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        LI NAN,한용수 중국문화연구학회 2018 중국문화연구 Vol.0 No.41

        The abdomen belongs to a part of the body of the human body, and its related body-part terms can be regarded as “visible, felt” in vitro words; on the other hand, the abdomen includes abdominal wall, abdominal cavity and visceral organs, and it is related to the body words that are “invisible and unable to touch”. Therefore, the body-part terms related to the abdomen are both concrete and abstract. Heine et al.(1991)points out: “the conceptual domain has certain directivity.” This is the shift from the concrete “person” domain to the abstract “quality” domain. On the basis of the conceptual domain of Heine, the semantic extension of the Korean and Chinese body-part terms, “abdomen / belly”, is investigated in the order of person > animal > object > space > quantity > abstract concept domain. Its main contents are as follows. The semantic extension of the Korean body-part term “abdomen” is from the process of person > animal > object > space > quantity > abstract. The Chinese “abdomen” is in accordance with the process of person > animal > object > space > abstract process, and the extension meaning of Korean body word “abdomen” and Chinese body word “abdomen” is greater than difference. In addition to the meaning of “animal production times”, the extended meaning of Korean “abdomen” can be found in Chinese body words containing “abdomen”. However, the semantic extension of Chinese “abdomen” is more abundant in person and abstract domains. In the person domain, the “abdomen” can refer to “the protruding part of the finger or the calf”, and the “abdomen” can be combined with the “heart” for the person that can be trusted because of its functional importance, and the “belly” is able to borrow a pregnant person and a protruding person in the abdomen because of its appearance. In the spatial domain, the position of the abdomen in the body can also refer to “the front” and “the center”. In the process of semantic extension of Korean and Chinese body-part term, the main source of image is its structure, form, position and function. Structural features are more semantically transferred in the human domain itself based on metonymic mechanism of the whole generation. The direct perception of the morphological features is the strongest. It is the most easy to leave the mental image of the form and picture, and it is also the most likely to attract the attention of human to the appearance of other things. But there is no further meaning in terms of morphological characteristics. This is because the features of the morphology are characterized by a very high representational character. The more concrete, the greater the limitation of the development of the word meaning. “position” features like “morphologies” features, with strong intuitive perception, but “positional” features reflect a higher level of abstraction than “morphologies”. The expansion of the abdomen to the spatial domain is precisely because “location” is the spatial relationship between objects. The human abdomen is an important part of the trunk, including the stomach, the intestines, the kidney, the uterus and other visceral organs. Therefore, the human abdomen has the functions of digestion, excretion, and pregnancy, and the abdomen is closely related to the other parts of the body, such as “heart”, to develop into a more advanced abstract domain during the cognitive process. Extend the meaning of heart, idea, emotion, and so on.

      • KCI등재

        한중 신체어의 분류사적 쓰임 비교

        석수영(Xiuying Xi),리우팡(Fang Liu) 한국중원언어학회 2018 언어학연구 Vol.0 No.46

        The aim of this study is to analyze the aspects of body terms used as classifiers in Korean and Chinese which are both classifier languages. Relevant body terms were collected from seven Korean texts including two dictionaries and five previous studies and five Chinese texts that include three dictionaries and two previous studies. At first, the object words are introduced. Body parts that are used in both languages in common are ‘head’, ‘nose’, ‘mouth’, ‘face’, ‘stomach’, ‘hands’, and ‘feet’. And then the cognitive aspects of the body term classifiers are investigated. In brief, body terms" classifier usages are founded on conceptual metonymy and metaphor mechanisms. The specific types of the mechanisms used in the process are part-whole metonymy, container-content metonymy, instrument-function metonymy, structural metaphor, image metaphor, and metonymy and metaphor"s complex. In the presence of body terms" classifier usages, Korean and Chinese present different aspects, but the roles of universal cognitive mechanisms are the same.

      • KCI등재

        인지언어학에 기반한 신체어 합성명사의 의미 교육 연구

        위윤 ( Weiyun ),김정아 ( Kim Jung-a ) 한민족어문학회 2020 韓民族語文學 Vol.0 No.90

        이 연구의 목적은 신체어 합성명사의 의미를 개념적 은유와 환유로 분석하고 한국어 학습자를 위한 의미 교육 방법을 제안하는 것이다. 어휘 학습에 있어 어휘의 양적 능력도 중요하지만 질적 능력, 즉 어휘를 생산하고 적용할 수 있는 능력이 특히 중요하다. 어휘의 의미가 불투명하거나 비유적이면 학습자들은 어려움을 느낀다. 따라서 불투명하고 비유적인 단어의 의미를 이해할 수 있도록 학습하는 것이 중요하다. 이 연구는 기초 어휘인 신체어의 의미를 분석하여 한국어 학습자들이 효율적으로 어휘를 학습할 수 있는 방법을 모색해 보았다. 이를 위해서 신체어 합성명사를 개념적 은유와 개념적 환유로 분석했다. 이런 분석 방법은 한국어의 보편적인 개념화 방식을 알 수 있어 어휘 확장의 원리, 합성어의 의미 결합 방식 등을 이해하는 데 도움이 된다. 특히 신체는 우리가 세상을 이해하고 표현하는 하나의 도구로, 신체어는 우리의 사고방식을 내포하고 있다. 우리는 신체를 ‘그릇’으로 여기기도 하고 ‘물건’, ‘사물’, ‘동물’로 인식하기도 한다. 한편 신체의 일부를 통해 사람 ‘전체’를 가리키기도 하고 신체가 가진 ‘기능’을 나타내기도 한다. 우리의 이러한 인지 능력은 개념적 은유, 개념적 환유라고 하는데, 이는상당히 보편적인 사고 원리이다. 개념적 은유와 환유에 의해 합성된 신체어 합성명사를 분석하여 신체어를 개념화하는 일반적인 원리를 한국어 어휘 교육에 적용해 보았다. The purpose of this study is to analyze the meaning of compound nouns that include body-part terms and discuss methods for semantic education for Korean language learners. although it is important for foreign language learners to know a lot of vocabulary, they must be able to understand and express that vocabulary. To achieve this end, learners must know the principles of word formation and semantic relationships. Hence, this study analyzes the meaning of body-part terms from a cognitive-linguistic perspective with compound nouns that include body-part terms in order to propose efficient learning content and methods. Body-part terms are basic vocabulary, but at the same time, they expand into various meanings. Therefore, body-part terms help Korean-language learners learn the principles of expanding lexical meaning. Because, according to cognitive linguistics, language reflects the way humans think-, Koreans' use of compound nouns that include body-part terms reflects the general way they think. With these principles in mind, the study analyzed compound nouns that include body-part terms as conceptual metaphors and conceptual metonymy. On the basis of the results, the study proposed a learning method using conceptual metaphors to represent [The body is a container)] and [Body organs are containers.)]

      • KCI등재

        공자와 플라톤의 신체사상 비교

        권오륜,김정효 충남대학교 유학연구소 2021 儒學硏究 Vol.57 No.-

        The purpose of this research is to compare the concept of the human body between Confucius and Plato. This comparative study on Plato and Confucius is focused on investigating main differences in the concept of human body between the East and the West. I believe it will be a significant work in the academic field. Plato thought the human body was incomplete, subordinative, unreasonable and unintellectual compared with the psyche. However, Confucius defined the human body in terms of a biological thing. He also noted that the human body acted as a container with morality. The reason why Confucius believed the human body existed not only in terms of a biological thing but of the materialization of morality is that he considered morality not just  an abstractive thing but also shown through the human body. That’s why he emphasized self-cultivation that much. It means the human body should become the core of the 4th industrial revolution. There is no morality in the synthesis of science. Because robots do not know how to do self-cultivation. From Confucius, we could know the human body is telling us that no science technology, no matter how great, could replace the human existence practicing morality. 본 연구는 공자와 플라톤의 신체 사상을 비교하는 것이다. 동·서양의 철학을 대표하는 공자와 플라톤의 신체 사상의 비교연구는 동양적 신체와 서양적 신체에 대한 인식의 본원적 차이를 규명하는 것으로 학문적으로도 매우 의미 있는 작업이 될 것이다. 플라톤의 신체에 대한 인식은 기본적으로 영혼의 활동을 저해 혹은 가로막는 방해요인으로 인식되어 진다. 왜냐하면 영혼은 스스로 움직이는 데 비해 육체는 영혼에 의해 움직이는 수동적인 그 무엇이기 때문이다. 그리하여 인간의 신체는 자신의 외부에 있는 영혼으로부터 운동의 힘을 부여받는 불완전하고 종속적이며 불합리하고 비지성적인 그 무엇으로 존재하는 것이다. 공자에게 인간의 신체는 먼저 생물학적으로 구성된다. ‘신체발부수지부모(身體髮膚受之父母)’라는 인식에서 알 수 있듯이 개인의 신체는 생물학적으로 부모로부터 잉태되며, 부모의 보살핌으로 인해 비로소 한 개체로 독립하게 된다. 또한 공자가 주목한 것은 인간의 신체가 도덕성을 담는 그릇으로 작용한다는 점이다. 공자가 인간의 신체가 생물학적인 몸과 도덕적 구현체로서의 신체로 동시에 존재한다고 파악한 것은 신체와 마음을 분리한 이원론에 대한 거부로 볼 수 있다. 왜냐하면 공자에게 있어 도덕은 추상적이고 관념적인 것이 아니라 반드시 신체를 통해 드러나기 때문이다. 공자가 수신(修身)을 그토록 강조한 이유도 여기에 있다. 이는 4차 산업혁명시대의 핵심이 인간의 신체가 되어야 한다는 것을 의미한다. 과학의 결정체에는 도덕이 내재할 수 없다. 로봇은 수신(修身)할 줄 모른다. 공자의 신체에 대한 사상은 우리에게 아무리 뛰어난 과학 기술도 도덕을 실천하는 신체로서의 인간 존재를 대체할 수 없다는 것을 대변하는 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        중국어와 한국어 신체어 `눈`의 의미 확장 대조 연구

        이선희 ( Lee Sun-hee ) 중국어문연구회 2017 中國語文論叢 Vol.0 No.79

        Body-part terms do not just mean our body parts but are used in a range of areas in our daily life. From the viewpoint of cognitive linguistics, conceptual metaphor and conceptual metonymy play a representative role in the process of extending meaning of body-part terms, which is calculated from the relationship between similarity and adjacency. The study investigated what concepts `eye`, one of the most important body parts, hold in Chinese and Korean each and how it is used to be expressed in language; also, metaphorical transfer of the conceptual domain by Heine et al was used to study how the meaning is extended. As a result of the comparison, the meaning of the Chinese body-part term `眼/目` has been extended in the order of man > animal > plant > object > action > space > time > quantity > abstraction area, while the Korean `눈` has been extended in the order of man > animal > plant > object > action > space > time > abstraction area. This resulted from linking the characteristics of familiar body parts to different concepts; it was revealed that language is deeply related to recognition and physical experience of human being. As for meaning extension, functional characteristics take the biggest proportion, followed by morphological characteristics, structural characteristics and positional characteristics. Speakers with different language and cultural backgrounds see the same object in a different point of view, and this may result in unique and its own meaning extension for Chinese and Korean each by highlighting different aspects. For example, differences are shown in plant, object, time and quantity domains. As for morphological characteristics of the word: first, as some Chinese words have different meanings in a single form, `眼` shows grammatical metonymy that it is used as a unit noun; meanwhile, Korean has no such phenomenon. Second, the meaning extension in Chinese is mainly complex forms, but that in Korean is usually a single form; this reveals that Chinese has comprehensive meanings, while Korean is very flexible and highly depends on the context.

      • KCI등재

        코퍼스 분석을 이용한 프랑스어 신체어휘 oreille(귀), yeux(눈), nez(코)의 의미 분석과 의미 확장

        황순희 국제언어인문학회 2019 인문언어 Vol.21 No.1

        This research aims to explore individual meanings as well as polysemic aspects of three body terms with French as « oreille, yeux, nez » using a corpus-based analysis and to examine how their meaning extension is realized. ‘Body terms’ has received particular attention to the field of cognitive semantics and there has been much related research (domestic and foreign) combined with diverse terms of various languages. However, relatively little attention has been paid to French body terms and especially, few studies have dealt with them using corpus-based analysis. Three terms « oreille, yeux, nez », means « ear, eye, nos » respectively, are related with each other for a spatial proximity as well as a characteristic of ‘information’s input organ’, which could affect their meaning extension. Our findings through this study showed that firstly, three terms’ prototypical meanings as well as their extended meanings could be categorized. Secondly, the frequency of use of these three terms could be extracted based on the same corpus and their collocated constructions. Thirdly, how their meaning extension is realized could be represented and verified in terms of HUMAN > ANIMAL > OBJECT > ABSTRACT in the light of meaning extensions’ direction.

      • KCI등재

        신체어 감정 관용 표현의 서술어 의미 연구 −긴장과 분노 감정 표현을 중심으로−

        정성미 한국어의미학회 2008 한국어 의미학 Vol.27 No.-

        In the study among body words to express feelings, it is founded that predicate of a sentence with body-words connects what kind of feeling expression occur. Though the expression of “tension” idiom keeps both the inside and outside body-words, it has more deep connections with inside body words. In the case of the outside body-word “Chest”, it needs to belong to grouping of inside body-words because it strongly keeps the meaning of “mind” and “heart”. The common meaning nature of predicate sentence is “Heat”, “Eruption”, “Tough”, “Heat beating”, and “Pain”. Among them, the most frequent expression predicate is the common nature “Heat”. “Tension” is the emotion which is not active and not easy to observed. Because of this kind of point, inside body words can be easily distributed in predicate sentence through the meaning nature of “Heat”, “Eruption”, “Tough”, and “Heat beating”. We can observed how the expression of “Tension” connects to the predicate of sentence. Expression of Anger is much stronger than “Tension” and it has clear character. So when the expression of “Anger” is compared with “Tension”, I can find that the expression of “Eye” becomes distributed high as an outside body words and low as an inside body words.

      • KCI등재

        한・중 신체어에 의한 시간 표현 대조 연구-인지언어학적 접근을 중심으로-

        진영하 한국언어문화교육학회 2020 언어와 문화 Vol.16 No.1

        This paper is an attempt to make a comparative study on the time expressions based on body-part terms in Korean and Chinese from the perspective of cognitive linguistics. The main research results are as follows. Firstly, the common body-part terms in the time expression of both languages are ‘head, hair, eyes, nose, eyebrows, hands, feet, tail’. And ‘mouth’ is only used in Korean time expression. Secondly, ‘eyes’ appear most frequently in the time expression of both languages. This is because the ‘eye’ plays a more central role in human cognition than other body organs. Thirdly, because of the cognitive differences between two counties people, there are many situations that the same body-part terms express different time concept while the same time concept use different body-part terms. Fourthly, the [Time orientation] metaphor and [Body movement for the time required to complete it] metonymy exist in many Korean and Chinese time expressions. .

      • KCI등재

        한중 신체어 ‘귀’의 의미 확장 대조 연구

        이선희 대한중국학회 2018 중국학 Vol.64 No.-

        In our everyday language, words describing body parts are often used not only to indicate physical parts but also refer to non-physical concepts when used with expanded meanings into various areas. Focusing on this phenomenon, this research investigated the pattern and principle of the meaning expansion of a body-part term, ear, with its Chinese and Korean equivalents of ‘耳’ and ‘귀’ from the viewpoint of cognitive linguistics as follows: First, conceptual metaphor and conceptual metonymy play the role of typical mechanism in the process of meaning expansion of body-part terms; this is based on our physical experience and is calculated in the relationship of similarity and adjacency. Second, the difference of recognition in the two peoples is meaning expansion into different concept areas; as narrators using different languages observe the subject from different angles and emphasize different aspects, each Chinese and Korean shows unique meaning expansion. For instance, even the same subjects originate from different body-part terms and have different names; even meaning expansion into the same area can specifically indicate different subjects. Third, the meaning of the Chinese body-part term ‘耳’ was expanded in the order of human > animal > plant > object > action > space > abstraction areas, while the Korean term ‘귀’ was expanded in the order of human > animal > plant > object > action > space > quantity > abstraction areas. Although both languages - Chinese and Korean - did not have a meaning item originated from ‘functional characteristics’ in the dictionary, the characteristics played the biggest role in meaning expansion in actual linguistic life. For example, our conceptual system is essentially figurative, and rich experience, cultural difference, and cognitive difference of narratives using each of the languages is that they recognize different concepts and express them in language, showing different meaning expansion patterns. 우리의 일상 언어 중 신체어는 단순히 신체 부위를 가리키는 개념이 아니라, 여러 가지 영역으로 의미가 확장되어 비(非)신체영역을 지칭하는 개념으로 쓰이기도 한다. 본고는 이러한 현상에 주목하여 중국어와 한국어의 신체어 ‘耳’과 ‘귀’를 대상으로 인지언어학적 관점에서 그 의미 확장 양상과 원리를 살펴본 것으로, 주요 내용은 아래와 같다. 첫째, 신체어의 의미 확장 과정은 개념적 은유와 개념적 환유가 대표적인 기제로 작용하는데 이것은 우리의 신체적 경험과 깊은 관련이 있으며, 대상과 유사성이나 인접성의 관계를 맺으며 산출된다. 둘째, 양국민의 인지 차이는 서로 다른 개념 영역으로 의미 확장이 이루어지며, 또한 같은 대상이더라도 서로 다른 언어권 화자에 따라 관찰 각도가 다르고 다른 측면을 부각시킴으로써 중국어와 한국어 각각 고유의 의미 확장이 이루어지기도 한다. 요컨대, 우리의 개념 체계는 본질적으로 비유적이며, 중국어와 한국어 각 언어권 화자의 풍부한 경험과 문화적 차이, 인지의 차이는 서로 다른 개념을 인지하고 언어화하며, 또한 서로 다른 의미 확장 양상이 나타나고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        신체어의 비유적 의미에 대한 말뭉치 기반 접근

        송현주 ( Song Hyun-ju ) 한국문학언어학회(구 경북어문학회) 2017 어문론총 Vol.74 No.-

        This study aims to demonstrate that you can use body-part terms in the corpus-linguistic methodology to study lexis in cognitive linguistics. It particularly explores body-part terms such as “mouth,” “hands,” and “feet” and by means of their frequencies, examines their figurative meaning by the usage patterns. Among the body-part terms with high frequency use, this study examined the figurative meaning of the target words such as mouth, hands, and feet. The target words were extracted from the Sejong corpus to ensure the qualitative validity of the quantitative expansion. This study analyzed body-part terms only, the combination control of the use of these expressions in a pattern when used in a figurative sense. It is concerned with word meaning from the perspective of cognitive linguistics on one hand and corpus linguistics on the other hand.

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