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      • A modified method to emergetic ecological footprint and its application

        Shanshan Tai,Yuanman Hu,Mial Liu,Weidong Zhang,Wei Wang 인하대학교 정석물류통상연구원 2009 인하대학교 정석물류통상연구원 학술대회 Vol.2009 No.10

        The ecological footprint created by Wackernagel and Rees is a largely heuristic tool for evaluation the sustainability of a system and has been applied widely in economic and ecological researches. The emergetic ecological footprint indicator which created by Zhao et al. was based on emergy analysis created by Odum H.T. through combining emergy analysis into ecological footprint. It was used for evaluating sustainability of an ecosystem through flow. The aim of this paper is to show a modified form of emergetic ecological footprint by using yields of regional biological resources to substitute biological resources consumptions. To demonstrate the mechanics of this new method, we compared our calculation with the calculations of conventional ecological footprint and emergetic ecological footprint of a regional case. We select Dalian city of Liaoning province in northeast China, as an example for application of our study, and calculate ecological footprint, ecological carrying capacity, ecological overshoot, ecological footprint intensity index and ecological overshoot index. In this case the same conclusions were drawn using all methods: dalian city an ecological overshoot.

      • KCI등재

        여름철 열환경을 고려한 도시생태공원 리노베이션 방안 융합 연구 - 길동생태공원을 사례로 -

        권기욱 한국전시산업융합연구원 2018 한국과학예술융합학회 Vol.36 No.-

        This study recent changes in urban thermal environment caused by climate change generate diverse problems such as urban heat island effects, heat wave, and drought. Under this condition, with the increased perception and expectation of the quality of life, the urban citizens' desire for outdoor activities is increasing. This study conducted the thermal environment analysis focusing on the urban ecological park used by many urban citizens, and also suggested the renovation measures for urban ecological park considering the thermal environment. As the research site, the ecologically-favorable Gildong Ecological Pak with diverse space composition was selected. The measuring items were measured and analyzed by dividing them into thermal environment index and thermal comfort index. In the results of analysis in each type of park space, the forest zone showed the most favorable result. Based on such results, total three kinds of renovation measures for urban ecological park considering the thermal environment were suggested. Through this, the urban ecology park renovation plans were presented in three ways. The results of this study are meaningful in that it can be used as a base material for creating an ecological park considering the thermal environment. 본 연구는 최근 기후변화로 인한 도시 열환경 변화 로 도시 열섬현상, 폭염, 가뭄 등 다양한 문제를 발생 하고 있으며, 이러한 실정에도 도시민은 삶의 질에 대 한 인식과 기대는 더욱 높아져 외부활동에 대한 욕구 가 증가하고 있다. 이에, 본 논문은 열환경과 생태공 원의 융합연구로 많은 도시민이 이용하는 도시생태공 원을 중심으로 열환경 실증분석을 실시하였으며, 이를 통하여 열환경을 고려한 도시생태공원 리노베이션 방 안을 제시하였다. 연구결과 및 내용은 다음과 같다. 연구대상지는 다양한 공간구성 및 생태적으로 양호한 길동생태공원으로 선정하였다. 측정항목은 열환경 및 열쾌적 지표로 나누어 측정 및 분석을 실시하였다. 공 원 공간유형별 분석결과 산림지구에서 가장 양호한 결과가 도출되었다. 이를 통하여 열환경을 고려한 도 시생태공원 리노베이션 방안을 3가지 제시하였다. 이 러한 본 연구의 결과는 열환경을 고려한 생태공원 조 성 방안의 기초자료로 활용될 수 있다는 점에서 의의 가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        훼손지 유형에 따른 생태복원 평가방법 개발

        최재용 ( Jae Yong Choi ),이상혁 ( Sang Hyuk Lee ),이솔애 ( Sol Ae Lee ),지승용 ( Seung Yong Ji ),이상훈 ( Sang Hoon Lee ) 한국환경복원기술학회 2016 한국환경복원기술학회지 Vol.19 No.1

        It was required to evaluate ecological restorations in a comprehensive way in order to systematically manage conservation areas such as DMZ and national parks in South Korea. In this research we developed a new approach to evaluating ecological restorations with more various indexes than vegetation covering-related indexes. By analyzing damaged areas in the vicinity of DMZ, major damaged types were identified as six classes: landform modification, surface loss, soil pollution, soil physio-chemical modification, vegetation decline and vegetation damaged. From literature review, 39 indexes were selected and were grouped into four divisions: soil property, vegetation growth & structure, habitat property and landscape structure & functions. By conducting a survey with the selected indexes targeting relevant experts, data on relative importance among the divisions and indexes by damaged type were collected. As a result, it was found that the orders and values of weighted values of the divisions were different by damaged type: for example, soil property (0.402), vegetation growth & structure (0.209), habitat property (0.225), landscape structure & function (0.163) for “landform modification”; but soil property (0.171), vegetation growth & structure (0.401), habitat property (0.270), landscape structure & function (0.158) for “vegetation decline”. Similarly, evaluation indexes showed different orders and values of relative importance, easiness in field measurement and representativeness for the division by damaged type, and the values were used for calculating importance factor for each index. In the evaluation table, score1 and score2 were made by the importance factors of indexes multiplied by distribution values which present grades and by the weighted values of divisions. In conclusion, while dealing with the damaged type was considered significant for evaluating and managing restorations, further tests on this table with a range of cases were needed to improve its quality.

      • KCI등재

        유량증분방법론에 의한 생태유량 산정 모형의 비교연구

        장경호,박영기,김경오,정만 한국환경기술학회 2017 한국환경기술학회지 Vol.18 No.6

        This study was analyzed the ecological flow rate based on physical characteristics of fish habitat. Habitat model is composed of Habitat Suitabilitye Index(HSI) and model of hydraulics. In this process, the CASiMiR model used for computing the habitat suitability Index under Fuzzy-techniques, and PHABSIM and River2D model is simulated for ecological flow rate which used the habitat suitability curve. By using these three models, the ecological flow rate and weighted usable area are computed. There is no fishes monitoring data for long period, It was introduced that Ganghyeonsik HSI was substituted for habitat suitability index. The ecological flow rate that reflects the characteristics of HSI, which was evaluated by models and reach of stream. It was desireable method that Determination for the reasonable ecological flow rate estimated through the comparative analysis. 본 연구는 어종 서식처의 물리학 특성을 토대로 생태유량을 분석했다. 서식처 모형은 서식처적합도지수와 수리모형으로 구성된다. 이 과정에서, CASiMiR 모형은 Fuzzy-techniques의 서식처적합도지수로 모의를 수행하였고 PHABSIM과 River2D 모형은 서식처적합도지수를 사용하여 생태유량을 계산하였다. 이들 3개 모형을 사용하여, 생태유량과 가중가용면적을 산정하였다. 대상하천의 어류 모니터링 자료가 부재하여 강형식의 서식처적합도지수를 사용하여 HSI의 특성을 반영한 생태유량을 모형별, 하천구간별로 평가했다. 모형별, 구간별로 합리성 있는 하천의 생태유량을 비교, 해석함으로써 그 유량의 적정한 모의 방법을 제안하였다.

      • KCI등재

        특집논문 : 제주문화와 제주어 ; 제주도 도서지역어의 생태학적 연구 -우도·비양도·가파도·마라도의 어촌생활어를 대상으로

        김순자 ( Soon Ja Kim ) 제주대학교 탐라문화연구소 2013 탐라문화 Vol.0 No.43

        이 논문은 우도·비양도·가파도·마라도 등 제주도 안의 4개 도서를 3지점으로 나누어 어촌생활어를 생태학적으로 조사, 연구한 것이다. 조사된 어휘 가운데 바 다동물 관련 35개 어휘와 바다식물 관련 16개 어휘 등 51개 어휘를 포함하여 총 8개 분야 106개 어휘에 대하여, 생태 측정을 위한 설문지가 작성되었다. 설 문 조사는 30·40대, 50대, 70대 이상 등 3세대로 나눠 실시하였다. 30대와 40 대를 묶어서 조사한 것은 조사 지점이 도서지역이어서 30대 인구가 많지 않기 때문이다. 조사 결과, 70대 이상 응답자들은 51개의 해산물 관련 어휘 중 52.9%인 27 개 어휘에서 방언형을 100% 쓰고 있으나, 50대에선 29.4%인 15개 어휘, 30대 에선 11.7%인 6개 어휘만 방언형을 쓰고 있다. 생태 지수가 50% 이하인 어휘 는 70대 이상에서 13.7%인 7개 어휘이고, 50대에서는 5.9%인 3개 어휘, 30·40 대에서는 27.5%인 14개 어휘로 나타났다. ``이해하지 못하거나 모르겠다``는 응답을 보인 어휘는 70대에서 ``듬북`` 외 6개 어휘, 50대에선 ``보제기`` 외 9개 어휘로 나타났다. 30대에서는 ``모르거나 이해하지 못하겠다``고 응답한 어휘가 72.5%인 37개나 되었다. 위의 결과를 보면, 세대가 낮을수록 ``모르겠다``는 응답자가 많아 생태 지수 가 낮은 것으로 드러났다. 더욱이 해당 지역의 30대·40대 인구 비율이 현저히 낮을 뿐만 아니라 이들 세대가 어로 활동과 관련한 일을 하지 않는 것도 언어 사멸 속도를 빠르게 하고 있다. 따라서 사멸되거나 사멸의 길을 걷는 어촌생활 어는 물론 환경 등의 변화로 사라질 위기에 놓인 제주도방언의 체계적인 조사와 연구가 시급한 것으로 드러났다. Vocabularies about ocean creatures (ocean animals and ocean plants) in islets near Jeju Island are searched and systematized ecologically. 4 islets near Jeju Island, U-do, Biyang-do, Gapa-do and Mara-do, are divided into three groups. Vocabularies about sea creatures are searched for this study. After that, 51 words are chosen including 35 words about ocean animals and 16 words about ocean plants. Then the survey form with 106 questions is made from the result. The survey for three age groups is conducted to check ecological index. The age groups are the thirties-forties, the fifties and over seventies. There are not so many people in their thirties in these islets so one groups have to be consisted of the thirties and forties. The result shows younger generation doesn`t understand dialect more and this means their ecological index is low. There are a few young people in their thirties or forties and they usually don`t have fishery jobs so it quickens extinction of the language. That is why we need a methodical approach to extinct or endangered vocabularies about sea creatures and endangered Jeju dialect.

      • Global Incidence and Mortality Rates of Stomach Cancer and the Human Development Index: an Ecological Study

        Khazaei, Salman,Rezaeian, Shahab,Soheylizad, Mokhtar,Khazaei, Somayeh,Biderafsh, Azam Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2016 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention Vol.17 No.4

        Background: Stomach cancer (SC) is the second leading cause of cancer death with the rate of 10.4% in the world. The correlation between the incidence and mortality rates of SC and human development index (HDI) has not been globally determined. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the association between the incidence and mortality rates of SC and HDI in various regions. Materials and Methods: In this global ecological study, we used the data about the incidence and mortality rate of SC and HDI from the global cancer project and the United Nations Development Programme database, respectively. Results: In 2012, SCs were estimated to have affected a total of 951,594 individuals (crude rate: 13.5 per 100,000 individuals) with a male/female ratio of 1.97, and caused 723,073 deaths worldwide (crude rate: 10.2 per 100,000 individuals). There was a positive correlation between the HDI and both incidence (r=0.28, P<0.05) and mortality rates of SC (r=0.13, P = 0.1) in the world in 2012. Conclusions: The high incidence and mortality rates of SC in countries with high and very high HDI is remarkable which should be the top priority of interventions for global health policymakers. In addition, health programs should be provided to reduce the burden of this disease in the regions with high incidence and mortality rates of SC.

      • KCI등재

        관광 자원 기관 인지도 제고방안 연구 - 국립생태원을 중심으로 -

        배준호,박지호 한국호텔리조트학회 2023 호텔리조트연구 Vol.22 No.2

        This research aims to develop awareness survey evaluation indicators based on the National Ecological Institute's prior research and theory and activity index to check the recognition management process and process of the National Ecological Institute and use it as a way to raise institutional awareness. In addition, based on David Arker's brand theory, we would like to come up with measures to raise awareness for continuous work in areas such as public relations, marketing, and video content in order to promote the National Institute of the National Institute of Ecology. We would like to present the following implications to raise the intention of visiting potential tourists by raising awareness and to propose ways to position the National Institute of Ecology as a world-class research institution.

      • KCI등재

        시민 참여의 기술정치학: 인공지능 생명・인권 지표 구상

        이광석 한양대학교 평화연구소 2024 문화와 정치 Vol.11 No.1

        인공지능 기술의 도입과 설계의 사회적 효과에 대해 점점 더 시민사회의 개입 중요성이 커지고 있다. 인공지능 등 첨단 기술이 소수 기술 관료와 빅테크의 협소한 비전에 따라 보편적인 사회 구성 원리로 등극하는 까닭이다. 문제는 인공지능 기술이 사회적으로 논쟁을 일으키기 전에는 대체로 그것의 잠재적 위협을 사전에 대비하거나 예측하기는 쉽지 않다는 데 있다. 이 글은 동시대 인공지능이 지닐 수 있는 위험(risk)의 예방과 관리 논의들, 즉 국제적으로 영향력을 지닌 인공지능 입법안, 권리장전, 원칙, 권고안, 윤리, 지표 등을 비판적으로 정리하고, 이를 통합해 시민사회 주도의 인공지능 위기관리 모델을 제시한다. 특히, 본 연구는 인권과 생명권의 입장에 기초해 시민의 동시대 기술 현실 참여와 개입을 강조하는 ‘인공지능 인권 지표’ 구상을 제안한다. The role of civil society in influencing the way technology is adopted and shaped in society is becoming increasingly important. The challenge is that the social risks of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence are not always easy to prepare for or predict before they become socially controversial. This paper critically reviews the recent international discussions such as AI laws, bills of rights, principles, recommendations, ethics, and index for the prevention and management of AI risks. It proposes a model for a civil society-led response to the mainstream AI discourse for a diagnosis of AI democracy, in particular the construction of an ‘AI Citizenship Index’ that emphasizes citizen participation and intervention in technological realities based on human rights and the right to life.

      • KCI등재

        경상북도 산림지역의 토양 환경이 호기성 토양 세균의 다양성과 밀도에 미치는 영향

        박출영 ( Chol Yeong Park ),이선근 ( Sun Keun Lee ),김질홍 ( Ji Hong Kim ),이상용 ( Sang Yong Lee ),이종규 ( Jong Kyu Lee ) 한국임학회 2012 한국산림과학회지 Vol.101 No.3

        본 연구는 경상북도 봉화군, 문경시 및 상주시에 위치한 백두대간 산림지역에서 토양 시료를 채취하여 도말 평판법으로 세균을 분리 배양하고 DNA추출 및 염기배열 분석에 의하여 동정하여 지역별 토양 세균의 다양성을 비 교하고, 토양환경이 토양 세균의 다양성과 밀도에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 지역별 세균 밀도는 봉화군에서 5.1×105 cfu/g로 가장 높았고, 다음으로 문경시에서 1.9×105 cfu/g, 상주시에서 1.1×105 cfu/g 순으로 조사되었다. 토양 깊이별로 는 모든 지역의 시료에서 표토층에서 밀도가 가장 높았고 깊어질수록 밀도가 감소하였다. 각 지역 site별로 토양 세 균의 밀도를 비교하였을 때, 고도, A층위의 깊이, 토양 3상 중 액상, 수분함량 및 용적밀도가 높을수록 세균의 밀도 는 증가하였다. 토양 세균을 동정한 결과, 봉화군에서는 8속, 10종의 268개 균주가, 문경시에서는 9속, 15종의 134개 균주가, 상주시에서는 2속, 5종의 44개 균주가 동정되었다. 봉화군 및 문경시의 우점종은 Bacillus weihenstephanensis (36%, 40%)였으며, 상주시의 우점종은 Bacillus cereus(39%)로 확인되었다. 각 지역별 다양도, 균등도 및 우점도 지수 는 봉화군의 경우 각각 6.30, 2.04, 0.59이고, 문경시는 각각 9.09, 2.94, 0.51이었으며, 상주시는 4.55, 2.34, 0.71이었 다. 지역별 토양 세균 군집구조의 안정성과 토양환경과의 유의성을 비교 분석한 결과, 수분함량, 배수상태 및 석량 함량이 높을수록 토양세균의 다양도 및 균등도 지수는 증가하였고, 우점도 지수는 감소하였다. This study was carried out to compare species diversity of soil bacteria from Baekdudaegan mountain forests (Bonghwa-gun, Mungyeong-si and Sangju-si) in Gyeongsangbuk-do and to analyze the effects of soil environments on diversity and population of soil bacteria. Soil bacteria were isolated from soil samples by streak plate method, and identified by DNA extaction and 16S rDNA sequence analyses. The population of soil bacteria from the soil samples of Bonghwa-gun was the highest with 5.1×105cfu/g, and followed by those from Mungyeong-si and Sangju-si with 1.9×105cfu/g and 1.1×105cfu/g, respectively, The population of soil bacteria from surface layer soil was the highest, and then gradually decreased according to soil depth. The increase in population of soil bacteria from soil samples of different sites was correlated with the increase of the altitude of soil sampling site, depth of A horizon, liquid phase among three phases of soil, water content and bulk density of soil. Two hundreds and sixty eight bacterial colonies from Bonghwa-gun were classified into 10 species, 8 genera. One hundred and thirty four bacterial colonies from Mungyeong-si were classified into 15 species, 9 genera. Forty four bacterial colonies from Sangju-si were classified into 5 species, 2 genera. The dominant species (occupancy rate) from Bonghwa-gun and Mungyeong-si were Bacillus weihenstephanensis (36% and 40%, respectively), and Sangju-si was Bacillus cereus (39%). The relationships between soil environment and community structure of soil bacteria were analyzed statistically by using ecological indices. The diversity, evenness and dominance indices of soil bacteria were 6.30, 2.04 and 0.59 in Bonghwa-gun, 9.09, 2.94 and 0.51 in Mungyeong-si, and 4.55, 2.34 and 0.71 in Sangju-si, respectively. The diversity and evenness indices were increased by the increase of water content, drainage condition and gravel content of soil, while the dominance index was decreased.

      • KCI등재

        시흥시 군자동 일대 산림 구조의 다양성 평가

        류지은 ( Ji Eun Ryu ),강종현 ( Jong Hyun Kang ),이동근 ( Dong Kun Lee ) 한국환경복원기술학회(구 한국환경복원녹화기술학회) 2011 한국환경복원기술학회지 Vol.14 No.1

        Habitats loss and fragmentation are major threats to biodiversity. There are various kinds of environmental assessment have been developed for various problems to solve. Yet, there are no well-developed methods for quantifying and predicting about biodiversity. To achieve a sustainable conservation for biodiversity, the structural diversity of forest must be assessed by proper indexes. This study aim to quantitatively assess the diversity of forest structure as habitats and results of the verification by bird survey for objective presentation of evidence. As a result of literature review, some indexes were selected as potential prediction tools for biodiversity; area of patch, area of core regions, shape of patch and average age of stand. The assessment results were estimated by monitoring of birds for accuracy verification and the results were almost in agreement with each others. But, 1 and 2 level of forests were showed ambiguous results. Certainly, this study was limited in some valuation indexes on landscape scale. Further studies should be considered that different environmental factors such as land use, disturbances by human and vegetation index. Also, we expect that the additional monitoring of birds should give rise to the result which is improved assessment results.

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