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      • 마키 후미히코 건축에 나타난 맥락성의 수용과 구현방식에 관한 연구

        황성주(Hwang Sung-Zoo),심우갑(Shim Woo-Gab) 대한건축학회 2009 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 - 계획계/구조계 Vol.29 No.1(계획계)

        The purpose of this study is to understand compositive character of Fumihiko Maki's Architecture by studying contextuality. A study on his hospitality to "contextuality" and the way to materialize "contextuality" will make a significant contribution to good understanding of his architectural idea in overall perspective. I conducted the research on his major revealing works about "contextuality" among the constructed buildings from 1960's down to the present on the basis of drawings, perspective plans, remarks and photographs. As a result of this study, it is to comprehend 'urban contextuality', 'traditional contextuality', and ‘universal contextuality of modernism'. Then These characters could be understood as a way to make synthetic relations.

      • Analysing Ambiguous Nouns and Verbs with Quantum Contextuality Tools

        ( Daphne Wang ),( Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh ),( Samson Abramsky ),( Víctor H. Cervantes ) 서울대학교 인지과학연구소 2021 Journal of Cognitive Science Vol.22 No.3

        Psycholinguistic research uses eye-tracking to show that polysemous words are disambiguated differently from homonymous words, and that ambiguous verbs are disambiguated differently than ambiguous nouns. Research in Compositional Distributional Semantics uses cosine distances to show that verbs are disambiguated more efficiently in the context of their subjects and objects than when on their own. These two frameworks both focus on one ambiguous word at a time and neither considers ambiguous phrases with two (or more) ambiguous words. We borrow methods and measures from Quantum Information Theory, the framework of Contextuality-by-Default and degrees of contextual influences, and work with ambiguous subject-verb and verb-object phrases of English, where both the subject/object and the verb are ambiguous. We show that differences in the processing of ambiguous verbs versus ambiguous nouns, as well as between different levels of ambiguity in homonymous versus polysemous nouns and verbs can be modelled using the averages of the degrees of their contextual influences.

      • KCI등재

        Compositionality Reconsidered: With Special Reference to Cognition

        Lee, Chungmin Korean Society for Language and Information 2012 언어와 정보 Vol.16 No.2

        The issues of compositionality, materialized ever since Frege (1982), are critically re-examined in language first mainly and then in all other possible representational systems such as thoughts, concept combination, computing, gesture, music, and animal cognition. The notion is regarded as necessary and suggested as neurologically correlated in humans, even if a weakened version is applicable because of non-articulated constituents and contextuality. Compositionality is crucially involved in all linguistically or non-linguistically meaningful expressions, dealing with at-issue content, default content, and even not-at-issue meanings such as implicatures and presuppositions in discourse. It is a constantly guiding principle to show the relation between representation and mind, still posing tantalizing research issues.

      • KCI등재

        ECM and Scrambling at the Edges of CP in Korean

        YongSuk Yoo 한국생성문법학회 2021 생성문법연구 Vol.31 No.2

        This paper investigates various extraction patterns out of phases with multiple edges in Korean, and provides additional evidence for Bošković’s (2016) proposal that the edge status of an element has to be determined contextually. The case studies I conduct concern Exceptional Case Marking and Scrambling from the embedded CP in Korean. The aim of this paper is to show that the various word order patterns that are created by interactions of these operations can be accounted for in a uniform manner once the contextuality of phasal edges is taken into consideration.

      • KCI등재

        The Study of Context-bound Indexicals (CBIs) and its Application for EFL

        김언조 한국영어학학회 2014 영어학연구 Vol.20 No.3

        The main purpose of this paper is to identify various features of context-bound indexicals (CBIs) and to look for application possibilities to practice CBIs in language education. Since CBIs are shaped by content, context-bounds, and indexicality, they can be developed as a predictable pattern of authentic English discourse. For this study, a syntactic discourse approach to CBIs is employed in terms that the Binding Theory in syntactic mechanism provides predictability of CBIs, which in turn leads to contemplating the possibility of being acquired by EFL/ESL learners. This approach to CBIs reveals that the mechanism of information structure of the discourse includes dexicality and anaphora by the Binding Theory (Pollard & Sag, 1992). In this respect, this paper reveals that CBIs can be classified according to both the micro-context and macro-context of the discourse. Furthermore, it is also shown that the characteristics of CBIs necessitate a discussion of two important issues: the syntactic aspect of language use and referents' recognition of the contextuality. Overall, this study proves that the contextuality and application of CBIs can contribute to the development of appropriate application practices for the acquisition of language.

      • KCI등재

        학습자의 인식론적 신념

        윤초희(Cho Hee Yoon) 한국교육심리학회 2012 敎育心理硏究 Vol.26 No.1

        이 연구는 교사 실천지식의 일환으로서 학습자의 인식론적 발달에 대한 이해가 왜 중요한지를 논 의하고 인식론적 신념의 교육적 의미를 탐색하고자 하였다. 이러한 목적을 위해 첫째, 학습자의 신념을 분류하고 탐구하기 위한 이론적 기반으로서 과학철학사에 나타난 인식론의 변화과정을 고찰하였다. 둘째, 개인의 인식론적 신념의 본질(ontology)과 관련하여 선행연구들이 주목하는 쟁점들을 세 가지 패러다임적 접근에 기초하여 고찰하고 향후 과제를 전망하였다. 마지막으로, 학습자의 인식론적 신념이 학습과정과 교육실천에서 갖는 의미를 탐색하고 후속적으로 도모되어야 할 교육적 처방에 대 해 제언하였다. 이를 좀 더 구체적으로 살펴보면, 인식론적 신념의 본질과 관련하여 제기되는 쟁점은 크게 차원성(dimensionality), 영역성(domain-specificity), 그리고 맥락성(contexuality)의 문제로 수렴된다. 이 들 세 가지 쟁점에 대해 발달론자와 체제론자, 그리고 맥락주의자들은 각기 다른 입장을 취하고 있다. 이를테면, 발달론자들은 하나의 통합된 구조로서 인식론적 신념의 단계적이고 일방향적인 변화과 정을 기술하는 데 관심이 있는 반면, 체제론자들은 신념의 하위요소를 상정하여 이들 요소를 측정하고 비교하는 데 관심이 있다. 맥락주의적 접근에서는 특정 맥락에서 변화하는 개인 및 상황적 요소 들 간의 역동적인 상호작용의 결과로서 나타나는 신념에 주목한다. 결론적으로, 이러한 상이한 관심 과 이론적 접근방식에 따라 달라지는 교육적 처방이 예시되었고, 학생들이 자신의 신념에 대해 성찰 하고 이러한 신념이 어떻게 발달하는지를 이해하며 다양한 관점들 간의 대화와 균형을 모색하는 ``인식론자``로 성장하는 것을 돕는 교육활동의 중요성이 강조되었다. This article discusses the importance of understanding students` epistemological development as part of the teacher`s practical knowledge and explores the meaning of epistemological beliefs in the educational context. To this end, it first examines the historical development of epistemology in philosophy of science as the theoretical basis on which to classify different personal epistemology. Second, in relation to the nature of personal epistemology, it discusses conceptual and theoretical issues raised by previous research, along with the directions for future investigation. Finally, it explores the meaning of students` epistemological beliefs in the process of learning and educational practice. The issues raised in relation to personal epistemology are converged to dimensionality, domain-specificity, and contextuality. Developmental, cognitive, and contextualist models take different theoretical stances to these issues, and these theoretical stances require different educational practices. While developmentalists are interested in describing the developmental pattern of epistemological thinking, the cognitive approach focuses on identifying features or dimensions which constitute epistemological beliefs. For the contextualist approach, belief emerges in the dynamic process in which continually changing personal and situational factors reciprocally interact with each other. The article illustrates differing instructional strategies as to each theoretical stance, and stresses the importance of educational activities where students are assisted in growing into an epistemologist who can reflect on their own beliefs, understand how these beliefs change, and pursue dialogues and balance across different epistemological perspectives.

      • KCI등재

        지역 활성화를 위한 폐광지역 문화 및 관광자원화 방안

        정진훈,강윤식,강훈 사단법인 인문사회과학기술융합학회 2019 예술인문사회융합멀티미디어논문지 Vol.9 No.11

        Gangwondo Samcheok, Gogae, and Taebaek, which were once famous as the largest coalfield in Korea, are suffering from rapid population decline and local economic decline due to the rationalization of the coal industry due to depletion of coal resources in the mid 1980s. Among the various discussions for the reconstruction of the coal mine remaining as an industrial heritage of the abandoned mine area, the local culture and tourism resource utilization project using the abandoned mine has helped to reconstruct the local community through the urban regeneration and also to reorganize the industrial structure through the tourism industry I think. Therefore, this study is aimed at Samtan Art Museum, Coal Art Museum, Taebaek Coal Museum, which is a representative example of local culture and tourism resource utilization project, utilizing industrial heritage of abandoned coal mine in Taebaek and Jeongseon area in view of locality and contextuality. We analyze and compare the differences, possibilities, and limitations of each, and try to discuss the best model for each region. Through this process, we will seek ways to revitalize the abandoned mine area that is appropriate for the regional characteristics in the light of the locality and cultural context of Gangwon area. 한때 국내 최대의 탄전지대로 유명했던 강원도 삼척, 도계, 태백 지역은 1980년대 중반 석탄자원의 고갈에 따른 석탄산업 합리화조치와 더불어 급격한 인구감소와 지역 경제 쇠락의 고통을 동시에 겪고 있다. 현재는 폐광지역 산업유산으로 남아있는 탄전지대의 재건을 위한 다양한 논의들 중 폐광유산을 활용한 지역 문화·관광 자원화 사업은 도시재생을 통한 지역공동체 재건과 동시에 관광산업을 통한 산업구조 재편에도 도움이 된다고 본다. 따라서 본 연구는 지역성과 맥락성의 견지에서 현재 태백, 정선지역에서 운영 중인 폐광지역 산업유산을 활용하여 지역 문화·관광 자원화 사업의 대표적 사례인 삼탄아트마인, 석탄유물 종합전시관, 태백석탄 박물관을 대상으로 각각의 차별성과 가능성, 한계를 분석, 비교하여 지역 특성에 맞는 최선의 모델을 논구해 보고자 한다. 이러한 과정을 통해 강원지역의 지역성과 문화적 맥락성의 견지에서 지역특성에 적합한 폐광지역의 활성화 방안을 모색하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        외국인 유학생 대상 다문화교육을 위한 수업의 실제

        박정미 ( Park Jung Mi ) 연세대학교 언어연구교육원 한국어학당 2018 외국어로서의 한국어교육 Vol.51 No.-

        This paper aims to present a case study of Multicultural Education for foreign students. This is based on the specificity of foreign students, who are Korean learners and cultural learners who adapt to Korean society and culture at the same time. Above all, they should have a global civic capacity that includes not only Korean language communication ability but also Korean cultural ability and multicultural ability. This is beyond cultural adaptation education in Korea, it is possible to do in the dimension of Multicultural Education including culture liberal education. For this purpose, it is applied the major concepts of ecology and characteristics of learner-centered education. First, the core concepts of ecology for the design of the Multicultural Education are (1)totality, (2)mutuality, (3)contextuality. Next, it is presented the precondition for the design of the Multicultural Education in conjunction with the characteristics of learner-centered education. Finally, it is showed the practice of teaching and learning and analyzed the results. This study is meaningful to provide the method for Multicultural Education for foreign students. (Busan University of Foreign Studies)

      • KCI등재

        한국 최초 여성 기독교교육학자, 주선애의 공적 기독교교육 사상과 실천에 관한 연구

        양금희(YANG Kum-Hee) 장로회신학대학교 기독교사상과 문화연구원 2015 장신논단 Vol.47 No.4

        이 논문은 한국 최초 여성 기독교교육학자 주선애의 ‘공적(public) 기독교교육사상 및 실천’에 관한 논문이다. 주선애는 한국 최초로 대학에 기독교교육과를 설립하였고, 한국 기독교교육의 이론과 실천의 측면에서 다양한 기초를 놓았으며, 더 나아가 한국 기독교교육학회 창단 맴버 중의 한 사람이기도 하다. 따라서 한국기독교교육학의 뿌리를 찾으려는 사람은 결코 비켜갈 수 없는 인물이다. 그러나 주선애는 단순히 한국 기독교교육의 뿌리로서만이 아니라, ‘사회적 신뢰의 상실’, ‘공교회성 상실’과 같은 문제로 위기 가운데에 있는 한국교회가 나아가야 할 방향에 대한 통찰을 주는바, 그녀의 기독교교육 이론과 실천은 철저히 ‘공적(public)’ 기독교교육 이론이자 실천이었기 때문이다. 따라서 본고는 그녀의 생애와 기독교교육 이론 그리고 실천을 ‘공적 기독교교육’이라고 하는 차원에서 재구성하였다. 그녀의 생애에 대한 고찰을 통해 본고는 그녀가 살았던 시대적 배경과 그의 도전, 그에 대한 그녀의 섬김의 영성을 바탕으로 한 응답이 그녀의 기독교교육을 ‘공적’이 되게 하였다는 것을 살펴보았다. 또한 그녀의 기독교교육 이론에 나타난 ‘사회 변화를 궁극적 목적으로 하는 기독교교육’, ‘학교식 패러다임을 넘어 사회적 운동으로서의 기독교교육’, ‘상황성을 바탕으로 한 기독교교육 이론’, ‘실천적 기독교교육학하기’ 들이야말로 그녀의 기독교교육을 ‘공적 기독교교육’이 되게 하였으며, 더 나아가 공적 신학을 실제적으로 구현하는 통로가 됨을 살펴보았다. 그런 의미에서 주선애의 기독교교육 사상과 실천은 한국 기독교교육학의 뿌리에 대한 통찰을 줄 뿐만 아니라 그와 나란히, 위기 가운데 있는 오늘의 한국 교회기독교교육이 나아가야 할 방향에 대한 통찰을 준다고 할 수 있다. This thesis focuses on “the Public Christian Educational Idea and Practices of Chou Sun-Ae, who is the “first woman scholar of Korean Christian Education.” She established the first department of Christian Education at a Korean University and laid various groundwork in terms of theory and practice for Christian Education in Korea. Furthermore, she is one of the founding members of the Korean Society of Christian Education, which makes her a significant subject in understanding the development of Christian Education in Korea. She is not only one of the major roots of Korean Christian Education but also gives valuable insights to Korean Churches that are suffering from crisis resulting from the problems of ‘the loss of social trust’ and ‘the loss of the characteristic of Publicness of Church?’ This is possible because her theory and practice of Christian Education has concentrated on “Publicness.” Accordingly, this thesis intends to reconstruct her life and the theory and practice of Christian Education in light of “Public Christian Education.” First, through the study of her life, this thesis finds that her response to the time period in which lived and its challenges made her ‘Public’ Christian Education. Second, through her theory of Christian Education, this thesis discovers that ‘Christian Education with view to changing the society’. ‘Christian Education as a social movement beyond schooling paradigm’, ‘Christian Education based on contextuality’, ‘her doing Christian Education as a praxis’ etc. made her public Christian Education. These elements became part of her path to actualizing public theology within the field of Christian Education. In that sense, it is appropriate to say that Chou Sun-Ae’s ideas and practices give insight into the direction that Korean churches walking in the middle of a grave crisis should go today, as well as giving insight into the roots and history of Korean Christian Education.

      • KCI등재

        스포츠공간의 사회적 맥락성과 상징성

        구강본 한국체육철학회 2013 움직임의철학 : 한국체육철학회지 Vol.21 No.2

        The purpose of this research is to examine sports space in a philosophical view and present its social contextuality and symbolic meanings. This research was held focusing spatial concepts such as spatial contextuality, deviating from the current mainstream studies related to the concept of time. The methodology of the research was referencing various precedent researches through literature studies and on the basis of the meaning and social contextuality of sports space, the characteristics of sports space were suggested. As for the social contextuality of sports space the following were presented: First, new understanding of sports space, second, collision between sports space and environment, third, commercialization of sports space, fourth, hegemony in sports space, and fifth, culture creation of sports space. With these contextualities, the symbolic meanings of sports space were suggested into five conceptual categories. First, it is a space that represents the city’s image. Second, it is a space of production and consumption. Third, it is a space of power and politics. Forth, it is a space of culture creation. Fifth, it is a space of social communication. As so, sports space is an important factor of sports that has those various meanings implied. Understanding the concept of space when analyzing sports is an essential requirement. In the research later on, various space theories will be integrated in its approach. 이 연구는 다양한 관점에서 스포츠공간을 조명하고, 사회적 맥락성과 상징성을 제시하는데 목적이 있다. 지금까지 주류를 이루었던 시간적 개념의 연구에서 벗어나 공간적인 개념, 즉 공간적 맥락성을 전제로 이 연구가 진행되었다. 스포츠 공간의 의미와 사회적 맥락성을 바탕으로 스포츠 공간의 상징적 특징을 제시하였다. 스포츠공간의 사회적 맥락성으로 첫째, 스포츠공간의 재인식, 둘째, 스포츠공간과 환경의 충돌, 셋째, 스포츠공간의 상업화, 넷째, 스포츠공간의 헤게모니, 다섯째, 스포츠공간의 문화 창출 등으로 제시하였다. 이러한 맥락성을 기반으로 스포츠공간의 상징성을 다섯 가지로 제시하였는데 첫째, 도시의 이미지를 상징하는 공간이다. 둘째, 생산과 소비의 공간이다. 셋째, 권력과 정치의 공간이다. 넷째, 문화 창출의 공간이다. 다섯째, 사회적 소통의 공간 등이다. 이처럼 스포츠에 있어 스포츠공간은 다양한 맥락성과 의미를 함축하고 있으며 사회적으로 의미 있는 중요한 요소이다. 스포츠를 해석하는데 있어 공간 개념의 이해가 필수요건인 것이다. 추후 연구에서는 다양한 공간이론을 접목하여 접근할 것이다.

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