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        미국 신여성(플래퍼)의 재현 양상과 소비자본주의

        박현숙(Hyun Sook Park) 한국여성학회 2007 한국여성학 Vol.23 No.1

        본 연구는 미국 신여성(플래퍼)의 한국적 수용 양상을 고찰하기 위한 예비적 단계로 미국의 플래퍼를 연구하였다. 19세기 말과 20세기 초의 신여성 등장은 전 지구적인 현상이라고 해도 과언이 아니다. 근대화 단계에 있는 대부분의 국가에서 신여성이 등장한 것은 신여성의 등장과 근대화 및 소비자본주의의 발달과 떼어놓고 생각할 수 없음을 시사한다. 플래퍼로 알려진 미국 신여성의 등장은 1차 세계 대전 전으로 추정하고 있다. 그러나 이들이 일반에게 확산되기 시작한 것은 1차 대전 종전 직후부터 1920년대로 추정되며 절정기는 1920년대 중반으로 추정되고 있다. 1920년대는 미국 역사에서 여러 모로 의미있는 시기라고 할 수 있다. 1920년대는 1차 대전 후 이상주의에 대한 환상이 깨어진 잃어버린 세대의 시대였으며, 이상주의의 상실로 인해 새로운 가치 추구의 징후가 나타난 시기였다. 대다수의 미국인들은 가치관의 혼란과 미래에 대한 신념의 상실로 관심사를 물질적인 것으로 돌렸고, 그러한 경향은 경제적 번영과 맞물려서 소비문화의 확산이라는 현상을 낳게 되었고, 동시에 즐거움의 추구가 시대의 복음이 되었다. 바로 이 시기에 당시로는 파격적이라고 할 만큼 과감한 모습의 플래퍼가 등장하였다. 플래퍼는 등장 직후부터 보수주의자들과 기득권층의 신랄한 비판을 받았다. 그럼에도 불구하고 플래퍼의 모습은 많은 여성들에게 확산되었다. 이러한 플래퍼의 확산은 당시대인들을 비롯해 많은 연구자들의 관심을 끌었고, 이들에 대한 연구는 여성의 공적 영역으로의 진출 그리고 여성 해방과 어떠한 상관관계를 갖고 있는가 하는 점에서 시작되었다. 이러한 연구의 결과 플래퍼에 대한 평가는 긍정적인 평가와 부정적인 평가 둘로 나누어졌고, 이들이 여성의 정치적 권익 향상에 기여하였는가를 기준으로 부정적인 평가가 나오거나, 이들이 여성의 영역에서 변화를 주도하고 있다는 점과 남성들이 강요한 도덕성에 항거하였다는 점을 근거로 긍정적인 평가가 나오기도 하였다. 그러나 당시는 자본주의적 소비문화가 발달한 시기였고, 플래퍼에 대한 평가는 단순히 정치적 권익향상과 같은 공적 영역에서의 기여를 기준으로 평가하기보다는 보다 종합적인 접근이 필요하다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 소비자본주의라는 큰 틀안에서 여성의 역할 변화와 소비문화의 주체로서의 그들의 역할을 중점적으로 연구하였다. 즉 플래퍼가 모더니티의 상징으로서 탈 전통적이고 자유로우며 대중적인 새로운 문화적 행위자로서 어떤 역할을 하였는지 조명하였다. 이러한 연구를 위해 1장에서는 당시 널리 확산된 플래퍼의 모습과 행동 양식을 전반적으로 다루었고, 이들의 확산 정도와 양상을 검토하였다. 2장에서는 당시의 경제적 상황, 특히 소비자본주의의 발달이 여성에게 미치는 영향, 미혼 혹은 기혼의 중간계층 여성들의 생활 방식, 직장 여성들의 경제 활동 상황, 자유로운 성 담론의 확산 등을 살펴보았다. 이러한 전반적인 시대배경에 관한 연구를 토대로 3장에서는 플래퍼의 출현과 소비자본주의가 어떠한 상관관계를 갖고 있는지 의상, 화장품, 단발을 중심으로 검토하였다. 이러한 연구를 통해서 소비자본주의의 발달이 플래퍼적 패션을 확산시키고 대중화하는데 기여한 것은 사실이나 이러한 변화는 여성들의 의식 변화와 그러한 의상을 통해 자신의 욕구를 표현하고자 하는 여성들의 욕구와 부합하여 가능하였다는 결론에 도달하였다. 즉 플래퍼는 자본주의의 발달에 따른 소비주의의 물결에 휩쓸렸다기보다는 소비문화의 적극적 수용자로서의 입장을 취하였고, 소비문화의 수동적인 소비자가 아니라 주도적인 위치에서 자신을 표현하고자 하는 능동적 소비자였다는 결론에 도달하였다. 즉 플래퍼는 모더니티의 상징이었으며 모더니티의 추진자였던 것이다. This paper is to study American new woman(flapper) as a preliminary study to examine how Korean new woman accepted American new women's way of life. At the end of 19th century and the beginning of 20th century there appeared new woman all over the country like a globalized phenomenon. As new woman appeared in most of the countries at the stage of modernization and consumerism it seemed as if there is some relationship among modernization, new woman and consumerism. In America new woman known as flapper was presumed to appear before the First World War. Their appearance seemed to spread to many women between after the First World War and 1920s, and the climax of its proliferation seemed to be in the middle of 1920s. Right after they appeared they were criticized bitterly by conservatives and many ordinary people. Nevertheless, their appearance spreaded to many women widely. This phenomenon interested many scholars including their contemporaries, with the result of the affirmative and negative evalution. The reason for the negative evaluation was that flappers did not contribute to the improvement of women's political right and for the affirmative evaluation hey brought about a change in the women's sphere and they protested against the morals enforced by men. However, it is more important to examine flappers in a synthetic approach instead of evaluating flappers in a limit to the contribution of public sphere. At that time it was economically prosperous and consumerism was blooming it is necessary to examine their change of role and their role as an active consumer in the grand frame of consumerism and capitalism. In other words it is necessary to focus on flappers as a symbol of modernity free from tradition and a popular role model as an active participant in a society of consumerism. In the first chapter, I examined flappers' appearance and their way of life and behaviors and the degree of their spread. In the second chapter, I focused on 1920s' economic situation and the influence of development of consumerism to women, economic activity of married or unmarried middle class women and discourse of sex. In the third chapter, I examined a correlation of flappers and consumerism focusing on flappers' clothes, cosmetics and short hair. As a result I concluded that consumerism contributed spreading and popularizing flappers' fashion but it could not be possible unless women were ready to accept flappers' fashion and flappers' way of life. In other words, as flappers' fashion conformed women's desire it could be spreaded widely. Therefore, I could safely say that flappers were not only the symbol of modernity but also the launchers of modernity.

      • KCI등재

        재즈시대의 문화와 소설을 통해본 플래퍼 이미지

        박혜원 한국의류학회 2000 한국의류학회지 Vol.24 No.2

        The purposes of this study is for consideration of the flapper image through the culture and novels in Jazz Age(1919- 1929) of America. The back ground of flapper fashion was Jazz. Jazz was one of the cultural languages which expressed liveness, noise, salacity, harmony of primitivity, modernity, innocence and freedom. In processing American had gotten economic power, the Jazz Age had new mood which was combined materialism and realitism. Environmental changes of life styles and development of mass culture of modern big cities could aid the birth of modern girls, flappers. They became the main group of new consumer and mass culture in new consciousness and freedom with independence. Their characteristics are confirmed from Fitzgerald s novels, This Side of Paradise and The Great Gatsby. As the results of above, the consciousness of flapper were rebellious attitude, liberalism and actualism. The designs of flapper fashion were expressed by simplicity, functionality, nudity and rhythm. The flapper images are as follows: First, they expressed modern image as a rebellious attitude. Second, flapper had a sensual image of freedom through rhythmical and speedy expression. Third, premature image for pursuing youth could be found. Therefore the changes of culture and women s life styles are very important points for fashion studies and the connecting fashion and other fields like novels is needed also for it.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Numerical Simulation and Experimental Research of the Flow Coefficient of the Nozzle-Flapper Valve Considering Cavitation

        Li, Lei,Li, Changchun,Zhang, Hengxuan Korean Society for Fluid machinery 2017 International journal of fluid machinery and syste Vol.10 No.2

        The nozzle-flapper valves are widely applied as a pilot stage in aerospace and military system. A subject of the analysis presented in this work is to find out a reasonable range of null clearance between the nozzle and flapper. This paper has presented a numerical flow coefficient simulation. In every design point, a parameterized model is created for flow coefficient simulation and cavitation under different conditions with varying gap width and inlet pressure. Moreover, a new test device has been designed to measure the flow coefficient and for visualized cavitation. The numerical simulation and test results both indicate that cavitation intensity gets fierce initially and shrinks finally as the gap width varies from small to large. From the curve, the flow coefficient mostly has experienced three stages: linear throttle section, transition section and saturation section. The appropriate deflection of flapper is recommended to make the gap width drop into the linear throttle section. The flapper-nozzle null clearance is optionally recommended near the range of $D_N/16$. Finally through simulation it is also concluded that the inlet pressure plays a little role in the influence on the flow coefficient.

      • KCI등재

        Numerical Simulation and Experimental Research of the Flow Coefficient of the Nozzle-Flapper Valve Considering Cavitation

        Lei Li,Changchun Li,Hengxuan Zhang 한국유체기계학회 2017 International journal of fluid machinery and syste Vol.10 No.2

        The nozzle-flapper valves are widely applied as a pilot stage in aerospace and military system. A subject of the analysis presented in this work is to find out a reasonable range of null clearance between the nozzle and flapper. This paper has presented a numerical flow coefficient simulation. In every design point, a parameterized model is created for flow coefficient simulation and cavitation under different conditions with varying gap width and inlet pressure. Moreover, a new test device has been designed to measure the flow coefficient and for visualized cavitation. The numerical simulation and test results both indicate that cavitation intensity gets fierce initially and shrinks finally as the gap width varies from small to large. From the curve, the flow coefficient mostly has experienced three stages: linear throttle section, transition section and saturation section. The appropriate deflection of flapper is recommended to make the gap width drop into the linear throttle section. The flapper–nozzle null clearance is optionally recommended near the range of DN/16. Finally through simulation it is also concluded that the inlet pressure plays a little role in the influence on the flow coefficient.

      • KCI등재

        F. 스콧 피츠제럴드의 단편소설집에 나타난 “플래퍼” 이미지 연구

        김현생(Hyun-saeng Kim) 한국영미어문학회 2013 영미어문학 Vol.- No.111

        F. Scott Fitzgerald depicts flappers in his collected short stories, The Flappers and Philosophers. In this work, he creates vivid female characters who are spoiled, sexually liberal, self-centered, fun-loving, not confined to home, but enjoy individual freedom. The image of flappers in his works, for example, Ardita in "Offshore Pirate" is a supreme egotist, Sally Carrol in "The Ice Palace" is adventurous, Marcia in "Head and Shoulders" is self-reliant, and Bernice and Marjorie in "Bernice bobs Her Hair" are never frightened. All of them have bobbed hairs, stocking less legs, smoking habits. Moreover they are defiant and rebellious against the convention. They share the same traits with one another. Through these characters, Fitzgerald subverts the image of women by representing a new type of women, flappers.

      • A piezoelectrically-driven flapping device to mimic beetle flight

        Q.T. Truong,Q.V. Nguyen,H.C. Park,D. Byun,N.S. Goo 한국항공우주학회 2008 한국항공우주학회 학술발표회 논문집 Vol.- No.-

        In order to mimic the flapping motion of Allomyrina Dichotoma of which flapping frequency is typically 30Hz. we present an approach to increase the flapping frequency of a previously developed flapper actuated by Lightweight Piezo-Composite Actuator (LIPCA). To increase the flapping frequency of the flapper. the dynamic characteristics of the LIPCA and parameter study of a four-bar linkage have been studied. In a parametric study, it was found that an appropriate combination of linkage lengths can provide a better moment transmission at a given flapping angle amplification. A new four-bar linkage system was fabricated based on the parametric study and then tested to verify the possibility. The test results showed that the optimal flapping frequency of the modified flapper was measured to be about 17Hz, which is about 88.9% increase compared to that of the previous flapper. The modified flapper could also improve 112.5% in horizontal force. However, the flapping angle and vertical force were reduced about 20% and 8.7% respectively.

      • KCI등재

        Between "Gibson Girl" and "Flapper"

        Sooyoung Lee 한국영미어문학회 2013 영미어문학 Vol.- No.107

        This study examines how Winnifred Eaton, better known by her penname Onota Watanna, presented her image in published photographs and her purported autobiographical novel, Me: A Book of Remembrance, by positioning herself under the discourses of the American "New Woman." At the turn of the century in America, the New Women were symbols of modernity and an upper level in the evolutionary sense, represented in the figure of the Gibson girl. However, there was also a concern about the emergence of a young, urban, single, working girl threatening the middle class home, represented later in popular culture as a flapper. Under the divided discourses around the new woman, Watanna skillfully becomes an icon of a young American modern woman and avoids the dangers of being excluded from the categorization because of her racial and class disadvantages as a half-Asian woman writer. These strategies, in reality, contributed to her assimilation into the dominant literary society as an American woman writer.

      • KCI등재

        Between “Gibson Girl” and “Flapper”: Onoto Watanna’s Self-Fashioning Strategies

        이수영 한국영미어문학회 2013 영미어문학 Vol.- No.107

        This study examines how Winnifred Eaton, better known by her penname Onoto Watanna, presented her image in published photographs and her purported autobiographical novel, Me: A Book of Remembrance, by positioning herself under the discourses of the American “New Woman.” At the turn of the century in America, the New Women were symbols of modernity and an upper level in the evolutionary sense, represented in the figure of the Gibson girl. However, there was also a concern about the emergence of a young, urban, single, working girl threatening the middle class home, represented later in popular culture as a flapper. Under the divided discourses around the new woman, Watanna skillfully becomes an icon of a young American modern woman and avoids the dangers of being excluded from the categorization because of her racial and class disadvantages as a half-Asian woman writer. These strategies, in reality, contributed to her assimilation into the dominant literary society as an American woman writer.

      • KCI등재

        スポーツの「外苑/外縁」としての女性 -1930年代初期における阿部知二の「スポーツ小説」を中心に-

        장유리 일본어문학회 2017 일본어문학 Vol.78 No.-

        The so‐called “sports novels” which appeared in the early 1930s featured as a main theme “sports,” which had been recognized as a popular modern culture since the late 1920s. This genre of “sports novels,” opened up by Tomoji Abe in 1930, was utterly consumed by the journalism that sought for new stimuli, and it disappeared from the literary circles in 1932. In general, the genre of “sports novels” is regarded as a variant of the Modernism Literature of Japan, which was viewed as merely reflecting the vulgar trend of the time, and no due attention has been paid to this literary genre in previous studies. Some scholars, however, have recently revisited “sports novels,” claiming that this literary genre may uncover some essential issues that were internal to the Japanese society of the time. In the present article, we address “sports novels” in terms of women, aiming to gain a new perspective of “sports novels.” Furthermore, we compare the women depicted in other novels relating to sports with “stand flapper” depicted in “sports novels” in order to reveal the concept of “stand flapper” as a new, typical realization of “modern girl.” 「スポーツ小説」は、1920年代後半からモダン文化の一つとして流行することになったスポーツを主なテーマとして取り上げたものである。1930年に阿部知二が切り開いた「スポーツ小説」というジャンルは文学において新たな刺激を求めていたジャーナリズムによって急激に消費され、1932年には文壇からその姿が消えることになる。一般に「スポーツ小説」は当時の低俗な風潮を反映しただけであると捉えられてきた日本モダニズム文学の一種として位置付けられており、従来の文学研究においてはほとんど注目されてこなかったというのが現状である。しかし、最近、当時の日本社会が内包していた問題に対する鋭い洞察が「スポーツ小説」から窺えるとして、「スポーツ小説」の再評価を試みる研究者たちが現れた。 本稿では「スポーツ小説」について女性という観点からアプローチすることで、「スポーツ小説」に対する新たな視座を提示することを目的とする。なお、他のスポーツを取り上げた小説に現れている女性と「スポーツ小説」における「スタンドフラッパ」との比較分析を通じて、モダンガールの新たな典型を見出し、その特性を究明することを試みたい。

      • KCI등재


        張ユリ(Jang You Lee) 일본어문학회 2017 일본어문학 Vol.78 No.-

        「スポーツ小説」は、1920年代後半からモダン文化の一つとして流行することになったスポーツを主なテーマとして取り上げたものである。1930年に阿部知二が切り開いた「スポーツ小説」というジャンルは文学において新たな刺激を求めていたジャーナリズムによって急激に消費され、1932年には文壇からその姿が消えることになる。一般に「スポーツ小説」は当時の低俗な風潮を反映しただけであると捉えられてきた日本モダニズム文学の一種として位置付けられており、従来の文学研究においてはほとんど注目されてこなかったというのが現状である。しかし、最近、当時の日本社会が内包していた問題に対する鋭い洞察が「スポーツ小説」から窺えるとして、「スポーツ小説」の再評価を試みる研究者たちが現れた。本稿では「スポーツ小説」について女性という観点からアプローチすることで、「スポーツ小説」に対する新たな視座を提示することを目的とする。なお、他のスポーツを取り上げた小説に現れている女性と「スポーツ小説」における「スタンドフラッパ」との比較分析を通じて、モダンガールの新たな典型を見出し、その特性を究明することを試みたい。 The so‐called “sports novels” which appeared in the early 1930s featured as a main theme “sports,” which had been recognized as a popular modern culture since the late 1920s. This genre of “sports novels,” opened up by Tomoji Abe in 1930, was utterly consumed by the journalism that sought for new stimuli, and it disappeared from the literary circles in 1932. In general, the genre of “sports novels” is regarded as a variant of the Modernism Literature of Japan, which was viewed as merely reflecting the vulgar trend of the time, and no due attention has been paid to this literary genre in previous studies. Some scholars, however, have recently revisited “sports novels,” claiming that this literary genre may uncover some essential issues that were internal to the Japanese society of the time. In the present article, we address “sports novels” in terms of women, aiming to gain a new perspective of “sports novels.” Furthermore, we compare the women depicted in other novels relating to sports with “stand flapper” depicted in “sports novels” in order to reveal the concept of “stand flapper” as a new, typical realization of “modern girl.”

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