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      • KCI등재

        고려상표군간의 집단유인 효과에 관한 탐색적 연구

        한상린 ( Sang Lin Han ),이한준 ( Hanjoon Lee ),( Chankon Kim ),김윤태 ( Yuntae Kim ) 한국소비자학회 2013 소비자학연구 Vol.24 No.1

        마케팅 분야에서 선택확률의 연구는 중요한 이슈이며, 현재도 사용되는 소비자 선택모델의 보편적인 가정은 신규브랜드가 시장에 진입할 때 기존브랜드의 선택확률은 감소하거나 최소한 증가할 수 없다는 것이었다. 그러나 연구결과 어떤 특정한 경우에는 이러한 가정과 달리 신규브랜드가 진입할 경우에도 기존브랜드의 시장점유율이 증대되는 현상이 발견되었다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 유인효과의 현실적용의 한계를 극복하고자, 전체시장을 복수의 고려상 표군으로 구성된 집합체라고 가정하고 개별 브랜드 2개를 기준으로 연구되었던 유인효과의 선행연구 결과를 바탕으로, 현실적인 시장상황을 반영할 수 있도록 다수의 브랜드를 고려상표군으로 묶어, 선행연구에서 개별브랜드 간에 유인효과가 발생했던 것과 동일하게 고려상표군 간에도 집단적인 유인효과가 발생하는지에 대한 검증을 진행하였다. 본 연구의 목적은 첫째, 전체시장이 몇 개의 고려상표군으로 이루어진다는 가정을 통해, 2개 브랜드를 기준으로 연구된 유인효과가 현실적인 소비자의 구매상황인 다수 브랜드로 구성된 전체시장에서 고려상표군이 형성되고 형성된 고려상표군 간에서도 발생하는 지를 검증하는 것이며 둘째, 개별 브랜드를 대상으로 한 선행연구 결과와 같이 고려 상표군 간에도 제품군에 따라 관여도와 친숙도, 정당화에 따른 유인효과의 발생강도 차이가 있는지에 대하여 검증 하는 것이다. 본 연구의 가장 시사점 이라고 할 수 있는 것은, Huber et al.(1982) 이후 지속적으로 확인되어 온 유인효과의 존재를 고려상표군에서도 확인 할 수 있었다는 점이다. 이는 유인효과의 연구결과를 실제 시장에 적용함에 있어 “제품이 수십 개가 있는 경우에 어떻게 유인효과를 적용할 것인가?” 라는 질문에 대한 전략적 시사점을 제공해 줄 수 있는 것이라고 판단된다. 즉 다수의 브랜드를 몇 개의 고려상표군으로 군집화 하여 신규 브랜드 진입 에 따른 소비자의 선호변화와 선택확률 변화를 현실적인 시장상황 하에서도 검토할 수 있다는 것이다. The consumer`s choice model and how the introduction of a new brand into a market will be influenced in market share are Important topic of Marketing. Most of consumer choice model is to assume that a new brand will take share from others original share. This assumption is incorporated in the Luce(1959) model of consumer choice. However certain types of new brand entry has the ability to induce violation of some basic assumption in choice model, such as the regularity assumption that an inferior new entry should not increase share of an existing brand. The phenomenon that new entry brand increase the original exist brand`s market share which called “attraction effect” (Huber et al., 1982; Huber and Puto, 1983; Simonson, 1989 Lehmann and Pan, 1994) Attraction effect has been studied for 30 years, but till now there are lots of researchers who have suspiciousness about the existence of it (Luce et al.,1998) that`s why the attraction effect was investigated by too simple experimental method and attributes and alternatives. Recently, trying to overcome criticism which is lacking in a practical adaptation, new movement of studying starts among the attraction effect researchers. For example, most of prior studies typically assumed that the market only has 3 alternatives (Target, Competitor, Decoy) and consist of only 2 attributes (e.g., price & durability) but nowadays many researchers increase the number of attributes, alternatives and other limitations in their study to make the condition more realistic. Following new study trend, this research borrowed the concept “consideration set” which came from consumer purchasing process like purchase funnel and tested with multi-alternatives those had been grouped to 3 consideration sets (Target set, Competitor set, Decoy set) which contains 2 ~3 alternatives, using hierarchical cluster analysis. The purpose of this study is verifying the existence of group Attraction/Compromise effect among Consideration Sets and checking the results are supporting previous study (Huber et al., 1982, Huber and Puto, 1983). We investigated the existence of group attraction / compromised effect, 4 experiments (within test) are involving a total of 131 subjects and 4 products provide credible empirical support for the hypothesized effects. The result show that entering decoy set makes group attraction and compromised effect and the group attraction effect is stronger than compromised effect in terms of the changing of target set`s preference and share but familiarity and involvement have not impacted on attarction and compromise effect. Finally, “Justification” has a positive impact on group attraction effect but in case of compromise effect wasn`t supported. Of course, this study has some limitations and employed students in a paper-and-pencil task. In spite of the limitation, this study seems to provide evidence of existence of group attraction / compromised effect and support previous studies. Apparently, further study is needed to corroborate and refine the concept of group attraction effect and conclusions.

      • KCI등재

        외국인 모델의 매력도와 외국어 사용의 상호작용 효과

        이지현(Lee Ji-hyun),이동일(Dong Il Lee) 한국마케팅과학회 2007 마케팅과학연구 Vol.17 No.3

        현재 한국시장의 광고에는 외국인 모델과 외국어를 사용하는 것이 일반적이다. 그러나 그 효과에 대한 검증은 거의 이루어지지 않고 있다. 기존의 연구에 의하면 마케팅 커뮤니케이션과 소비자의 문화적 가치가 일치하게 될 때 커뮤니케이션의 효과가 높아진다고 한다. 즉, 광고에의 외국문화 사용은 기존 연구에서 주장하고 있는 바와는 반대의 현상인 것이다. 그러나 인터넷 등 글로벌 매체에 의해 글로벌 문화가 출현함에 따라 마케팅 커뮤니케이션과 소비자의 문화적 가치가 일치하는 것이 가장 바람직한 커뮤니케이션 방법이라 볼 수는 없다. 이에 본 연구는 외국인 모델을 사용하는 광고에 있어서 모델의 매력도와 외국어 사용이 소비자의 광고와 제품에 대한 태도, 구매의도 등에 어떤 영향을 미치는가를 살펴보고 효과적인 광고 커뮤니케이션에 대한 제언을 하고자 했다. 연구결과, 광고에 사용된 언어와 광고의 시각적 단서인 모델 매력도는 광고의 효과에 상호작용 효과를 나타내는 것이 밝혀졌다. 광고에 사용된 모델 매력도가 높은 경우, 제품에 대한 태도, 구매의도가 사용된 언어에 대해 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았다. 광고에 사용된 모델의 매력도가 낮은 경우에는 영어를 사용한 경우가 제품에 대한 태도, 구매의도가 높았다. 즉, 외국인 모델을 광고에 사용할 경우, 그 모델의 매력도의 높고 낮음에 따라 광고에 사용되는 언어를 선택함으로써 광고의 효과를 조절할 수 있다는 실무적 시사점을 제공한다. sing to increase the effect of advertising is general. However, recent studies show that targeted women audience tend to compare themselves to the highly attractive models and do experience negative sentiment. Bower (2001) proved the difference between "comparer" and "noncomparer" when women face highly attractive models. The results show that a comparer who has an intention to compare highly attractive model (HAM) with herself has a significantly negative effect on model expertise, product argument, product evaluation and buying intention. Therefore, HAM is not always a good choice and model attractiveness plays a role in the processing other cues or changing the advertising effect from result of processing other cues. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of the use of foreign language on the advertising response of the audience with regard of the model attractiveness. For the empirical study, the virtual advertising using foreign models (HAM, NAM), brand names and slogans (Korean, English) were used as stimuli. The respondents of each stimulus were 75("HAM-Korean"), 75("NAM-Korean"), 66("HAM-English") and 66("NAM-English") respectively. To establish the effect of marketing communication, the attitude for media(AM), the attitude for product(AP), targetedness(TD), overall quality(OQ), and purchase intention(PI) with 7 point likert scale were measured. The manipulation was verified to check the difference between HAM attractiveness assessment (m=3.27) and NAM attractiveness assessment (m=5.12). The mean difference was statiscally significant (P<05). As a result, all consequences were significantly changed with model attractiveness, and overall quality evaluation(OQ) were significantly changed with language. The interaction effect from model attractiveness and language was significant on attitude toward the product(AP) and purchase intention(PI). To analyze the difference, the mean values and standard deviation of consequences were compared. The result was more positive when model attractiveness was high for all consequences. For language effect, the assessment was more positive when English was used for OQ. Considering model attractiveness and language simultaneously, HAM-Korean was more positive for AP and PI, and NAM-English was more positive for AP and PI. In other words, the interaction effect was confirmed by model attractiveness and language. As mentioned above, use of foreign models and foreign language in advertising was explained by cultural match up hypothesis (Leclerc et al. 1994) which claimed that culture of origin effect. In other words, in advertising, use of same cultural language with the foreign model could make positive assessment for OQ. But this effect was moderated by model attractiveness. When the model attractiveness was low, the use of English makes PI high because of the effect of foreign language which supported the cultural match up hypothesis. ""When the model attractiveness was low, the use of Korean made AP and PI high because the effect of foreign language was diluted. It was a general notion that the visual cues got processed before (Holbrook and Moore, 1981; Sholl et al, 1995) compared to linguistic cues. Therefore, when consumers were faced HAM, so much perception was already consumed at processing visual cues making their native language of Korean to strongly and positively connected with the advertising concept. On the contrary, when consumers were faced with NAM, less perception was consumed compared to HAM, making English to accompany cultural halo effect which affected more positively. Therefore, when foreign models were employed in advertising, the language must be carefully selected according to the level of model attractiveness.

      • KCI등재

        초저가 프랜차이즈 업태의 점포 출점이 상권 및 주변점포에 미치는 영향 : 다이소에 대한 사례 연구

        조춘한,서진형 한국프랜차이즈학회 2020 프랜차이징저널 Vol.6 No.1

        In spite of continuous stagflation, Daiso has continuously grown through the enhancement of cost to benefit ratio, based on uniform prices and product diversity. The launch of new Daiso stores becomes a social issue, as it is regarded as a competition structure with the local or existing businesses of the local economy. Meanwhile, tenants of new buildings make enormous efforts to attract Daiso stores. Such conflicting concern and expectation arise from the fact that Daiso has both competition effect and customer attraction effect. Therefore, an objective assessment on Daiso’s positive and negative effects is needed. Basis of big data from credit card analysed the sales of local stores and behavioral changes of customers, carried out the questionnaire survey simultaneously to support them. As a result of the analysis, Daiso exhibits customer who made sales amount over 50% attraction effect and also trickle down effect by which Daiso customers use the surrounding stores as well. To examine the effects of Daiso on trade area and surrounding stores, this study measures Daiso’s trade area scope proactively is 1.5km. Daiso invigorates trade area through customer attraction effect, and consolidates the internal consumption of customers within the trade area. In the analysis of the surrounding local stores, the sales of restaurants and convenience stores in complementary relations with Daiso increase, and thus Daiso has a positive effect on the stores in complementary relations. In addition, the sales of stationery stores with competition relations with Daiso increase, and the sales of some daily necessity only some stores show a weak negative effect. Therefore, the launch of Daiso stores has a bigger customer attraction effect than competition effect. Lastly, as a result of the analysis on the relations with supermarkets selling the same type of products as Daiso, but mainly selling different brand products, a positive effect is shown by Daiso’s customer attraction effect due to the attraction of new customers. 계속되는 경기침체와 물가상승에도 불구하고 다이소는 제품의 균일가와 다양성을 바탕으로 가성비 제고를 통해 지속적으로 성장하고 있다. 또한 다이소의 출점은 골목상권 또는 지역 상권의 기존 점포와 경쟁 구도로 비춰지며 사회적 이슈가 되고 있다. 반면에 신규 건물의 임차인들은 다이소를 유치하기 위해서 많은 노력을 기울인다. 상반된 우려와 기대는 다이소가 경쟁효과와 집객효과를 모두 가지고 있기 때문이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 다이소가 미치는 상권 및 주변 점포에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 신용카드 빅데이터를 바탕으로 주변점포의 매출액과 소비자 행동 변화를 분석하였으며, 이를 뒷받침하기 위해 설문조사를 병행하였다. 다이소 고객 데이터를 분석한 결과 핵심고객(매출액 50% 이상)은 반경 1.5km에 유입되는 것으로 나타났다. 이를 바탕으로 다이소 상권의 범위를 1.5km로 설정하고 상권 및 주변 점포에 미치는 영향에 대해서 분석을 실시하였다. 분석결과, 다이소와 보완 관계인 음식점과 편의점의 매출액이 증가하였다. 또한, 경쟁관계에 있는 문구점의 매출액이 증가하고, 생활 잡화의 경우에도 일부 점포에만 부정적인 효과가 미미하게 나타났다. 이와 같은 결과는 다이소 출점이 경쟁효과 보다는 집객을 통한 효과로 상권과 주변점포에 긍정적인 영향을 미친다. 마지막으로 다이소와 동일한 제품을 판매하면서 다른 제품을 주로 판매하는 슈퍼마켓과의 관계를 분석한 결과 다이소의 집객효과에 의한 신규 고객이 슈퍼마켓에 유입되어 긍정적인 효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다.

      • KCI등재

        외부제약이 유인효과와 타협효과에 미치는 차별적 영향

        박세훈 ( Se Hoon Park ),김문용 ( Moon Yong Kim ) 한국소비자학회 2011 소비자학연구 Vol.22 No.1

        본 논문에서는 상점을 사용하여 선택 대안들을 묶는 Kahn et al.(1987)과 같은 방식으로 외부제약을 핵심 선택 집합에 추가되는 대안과 함께 부과했을 때 유인효과와 타협효과에 미치는 영향의 차별성을 살펴보았다. 즉 표적대안과 경쟁대안으로 구성된 핵심 집합에 표적대안과 가까이 위치한 비대칭적으로 지배된 대안(표적대안에 의해서는 지배되지만 경쟁대안에 의해서는 지배되지 않는 미끼대안)이 표적대안과 함께 쌍으로 묶이는 외부제약과 함께 도입되면 유인효과가 사라질 수 있는지(가설 1), 반면에 표적대안과 가까이 위치한 극단적 대안이 표적대안과 함께 쌍으로 묶이는 외부제약과 함께 도입되어도 타협효과가 발생하는지를(가설 2) 조사하였다. 두 차례의 실험 결과, 본 연구에서 제시한 가설들은 전반적으로 지지되었다. 구체적으로, 비대칭적으로 지배된 대안이 표적대안과 함께 쌍으로 묶이는 외부제약과 함께 도입되면 외부제약이 부과되지 않은 조건에서와는 달리 유인효과는 발생하지 않은데 반해서(실험 1의 결과), 극단적 대안이 표적대안과 함께 쌍으로 묶이는 외부제약과 함께 도입되면 외부제약이 부과되지 않은 조건에서와 마찬가지로 타협효과는 발생하는 것으로 나타났다(실험 2의 결과). 본 연구 결과의 이론적 시사점과 마케팅 전략적 시사점을 제시하였고, 마지막으로 본 연구의 한계와 미래의 연구방향에 대해서도 논의하였다. Context effects have been of interest to consumer behavior researchers for the past several decades. Extant research examined how individuals are susceptible to seemingly small (and often rationally irrelevant) factors in the decision environment. Two of the most important and robust context effects are the attraction effect (or asymmetric dominance) and the compromise effect. The attraction effect refers to the phenomenon whereby an asymmetrically dominated alternative, when added to a set, increases the attractiveness and choice probability of the dominating alternative (Huber, Payne, and Puto 1982). On the other hand, the compromise effect occurs when the choice probability of an alternative increases when it is the middle option, compared to being an extreme option (Simonson 1989). There has been a substantial amount of research related to the issues of constrained choice (e.g., Kahn, Moore, and Glazer 1987; Tversky and Sattath 1979). On the basis of predictions from their model (PRETREE), Tversky and Sattath (1979) suggested that an external constraint that is consistent with the natural structure of the choice set would not affect choice probabilities. For example, an external constraint that forces similar items to be paired together would not affect the overall choice process because the imposed extrinsic structuring would be consistent with the natural structuring of the choice set. Kahn et al. (1987; see also Glazer, Kahn, and Moore 1991) also tested the empirical validity of the prediction that external constraints that are consistent with a choice set`s natural structure do not affect choice. Kahn et al. (1987) and Glazer et al. (1991) studied decision problems in which participants chose between two stores. In each problem, one store offered a single item while the other store offered a pair of items. For example, in Kahn et al.`s (1987) experimental studies, participants were asked to assume that they could buy a soft drink in either of the two stores located equidistant from them; one store offered a single item (e.g., Coke) while the other store offered a pair of items (e.g., Diet Coke and 7-Up). Then, the participants were asked to imagine that they intended to buy a single item and to indicate at which of the two stores they preferred to make their purchases. In a control condition, no mention was made of any stores and none of the items was singled out from the others; participants were simply asked which of the three items was their favorite. The findings revealed a systematic bias toward choosing the group: participants selected the store offering the group of items more often than they selected those items in the control condition. Therefore, in contrast to PRETREE predictions, Kahn et al. (1987) and Glazer et al. (1991) found that external constraints affect choice even if they are consistent with the choice set`s natural structure; that is, the dissimilar alternatives had significantly lower choice probability when it was the lone alternative pitted against the other pair of similar alternatives than it did in the unconstrained situation (i.e., a significant lone-alternative effect occurred). As stated before, although there has been a substantial amount of research relevant to the issues of constrained choice (e.g., Kahn et al. 1987; Tversky and Sattath 1979), little is known about the dynamics of choice among options with the natural structure of the category (Ha, Park, and Ahn 2009). Addressing this void, Ha et al. (2009) suggested that analyzing differences in the processing of choices with and without external constraints can be a promising initial step toward understanding the dynamics of choices that involve natural categories. A categorical attribute, when it is important and diagnostic, often creates an agenda or a constraint on an offered choice set, facilitating category-based choice processes (e.g., Tversky and Sattath 1979). Adding to our understanding of choice context effects by reemphasizing the importance of categorical information in choice, Ha et al. (2009) examined the impact of categorical attributes on choice context effects and proposed that the introduction of an important/salient categorical attribute in the choice set tends to have a differential impact depending on the relative position of the third option. Specifically, Ha et al. (2009) demonstrated that the asymmetric dominance effect is attenuated by the introduction of an important/salient categorical feature (e.g., vacation tour site for vacation packages) in the competing option, while the tendency to prefer a middle option is not significantly affected. Building on these previous findings, therefore, the current research examines how the externally imposed constraints forcing similar options to be grouped together influence the choice context effects such as the attraction and compromise effects which occur when the third option (e.g., the asymmetrically dominated or the extreme option) is added to the binary core choice set comprising of two options (i.e., the target and the competitor). External constraints forcing some options to be grouped together were imposed by using a relatively unimportant/nonsalient attribute which does not play a significant role in consumer choice setting. Specifically, we propose that the attraction effect (i.e., adding an asymmetrically dominated option to a binary core set can increase the choice probability of the asymmetrically dominating option) does not occur when the external constraints are imposed on the threeoption extended set (hypothesis 1). Also, we propose that the compromise effect can occur by adding an extreme option to the binary core set even when the external constraints are imposed on the three-option extended set (hypothesis 2). Two experiments tested these two hypotheses. We selected vacation tour packages as the target categories and used France as a vacation site for all of the tour package options. Three nontrivial attributes were chosen for vacation tour packages: travel agencies selling France packages, hotel service quality, and hotel location. In particular, following the methodology of Kahn et al.`s (1987) studies, we introduced the choice environments with externally imposed constraints by framing the experimental setting in terms of a choice between travel agencies which do not play a significant role in choosing tour packages. The dependent variable was option choice. All of the tour package options were described in an attribute by alternative matrix format, and the positions of the choice options were counterbalanced across participants. Each participant took part in two sessions separated by a 1-week period. In the first session, participants were asked to choose from the two-option core set. One week later, participants were asked to choose again from the three-option extended set. As a result, hypothesis 1 was supported, and hypothesis 2 was marginally supported. Finally, we discuss the theoretical and practical implications of our findings and develop directions for future research.

      • KCI등재

        온라인 쇼핑상황에서 웹페이지 상품구성이 소비자선택에 미치는 영향: 맥락효과를 중심으로

        이미아(Lee, Mi-ah),이유재(Yi, Youjae) 한국마케팅학회 2014 마케팅연구 Vol.29 No.4

        물리적 공간의 한계가 없는 온라인 점포는 소비자들에게 충분히 많은 상품정보를 제공한다. 이러한 정보과부하 상황에서 소비자들은 모든 정보를 활용한 최적의 의사결정을 하기보다는 웹사이트가 제공하는 정보의 구조 또는 제시방법 등의 맥락에 영향을 받는 결정을 하기 쉽다. 한편, 온라인 시장이 활성화되면서 다양한 웹 기술의 발전으로 인해 온라인 리테일러들은 실시간 소비자들의 행동에 기초한 즉각적인 반응마케팅, 예컨대, 추천시스템과 같은 마케팅활동을 수행할 수 있게 되었다. 따라서 필요한 경우 추가적인 선택집합을 제공함으로써 소비자의 의사결정단계를 한 번 더 연장시키는 등 소비자의 의사결정과정에 손쉽게 관여할 수 있게 되었다. 본 연구는 온라인 웹사이트 내의 특정 페이지가 하나의 국지적 선택집합(local choice set)이 될 수 있다는 전제하에, 맥락효과(context effect)의 관점에서 웹페이지 내 상품구성방법이 소비자선택에 미치는 영향을 규명하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 3차의 실험을 수행하였으며, 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 실험1에서는 웹페이지 내에서 특정 상품을 메인페이지에 두는 것과 하위페이지에 두는 것 중 어느 것이 더 유리한지를 규명하고자 하였다. 분석결과, 특정 상품이 메인페이지에 있을 경우가 하위 페이지의 추천코너에 있을 경우에 비해 선택확률이 더 높은 것으로 나타나 초두효과를 확인하였다. 실험2에서는 하위페이지 내 추천코너에 있는 특정 상품의 판매를 높이기 위해 어떤 상품과 함께 제시하는 것이 효과적인지를 유인효과 또는 타협효과를 중심으로 살펴보았다. 추천코너의 대안집합을 유인대안집합과 극단대안집합으로 구성하여 제시한 결과, 경쟁대안 대비 표적대안의 선택확률은 크게 증가하지 않아 유인효과나 타협효과는 나타나지 않았다. 실험3에서는 선택집합 내의 대안들을 순차적 (sequentially)으로 제시했을 때와 동시적으로(simultaneously) 제시했을 때, 소비자의 선택확률에서 어떤 차이가 있는지를 비교하고자 하였다. 상품이 순차적으로 제시되는 경우는 유인효과나 타협효과가 발생하지 않았지만, 동시적으로 제시되는 경우 유인효과가 나타나는 것으로 확인되었다. 그러나 동시적으로 제시되는 경우에도 극단대안에 의한 타협효과가 나타나기보다는 오히려 극단대안을 선택하는 대체효과가 나타나는 것으로 확인되었다. 마지막으로 본 연구의 결과에 따른 이론적 및 실무적 시사점을 제시하였고, 연구의 한계점을 중심으로 향후 연구방향에 대해 제언하였다. Online stores without the limits of physical space typically provide consumers with sufficiently large amounts of product information. Under such information overload situations, consumers are likely to make purchase decisions affected by specific contexts, such as the structure of product information in the website or the style of information presentation, rather than making rational decisions based on all the information. Along with the dramatic growth of online market, the development of web technology has enabled online retailers to perform immediate response marketing activities based on consumer behavior in real time, for example, recommendation systems. If necessary, by providing an additional choice set, online marketers are able to intervene in consumer decision-making process, extending consumers’ decision stages further. Under the premise that a specific page within an online website could be a local choice set, the present study investigates the effect of product compositions within a web page on consumer choice from the perspective of context effects. For this purpose, we have conducted three experiments. In experiment 1, we examine on which page (i.e., main or sub page) a particular product should be presented in order to increase the choice probability. The results show that the choice probability is higher when a product is on the main page, compared with when it is in the recommendation section on the sub page. This finding is consistent with the primacy effect. Experiment 2 is conducted to demonstrate which method of composing products in the recommendation section on a sub page is effective for increasing sales of a product, focusing on attraction and compromise effects. When a third alternative, an asymmetrically dominated or extreme alternative, is added to an existing choice set of two alternatives, the choice probability of a target (vs. a competitor) does not significantly increase, showing neither attraction nor compromise effect. In experiment 3, we examine the choice probability of a target when alternatives in the choice set are presented sequentially, compared with when alternatives are presented simultaneously. When the alternatives are presented sequentially, neither compromise nor attraction effects occur, whereas when presented simultaneously, attraction effects occur. Nevertheless, even when alternatives are simultaneously presented, adding an extreme alternative is found to induce substitution effects rather than compromise effects. We also discuss theoretical and practical implications of our findings, acknowledge limitations of the present research, and suggest directions for future research.

      • KCI등재

        소비자사전지식과 유인대안의 위치가 유인효과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        손용석(Yong Seok Sohn),권한나(Han Na Kwon) 한국마케팅학회 2010 마케팅연구 Vol.25 No.3

        본 연구는 소비자들이 제품에 대한 속성 및 기술에 대한 제품지식의 관심이 높아짐에 따라 소비자의 제품 지식수준을 분류하여 유인효과를 활용하기 위해 유인대안의 가장 적합한 위치를 찾아내는 데에 초점을 두고 있다. 소비자의 사전지식 정도와 유인대안의 위치에 따른 유인효과분석을 실시한 결과, 중간 정도의 지식을 가진 소비자에게 유인효과는 가장 효과적인 것으로 증명되었고, LA, RR 그리고 LR의 유인대안의 위치에 영향을 받는 것으로 나타났다. 반면에, 사전 지식이 높은 소비자는 유인대안이 RA와 RR의 위치에 있을 때 영향을 받고, 사전 지식이 낮은 소비자는 유인대안이 LA의 위치에 있을 때 영향을 받는 것으로 나타났다. 위 논문은 실증분석의 결과들이 보고되고 논의된다. We study the consumer judgement and choice under uncertainty such that consumers with limited knowledge face to choose their most preferred product among a set of given alternatives, specially when a decoy alternative, asymmetrically dominated or relatively inferior, is added to the set. We hypothesize that there would be positions of the decoy alternative fit to better attract consumers according to their prior knowledge levels on the product. That is, the attraction effect interacts with consumers` prior knowledge and various positions of the decoy alternative. We derived theoretical reasons of the attraction effect occurred in various positions of a decoy alternative. The attraction effect occurs at LA(Left Asymmetrical) and RA(Right Asymmetrical) due to the range and frequency effect, and it also occurs at RR(Right Relative) due to the compromise effect within the set. The attraction effect rather decreases at LR(Left Relative) in an opposite direction due to the substitution effect. We then attempted to provide proper justifications upon the reasons by segmenting the market into low-knowledge, moderate-knowledge and high-knowledge consumers. Consumers with low knowledge were found to see a brand via the attribute easy to evaluate like the price, and could be attracted with the addition of a decoy alternative at LA. On the other hand, consumers with high knowledge would be able to evaluate on quality attributes, and were supposed to be attracted with the addition of a decoy alternative at RA or possibly at RR where the quality is lower and where the price is same or a little higher than those of a target alternative, respectively. We think that consumer with high-knowledge were allowed to reach at the choice decision with the integrated evaluation on the price and quality attribute by the addition of a decoy alternative (Wedell 1993). Finally since consumers with moderate knowledge are yet to have thorough product category knowledge but may feel somewhat knowledgable, they are supposed to be involved in the product knowledge. Accordingly, the attraction effect appeared at LA, RR and LR, while it turned out to be strongest for consumers with moderate knowledge (Malaviya and Sivakumar 1998). Based upon the research performed, we could suggest promising positions of a decoy alternative to draw the attraction effect toward the target alternative, and derive several boundary conditions of the effect specially with respect to the levels of consumers` product knowledge. We also suggest possible applications of the attraction effect regarding new product launch, positioning strategy over the product life cycle, price cut, sales promotion and so on. Finally, the experimental design and its results are reported. Some possible avenues for the relevant behavioral decision along with the limitations of this study are also discussed.

      • Attraction Effect and Electrophysiological Response of Spearmint Oil against Lantern Fly, Lycorma delicatula

        Jin-Won Jeong,Sang-Rae Moon,Jeong-Oh Yang,Gil-Hah Kim 한국응용곤충학회 2010 한국응용곤충학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2010 No.05

        This study was performed to investigate attraction effect of six plant essential oils and to confirm their electrophysiological response against Lycorma delicatula. Among the tested oils, spearmint oil (94.1%) significantly attracted L. delicatula at a dose of 1.25㎕/cm2 by using an olfactometer. In dose response to spearmint oil, a dose of 2.5㎕/cm2 was very effective. GC-MS analysis revealed that the active components responsible for the effective attraction effect of spearmint oil were carvone (70.6%) and limonene (54.8%). Of the two active components, carvone was more significant than limonene with reference to attraction activity against L. delicatula. Analysis by GC-EAD showed, major components of spearmint oil that elicited response in L. delicatula antennae, indicating the potential role of the essential oil as attractant that determine the choice of the attraction material. In the field test, spearmint oil exhibited attraction effect up to 5 days. This effect was different in accordance with test places and treatment dose.

      • KCI등재

        가상 인플루언서의 정보원 특성이 광고 지각편향에 미치는 영향

        이동환 한국정보사회학회 2024 정보사회와 미디어 Vol.25 No.2

        본 연구는 정보원 특성의 영향력이 가상 인플루언서의 경우에는 어떠한지, 광고태도 및 광고태도에 대한 지각편향을 중심으로 알아보았다. 가설 검증을 위해 대응표본 T-검정과 2×2×2의 실험 참여자 간 설계(between subject design)를 하여 광고태도 및 지각편향에 대한 주효과와 상호작용 효과 분석을 실시하였다. 먼저 공익캠페인 광고태도에 대해 제1자 효과가 발생했다. 두 번째, 가상 인플루언서의 매력도와 진정성을 높게 지각한 집단이 광고태도에 더 긍정적이었다. 세 번째, 매력도와 친숙도가 상호작용하여 광고태도에 영향을 미쳤다. 친숙도가 낮으면서 매력도 지각이 높은 집단의 광고태도가 상대적으로 더 긍정적인 광고태도를 나타냈다. 네 번째, 가상 인플루언서의 매력도와 진정성을 높게 지각한 집단이 광고태도에 대한 지각편향을 크게 드러냈다. 지각편향의 방향은 제1자 효과로 나타났다. 다섯 번째, 정보원 특성이 상호작용하여 광고태도 지각편향에 영향을 미쳤다. 구체적으로 매력도와 친숙도가 상호작용하여 광고태도 지각편향에 영향을 미쳤다. 친숙도가 낮으며 매력도 지각이 높은 집단의 광고태도 제1자 효과가 더 크게 나타났다. 마지막으로, 매력도와 친숙도 그리고 진정성이 3원 상호작용을 나타냈다. 진정성 지각이 낮은 집단에서 친숙도가 낮으면서 매력도 지각이 높은 집단의 광고태도 제1자 효과가 더 크게 나타났다. 이상의 결과는 가상 인플루언서 마케팅과 관련하여 학문적, 실무적 시사점을 제공한다. This study examined the influence of virtual influencer characteristics on advertising attitudes and perceptual biases regarding advertising attitudes. To verify the hypothesis, a t-test and a 2×2×2 between-subjects design were used to analyze the main effects and interaction effects on advertising attitudes and perception bias. First, a first-person effect occurred on attitude toward advertising. Second, groups that perceived the attractiveness and authenticity of virtual influencers as more positive had more positive attitudes toward advertising. Third, attractiveness and familiarity interacted to influence attitudes toward advertising. Groups with low familiarity and high perceived attractiveness showed more positive advertising attitudes. Fourth, the group that perceived the attractiveness and authenticity of virtual influencers more highly showed greater perceptual bias toward advertising attitudes. The direction of the perceptual bias was shown to be a first-person effect. Fifth, model characteristics interacted to influence the perception bias of advertising attitude. Specifically, attractiveness and familiarity interacted to influence advertising attitude perception bias. The first-person effect on advertising attitude was found to be larger in the group with low familiarity and high attractiveness perception. And attractiveness, familiarity, and authenticity showed a three-way interaction. In the group with low perception of authenticity, the first-person effect on advertising attitude was larger in the group with low perception of familiarity and high perception of attractiveness. The above results provide academic and practical implications for virtual influencer marketing.

      • COVID-19 대응 COG 장치를 적용한 살균 방역시스템 개발

        백영신,최인우,김지수,윤홍식,손종렬 한국대기환경학회 2021 한국대기환경학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2021 No.10

        세계적으로 코로나19 바이러스 및 변종 바이러스의 대유행에 따라 방역 시스템 구축의 필요성이 증가하였다. 백신접종에 따른 집단 면역이 이루어진다 해도, 현 코로나 바이러스는 종식되지 않을 것으로 예상되며, 변종 바이러스가 지속적으로 발생함에 따라 포스트코로나 시대에도 방역시스템을 지속적으로 가동해야할 필요성이 있다. 현 방역 시스템에서 살균을 위한 약품 방역이 이루어지고 있으나, 이는 약품에 대한 안전성 및 부작용에 대한 문제점이 예상된다. 이를 해결하기 위해 방역 성능이 높은 새로운 COG (촉매 산화제 발생기, Catalytic Oxydant Generator) Cell 모듈을 적용한 다양한 모델과 최적의 방역 효과를 이룰 수 있는 자동제어 시스템을 표준화함으로써 다양한 중요 다중이용시설에서 그 용도에 적합한 방역시스템 설계 및 표준화를 이루고자 한다. 추후 연구결과를 데이터화 하여 딥러닝 기반 AI 상황인식 가능 스마트제어 방역 시스템을 구성하고자 한다. 이를 통해 코로나19 예방 및 관리 시스템을 구축하고, 실내 환경에서의 효율적 및 안전한 생활환경 조성, 안전한 공간살균 및 방역 기술 구축 등을 기대할 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        A Study of the Effect of an Attractive Policy Instrument on Employment - Focusing on Small & Medium Company Promotion Fund Support in Gyeongsangnam-do -

        김승완,주무현 위기관리 이론과 실천 2013 Crisisonomy Vol.9 No.9

        This study reviews whether financial support from a government considers job creation ability as overcoming the 'job crisis' via a bond of sympathy. To do this, the study analyzed the effect of an attractive policy instrument on employment through an investigation of the small and medium company promotion fund support offered in Gyeongsangnam-do. The analysis result revealed that promotion fund support had a positive effect on employment at small and medium companies. Regarding the fund type, and the company, to which the company who received fund was given, a major employment effect was noted. Concerning the fund scale, companies who received funding in the amount of KRW 0.3~1 billion reported an employment effect. Regarding the number of staff members, the companies with 30-49 such members, to which management stabilization funding was provided as well as companies with 10-29 staff members who also received funding which reported an employment effect. For industry, all industries excluding plastic product manufacturing and other industries showed a major employment effect. Finally, regarding local areas, it was found that the employment effect was high in eastern areas. On the basis of the results of this study a method to increase the employment effect through promotion funding is suggested ultimately to increase overall employment.

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