard On-Site physical force response specialized training program. Seventh, it is proposed to allow the instructors of arrest and restraint techniques at KCGA to undergo training in the physical force use education programs of foreign law enforcement agencies. Lastly, there is a need to establish a specialized training program for the training of Coast Guard field physical response instructors.

      • A Study on the Scope and the Role of PRIVATE GUARDS: Focusing on Guard Secretaries

        Choi Bong jun,Kim Byung tae,Choi Dong jae J-INSTITUTE 2017 Protection Convergence Vol.2 No.2

        The necessity of private guard became conspicuous as the interest in private security field has been increasing for safeguarding the personal safety of the protectee, because the professional executives and men of wealth cannot rely solely on the public authority or the police for their security. As the need for specialized security guards increases, this study will investigate the work range and the role of guard secretaries in depth in terms of security science through in-depth interview with guard secretaries who are currently working in the position, based on the role of the guard secretary from the previous researches on guard secretary. As a result of the study, generally the work scope of guard secretaries can be divided into three categories. In order of their importance, they were security which protects the body, life and property of the employer, schedule management which is managing the schedule of the employer, and confidentiality which is managing and pro-tecting information. These results suggest that the role of guard is more important than secretarial role. It was revealed that the role of safety manager who is responsible for the safety of the protectee was the most im-portant in the role of the guard secretaries. Secondly, the role as protocol manager for managing formal cere-mony was considered to be important. Thirdly, the role as information manager for managing various infor-mation and date was considered to be important. In addition, the role of work manager, health care manager, business facilitator, and customer manager were considered to be important in the order of their importance. As with the results of work scope, security and safety were found to be the most important factors. The results of questionnaire showed that work capacity, physical ability, self - development and interpersonal relationship were the most important ability of guard secretaries in order of their importance. These results should be the basic data that can provide guard secretaries’ concrete work scope and role, and professionalism for better guard secretary services. In addition, since the research on the security secretary is insufficient, further research for the work scope and role of the guard secretary through careful interest and various research methods is needed.

      • KCI등재

        민간경비원의 의사소통이 직무만족에 미치는 영향

        주일엽(Joo Il Yeob),조광래(Cho Kwang Rae) 한국민간경비학회 2009 한국민간경비학회보 Vol.14 No.-

        본 연구는 민간경비원의 의사소통이 직무만족에 미치는 영향을 규명하는데 목적이 있다 이와 같은 목적을 달성하기 위하여 민간경비원 200명을 표집하여 설문조사를 실시하였다 본 연구에서 도출된 연구결과는 다음과 같다 첫째, 민간경비원의 개인적 특성에 따라 의사소통 유형은 부분적으로 차이가 있다 민간경비원의 개인적 특성(연령)에 따라 의사소통 유형(수평적)은 차이가 있고, 민간경비원의 개인적 특성(결혼)에 따라 의사소통 유형(수평적 · 하향적)은 차이가 있다 둘째, 민간경비원의 개인적 특성에 따라 의사소통 내용은 부분적으로 차이가 있다 민간경비원의 개인적 특성(경력)에 따라 의사소통 내용(업무관계)은 차이가 있다 셋째, 민간경비원의 개인적 특성에 따라 직무만족은 부분적으로 차이가 있다 민간경비원의 개인적 특성(학력)에 따라 직무만족(급여 업무수행)은 차이가 있고 민간경비원의 개인적 특성(결혼)에 따라 직무만족(업무수행)은 차이가 있다 민간경비원의 개인적 특성(경력)에 따라 직무만족(승진)은 차이가 있고 민간경비원의 개인적 특성(소득)에 따라 직무만족(동료 급여 업무수행)은 차이가 있다 넷째, 민간경비원의 의사소통 유형은 직무만족에 부분적으로 영향을 미친다 민간경비원의 의사소통 유형(상향적 수평적)은 직문만족(승진)에 각각 정(+), 부(-)의 영향을 미치고 민간경비원의 의사소통 유형(수평적 · 하향적)은 직무만족(동료)에 각각 정(+), 부(-)의 영향을 미친다 민간경비원의 의사소통 유형(상향적 ·하향적)은 직무만족(급여)에 각각 정(+), 부(-)의 영향을 미치고 민간경비원의 의사소통 유형(상향적 수평적 하향적)은 직무만족(업무수행)에 각각 정(+), 부(-), 부(-)의 영향을 미친다 다섯째, 민간경비원의 의사소통 내용은 직무만족에 부분적으로 영향을 미친다 민간경비원의 의사소통 내용(업무관계)은 직무만족(업무수행)에 부(-)의 영향을 미친다 The purpose of this study is to progress the effect of private guard's communication on job satisfaction The sample was drawn from 200 private guards worked at private security companies in Daejeon and Chungnam The questionnaire based on previous study was designed to measure the effect of private guard's communication and job satisfaction The following was the result of the study First, Private guard's communication style shows differences partially to their individuality Private guard's communication style(Horizontal) shows differences to their individuality(Age), and their communication style(Horizontal · Downward) shows differences to their individuality(Marriage) Private guard's communication style(Downward) shows differences to their individuality(Career), and their communication style(Horizontal · Downward) shows differences to their individuality(Income) Second, Private guard's communication content shows differences partially to their individuality Private guard's communication content(Job Relation) shows differences to their individuality(Career) Third, Private guard's job satisfaction shows differences partially to their individuality Private guard's job satisfaction(Income · Job Processing) shows differences to their individuality(Attainment in Scholarship), Their job satisfaction(Job Processing) shows differences to their individuality(Marriage) Private guard's job satisfaction(promotion) shows differences to their individuality(Career), Their job satisfaction(Co-worker · Income · Job Processing) shows differences to their individuality(Income) Fourth, Private guard's communication style affect partially on their job satisfaction Private guard's communication style(Upward · Horizontal) affect positively(+), negatively(-) on their job satisfaction(promotion) separately, their communication style(Horizontal · Downward) affect positively(+), negatively(-) on their job satisfaction(Co-worker) separately Private guard's communication style(Upward · Downward) affect positively(+), negatively(-) on their job satisfaction(Income) separately, their communication style(Upward Horizontal Downward) affect positively(+), negatively(-) negatively(-) on their job satisfaction(Job Processing) separately Fifth, Private guard's communication content affect partially on their job satisfaction Private guard's communication content(Job Relation) affect negatively(-) on their job satisfaction(Job Processing)

      • KCI등재

        조선후기 왕세자 책례(冊禮) 시 의장(儀仗)에 대한 연구

        이은주(Lee Eun-Joo),이경희(Lee Kyung-Hee) 한복문화학회 2014 韓服文化 Vol.17 No.3

        A study on honor guard for the installation of crown prince in the late Joseon period based on a code of laws, regulation, and the installation protocol. There exists one kind of honor guard for the installation of crown prince. There is no change in the order of arrangement and the decoration material for the honor guard for the installation of crown prince when compared with those in the early period of Joseon dynasty. There exist total 35 decoration objects of 22 kinds in the honor guard. Most of the decoration materials used for the honor guard for the installation of crown prince are also used for those of king. However, the flag of kirin does not exist for the case of king’s honor guard and this becomes the most important character in the honor guard for the installation of crown prince. The honor guard for the installation of crown prince has been also used for the case of a successor to the throne. When the honor guard for the installation of crown prince is compared with the one for Banchado(illustration of Uigwe), there is no match in organization and arrangement. For the arrangement of honor guard in Banchado, it is not unusual to find variations in the positions of different flags. For the case of the flag of white crane, it exists in the honor guard for the installation of crown prince while it is not included some of Banchado. On the contrary, the honor guard for the installation of crown prince does not show a parasol while several Banchado show parasols. It was also found that king’s Se-uijang(compact honor guard for King) are added to the honor guard for the installation of crown prince in Banchado after late 18th century.

      • KCI등재

        해양경찰 법령 개선에 관한 연구

        고명석 한국해양경찰학회 2022 한국해양경찰학회보 Vol.12 No.4

        The Korea Coast Guard were established on December 23, 1953, for the purpose of cracking down on foreign fishing vessels violating the peace line, protecting fishing resources, and maritime security, and developed into big agency that has 30 institutions and 13,000 personnel as of 2022. With the entry into force of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea in 1994, each country is promoting a maritime-oriented national development strategy. In a marine environment surrounded by the sea on three sides, the role and status of the Coast Guard as a comprehensive maritime law enforcement agency are becoming increasingly important, and the need to protect maritime sovereignty and establish a maritime law order to respond to it is urgent. In order to proactively respond to these changes in the marine environment, it is important to have a systematic and stable legal and institutional foundation for the role of the Coast Guard. Although the Coast Guard play various roles as comprehensive law enforcement agencies such as police, fire fighting, security, environmental and resource protection, leisure management, and border management in the sea, the legal basis for this is weak. Establishing a legal and institutional foundation suitable for the role and function of the comprehensive maritime administrative agency performed by the Coast Guard is also an essential factor for the future development of the Coast Guard along with the demand for the rule of law. Recently, the Korea Coast Guard has made remarkable results in the making of laws, such as the Coast Guard Act, the Vessel Traffic Services Act, the Act on Introduction and Management of Coast Guard Equipment, the Act on Registration and Inspection of Water Leisure Equipment. Nevertheless, there are only eight laws under the jurisdiction of the Korea Coast Guard alone. In light of the importance of the role played by the Coast Guard as a comprehensive maritime law enforcement agency, this study aims to ensure stable and systematic policy implementation and lay the legal and institutional foundation for timely response to environmental changes. To this end, the current status of laws and regulations under the jurisdiction of the Korea Coast Guard and legislative cases of similar institutions at home and abroad are analyzed to derive implications and the need to improve laws. Based on this, I would like to suggest a desirable direction for improving the legal system of the Korea Coast Guard. 해양경찰은 1953. 12. 23. 평화선 침범 외국어선 단속, 어업자원 보호, 해상치안을 목적으로 창설되어 2022년 현재 30개 기관과 13,000명 인력을 보유한 기관으로 발전 하였다. 1994년 「해양법에 관한 국제연합협약」 발효를 계기로 각국은 해양 중심의 국가발전 전략을 추진해나가고 있다. 삼면이 바다로 둘러싸인 해양환경에서 해양 종합 법집행기관으로서 해양경찰의 역할과 위상이 점점 중요해지고 있으며, 이에 부응하기 위한 해양주권 수호와 해양법 질서를 확립할 필요성이 시급해졌다. 이러한 해양환경의 변화에 선제적으로 대응하기 위해서는 해양경찰의 역할 수행을 위한 체계적이고 안정적인 법·제도적 기반을 갖추는 것이 중요하다. 해양경찰은 해양에서 경찰, 소방, 안보, 환경, 자원보호, 레저 관리, 국경관리 등 종합법집행기관 으로서 다양한 역할을 수행하고 있음에도, 이에 대한 법적 근거가 미약하다. 해양경 찰이 수행하는 해양종합행정기관 역할과 기능에 적합한 법적·제도적 기반을 마련하는 것은 법치주의 요구와 함께 해양경찰 미래발전의 요체이기도 하다. 최근 해양경찰청은 「해양경찰법」, 「선박교통관제에 관한 법률」, 「해양경찰장비 도입 및 관리에 관한 법률」, 「수상레저기구의 등록 및 검사에 관한 법률」을 제정하는등 괄목할 만한 법령 정비 성과를 만들어가고 있다. 그럼에도 불구하고 해양경찰청이 단독으로 소관하는 법률은 8개에 불과하다. 이 연구는 해양종합 법집행기관으로서 해양경찰이 수행하는 역할의 중요성에 비추어 안정적이고 체계적인 정책 집행을 보장하고 환경 변화에 적시 대응을 위하여법·제도적 기반을 마련하는데 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 해양경찰청 소관 법령 현황과 국내외 유사기관 입법사례를 분석하여 시사점과 법령 개선의 필요성을 도출하고자 한다. 이를 토대로 바람직한 해양경찰 법체계 개선 방향을 제시해 보고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        전환조건에 기초한 해안경계 임무전환정책에 관한 제언

        박무춘 (사) 한국전략문제연구소 2022 전략연구 Vol.29 No.1

        The policy on the transfer of the coastal guard was decided by the Defense Reform Act with the aim of allowing the military to concentrate more on the important tasks of the military. Since 2006, the plan has been discussed based on the time-based approach from the basic plan of defense reform 2014 to 2030, but the concrete implementation plan has not been presented.,Since the National Defense Reform Basic Plan 2014-2030 (Revision 1) in 2017, the concept of condition-based approach has been revised and promoted, but the detailed implementation road-map has not been decided so far. The Ministry of National Defense decided in 2014 to change the condition- based coastal guard mission transfer policy. The three conditions were (transfer condition #1) North Korea's threat: military threat and inter-Korean relations evaluation, (transfer condition #2) national financial condition: mission transition budget (such as expansion of maritime capability), (transfer condition #3) Coastal guard mission performance ability: Coastal guard mission performance ability evaluation. This can be an alternative in that it maintains the basic principle of the military's coastal guard mission to the Coast Guard, but it can meet the plan of when and how to proceed based on the condition, so that it meets the nature of the mission transfer and presents a basic framework for policy making. Based on the Defense Reform Act, the transfer area, the condition and evaluation system of the mission conversion should be specified for the coastal guard mission transfer, and the mission, role, concept of performance of the coastal guard should be newly established after the mission transfer. After the task of coastal guard is changed from military to Coast Guard, coastal guard needs to be specified in the related regulations and guidelines of military and Coast Guard so that the balanced and complementary relationship can be maintained under the 'Coast Guard-led military support system'. To this end, it is necessary to evaluate the fulfillment of the conditions of the coastal guard mission transfer by the transfer conditions, but to make a policy decision considering the transfer conditions # 3. The analysis framework based on the overall circulation system such as on-site confirmation, evaluation, analysis, and adjustment, such as the evaluation factors, details and evaluation methods of the evaluation indicators according to the transfer conditions, should be established to ensure continuous and consistent evaluation and verification until the target year. First, the government should make the joint governmental councils and operation of the Ministry of National Defense and the second, the priority should be given to the satisfaction of the transfer condition #3, and the needs and budget for the mission conversion should be reflected. In order to change the coastal guard mission, it is necessary to establish a “Coastal Guard Mission Transfer Promotion Plan(tentative name)” and to implement it step by step and systematically. In order to promote such a policy successfully, it is necessary to revitalize strategic communication between the government, the Ministry of National Defense and the Coast Guard, and concentrate its capabilities to secure national support. 해안경계의 임무전환 정책은 군이 보다 더 군 본연의 중요한 일에 집중할 수 있도록 한다는 목적에 의해 「국방개혁에 관한 법률」에 의해 추진이 결정되었으며 2006년 이후 「국방개혁 기본계획 2014~2030」까지 시기에 의한 전환(time-based approach) 추진을 토대로 논의되어 왔으나 구체화된 시행계획이 제시되고 있지 않은 실정이다. 2017년 「국방개혁 기본계획 2014~2030(수정1호)」이후부터 2018년 「국방개혁 2.0」에 이르기까지 조건에 의한 전환(condition-based approach)개념으로 수정하여 추진하도록 하고 개략적인 계획을 명시하였으나 현재까지 구체적인 실행 로드맵을 결정하지 못하고 있는 상황이다. 국방부는 조건에 기초한 해안경계 임무전환 정책으로의 변경을 2014년에 결정하였으며, 세 가지 조건은 (전환조건#1) 북한의 위협: 군사위협 및 남북관계 평가, (전환조건#2) 국가재정 여건: 임무전환 예산(해경능력 확충 등) 소요, (전환조건#3) 해경 임무수행능력: 해안경계 임무수행능력 평가로 설정하였다. 이는 군의 해안경계 임무를 해경으로의 전환이라는 기본 원칙을 유지하면서도 언제 어떠한 방법으로 추진할 것인지에 대한 방안을 조건에 기초하여 충족할 수 있도록 함으로써 임무전환 추진의 성격에 부합하고 정책결정을 위한 기본적인 틀을 제시하고 있다는 점에서 선택 가능한 대안이 될 수 있다. 「국방개혁에 관한 법률」에 근거, 해안경계 임무전환을 위해 전환지역, 임무전환 조건 및 평가체계를 구체화하고, 임무전환 이후 해경의 임무와 역할, 수행개념 등을 새롭게 정립해야 할 것이다. 해안경계에 관한 임무가 군에서 해경으로의 전환 이후, 해안경계는‘해경 주도-군 지원 체계’하에서도 상호간 균형적이고 보완적 관계는 지속 유지될 수 있도록 군과 해경의 관련 규정과 지침 등에 명시할 필요가 있다. 이를 위해 해안경계 임무전환 조건 충족여부 평가는 전환조건별 충족성을 평가하되, 전환조건 #3을 우선 고려하여 정책적으로 결정할 필요가 있다. 전환조건에 따른 평가지표의 평가요소와 내용의 구체화 및 평가방법 등 현장 확인 및 평가와 분석, 조정 등 전반적인 순환체계에 의한 분석틀을 구축하여 목표연도 시점까지 지속적이고 일관된 평가와 검증이 가능하도록 추진해야 한다. 해안경계 임무전환 정책의 추진을 위해서는 첫째, 국방부 주도의 조속한 정부합동협의체 구성과 운영이 이루어지도록 해야 하며, 둘째, 전환조건 #3의 충족성 여부에 최우선을 두고 임무전환을 위한 소요 및 예산을 반영하도록 노력해야 한다. 셋째, 해안경계 임무전환을 위해 잠정적인 목표연도 설정을 전제로 「해안경계 임무전환추진계획(가칭)」을 수립하여 단계적이고 체계적으로 수행되어야 할 것이며, 끝으로 이러한 정책의 성공적 추진을 위해서는 정부-국방부-해경 간 전략적 소통(SC)을 활성화하고 국민적 지지를 확보하기 위한 역량을 집중해야 할 필요가 있다.

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