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        Haesung Whang,Eunju Ko 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2015 Global Fashion Management Conference Vol.2015 No.06

        With traditional boundaries among culture, technology, finance, politics, and ecology are disappearing (Friedman, 1999), the need of businesses to deliver unusual experiences to the consumers have increased in order to survive and thrive. With consumer’s need diversifying and getting more complex, capturing receiver’s attention is becoming the key issue for brands (Jung & Shin, 2010). Resultantly, the traditional operators are feeling the necessity to co-operate with those in other fields to obtain differentiation. Hence, even without one consensus meaning existing, the emphasis on the word 'convergence' is consistently growing. Its popularity of use reflects the era we live in, where boundaries are fading and unaccustomed ideas are brought together (Lord & Velez, 2013). However, despite its importance increasing, researches on convergence marketing are very limited. Most of the studies focus only on qualitative research, especially on case studies or defining conceptual definition of term convergence. Thus, not much is known of how consumers perceive this new way of approach. Therefore, the main goal of this study is to first, understand how the consumers perceive marketing of technology and marketing of culture, and second, how the convergence of these two influence on brand perception. The concept of convergence holds meaning in all sorts of fields from telecommunications, computer sciences, mathematics, logic, to economics, sociology, accounting and others (Lord & Velez, 2013). Although it seems that the word convergence is more or only related to the information technology discourse, however in large, although it is true that it was mainly based on the advance of information technology, the concept of convergence is frequently used both in the media industry and the other academic fields. From media industry, it denotes the ongoing restructuring of media companies as well as to describe the various intersections between media technologies, industries, content and audiences. Yet, in academic fields, in the same context of convergence several other terms are frequently used in the literatures, for example as alliance, partnership, sponsorship, and collaboration (Appelgren, 2004) which is all based on the same ‘coming together’ yet differs in specific goal. The convergence marketing that emerged from the intensified competition among brands co-operates with those in other fields in order to create differentiating point. The convergence in fashion industry is found with two main streams of technology convergence and cultural convergence (Wi, 2013). In line with the fact that convergence in everyday life bases from the improvement of technology, the application of technology in fashion industry is also found throughout the production process, from design to production and distribution. Unlike 2000s where fast fashion changed the fashion system, the impact of technology seems to be the largest in the turn of 2010 (Choo et al., 2012; Ko, Kim, & Lee, 2009). As the convergence of marketing and IT can create rich, technologically enabled digital experiences that engage, delight, and serve the consumer, now it plays a part as a source of innovation (Lord & Velez, 2013). Accordingly, with pioneering advantages that technology appliance can deliver, many luxury brands have adopted new technology in its marketing strategies, including QR code in the magazine ad, hologram technique replacing the plastic mannequin, motion reacting interactive show window are to name a few. Similarly, culture for marketing is found with consumers pursuing more and more cultural and intellectual activities with the improvement of the standard of living. As concept of art exemplified from the marketing standpoint evoke general connotations of sophistication, culture, luxury and prestige (Martorella, 1996), many luxury brands are applying cultural contents to improve brand images (Hagtvedt & Patrick, 2008). In sum, to satisfy consumers’ diverse need, brands are trying to incorporate not only using the novel digital devices, but also conveying the cultural contents to provide emotional stimulus. Thus, this study focuses on the marketing communication using convergence of technology and culture that aims to gain consumers’ evaluation. This study applies complex model of Technology acceptance model to Pleasure-arousal-dominance theory to better understand how consumers perceived and adopt the new type of marketing strategy. TAM is a widely employed in various studies to predict users’ behavior intentions (Hsu & Lu, 2004). Technology acceptance model suggested by Davis (1989) is agreed as the theoretical background useful to explain individual adoption behavior with the introduction of such relatively new medium like this make users to experience new ways (Bagozzi & Yi, 1988). Yet, in the model application stage, it was suggested that TAM model focuses only on the judgment of the system of technology and lacks the ability to explain other potentially important factors that can influence on users’ acceptance process. Thus, similar to the other previous researches, this study also linked the emotion response to the existing technology acceptance model (Igbaria, Zinatelli, Cragg, & Cavaye, 1997; Venkatesh, 2000). This was due to the fact that the usage of technology is extending throughout the industry, and emotional factors are found to work as an important factor in such work. Many other approaches have been made in order to explain the emotional side of the adoption, yet in this study, pleasure-arousal-dominance theory which is often used to explain in marketing communication discourse and is supported in application for experiential aspect (Holbrook & Batra, 1987). Pleasure-arousal-dominance theory (PAD; Mehrabian & Russell (1974)) suggested by Mehrabian & Russell (1974) explains the three basic emotion status to mediate approach-avoidance behaviors in any environment based on the Stimulus-Organism-Response(S-O-R) paradigm. It explains that individual’s emotional status is aroused by the mediating environment (Donovan, Rossiter, Marcoolyn, & Nesdale, 1994). Yet, interpreting the recent studies arguing that in consumption related emotions situation, dominance is not necessary (Donovan et al., 1994), this study was adopted as a two-dimensional construct that can impact the user’s behavior intention. In sum, this study applies perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, pleasure, and arousal as the determinants of adoption. In addition, not simply examining the adoption process of the convergence marketing, but this study relates to the actual effect on consumers’ brand evaluation. The appliance of TAM as the part of individual dimension variable was found in recent studies that investigated the effect of adverting with interactive medium (Han & Park, 2010; Shim, 2009). Previous literatures have suggested the perceived usefulness significantly influences on the attitude toward the retailer that provides such experience (Lee et al, 2006). Especially, such studies were made within the e-commerce conditions, such as investigation of consumer behavior towards a non-profit organization’s virtual store (Chen et al, 2002), influence of perceived usefulness positively influencing on attitude towards the online retailer and intentions to use from such retailer (Vijayasarathy, 2004), and determinants of adoption (usefulness, ease of use, and enjoyment) on the attitude toward the online retailer (Lee et al, 2006). On this account, brand attitude, and purchase intention was examined. In this study, survey method in order to investigate how consumers perceive the convergence marketing in the marketing communication context, and further, how they evaluated the brand performing convergence marketing. Preliminary study was first proceed to understand how marketing of technology and marketing of culture is recognized by consumers, and further, manipulate each stimuli. The adoption process was investigated using technology acceptance model combined with pleasure-arousal-dominance theory, as a part of the individual variables. With mediating effect of consumer characteristics found to be important in convergence marketing (Kim, 2007), personal innovativeness, art involvement, and need for uniqueness was applied to see the mediating effect. Therefore, a survey was conducted to see the differences in the degree of convergence. The preliminary research with 183 samples indicated that convergence marketing method was preferred over the dedicated marketing of technology or culture. Thus, the experimental design that was designed in a form of 2 by 2 between subjects factorial design with factors of innovation of technology and classiness of culture, the 513 samples collected a total of 485 samples being used. The analysis indicated that as the convergence traits of novelty and classic increase, determinant of intentions were strongly generated, followed by the increasing intention to accept, continued to building positive brand attitude and purchase intention. Yet, in specific, novelty trait had direct influences on making emotional feeling, including pleasure and arousal, rather than on generating cognitive reaction. It was the classic trait that had relationship in between cognitive and emotional reaction. Additionally, it was also found that in case of emotional feeling were evoked, pleasure and arousal, it influenced on building positive brand attitude continued to purchase intention even if adoption intention was not made. Moreover, when adoption intention was made, the direct influence on positive brand attitude was found to be significant. Meanwhile, determinants of adoption were found to have the significant influence on adoption intention and on brand attitude. The positive influence of determinants of adoption on adoption intention is in line with a number of researches on ETAM. When perceived to be higher, all resulted in higher adoption intention (Tzou et al., 2009). In terms of brand attitude, it was found that only the emotional variables of pleasure and arousal that had direct influence to have marketing effectance, which coincides with the result of Childers et al. (2001). This study indicates that compared to the perceived usefulness and ease of use, enjoyment was a stronger driver to predict the attitude. In sum, the result implies that convergence marketing can work to satisfy both the cognition dimension as well as the emotional facet. When drivers of determinants of adoption is generated, it strongly influence on the adoption intention. Yet, in order to have the marketing communication effect on brand attitude and purchase intention, it is necessary to consider the emotional aspect, either pleasure or arousal. Such relationship is not only related to the cultural contents, but technology itself can now deliver emotional feelings to the consumers. Thus, the marketing director should focus on the usage of technology to involve emotional facets. In addition, all individual characteristics were found to be significantly moderating. Result of the effect of personal innovativeness implies that those of highly innovated tends to not only have strongly influence on adoption intention, but also had significant effect of advertising effect compared to the less innovated groups. The moderating effects of art involvement turned out that those highly involved in art, novelty did not matter much compared to the less involved group. In case of need for uniqueness, the significant relationship of perceived pleasure on brand attitude was found, yet unlike expected, those low in need for uniqueness had significantly stronger adoption intention. Thus, this can be perceived as due to the marketing activity targeting the mass audience, lacking the attractiveness towards those in higher need for uniqueness. Thus, in order to attract both those in high and low need of uniqueness, delivering both usefulness as well as pleasure is important. The result of this study contributes to understanding on status and recent trend of convergence marketing activities. Further, it is meaningful in that it is in line with the recent studies of applying TAM in combination with PAD theory as well as within the context of marketing communication. Thus, the result of this study is expected to be helpful in understanding the new hybrid consumers and give suggests useful information for establishing future brand communication plans. Yet, to further understand the interpretation process of consumer studies that incorporate variables suggested from the interview should be incorporated in the study.

      • KCI등재

        A Study of Company Branding based on the Type of Convergence Technology and Consortium of firms

        구승회 한국언론학회 2018 Asian Communication Research Vol.15 No.2

        This study performed a practical analysis for domestic firms to analyze the situation that convergence technology contributes to the company branding the most effectively.As a result, in the case of Bio convergence technology, it had a positive influence on company branding by each firm’s convergence technology type, but in the case of Nano convergence technology, the effect of company branding in some parts was not found. In the case of IT convergence technology and different kinds of convergence technology, there was no meaningful relation to company branding. By consortium form firm’s convergence technology, when there is a consortium between company-academia and company-government, it shows that there was a partially positive branding effect. Lastly, as a result of analyzing the relation of company branding by combined situation that company’s convergence technology type and consortium form, in the case of Bio convergence technology, all consortium forms had a positive influence on company branding and in the case of Nano convergence technology, when there is a consortium between company-academia and company-government, there was a positive influence on company branding. In conclusion, all the parties, government, academic institutions and firms, should pursue an aim to support convergence technology.

      • KCI등재

        A Research on Creative Convergence of Nano Art using Nano Technology

        Lee, Jae Ik(이재익) 한국전시산업융합연구원 2018 한국과학예술융합학회 Vol.34 No.-

        Nano art is a representative artistic expression upon which a transition to art using nano technology is reflected. Nano art, based on its nano technology and creative convergence, has been applied to diverse future industries of the 21st century, and its expectancy effects are significant. Nano art is a newly created result of the integration between innovative influences and artistic influences. As far as nano art is concerned, Richard P. Feynman, a Nobel Prize Winner in Physics, and various scientists such as K. Eric Drexler, Eduardo Kac, and Cris Orfescu conducted an artistic experiment in the nano world, and as imaging technology capable of replicating the nano world made progress in the 1980’s, nano art has become a genre. The purpose of this research was to analyze the precedent researches, theoretical considerations, statuses and research trends and detailed cases required to conduct a research on creative convergence of nano art using nano technology, and, thereby, suggest a directions for future progress. The research content and method were as follows. Phase 1: To theoretically consider the definitions, concepts, characteristics, fields, progress and future, and precedent researches through understanding nano technology and nano art as a concept emphasizing creative convergence. Phase 2: To understand and analyze the trends and detailed cases of creative convergence of nano art. Phase 3: To suggest a direction for future progress based on the results acquired through theoretically considering nano technology and nano art, and through analyzing the trends and detailed cases of creative convergence of nano art. The results of this research were as follows. Initially, the researches on creative convergence of nano art using nano technology have been using diverse techniques to explore diverse forms of the extremely microscopic world, phenomena, issues and values not only inside the laboratory, but also outside the laboratory through a state-of-the-art nano microscope. Secondly, although the researches on creative convergence of nano art using nano technology deal with the extremely microscopic world, phenomena, issues and values, due to its enormous influence and ripple effect, it is an innovative future-oriented field that essentially requires a new concept of imagination. Thirdly, the exhibitions involving creative convergence of nano art are particular in that they are experiential, intellective exhibitions emphasizing the combination between art and science technology, the cultural convergence between nano science and nano technology, and the visual tactility based on the touch of an electron microscope. The conclusion and suggestion of this research were as follows. Initially, the researches on creative convergence of nano art using nano technology should serve as an expression of the technological revolution seeking a better future where the future 4th industries such as robot engineering, artificial intelligence, virtual reality and augmented reality are connected. Secondly, the researches on creative convergence of nano art using nano technology should serve as part of the work process and education system connected to the future 4th industries, and it is necessary to develop an education program and establish a research environment for that purpose. Thirdly, although the researches on creative convergence of nano art using nano technology are actively conducted in various fields such as nano antibiotic technology, nano clothing products, skiing products, lotus effect automobiles, 3D nano printing, nano wine and nano architecture, since such researches are limited to the fields of fine art and building industry in Korea, it is necessary for the interested parties to make efforts for improvements, and for the government to provide its political support.

      • KCI등재

        기술 성숙도 및 의존도의 네트워크 분석을 통한유망 융합 기술 발굴 방법론

        최호창,곽기영,김남규 한국지능정보시스템학회 2018 지능정보연구 Vol.24 No.1

        Recently, most of the technologies have been developed in various forms through the advancement of single technology or interaction with other technologies. Particularly, these technologies have the characteristic of the convergence caused by the interaction between two or more techniques. In addition, efforts in responding to technological changes by advance are continuously increasing through forecasting promising convergence technologies that will emerge in the near future. According to this phenomenon, many researchers are attempting to perform various analyses about forecasting promising convergence technologies. A convergence technology has characteristics of various technologies according to the principle of generation. Therefore, forecasting promising convergence technologies is much more difficult than forecasting general technologies with high growth potential. Nevertheless, some achievements have been confirmed in an attempt to forecasting promising technologies using big data analysis and social network analysis. Studies of convergence technology through data analysis are actively conducted with the theme of discovering new convergence technologies and analyzing their trends. According that, information about new convergence technologies is being provided more abundantly than in the past. However, existing methods in analyzing convergence technology have some limitations. Firstly, most studies deal with convergence technology analyze data through predefined technology classifications. The technologies appearing recently tend to have characteristics of convergence and thus consist of technologies from various fields. In other words, the new convergence technologies may not belong to the defined classification. Therefore, the existing method does not properly reflect the dynamic change of the convergence phenomenon. Secondly, in order to forecast the promising convergence technologies, most of the existing analysis method use the general purpose indicators in process. This method does not fully utilize the specificity of convergence phenomenon. The new convergence technology is highly dependent on the existing technology, which is the origin of that technology. Based on that, it can grow into the independent field or disappear rapidly, according to the change of the dependent technology. In the existing analysis, the potential growth of convergence technology is judged through the traditional indicators designed from the general purpose. However, these indicators do not reflect the principle of convergence. In other words, these indicators do not reflect the characteristics of convergence technology, which brings the meaning of new technologies emerge through two or more mature technologies and grown technologies affect the creation of another technology. Thirdly, previous studies do not provide objective methods for evaluating the accuracy of models in forecasting promising convergence technologies. In the studies of convergence technology, the subject of forecasting promising technologies was relatively insufficient due to the complexity of the field. Therefore, it is difficult to find a method to evaluate the accuracy of the model that forecasting promising convergence technologies. In order to activate the field of forecasting promising convergence technology, it is important to establish a method for objectively verifying and evaluating the accuracy of the model proposed by each study. To overcome these limitations, we propose a new method for analysis of convergence technologies. First of all, through topic modeling, we derive a new technology classification in terms of text content. It reflects the dynamic change of the actual technology market, not the existing fixed classification standard. In addition, we identify the influence relationships between technologies through the topic correspondence weights of each document, and structuralize them into a network. In addition, we devise a centrality indic... 최근 다양한 분야에서 새로운 기술이 출현하고 있으며, 이들 대부분은 기존 기술들의 융합(Convergence)을통해 형성되고 있다. 또한 가까운 미래에 출현하게 될 유망한 융합 기술을 예측함으로써 변화하는 기술 지형에선제적으로 대응하기 위한 수요가 꾸준히 증가하고 있으며, 이러한 수요에 부응하여 많은 기관과 연구자들은미래 유망 융합 기술 예측을 위한 분석을 수행하고 있다. 하지만 이와 관련한 기존의 많은 연구들은 (i) 고정된기술 분류 기준을 분석에 사용함으로써 기술 분야의 동적 변화를 반영하지 못했다는 점, (ii) 예측 모형 수립 과정에서 주로 범용성 네트워크 지표를 사용함으로써 기술의 융합이라는 목적에 부합하는 고유 특성을 활용하지못했다는 점, 그리고 (iii) 유망 분야 예측 모형의 정확성 평가를 위한 객관적 방법을 제시하지 못했다는 점 등에서 한계를 갖고 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 (i) 토픽 모델링을 통해 기존의 고정된 분류 기준이 아닌 실제 기술시장의 동적 변화에 따른 새로운 기술군을 도출하고, (ii) 기술 성숙도 및 기술군 간 의존 관계에 따라 각 기술군의 융합적 특성을 반영하는 잠재 성장 중심성(Potential Growth Centrality) 지표를 산출하였으며, (iii) 잠재 성장 중심성에 근거하여 예측한 유망 기술의 성숙도 증가량을 시기별로 측정하여 예측 모형의 정확도를 평가하는방안을 제시한다. 이와 더불어 제안 방법론의 성능 및 실무 적용 가능성의 평가를 위해 특허 문서 13, 477건에대한 실험을 수행하였으며, 실험 결과 제안한 잠재 성장 중심성에 따른 예측 모형이 단순히 현재 활용되는 영향도 기반의 예측 모형에 비해 최대 약 2.88배 높은 예측 정확도를 보임을 확인하였다.

      • KCI등재

        특허정보를 활용한 분산형 에너지 기술융합 네트워크 분석 : 대구지역을 중심으로

        한장협(Jang-Hyup Han),나중규(Jung-Gyu Na),김채복(Chae-Bogk Kim) 한국산업경영시스템학회 2016 한국산업경영시스템학회지 Vol.39 No.3

        The objective of this study is to investigate patent trends of Daegu city which tries to introduce environment friendly energy and to develop new technology or new industry sprung from technology convergence on smart decentralized energy technology and other technologies. After applying network analysis to corresponding groups of technology or industry convergence, strategy for future energy convergence industry is provided. Patent data applied in Daegu city area are used to obtain research goal. The technology which contains several IPC codes (IPC Co-occurrence) is considered as a convergence technology. Path finder network analysis is used for visualizing and grouping by using IPC codes. The analysis results categorized 13 groups in energy convergence industry and reclassified them into 3 cluster groups (Smart Energy Product Production Technology Group, Smart Energy Convergence Supply Technology Group, Smart Energy Indirect Application Technology Group) considering the technical characteristics and policy direction. Also, energy industry has evolved rapidly by technological convergence with other industries. Especially, it has been converged with IT industry, and there is a trend that energy industry will be converged with service industry and manufacturing industry such as textile, automobile parts, mechanics, and logistics by employing infrastructure as well as network. Based on the research results on core patent technology, convergence technology and inter-industry analysis, the direction of core technology research and development as well as evolution on decentralized energy industry is identified. By using research design and methodology in this study, the trend of convergence technology is investigated based on objective data (patent data). Above all, we can easily confirm the core technology in the local industry by analyzing the industrial competitiveness in the macro level. Based on this, we can identify convergence industry and technology by performing the technological convergence analysis in the micro level.

      • KCI등재

        특허인용정보를 활용한 R&D 융합기술의 성과분석

        정우진(Woo-Jin Jung),이상용(Sang-Yong Tom Lee) 한국데이타베이스학회 2014 Journal of information technology applications & m Vol.21 No.4

        To have global competitiveness in newly growing industry, good quality R&D’s in convergence technology arerequired. Korean government also started to emphasize the importance of convergence technology as a new engine of growth for the future development. Since 2008, worldwide energy crisis and concerns on low carbon green growth made people focus on the convergence between information technology (IT) and energy technology (ET). However, the R&D performance comparison among the convergence technologies is not well explored so far. Therefore, this study uses Korea’s patent citation database to measure the R&D performance of convergence technologies. We adopt technology development cycle, technology spillover analysis, and technology diffusion analysis to see the knowledge flow from R&D industry to others. We find that IT_ET convergence technology generally shows higher R&D performance than other convergence technologies. Contrary to public belief, convergence R&D by big companies has relatively low performance especially measures in technology spillover and technology diffusion. This implies that they might concentrate on delicate Fuel Cell Energy/Environment Technology (FEIT) or Nano Environment/Energy Information Technology (NEIT) rather than general energy information technologies. We also find that Korea’s chemical industry may play a crucial role for the growth of other convergence technologies.

      • KCI등재

        특허인용정보를 활용한 R&D 융합기술의 성과분석 : IT와 에너지의 융합기술과 타 융합기술과의 비교

        정우진,이상용 한국정보기술응용학회 2014 Journal of information technology applications & m Vol.21 No.4

        To have global competitiveness in newly growing industry, good quality R&D’s in convergence technology arerequired. Korean government also started to emphasize the importance of convergence technology as a new engine of growth for the future development. Since 2008, worldwide energy crisis and concerns on low carbon green growth made people focus on the convergence between information technology (IT) and energy technology (ET). However, the R&D performance comparison among the convergence technologies is not well explored so far. Therefore, this study uses Korea’s patent citation database to measure the R&D performance of convergence technologies. We adopt technology development cycle, technology spillover analysis, and technology diffusion analysis to see the knowledge flow from R&D industry to others. We find that IT_ET convergence technology generally shows higher R&D performance than other convergence technologies. Contrary to public belief, convergence R&D by big companies has relatively low performance especially measures in technology spillover and technology diffusion. This implies that they might concentrate on delicate Fuel Cell Energy/Environment Technology (FEIT) or Nano Environment/Energy Information Technology (NEIT) rather than general energy information technologies. We also find that Korea’s chemical industry may play a crucial role for the growth of other convergence technologies.

      • KCI등재

        사회연결망 k-코어를 활용한 기술융합 분석: 방위산업 기업의 보유기술 중심

        박동수,윤한성 (사)디지털산업정보학회 2022 디지털산업정보학회논문지 Vol.18 No.3

        A technology can be newly formed through technological convergence achieved by the intersection of two or more technological fields. As the complexity of technology development increases, related interest is increasing. Researches have been carried out on the concept, related indicators and analysis of technology convergence including method of social networks. This paper intends to suggest an analysis method of technology convergence using social networks based on the company's possessing technologies. According to the similarity of technologies among companies, a social network was constructed and the technology convergence was analyzed using k-core, a social network subgroup method. Using the result of k-core, base and element technologies for convergence was identified with their relations. Using the suggested method, technology convergence was analyzed on real technology data of defense-industry companies. When the minimum technology similarity is 0, the overall technology convergence relations between technology elements can be identified. In the scope of data in this paper, technologies of defense S/W, aircraft structure and structural materials are identified as important base technology for convergence.

      • KCI등재

        특허 네트워크 분석을 통한 기술융합 및 융합기술의 확산 연구 ―디지털 데이터 처리 기술 중심으로―

        전상규 ( Jeon Sangkyu ) 한국지식재산연구원 2021 지식재산연구 Vol.16 No.4

        Convergence indicates that distinct industries leads to a new industry thereby replacing or complementing the former segment. The variety of consumers needs and the limit of breakthrough in the discrete industry promote technological convergence and industrial convergence. As the importance of technological convergence and industrial convergence is increasing, related research has been actively introduced. In this regard, this paper introduces indicators for evaluating intensity of technological convergence and influence on convergent technology diffusion, and model for confirming and forecasting trend of the technological convergence and the convergent technology diffusion. In order to evaluate the suitability and applicability of the presented indicators and models, this study collected the US patent data of digital data processing technology corresponding to IPC G06F (digital data processing) and applied the indicators and models. As a result, it was possible to identify technologies that actively converge with target technologies and technologies that contribute to the diffusion of convergent technologies, and forecast growth rate and potential growth size of technology convergence and convergent technology diffusion.

      • KCI등재

        나노기술과 나노아트의 융합 연구

        오규운 ( K. W. Oh ),김경훈 ( Kim Kyung Hoon ) (사)한국전시산업융합연구원 2016 한국과학예술융합학회 Vol.25 No.-

        Since the announcement of U.S National Nano technology Initiative (NNI) (2000.1), national comprehensive plans have been established in the world and governmental investment and studies on the convergence of Nano technology and Nano art have been made actively. At present, however, limited convergence is known in Nano technology and art, Nano technology and construction sector in Korea but there are only a few studies on active convergence with Nano technology and Nano art, that is, art, design field yet. Therefore, studies on convergence of Nano technology and Nano art should create new and creative value of the future and an opportunity that can be evolved into a newer type should be provided. The background and purpose of this study were made in this respect and method and scope of the study are as follows: First, we identify the possibility of research on convergence with science of arts, especially Nano art and ripple effect of Nano technology through theoretical review, summary of Nano art and Nano technology. Second, we analyze the cases of studies on a variety of convergence of Nano technology and Nano art through case studies and third we understand the art world and contents of Eduardo Kac, the master of Bio Art and Cris Orfescu, the master of Nano art 21 Project. The findings of this study and the contents are as follows: First, Nano technology has the feature that it can be applied to most original technology fields and plays a key role in the convergence with new technologies such as IT, BT and the effect will be even greater in the future. Second, it means that along with the convergence of science and technology, Nano technology is setting up a base to be applied and used in the cutting-edge industries in the future with solidarity with other various sectors such as architecture, humanities, science of arts, Nano art and especially recent development of 3D printing scanning technology results in the expansion of the scope of the product design and arts fields. Third, as shown in the example of Orfescu’s SEAD(Sciences, Engineering, Arts & Design) White Paper, the activation of production method of Nano art works, online international competition and festival is necessary and active industry-university-institute convergence research of related experts, scientists, artists and designers, nano companies and policy considerations of relevant authorities is needed.

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