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        What Made Possible the Korea’s Economic Miracle? : Park Chung Hee’s Economization of Politics, Economic Discrimination and Corporate Economy.

        좌승희 한국제도∙경제학회 2023 제도와 경제 Vol.17 No.1

        This paper attempts to dispel the myths about Korea’s development policies and achievements during the developmental era led by the late President Park Chung Hee (hereafter Park), and to learn about his political economy leadership, which made the Korean economic miracle possible. As many of his development policies were non-orthodox, mainstream economics and political science academia and the opposition political circles have heavily criticized his political economy regime. Therefore, the paper introduces a new general theory of economic development to serve as an analytical basis for objectively reevaluating Park’s policies and achievements. The new theory states that the economic discrimination policy of “rewarding high performance and penalizing low performance” is necessary for economic development, while egalitarianism, disregarding high performance, is sufficient for economic stagnation. The paper then reinterprets Korea’s development history over the last 60 years by highlighting that Korea’s Han-river miracle was led by Park’s firm adherence to the economic discrimination principle, while the current economic growth slowdown is due to the egalitarian policies rewarding the low performance. The paper then explains how Park succeeded with non-traditional approaches. Finally, the paper concludes that Park made the Korean economic miracle possible by implementing “economic discrimination” policies via adopting “economization of politics” under authoritarian democracy and thereby achieving “corporate-led growth” under the ideology of a capitalist corporate economy.

      • KCI등재

        일제강점기 중등학생 중퇴양상을 통해 본 민족차이와 민족차별: 강경상업학교(江商) 학적부 분석을 토대로

        정연태 서울대학교 규장각한국학연구원 2018 한국문화 Vol.0 No.84

        This research aimed to clarify how ethnic discrimination in the Korean-Japanese co-ed secondary commercial schools during the Japanese colonial period was routinely forced. First of all, I macroscopically confirmed the dropout trend of the whole secondary school by utilizing nationwide statistical data. Secondly, I carried out a micro-case analysis through various kinds of materials that have not been utilized so far, such school register. Thirdly, I distinguished ethnic differences and ethnic discrimination, and clarified the mechanism of ethnic discrimination more clearly. The key results of this study are as follows: Secondary commercial schools in the Japanese colonial period were Korean-Japanese co-ed schools where legal and institutional discrimination hardly took place. However, they were spaces where various non-legal and non-institutional ethnic discrimination was enforced or raised. As a result, Korean students had been influenced by factual ethnic discrimination prescribed by the structure of political and economic inequality in the colonial society. And it was impossible for Korean students to avoid customary ethnic discrimination by school authorities and Japanese teachers on a daily basis. In this respect, the issue of ethnic discrimination in the Japanese colonial era was not only legal and institutional discrimination but also factual and customary ethnic discrimination. And it was a matter of the structure of the political and economic inequality of the colonial society which is the root cause of making factual and customary ethnic discrimination on a daily basis as well as legal and institutional ethnic discrimination.

      • KCI등재

        헌법상 경제질서에 대한 개정방안

        정영화(Jung Young Hoa) 세계헌법학회 한국학회 2010 世界憲法硏究 Vol.16 No.4

        헌법에서 일정한 경제원리 등을 표방하는 다수 국가들은 경제헌법을 채택하고 있다. 근대 자유주의 시장경제에서는 개인이 ‘국가로부터의 자유’를 넓게 인정하여 사익을 추구하며, 시장기능에 의해서 사회적 조화가 유지된다고 보았다. 이와 대조되는 현대법의 특징은 경제생활에 있어서 다양한 경제문제를 해결하기 위해서 경제행정작용이 법치주의원리에 구속된다. 더구나 경제헌법은 경제학과 법학상호간의 중립성 때문에 사법과 공법 양자의 규범을 포함하고 있다. 따라서 경제행위에 관한 法源은 모든 생활에서 경제적 사실과 규범을 분리하여 평가할 수 없고, 경제사실과 법규범의 상호작용을 고려하지 않을 수 없다. 즉, 경제헌법은 경제현상의 변화에 따라서 법규범의 개정을 수반하기 때문에 동태적 법원이다. 경제헌법은 다른 법제와의 관계를 정하고, 독자적 법해석은 법원리와 경제이론에 의하여 설명될 수 있다. 그러나 경제헌법의 연구방법은 과학성과 객관성을 보장하기 위해서는 법해석과 법정책 및 경제학을 포함해야 할 것이다. 이 글은 경제헌법조항의 법적 효력과 재판과정에서 그의 위헌심사기준을 분석한다. 왜냐하면 헌법재판소와 대법원의 판례에서 경제헌법에 대해서 명확한 심사기준이나 심사유형이 아직 형성되어 있지 않기 때문이다. 따라서 종래 경제헌법 논의의 핵심사항인 경제민주주의와 법치주의원리 사이의 해석을 분석한다. 특히, 경제발전과 경제헌법의 실증을 시장경제의 법적 기초로서 분석하고, 또 1997년 외환위기 이후 시장경제의 진화와 국가의 경제개입의 한계를 검토한다. 결국 현행 경제헌법은 경제규제와 사회규제의 구별을 전제하고, 경제헌법의 전면개정에 관한 구체적 방안을 제시한다. Many States have an Economic Constitutional Law which claim to stand for the certain economic principles in Constitutional Text. In the modern liberal economic market made individuals pursued their interest and allowed a broad liberty from the state, and so took into consideration to be social harmony by market function. To the contrast of modern law, the characters of contemporary law should make the economic administrative action bound by the principles of rule of law for solving those several problems of economic lives. Moreover the economic constitution can encompass both private law and public law because of inter-neutrality between law and economics. The legal resource on economic action can not be examined with separation between economic facts and norms, so we have to weigh the interaction of economic facts and legal norms. In other word, an economic constitutional law is a dynamic legal resource which will be entailed a revision of legal codes owing to change the prevailing economic conditions. Economic constitution can be established a reciprocal relation with other legal institution, and the legal principle and economic theories can account for its interpretation, but the research method of economic constitution shall entail the legal interpretation and legal policy and economics in order to ensure its science and objectivity. This article is concerned with analysis on the legal effect of economic constitutional clauses and those constitutional judging criteria in litigations. Because supreme court and constitutional court have not established judging criteria and formula on the economic constitution articles yet. So I analyzed an interpretation between the principle of rule of law and economic democracy, which correspond to the core of economic constitution since 1987. In particular, I review the practical evidence of economic growth and economic constitution as the legal basic of market economy, and examine the legal limits of economic intervention of governmental power after the crisis of foreign currency in 1997. In final, this paper is concerned with the perspectives of overall revision of economic constitution in detail under the condition of discrimination between economic regulation and social regulation.

      • KCI등재

        우리나라 산업화 전략의 신화와 진실 : “시장친화적” 신산업정책 이론의 모색

        좌승희,이성규 한국제도경제학회 2018 제도와 경제 Vol.12 No.4

        본 논문의 목적은 박정희대통령 시대의 경제정책 패러다임은 주류경제학계의 시각인 ‘수출주도 성장 전략’이 아니라 “중화학공업화 전략”에 있음을 주장한다. 또한 ‘경제발전의 일반이론’과 우리나라 산업 정책의 성공 경험을 바탕으로 “새로운 산업정책 이론”을 제시한다. ‘도약적 경제발전’을 이루려면 “시장친화적 산업정책”이 필요하며, 이는 과거 우리나라 산업정책의 성 공 경험과 일치하고 있다. 시장은 “경제적 차별화”를 통해 경제발전을 일으키는 ‘동기부여 장치’이며 경 제발전의 필요조건이다. 기업은 각자의 성과에 따라 ‘차별적인 보상’을 가능케 해주는 효과적인 장치이 며, 자본주의 사회에서 경제발전은 기업의 성장을 통해서만 가능하다. 따라서 현대 자본주의 경제는 “기업경제”이다. ‘시장·기업·정부’가 일체가 되어 경제적 차별화 기능을 성공적으로 수행함으로써 도 약적인 경제 “발전”을 이룩할 수 있다. 이를 “삼위일체 경제발전 이론”이라고 부른다. 도약적 경제발전 을 이루려면 시장과 정부가 상호보완적이어야 하며, 정부는 시장의 차별화 기능을 보강하기 위해 “신상 필벌의 경제적 차별화에 의한 산업육성 정책”을 수행해야 한다. 과거 우리나라 산업정책의 경험에 비추 어 볼 때 ‘차별화 원리’에 입각한 산업정책들은 성공을 거둔 반면, ‘평등주의’와 ‘경제민주화’에 의거한 산업정책들은 대부분 실패하거나 성과가 기대에 크게 미흡하였다. 따라서 ‘경제발전의 일반이론’이 제 시하는 경제적 차별화 원리에 기초한 신산업정책론은 과거 우리나라 산업정책의 경험과 부합한다. We attempt to reevaluate Korean industrialization strategy adopted in 1960~70’s by using a new theory known as the “General Theory of Economic Development”. The “General Theory of Economic Development” is mainly based on the economic discriminatory function by market, corporation and government. Economic discrimination means to treat economic difference differently and to favor the economic high-performers. Economic discrimination is the key to economic development. The market is an epitome of economic discrimination and motivation, but market alone is not enough to generate economic development, due to its discrimination failure. The corporate firm is indispensable to economic development because it solves the market failure by internalizing the free-riding problem. The government can help to solve the market failure by adopting economic discrimination. Hence, the market, corporation and government constitute the “holy trinity of economic development” when all three engage in economic development. This is an essence of the General Theory of Economic Development.

      • KCI등재

        법경제학의 학적 필연성과 개념화에 대한 고찰

        김대근 ( Dae Keun Kim ) 안암법학회 2011 안암 법학 Vol.0 No.34

        Law and economics have been basic structure of human and society for a long time from Aristotles to many comtemporary researchers. Especially Luhmann, Habermas and Marx made an exercise to analyze and explain the structure of society in terms of law and economics. In modern times, individual came to be a central one in history compared with medieval times, and rationality has been divided into the political from the economic things. In this research, I try to show how individual came into being and rationality developed in a way that has been typed in a literary work such as the Odyssey(Homeros) and Robinson Crusoe(Daniel Defoe). The former shows us how individual be freed from nature and the latter how individual come to be economized. This typological Approach to character in literary works can help us to understand the meaning and function of law. In this perspective, law is an incentive to individual by inducing them to behave in specific ways. Law and Economics is a kind of interdisciplinary research using economic method to analyze and explain the legal things. Actually, economics has been considered to obtain the advantage over other social sciences of precision in analyzing human behavior and no other social sciences has a comparable objective basis for assessing individual subjective values and analyzing their behavior in the world. Anyway, it is true that law and economics have the same ultimate goal-to maximize social welfare-but disagreement arises with the effort to define and measure social welfare. Therefore it needs some steps to consider Law and Economic as a department of jurisprudence. For law, economic feasibility such as efficiency never acts as the sole determinant of social welfare. In order to take Law and Economic as a department of jurisprudence, economic feasibility should function to criticize legal theory and also to guarantee validity of law.

      • KCI등재후보


        박천수,BONGJOONYOON 중앙대학교 경제연구소 2003 Journal of Economic Development Vol.28 No.2

        This paper proposes wage premiums for jobs in high black proportion cities as a source of the continuing economic disadvantages for poor blacks. The estimated hedonic model of individual wages confirms the presence of such wage premiums which result in high labor costs and economic stagnation in a black-concentrated region, while the regional black ratio regression indicates a significant statistical correlation between a region’s black ratio and its disamenities. From the empirical results emerge the following conclusions: First, the equality of the estimated wage premiums for high black ratio between blacks and whites precludes direct prejudice-based discrimination. A caveat, however, is that the full wage premiums are conferred upon workers moving freely across regions in search of better wages and amenities, not applying to the mobility-restricted or the non-employed. Second, the wage premiums for high black ratio, causing economic stagnation of a black- concentrated region, constitute a statistical discrimination against blacks. This is because, given the pre-existing poverty among inner city blacks, the victims of the regional economic decline are mainly those unskilled, poor blacks who suffer non-employment due to inadequate resources for job search and mobility.

      • KCI등재

        양성평등적 관점에서 기초한 실과(기술·가정)교과서의 사진 및 삽화 계량 분석

        최영선,윤인경 한국가정과교육학회 2008 한국가정과교육학회지 Vol.20 No.1

        This study attempted to analyze the contents of Practical Arts(Technology·Home Economics)Textbooks written by the 7th national curriculum in a gender equity education. The objective of this study was to suggest some improvements which should be solved in terms of gender equity in Practical Arts, Technology and Home Economics education through analyzing their teaching and learning contents. Quantitative analysis were carried out for the objective of this study, Practical Arts(Technology·Home Economics)Textbooks were divided into Technology and Home Economics fields. The pictures and illustration were analyzed in terms of sexual discrimination considering the social status and role. The analysis results were as follows. First, there were few cases of sexual discrimination in the texts. On the other hand, there were some cases of sexual discrimination in the pictures and illustration. Considering the results of some studies carried out in the 6th national curriculum, many problems raised in a gender equity education standpoint in the studies were solved. However, there were some cases of sexual discrimination which should be improved in the textbooks written by the 7th national curriculum.Second, there were few cases of sexual discrimination in Practical Arts textbooks. On the contrary many problems in terms of gender equity education were found in the textbooks of Technology and Home Economics. This result may be caused by the characteristics of Technology and Home Economics. The traditional viewpoint toward Technology and Home economics Textbook needs to be changed. In other words, their textbooks have to include practical contents for the positive sense of value and right sexual roles in terms of gender equity education. The contents of Practical Arts(Technology·Home economics)Textbooks should be designed considering the articulation among the subjects and grades especially in terms of gender equity education.

      • KCI등재

        Korea’s Saemaul Undong as a Controlled Economic Development Experiment Merits a Nobel Prize

        좌승희 한국제도∙경제학회 2021 제도와 경제 Vol.15 No.2

        This paper evaluates Korea’s Saemaul Undong as a controlled economic development policy experiment no less favorably than the 2019 Nobel Economics Prize-winning research, the Randomized Controlled Trial. Saemaul Undong had adopted a discriminative incentive policy rule defined as economic discrimination(ED) that helps only those villages helping themselves based on their actual performances. It had successfully driven Korea’s now well-known development miracle by transforming virtually 30 million people of all towns in Korea into people with a self-helping mindset within a short ten years from 1970 to 79. The Saemaul Undog turns out to be the pathfinder for modern-day behavioral and experimental economics. In this regard, The RCT is not comparable to Saemaul Undong regarding originality, scale, and achievement. The paper then presents the sustainable model of rural development for poverty alleviation based on the Saemaul Undong experience and a general theory of economic development by this author. This model specifies the holy trinity of rural development; the markets consisting of rural households, the village organizations managed by the village leaders playing the role of entrepreneur, and the government, that need to work concertedly to set and enforce the ED rule. In addition, the government needs to supplement the formal ED rule with self-help mindset education for motivation and continuously allocate rural infrastructure and cash-generating projects to be undertaken by the individual villages according to the ED policy rule. Finally, the paper argues that Korea’s experiences of successful economic development, including rural development, had been a test-bed for this model and amounts to confirm its empirical validation. The paper concludes that the Saemaul Undong policy and the theory behind it may be more than enough to merit the Nobel Economics Award.

      • KCI등재

        중국계 외국인근로자의 인권 차별 경험을 통한 인권보호 대안모색

        박미숙 ( Park Misuk ),손영화 ( Son Younghoa ) 인하대학교 교육연구소 2018 교육문화연구 Vol.24 No.3

        본 연구의 목적은 중국계 외국인근로자들을 대상으로 인권차별 경험에 대해 탐색하고 외국인근로자들의 인권보호를 위한 대안을 모색하는 것이다. 이를 위해 중국계 근로자 11명을 대상으로 심층인터뷰를 진행하고 이들에게서 나타나는 차별경험을 시민적·정치적 권리와 사회적·경제적·문화적 권리로 분석하였다. 그 결과 시민적·정치적 권리 측면에서는 외국인근로자들은 생계를 유지하기 위하여 일하고 있었으며 불법체류자들은 자신의 신분 때문에 최소한의 자유권도 보장받지 못하였다. 둘째, 외국인근로자들은 채용, 임금, 승진, 사회보장 등에서 균등한 기회가 이루어지지 않고 있었다. 셋째, 외국인근로자들은 한국에 안정적으로 거주하기 위해 수없이 일자리를 바꾸기도 하고 비자와 영주권을 위해 현재의 고통을 감수하고 있었다. 넷째, 많은 중국계 외국인근로자들이 재중동포이지만 영주권이 없는 사람들은 참정권과 투표권이 제한되어 있었다. 다섯째, 중국계 외국인근로자들은 동포임에도 불구하고 여전히 외국인, 이방인 대접을 받는다고 인식하였다. 사회적·경제적·문화적 권리 측면에서는 첫째, 아직도 외국인근로자들에게 제대로 된 임금과 근로환경, 사회보장이 이루어지지 않고 있었다. 둘째, 외국인근로자들은 사업주와 상사, 동료는 물론 대다수의 한국인에 의해 차별과 편견이 가해지고 있었다. 셋째, 외국인근로자를 위한 안전교육과 정보제공이 부재하여 자신의 인권에 대해 방어하거나 권리를 주장하지 못하였다. 넷째, 외국인근로자라는 신분 때문에 자녀의 교육비를 지원받지 못하여 경제적인 악순환이 되풀이 되고 있었다. 다섯째, 많은 사업장이 외국인근로자끼리 근무하다보니 이들은 차별조차 인식하지 못하고 있었다. 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 외국인근로자들의 인권보호를 위한 대안을 제시하였다. The purpose of this study is to explore the experience of human rights discrimination for Chinese migrant workers and to find an alternative for the protection of human rights of foreign workers. To do this, it conducted in-depth interviews with 11 Chinese workers and analyzed the experience of human rights discrimination they are presented with as civil and political rights and social, economic and cultural rights. As a result, in terms of civil and political rights, foreign workers were working to maintain their livelihood, and illegal immigrants were not guaranteed at least a right to freedom because of their status. Second, foreign workers did not have equal opportunities in hiring, paying, promoting, and social security. Third, in order to stay stable in Korea, they had to change jobs frequently and endured the present suffering for visa and permanent residence. Fourth, because of the status as a foreigner, the right to vote was limited . Fifth, foreign workers were still being treated as foreigners and strangers, though they are overseas Korean. In terms of social, economic and cultural rights, at first, the wage, working environment and social security have not yet been achieved for foreign workers. Second, foreign workers were discriminated and prejudiced by their employers, their boss, their colleagues, and the majority of Koreans. Third, due to the lack of safety education and information provision for foreign workers, they could not defend their human rights or secure their rights. Fourth, the economic vicious cycle has been repeated as the lack of financial support for the education of children due to the status of foreigners. Fifth, since many workplaces are run by foreigners, foreign workers were not even aware of discrimination. Based on these results, we proposed an alternative for the protection of human rights of foreign workers.


        Endless Misery of Nimble Fingers : The Rana Plaza Disaster

        AKHTER, Shamima 이화여자대학교 아시아여성학센터 2014 Asian Journal of Women's Studies(AJWS) Vol.20 No.1

        In search of better luck and lives, poor women from rural Bangladesh come to urban areas of the country to work in the garments industry from which the country is earning the majority of its foreign income. The country’s fate is changing due to the industry; so is the fate of its owners, but the question is how much has the fate of the poor women who work in it changed? How empowered are these women as a result of their employment in the factories? Investigation has shown that women are victimized as a result of obvious gender discrimination. They become victims of any kind of disaster, including both human-made and natural. The disgraceful work environment has always pressured them into forced labor, often under threat and sometimes sexual harassment. The collapse of the eight-story Rana Plaza garment factory on April 24, 2013 has consequently caused another hidden disaster in women’s lives, the uncertainty of life in the future and post traumatic disorder. Economic access provided economic emancipation to some extent to these garment worker women. Paradoxically, the endless misery of women’s lives because of this human-made disaster is questioning the meaning of “women’s economic empowerment.”

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