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      • KCI등재

        ‘교육공동체’에 대한 최근 연구동향에 대한 비판적 고찰 - 언어 네트워크 분석방법을 활용하여

        이유나,JINCHUNHUA,이상수 교육종합연구원 2016 교육종합연구 Vol.14 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to explore the future direction of research for the educational community by a critically review of recent research for 15 years related to the educational community through semantic network analysis. Main results were as follows. First, it claimed a total of 44 high frequency in studies related to the educational community for 15 years, the main word was mentioned ‘teacher', ‘community', ‘participation', ‘relationship between members' ‘caring ', ‘trust ', ‘collaboration ', ‘the teacher association’, etc. Second, the frequency of the word 'autonomy' is low but could show a significantly higher impact to identify the school as a community approach. Third, a educational community, a teacher, and a school community focused on consisting of key words were derived in cluster network analysis of educational community. It shows that not deviate from concepts or features, or components of the educational community have said in previous studies abroad. Also, it emphasized the role of the teacher becomes more prominent than the other members, or sometimes it limited to one theory, the research was done mainly to see education practice in Korea. Fourth, this study separated and analysed articles published in the former period(2001-2007) and the post period(2008-2015). Through the analysis, understanding the community as a way of overcoming conflict studies education consisted mainly of interest in voluntary participation of teachers in the former period but as well teacher as members of the community, and research focused on the relationship between the members through a sense of community, commitment and collaboration based on the shared vision and goals are identified as the main accomplished in the post period. According to the results of this study, previous studies of the educational community can have access to have occurred mainly applied to Korea around the theory of foreign studies, for innovation to education through a community approach It suggests that require a substantial theoretical and practical research, its practical strategy of South Korean education community, and focus on competencies development according to the Korean community education appropriate to the situation and context in South Korea.

      • KCI등재

        Perspective on Forest Conservation: A Case Study of Community at Gana Resettlement and Integrated Development Project (GRID), Sabah, Malaysia

        Hardawati Yahya,Roszehan Mohd. Idrus,Hamimah Talib,Eunice Fong 강원대학교 산림과학연구소 2012 Journal of Forest Science Vol.28 No.3

        This study was carried out in Gana Resettlement and Integrated Development (GRID) Project as a pioneer model for Community-Based Forest Management (CBFM) in Sabah, Malaysia. The GRID project is developed to improve community livelihood as well as to promote community involvement in CBFM and at the same time to lessen community encroachment and traditional farming practices inside the forest conservation area. The objectives of this study are: (i) to identify the dependency of local community on forest resources; (ii) to examine local community’s roles in conserving forest resources and, (iii) to analyze their views on GRID project in conserving forest. Interviews were conducted with randomly selected 130 households at the GRID project using semi structured questionnaires comprising closed and open-ended questions. The study reveals that community dependency on forest resources have lessened after the resettlement of the GRID project. The community shows positive perspective on their contribution for conserving the forest resources. However, the community’s willingness to contribute as well as their real contribution can be further improved. The study recommends the government to create more effective training and relevant activities to improve the livelihood of community as well as to increase their positive perception on forest conservation efforts. Further research to strengthen the relationship between local community and forest governance through forest conservation is also recommended.

      • KCI등재

        Innovative Strategies for Community Policing in Korea : Learning from Advanced Overseas Practices

        Nam Young-Hee 국제문화기술진흥원 2024 International Journal of Advanced Culture Technolo Vol.12 No.2

        This study aims to explore innovative measures for community policing activities of the Korean police in the context of the newly implemented autonomous police system and the increasing demand for community-oriented policing. By conducting an in-depth analysis of advanced community policing practices in the United States, Japan, and the United Kingdom, this research identifies key characteristics such as resident participation, communication, scientific crime analysis, and customized policing services. The study reveals the need for the Korean police to establish a collaborative governance system that actively involves residents, strengthen scientific policing capabilities utilizing advanced technologies, and provide policing services tailored to local characteristics. Organizational and personnel management reforms, including the substantiation of the local police officer system and the establishment of an institutional foundation for resident participation, are proposed. Furthermore, this study emphasizes the importance of developing a creative community policing model suitable for the Korean context, rather than directly transplanting overseas practices. Continuous research and efforts to build a new policing paradigm that reflects the changing social environment and policing demands are suggested. Ultimately, the success of community policing lies in the active participation and cooperation of all members of society, including the police, government, local communities, and residents.

      • KCI등재

        텍스트 네트워크 분석을 활용한 지자체별 기후변화 적응대책 세부시행계획 분석 - 물 관리 분야를 중심으로 -

        유재호,전의찬,김하나 재단법인 경기연구원 2020 GRI 연구논총 Vol.22 No.3

        This study systematically analyzes the water resource management part of the Climate Change Implementation of Measures for Adaptation that is established and implemented by local governments. This study aims to identify the differences in the plan according to local circumstances (Seoul-si: the metropolitan city area, Gangwon-do: mountainous area, Chungcheongbuk-do: inland area, Jeollanam-do: coastal area, Jeju Island: island area). Text network analysis including word frequency analysis, centrality analysis, and community analysis was conducted using Netminer. The results of the study are as follows. First, keywords such as facilities, business, water quality, and rivers frequently appeared in the five plans. Second, the community analysis showed that all the local governments set “water resource protection” as one of important tasks. Third, the site-specific agenda was found as a community analysis. This study effectively summarized the main tasks and found common features as well as differences in water resource management of the climate change adaptation plan. By conducting this empirical analysis using text network analysis, this study contributed to a systemic approach to review and compare the local adaptation plans. 본 연구는 광역 및 기초 지방자치단체별로 수립·시행하고 있는 기후변화 적응대책 세부시행계획의 물 관리 분야의 주요 과업을 체계적으로 분석하고, 지역적 특성(서울특별시: 대도시, 강원도: 산간지역, 충청북도: 내륙지역, 전라남도: 해안지역, 제주도: 섬지역)에 따른 기후변화 적응대책의 차이점을 비교하는데에 그 목적이 있다. Net-miner를 활용해 단어 등장 빈도 분석, 연결중심성 및 매개 중심성을 포함한 중심성 분석, 커뮤니티 분석 등 텍스트 네트워크 분석을 수행하였다. 분석 결과, 첫째, 5개의 지자체에서 시설, 사업, 수질, 하천 등의 키워드가 등장 빈도와 중심성이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 5개 지자체의 기후변화 적응대책 세부시행계획 물 관리 분야의 공통된 주요 과업은 “수자원 보호”로 나타나 지역적 특성과 관계없이 지하수 및 수생태계 등 수자원을 보호하기 위한 노력을 하는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 서울특별시의빗물 이용, 전라남도의 둠벙 및 습지 생태 위해성 관리, 강원도의 댐 및 저수지 활용, 제주도의 해수 침투 모니터링, 충청북도의 중수 재활용을 통한 수자원 관리 등 지역마다 특수한(site-specific) 현안을 반영하여 세부계획이 수립되어 있음을 확인하였다. 본 연구는 현재 수립된 기후변화 적응대책 세부시행계획의 주요 과업을 분석하고 지역에 따른 세부시행계획의 차이점을 제시하였으며, 광역지자체뿐만 아니라 기초지자체를 포함하여 수립되고 있는 기후변화 적응대책을 검토 및 평가할 수 있는 체계적인 접근 방식을 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재

        질적 메타분석을 통해 살펴본 결혼이주여성의 공동체 경험 연구

        오은주 ( Eunjoo Oh ),고진호 ( Jinho Ko ) 사단법인 아시아문화학술원 2021 인문사회 21 Vol.12 No.2

        본 연구는 결혼이주여성의 공동체 경험 사례연구를 기반으로 질적 메타분석을 통해 결혼이주여성의 공동체 경험 과정을 도식화하고, 이 경험에서 나타난 공통적 요소는 무엇인지 밝히는 것이 목적이다. 이에 본 연구는 6단계(① 연구문제 설정 ② 주제어로 연구물 검색 ③ 연구물 선정 ④ 개별 연구물 분석 ⑤ 개별 연구물 범주화 및 분석 틀 도출 ⑥ 종합해석)의 질적 메타분석 절차를 거쳐 연구를 진행하였다. 분석 결과 결혼이주여성의 공동체 경험은 ‘고립 → 공동체 들어가기 → 상호작용하기 → 목소리 내기’의 과정을 통해 이루어지고 있었으며, 결혼이주여성의 능동적 주체 되기로 전체 주제를 아우를 수 있었다. 공동체는 공통적 언어 사용, 만장일치제, 다양성 존중, 수평적 관계가 공통적 요소로써 기반이 되어야 함을 밝혔으며, 공통적 요소들이 충족되지 않을 경우 공동체는 와해될 수 있음을 시사했다. 본 연구에서 제시된 결과는 결혼이주여성이 한국 사회의 한 구성원으로서 존중되며 주체적으로 살아갈 수 있도록 공동체를 구안하는 데 기초가 될 수 있을 것이다. This study aims to identify common factors of community experiences of migration women by marriage. It schematized community experiences using qualitative meta-analysis on previous studies. The study proceeded in 6 steps by using qualitative meta-analysis method, ① setting research question ② searching relevant studies ③ selecting studies ④ individual study analysis ⑤ categorization of individual study and deduction of analysis and ⑥ final interpretation. Based on the analysis, Migration Women by Marriage experience those steps when they enter the community; isolation → being part of community → interaction → raising voice. Being active subject is the main key for Migration Women by Marriage to be part of community. There are 4 main common factors for community; use of the same language, unanimity, diversity appreciation and lateral relations. Without those common factors, we can face the collapse of community. The outcome of this study can be a foundation to provide environment for Migration Women by Marriage living as active subjects in Korean society.

      • KCI등재

        Research Articles : The Classification of Forest Communities by Cluster Analysis in Mt. Seokbyung Experimental Forest of Gangwon-Do

        ( Sang Hoon Chung ),( Ji Hong Kim ) 한국임학회 2010 한국산림과학회지 Vol.99 No.5

        This study examined the ecological attributes of classified forest community by cluster analysis in the mixed forest of Mt. Seokbyung Experimental Forest of Gangwon-Do. The vegetation data were collected in randomly established 51 sample plots (2.04 ha) and analysis adopted the cluster analysis, importance value index, and Shannon`s diversity index. Main results were as follows; 1) the study area was classified into 4 clusters (A, B, C and D). 2) The cluster A was dominated by Pinus densiflora with an importance value of 71.6%. The most dominant species in the cluster B and cluster C were Larix leptolepis (57.1%) and Quercus mongolica (40.2%), respectively. Finally, The cluster D was dominated by P. densiflora (30.6%) and Q. mongolica (31.0%) with the mixed forest. 3) In the P. densiflora community (cluster A), distribution of DBH class showed a reverse J-shaped curve. In the L. leptolepis community (cluster B), individuals of dominant species had the bell-shaped distribution. Oak species indicated uniform distribution of DBH class (under 25 cm) in the mixed P. densiflora-Q. mongolica community (cluster D). 4) The species diversity index of the communities in descending order were: Pinus densiflora-Q. mongolica community>Larix leptolepis community>Pinus densiflora community>Quercus mongolica community.

      • KCI등재

        벽방산 산림식생의 군락분류와 군락생태

        최병기(Byoung-Ki Choi),허만규(Man-Kyu Huh),김성열(Seong-Yeol Kim) 한국생명과학회 2015 생명과학회지 Vol.25 No.6

        벽방산의 산림식생에 대한 식물사회학적 연구를 수행하였다. 연구결과 벽방산은 3개 상관형의 9개 단위식생이 분포하고 있는 것으로 확인되었다. 연구지역 단위식생은 상록침엽수림의 해송-사스레피나무군락, 소나무-자금우 군락, 하록활엽수림의 졸참나무-홀아비꽃대군락, 신갈나무-우산나물군락, 상수리나무군락, 소사나무군락, 굴참나무-쇠물푸레나무군락, 비목-물참대군락, 인공조림식생의 사방오리나무식재림 등으로 구분되었다. 벽방산은 지역 최고봉임에도 불구하고 산지 전역이 숲 가꾸기사업, 등산객, 조림 및 육림 등에 의해 직/간접적으로 인위적 간섭을 받고 있는 것으로 확인되었다. 연구지역 내 식생형 가운데 상대적으로 자연성이 높은 단위식생은 산지대 사면 중부에서 출현하는 졸참나무-홀아비꽃대군락, 전석지에서 확인된 비목-물참대군락 등이며, 산지능선부의 암석노출지를 중심으로 위극상의 천이계열에 해당하는 특산식물군락인 소사나무군락이 분포하고 있었다. CCA분석 결과, 각 단위식생의 발달은 해발고도, 인간간섭, 낙엽부식층, 암석노출율, 경사도 등에 영향을 받는 것으로 확인되었다. 단위식생의 종조성에 대한 집괴분석 결과로부터 벽방산 산림식생은 인위식생, 이차식생, 근자연식생으로 구분되며, 식생의 발달정도, 토지적 특성, 인위적 식재 및 관리 유무 등에 의해 삼림이 구성되고 있는 것으로 확인되었다. A phytosociological survey carried out using the Z.-M. School’s methodology and system of numerical-classification analyses, this study sought to classify the syntaxa of forest vegetation on Mt. Byeokbang and to collect basic data on the transitional zones of the southern Korean peninsula’s coastal region. The syntaxa were classified into three physiognomic types and nine communities, including (1) evergreen coniferous forests (Eurya japonica-Pinus thunbergii community and Ardisia japonica-Pinus densiflora community), (2) summer-green, broad-leaved forests (Chloranthus japonicus-Quercus serrate community, Syneilesis palmata-Quercus mongolica community, Quercus acutissima community, Carpinus turczaninovii var. coreana community, Fraxinus siebolidiana-Quercus dentate community, and Deutzia glabrata-Lindera erythrocarpa community), and (3) artificial afforestation (Alnus firma afforestation). The Chloranthus japonicus-Quercus serrata community, Syneilesis palmata-Quercus mongolica community, Fraxinus siebolidiana-Quercus dentata community, Carpinus turczaninovii var. coreana, community and Deutzia glabrata-Lindera erythrocarpa community were closely evaluated for national vegetation naturalness. It was confirmed that the Carpinus turczaninovii var. coreana community was endemic to Korea. Most syntaxa were defined as a secondary forestation due to various human activities (e.g., forest fires, logging, digging, climbing, etc.). The results of a canonical-correspondence analysis (CCA) showed that human activities, altitude, humus depth, rock cover ratio, slope, etc. were the main ecological factors determining the classified plant communities’ distribution patterns.

      • KCI등재

        연구보문 : 한반도 식방풍 집단식물의 식생구조와 생육양상

        송홍선 ( Hong Seon Song ),김성민 ( Seong Min Kim ),신동일 ( Dong Il Shin ),한신희 ( Sin Hee Han ),이정훈 ( Jung Hoon Lee ),박충근 ( Chun Geun Park ),박충범 ( Chung Berm Park ),박용진 ( Yong Jin Park ) 한국국제농업개발학회 2010 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.22 No.4

        종조성표의 분류법과 서열법의 식물사회학적 방법으로 한반도 식방풍 집단의 식생구조 및 생육형태를 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 종조성표에 따른 식방풍 집단의 식물군락은 갯보리-인동 덩굴군락, 땅채송화-갯장구채군락, 갯강아지풀-갯쑥부쟁이군락, 밀사초군락 및 갯메꽃군락으로 구분되었다. 2. 식방풍 집단에서 종조성표의 분류법과 배열법의 식물군락 분류는 유사하였다. 3. 배열법의 요인분석에서 갯강아지풀-갯쑥부쟁이군락은 해안선 근처에 위치하였고, 밀사초군락은 내륙육지 방향, 갯메꽃 군락은 내륙육지의 완만한 지형, 갯보리-인동덩굴군락과 땅채 송화-갯장구채군락은 해안선과 내륙육지의 중간에 위치하였다. 4. 식방풍은 해안선 근처와 내륙육지 방향, 양지와 반음지간에 생육양상의 차이가 없었으나 바위사면과 평지간에는 사면보다 완만한 지형에서 생육이 보다 양호하였다. This study was conducted to evaluate the growth pattern and vegetation structure of Peucedanum japonicum community group by the phytosociological method of floristic composition table and ordination in Korea. The vegetation of Peucedanum japonicum community group was classified into Elymus dahuricus-Lonicera japonica community, Sedum oryzifolium-Melandryum oldhamianum var. roseum community, Setaria viridis var. pachystachys-Aster hispidus community, Carex boottiana community and Calystegia soldanella community. The result of plant community by ordination and classification method of floristic composition table was similar. In factor analysis of ordination, the Setaria viridis var. pachystachys-Aster hispidus community was a growth group at coastline side, Carex boottiana community was inland direction and Calystegia soldanella community was at flat of inland. Also the Elymus dahuricus-Lonicera japonica and Sedum oryzifolium-Melandryum oldhamianum var. roseum community was a growth group between coastline side to inland. The distribution and growth pattern of Peucedanum japonicum had a slight difference between coastline and inland direction, as well as sunny and semishade, but between crag slope and flat was good in flat location.

      • KCI등재

        울릉도 나리분지의 산림군락과 환경요인과의 상관관계

        정재민,윤준혁,신재권,문현식 경상대학교 농업생명과학연구원 2011 농업생명과학연구 Vol.45 No.3

        This study was carried out to provide the basic information for effective preservation and management of forest community of Nari basin in Ulleung Island. Forest community in Nari basin was classified into Fagus engleriana community, Sorbus amurensis community, Pinus densiflora community, Celtis jessoensis community and Alnus maximowiczii community. As the result of DCCA ordination analysis, sea level among environmental factors had high correlation with community distribution. Fagus engleriana community and Sorbus amurensis community correlated highly with aspect, Na content, and C/N ratio. There was a high correlation between Celtis jessoensis community and the content of Ca and K. Alnus maximowiczii community was distributed in site where CEC content is high. Pinus densiflora community was distributed in site where the content of Ca and CEC is high. 본 연구는 울릉도 나리분지의 군락구조와 환경요인의 상관관계를 파악하여 산림식생의 보전 및 관리에 필요한 생태학적 기초자료를 제공하기 위하여 수행되었다. 나리분지의 산림군락은 너도밤나무군락, 당마가목군락, 소나무군락, 풍게나무군락, 두메오리나무군락으로 분류되었다. DCCA 분석 결과, 환경요인 중 해발이 군집의 분포에 영향을 미치는 인자인 것으로 나타났다. 너도밤나무군락과 당마가목군락은 방위, Na, C/N의 환경요인과 군락단위의 분포지가 높은 상관관계를 나타내었다. 풍게나무군락은 Ca, K 등과 상관관계가 높은 것으로 나타났으며, 두메오리나무군락은 CEC의 함량이 높은 입지에 분포하고 있었으며, 해발고와 높은 상관관계가 있었다. 소나무군락은 Ca, CEC의 함량이 높은 입지에 분포하는 것으로 나타났다.

      • KCI등재

        대학가 지역사회(Campus Town Community)에 대한 대학생의 인식 및 관여 경험에 관한 연구

        김지수,양기용 재단법인 경기연구원 2023 GRI 연구논총 Vol.25 No.1

        This study has an exploratory purpose to understand the characteristics of campus town community and to explore its perception and involvement experiences of college students, who are significant intermediaries in the interaction between universities and communities. Such analysis revealed the attitudes of college students toward community involvement, showed what changes they encountered, and found out ways to enhance students’ involvement. A focused group interview was conducted on 12 students who participated in the community involvement program carried out by P national university located in Busan Metropolitan city. The collected data was analyzed through thematic analysis method which resulted in deriving three main themes and nine sub-themes. The findings illustrate that students were unsettled to their residing campus town community and had ambivalent emotion to the place. They were able to form connections with the community by having positive community involvement experiences. Several challenges and improvements were also found to enhance students’ involvement in their community. These unique characteristics of college students should be considered when promoting universitycommunity cooperative projects. Moreover, institutional support of universities and stable mechanism are needed to further improve the level of community involvement of college students. 본 논문은 대학가 지역사회(campus town community)의 특성을 이해하고, 대학과 지역사회의 상호작용에 중요한 매개체가 되는 대학생들의 대학가 지역사회에 대한 인식과 관여 경험을 탐색하는 것을 주된 연구목적으로 삼고 있다. 구체적으로 대학생들이 대학가 지역사회를 어떠한 입장에서 바라보는지, 지역사회에서 그들 스스로를 어떠한 존재로 평가하는지, 지역사회 관여를 통해 어떤 변화를 경험하였는지, 그리고 이들의 지역사회 관여를 활성화하는 방안이 무엇인지 모색하였다. 이를 위해 부산광역시에 위치한 P 국립대학교의 지역사회 관여 프로그램에 참여한 대학생 12명을 대상으로 초점집단면접(Focused Group Interview)을 실시하였다. 면접 결과에 대한 주제분석을 통하여 총 3개의 핵심주제와9개의 하위주제가 도출되었고, 대학생들은 자신들이 생활·거주하는 대학가 지역사회에 대하여 기존 지역사회 주민들과는 다른 인식태도와 이해관계, 그리고 지역사회 관여 동기를 지니고 있음을 확인할 수 있었다. 대학생들은 대학가 지역사회에서 양가적 감정을 가진 부유하는 존재로서의 특성을 보였으나, 지역사회 관여로 인한 긍정적인 경험을 통해 지역사회와의 연결고리를 형성할 수 있는 가능성도 함께 보여주었다. 또한 지역사회 관여 과정에서 직면하는 한계점을 발견하였고 이들의 관여를 활성화할 수 있는 발전요소를 도출할 수 있었다. 이러한 발견을 통해 향후 대학생을 중심으로 한대학-지역 연계사업을 추진하는 과정에서 대학생의 독특한 특성을 고려해야 할 필요성이 제기되었고, 특히 대학생들의지역사회 관여가 지속되기 위해 요구되는 대학과 지방정부의 제도적 뒷받침과 안정적인 유도기제로서 여러 프로그램 내용과 운영방식 등을 검토하였다.

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