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      • KCI등재

        사전 정보가 없는 배송지에서 장애물 탐지 및 배송 드론의 안전 착륙 지점 선정 기법

        서민철,한상익 사단법인 한국자동차안전학회 2024 자동차안전학회지 Vol.16 No.2

        The delivery using drones has been attracting attention because it can innovatively reduce the delivery time from the time of order to completion of delivery compared to the current delivery system, and there have been pilot projects conducted for safe drone delivery. However, the current drone delivery system has the disadvantage of limiting the operational efficiency offered by fully autonomous delivery drones in that drones mainly deliver goods to pre-set landing sites or delivery bases, and the final delivery is still made by humans. In this paper, to overcome these limitations, we propose obstacle detection and landing site selection algorithm based on a vision sensor that enables safe drone landing at the delivery location of the product orderer, and experimentally prove the possibility of station-to-door delivery. The proposed algorithm forms a 3D map of point cloud based on simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) technology and presents a grid segmentation technique, allowing drones to stably find a landing site even in places without prior information. We aims to verify the performance of the proposed algorithm through streaming data received from the drone.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        임산부의 분만방법 결정과정과 만족도

        전혜리,박정한,박순우,허창규,황순구,Jun, Hae-Ri,Park, Jung-Han,Park, Soon-Woo,Huh, Chang-Kyu,Hwang, Soon-Gu 대한예방의학회 1998 예방의학회지 Vol.31 No.4

        This study was conducted to assess the attitude of pregnant women toward delivery method, understanding of the reason for determining her own delivery method, participation in decision-making process and satisfaction with delivery method after labor. Study subjects were 693 pregnant women who had visited obstetric clinic for prenatal care in the last month of pregnancy in one general hospital and one obstetrics-gynecology specialty hospital in Taegu city from February 1 to March 31 in 1998. A questionnaire was administered before and after labor and a telephone interview was done one month after labor. Proportion of women who had health education and/or counselling about delivery method during prenatal care was 24.0% and this proportion was higher for women who had previous c-section(35.5%) than others. Women thought vaginal delivery is better than c-section for both maternal and baby's health regardless of previous delivery method. About 90% of primipara and multiparous women who had previous vaginal delivery wanted vaginal delivery for the index birth, while 85.6% of multiparous women who had previous c-section wanted repeat c-section. Reasons for choosing c-section in pregnant women who preferred vaginal delivery before labor were recommendation of doctors(81.9%), recommendation of husband (0.8%), agreement between doctor and pregnant woman(4.7%), and mother's demand (12.6%). Reasons for choosing vaginal delivery were mother's demand(30.6%) and no indication for c-section(67.2%). Reasons for choosing c-section in pregnant women who preferred c-section before labor were recommendation of doctors(76.2%), mother's demand(20.0%), recommendation of husband(1.3%), and agreement between doctor and pregnant woman(2.5%). Of the pregnant women who had c-section, by doctor's recommendation, the proportion of women who had heard detailed explanation about reason for c-section by doctor was 55.1%. Mother's statement about the reason for c-section was consistent with the medical record in 75.9% . However, over 5% points disparities were shown between mother's statement and medical record in cases of the repeat c-section and mother's demand. In primipara and multiparous women who had previous vaginal delivery, the delivery method for index birth had statistically significant association with the preference of delivery method before labor(p<0.05). All of the women who had previous c-section had delivered the index baby by c-section. Among mothers who had delivered the index baby vaginally, 84.9% of them were satisfied with their delivery method immediately after labor and 85.1% at 1 month after labor. However, mothers who had c-section stated that they are satisfied with c-section in 44.6% immediately after labor and 42.0% at 1 month after labor. Preferred delivery method for the next birth had statistically significant association with delivery method for the index birth both immediately after labor and in 1 month after labor. The proportion of mothers who prefer vaginal delivery for the next birth increased with the degree of satisfaction with the vaginal delivery for the index birth but the proportion of mothers who prefer c-section for the next birth was high and they did not change significantly with the degree of satisfaction with the c-section for the index birth. These results suggest that the current high technology-based, physician-centered prenatal and partritional cares need to be reoriented to the basic preventive and promotive technology-based, and mother-fetus-centered care. It is also suggested that active involvement of pregnant woman in decision-making process for the delivery method will increase the rate of vaginal birth after c-section and decrease c-section rate and improve the degree of maternal satisfaction after delivery. 본 연구는 임산부들의 분만전 분만방법에 대한 태도, 자신의 분만방법에 대한 이해 및 개입 정도, 분만후 분만방법에 대한 만족도 등을 평가하기 위하여 대구시내 1개 대학병원과 1개 산부인과 전문병원에서 산전진찰을 목적으로 내원한 임신 36주 이상의 임부 693명을 대상으로 분만전, 분만직후, 분만 1개월 후 3차례에 걸쳐 설문조사를 시행하였다. 임신기간 중 분만방법에 대한 교육이나 상담을 받은 임부는 24.0%였으며, 교육이나 상담을 받은 임부의 비율은 이전에 제왕절개분만을 한 임부에서 유의하게 높았다(p<0.05). 초산부, 자연분만을 했던 경산부, 제왕절개분만을 했던 경산부 모두 자연분만이 엄마나 아기의 건강에 더 좋다고 대답하였으나, 제왕절개분만을 했던 임부들 중 9.2%는 제왕절개분만이 아기의 건강에 더 좋다고 생각하였다. 분만전 선호하는 분만방법은 초산부와 자연분만을 했던 경산부는 90% 이상이 자연분만을 원했으나, 제왕절개분만을 했던 경산부는 85.6%가 제왕절개분만을 선호하였다. 분만전 자연분만을 선호하였던 임부들이 제왕절개 분만을 결정하게 된 이유는 의사의 권유가 81.9%, 남편의 권유가 0.8%, 충분히 상담후 결정한 경우가 4.7%, 산모가 원하여 12.6%였으며, 자연분만을 결정하게 된 이유는 대부분이 제왕절개분만을 할 특별한 사유가 없었거나(67.2%) 산모가 원한 것(30.6%)으로 나타났다. 제왕절개분만을 원했던 임부들의 제왕절개분만을 결정하게 된 이유는 의사의 권유가 76.2%, 산모가 원한 경우 20.0%, 남편의 권유가 1.3%, 의사와 충분히 상담후 결정한 경우는 2.5%였다. 의사의 권유로 제왕절개분만한 산모가 수술 이유에 대해 충분히 설명을 들은 경우는 55.1%였다. 제왕절개분만을 한 산모들의 수술 이유에 대한 의무기록과 산모 대답간의 일치율은 75.9%였으며, 반복 제왕절개분만일 경우와 산모가 원한 경우에 5% point 이상 응답을 차이가 났다. 초산부와 자연분만을 했던 경산부의 산전에 선호한 분만방법은 실제 분만방법과 유의한 관련성을 보였고(p<0.05), 제왕절개분만을 했던 경산부들은 선호도에 관계없이 100% 제왕절개분만을 하였다. 분만후 분만 방법별 자신의 분만방법에 만족하는 비율은 자연분만한 산모는 분만직후 84.9%, 분만 1개월 후 85.1%였으나 제왕절개분만을 한 산모는 분만직후 44.7%, 분만 1개월 후 42.0%로 나타냈다(p<0.05). 분만후 분만방법에 대한 선호도는 분만직후, 분만 1개월 후 모두 분만방법과 유의한 관계를 보였고, 각 시기별 분만방법에 대한 만족도와는 자연분만을 한 산모들은 자신의 분만방법에 만족할수록 자연분만을 선호하였지만, 제왕절개분만을 한 산모들은 만족 정도와 관계없이 제왕절개분만에 대한 선호도가 높았다. 이러한 결과는 그동안의 의사 중심의 전문적인 기술위주의 산전관리와 분만관리에서 기본적인 예방 및 건강증진 위주의 임부와 태아 중심 관리로의 방향 전환이 필요하며, 임부의 임신과 분만에 관한 적극적인 교육 및 상담이 필요하며, 분만방법 결정과정에 임부가 적극적으로 참여함으로써 제왕절개 분만율을 낮추고 제왕절개술후의 자연분만을 유도할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 분만후 분만방법에 대한 만족도도 향상시킬 수 있음을 시사한다.

      • KCI등재

        키워드 분석을 통한 코로나-19 팬데믹 발생 전, 후의 소비자, 음식점 점주의 배달앱에 대한 인식변화 연구: ‘배달의민족’을 중심으로

        이용규 한국진로·창업경영학회 2023 한국진로창업경영학회지 Vol.7 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to analyze changes in consumers' and restaurant owners' perceptions of delivery apps before and after the COVID-19 pandemic to provide useful information on government institutions' policymaking or restaurant owners and prospective entrepreneurs preparing to start a restaurant. To this end, big data was collected and analyzed from Blogs and Cafes provided by Naver, Google, and Daum under the keyword of "Baemin", a representative delivery platform. The collection period was five years and seven months before and after the pandemic, and the analysis was conducted on 13,130 cases excluding duplicate or unavailable data. TEXTOM 5.0 and UCINET 6 were used for analysis, and Word Cloud analysis, network analysis, CONCOR analysis, and centrality analysis were used for analysis techniques. According to Word Cloud analysis, after the pandemic, traditional delivery food "chicken" was not included in the top keywords of frequency, but "menu", "order", and "review" appeared at the top, indicating that consumers are interested in various "menus" through "reviews". According to the network analysis results, keywords showing a strong connection with the keyword "Baemin" were "Service", "Payment", "App", "Possible", "Card", "Fee", and "Food" while new keywords were "Hyundai Card", "Cashwork", "Gift Certificate", "Coupangeats", and "Platform". This means that demand for delivery food is increasing, and competition in the delivery food market is intensifying with the advent of the new delivery platform Coupangeats, and consumers' demands for delivery food are diversifying. CONCOR analysis shows that, unlike before the pandemic, four main clusters and one subcluster were clearly formed after the pandemic. This is seen as a result of reflecting consumers' increased expectations for delivery apps. According to the results of the centrality analysis, keywords such as "service", "review", "menu", "commission", and "platform" appeared at the top after the pandemic. This is seen as a result of reflecting the increasing demand for "menu" selection through "review" search and high-end "service" delivery, not just food delivery. The implications of this study are of academic significance in that it has identified changes in the perception of delivery apps more comprehensively and objectively through SNS big data, not through a survey method. Based on the results of the study, delivery app operators and restaurant owners (founders) will need to cultivate a management mind for co-prosperity and establish a system that actively responds to the needs of changed consumers. In addition, the government should make more efforts to prevent the monopolization of feared delivery app operators and establish a system that can coexist with restaurant owners. 본 연구의 목적은 코로나-19 팬데믹 이전과 이후 기간에 소비자, 음식점 점주의 배달앱에 대한 인식에 어떤 변화가 있었는지를 분석하여 정부기관의 정책수립 시나 음식점 점주, 음식점 창업을 준비 중인 예비창업가의 배달앱 운영에 대한 의사결정에 유용한 정보를 제공하는데 있다. 이를 위하여 대표적인 배달 플랫폼인 ‘배달의민족’을 키워드로 네이버, 구글, 다음이 제공하는 블로그, 카페 등에서 빅데이터를 수집‧분석하였다. 수집대상 기간은 팬데믹 전, 후 총 5년 7개월이었으며, 중복이거나 사용할 수 없는 데이터를 제외한 13,130건을 대상으로 분석을 실시하였다. 분석에는 TEXTOM 5.0과UCINET 6을 활용하였고, 분석 기법에는 워드클라우드 분석, 네트워크 분석, CONCOR 분석, 중심성 분석이 사용되었다. 워드클라우드 분석 결과에 의하면 팬데믹 이후에는 전통적인 배달 음식인 ‘치킨’이 빈도수 상위 키워드에 포함되지 않은대신 ‘메뉴’, ‘주문’, ‘리뷰’가 상위에 나타나 소비자들이 ‘리뷰’를 통해 다양한 ‘메뉴’에 관심을 보이는 것으로 나타났다. 네트워크 분석 결과에 의하면 키워드인 ‘배달의민족’과 강한 연결 관계를 보이는 키워드로는 ‘서비스’, ‘결제’, ‘앱’, ‘가능’, ‘카드’, ‘수수료’, ‘음식’이었으며, 신규로 등장한 키워드는 ‘현대카드’, ‘캐시워크’, ‘상품권’, ‘쿠팡이츠’, ‘플랫폼’이었다. 이는 배달 음식에 대한 수요가 증가하고 있으며, 신규 배달 플랫폼인 ‘쿠팡이츠’의 등장으로 배달음식 시장의 경쟁이 심해지고 있고, 배달음식에 대한 소비자의 요구도 다양해지고 있음을 의미 한다. CONCOR 분석 결과에 의하면 팬데믹 이전과는 달리 팬데믹 이후 네 개의 주 클러스터와 한 개의 부 클러스터가 명확하게 형성되었다. 이는 배달앱에 대한 소비자들의높아진 기대수준을 반영한 결과로 보여진다. 중심성 분석 결과에 의하면 팬데믹 이후에는 ‘서비스’, ‘리뷰’, ‘메뉴’, ‘수수료’, ‘플랫폼’의 키워드가 상위에 나타났다. 이는 단순한 음식 배달이 아닌 ‘리뷰’ 검색을 통한 ‘메뉴’선정과 고급 ‘서비스’ 를 배달 받기를 희망하는 수요가 증가 하고 있음을 반영한 결과로 보여진다. 본 연구의 시사점은 배달앱에 대한 인식변화를 설문조사 방식이 아닌 SNS빅데이터를 통해 보다 종합적이고 객관적으로 규명했다는 데에 학문적 의의가 있다. 연구결과를 토대로 배달앱 운영사와 음식점 점주(창업자)는 상생을 위한 경영마인드를 함양해야 할 것이며 변화된 소비자의 요구에 적극 대응하는 시스템 구축이 필요할 것이다. 또한 정부는 우려되는 배달앱 운영사의 독점화를 방지하고 음식점 점주들과 상생할 수 있는 제도를 수립하는데 더 노력해야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        Recent advances in polymeric drug delivery systems

        Yong Kiel Sung,Sung Wan Kim 한국생체재료학회 2020 생체재료학회지 Vol.24 No.2

        Background: Polymeric drug delivery systems have been achieved great development in the last two decades. Polymeric drug delivery has defined as a formulation or a device that enables the introduction of a therapeutic substance into the body. Biodegradable and bio-reducible polymers make the magic possible choice for lot of new drug delivery systems. The future prospects of the research for practical applications has required for the development in the field. Main body: Natural polymers such as arginine, chitosan, dextrin, polysaccharides, poly (glycolic acid), poly (lactic acid), and hyaluronic acid have been treated for polymeric drug delivery systems. Synthetic polymers such as poly (2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate), poly(N-isopropyl acrylamide)s, poly(ethylenimine)s, dendritic polymers, biodegradable and bio-absorbable polymers have been also discussed for polymeric drug delivery. Targeting polymeric drug delivery, biomimetic and bio-related polymeric systems, and drug-free macromolecular therapeutics have also treated for polymeric drug delivery. In polymeric gene delivery systems, virial vectors and non-virial vectors for gene delivery have briefly analyzed. The systems of non-virial vectors for gene delivery are polyethylenimine derivatives, polyethylenimine copolymers, and polyethylenimine conjugated bio-reducible polymers, and the systems of virial vectors are DNA conjugates and RNA conjugates for gene delivery. Conclusion: The development of polymeric drug delivery systems that have based on natural and synthetic polymers are rapidly emerging to pharmaceutical fields. The fruitful progresses have made in the application of biocompatible and bio-related copolymers and dendrimers to cancer treatment, including their use as delivery systems for potent anticancer drugs. Combining perspectives from the synthetic and biological fields will provide a new paradigm for the design of polymeric drug and gene delivery systems.

      • KCI등재

        Drug delivery to the brain via the nasal route of administration: exploration of key targets and major consideration factors

        정승현,장지훈,이용복 한국약제학회 2023 Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation Vol.53 No.1

        Background Cranial nerve-related diseases such as brain tumors, Alzheimer’s disease, and epilepsy are serious diseases that continue to threaten human. Brain-related diseases are increasing worldwide, including in the United States and Korea, and these increases are closely related to the exposure to harmful substances and excessive stress caused by rapid industrialization and environmental pollution. Drug delivery to the brain is very important for the effective prevention and treatment of brainrelated diseases. However, due to the presence of the blood–brain barrier and the extensive first-pass metabolism effect, the general routes of administration such as oral and intravenous routes have limitations in drug delivery to the brain. Therefore, as an alternative, the nasal-brain drug delivery route is attracting attention as a route for effective drug delivery to the brain. Areas covered This review includes physiological factors, advantages, limitations, current application status, especially in clinical applications, and the necessary factors for consideration in formulation development related to nasal-brain drug delivery. Expert opinion The nasal-brain drug delivery route has the advantage of enhancing drug delivery to the brain locally, mainly through the olfactory route rather than the systemic circulation. The nasal-brain lymphatic system has recently attracted attention, and it has been implied that the delivery of anticancer drugs to the brain nervous system is possible effectively. However, there are limitations such as low drug permeability, as well as nasal mucosa and the mucociliary system, as obstacles in nasal-brain drug delivery. Therefore, to overcome the limitations of nasal-brain drug delivery, the use of nanocarriers and mucoadhesive agents is being attempted. However, very few drugs have been officially approved for clinical application via the nasal-brain drug delivery route. This is probably because the understanding of and related studies on nasal-brain drug delivery are limited. In this review, we tried to explore the major considerations and target factors in drug delivery through the nasal-brain route based on physiological knowledge and formulation research information. This will help to provide a mechanistic understanding of drug delivery through the nasal-brain route and bring us one step closer to developing effective formulations and drugs in consideration of the key factors for nasal-brain drug delivery.

      • 둔위분만에 대한 임상통계적 고찰

        공기주,김현찬 인제대학교 1980 仁濟醫學 Vol.1 No.1

        둔위의 분만방법은 모든 경우에 일률적 일수는 없고 분만방법에 따른 각각의 장단점을 가지고 있다. 저자들은 분위분만 방침에 따른 태아와 산모의 문제점을 분석하기 위하여 본 고찰을 시도하였다. 질식분만을 일차적 분만방법으로 하고 고전적 적응증하에서만 제왕절개술을 시행하였던 전반기와 일차적 분만방법으로 제왕절개술을 자유로이 시행하고 특정한 경우 질식분만을 시도하였던 후반기를 비교 대조하여 임상통계적 고찰을 한바 전반기에서는 후반기보다 태아의 이환율, 합병증, 주산기사망율이 증가하는 한편, 후반기에서는 모성 이환율과 합병증이 증가하였다. 고로 둔위의 분만방법은 둔위의 유형, 임신주수, 추정태아의 무게, 선진부의 위치, 자궁경관의 상태, 골반의 유형, 분만기왕력, 산과의사의 숙련도 등의 제반사항을 고려하여 결정하여야 할 것으로 사료된다. The breech delivery, the most commonly experienced mode of abnormal delivery, gives rise to dangrous complications in the fetus, and poses many problems to the obstetrician. This clinical study was attempted mainly to evaluate and compare the fetal and maternal morbidity and mortality between period I (1969∼1974) and period II (1975~1979). During period I the main policy of delivery of breech presentation was vaginal and that of period II was Cersarean section. The materials for analysis were based on 266 singleton breech deliveries and 40 twin deliveries among 9,696 deliveries managed at Busan Maryknoll Hospital from July 1, 1969 to June 30, 1979. The results obtained were as follows: 1.The incidence of breech delivery was 2.7% in singleton and 3.2% in all(singleton and twin) deliveries and there was an increased tendency towatd primigravida and nullipara. 2.As to the method of delivery, the Cesarean section rate has continued to rise from a low rate(6∼12%) to a high recent rate of 50%. 3.Possible causes of breech presentation in order of prevalence were prematurity, multiple preganancy, and immaturity but the cause was unknown in 47.7% of the cases. Over half (57.5%) was in frank breech presentation. 4.There was no significant difference in the incidence of postpartum hemorrhage (10.7% in vaginal delivery: over 500ml, 13.1% in section: over 1,000ml) according to the method of delivery. 5.Antepartum maternal complications in order of prevalence were premature rupture of membranes, preeclampsia and prolonged labor. Puerperal fever was the most common morbidffy among postpartum maternal comhications regardless of the method of delivery and there was significant higher incidence after Cesarean sectlon (P<0.005). 6.As to the neonatal morbidity, jaundice was markedly prevalent in the Cesarean section group(P<0.005) but respiratory problems and low Apgar score, less than 3, were more significantly increased in the vaginal delivery group(P>0.025, p<0.005). Head injury and fractures were only noticed in the vaginal delivery group. 7.Corrected perinatal mortality, excluding antepartum death, was 20.6% in vaginal delivery and 1.3% in Cesarean section(P <0.005). Corrected perinatal mortality during period I was 19.7% and that period II was 11.4%(P<0.05). The main causes of perinatal mortality were immaturity and prematurity (71.4%)

      • KCI등재

        배송형 구독서비스의 적시성과 제품유형이 소비자의 향유와 구독의도에 미치는 영향

        서주원,구만왕,당꾸잉튀지엠,이정규 한국프랜차이즈학회 2022 프랜차이징저널 Vol.8 No.1

        Subscription-based delivery service which enables consumers to receive product periodically on the date that they expect becomes popular. While many firms provide subscription-based delivery services to compete with other rivals in the market to make an effort to increase the speed of delivery services, still few things are known on how consumers respond to such delivery services. Related to this issue, the study investigates the effect of timeliness of delivery in subscription-based delivery service depending on the product type on consumers’ subscription intentions, and tries to find the way how to increase their intentions. The study has a 2(timeliness of delivery: high, low) × 2(product type: utilitarian, hedonic) between subject design. Using an ANOVA with the two dichotomous variables of timeliness of delivery and product type, we finds that while consumers indicate higher subscription intentions when they are provided with higher speed of the delivery service in purchasing utilitarian products, they show higher subscription intentions when they are provided with lower speed of the delivery service in purchasing hedonic products. We also find that consumers enjoy savoring when utilitarian products are delivered in faster speed, and they also enjoy savoring when hedonic products are delivered in slower speed. We demonstrate that savoring mediates the relationship between timeliness of delivery with product type and subscription intentions. 소비자가 원하는 날짜에 정기적으로 제품을 배송받을 수 있는 배송형 구독서비스가 크게 성장하고 있다. 배송형 구독서비스를 제공하는 기업들은 더 빠른 배송을 위해 경쟁하고 있지만, 소비자가 이러한 배송 서비스에 실제로 어떻게 반응하는지에 관하여는 알려진 바가 많지 않다. 이와 관련해 본 연구는 배송형 구독서비스에 대해 배송의 적시성과 제품유형의 상호작용이 구독의도에 영향을 미칠 수 있음을 제안하고, 구독의도를 높이는 방법에 대하여 살펴보고자 한다. 본 연구는 집단간 실험설계를 통해 2(배송의 적시성) × 2(제품유형)의 이원 상호작용 효과가 유의함을 확인하였다. 구체적으로 배송의 적시성이 낮을 때는 쾌락재가 실용재보다 더 높은 구독의도를 나타내었으나, 배송의 적시성이 높을 때는 실용재가 쾌락재보다 더 높은 구독의도를 보였다. 한편 배송의 적시성과 제품유형의 상호작용은 소비자가 인지하는 향유를 매개하여 구독의도에 영향을 미치는 것을 발견하였다. 배송의 적시성이 낮을 때는 쾌락재에 한해 향유의 매개효과가 발생하는 반면, 배송의 적시성이 높을 때는 실용재에 한해 향유의 매개효과가 발생함을 확인하였다. 결과적으로 본 연구는 배송의 적시성에 따라 제품유형이 구독의도에 미치는 차별적 영향과 향유의 완전 매개효과를 입증하였으며, 배송 서비스의 구독의도를 높이기 위한 새로운 시각을 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        여성 대변실금에 대한 연구 - 분만력, 분만방법을 중심으로 -

        윤혜원(Hae Won Yoon),배철성(Cheol Seong Bae) 대한산부인과학회 1999 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.42 No.12

        Objectives: To evaluate the effect of parity & delivery method on female fecal incontinence. Method: Based on 213 cases of 4 different delivery method and 40 cases of one non-delivery group, a retrospective analysis of the prevalence of female fecal incontinence, between January 1996 and December 1998, was done. With delivery mode, 4 different groups were: first vaginal delivery group , two or more vaginal deliveries group, first cesarean section group, and first vaginal delivery followed by cesarean section group. All subjects were examined by questionaire or phone about the experience of fecal incontinence after delivery. In cases of fecal incontinence , we reviewed the obstetric complications with medical records. Result: There was no fecal incontinence in the non-delivery group. The incidence of fecal incontinence in the two or more vaginal delivery group(11.7%, 9/77) and the first vaginal delivery followed by cesarean section group(18.1%, 8/44) was higher than the first vaginal delivery group(6.8%, 3/44), and the first cesarean section group(2.1%, 1/48)(P<0.05). The obstetric complications in fecal incontinence cases were: a prolonged second stage, anal sphincter laceration, vacuum extraction, a large baby etc. Conclusion: Fecal incontinence was significantly correlated with the number of vaginal deliveries and obstetric complications during delivery. Fecal incontinence after the first vaginal delivery or vaginal delivery followed by cesarean section are very important factors in choosing the next delivery method.

      • KCI등재

        産母의 分娩 醫療機關 選擇要因

        송영혜,박재용,차병준 대한보건협회 1994 대한보건연구 Vol.20 No.2

        산모들의 의료기관 선호요인을 규명하기 위하여 1994년 4월 1일부터 1994년 4월 30일 사이에 부산시내 각급 의료기관에서 분만한 산모(2개 대학병원 57명, 3개 종합병원 171명, 4개 병원 198명, 3개 개인의원 99명, 3개 조산소 141명) 총 666명을 대상으로 설문 조사한 결과는 다음과 같다. 조사대상 분만산모의 평균연령은 28.4세였고 각 의료기관별로 선정된 분만산모는 남편직업과 종교분포는 유의한 차이가 있었다. 조산소 분만자는 출산순위가 둘째인 경우가 많은 반면 다른 의료기관은 첫째가 가장 많았다. 조산소 분만자는 전부가 질식분만이었지만 제왕절개 분만은 의원에서는 40.4%, 대학병원에서는 29.8%로 오히려 의원에서 높았다. 그리고 대학병원 분만자는 임신합병증이 있는 경우가 17.5%로 다른 의료기관 보다 높았다. 그러나 의료기관별로 임신기간, 산전관리 횟수, 유산경험 등은 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 없었다. 분만기관에 대한 정보원은 각 의료기관 모두에서 가족·친지가 가장 많았고 의료기관 선택 결정자는 본인이 가장 많았다. 분만기관과 산전관리기관과의 일치율은 각 의료기관에서 모두 60% 이상으로 높게 나타났지만 의료기관별로 분만기관과 산전관리기관이 다른 경우도 대학병원 분만자에서 38.6%로 가장 높고, 병원 분만자에서 29.3%로 가장 낮게 나타났다. 분만을 위해 의료기관을 옮긴 가장 흔한 이유는 대학병원과 종합병원에서 분만한 산모들은 안전분만이, 병원과 의원은 진료수준이, 조산소는 이용편리였다. 분만기관 선호요인은 조산소를 제외한 모든 의료기관에서는 의술신뢰를, 조산소는 이용편리를 제1순위로 지적했으며, 제2순위는 병원급 이상에서는 의사친절, 의원에서는 전통과 전문성, 그리고 조산소는 간호사·직원 친절을 들고 있다. 각급 의료기관간의 선호요인들의 순위상관계수는 0.8이상으로 높아 분만기관별로 선호요인의 뚜렷한 차이를 발견하기 어려웠다. 결국 산전관리기관과 분만기관의 일치율이 60-70% 정도이고 의료기관별로 분만자의 특성 내지는 선호요인에도 큰 차이가 없음을 감안하면 앞으로 산전관리기관과 분만기관이 일치할 수 있도록 분만에 관련된 의료체계의 개편방안이 강구되어야 할 것이다. This study was conducted to investigate the preferring factors about selection of delivery facilities by pregnant women. A total 666 parturient women who delivered a baby at 15 delivery facilities; 2 university hospitals, 3 general hospitals, 4 hospitals, 3 clinics, and 3 midwifery clinics in Pusan, between April 1 and April 30, 1994 were selected for a questionnaire survey. The survey results were as follows : 1. The average age of the women included in the study was 28.4 year of age, and the distribution was not significantly different by the delivery facilities. 3. Many of the parturient women at midwifery facilities were second delivered, but majority of them at another facilities were primiparous. 4. All of parturient women at midwifery facilities were vaginally delivered, but deliveries by cesarean section were 40.4% at clinics, 29.8% at university hospitals. The 17.5% of parturient women at university hospitals were having pregnancy-complications and its rate was higher than that at another facilities. Statistically significant differences were absent in pregnancy duration, frequency of prenatal cares, abortion experiences according to medical services. 5. The information sources about delivery facilities were most from family and relatives in all facilities, and determination on facility selection was most from parturient themselves. 6. The concordance rate of delivery facilities versus prenatal-care facilities was all high in each facility, and disconcordance rate was highest in university hospitals (38.6%), and lowest in hospitals(29.3%). 7. The most common reason for which pregnant women had changed medical services for delivery was safe delivery in university and general hospitals, and medical service level in hospital and clinics, and use-convenience in midwifery facilities. 8. Factors for selecting delivery-factor was primarily medical technique trust except midwifery facility, and there it was use-convenience, and secondarily in hospital-above level, it was doctor-kindness, in clinics it was tradition, professionalism, in midwifery facility it was nurse, other employee-kindness. Spearman correlation of selection factors for each medical services was higher than 0.8, and so remarkable differences was not able to be detected. After all, concordance rate of prenatal care versus delivery facility was about 60-70%, and differences were absent in parturient characteristics to selection factors according to medical services, and so forwards for more concordance of prenatal care and delivery facility, it was be thought that innovative plan of medical system related to delivery be prepared.

      • KCI등재

        택배 전기화물차 도입에 따른 경제성 분석

        진무위,이향숙 한국로지스틱스학회 2022 로지스틱스연구 Vol.30 No.3

        In modern society, the use of fossil fuels is a big issue at the center of various environmental problems including global warming. As a measure to reduce air pollution emitted from road transport, replacing existing vehicles with the internal combustion engine with electric vehicles is a typical example. Currently, the replacement of passenger cars is rapid due to the technological development of electric vehicles. However, the replacement of delivery trucks (1 tonne) is relatively slow. Therefore, to improve the atmospheric environment, it is urgent to replace the electric truck in the parcel delivery. Previous studies have focused on deriving improvement plans for technology development or commercialization of electric trucks. The economic analysis of electric trucks is insufficient. In this study, the economical analysis items of electric delivery trucks were set into six categories through previous research and interviews: truck purchase cost, fuel cost, environmental cost, automobile tax, depreciation cost, and insurance cost. The calculation of fuel accounted for the characteristics of the delivery vehicle causing a lot of idling. This study calculated the actual air emissions through the COPERT program used by the European Environment Agency, rather than simply applying the basic unit to the distance to calculate the environmental cost. In the case study, a daily delivery data of an agency of a domestic representative parcel delivery company was used. Based on this, the operating costs of the diesel truck and the electric truck were compared and analyzed. Through this, it was possible to suggest that the conversion to electric delivery trucks is economical. However, since the cost of purchasing electric vehicles and building charging facilities is high in the initial stage, the government must maintain the current subsidy and come up with a plan that can additionally be supported through financial institutions. In addition, parcel delivery companies and individual delivery drivers need to actively promote a plan to introduce electric trucks in downtown areas where delivery sites are dense to increase the social value of the parcel delivery industry. The result of this study can be used as a reference for the government to prepare support policies for electric trucks, as well as a guideline of economic analysis for the parcel delivery companies.

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