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      • KCI등재

        4-6세기(世紀) 동아시아에서의 문헌(文獻)의 유통(流通)과 확산(擴散)

        김경호 ( Kyung Ho Kim ) 성균관대학교 대동문화연구원 2014 大東文化硏究 Vol.88 No.-

        농업을 경제 기반으로 하는 동아시아 지역이 근대국가로 진입하기 이전까지 중국의 군현 통치 외연에 있었다는 사실은 이른바 ‘동아시아’지역의 문화적 통합이 秦漢시기 이래로 줄곧 강화되어 왔음을 의미한다. 또한 문화적 통합의 핵심적 요소는 중국의 한자, 율령, 유교.불교 및 도교이며 정치적 문화적 여러 요소들 역시 모두 한자를 매개로 전파되었기 때문에 동아시아세계를 ‘漢字文化圈’이라 정의하기도 하였다. 동아시아와 관련한 종래의 문헌 관련 연구 내용은 주로 한자의 성립이나 전파 또는 각 지역에서의 그 사용 실태 등에 집중되었다. 본고에서는 이러한 종래 연구에 기초하여 종이의 사용 이후, 後漢末.魏晋時期 민간사회에서의 문헌 유통의 내용과 위진시기(4~6세기) 이후 본격적으로 나타나기 시작한 동아시아 세계로의 문헌유통과 그 의미에 대해서 다음과 같이 정리하였다. 고대 중국에서 제작.유통된 문헌이 주변 국가에서 유통되었다는 사실은 중국 문화의 선진성을 보여주는 것이기도 하지만 주변 국가는 중국 문화를 수용함과 동시에 독자적인 고대국가로 성장.발전하였음을 의미한다. 이러한 까닭에 주변 국가에 한자와 문헌이 유통.확산되면서 중국을 중심으로 한 朝貢秩序體制가 형성되었으며, 각 국이 고대 국가로 발전하면 할수록 주변 국가의 한자 문화가 중국과 대등한 수준으로 발전한 것이다. 본문의 내용에서 검토한 이른바 “중국과 동일하다(同於中國)”이나 “중화의 법에 의존한다(依中華之法)” 등의 표현은 이러한 정황을 반영한 표현일 것이다. 따라서 삼국에서 가장 늦은 시기에 중국의 문물을 받아들인 新羅 元聖王 4년(788)에 실시한 讀書三品科의 교재로서 五經과 史書 및 諸子書를 채택하고 있는 것은 중국 문헌에 대한 熟知의 정도가 관리 선발의 기준이었을 뿐만아니라 중국에서 유통된 문헌이 신라 사회 전반에 보급되었음을 짐작할 수 있다. 이와 같은 전근대 동아시아 사회질서는 조공과 책봉체제를 중심으로 형성되었을지라도 동아시아 각국에서는 자국의 독자적 문화와 중국문화를 융합하여 중국과는 다른 새로운 문화를 형성할 수 있었다. 新羅에서 吏讀의 사용을 통한 기록이나 한자를 기초로 만들어진 일본의 히라가나(平假名)와 가타카나(片假名)가 그 좋은 사례로서 동아시아 각국에서의 문화가 유통되고 확산된 결과라고 할 수 있다. East Asia that based on the agriculture economy was in the extension of Gun-Hyun government before the process of transition to the modern state. This fact means cultural integration in East Asian has been continually strengthened since Qin and Han Dynasties. Because Chinese character, law code, Confucianism·Buddhism·Taoism were the core components of cultural integration and all the political and cultural components were spread by Chinese character as well, East Asian world was also defined as Chinese Characters-Using Area. The former studies about East Asian literature were mainly focusing the establishment, diffusion and reality of usage, etc in each area of Chinese character. Based on these former studies, this paper organized the distribution of literature in civilian society in the Late Han and Wei-Jin period after the usage of paper, and the distribution of literature in East Asia area and its meaning which began in earnest from Wei-Jin period(4th-6th century) as follows. The fact that literature made and distributed in ancient China spread into neighboring countries shows the advancement of Chinese culture, meanwhile it means neighboring countries had to accept the advanced culture and develop into ancient countries. The more actively Chinese character and literature spread in neighboring countries, the China-centered tribute system formed; the more developed into ancient country, the Chinese character culture in neighboring countries reached in a equal level with China. The expressions like the same as China or based on the Chinese law used in this paper reflect this situation. The Five Classics(五經), History book(史書) and All Classes of Others(諸子書) were chosen as textbooks of Employment of Officials in Three Ranks(Dokseosampumgwa, 讀書三品科) which carried out in King Wonseong(元聖王) 4(788) in Silla, the latest country of accepting the Chinese civilization among three countries. This tells us that the degree of understanding about Chinese literature had become the standard of selecting the government officials, and the literatures distributed in China had been diffused in the whole Silla society.


        Kyungeun Cho,Song Wei,Kyhyun Um 한국멀티미디어학회 2007 한국멀티미디어학회 국제학술대회 Vol.2007 No.-

        This paper describes a behavior planning framework in simulation game based on character personality using proposed Gaussian random distribution. Along with the data flowing process in our planning framework, NPC can generate behavior planning autonomously according to the dynamic environment information resulted by human player. Further more, we illuminate applying Gaussian probabilistic function for real-life action simulation in time domain with the expected value estimated by behavior planning during thinking process. To elucidate the mechanism of the framework, we simulated it in a restaurant simulation game.

      • KCI등재

        촉석루 제영시의 역사적 전개와 주제 양상

        하강진 경상국립대학교 경남문화연구원 2019 남명학연구 Vol.62 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to examine the historical development of Chokseongnu’s pavilion(矗石樓) poetry and the internal characteristics of the works. In terms of re-recognition of tradition and creative succession, identifying the total amount of poetry is the most critical. Based on this, it is necessary to derive the consciousness of various themes reflected pavilion poetry. The results of reviewing the characteristics of the writer group, the form and the contents of the works are summarized as follows based on the collected data. First, there were 710 writers and 1028 works of 884 poem titles in Chokseongnu’s pavilion. This is tentative but it is the country’s largest size as a single pavilion to date. The largest number of the writers, over 49% of the total, were from Gyeongnam Province, and among them, about 87% were from western Gyeongnam Province, including Jinju. The biggest number of the writers were tourists, and many of the works were by officials involved in the governance of the city. Moreover, there were a number of writers with family members or colleagues who were writers. Second, approximately 87% of the total number of works, or about 893 poems, showed the time of creation. The number of works before the Japanese Invasion of Korea was 133, which was a relatively small distribution. Approximately 33% of the works, or 335 poems, were created after 1900, which was the result of mass production of works by writers from Gyeongnam Province who were born after the late 19th century. Third, among Chokseognu poetry, there was a significantly high number of seven-character poems, which accounted for 93%. Among them, seven-character regulated verse poems reached about 75%, indicating they were commonly enjoyed by many people. This was derived from the general creative tendency of rhyme-borrowing poems, which utilized the authority from the original works. Jeong Eulbo’s poem in the previous section served as the original work only until the Joseon Dynasty. In the late Joseon period, 40% of the people borrowed rhymes from Shin Yuhan’s works, which proves it was a big trend. In addition, poetic dictions associated with the historical sites of Japanese Invasion of Korea have been used customarily, which was clearly a different point from other palace-pavilion poems. Fourth, Chokseongnu poetry's themes could be divided into into four types: praise in the cultural landscape of Jinju, response to the Japanese Invasion of Korea and will for national salvation, the memories and internal reflections of patriotic heroes, the real purpose of tourism and the consciousness of the times. Since the late Joseon Dynasty, there had been a trend of creation with a theme that calls on patriotic heroes to have internal reflections or to promote the spirit of strong loyalty. As a result, many poems highlighting only outstanding scenery have disappeared, and it served as an occasion to achieve the correct consciousness of the times through Chokseongu tourism or writing poems. In this context, anti-national entertainment of the Japanese colonial era was strongly criticized using poems. I hope that this diachronic and positivistic study on Chokseongu’s pavilion will help not only enshrine the characteristics of poetic literature but also explore the characteristics of the literary world but also constitute various aspects of local literary history and further describe the history of Korean literature. 본고는 촉석루 제영시의 역사적 전개와 작품의 내적 특징을 살펴보는 데 목적이 있다. 전통의 재인식과 창조적 계승이라는 측면에서 시문의 총량 파악은 무엇보다 절실하며, 제영시에 반영된 다양한 주제 의식을 도출할 필요가 있다. 이를 위해 방대한 문헌을 두루 뒤져 촉석루 제영시 전모를 가늠할 수 있었다. 이 집성 자료를 바탕으로 작가층의 성격, 작품의 형식과 내용적 특성을 검토한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 촉석루 제영시의 작가는 710명, 작품 수는 884제 1,028수에 달했다. 이는 잠정적이기는 하나 현재까지 전국의 단일 누정으로서는 최다 수준이다. 그리고 작가는 경남 출신이 가장 많아 전체 49%를 넘고, 그중에서도 진주를 비롯해 서부 경남 출신이 약 87%를 차지했다. 또 작가는 유람객이 제일 많고, 고을 통치와 관련된 관리들의 작품도 적지 않았다. 작가들 중에는 스승과 제자, 혈연관계가 있는 문인들이 많은 점도 특징이다. 둘째, 창작 시기를 알 수 있는 작품은 893수로 전체 약 87%에 달했다. 이중 임진왜란 이전의 작품은 133수로 비교적 적은 분포를 보였다. 작품의 약 33%인 335수가 1900년 이후에 창작되었는데, 이는 19세기 후반 이후로 출생한 경남지역 문인들의 작품이 대거 양산된 결과였다. 셋째, 촉석루 시 중 7언시가 93%로 압도적인 비율을 보였다. 그중에서도 7언율시가 약 75%에 달해 대표적인 양식으로 향유되었음을 알았다. 이는 원운의 권위를 활용하는 제영시의 일반적 창작 경향에서 비롯된 것으로, 선편을 잡은 정을보의 시는 조선전기까지만 원운으로서 기능했다. 조선후기에는 신유한의 시를 차운한 이가 40%일 정도로 거대한 흐름을 이루었다. 또한 임란 사적과 유관한 시어가 관습적으로 활용되었는데, 이는 다른 누정시와 분명히 구별되는 지점이라 하겠다. 넷째, 촉석루 시의 주제는 진주의 문화경관에 대한 상찬, 임진왜란의 대응과 구국 의지, 순국 영웅의 기억과 내면 성찰, 유람의 진정성과 시대의식의 네 가지로 유형화할 수 있었다. 조선후기 이후로는 순국 영웅을 호출해 내면을 성찰하거나 강개한 충의 정신을 주제로 내세우는 창작 경향이 지배했다. 이에 따라 빼어난 경관만을 부각하는 시는 자취를 거의 감추었고, 촉석루 유람이나 작시 행위를 올바른 시대의식을 체득하는 계기로 삼았다. 이러한 맥락에서 일제강점기의 반민족적 유람 풍조를 시를 통해 준열히 비판하기도 했다. 촉석루 제영시를 대상으로 진행한 통시적이고도 실증적인 본 연구가 누정문학의 특성을 구명함은 물론 지역문학사를 다양하게 구성하고, 나아가 한국문학사를 기술하는 데 도움이 되기를 기대한다.

      • KCI등재

        경산 갑제동 발견유물에 대한 고찰 -전한경편(前漢鏡片)을 중심으로-

        김권구,권순철,황종현 동국대학교 WISE(와이즈)캠퍼스 신라문화연구소 2018 新羅文化 Vol.51 No.-

        Recently some of discovered artefacts from Gapje-dong, Gyeongsan City, had been reported. They include the fragments of the bronze mirror dated 'the Chinese West Han Period', a cross-shaped pommel, a dagger sheath-end decoration, and three decorative pieces of daggers' handle part. The artefacts had been found from the 65m high hill-top area located at San 2, Gapje-dong, Gyeongsan City. The artefacts had been discovered from six scattered spots on the hill-top within 20m diameter. Among the discovered artefacts the mirror fragments of the Chinese West Han Period have Chinese characters. The Chinese characters say as follows: As the mirror brightens like the sun and the moon inwardly, our mind suddenly reminds us of loyalty. So let us try to save the loyalty and not to fade away it. The name of the Chinese mirror can be called the mirror with archaic characters of the Chinese West Han Period (異體字銘 前漢鏡) on basis of the character contents, character types, design patterns on the mirror and other features. There are two major areas with the distributional concentration of Chinese mirrors and replica mirrors in Youngnam region. The one area is Gimhae area along with the southern coastal areas, which might be related to Guyaguk polity. The other area is Gyeongju area along with the Geumho River, which might be related to Saroguk polity. The Chinese mirrors and replica mirrors also imply the emergence of powerful leaders with long distance networks. The distributional concentration of the Chinese mirrors and replica mirrors in Gyeongsan area also strongly implies the emergence of the powerful leaders with long distance networks as well as the formation of the local political polity such as Apdokguk polity. The power elites of Gyeongsan area as a leader might have some networks with those of other areas such as Youngcheon area and Gyeongju area. The Shindae-dong Archaeological Site is distant about 1.2km-1.5km away from the Gapje-dong area where the artefacts had been found. The Imdang Archaeological Site is distant about 2.5km-3km away from the Gapje-dong area. This distributional patterns of the above-mentioned three archaeological sites might imply the internal structures of the local polity called Apdokguk as well as the emergence of the powerful leaders with long distance trading networks dated from the second of the first century BC to the first half of the first century AD in Gyeongsan area although their contemporaneity can not be guaranteed yet. The discovered artefacts from Gapje-dong, Gyeongsan City turn out very important academically. So urgent full-fledged excavation is highly required as soon as possible in order to reveal the exact location of the related wooden coffin, its structure, its scale, its other buried objects which might be still remaining possibly, and to identify whether the tomb might be located alone on purpose or not.

      • KCI등재

        ‘ㅸ’의 음가론

        이동석 국어사학회 2013 국어사연구 Vol.0 No.17

        ‘ㅸ’은 초성 17자에 포함되어 있지 않지만, 『訓民正音』 ‘예의’에 순경음에 대한 규정이 있고, ‘제자해’에 음가에 대한 구체적인 설명이 있다. ‘ㅸ’의 음가에 대해서는 그동안 많은 논의가 있었으나, 양순유성마찰음 / /로 보는 것이 일반적인 견해다. 그러나 초성 17자에 포함되지 못하고 사용 시기가 20년을 넘지 못하며 각자병서, ‘ㅭ’과 같은 인위적인 표기와 비슷한 시기에 폐기된 것을 볼 때 인위적인 표기였을 가능성이 매우 높다. 순경음에 대한 제자해의 음가 설명이 한자음을 대상으로 하는 ‘飜譯老乞大朴通事 凡例’에서의 설명과 유사한 것을 보면 ‘ㅸ’의 음가는 /w/일 가능성이 높다. 『鷄林類事』, 『朝鮮館譯語』와 같은 차자표기 자료에서도 ‘ㅸ’의 존재를 발견할 수 없으며, ‘ㅸ’을 포함하는 대부분의 단어가 복합어로 분석된다는 점에서도 ‘ㅸ’을 기저 음소로 보기는 어렵다. 음운론적으로는 ‘ㅂ’과 ‘ㅸ’이 상보적 분포를 이루지 못하므로 ‘ㅸ’을 변이음으로 볼 수 없고, 또한 ‘ㅸ’이 ‘ㅂ’과 최소대립쌍을 이루지 못하므로 ‘ㅸ’을 음소로 보기도 어렵다. 오히려 ‘쉽다’의 파생부사가 ‘쉬’가 아닌 ‘수’로 나타나는 점, ‘*샙 + -이’의 구성이 ‘*새’가 아닌 ‘사’로 표기되는 점 등은 ‘ㅸ’이 /w/의 음가를 가질 때에만 설명이 가능하므로, ‘ㅸ’은 기저의 /p/가 [w]로 약화된 현상에 대한 인식을 반영하는 인위적인 표기라고 할 수 있다. ‘ㅸ’ doesn’t belong to onset characters, but there are the explanation of sungjeong-um in ‘yeui’ and ‘jejahae’. This character had been used for fifteen years and thereafter changed to ‘ㅗ’, ‘ㅜ’ or vanished. ‘ㅸ’ has been studied for a long time, but the phonetic value of ‘ㅸ’ has not been decided yet. It is general theory that the phonetic value of ‘ㅸ’ is voiced bilabial fricative / /. But It is likely for ‘ㅸ’ to be artificial character, because it had been used for fifteen years. While not part of onset characters, ‘ㅸ’ had been used in native word notation. It also raise the posobillity of artificial character. In terms of the phonetic value, as it is similar for two descriptions, Jejahae and Beonyeok-Nogeoltai-Paktongsa-Beomlye, it is likely for the phonetic value of ‘ㅸ’ to be same, in the case of native word and sound of chinese characters. Then it is almost certainly that the phonetic value of ‘ㅸ’ is /w/. In terms of phonology, as the complementary distribution of ‘ㅂ’ and ‘ㅸ’ isn’t established, it is impossible for ‘ㅸ’ to be allophone. As the minimal pair of ‘ㅂ’ and ‘ㅸ’ isn’t established, also it is impossible for ‘ㅸ’ to be phoneme. In addition, there are some grounds to assure that the phonetic value of ‘ㅸ’ is /w/. First, the derivational adverb of ‘suipta’ isn’t ‘suibi’ but ‘subi’. Second, the combination of ‘sap’ and ‘-i’ isn’t ‘sabi’ but ‘*saibi’. These are evidence that the phonetic value of ‘ㅸ’ is /w/.

      • KCI등재

        호암천에서 처음 채집된 둑중개 개체군의 특성

        변화근 ( Hwa-keun Byeon ),이병룡 ( Byeong-ryong Lee ) 한국환경생태학회 2017 한국환경생태학회지 Vol.31 No.2

        호암천에 분포하는 둑중개의 형태적 및 개체군의 특징 조사를 2015년 10월과 2016년 4월에 실시를 하였다. 호암천 상류역(경상북도 경주시 양북면 호암리, 대종천 상류)이 둑중개(Cottus koreanus)의 새로운 서식지로 확인되었으며 또한 삼척오십천 이남의 동해로 유입되는 하천에서 처음 발견되었다. 둑중개가 분포하는 범위는 기림사에서 용연폭포에 이르는 약 1.2 ㎞ 구간이었으며 수역은 약 3,600 ㎡ 이었다. 개체군 크기는 총 1,656개체, 100 ㎡ 당 46개체가 서식하고 있는 것으로 추정되었으며 분포역이 매우 제한적이며 좁았다. 호암천에 서식하는 개체군은 한강 개체군에 비해 머리길이(head length), 배지느러미 길이(VFR-L), 가슴지느러미 길이(PFR-L), 입의 폭(MW) 등이 짧았으며 그 외의 형질은 일치하였다. 전장이 만 1년생은 40~59 mm, 만 2년생은 60~79 mm, 만 3년생은 80 mm 이상으로 추정되었다. 포란수는 239∼468개이었으며 평균 361개 이었다. 성숙란의 직경은 2.6 mm±0.21(2.3∼3.1)로 대란형에 속하였다. 전장과 체중의 관계식은 BW = 0.00001TL3.01로 상수 a는 0.00001을, 매개변수 b는 3.01 이었고, 평균 1.26 이었다. Morphological and population characteristics of the Cottus koreanus were investigated at Hoam stream from October 2015 and April 2016. This is the first record on C. koreanus not only from Hoam stream (the upstream region of Daejong stream, Gyeongsangbuk-do Gyeongju-si Yangbuk-myeon Hoam-ri) but also from the stream flowing into the Samcheogosip stream, in the southern part of East Sea, Korea. The distribution of C. koreanus ranged from Girim temple to Yongyeon waterfall, about 1.2 ㎞, and the water surface were about 3,600 ㎡. The population size was assumed to 1,656 individual number, 46 object per 100㎡. The morphometric characteristics of C. koreanus in the Hoam stream and the Han river are very similar except that the population at Hoam stream shorter head length, ventral fin ray length, pectoral fin ray length and mouth width when compared with the population at Han river. Other than that, the two populations showed the same meristic characters. Frequency analysis of total length indicated that the group with 40∼59 mm in total length was one year old, the 60∼79 mm was two years old, and the group over 80 mm was three years old. The average number of eggs in the ovaries was estimated as 361 (239∼468) per matured female. The number of matured eggs size in ovaries was 2.6±0.21 (23.~3.1) ㎜ and this species was large eggs type. Calculation of the length-weight relation of C. koreanus showed the value of constant a as 0.00001 and b as 3.01, and the Condition factor (K) was 1.26 an on average.

      • KCI등재

        Character Classification with Triangular Distribution

        Suk Won Yoo 국제문화기술진흥원 2019 International Journal of Advanced Culture Technolo Vol.7 No.2

        Due to the development of artificial intelligence and image recognition technology that play important roles in the field of 4th industry, office automation systems and unmanned automation systems are rapidly spreading in human society. The proposed algorithm first finds the variances of the differences between the tile values constituting the learning characters and the experimental character and then recognizes the experimental character according to the distribution of the three learning characters with the smallest variances. In more detail, for 100 learning data characters and 10 experimental data characters, each character is defined as the number of black pixels belonging to 15 tile areas. For each character constituting the experimental data, the variance of the differences of the tile values of 100 learning data characters is obtained and then arranged in the ascending order. After that, three learning data characters with the minimum variance values are selected, and the final recognition result for the given experimental character is selected according to the distribution of these character types. Moreover, we compare the recognition result with the result made by a neural network of basic structure. It is confirmed that satisfactory recognition results are obtained through the processes that subdivide the learning characters and experiment characters into tile sizes and then select the recognition result using variances.

      • KCI등재

        Character Classification with Triangular Distribution

        Yoo, Suk Won The International Promotion Agency of Culture Tech 2019 International Journal of Advanced Culture Technolo Vol.7 No.2

        Due to the development of artificial intelligence and image recognition technology that play important roles in the field of 4th industry, office automation systems and unmanned automation systems are rapidly spreading in human society. The proposed algorithm first finds the variances of the differences between the tile values constituting the learning characters and the experimental character and then recognizes the experimental character according to the distribution of the three learning characters with the smallest variances. In more detail, for 100 learning data characters and 10 experimental data characters, each character is defined as the number of black pixels belonging to 15 tile areas. For each character constituting the experimental data, the variance of the differences of the tile values of 100 learning data characters is obtained and then arranged in the ascending order. After that, three learning data characters with the minimum variance values are selected, and the final recognition result for the given experimental character is selected according to the distribution of these character types. Moreover, we compare the recognition result with the result made by a neural network of basic structure. It is confirmed that satisfactory recognition results are obtained through the processes that subdivide the learning characters and experiment characters into tile sizes and then select the recognition result using variances.

      • KCI등재

        Character Classification with Triangular Distribution

        류석원 국제문화기술진흥원 2019 International Journal of Advanced Culture Technolo Vol.7 No.2

        Due to the development of artificial intelligence and image recognition technology that play important roles in the field of 4th industry, office automation systems and unmanned automation systems are rapidly spreading in human society. The proposed algorithm first finds the variances of the differences between the tile values constituting the learning characters and the experimental character and then recognizes the experimental character according to the distribution of the three learning characters with the smallest variances. In more detail, for 100 learning data characters and 10 experimental data characters, each character is defined as the number of black pixels belonging to 15 tile areas. For each character constituting the experimental data, the variance of the differences of the tile values of 100 learning data characters is obtained and then arranged in the ascending order. After that, three learning data characters with the minimum variance values are selected, and the final recognition result for the given experimental character is selected according to the distribution of these character types. Moreover, we compare the recognition result with the result made by a neural network of basic structure. It is confirmed that satisfactory recognition results are obtained through the processes that subdivide the learning characters and experiment characters into tile sizes and then select the recognition result using variances.

      • KCI등재

        캐릭터 활용 패션브랜드에 대한 소비자행동 분석구

        유지현 한국의상디자인학회 2007 한국의상디자인학회지 Vol.9 No.1

        The purposes of this study were to examine the consumer's behavior on the brands applying the characters by gender, age and residential district, and then to propose the future planning of brands applying the characters and distribution strategies. From Junior on middle school to forty-year olds were selected for this study and areas were grouped to five for comparing the residential distinction.The questionnaire was consisted with 25 questions. Nominal scale and 5-interval scale were used for analysis.The SPSS 12.0 was used to analyze the technical statistics such as average, frequency, t-test, ANOVA, and x². The results of this study were as follows :1)The characters influenced on remembering the brand's name regardless gender, agen and residential district.2)When consumer bought the brand with character, the most important factor is the brand name recognition.3) It would be desirable to use the one or two mixed methods which express the characters on the clothes.4)When they distribute the character brands, they would supply more feminine characters in 3rd district, more manly one in 4th district and less quantities in the 3rd and 4th district for lowering inventory.The next must be follow to succeed the character using strategy of fashion brands. It is needed to segment the target for new character creation of specific generation, and to grasp the point of the trend which oriented by the target, and to reflect what they like and what they feel sympathy on character image and brand concept. 이들 브랜드들이 사용한 캐릭터는 미국의 캐릭터로 나타났으며, 전체상품 대비 캐릭터상품의 구성비는 대략 20% 선을 유지하고 있었다. 캐릭터를 적용한 아이템은 티셔츠가 가장 많았으며, 그 외에 모자, 가방, 스웨터, 데님 등이 있었다. 캐릭터 적용 브랜드의 타켓 분포는 17세에서 30대 후반으로 분포되어 있었으나, 대부분이 18세에서 23세에 집중되어 있었다.이들 브랜드들의 캐릭터 이용 마케팅전략은 ‘아이겐포스트’의 공동마케팅, ‘티니위니’와 ‘클라이드’의 체험마케팅, 온라인마케팅 등 이었다. 이중 브랜드 ‘티니위니’만이 홈페이지에 캐릭터의 프로파일을 소개하는 등 캐릭터를 의인화하여 개성을 부여함으로써 소비자들의 관심을 끄는 적극적인 온라인 마케팅을 전개하고 있었다. 이러한 결과는 캐릭터가 단순한 시각 표현 도구로써 뿐만 아니라 패션 브랜드에도 적절한 마케팅 자극으로 활용될 수 있다는 것을 의미한다. 높은 인지도, 친근감, 가독성, 새로운 부가가치의 효과가 있는 캐릭터는 소비자로 하여금 구매효과를 일으키는 고도의 마케팅 매개체가 될 것이다.

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