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      • 산림경영사업지의 개발용지 전환 사례조사 및 개선사항의 도출

        방상원 ( Sang-weon Bang ) 한국환경정책평가연구원 2017 한국환경정책평가연구원 기초연구보고서 Vol.2017 No.-

        최근 들어 국내의 일부 사유림에서 산림경영계획 인가를 받아서 벌채한 이후에 산림경영을 지속적으로 이행하지 않은 채 골프장, 농공단지, 산업단지, 관광지 등의 개발용지로 전환되는 사례가 점차 증가하고 있다. 이 경우 산림경영지의 기존 식생은 벌채되어 유령림 조림지, 나대지 또는 초지 등으로 전환되게 되고, 그 결과 환경영향평가제도상 개발이 용이해지는 부지로 전환되게 된다. 산림경영지의 개발용지로의 전환 사례로는 골프장용지로의 개발 전환, 수련원용지로의 개발 전환, 복합테마파크부지로의 전환을 비롯하여 거의 모든 개발사업에서 개발용지로 편입·전환되고 있다. 산림경영계획의 계획내용에 따라서 산림경영계획 인가 후 모두베기, 솎아베기 등을 실시하여 기존 식생을 벌채하고 난 후에 유령림을 식재하여 육성하던 산림경영지와 우량 대경목생산 목적의 천연림보육 산림경영지 및 불량임분 개량 목적의 천연림개량 산림경영지 등이 이에 속한다. 이 경우, 산림경영지는 기존 식생이 벌채 또는 개량되어 기존의 식생보전등급보다 등급이 하락한 나대지, 초지 등으로 전환되어 환경영향평가제도상 개발이 용이한 부지(식생보전 IV등급 또는 V등급)로 전환된다. 산림경영지의 개발용지 전환 사례 유형은 크게 3가지이다. 첫째는 산림경영지 식생을 벌채한 후 산림경영을 1~3년 동안 실행하다가 개발용지로 전환되는 경우, 둘째는 산림경영지를 대상으로 천연림보육 또는 천연림개량을 3~10년 동안 실행하다가 개발용지로 전환되는 경우, 셋째는 수종개량사업 등으로 산림경영지의 식생을 벌채한 후 경제수종을 식재하여 운영하다가 특정 사유로 인하여 산림경영을 지속하지 못하게 될 시에 개발용지로 2차적으로 전환되는 경우이다. 이렇듯 산림경영지가 개발용지로 전환되는 사유로는 산림경영제도의 근간이 되는 「산림자원의 조성 및 관리에 관한 법률」에 제도적 미비점이 존재하기 때문인 것으로 보인다. 즉, 관계 법령에 산림경영계획 미이행 시에 대한 벌칙 조항이 부재하고, 산림경영계획 미이행시의 부과 과태료가 현실성이 낮은 금액으로 부과되고 있기 때문이며, 또한 산림경영계획서의 인가 시에 산림경영지가 개발용지로 전환되는 사례를 억제하기 위한 계획 검토사항이 충분히 마련되어 있지 않기 때문이다. 따라서 산림경영지의 지속가능한 이행 진작과 산림경영지의 개발용지로의 전환을 억제하기 위해서는 「산림자원의 조성 및 관리에 관한 법률」에 관련 조항을 신설하거나 기존 조항을 보완하는 노력이 필요하다. 한편 현행 환경부의 식생보전등급 판정기준 또한 개발용지로 전환된 산림경영지에 대해 적정한 보전의 기능과 억제 기능을 반영하지 못하고 있는 한계점도 존재하고 있는바, 식생보전등급의 판정기준을 갱신하거나 새로운 판정기준을 제정하는 것이 시급히 요구된다고 하겠다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 한계점을 해결하기 위하여 3개의 환경영향평가 기초방안을 도출하였다. 동 기초방안은 1) 모두베기 또는 솎아베기 등을 실시하여 벌채가 광범위하게 실시된 산림경영지의 경우 벌채 이전의 과거 식생현황을 유추하여 현재의 식생현황으로 간주하여 평가하는 방안, 2) 우수 대경목 생산을 위해 잔풀베기, 가지치기 등을 실시한 천연림보육지 또는 불량임분 개량작업을 실시한 천연림개량지의 경우 현행 식생보전등급 판정기준의 일부 갱신을 통하여 산림경영지의 식생등급을 판정하는 방안, 3) 모두베기 또는 솎아베기 등 벌채가 광범위하게 실시된 산림경영지와 천연림보육 및 천연림개량 작업을 실시한 산림경영지 이외에도 산림경영이 미실시된 모든 식생지를 대상으로 할 수 있는새로운 식생보전등급 판정기준을 제정·적용하는 방안이다. 결과적으로, 산림경영지의 개발용지로의 전환을 억제하기 위해서는 현행 산림경영제도상의 제도적 미비점을 보완하고, 개발용지로 전환된 산림경영지에 대해서는 새로운 식생보전등급 판정기준을 마련하거나 기존의 기준을 일부 갱신하는 것이 필요한 것으로 나타났다. 이를 통하여, 산림경영계획의 지속적인 이행을 진작하여 산림경영제도의 당초 목적과 취지를 최대한 달성하고, 동시에 산림경영지가 개발용지로 전환되는 사례를 최대한 억제함으로써 보전가치가 높은 산지 산림식생을 온전하게 보전하고 당초의 산림경영 목표를 달성하도록 하는 것이 필요한 시점이다. There have been gradually increasing the conversion of forest management mountain areas into the development sites such as golf courses, industrial parks, tourist complex and etc. without continuous implementation of the forest management. Mostly, the existing trees of forest management mountain areas of high conservation value are all cut down and the areas are subsequently transformed into either bare grounds or vegetation fields of low conservation value. When this happens the forest management area is easy to converted into a development sites due to the demotion of vegetation conservation rating in the current Environmental Impact Assessment protocol. This study investigates case study of the conversion of forest management mountain areas into the development sites. It is found that the conversion cases are divided into three categories. After getting permission of forest management plan from a relevant authority, the land owners do as follows; first, the land owners cut down all trees in the forest management mountain areas, and economic trees are planted instead and cultivated for several years according to the forest management plan permitted. At some points, the owners no longer cultivate the economic trees, and cease the forest management plan. Subsequently, the forest management mountain area is sold to land developers, resulting in the conversion of forest management mountain area into a development site. Second, the owners cut down and trim the weeds, shrubs and younger trees except well-grown indigenous trees for several years according to the forest management plan. At some points, when the owners cease the forest management plan, the forest management mountain area is sold and converted into a development site. Third, the owners plant and cultivate the economic trees, and make profits out of the economic trees by implementing the forest management plan. However at some points the owners give up the cultivation, and cease the forest management plan due to personal reason like aging. Subsequently, the forest management mountain area is sold and converted into a development site. The reasons why these kinds of conversion are getting more frequently based on the loopholes resided in CREATION AND MANAGEMENT OF FOREST RESOURCES ACT. The loopholes are as follow; first, there are no penal provisions for incompletion of a 10-year forest management plan even though the forest management mountain area is exploited and converted into a development site. Second, the amount of administrative fines for incompletion of a 10-year forest management plan is too low and impractical so that it is more profitable to sell the forest management mountain area of the deforestation to a developer rather than paying fines of reforestation costs. Third, when a relevant authority is to review a forest management plan for a permission, there are insufficient reviewing criteria in order to prevent the conversion of forest management mountain areas into the development sites such as checking a possibility of whether the proposed forest management mountain area indeed is included in the sites in the local development plan or located in a proximity to the sites of local development plan which is vulnerable to the conversion. In order to discourage conversion of the forest management mountain areas into the development sites further, new systems of vegetation conservation ranking are devised in this study. The new systems are as follows; for a forest management mountain area of deforestation, previous vegetation conservation ranking is analogized from the available relevant data such as MOE’s ecosystem-naturality map and land-environment evaluation map, KFS’s forest type map, the petition documents of forest management plan, and vegetation conservation ranking map of the surrounding areas of the forest management mountain area. Second, for permitted natural forest cultivation and improvement areas, several ranking criteria should be either excluded or less graded such as poorness of lower vegetation, incompleteness of vegetation layer structure, plant diversity, rarity, naturality and completeness of vegetation structure. Third, a whole new vegetation conservation ranking system should be designed not only for a forest management mountain area of deforestation but also for other mountain areas in general. To do this, new ranking criteria should be reflected into the current ranking. These include carbon sequestration value, vegetation-landscape value, aesthetic value, level of biodiversity promotion, values of supporting wildlife conservation such as providing breeding place, food suppling and nest and future potential value of artificial forest as well as natural forest. In conclusion, it is strongly needed to plug up the loopholes in CREATION AND MANAGEMENT OF FOREST RESOURCES ACT for the conversion of forest management mountain areas into the development sites. Meanwhile, a new vegetation conservation ranking system should be devised in order to cope with the recently increasing cases. In this way, this study can discourage the conversion of forest management mountain areas into the development lands and promote implementation of 10-year forest management plan so as to its original purpose.

      • KCI등재

        1980년대 이후 한국 농지전용 급증 원인에 관한 연구: 농정의 변화와 국가의 개발행위 분석을 중심으로

        이태영 한국공간환경학회 2022 공간과 사회 Vol.32 No.4

        This study looks into and seeks to explain the causes of the rapid increase in the ‘conversion of farmland’ in Korea in the 1980s and the interests of the state involved in the phenomenon of ‘conversion of farmland’. Existing studies on ‘conversion of farmland’ mainly understand ‘conversion of farmland’ as an inevitable phenomenon due to urbanization or recognized it as a problem due to insufficient systems and policies. This study seeks to develop a discussion based on the awareness of the problem that such an approach does not explain the characteristics of ‘conversion of farmland’ in Korea and cannot be a causal analysis to determine the cause of ‘conversion of farmland’. The reason for the rapid increase in ‘conversion of farmland’ in the mid-1980s was that with the emergence of a liberal agricultural policies and the development of farmland mobility policies, farmland could be used as a land resource to facilitate development gain and reinvestment. The emergence of a liberal agricultural policies weakened the cause of farmland conservation at the national level. In addition, the state actively utilized development gain formation and reinvestment mechanisms using ‘conversion of farmland’ to cope with the crisis of legitimacy during weak fisical situations. Since public land development introduced after the 1980s was based on the design of re-investing by forming development gain, the government was able to cope with the privatization of development gain while minimizing finances as they proceeded with housing supply and city construction. In implementing this development method, the state bypasses fisical problems by using an agent called a state-owned enterprise for urban development. This analysis was accompanied by a change in the way land resources have been utilized by the strategy adopted by the state to overcome the crisis of legitimacy since the 1980s, and this change suggests that it is being revealed in detail through ‘conversion of farmland’. 이 논문은 한국에서 1980년대 농지전용이 급증하게 된 원인과 농지전용 현상에 개입한 국가의 이해관계에 관해 질문하고 이를 설명한다. 농지전용에 관한 기존의 연구들은 주로 농지전용을 도시화에 따른 불가피한 현상으로 이해하거나, 제도와 정책의 미비에 따른 문제로 인식하였다. 이 연구는 이와 같은 접근이 한국 농지전용의 특징을 설명하지 못하며, 농지전용의 원인을 규명하는 인과적 분석이 될 수 없다는 문제의식에 입각해 논의를 전개한다. 1980년대 중반 농지전용이 급증하게 된 이유는 자유주의 농정이 등장하고 농지유동화 정책이 전개되면서 농지가 개발이익의 형성과 재투자를 용이하게 하는 토지자원으로 활용되었기 때문이다. 자유주의 농정의 등장은 국가적 차원에서 농지 보전의 명분을 약화시켰다. 또한 국가는 취약한 재정 상황에서 정당성의 위기에 대응하기 위해서 농지전용을 활용한 개발이익 형성과 재투자 메커니즘을 적극적으로 활용했다. 1980년대 이후 도입된 매수 방식의 공영 토지개발은 개발이익을 형성해 이를 재투자한다는 설계를 바탕으로 하는 것이었기 때문에 정부는 이를 통해 개발이익 사유화 문제에 대처하는 동시에 재정을 최소화하여 주택공급과 도시 건설을 진행할 수 있었다. 이러한 개발 방식을 실행할 때 국가는 개발공사라는 대리자를 활용하며 재정 문제를 우회한다. 이상의 분석은 1980년대 이후 국가가 정당성의 위기를 극복하기 위해 채택한 전략이 토지자원 활용 방식의 변화를 수반한 것이었으며, 이러한 변화는 농지전용을 통해 구체적으로 드러난다는 사실을 시사한다.

      • KCI등재

        유아용 스마트 토이 디자인 개발: 36개월령 언어발달 특징을 바탕으로

        주서영 ( Seoyoung Joo ),나건 ( Ken Nah ) 한국산업디자이너협회(한국인더스트리얼디자인학회) 2020 산업디자인학연구 Vol.14 No.4

        연구배경 최근 챗봇, 인공지능 스피커 등 대화형 상호작용 소통방식이 각광을 받고 있다. 대화형 중에서도 음성을 기반으로 한 제품 및 서비스는 따로 학습이 필요 없으며, 사용자가 원하는 기능을 위해 메뉴를 찾아 들어가야 하는 번거로움도 없고, 문자인지가 비교적 용이하지 않은 유·아동층과 고령층에 유리하다. 이러한 장점들을 바탕으로 유·아동 시장에서도 다양한 음성 기반의 스마트 토이를 선보이고 있다. 본 고에서는 언어발달이 가장 활성화되는 36개월령 유아를 대상으로 하는 대화형 스마트 토이 디자인을 개발한다. 연구방법 스마트 토이의 디자인 개발을 위해 스마트 토이의 개념과 유형에 대해 살펴본다. 그리고 현재 관련 시장의 현황 조망을 통해 스마트 토이의 시스템 구성을 파악한다. 또한, 유아를 대상으로 한 대화형 스마트 토이 디자인 개발을 위해 유아와 언어발달에 대해 이론적으로 고찰한다. 이를 바탕으로 가장 적합한 목표 대상인 36개월령 유아의 언어발달 특징에 기반한 대화형 스마트 토이디자인을 개발한다. 연구결과 대화형 스마트 토이는 아이의 언어발달을 촉진하고 육아 피로에도 도움을 줄 수 있다는 데 의의가 있다. 하지만 음성인식 기술이 아직 고도화되는 과정 중에 있고, 아이의 반응은 그 범위가 너무 넓다. 따라서 말카드를 통해 대화 주제를 한정하고 퀴즈를 통해 대화하는 방식을 채택했다. 아이의 응답 상황에 따라 스마트 토이의 표정, 제스처, 응답을 각기 다르게 구성하였다. 또한 부모가 개입할 수 있는 스마트폰 앱을 함께 개발하였다. 결론 아이의 반응은 셀 수 없이 다양하므로 더 많은 시나리오가 요구된다. 또한 지속적인 어휘 DB 업데이트가 동반되어야 한다. 이 외에도 내구성과 기술적인 이슈들이 있음에도 불구하고 유아의 언어발달과 놀이에 잠재적인 가능성을 발견했다. 본 연구를 통해서 대화형 스마트 토이 개발이 체계화되고, 관련 산업에 도움이 되기를 기대한다. Background Conversational interfaces do not require learning. There is no hassle to find the menu for specific functions, and it is advantageous for the children, the elderly who are relatively inconvenient to recognize texts. Based on that, the children's markets are also introducing various voice-based smart toys. This paper develops a conversational smart toy design for 36-month-old infants who are most active in language development. Methods For developing a smart toy, this study searches the concept, type of smart toy. Also, identify the system components of it based on understanding the relevant market's current status―also, theoretical research about infants and their language development for designing a conversational smart toy. It designs based on the language development characteristics of 36-month-old infants, the most suitable target users. Results The conversational smart toy has significance in developing the language of infants and helps with parenting stress. However, speech recognition technology is yet immature, whereas the infants' reaction is too broad. Therefore, the smart toy adopted the word cards and a method of conversation through a quiz. Expressions, gestures, and responses were different according to the infants' responses. Also developed a smartphone app that parents can intervene. Conclusion Infants’ reactions, responses are countless, so more scenarios are required. Furthermore, continuous vocabulary DB updates should be accompanied. Despite durable and technical issues, it is expected to help infants’ develop language and play.

      • KCI등재

        초등학생 미술관 관람자 간의 미술작품에 관한 대화유형과 미적 발달 단계

        신지혜,손지현 한국초등미술교육학회 2016 미술교육연구논총 Vol.44 No.-

        This paper examined the process of art understanding of 24 elementary schoolchild museum visitors based on their paired conversation and analysed conversation categories and stages of aesthetic development. First, the analysis of the conversation categories were conducted based on the frameworks which are reframed from Allen's and Housen's research. The two respectively categorized learning in museums and analyzed interviews related with aesthetic development. In accordance with the analysis, conversations about art works consist of seven categories: perceptional talk, conceptual talk, connecting talk, emotional talk, assessing talk, strategic talk, and other talks. These categories are also divided into sixteen subcategories. Second, the overall examination of stages of aesthetic development were conducted based on the Housen's ADI process. The result shows that the elementary schoolchilds' stages of aesthetic development were presented similarly with Housen's research. But the analysis also showed that the aesthetic development levels increased when students engaged in conversations with their peers. In spite of various interruptive factors that can impact their conversations, active interaction between peer visitors seems to be a stimulus. Based on these result, the study suggests the way to promote the effects of museum education and visitors' aesthetic development. 본 연구는 초등학생 관람자들의 대화를 분석하여 작품을 지각하고 의미를 형성하는과정에서 나타나는 대화의 특성과 전반적인 미적 발달 단계를 파악하는데 목적이 있다. 이를 위하여 초등학교 6학년 학생들이 두 명씩 짝을 지어 국립현대미술관에 전시된 작품을 감상하며 나눈 대화를 녹음하여 분석하였다. 그 결과 초등학생 관람자의 대화는 크게 7개의 대화 유형으로 분류되어 그들의 대화 특성을 이해하기 위한 정보를얻을 수 있었다. 이와 함께 초등학생 관람자의 대화를 미적 발달 단계에 비추어봄으로써 전반적인 미적 발달 수준을 확인할 수 있었다. 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 초등학생관람자의 상호작용을 통한 미술관 학습의 효과를 증진하고 미적 발달을 촉진하기 위한방안을 제언하였다.

      • KCI등재

        상해 浦東신구의 개발ㆍ개방과 핵심 기능클러스터의 형성

        徐錫興(Suh Suk-heung) 대한중국학회 2007 중국학 Vol.28 No.-

          In China, since the 1990s Changjiang Delta Economic Region has rapidly emerged, which began with the development-opening of Shanghai Pudong in 1990. In April 18th 2005 Pudong celebrated the 15th anniversary of its development-opening. Around this time various articles were intensively published that made final settlement of the experience and result of that period. And also Dengxiaoping"s works and secret history relating Pudong"s development-opening were newly published.<BR>  Under this background, with basing on the Chinese recent data, I studied in detail Pudong"s development-opening"s background, aim, procession, Dengxiaoping"s role, basic strategy, concrete promoting method, and government"s function conversion, its effort for improvement of investment environment, formation of four core functional cluster.<BR>  For the last 16years, Pudong accomplished the great economic growth of the annual 18.4%. And the traditional rural Pudong changed into the external, multi-functional modernized new city. We can find out the following five things as the factors of Pudong"s successful development-opening, (1) central government"s active support of policy and chief leader"s steady concern and encouragement, (2) government"s function conversion and its effort for improvement of investment environment, (3) promoting the four special core functional cluster, (4) proper combination of normalization and creativity in the process of development-opening, and (5) active policy for attraction of other region and foreign talents.<BR>  The concrete promoting method of Pudong"s developmentopening may be good reference for the Korean cases like Incheon, Pusan-Jinhae, Gwangyang Free Economic Zones" development.

      • A methodological framework for the development of feasible CO<sub>2</sub> conversion processes

        Roh, Kosan,Lee, Jay H.,Gani, Rafiqul Elsevier 2016 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GREENHOUSE GAS CONTROL Vol.47 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>Converting captured CO<SUB>2</SUB> feedstock into valuable chemical products is viewed as one of the potential ways to reduce atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> emission. To this end, a methodological framework is suggested to support the development of feasible CO<SUB>2</SUB> conversion processes that can contribute to the CO<SUB>2</SUB> reduction by replacing non-CO<SUB>2</SUB> utilizing processes or non CO<SUB>2</SUB>-based products. The framework encompasses several execution and decision steps and uses three main criteria, which are the demand availability, CO<SUB>2</SUB> reduction feasibility, and economic feasibility. As an illustrative example, a methanol plant employing combined reforming (CR) of methane reaction is developed. To supply the CO<SUB>2</SUB> feedstock, the aMDEA-based CO<SUB>2</SUB> capture applied to a SMR-based H<SUB>2</SUB> plant is considered. A baseline process is developed and is compared with a non-CO<SUB>2</SUB> utilizing conventional methanol plant (process substitution) and a gasoline production process (product substitution) in terms of the established criteria. For the former, it is verified that the methanol production via combined reforming leads to cheaper unit production cost as well as lower net CO<SUB>2</SUB> emission compared to the conventional methanol plant. For the latter, it is shown that the feasibility of the CO<SUB>2</SUB>-based methanol as an alternative fuel to gasoline highly depends on the type and price of the raw materials. To improve the developed baseline CO<SUB>2</SUB> conversion process further, (1) some of the combined reforming reaction related design variables are fine-tuned using a sensitivity analysis and an equilibrated syngas plot, and (2) utilization of various renewable energy resources for the internal electricity demand is examined.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> A methodological framework for feasible CO<SUB>2</SUB> conversion process development. </LI> <LI> Replacement of a conventional methanol plant by the CO<SUB>2</SUB> conversion process. </LI> <LI> Replacement of gasoline by the CO<SUB>2</SUB>-based methanol. </LI> <LI> Reduction of net CO<SUB>2</SUB> emission of the developed process through a graphical approach. </LI> <LI> Utilization of various renewable energy resources for internal electricity demand. </LI> </UL> </P>

      • Field development optimization in mature oil reservoirs using a hybrid algorithm

        Yang, Hyungjun,Kim, Junyi,Choe, Jonggeun Elsevier 2017 Journal of petroleum science & engineering Vol.156 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>Many optimization schemes have been proposed to simultaneously optimize various variables such as well locations, well operation schedules, well types, and the number of wells. However, most of these approaches often focused on fixed well type without considering conversion of existing wells.</P> <P>This paper proposes a new optimization for mature oil field development. Since converting from producers to injectors is a common practice in mature oil field, we have to optimize simultaneously type conversion schedules of all existing producers and infill wells as well as the number of infill wells, their locations, and operation schedules. We propose a new hybrid algorithm, which combines differential evolution (DE) algorithm and mesh adaptive direct search algorithm (MADS) to solve our optimization task.</P> <P>By considering well type conversion, it will increase the complexity of searching space but provide more realistic and optimal development plan. We demonstrate it in 2D synthetic and 3D PUNQ-S3 reservoirs for optimal field development. The proposed optimization considering well type conversion provides higher net present value than the fixed well type optimization in the both cases. The hybrid algorithm also shows better search performances than DE and MADS algorithms. Thus, we conclude that consideration of well conversion schedules is necessary for economical field development scenarios in mature oil fields.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> We proposea new field development optimization formature oil reservoirs including well type conversion schedules. </LI> <LI> The proposedhybrid algorithm combines differential evolution (DE) algorithm and mesh adaptive direct search algorithm (MADS). </LI> <LI> The hybrid algorithm showsgoodperformancesin both 2D and 3D PUNQ-S3 mature oil reservoircasesby considering well type conversion. </LI> </UL> </P>

      • KCI등재

        감정평가 결과를 활용한 분양전환 임대주택의 개발이익 결정요인 분석

        김현철,김호철 한국도시행정학회 2023 도시 행정 학보 Vol.36 No.3

        본 연구는 분양전환을 전제로 건설된 임대주택의 개발이익이 청약시점부터 분양전환시점 사이에 어떻게 발생하는지 파악하고, 개발이익을 발생시키는 요인과 각 요인의 영향력을 고찰하기 위한 것이다. 청약시점 이후부터 분양전환 시점까지 발생하는 개발이익은 청약시점의 ‘토지와 건물의 원가’와 분양전환시점의 감정평가 과정에서 적용한 주변 매매 사례를 통해 파악한 ‘주변 시세’를 각각 추정한 후 둘의 차이를 비교하는 방식으로 산정되었다. 이를 위해 2014년부터 2021년 사이에 분양전환을 목적으로 감정평가를 한 사례를 수집하고, 내용이 불명확하거나 비정상적인 사례를 제외한 385건의 사례를 최종 선별하여 임대주택의 개발이익을 파악하였다. 이 자료를 바탕으로 전체 사업의 개발이익 결정에 영향을 미치는 요인으로 단지 및 세대 특성, 시간적 특성, 사업자 특성, 토지 특성, 입지적 특성, 지역 특성 등으로 구분하고, 다중회귀분석을 이용하여 개발이익 결정요인의 영향과 유의성을 확인하였다. 분석결과 개발이익에 영향을 미치는 요인으로 단지 및 세대 특성 변수 중에서 전체 세대수와 분양세대 비율, 호별 전유면적 규모 등이 유의한 (+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 토지 특성 변수인 청약시점 개별공시지가 수준, 공시지가 연평균 변동률의 영향력(+)이 큰 것으로 확인되었다. 그리고 입지적 특성 변수 중 공원과의 거리 등이 미미하게나마 영향을 미치고 있음을 확인할 수 있었다. This study examines how development surplus occur between the time of subscription and the time of sale conversion in rental houses built on the premise of conversion to sale, and to consider the factors that generate development surplus and the influence of each factor. In this paper, development surplus were calculated by comparing the ‘cost of land and buildings’ at the time of subscription and the ‘estimated market price’ identified through the appraisal process at the time of pre-sale conversion. Between 2014 and 2021, cases of appraisal were collected for the purpose of conversion of pre-sale. Based on this data, 385 cases were finally selected, excluding unclear or abnormal cases. Factors affecting the development surplus of the project were divided into complex and household characteristics, temporal characteristics, developer’s characteristics, land characteristics, location characteristics, and regional characteristics. The influence and significance of the determinants of development surplus were confirmed using multiple regression analysis. Among the factors affecting the total development surplus, the total number of households, the ratio of pre-sale households, and the size of the exclusive area for each house were found to have a significant (+) effect. It was confirmed that the level of officially assessed land price and annual rate of variation of officially assessed land price, which are land characteristic variables, had a very large and significant (+) effect. Among the variables of location characteristics, it was confirmed that the distance from the park was slightly affected.

      • KCI등재

        농지법상 농업진흥지역의 농지전용에 관한 고찰

        정경모(Gyeong-Mo Jeong),윤장노(Jang-No Yoon) 한국토지공법학회 2023 土地公法硏究 Vol.102 No.-

        헌법 제121조 제1항에 농지에 관하여 경자유전 원칙을 규정하고 있다. 농지의 소유는 농지를 이용하여 농사를 짓는 사람이 소유하도록 하고 있다. 반면에, 헌법 제122조에는 국토의 효율적이고 균형 있는 이용·개발과 보전을 위하여 법률이 정하는 바에 의하여 그에 관한 필요한 제한과 의무를 과할 수 있다고 규정하여 개발을 허용하고 있다. 대표적인 개발법으로는 “도시와 농어촌 간의 교류 촉진에 관한 법률”과 “농업·농촌 및 식품산업 기본법”이라고 볼 수 있다. 농어촌 사람들의 삶의 질을 높이고, 농어촌의 경제적 활력을 증진 시켜 주기 위해서다. 이러한 목적을 이루기 위해서는 농지전용을 하여 개발하게 된다. 국민에게 안전한 농산물과 품질 좋은 식품을 안정적으로 공급하기 위하여 창고나 공장설립을 하게 된다. 이때 토지의 가격이 상대적으로 낮은 농림지역인 농업진흥지역안의 농지를 선호하고 있다. 이때, 농지개발이 소규모 사업으로 대부분 이루어지게 된다. 소규모 농지가 개발되면 농지의 연접성이 떨어지게 되어 농사의 자동화 농사법에 방해가 되어 농업 생산성이 떨어지게 된다. 그리고 농지의 난개발을 초래하고 있다. 농지개발 때문에 토지가격의 상승으로 농지가 필요한 농민들이 농지를 구입 하지 못해 농민들의 소득 향상의 방해가 되는 문제가 있다. 본 연구는 농지의 기본개념을 알아보고, 농업진흥지역의 지정목적과 농지전용허가(협의)내용을 알아본다. 전용허가(협의)에 따르는 농지 보전에 대한 관점에서 문제점을 도출하고, 개선할 내용을 제시하여 농지의 보전에 조금이나마 도움이 되었으면 하는 목적이 있다. Article 121, Paragraph 1 of the Constitution stipulates the principle of tillage in relation to farmland. Ownership of farmland is owned by the person who uses the farmland to farm. On the other hand, Article 122 of the Constitution permits development by stipulating that necessary restrictions and obligations may be imposed in accordance with the law for the efficient and balanced use, development, and preservation of the national land. Representative development laws include the “Act on the Promotion of Exchanges between Cities and Rural Communities” and the “Basic Act on Agriculture, Rural Communities and Food Industry”. It is to improve the quality of life of rural residents and to enhance the economic vitality of rural areas. In order to achieve this goal, agricultural land is converted and developed. In order to stably supply safe agricultural products and high-quality food to the people, warehouses or factories are established. At this time, farmland in the agricultural promotion area, which is an agricultural and forestry area where the price of land is relatively low, is preferred. At this time, farmland development is mostly carried out as a small-scale project. When small-scale farmland is developed, the connectivity of farmland deteriorates, which interferes with the automated farming method of farming, resulting in a decrease in agricultural productivity. And it is causing the reckless development of agricultural land. There is a problem that farmers who need farmland cannot purchase farmland due to the increase in land price due to farmland development, which hinders the improvement of farmers' income. This study examines the basic concept of farmland, the purpose of designation of agricultural promotion areas, and the details of permission (consultation) for farmland conversion. The purpose is to derive problems from the perspective of farmland conservation following conversion permission (consultation), and to present the contents to be improved to help preserve farmland even a little.

      • KCI등재후보

        생태적 사고를 통한 복음 전도의 이해

        김선일 한국복음주의선교신학회 2010 복음과 선교 Vol.13 No.-

        This paper is to explore the aspects of evangelism to the analysis defined by ecological worldview and its systemic paradigms. Ecological worldview does not only help us to realize the impending crisis caused by the destruction of environment, but to change the whole way of viewing things. We have long assumed that human beings are at the center of the universe at our disposal of the nature. But it is here argued that the ecological crisis provides not only an awakening to the Christian vision of creation, but also a renewed way of thinking that everything in creation is essentially connected to each other in the reign of the Creator God. This leads to a kind of new thinking, the so-called 'ecological epistemology, which views the human and social process in an interrelated way. Too often evangelistic communication is understood in terms of content of gospel presentation or well-crafted programs, which would guarantee the effective result of evangelism. This study postulates that such attitude may stem from mechanistic worldview that engenders a linear and simplistic transmission view of communication. Evangelism is in some sense a matter of communication between human beings. Ecological thinking is well applied to understanding of human interactions. Urie Bronfenbrenner coins the ecology of human development to explore the myriad ways children develop cognitively in a number of different settings. Then, in order for us to address evangelism within the purview of ecological thinking, conversion,which is the goal of evangelism, should be dealt first with regard to human development. Christian conversion, though it holds a distinctive character, can be understood as the multilayered and protracted core process of spiritual development. This, in turn, opens the way for dealing with evangelism in systems perspective, which was shown in approaching human development. How we view conversion and communication determines how we do evangelism. T conversion needs to be understood This view of human transformation and communication can be aided by the ecological paradigm of thinking. Having explored the concept of ecology and its models for human development with regard to conversion and evangelism, this study moves on to present the strategies for evangelism by mapping out the previous or existing evangelism ministries and literatures within the ecological systems model proposed by Bronfenbrenner: micro-, meso-,exo-, and macro-systems. The microsystem covers all activities and ministries that directly reach people outside the church. This is the most typical area we have been familiar with in our efforts of evangelistic communication. Different microsystem components need to be integrated so as to effectively help people through transformational development. This is the central factor within the mesosystem. Thus the mesosystem concerns relation between microsystem components. While microsystem is enveloped by mesosystem, the former is also open to the impacts of the more external structures, exosystems, as seen in the figure. Likewise, while the exosystem covers micro- and mesosystems, it also intersects with macrosystem. Evangelism is about the whole system of the church. The assertion that evangelism should be relational, however, becomes a cliché unless we realize that evangelistic communication needs to recognize the relational web of all life systems in the life of a Christian community including its relationship with the larger society. Evangelism is interwoven with the fabric of person, society, and culture. With the aid of insights into the concepts of ecology and its systems approach to human development, evangelism can recapitulate Christian life as well as the community of Christians. There is an African saying, “it takes a whole village to raise a child.” This ancient proverb conveys a central truth which accords with the gist of evangelism and is congruent with a Trinitarian ecology. “It takes a whole community t...

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